23 minute read

Section 5: From the Development & Alumni Relations Office


From the Development and Alumni Relations Office

From the Director of Development

Throughout the pandemic Aularian solidarity has continued with a record number of 1,454 donors making gifts totalling £3.4 million to the Hall in FY20/21. In addition, a further £2.6m was pledged to future years for the development of student accommodation and, combined, this adds-up to make our most successful fundraising year. In some respects, this really shouldn’t be a surprise; we all know a characteristic of Hall Spirit is helping each other out in times of need. Your gifts this year have ensured the Hall was, not only able to weather the storm, but also progress some very important strategic projects. Many Aularians gave to the Hall after speaking directly to a current student during one of our telethons in December 2020 and March 2021. Over the course of the two telethons 19 student callers made an astonishing 12,265 dialling attempts and spoke to 1,122 alumni, of which 609 alumni donated (54%). Thank you for your support. Thanks to gifts from major philanthropists, the Hall undertook its essential update of the Besse block. In carrying out this work we discovered some major failings in the roof that needed immediate attention. Over 160 Aularians responded to our ‘roof appeal’ and the ensuing work saw 4,266 new replacement tiles on Besse roof. September’s Giving Day provided an opportunity for Aularians across the world to join together over the course of 36 hours and make gifts of all sizes. Once again, this proved to be even more successful than our previous year with 371 donors, from 19 countries, donating £122,828. A distinctive characteristic of Giving Day is its use of social media to reach alumni who may not typically support the Hall and I am pleased to report that nearly 18% of gifts were from those choosing to donate to the Hall for the very first time. Bequests to the Hall continue to provide very significant support to the Hall. Throughout the year we received legacy gifts from 14 generous Aularians so to preserve the Hall’s teaching and historic estate. My thanks to a further 16 Aularians who, throughout the year, informed us that they have remembered the Hall in their Will; your commitment is hugely appreciated. Whilst meeting in-person was not possible, our online programme of events continued with great success. Over 2000 Aularians dialled-in for one of our 24 Aularian talks and we were particularly pleased to run a special ‘Aularian Authors’ series. As always, a strength of our events is the breadth of Aularian expertise and we are grateful to Linda Davies (1982, PPE), Nicholas Evans (1969, Jurisprudence), Jessica Hatcher-Moore (2001, Modern Languages), Wilf Frost (2005, PPE), Al Murray (1987, History), Richard Kilgarriff (1988, English), Nick Thomas-Symonds (1998, PPE) and Catriona Ward (1999, English) for leading such open and insightful discussions.

Nearly 300 biodegradable ribbons were tied to our Giving Tree as a result of pledged donations

Our work with the Association also saw new online developments with the launch of the very successful Aularian Connect and a SEHA podcast series. Over 1,200 Aularians are already registered on Aularian connect and the President’s report (p.102) details these important initiatives further. In June, DARO was delighted to welcome Sarah Bridge to the team. Sarah joins us from Hertford College as the Hall’s Regular Giving Manager. The year saw us bid farewell to Sally Brooks (née Smith) who left the Hall to join Wycombe Abbey School. Over 10-years, Sally oversaw the growth and professionalism of the Development Office and we wish her well in her new role. This will also be my final report in the Magazine as, at start of the 2021-22 term, I will be leaving the Hall to pursue new challenges. It has been a privilege to work alongside so many Aularians and I am truly thankful for the support many have provided to me personally over my tenure. I now look forward to watching the Hall go from strength-to-strength. We were thrilled for Kate Townsend who was married in August 2020 and has taken the name Kate Payne. Many of you will regularly speak to Kate and I am sure you would wish to share in our very many congratulates. Together with Thomas Sprent, Kate, Sally and Sarah have continued to deliver a very strong DARO programme throughout this difficult year and my immense thanks to them all. Thank you once again to you, the Aularian community, for your unwavering support of the Hall. Floreat Aula! Gareth Simpson, Director of Development

