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Welcome from the Chair of Governors

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from the Chair of Governors

On behalf of the Governing Body of St Dunstan’s Educational Foundation I would like to extend our thanks for another year of hard work, dedication and ambition which thankfully has seen the return to a much more normal school experience. It has been so welcome to see the children once again engaged in a full, rich and varied curriculum, complete with trips, fixtures, adventurous activities and performances, and I hope you enjoy the many highlights contained within this year’s Chronicle.

The Governing Body is responsible for agreeing the vision for the Foundation and the strategy which will enable the organisation to continue to grow and evolve, all of which is underpinned by a clear sense of values, and what makes St Dunstan’s different. Our ten-year strategic objectives clearly capture the trajectory for the organisation in each area of the Foundation’s work. These objectives allow us to carry out our statutory duties, ensuring compliance, approving policies, monitoring performance and reviewing key performance indicators for the Executive, via regular Board meetings and scheduled individual visits. Governors give their time voluntarily, and we are fortunate to have a broad range of expertise represented on our Board. I would like to thank my fellow Governors for all the time and expertise they bring to their respective roles. At the end of this academic year we say goodbye to Clair Wilkins, Bursar and Clerk to the Governing Body. I would like to acknowledge all she has done for St Dunstan’s in the time she has been here. She leaves a legacy of fantastic new facilities which have greatly enhanced the learning spaces for our pupils from Junior School to Sixth Form and will continue to provide inspiration for future generations of Dunstonians. My thanks also to Judy Clements who steps down from the Governing Body this year after 10 years of service. We are most grateful for everything she has given us during her tenure. I look forward to the coming year and am very grateful to the whole community of St Dunstan’s for their ongoing belief and trust in the College.

Mr P Durgan

Chair of Governors

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