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Section 1: The College List: 2021–2022

The College List 2021-2022


GB denotes member of the Governing Body

The Rt Hon the Lord Patten of Barnes, CH, PC, MA, DCL (Hon DJur Massachusetts, Birmingham, Bath; Hon DCL Newcastle; Hon DLitt Sydney, Exeter, Ulster; DUniv Keele, Stettin; Hon DBA Kingston; Hon DSc S E Europe, Rep of Macedonia), Hon FRCPE Chancellor of the University Principal

Willis, Katherine Jane, Baroness Willis of Summertown, CBE, MA (BSc S’ton; PhD Camb; Hon DSc Bergen), FGS Professor of Biodiversity Fellows

Priestland, David Rutherford, MA, DPhil Professor of Modern History, Tutor in Modern History, Secretary to Governing Body GB Whittaker, Robert James, MA (BSc Hull; MSc, PhD Wales) Professor of Biogeography, Tutor in Geography, Vice-Principal GB Kahn, Andrew Steven, MA, DPhil (BA Amherst; MA Harvard), FBA Professor of Russian Literature, Fellow and Tutor in Modern Languages (Russian) Manolopoulos, David Eusthatios, MA (BA, PhD Camb), FRS Professor of Theoretical Chemistry, Tutor in Chemistry GB Zavatsky, Amy Beth, MA, DPhil (BSc Pennsylvania) Associate Professor and University Reader in Engineering Science, Tutor in Engineering Science, Garden Fellow, Tutor for Undergraduates GB Matthews, Paul McMahan, OBE, MA, DPhil (MD Stanford), FRCPC, FRCP, FMedSci Professor of Neurology, Fellow by Special Election Mountford, Philip, MA, DPhil (BSc CNAA), CChem, FRSC Professor of Organometallic Chemistry & Catalysis, Tutor in Inorganic Chemistry GB Barclay, Joseph Gurney, MA Fellow by Special Election Johnson, Paul Robert Vellacott, MA (MB CHB Edin; MD Leic), FRCS, FRCS Ed, FRCS (Paed Surg), FAAP Professor of Paediatric Surgery, Fellow by Special Election GB Tsomocos, Dimitrios P, MA (MA, MPhil, PhD Yale) Professor of Financial Economics, Fellow by Special Election GB Johansen-Berg, Heidi, BA, MSc, DPhil, FAMS Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience and Wellcome Trust Research Centre Principal Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow GB Tseng, Jeffrey, MA (BS CalTech; MA, PhD Johns Hopkins) Associate Professor in Experimental Particle Physics, Tutor in Physics, Chapel Overseeing Fellow GB

Wilkins, Robert James, MA, DPhil Associate Professor of Epithelial Physiology, American Fellow and Tutor in Physiology, Senior Tutor, Tutor for Admissions GB Nabulsi, Karma, MA, DPhil Associate Professor in Politics and International Relations, Jarvis Doctorow Tutor in Politics, Library Fellow, Senior Harassment Officer GB Williams, Christopher Wesley Charles, MA, DPhil Professor of French Literature, Director of TORCH, Tutor in Modern Languages (French) GB Riordan, Oliver Maxim, MA (BA, PhD Camb) Professor of Discrete Mathematics, Tutor in Mathematics GB Yueh, Linda Yi-Chuang, MA, DPhil (BA Yale; MPP Harvard; JD NYU) Research Lecturer in Economics, Fellow by Special Election GB Yates, Jonathan Robert, MA, DPhil (MSci Camb) Associate Professor of Materials Modelling and Royal Society Research Fellow, Tutor in Materials Science, Dean, Pictures & Chattels Fellow GB Dupret, David, (MSc, PhD Bordeaux) Professor in Neuroscience and MRC Investigator, Fellow by Special Election GB Edwards, Claire Margaret, (BSc, PhD Sheff) Associate Professor of Bone Oncology, Fellow by Special Election Gaiger, Jason Matthew, (MA St And; MA, PhD Essex) Professor of Aesthetics and Art Theory, Fellow by Special Election GB Thompson, Ian Patrick, (BSc, PhD Essex) NERC CEH Fellow and Professor of Engineering Science, Fellow by Special Election Stagg, Charlotte Jane, DPhil (BSc, MB ChB Brist) Professor of Human Neurophysiology & Senior Research Fellow, Wellcome Trust/Royal Society Sir Henry Dale Fellow, Fellow by Special Election McCartney, David, BM BCh Director of Graduate Entry Medicine Medical Sciences Division, Fellow by Special Election Willden, Richard Henry James, (MEng, PhD Imp) Professor of Engineering Science, Tutor in Engineering Science, Tutor for Graduates GB Wild, Lorraine, MA, DPhil College Lecturer in Geography, Fellow by Special Election Aarnio, Outi Marketta, DPhil (Lic Abo Akademi) College Lecturer in Economics, Fellow by Special Election, Tutor for Visiting Students, Tutor for Year Abroad Students GB Benson, Roger Bernard James, (MA, PhD Camb; MSc Imp) Professor of Palaeobiology, Tutorial Fellow in Earth Sciences, Tutor for Admissions GB