From the St Edmund Hall Association President

It has been a busy year for the Association despite the inability and disappointment of not being able to hold in-person events such as the London Annual Dinner. We have leveraged the wonderful capabilities of technology and broadened our Committee to include Aularians beyond the shores of the UK. We hosted our annual Teddy Talk last October on Zoom, ‘Aularians on the Covid-19 Frontline’, attracting a panel and strong audience from all over the world. We were delighted to hold our first ever virtual AGM in February where over 200 Aularians signed up and dialled in from a range of countries including the US, Canada, the UAE, Sweden, Sri Lanka, Spain, New Zealand, Malaysia, Luxembourg, Ireland, Hong Kong, Greece, Germany, France, Belgium and the UK! Aularians were given the opportunity to hear from the Principal about the plans for the College as well as the impressive response to the Pandemic. We launched our first ever podcast series ‘Spirit of the Hall’ where I interviewed ten Aularians or College members about how Teddy Hall has shaped us all, starting with the Principal, leading onto Congressman James Himes, followed by General Sir Michael Rose and ending with our Librarian, James Howarth. The first series has attracted over 2,000 unique ‘listens’ and Series Two is on its way, kicking off with former Principal Justin Gosling! On top of this, the Association is proud to have helped launch and support Aularian Connect to bring students, staff and alumni onto one platform providing mentoring, career and networking opportunities for all. To support this effort, we have started our Digital Careers Programme where we are recording short videos of Aularians from different industries. We will post them on Aularian Connect so students can watch them whenever it suits. Next year we plan to push forward with all these initiatives so that the Hall’s students can continue to benefit from the fantastic body of alumni waiting and willing to give back. My thanks go to my Deputy President, Stuart Hopper, and all the Committee for their dedication, generosity of spirit and flexibility of thought over the past year. Olly Belcher (née Donnelly) (1999, Geography)

Donors to the Hall

From 1 August 2020 to 31 July 2021

The Principal, Fellows and students are all extremely grateful for the support of the 1,454 alumni, parents of students and Friends of the Hall who have donated in the last year and whose names are recorded on the following pages. Although the donor list only includes gifts received between 1 August 2020 and 31 July 2021, we are extremely grateful to all supporters who have given to the Hall outside of this timeframe. If you donated after 31 July 2021, your gift will appear in next year’s Magazine. We record by matriculation date the names of all who have made a donation during this period, including the participation rate (the percentage of people in each year who have given), and the total amount received per matriculation year. Where there are small numbers of donors in a particular year we have not listed the amount given in order to preserve confidentiality. *denotes deceased DONOR LIST 2020-2021

1944 (13%) Andrew Foot*

1945 (11%) Victor Parry*

1946 (50%) John Pike*

1949 (20%) Bob Breese Alan Brimble Colin Hadley*

1950 (24%, £868) Noel Harvey Raymond Lee Jack Preger, in Memory of The Revd Dr J N D Kelly Ray Waddington-Jones Jack Wheeler

1951 (59%, £34,310) John Akroyd* Derek Bloom Robin French Kenneth Lund Denys Moylan Brian Osgood Dudley Wood Plus 3 anonymous donors

1952 (41%, £8,172) John Anthony Ian Byatt Tony Coulson Brian Cudmore* Philip Currah Neil Hall Denis McCarthy Bruce Nixon Royston Taylor Neville Teller David Thompson David Wright Plus 1 anonymous donor

1953 (34%, £10,075) Mike Burgess David Giles James Grindle Keith Harlow Ian Jackson David Picksley Bob Rednall Guy Thomas Dick Turner Brian Venner Brian Wakefield Eric Windsor

1954 (22%, £5,993) Jeremy Cleverley Michael Duffy Keith Hounslow Tony Laughton John Porter* Brian Shepherd Keith Suddaby Charles Taylor Raymond Thornton John West Plus 1 anonymous donor

1955 (31%, £93,635) John Barker John Billington Tony Cooper John Cox John Dellar Roger Farrand*

David Frayne David Hare Michael Hilt Del Kolve Alan Mathieson Mike Neal Tony Pearson Gerald Raftesath Irving Theaker Bill Weston Richard Williams Plus 1 anonymous donor

1956 (36%, £15,520) Roy Caddick Michael Cansdale Maresq Child John Cooper-Poole Fred Farrell John French Peter Garvey* Michael Hickey Chris Machen Martin Reynolds Jack Rowell David Short Nevill Swanson* Paul Tempest David Williams Gordon Woods

1957 (31%, £10,265) Michael Archer Ted Aves Robin Blackburn David Bolton Blake Bromley Geoff Brown Duncan Dormor Richard Fishlock Tony Ford Dennis Jesson David Parfitt Michael Rowan George Ruffhead Rob Siedle* Alastair Stewart Gerry Williams Plus 1 anonymous donor

1958 (26%, £7,593) Jim Amos Gordon Crosse Peter Davies Jim Dening Andrew Garrod Tony Goddard David Harrison OBE John Haydon Ronnie Irving Michael Jarman Pete Kite Tony Nial Michael Pelham David Phillips Philip Rabbetts John Reis

