Why you should consider generational marketing? The marketing landscape in the United Kingdom is changing. With more and more people buying online, marketers are faced with the challenge of deciding how to target different demographic groups in their marketing campaigns. This is particularly true for affiliate marketers who should use generational marketing to increase conversion rates. Though we should avoid painting an entire generation of people with the same brush, studies have found patterns in how different age groups receive their marketing messages. They have also found similarities in what matters most to them. The available data provide a unique opportunity for affiliate marketers to tailor their content based on demographics and psychographics.
1. The four demographics explained 2. Generation Z (Ages 9-24) 3. Millennials (Ages 25-40) 4. Generation X (Ages 41-56) 5. Boomers (Born 1956-1964) 6. How to effectively target each group 7. Gen Z 8. Millennials 9. Gen X 10. Boomers 11. Conclusion
The four generational demographics explained Like many other societies, the UK is often categorised into four different age groups. You need to understand what these demographics are to devise an effective marketing strategy. Each generation has unique sets of values and behavioural pattern when it comes to shopping online. Affiliate marketers must understand what drives each generation if they want their content and ads to reach the right people at the right time.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. GENERATION Z (AGES 9-24)
Generation Z is also known as "iGeneration," digital natives," and "post-millennials."Gen Zers are those born between 1997-2012. This tech-savvy group is used to having instant access to information at their fingertips. This means that you might need to provide them with fast content not to frustrate them. Recent studies have found that Gen Z is the biggest content consumer in the UK, spending over 10 hours on their electronic devices daily. Gen Zers comprise nearly 20% of the UK's population. They are increasingly shaping the nation's economy, according to Oxford Economics, adding that this group's"income from work will balloon from $440 billion to more than $3.5 trillion by 2030."Affiliate marketers can't afford to lose this increasingly influential group.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. MILLENNIALS (AGES 25-40)
This generation grew up in an era where social media and the Internet were an inextricable part of their lives. They know how to use social media and are comfortable posting their opinions online, providing marketers with a significant amount of information on their preferences. They manage their digital lives by themselves and are willing to consume easily accessible content.UK's millennials number around 17 million, constituting the largest age group in the nation. A recent study showed that nearly 25% of millennials say they will increase online shopping even after the pandemic.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. GENERATION X (AGES 41-56)
This demographic is known as UK's most hardworking group. Studies show that Gen Xers spend more than £700 a week per household, higher than any other group. They often tend to have a lot on their plate, juggling parenting and caring for their ageing parents. In other words, they don't have much time for irrelevant content. Gen Xersnumbermore than 13 million people and are known for being brand loyalty regardless of cost. Due to their busy schedules, they often shop online.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. BOOMERS (BORN 1946-1964)
Today, UK's baby boomers are around 15 million. They were born during the post-war period from 1946 to 1964. They were called as such because of contributing to an alltime high in birth rates post World War II. Nowadays, they are mostly retired, but many remain active, volunteering at places such as schools and hospitals. They may also be parents or grandparents, helping raise their grandchildren and even have jobs that involve responsibility, such as managing family businesses. A defining characteristic of this group is that they grew up during an era where there was less choice and limited access to the Internet. Because of being retired, they have more time to read through content, but are looking for information presented in a way that appeals to their interests. The boomers are the most financially secure generation in the UK.
How to Effectively Target Each Group Now that we have identified each group, it's time to analyse what those features mean for you as an affiliate marketer. How can you effectively leverage the available data on each group? The following tips can help you devise an effective marketing strategy, whether you depend solely on organic SEO traffic or paid ads.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. GEN. Z Generation Z is the newest generation in the UK, and they are just as unique as any other. This generation has been born with a smartphone in their hands. It's essential for affiliate marketers to understand how this new generation differs from their predecessors to effectively market themselves and stay ahead of competitors.To effectively target this generation, keep the following three tips in mind: 1) SOCIAL MEDIA: Remember that Gen Zers are the first demographic who have never known a time without smartphones and other digital devices. As such, this group relies heavily on their mobile device for information gathering and entertainment purposes. To reach them, you need to forget about traditional marketing tactics such as direct mail. Some marketers integrate direct mail with barcodes to increase traffic to their web pages. This group is likely to ignore or dismiss these types of messages when encountering them. Gen. Zers are usually on most, if not all, social media platforms. Affiliate marketers can target Gen Z through YouTube, Instagram and TikTok and Twitch, Snapchat filters and geo-targeting ads on Facebook or Twitter. Studies also show that they love social media influencers. 2) OFFER SOMETHING VALUABLE: Create messaging that speaks directly to this demographic and offers something new and valuable which appeals to an individual's specific interests. Otherwise, you run the risk of losing future customers from the thistechsavvy demographic.