Lozano-Perez, Sergio, DPhil, PGDipLaTHE, (BSc, MSc, PGCE Seville), AMInstP, FRMS Professor of Materials Science, George Kelley Senior Research Fellow in Materials Taylor, Jenny Cameron, BA, DPhil Associate Professor of Translational Genomics, Fellow by Special Election Nguyen, Luc Le, (BSc Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; PhD Rutgers) Associate Professor of Analysis of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Tutor in Applied Mathematics, Senior Treasurer of Amalgamated Clubs GB Rothwell, Peter Malcolm, MA (MB ChB, MD, PhD Edin), FMedSci Action Research Professor of Clinical Neurology, Professorial Fellow Goldberg, Leslie Ann, MA (BA Rice; PhD Edin) Professor of Computer Science, Senior Research Fellow GB Pavord, Ian Douglas, (MB BS Lond; DM Nott), FRCP, FMedSci Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Professorial Fellow GB Bruce, Sir Peter George, Kt, MA, DPhil, FRS, FRSE Wolfson Professor of Materials, Professorial Fellow GB Karastergiou, Aris, (PhD Bonn) Associate Professor in Astrophysics, Senior Research Fellow in Astrophysics Goulart, Paul James, (MSc MIT; PhD Camb) Associate Professor in Engineering Science, Tutor in Engineering Science GB Lähnemann, Henrike, MA (MA, PhD Bamberg) Professor of Medieval German Literature and Linguistics, Professorial Fellow GB Chankseliani, Maia, (BA, MA Tbilisi State University; MA Warw; EdM Harvard; PhD Camb) Associate Professor of Comparative & International Education, Fellow by Special Election Winkler, Emily Anne, MSt, DPhil (AB Dartmouth, USA) Principal Investigator (AHRC Project) History Faculty, Fellow by Special Election Pasta, Mauro, (BSc, MSc, PhD Milan) Associate Professor of Materials, Tutor in Materials Science GB Zondervan, Krina, DPhil (BA, MSc Leiden; MSc Erasmus) Professor of Reproductive & Genomic Epidemiology, Co-Director of Oxford Endometriosis CaRe Centre, Fellow by Special Election Al-Mossawi, Hussein, MA, BM BCh, DPhil, MRCP (UK) Honorary Research Associate Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences, NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Rheumatology, College Lecturer in Medical Sciences, Fellow by Special Election Huang, Wei, (BA Qingdao; MSc Tsinghua; PhD Sheff) Professor of Biological Engineering, Fellow by Special Election McAlpine, Erica Levy, (BA Harvard; MPhil Camb; PhD Yale) Associate Professor of English Language & Literature, A C Cooper Fellow and Tutor in English Language & Literature, Archives Fellow GB