1959 (34%, £244,930) Ian Alexander Ewan Anderson Hinton Bird Keith Bowen David Braund Paul Brett D C Coleman John Collingwood David Cooksey Kevin Crossley-Holland John Curry Tony Doyle Chris Harvey Ian Hepburn Matthew Joy Graham Kentfield Simon Laurence Culain Morris Mike Oakley John Rayner Alan Rowland Brian Saberton* Mike Saltmarsh John Spires David Stedman Mike Voisey Stewart Walduck Ian Walker Roy Walmsley John Walters

1960 (46%, £16,555) John Adey Nick Alldrit Chris Atkinson David Baines Terence Bell David Bolton Robert Clark Terence Coghlin Jeremy Cook Robin Cox Keith Dillon Ian Evans Jeff Goddard Peter Hayes Kenneth Heard Ken Hinkley-Smith Robin Hogg John Law Chris Long Yann Lovelock David Mash Melvyn Matthews George Ritchie Julian Rogers Michael Rose Patric Sankey-Barker John Sherman George Smith Roger Sparrow John Thorogood Andrew Tod Guy Warner Alan Wilding Plus 2 anonymous donors

1961 (37%, £26,246) Paul Allen

Don Anderson David Brown Martin Buckley Stanley Burnton Sidney Donald Barrie England Richard Goddard Rex Harrison Michael Hornsby Malcolm Inglis Nick Lloyd John Long Ian Manners Jim Marsh Jonathan Martin David McCammon Peter Newell Hugh Redington Anthony Rentoul Andrew Rix David Scharer Roger Smith Jean-Paul Socard Mike Sproule David Timms Stephen White Plus 2 anonymous donors

1962 (20%, £11,607) Ian Bennett David Buckingham James Burnett-Hitchcock Michael Buttler Chris Cowles Jeff Creek Jim de Rennes Sean Duncan David Goodwin Michael Groves Bill Gulland Michael Hamilton Handley Hammond Ant Hawkes David Hicks Arwyn Hughes Richard Meeres Bill Megill Tony Moore Sean Morris Nigel Pegram Richard Phillippo Jonny Taylor Hugh Thomas Roger Wardle John Williams Plus 3 anonymous donors

1963 (24%, £13,946) Jennifer Baines Darrell Barnes Steve Benson Peter Brennan Bob Brewer Bob Broughton Nicholas Bulmer John Crawshaw Geoff Day Colin Day Mike Foxon Michael Harrison Rod Offer Michael Sherratt Clive Sneddon John Still John Taylor Nigel Thorp Plus 3 anonymous donors

1964 (33%, £14,971) John Bunney Bob Clarke Michael Clarke John Coope Steve Copley Peter Day Tony Fawke Bill Hartley Derek Hawkins Bob Heygate Peter Hodson Chris Howe John Hughes Mike Kerford-Byrnes Tony Lemon John Lindsay Peter Liversidge Timothy Machin David Mackie Paddy McFarland David Meredith Derek Morris Brian Moulds David Outhwaite James Pitt Michael Powis David Rumbelow Stephen Sherbourne Hugh Simpson Richard Stoner Plus 3 anonymous donors

1965 (41%, £100,183) Christopher Allen Paul Badman Joe Barclay Robert Beckham Tommy Bedford John Clarembaux John Dennis Paul Fickling Simon Gatrell Ian Gillings Derek Harrison Clive Hartshorn Colin Hewitt Gavin Hitchcock Ken Hobbs Ron McDonald Andy Morgan Thomas Mulvey Humphrey Nicholls Brian North Maurice Pannell Stephen Patrick Billett Potter David Powell John Rea David Reed

Guy Richardson Ted Roskell John Sayer Michael Sheil Philip Spray Chas Stansfield Michael Tanner Bill Walker Frank Webster James Wein Richard White Richard Wycherley Plus 2 anonymous donors

1966 (28%, £11,133) David Alder Cam Brown Paul Brown Nigel Clarke Howard Coates Bernie Collins Bob Darby Guy Fisher Roger Frankland David Garvie David Hansom Ian Hewitt Linn Hobbs Ted Hodgson Peter Jenkins John Kilbee David Knight Carl Mawer Andrew Middleton David Saunders Jon Shortridge David Stewart Michael Stone Geoffrey Summers George Syrpis Michael Warren Plus 1 anonymous donor

