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Appointments and Awards

Meet our new Honorary Fellows

The College’s Governing Body swore in two new Honorary Fellows of St Edmund Hall in May. Each Fellow is distinguished in their respective fields, which include law and politics.

Lord Sedwill (1987, Economics) in recognition of his distinguished career in politics. Mark was Cabinet Secretary from April 2018 to September 2020 and National Security Advisor from April 2017 to Sept 2020.

Prior to this, Mark was the Permanent Secretary at the Home Office (2013-17), FCO Political Director (201213), NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan (2010-11), HM Ambassador to Afghanistan (2009-10) and Director of UKvisas (2006-8). He joined the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in 1989, serving in Egypt, Iraq, Cyprus and Pakistan.

Robert Venables QC, in recognition of his distinguished career and his period of office as a Tutorial Fellow. Robert studied Literae Humaniores at Merton College in 1966, followed by Jurisprudence from 1970 to 1972, was the Hall’s Tutor in Jurisprudence from 1975 to 1980 when he left the position in order to take up full-time practice at the Revenue Bar in London. He took silk ten years later.

He was elected Chairman of the Revenue Bar Association in 2001 and is a Master of the Bench of the Honourable Society of the Middle Temple. Robert’s clients range from entrepreneurs to celebrities, from nobility to politicians, and from FTSE 100 companies to charities. On those occasions when he is in court, Robert has found the Oxford tutorial system to be the best possible preparation for thinking on one’s feet – or rather, pretending to, because nothing succeeds better in advocacy than preparation, preparation, and preparation.

The Hall’s Honorary Fellows represent a wide variety of achievements and experiences.

Aularians honoured by the Queen

The Hall community is delighted to announce that the following Aularians were recognised in the 2020 Queen’s Birthday Honours and 2021 New Year Honours lists.

Margaret (Maggie) Adela Miriam Carver CBE (1982, Biochemistry)

Maggie was awarded a CBE for services to media and sport. Maggie is currently Interim Chairman of Ofcom and Chairman of the Racecourse Association and also sits on the Board of the British Horseracing Authority and The Licoricia of Winchester Statue Appeal (Chairman).

Maggie writes, “I am absolutely delighted to be awarded the honour of a CBE for services to media and sport. It has been both a joy and a privilege to serve both sectors and I look forward to continuing to do so.”

Professor Amelia Fletcher CBE (1985, PPE and Honorary Fellow)

Amelia was awarded a CBE for services to the economy. Amelia read PPE at the Hall and then gained an MPhil and DPhil in Economics at Nuffield College, Oxford. She is a Non-Executive Director at the Competition and Markets Authority and a member of the Enforcement Decision Panel at Ofgem. She is also a member of the Council of the Royal Economic Society, of the Advisory Board for the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies, and of the Oxera Economics Council.

She has written and presented widely on competition and consumer policy. Her recent research work has focussed on digital markets and behavioural economics.

Professor Eleanor Stride OBE (Professorial Fellow, Biomaterials)

Eleanor was awarded an OBE for services to engineering. Eleanor specialises in the fabrication of nano and microscale devices for targeted drug delivery. She holds a joint position between the Department of Engineering Science and the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences.

Eleanor writes, “It was the most incredible and wonderful surprise. I still feel quite overwhelmed but also even more motivated to drive forward our research and to continue to work closely with the Royal Academy to support and promote Engineering.”

If you are interested in reading more about alumni, student and Fellows acheivements and other news please visit www.seh.ox.ac.uk/news.

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Music society Trinity term concert Listen online: seh.ac/musicconcert2021 Spirit of the Hall Listen online: anchor.fm/spiritofthehall Aularian Connect Register now: www.aularianconnect.com


Geddes Lecture Fellowship Lunchtime Lectures Pontigny Lecture

Development and Alumni Relations Office St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, Oxford, OX1 4AR

E: aularianconnect@seh.ox.ac.uk | T: +44 (0)1865 289180 Registered Charity number: 1137470

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