Gill, Michael, DPhil (BSc Bath; MA Warw) Associate Professor of Organisational Studies, Tutorial Fellow in Management GB Skokowski, Paul Gregory, MA (PhD Stanford) Professor, Symbolic Systems and Director, Center for the Explanation of Consciousness, Stanford University, Fellow by Special Election Bannerman, David MacKenzie, (BSc Brist; PhD Edin) Associate Professor of Experimental Psychology, William R Miller Fellow and Tutor in Neuroscience and Experimental Psychology GB Izadi, Mandy Mondona, DPhil (BA New York; MA Maryland) Broadbent Junior Research Fellow in American History [until 31.05.22] Lamb, Edward Raymond, BA (MA Camb; PhD UCL) Career Development Fellow in Philosophy Perez-De La Fuente, Ricardo, (BSc, MSc, PhD Barcelona) Museum Research Fellow at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Junior Research Fellow in Palaeobiology Stride, Eleanor Phoebe Jane, OBE, MA (BEng, PhD UCL), FREng, HonFEIT Professor of Engineering Science, Professorial Fellow Hepburn, Cameron, MPhil, DPhil (BEng, LLB Melbourne) Professor of Environmental Economics & Director of the Smith School of Enterprise & the Environment, Professorial Fellow GB Williams, Mark Andrew, BA, MPhil, DPhil Associate Professor of Global Medieval Literature, Fellow and Tutor in English Language & Literature GB Vukovich, Alexandra, (MA EHESS; MPhil, PhD Camb) British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian, Junior Research Fellow in Byzantine and Slavonic History & Literature [until 21 January 2022] Sweeney, Charlotte Anne, (BSc Sus; MBA, PhD Open; PGCE Bath) Domestic Bursar and Official Fellow GB Kasy, Maximilian, MA (Mag.rer.nat, Mag.rer.soc.oec Vienna; MA, PhD Berk; Habilitation Vienna) Associate Professor in Economics, William R Miller Fellow and Tutor in Economics GB [until 31 December 2021] Bell, Joanna, BA, BCL, DPhil Associate Professor in Law, Jeffrey Hackney Fellow and Tutor in Law GB Lloyd, Alexandra, BA, PGCE, MSt, DPhil, FHEA College Lecturer in German, Fellow by Special Election Ogembo, Daisy, DPhil (LLM Nairobi; LLB Lond) Junior Research Fellow in Law, British Academy Post Doctoral Research Fellow Burnett, Eleanor, (LLB Leeds), FCA Finance Bursar and Official Fellow GB

MacFaul, Thomas, DPhil (BA Camb) Mitchell Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in English Parry, Luke, MSc (PhD Brist) Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in Earth Sciences Prentice, Joseph, MPhys (PhD Camb) Cooksey Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in Physics Schumacher, Jacob, (BA University of the Pacific; MA, MSc, PhD SOAS) Junior Research Fellow in Economics and Management Jansen, Lars, (PhD Leiden) Professor of Molecular Genetics and Wellcome Senior Research Fellow, Biochemistry, William R Miller Fellow and Tutor in Biochemistry GB Tan, Jack, DPhil (BSc USM) EPA Cephalosporin Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow Slezkine, Yuri, (MA Mosc; PhD Texas) Jane K. Sather Professor of History, University of California, Berkley, Senior Research Fellow Howett, Carly, DPhil (BSc Essex; MSc UCL) Associate Professor of Space Instrumentation, Tutorial Fellow in Physics GB Crawford, Thomas, BA (PhD Camb) Early Career Teaching and Outreach Fellow in Mathematics, Fellow by Special Election Guiliano, Zachary, (BA Evangel; MDiv Harvard; PhD Camb) Career Development and Research Fellow, Chaplain Sciuto, Ruggero, MPhil, DPhil (BA Pisa) Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, Junior Research Fellow in Modern Languages Whitbourn, James, MA, (DMus LCM) Director of Music and Fellow by Special Election Llewellyn Thomas, Rhys, (BSc, MSc, PhD S’ton) Early Career Teaching and Research Fellow in Economics de Vivo, Filippo, (BA, PhD Camb; DEA Paris) Professor of Early Modern History, Tutorial Fellow in History GB Rowan, Solène, (LLB Lond; LLM Paris I, Université Panthéon; LLM, PhD Camb) Professor of Law, Tutorial Fellow in Law GB Lazar-Gillard, Orlando, DPhil (BA, MPhil Camb) Early Career Research and Teaching Fellow in Politics Nicholas, Claire, (MSci, PhD Camb) Associate Professor of the Geology of Planetary Processes, Tutorial Fellow in Earth Sciences GB Munday, Callum, BA, DPhil Fellow by Special Election in Geography

Howarth, James, MA (MA York; MA Lond) Librarian and Fellow by Special Election Vivian, Andrew, (BA Bourne; PGCE Birkbeck; PGDip UCL) Director of Development and Fellow by Special Election GB Charles, Katherine (AB Princeton; MA Camb; PhD UCLA) Visiting Fellow in English Honorary Fellows