1967 (31%, £21,716) Robert Breckles Charles Bryant Geoffrey Chandler* Ronnie Colsen Lawrence Downey Philip Hathaway Colin Hawksworth Roger Kenworthy Mike Kerrigan Shepard Krech Ethan Lipsig John Mabbett Simon Maxwell Peter Mitchell Jim Mosley John Orton Dave Postles Bruce Rashkow Philip Robinson Graham Salter Mark Spencer Ellis David Tabraham-Palmer Lawrence Toye Keith Walmsley Rob Weinberg Peter Wilson Georges Zbyszewski Plus 2 anonymous donors

1968 (23%, £13,193) Clive Bailey Andrew Barnes John Berryman David Blezard Phil Emmott James Hunt Steven Hurst Laurence Jackson Tim Jones Alan Jones Stuart Kenner Geoff May Tony Moore John Penfield Mike Pike Ian Ridgwell Ian Stuart Graham Taylor David Theobald Plus 3 anonymous donors

1969 (24%, £8,858) Brian Battye Mick Birks Roger Callan Gordon Cranmer Bryan Dawson Steve Dempsey Paul Dixon Paul Dobsen Dick Ford Leonard Gibeon Clive Kerridge Bruce Lowe Peter Lush Roy Marsh Nicholas McGuinn David Monkcom Paul Parker Andrew Race Dereck Roberts Alan Scarfe Peter Smith Tim Stibbs Edward Wheeler Peter Wilkinson Plus 2 anonymous donors

1970 (19%, £7,602) Stephen Bedford Julian Currall Will David Kevin Fisher Stephen Fordham Richard Gozney Chris Hawkesworth John Kendall Chris Lewis David Morgan Richard Ormerod Peter Raspin Colin Richmond-Watson Richard Robinson Thomas Shanahan

Paul Silk Mike Skelding Geoff Smith Chris Sutton-Mattocks Bill Travers Plus 2 anonymous donors

1971 (27%, £65,470) David Audsley Richard J. Balfour Peter Balmer George Bishop III Ian Brimecome Jean Chagnon Roger Chaplin Ian Cheffy Lawrence Coupland Lawrence Cummings John Fazackerley Peter Foot Malcolm Hawthorne Rick Henshaw Craig Laird Dave Leggett Andrew McGilvray Jonathan Ormond John Parr Tim Ream Douglas Robertson Stephen Rosefield Steve Russell Greg Salter Gary Sheehan John Sloan Nicholas Staite Plus 3 anonymous donors

1972 (18%, £10,216) John Catherall Richard Catmur Steve Chandler William Clark Michael Constantine Anthony Deakin Tony Downes Andy Hall Howard Mason Stephen McCann Paul Mounsey Peter Osborn Andrew Peacock David Rosen Jack Smith Robin Stephenson John Trotman Andy Wadley Allan Walker Martin Winter

1973 (28%, £11,699) Colin Ashby Chris Bamber David Beckett Pete Britton Colin Bullett Sean Butler Robert Cawthorne Geoff Chamberlain Bill Chapman David Copeland Robert Godden Roger Golland Sebastien Goodchild Richard Gretton David Grice Richard Harandon Nick Jones Anthony Jordan Dave Knight Nigel Laing Colin Lizieri Toby Lucas Stephen McNulty Ian Midgley Mark Patterson Nic Peeling Stewart Petrie John Roberts Chas Saunders Tom Schneider Barrie Thomas Mike Wood 1974 (32%, £29,210) Keith Albans Phil Budden Graham Clark Peter Desmond Jeff Drew Steve Edrich Robert Eggar Richard Gillingwater Mark Handsley Andrew Hargreaves John Hewitson Charles Hind Michael Hooton Stephen Hutchinson Doug Imeson Bob Jeavons Frederick Leaf Paul Matthews David Neuhaus John Ormiston Andy Patterson Clive Penwarden Phil Phillips Gary Pollitt John Ramsey Tim Robinson Gerard Rocks Trevor Ryder Dick Sands Kim Swain Stephen Tarran Peter Tudor Graham Wareing Robert Warren Michael Wickham Jake Wien John Wisdom Plus 3 anonymous donors

1975 (19%, £37,061) Jeremy Charles Philip Congdon Alex Davids Bob Gaffey Martin Garrett

Brian Gasser Graeme Gibbs Roy Hoolahan Gordon Hurst Andrew Johnston Graham Ketley Alex King Alan Lomas Ian McIsaac Richard Nowak Robin Osterley Justin Samuel Ces Shaw Nigel Smith Alan Stansfield Anthony Stopyra Peter Watson David Way Plus 1 anonymous donor

