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This was inevitably going to be a very difficult season with the impact of the pandemic, but football at the College took place over the course of the year in various forms. Before the Christmas holidays, our aim was to ensure the students were playing as much competitive football as possible and looked to House matches in order to do this. Needless to say, there was plenty of competition on show across all the year groups.
Our relationship with Tottenham Hotspur continued and training sessions took place after school with a focus on individual ball skill and developing confidence in 1v1 scenarios. The progress that was being made by the students was increasingly evident, with so many listening carefully from the instructions given. Individual skill development continued during lockdown, with Tottenham Hotspur giving us exclusive access to their online training program; with various challenges and techniques being explored. It was fantastic to see so many students engaging in the online content and sending in videos of them completing the skills. On our return, the U12A and B girls teams played against Emanuel School in their first fixture for the College. There were 12 goals scored across both games with the B team coming out winners. My thanks go to Mr Gibb for all his hard work with them over the course of the year. The girls have come on leaps and bounds and applied themselves thoroughly in their Forder training sessions. The 1st XI managed to play in two competitive fixtures against Worth and Colfe’s. Our first game against Worth was intense but scrappy, with the opposition coming away 2–1 winners. Our focus going into the Colfe’s game, played at a neutral venue, was to trust each other in attack and move the ball on quickly. This was all demonstrated superbly by captain Josh Penfold who was a rock in the holding midfield position. The boys thoroughly deserved their 3–1 win, and it was a great way to finish the term. I wish all those representing the College next year the best of luck, with my thanks going to all those who have contributed to what has been a truly unique year of football at the College. Best of luck to our Year 11 and 13 leavers, thank you for all the time that you have given to College football over the years.
Mr Armstrong
Coordinator of Football