Oxburgh, Ernest Ronald, The Lord Oxburgh, KBE, MA (PhD Princeton; Hon DSc Paris, Leic, Lough, Edin, Birm, Liv, S’ton, Liv J Moores, Lingnan Hong Kong, Newc, Leeds, Wyoming, St And), FRS, FIC, Hon FIMechE, Hon FCGI, Hon FREng; Officier, Ordre des Palmes académiques (France) Tindle, David, MA, RA, Hon RSBA Daniel, Sir John Sagar, Kt, OC, MA (DSc Paris; Hon DLitt Deakin Australia, Lincolnshire, Humberside, Athabasca Canada, Indira Gandhi Nat Open University India, McGill Canada; Hon DHumLitt Thomas Edison State Coll USA, Richmond Coll London; Hon DSc Royal Military Coll St Jean Canada, Open Univ, Sri Lanka, Paris VI, Univ of Education Winneba Ghana; Hon DEd CNAA, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open Univ Thailand, Open Univ Malaysia; Hon LLD Univ of Waterloo Canada, Wales, Laurentian Canada, Canada West, Ghana; DUni Aberta Portugal, Anadolu Turkey, Quebec, Derby, New Bulgarian, Open Univ, Hong Kong, Stirling, Montreal; Hon DLitt & DPhil South Africa; Hon LittD State Univ NY), CCMI, Hon FCP; Officier, Ordre des Palmes académiques (France) Smethurst, Richard Good, MA Cox, John, MA Kolve, Verdel Amos, MA, DPhil (BA Wisconsin) Cooksey, Sir David James Scott, Kt, GBE, MA, Hon FMedSci (Hon DSc S’ton, UCL; Hon DBA Kingston) Rose, General Sir (Hugh) Michael, KCB, CBE, DSO, QGM, MA; Comdr, Ordre national de la Legion d’honneur (France) Gosling, Justin Cyril Bertrand, BPhil, MA Nazir-Ali, Revd Monsignor Michael James, MLitt (BA Karachi; PGCTh, MLitt Camb; ThD Aust Coll of Theol, NSW; DHLitt Westminster Coll, Penn; DD Lambeth; Hon DLitt Bath, Greenwich; Hon DD Kent & Nashotah) Roberts, Gareth, MA Crossley-Holland, Kevin John William, MA (Hon DLitt Ang Rus, Worc), FRSL Graham, Andrew Winston Mawdsley, MA, Hon DCL Edwards, Steven Lloyd, OBE, BA Morris, Sir Derek James, Kt, MA, DPhil (Hon DCL UC Dublin & UEA; Hon DSc Cranfield)

Bowen, David Keith, MA, DPhil (Dip Music; MA Open Univ; PhD RCM), FRS, FIMMM, FlnstP, FREng Byatt, Sir Ian Charles Rayner, Kt, MA, DPhil (DUniv Brun, Central England; Hon DSc Aston, Birm), FCIWEM, FCIPS, CCMI Burnton, The Rt Hon Sir Stanley Jeffrey, Kt, PC, MA Mingos, David Michael Patrick, MA (BSc Manc; DPhil Sus), CChem, FRS, FRSC Josipovici, Gabriel David, BA, FRSL, FBA Macdonald, Kenneth Donald John, Lord Macdonald of River Glaven, Kt, BA, QC1 Starmer, The Rt Hon Sir Keir Rodney, PC, KCB, MP, BCL, (LLB, Hon LLD Leeds; DU Essex; LLD East Lond; Hon LLD LSE, Reading), QC2 Shortridge, Sir Jon Deacon, KCB, MA (MSc Edin; Hon DUniv Glam) Lee, Stewart Graham, BA Khurshid, Salman, BCL (BA St Stephen’s College, Delhi) Banks, Samuel Andrew, MA (BA Florida) Hawkesworth, Christopher John, DPhil (BA Trin Coll Dublin; Hon DSc Copenhagen), FRS, FRSE Wainwright, Faith Helen, MBE, BA (Hon DEng Bath), FlStructE, FREng, FICE, FRSA Hollingworth, The Hon Justice Jane Elizabeth, BCL (BJuris, LLB Univ of Western Australia) Fletcher, Amelia, CBE, BA, MPhil, DPhil Ahmed, Samira, BA (MA City, Lond) Asplin, Sarah Jane, DBE, BCL (MA Camb) Dhillon, Sundeep, MBE, BM BCh, MA Gauke, The Rt Hon David Michael, PC, BA Haworth, Mark Derek, MA Morris, Mervyn Eustace, OM (Jamaica) (BA London-UCWI) Gull, Keith, CBE (BSc, PhD, DSc Lond; Hon DSc Kent), FRS, FMedSci, FRSB Krull, Wilhelm, (PhD Philipps University of Marburg; Hon Dr of Ilia State University, Tbilisi) Venables, Robert, MA (LLM Lond), QC3 Sedwill, Mark, the Lord Sedwill, MPhil (BSc St And), KCMG, FRGS St Edmund Fellows