1976 (20%, £10,321) Kern Alexander Bill Baker Jr Robin Beckley Robert Birch Bill Cogar John Collingwood Hora den Dulk Brian Denton Chris Elston Richard Finch Anson Jack Trevor Payne Mike Power Jamie Robertson Martin Saunders Paul Sutton Ian Taylor Stephen Tetley Peter Trowles Andrew Wathey Neil Worthington

1977 (19%, £13,738) Philippe Beaufour David Blakey Charles Blount Andrew Brown Steve Clark Ian Doherty Peter Foster Oliver Grundy Nick Hamilton David Harding Adrian Haxby David Hope Chris Horner Roger Keeley Byron Light David McKenna Peter Rogers John Round Paul Thompson Jeremy Tullett David Van Roijen Steve Vivian Paul Walker Plus 1 anonymous donor

1978 (22%, £9,711) Doug Ansley John Armitstead Chris Brown-Humes Hamish Cameron Ken Cheong Richard Collins Simon Double Richard Durrans George Gilbert Mark Harrison Simon Heilbron Ian Hutchinson Lloyd Illingworth Stephen Leonard Brian Livesey Adrian Marsh Gideon Nissen Robert Pay Peter Richardson Nicholas Rowe Duncan Smith Mark Turnham Gurdon Wattles Brian Worsfold David Wright

1979 (25%, £27,306) Tony Best Kate Chaytor Kit Cooke Stephen Coulson Gail Davies Davina Dwyer Mark Earls John Hodgson Gill Kinnear Elizabeth Lee Paul Littlechild Ian Lupson Phil Martin Rob McCreath Ian McEwen Caroline Morgan Janet Nevin Justus O’Brien Rob Quain Debbie Rees Michael Robinson Simon Roxborough Ingrid Sharp Mark Silinsky Paul Skokowski Graham Stewart Duncan Talbert Dan Thompson Robert Vollum David West Plus 2 anonymous donors

1980 (28%, £142,798) Gordon Alchin John Ayton Bernard Bewlay Philip Broadley Nick Caddick Iain Cooke Jonathan Davies Anthony Farrand

Jon French Alison Girling Alistair Graham Jonathan Hofstetter Simon Kelly Gary Lawrence James Lyle John Madgwick Peter McLean-Buechel Ray Montague Tim Mottishaw Zahid Nawaz James Newman Ashley Pigott David Preston Simon Ramage Celia Russell Jonathan Scott Nick Senechal Paula Skokowski Joanna Smith Richard Smyth Neil Stevenson Brigitte Stollmaier Frank Strang Christina Tracey Rebecca Willis Diana Wright Plus 1 anonymous donor

1981 (19%, £10,068) Andrew Burns David Dees Gary Evans Paul Farrelly Sandy Findlay Julian Hammond Claire Ivins Phil Knight Richard Lambert Jim McAleer Paul McCarthy Tim Miles Sallie Nicholas Tim Parkinson Jai Pathak Duncan Penny Nigel Purdy Maria Queenan Michael Sherring David Stokes Paul Stowers Jenny Turner Mark Walters Jo West

1982 (20%, £7,202) Maggie Carver Tom Christopherson Nick Cox Karen Cullen Catherine Dale Linda Davies Simon ffitch Guy Franks Nick Gretton Mark Hartshorne Ian Harvey David Heaps Richard Kent Peter Murray Divya Nicholls Gareth Penny Marco Rimini Kevin Sealy Shona Tatchell Simon White Junior Williamson Stuart Worthington Plus 1 anonymous donor

1983 (23%, £20,225) Roy Bishop Sara Browne Stephanie Clifford Steve Coates Chris Coleman Kate Coleman William Connolley Carl Cunnane Thomas de Mallet Burgess Tim Fallowfield Marion Geddes Richard Glynn Tarquin Grossman Edward Hayes Siân Henderson Mike Iddon Max Irwin Jo Kent Bashir Khan Peter Magyar Phil Moody Christine Muskett Denis Mustafa Kevan Rees John Sharples Andrew Sumnall Andrew Till Mark Triggs Michael Young

1984 (14%, £6,919) Dan Abnett John Bloomer Will Coleman Steve Crummett Andrew Duffy Alison Fallowfield Chris Giles Tom Learner Rob Macaire Bruce Major Tesula Mohindra Robert O’Keeffe John Risman Anthony Rossiter Helena Sellars Andrew Steane Harvey Wheaton Sarah Wright Plus 1 anonymous donor