3) SELL EXPERIENCE: Gen Zershave grown up in a world where they can access anything online. They often don't want to be marketed to. You need to sell them an experience rather than a product and tell them stories. This is pivotal to marketers as they use this generation to create customer loyalty.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. 4) MEET EXPECTATION: Gen Zersare often likely to abandon what's being marketed if it does not meet their expectations. They get a constant stream of new things, so you must keep them interested and engaged by regularly delivering fresh content or advertisements. Gen. Zers demand advertising that appeals to them and speaks to them personally. They Don't place products in their face because they will find it off-putting. MILLENNIALS Millennials are a marketer's dream. They're tech-savvy. They're brand loyal, and they can influence their friends and family to make purchases. So, it only makes sense for affiliate marketers to target this group of consumers. For a successful marketing strategy focused on this group, you might need to consider the following tips: 1) PERSONALISED MESSAGING: Millennials are more likely to respond well if the content is personalised. This can help millennials be more interested in you as a brand and feel like they have an opportunity to connect with you. As a result, you increase the chances
Brands that target millennials can use this personalisation technique to promote their business by creating marketing campaigns that address issues relevant for millennials (e.g., the environment) Research has found that it is more effective to communicate with someone without being intrusive through personalised communication channels such as emails and text messages. These tools mean a higher chance of getting them engaged. 2) SOCIAL MEDIA: Like the Gen Zers, one of the most effective ways to reach millennials is through social media, where they spend a lot of time scrolling through posts and consuming news. 3) The Millennial Problem: The problem isn't reaching them; it's keeping their attention once you do. That is certainly the case if you are a blogger, providing quality content to persuade readers to buy something. When speaking with millennials, there is one thing that should always be kept in mind: this generation grew up on technology from day one, meaning that every interaction needs to be interactive and engaging or else they
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. might move onto something better. Also, remember that just because you have their attention doesn't mean that you have their trust. Be as honest as possible. 4) SOCIAL VALUES: Millennials are the most educated generation to date, making them more informed and demanding than other generations. They also want brands that help in social responsibility, which is why they may gravitate towards products with an environmental or animal welfare message. Brands need to notice this demographic's values if they want to be successful when marketing items geared toward millennials. GEN X This generation has seen a lot of change in their lifetime, from the introduction of personal computers to the invention of GPS. They are also known as "latchkey kids" because they were often left alone with no supervision until their parents got home from work. Keeping in mind specific aspects of this group, you can use the following techniques to better approach them: 1) PERSONAL BENEFITS: Highlight the personal benefits of a product or service. This generation is less likely to buy into things that are not relevant to them and their lives, which means marketers need to focus on how it will improve their current situation instead of just telling them what everyone else has bought before. Gen Xers are more likely to be in leadership and managerial positions than the younger generations. That means they are unlikely to make a purchase decision without first analysing the benefits it will bring to them personally. They are an educated generation and are well-informed about what they do and don't want. This group is especially interested in their own personal development as an individual. 2) BE PERSUASIVE: This group is inherently wired with scepticism. They won't be as easily convinced. You need to use persuasive messaging when trying to market products or services towards this demographic because of these reasons. Buying decisions among this group will often involve family members since many relationships have been strengthened through shared life experiences.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. 3) NO GIMMICKS: Avoid gimmicks or too much exaggeration in marketing campaigns. This demographic is known to be averse to anything they perceive as being a cleverly disguised advertisement. They feel that this would disrupt the flow of their relationship with various brands, which are seen to be inauthentic. They also don't like being told they can do something if it's untrue; this demographic prefers honest and straightforward advertising strategies over any other type. 4) INCLUDE CTA: Ensure there is a clear call-to-action for your target audience. This demographic is more likely to purchase if there are prompts about how they can take action. The best way to get this group's attention and capture their interest is by providing them with value for money propositions or offering a product that solves a problem. This can be done through an engaging video, which provides valuable information in short bursts, or by creating content like blogs where the audience has time to think over what was said before responding.