Laing, Ian Michael, MA Smith, Sir Martin Gregory, Kt, MA (MBA, AM Econ Stanford), Hon FRAM, FRGS

Cansdale, Michael John, MA Pocock, Francis John, MA, DPhil Armitage, Christopher Mead, MA (MA Western Ontario; PhD Duke) Best, Anthony John, BA Xie, Heping, (BEng, PhD China University of Mining & Technology; Hon DEng Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Hon DSc Nottingham Ningbo University, China) Broadley, Philip Arthur John, MA (MSc LSE) Busby, Ian Christopher, BA Ruvigny, Rupert Francis James Henry, BA Hwang, Frank Chairman of the Oxford Chinese Economy Programme (OXCEP) Emeritus Fellows

Hackney, Jeffrey, BCL, MA Donaldson, Iain Malcolm Lane, MA (BSc, MB ChB Edin), MRCP (Lond), FRCP (Edin) Hirsch, Sir Peter Bernhard, Kt, MA, DPhil (MA, PhD Camb), FRS Segar, Kenneth Henry, MA, DPhil Child, Mark Sheard, MA (MA, PhD Camb), FRS Worden, Alastair Blair, MA, DPhil (MA, PhD Camb), FBA Scargill, David Ian, MA, DPhil, JP Farthing, Stephen, MA (MA Royal College of Art), RA Phelps, Christopher Edwin, MA, DPhil Dunbabin, John Paul Delacour, MA Stone, Nicholas James, MA, DPhil Reed, George Michael, MA, DPhil (BSc, MS, PhD Auburn) Crampton, Richard John, MA (BA Dub; PhD Lond; Dr Hon Causa Sofia)

Knight, John Beverley, MA (BA Natal; MA Camb) Wells, Christopher Jon, MA Wyatt, Derrick Arthur, MA (LLB, MA Camb; JD Chicago), QC4 Borthwick, Alistair George Liam, MA, DSc (BEng, PhD Liv; Hon Dr Budapest University of Technology & Economics), FREng, CEng, FICE, FRSE Collins, Peter Jack, MA, DPhil Phillips, David George, MA, DPhil, FAcSS, FRHistS Slater, Martin Daniel Edward, MA, MPhil Jenkyns, Hugh Crawford, MA (BSc S’ton; MA Camb; PhD Leic)

Kouvaritakis, Basil, MA (BSc, MSc, PhD Manc) Roberts, Steven George, MA (BA, PhD Camb) Newlyn, Lucy Ann, MA, DPhil Blamey, Stephen Richard, BPhil, MA, DPhil, Dean of Degrees Martin, Rose Mary Anne, MA, DPhil (BSc Newc) Ferguson, Stuart, MA, DPhil Cronk, Nicholas, MA, DPhil Podsiadlowski, Philipp, MA (PhD MIT) Briggs, Adrian, BCL, MA, QC5 (Hon) Davidson, Nicholas Sinclair, MA (MA Camb) Lecturers