1985 (17%, £8,638) Deborah Booth Andy Brown Clare Coleman Neil Crabb

Amelia Fletcher Ian Grant Jon Gulley Michael Hill Fiona Houston Nick Laird Mark Little Julia Little Doug McCallum Nicholas Peacock Will Shaw Catharine Snow Tanya Spilsbury Dane Starbuck Emma Steane Justin Symonds Julia Weiner David Whitmarsh Chris Williams Plus 2 anonymous donors

1986 (22%, £30,427) Samira Ahmed Nikolai Ahrens Mary Betley Jim Charles Geoffrey Chatas Philip Clifford QC David Denholm Rachel Fisher Gavin Flook Walter Fraser David Gillett Andrew Harrison Simon Hodgson Claire Horacek Neil Jacob Emma Kennedy Rachel Kiddey Alison Kraus Stewart Lee Iain Mackie Mark Matthews Sally McKone John Myhill Phil Richards Robert Robinson David Southall Mike Stanislawski Jacqui Thornton Sharon von Simson Catherine Ysrael Gomez Plus 2 anonymous donors

1987 (17%, £13,499) Susan Anderson Steve Asplin Dan Bayley Helen Boyling Justin Collins Chris Coltart Phil Dominy Ian Fitzsimons Winnie Foo Helen Fox David Gomez Jeremy Harrison Kevin Holder Kevin Johnson Heather McCallum Simon Oakes Clare Rhodes James Mark Sedwill Richard Smalman-Smith Mary Waldner Philip Waldner David Waring Tim Wingfield Lizzie Young Plus 2 anonymous donors

1988 (14%, £6,917) Adam Bell James Brace Marcus Browning Abi Draper Leon Ferera James Ferguson Christopher Garrison Duncan Holden Richard Kilgarriff Richard Luckraft Susanna Mann Peter Matthews Jan Milligan Peter Othen James Rudd Giles Sanders Lucy Shaw Ingrid Southorn Plus 2 anonymous donors

1989 (15%, £10,107) Tom Argles Grania Bryceson Tina Coast Jonathan Cotton Rob de Rennes Jennifer Doran Catrina Holme Andrew La Trobe Tom Leman Alex McLean John Melling Ben Miller Steve Orbell Richard Rednall Ruth Roberts Edward Rose Mohini Sarda Lynch Chris Sawyer Fiona Sawyer Aktar Somalya Matt Spencer Natalie Tydeman

1990 (14%, £6,823) Marcus Bailey Emma Barnett Stephen Barnett Paul Brady Hew Bruce-Gardyne David Gauke Clio Georgiadis Andrew Green Tim Harwood Graham Hinton Ed Hobart

Peter Hocknell Adrian Jones Dave Jordan Kevin Knibbs Gill La Valette Chris Manby Elaine Noone Stephen Noone Rob Salter Ed Shelton Natasha Walker Claire White Julie Williams Andrew Williams

1991 (14%, £5,347) Andrew Armstrong Balakumar Arumugam Christopher Ashton Carol Atherton Duncan Barker Adam Bell Julian Cater Tessa Evans Samantha Harries Tim Houghton Anneli Howard QC Nicholas Lane David Liversidge Ruari Macdonald David McGill Luke Powell Anna Rentoul Peter Wallace Plus 1 anonymous donor

1992 (12%, £8,698) Carla Antunes da Silva Anne Caley Thomas Dennis Matt Elliott Katharina Gottwald Lucy Heaven Royan Lam Collin Madden Jane Mann Mike Milner Sarah Morrison Sarah O’Neill Jules Plumstead Claire Pugh Matt Purcell Wayne Smith Mark Snell Beni Surpin Matthew Weaver

1993 (12%, £11,167) Natasha Ashton Howard Cazin Melissa Gallagher Liz Gibbons Nick Gradel James Hook Tim Jackson Kieren Johnson Rob Mansley Tom McClelland Clare McKeon Al Mordaunt Geoff Mortimer Lucy Newlove James Owens James Parkin Richard Tufft Claire Woolley Plus 1 anonymous donor

1994 (9%, £5,343) Liz Barnard David Hambler Choon Wai Hui Ed Knight Gareth McKeever Caroline Mitchelson Harry Oliver Thomas Peel via the Charles Peel Charitable Trust Piers Prichard Jones Jeremy Robst Benedict Rogers Ian Valvona David Wilkes Ting Fong Yow Plus 2 anonymous donors

1995 (9%, £6,557) Sophie Arber Jess Bolton Robert Dryburgh Louisa Koe Chet Lad David Lewis Richard Martin Hugh Miller Chris Ruse Florian Seubert Martin Thorneycroft Giacomo Tortora Justin Waine Dominic Walley Alison Waterfall

