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Kate Cullen: COP25 UN Climate Change Summit

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Meet Joanna Bell

Meet Joanna Bell

In Michaelmas, Kate Cullen (2019, MSc Water Science, Policy & Management) received an award from the Keith Gull Fund to enable her attendance at the COP25 UN Climate Change Summit to work with colleagues from Pacific island nations, such as Niue and Palau, towards the goal of improving finance flows to communities most vulnerable to climate change. Niue and Palau are on the frontlines breadth of conference events relevant to incorporate climate change information of experiencing climate change in small island nations and my dissertation and adaptation practices in developing the form of sea level rise, extreme research more generally. nations. weather and coral reef die-off. In 2017, I joined the volunteer-based The opportunity to engage closely with My focus in analysing this issue has non-profit Climate Policy Watch as the Niue and Palau delegations allowed increasingly shifted to Chile, where I an analyst and assistant negotiator me to write a term paper for my Climate researched a similar topic for a year to Niue, Palau and other small island Change Law course in the School of as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar. Attending developing states to support them in Geography and the Environment on COP25, which was still hosted by the advocating for their urgent needs in improving finance flows to Pacific island Chilean government although it was COP negotiations. My original plan communities most vulnerable to climate located in Madrid, allowed me to meet was to continue this work and attend change. The paper was well received, with and hear numerous presentations COP25 as an assistant negotiator to much in thanks to its relevance from key government officials and Niue, or perhaps Palau as a back- to ongoing negotiations. I’m now private sector leaders working on these up option. The sudden conference discussing the possibility of publishing it issues. venue change from Santiago, Chile with my professor and other colleagues. to Madrid, Spain prevented the full I had the opportunity to present my Niue and Palau government teams Attending the summit allowed me research topic and touch on my from attending, which meant I wasn’t to connect with former colleagues, experience at COP25 at the MCR Hilary able to officially be a member of participate in closed-door meetings Term Research Seminar where a few of their negotiation teams. However, an and presentations, and make new us were selected to give ‘lighting talks’ in opportunity to attend through Oxford high-level contacts for the great benefit the Old Dining Room. as an academic observer allowed me of my dissertation research. Through to support their teams in more informal these experiences, I was able to better The support of the Keith Gull Fund ways, observe negotiations on their focus my research topic to examine was crucial in allowing me to travel to key issues, and participate in a larger how water governance can better Spain and participate in a historic UN negotiation session, strengthen key professional contacts, and tangibly improve my course work and research. It was an honor to represent St Edmund Hall at the COP25 summit.

Kate meeting colleagues from Chile

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