Ahmed, Farid, (BSc Lahore; MSc Read; MPhil, PhD Camb) Economics Alexeeva, Iana, MSc (BA Calgary) Psychology Ashbourn, Joanna Maria Antonia, MA (MA Camb; PhD Lond SB) Physics Badin, Severine, French Lectrice Baines, Jennifer Christine Ann, MA, DPhil Russian Black, John Joseph Merrington, QHP(C), (MBBS Lond), DCH, FRCSEd, FIMCRCSEd, FCEM Medicine (Anatomy) Bogacz, Rafal, (MSc Wroclaw Univ of Technology; PhD Brist) Clinical Medicine Brain, Susannah, BM BCh (BA, MPhil Camb), MRCP Clinical Medicine Buckland, Catherine, MA, DPhil (MSc Lond) French Conde, Juan-Carlos, MA (BA, PhD Madrid) Spanish Grigorieff, Alexis, MPhil, DPhil (BA Durham) Economics Gundle, Roger, MA, BM BCh, DPhil (MA Camb), FRCS (Eng), FRCS Orth Medicine Hermann-Sinai, Susanne, PhD Leipzig German Lektorin Jenkins, Ben, MEng Materials Science Kennedy, Anthony, BA, DPhil Law Laird, Karl, BCL (LLB Lond) Law Leger, Marie Andrea, (Lic, MA Stendhal Grenoble) French Littleton, Suellen Marie, (BSc California; MBA Lond) Management MacDonald, Andrew, MA, BM BCh Neuroanatomy McIntosh, Jonathan, MA (MA, MPhil Lond) Philosophy Mellon, Stephen, (BSc Ulster; PhD Lond) Biomedical Engineering Morris, Maria, (BA Complutense Madrid; PhD UC Berkeley) Spanish

Nicholls, Rebecca, DPhil (MSci Camb) Earth Sciences and Materials Science Nishino, Takafumi, (BA, MSc Kyoto; PhD S’ton) Engineering Noe, Debrah Pozsony, (BS, PhD Ohio State) Finance Ostacchini, Luisa MSt DPhil (BA Warw) English Pavord, Sue, (MB ChB Leic), FRCP, FRCPath Clinical Medicine Pilley, Steven Edward, MBiochem, MPhil (PhD Imp) Biochemistry Popescu, Anca, (BSc Politehnica Univ Bucharest; PhD Camb) Engineering Roberts, Paul, MChem, DPhil Chemistry Shine, Brian, (MB ChB, MD Birm; MSc Lond), MRCPath, FRCPath Medical Sciences Sytsema, Johanneke, (PhD Free Univ, Amsterdam) Linguistics Wadham, Alastair Jake, DPhil (BA, MPhil Camb) French Wilk, James, MA, MSc (PhD Brun), FCybS Philosophy Wright, Katherine Elizabeth, MBiochem Biochemistry Chaplain

Guiliano, Zachary, (BA Evangel; MDiv Harvard; PhD Camb) Librarian

Howarth, James, MA (MA York; MA Lond) Archivist

Petre, Robert Douglas, (BA York; MArAd Liv) Academic Registrar

Njoki, Melody, (BSc Card) Director Of Music

Whitbourn, James, MA (DMus LCM) Head Chef

Vacant Head Porter

Knight, Lionel Decanal Staff

Yates, Jonathan, MA, DPhil (MSci Camb) Dean Arni, Abhimanyu, BA (MA Lond) Junior Dean Buys, Elinor, BCL (LLB QUT), AMusA NSE Sub Dean Lucien, Pierre, (BA St John’s University; MA Ohio State; MA Brown) Assistant Junior Dean Mellor, Katie, (BSc Lond; MSc Sheff), AFHEA Assistant Junior Dean

Staff List 2021-2022


Robert Petre, Archivist Bar

Hayley Goodgame, Bar Manager Chloe Knight, Scout (Bar) Bursary

Charlotte Sweeney, Domestic Bursar Belinda Huse, Accommodation Manager Susan McCarthy, Conference Manager Clare Woolcott, Nurse Jane Armstrong, Senior Welfare Officer Lynne Morley-Johnson (until 31.12.2021), Bursary Administrator Sunny Pagani (from 03.07.2022), Bursary Administrator Andrea Cockburn, Bursary Assistant (Wine) College Office

Robert Wilkins, Senior Tutor Melody Njoki, Academic Registrar Alena Nemeckova, Senior Academic Officer Melanie Brickell, Academic Records Manager Penelope Alden, Academic Assistant Luke Maw, Student Recruitment and Progression Manager Scarlett Short, Admissions Officer Eve McMullen, Access & Outreach Coordinator Communications

