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Brent Adult and Community Education Service (BACES) New Year, new learning, new you
Look out for the BACES course brochure 2010/11 Brent Adult and Community Education Service (BACES) is Brent Council's provider of education and training. Our mission is to broaden minds, create opportunities and change the lives of individuals and communities in Brent. BACES courses cater for many different types of people with a variety of educational needs. There are accredited and non-accredited courses at a variety of levels and students can choose to progress at their own pace. Visit the BACES website now and choose from a huge range of exciting opportunities. Courses are affordable and you may even qualify to study at a concessionary rate. Sixteento-nineteen-year-olds who are not in full time education have free access to accredited courses.
Where do I find out more about enrolling? New courses starting from January 2011
Stonebridge Centre
tel: 020 8937 3950
1 Morland Gardens, Stonebridge, London, NW10 8DY
Case study Working with children Raksha Chauhan owes a lot to BACES. She has combined studying and caring for her two sons, now aged 16 and 11, with a busy career looking after children. She is now studying for the Diploma in Childcare and Education – CACHE Level 3, having progressed from various childcare courses at Levels 1 and 2. “Level 1 was the cornerstone for me – it gave me the confidence to work with children” said Raksha. “The teachers have really opened doors and given me lots of opportunities. I thank BACES and I am proud that these qualifications have given me confidence and helped me to get where I want to be in life.”
Madison House
tel: 020 8937 3636
24-28 London Road, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 7HD
Carlton Centre
tel: 020 8937 3990
Carlton Vale, London, NW6 5RA Visit our website
www.brent.gov.uk/adulteducation Or pick up a brochure at a Brent library or Brent One Stop Service Centre
Taking learning into the community
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Brent Council is changing the way residents experience libraries in the borough and we want you to have your say on the plans.
Your library – your say As part of the council’s response to reductions in funding, it is proposed to review library provision in Brent. Currently Brent has 12 libraries, with varying levels of use by residents. It is proposed that the number of library buildings in Brent will be reduced, releasing more funding for libraries in convenient high street locations, while making savings in the region of £1 million. This funding will allow the council to enhance the services available to residents, and provide greater value for money for all customers. We will expand online and digital services to provide more remote access, and for those who are unable to visit a library, we will provide a service door-to-door. Libraries will become community ‘hubs’, promoting cultural activities and information and access to a range of other council and local public services.
We will deliver: • modern and multi-functional library buildings in convenient high street locations • a re-organisation of funding to make libraries more efficient • a clear definition of what people who live or work in Brent can expect from their library service.
How to have your say Over the next three months (29 November 4 March), Brent Council will be holding two public meetings and a customer open day to outline the proposals for the library service. There will also be an online consultation on the proposals available at www.brent.gov.uk/consultations in the first week of December.
1 December 2010 6.30pm
Willesden Library
6 January 2011 6.30pm
Brent Town Hall
12 January 2011 10.30 am - 1pm & 2.30 - 5pm
Willesden Library
Harlesden Area ACF All Souls Church next to Lloyds TSB
12 January 2011 7.30pm
Kilburn and Kensal Area ACF Queens Park Community School
18 January 2011 7pm
Wembley Area ACF Patidar House, Wembley
19 January 2011 7.30pm
Willesden Area ACF College of North West London
9 February 2011 7pm
Kingsbury and Kenton ACF Kingsbury High School