BOOMERS Boomers are a large demographic with a lot of purchasing power. They have the most time, money, and influence over other generations. As the baby boom generation continues to age and retire, they will become more active online as their lives continue to change. To effectively target the nation's oldest generation, the following six tips are essential: 1) PREPARE RELEVANT CONTENT: Boomers are more likely to purchase from companies that offer products and services they find interesting. Marketers should create quality, original blog posts on topics like gardening, cooking or travel. This demographic is also interested in reading about the latest trends in fashion or technology, so this type of content could help with engagement rates. 2) OFFER DEALS AND DISCOUNTS: Young people may be attracted to promotions, but boomers want their money's worth! Leverage tech tools such as email marketing software because these demographics often use smartphones to browse emails.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. 3) CONSIDER ADVERTISING OPTIONS: It might seem counterintuitive, but boomers are actually very active on social media. Marketers can consider advertising to boomers through Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Boomers use social media for work, but they also use social media to keep in touch with their younger family members. 4) UNDERSTAND HOW THEY WANT TO BE CONTACTED: Boomers have been around long enough that they may not even use email. Hence, marketers need to understand the best ways to reaching them (i.e., phone calls). Affiliate marketers need to know this group's preferences regarding contact methods because it will help increase conversion rates. Over the phone, affiliate marketers can subtly direct boomers to check out their website for information on the latest products. If you can afford it, running ads on TV is a good idea since this demographic spends a significant amount of time watching television. It's also essential to tailor content for different channels. Boomers are less likely than Gen Z and millennials to follow brands on Twitter or Instagram. Marketers should tailor the type of content shared across each channel to the specific demographic they are targeting. 5) UNDERSTAND THEIR NEEDS: As they get older, boomers' needs change, and marketers will have to tailor what they offer accordingly, or risk being ignored by this group. For example, the products offered in a retirement community may differ from those provided in an active adult community because of the location and services provided at each site. 6) ADDRESS EMOTIONAL NEEDS: Boomers experience a wide range of emotions about retirement and are looking for advice on dealing with these feelings. Marketers should be aware of what triggers certain reactions from this group to better serve them through their marketing campaigns.
CONCLUSION: In brief, you should remember characteristics outlined above don't necessarily work with every single individual. You might, for example, find a boomer who is more active on
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools. social media than a millennial. What we have presented are based on reliable data on common behavioural patterns of each age group. With that out of the way, marketers should remember that each demographic has different ways of receiving messages and will require a tailored approach to address their needs. By understanding how age influences customer behaviour, you can improve your conversion rates. With Gen Zers, marketers should share quality, relatable content that is interactive and visual. They are interested in finding new ways to learn skills or find inspiration for their creative endeavours. When it comes to millennials, affiliate marketers must address this group's social values and emotional needs by being transparent about products and services while also providing them with opportunities for financial success. Emotions seem to work with all generations. Marketing campaigns targeting Gen Xers need to focus on progressiveness (i.e., innovation) as they feel threatened by change after years spent working hard at building an established career path. They also need to keep in mind this generation's education level and scepticism. Finally, an effective marketing strategy that targets boomers should consider that they may experience a wide range of emotions related to retirement. Be aware of what triggers certain reactions from the boomers to better meet their needs. REVADS WORKS THE WAY YOU DO. Adapt you static, product and banner ads to appeal to different generational characteristics. Simplify it with RevAds.
RevGlue tools make affiliate marketing simple for experienced and aspiring affiliates. Create new cashback, mobile comparison or discount voucher websites in minutes or monetise existing websites, blogs & mobile apps with RevGlue publisher tools.