1996 (14%, £8,413) Paul Boon Claire Burton Martyn Chu James Cookson Hong Dong Phil Duffield John Houghton Tom Long James Mace Jose-Antonio Maurellet Min Min Henry Mullin Tim Needham Richard O’Donoghue Roland Partridge Maya Portolan Chizu Sato Zachary Segal Zoe Stopford Roman Streitberger Chris Valvona Duncan Wallace Alistair White

1997 (13%, £11,288) Marko Bacic David Barker Olly Bootle Glen Bowman Holly Bristow Sadiya Choudhury Nat Copsey Saurabh Das Chris Eden Natalie Gey van Pittius Nicholas Hamilton PJ Howard Heidi Johansen-Berg Stefano John Ali Mack Dean O’Connell Michael Printzos Peter Ralph Anthony Shackleton Justin Sharples Chris Tinson Guofang Xiao Plus 1 anonymous donor

1998 (6%, £2,964) Michael Bird Nick Hirst Marcin Marchewka James Matthews Clare Murray Ann-Marie Myhill Carl Wells Ben Wilkinson Tom Willetts Lucy Wilson

1999 (11%, £3,071) Jo Alexander Olly Belcher Bjorn Benckert Mark Bolton-Maggs Caroline Court Jonathan Crawshaw Oliver Deacon András Lengyel Zoe Noonan James Pattinson Alex Prideaux Hanna Richardson Sean Sullivan Rosalind Wall David Williams Plus 2 anonymous donors

2000 (6%, £8,400) Rohan Brown Rahul Chopra Miles Clapham Kieron Galliard Harriet Hungerford Matthew Kott Malcolm Lee Richard Povey Charlie Ramsay Plus 2 anonymous donors

2001 (7%, £4,092) Catherine Blair Charles Hotham Clem Hutton-Mills James Maizels Katie Moran Alevtina Nepomniachtchikh Patrick Schneider-Sikorsky Jen Sugden Aden Turna Plus 2 anonymous donors

2002 (6%, £1,827) Rachel Adams Otilia Bologan-Vieru Ben Chamberlain Tom Coke-Smyth Jackie Colburn Ruth Evans Jonathan Lonsdale Leon Marshall Sam Offer Tord Roe Rupert Snuggs Sarah Snuggs Sebastian Winnett Plus 1 anonymous donor

2003 (9%, £2,089) Beatrice Andresan-Grigoriu Katharine Arnold Nicolai Boserup Jennifer Chung Simone Claisse Jonathan Edge Lindsay Gibson Joe Hacker Madeleine Humphrey Heather Mack Carina May David McCartney Oliver Rees-Jones Edward Robinson Fiona Ronald Yao Yao Tatiana Zervos Plus 1 anonymous donor

2004 (6%, £916) Robin Fellerman Louisa Fisher Stephanie Hardy Martin Heimburger Catriona Henderson James Hogan Johanna Koljonen Pedersen Cara Krmpotich Kelvin Owusu-Sem Scot Peterson Graham Robinson Plus 2 anonymous donors

2005 (7%, £2,107) Charles Allen Will Brownscombe Ryan Buckingham Will Herbert Timothy Hoffmann Elizabeth Klaczynski Lucinda O’Connor

Hugo Pereira Ben Shacham Aliza Watters Laurence Whyatt Plus 2 anonymous donors

2006 (7%, £1,703) Jennifer Ayers Sophie Brice Henry Carter Siobhan Chapman Alex Inglis Marina Johnson Sam Juthani Serena Lee Daniel Lowe Sean McMahon Robert Pearce Xu Song Andrej Spielmann Sandamali Sutton Alexandros Vardoulakis

2007 (3%, £512) Katherine Davis Rachel Fraser Evan Innis Iain Parr Frankie Rudge Muhammad Usman Plus 1 anonymous donor

2008 (8%, £1,746) Sam Andrews Chris Clasper Jan-Karl Conermann Christabel Haines Katie Hill Gurnam Johal Christopher Kinsley Bryony Morgan Rachel O’Malley Joanne Pearce Tom Pope David Robinson Adam Sealey Katy Stout Chris Tatum Grace Thomas Charlie Wilson

2009 (9%, £2,057) Anthony Beddows Matt Bell Josh Coulson Fraser Davies Lucy Durrans Pim Fitzpayne Chris Freeman Michael Graham Yas Ishida Adam Jordan George Lake Eric Lukas Anna Ohrling Rowan Pennington-Benton Frances Reed Xiao Tan Elena Vasilyeva Plus 2 anonymous donors

