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Inclusion and diversity (LGBT+)
In early February we celebrated LGBTQ+ week as one of our weekly themes, recognising February as LGBTQ+ History Month. We celebrated with a variety of virtual events, including a special assembly on diversity and inclusivity from the Headmaster, themed lessons, such as Year 12 Spanish students giving presentations on the LGBTQ+ community in the Hispanic world, and an LGBTQ+ competition.
Students in the Senior School were challenged to create their own rainbowthemed artwork, using the Pride flag as their starting point, with the aim of celebrating diversity and inclusivity. There were, in keeping with the theme, ‘no rules, just inclusivity’. The response was fantastic, and we received dozens of entries across the College. First prize went to Joe in Year 9 (bottom left), and the runner up was Julia in Year 8 (top, middle).