Claire Parfitt, Communications Manager Development

Andrew Vivian, Director of Development Emily Brooks, Alumni Relations and Events Manager Catherine Payne (until 17.06.2022), Alumni Relations Manager Sarah Bridge (until 23.06.2022), Regular Giving Manager Thomas Sprent, Campaign Development Manager Laura Zampini, Development Officer Estates

Stephen Lloyd, Estates Manager Alex Grant, Deputy Estates Manager Simon Hogarth, Warden (Tamesis/William R. Miller) Grzegorz Zbylut, Warden (Norham St Edmund’s) Stephen Breakspear (until 11.09.2022), Estates and Compliance Administrator James Ronaldson, Boatman Elion Angjelo (until 03.01.2022), Carpenter Thomas Gallagher (from 14.03.2022), Carpenter Phillip Didcock, Plumber Jose Hernandez Morales, General Maintenance Assistant Vahid Kordbacheh, General Maintenance Assistant Gerald McGrath, General Maintenance Assistant Fabio Joao Goncalves Simoes, General Maintenance Assistant Cleris Piovezzam (until 22.10.2021), General Maintenance Assistant Finance

Eleanor Burnett, Finance Bursar Stephanie Hanks, Accountant Sophia McMinn, Deputy Accountant Sumathy Melville (until 08.02.2022), Accounts Assistant

Toby Cherrill (from 08.02.2022), Accounts Assistant Sharon Stansfield, Purchase Ledger Assistant Diogo Mendes Campos, Payroll & Finance Officer Garden

Susan Kasper, Gardener Jennifer Cockram, Norham St Edmund’s Gardener Governance and Projects

Casey Charlesworth (until 03.03.22), Governance and Projects Manager Laura Butler (from 15.08.22), Governance Officer Housekeeping

Michelle O’Keefe, Housekeeper Elaine Kavanagh, Housekeeping Supervisor Lisa Thomas, Housekeeping Supervisor Beata Bartnik, Scout Susana Berrocal Pereo, Scout Gil Da Costa, Scout Mateus Dos Reis Corbafo, Scout Anchan Drewett, Scout Minerva Evio, Scout Barry Fiddes, General Assistant/Scout Dorota Gawronska, Scout Erica Hanlon, Scout Joan Kavanagh (until 06.05.22), Scout Chloe Knight, Scout Patricia Marquez, Scout Aneta Palar, Scout Sitarani Rai Jabegu, Scout Dragana Rnic, Scout Soraj Sahota, Scout Marija Sarac, Scout Hardeep Singh, Scout Fiona Smith, Scout Paul Solesbury, Scout Pruang Stephenson, Scout Michele Stroudley, Scout Bosiljka Tetek, Scout Zaulino Varela Guterres, Scout Human Resources

Mandy Estall, HR Manager Eleanor West, HR Assistant IT Office

Andrew Breakspear, IT Manager Ryan Trehearne, IT Officer Kitchens

John McGeever (until 26.01.2022), Head Chef Clifford Dandridge (until 15.03.2022), Sous Chef Daniel Field, Junior Sous Chef ; Acting Head Chef (from 05.05.2022) Steven Mills, Senior Chef de Partie John Claxton, Chef De Partie Peter Malone, Chef De Partie Dylan Rampton, Chef De Partie Barry Wixey, Chef De Partie Bonifacio Pinto, Prep Chef Filomeno Da Costa Napoleao, Kitchen Porter Ventura Da Conceicao, Kitchen Porter Rodolfo Fernandes, Kitchen Porter Floriano Pereira, Kitchen Porter Gonsalo Pereira, Kitchen Assistant Library

James Howarth, Librarian Emma Carter, Assistant Librarian Heather Barr, Graduate Trainee Library Assistant Lodge

Lionel Knight, Head Porter Mohammad Ali, Lodge Porter

Ian Coles, Lodge Porter Carol Drake, Lodge Porter Peter Hack, Lodge Porter Principal’s Office

Elaine Evers, Principal’s Executive Assistant


Samuel Green, Head Butler Molly McCarthy, Deputy Head Butler Nada Milkovic (until 31.05.2022), Deputy Hall Butler Milka Parojcic, Deputy SCR Butler Jovana Sarac, Catering Supervisor Benigno Bonifacio Dos Santos, Servery Assistant Nigel Buckle, Servery Assistant Filemon Da Costa Ribeiro, Servery Assistant Amelio Pinto, Servery Assistant

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