2010 (8%, £2,323) Bhaskar Bhushan Amy Carbonero Ian Cheong Wilson Cheung Max Goettler Andrew Gray William Gunson David Hewitt Mircea-Dan Hirlea Luke Jones Alex King Gabriel May Grant McWalter Mutsa Mutembwa Michael Nairn Sam Parkinson Camilla Scott Michael Sprague Aran Uppal Plus 1 anonymous donor 2011 (6%, £770) Thomas Bailey Michael Cary Olivier Cedelle Henry Chapman Charlotte Cooper-Davis Pete Davis Hannah Dickinson Dimitris Economou Louis Geary Amy Kenyon Juliet Meara Kirsten Pontalti Michael Rundle John Christopher Waite

2012 (9%, £1,394) Alex Bridle Joe Brown James Butterworth Jack Calvert Marianne Clemence Thomas Davis Sarah Grant William Hak Benjamin Kelsey Nathan King Lucy Langley Angus Maudslay Saad Nabeebaccus Rachel Paterson John-rob Pool Ben Valentine Gemma Wardle Man Yuan Plus 3 anonymous donors

2013 (9%, £3,600) Edward Benson Kunz Chow Josephine Clarke Jessica Davidson William Dinning Iona Horton Jaydip Jani Mark Kelly

Takashi Lawson Dylan Lewis Eleanor Minney Olivia Payne Steven Pilley Naomi Polonsky Lara Shahnavaz Miranda Spencer-Hope Alistair Swallow Zeinab Wakaf Plus 1 anonymous donor

2014 (5%, £965) Tim Chen Grace Clements Thomas Cosnahan John DeVoy IV Alex Hamilton Kathryn Tierney Hutchinson Josh Mahir Rachael Morris Daisy Ogembo Caitlin Page Jamie Rosenstein Bartolomeo Stellato Visiting Students (£2,519) Yasmin Carim Daniel Chapman William Ferguson Amelia Pan Thomas Holland Sam Gold Freda Liu John Mullenholz Rich Reynolds Ed Reynolds Eric Cooperman Kevin Kimura Sarah Mullen Elizabeth Stainton Ainsley Katz Michael Zarra Paisley Kadison Jordana Irzyk Peter Donati

Parent Donors (£1,362) Lisa Blatch Francis Eames Merfyn Tomos Stuart Harray Peter Hirsch Infrapreneur Ltd Jeremy Lester* Pat Lewis Caroline Millward, in memory of Eric Rhodes Mollie Mitchell* Claire Parfitt Kate Payne Adrienne Roche Georgia Rose-Beaty* Rosenstein Family Charitable Trust Hugh Samuel Gareth Simpson Tom Sprent State Street Matching Gift Program Joyce Thorpe, in memory of William Thorpe Bill Williams* Blair Worden Luxue Yu Plus 2 anonymous donors

2015 (4%, £436) Guy Corlett Amelia Gabaldoni Jack Gavin Shoaib Khan Gary Lau Jason Pilkington Callan Walsh Plus 2 anonymous donors

2016 (2%) Cesar Candelon Kevin Gibbons Jack Spence Jake White

2018 (2%) Natasha Sarna Jeremy Sigmon Friends of the Hall (£1,166,267) Shanti Anand, in memory of Dr Nitya Anand David Azzolina William Broadbent Eleanor Burnett Cascia Trust Clare McKeon Charitable Trust Cockayne Jeanette Cockshoot* Deutsche Bank AG DML Consulting Inc John Dunbabin Ronald Fletcher* GE Foundation Janet Heath HEC Montreal

The Floreat Aula Legacy Society

Members of the Floreat Aula Legacy Society have acted generously by pledging to remember the Hall in their Will. As of the 31 July 2021, a total of 293 Aularians and Friends of the Hall have made such a pledge; other Aularians who are interested in joining the Society are invited to contact the Development & Alumni Relations Office. The Hall was very pleased to welcome twelve new members to the Society during 2020–2021, including:

James Aves (1957) Peter Davies (1958) Andrew Morgan (1965) Richard Miller (1970) Malcolm Sibson (1971) Peter Foster (1977) Bernard Bewlay (1980) William Carver (1980) Margaret Carver (1982) Christine Muskett (1983) Henry Carter (2006) Caroline Millward

Plus two new legacy pledgers who are not yet members of the society. We plan to hold the next FALS dinner in 2022 and invitations will be sent out to members nearer the time.

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