St Edmund Hall Magazine 1920-1921

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Edmund Hall Magazine




The block used fo r the small print of the Hall appearing on the cover is ldndly lent by Mr. E. H . New, of 17 Worcester Place, Oxford, from whom the full plate e ngraving may b e obtained.








HAVE been asked to write a Foreword to the second number of the Magazine. To this request I most gladly respond. It is hardly possibl e . to over-emphasize the importance of maintaining close touch between present and pa-s t members of the Hall, and in this respect the ·contribution of the Magazine is one of quite first-rate importance. The pr·esent issue contains much that will be of interest, and I trus t tha t its circulation · may even ;surpass that of its predecessor. I should like to take this opportunity of expressing my sin-. cere thanks for the welcome which I have received at the H all and for the unwavering support and kindness which has made the first year of my Principalship one of the happiest in my life. G. B._ ALLEN.

EDITORIAL. This yeat" has been a s notable for progress a s any in the long annals of the Hat!. The full account to be found in the following pages will provide a record of accomplishment which, we believ·e, all readers will be glad to have, whether they find in it news or not. That the strong lead given by the late P rincipal has been taken up by his successor w ith equa l conviction is here repea.tedly exemplified. It is of the genius of the Hall that it is quick to create in all of us who come to be member·s of it a strong sense of co-partnership in all its empri$es~a sense which we shall be slow to relinquisH after om· terms of residence at"e over. Every one who has been in the H a ll during these recent active years must have felt tha t this care for the fortunes of the place h as in no smaJl measure been intensified by the sight of all that has been going forward for its improvement. The hope of the editors of thi s m agazine is that each ·is sue year -by yea!' may help to reintegrate in affectionate concern aU within and without the precincts of the Hall whose continuing hope is ' FLOREAT AuLA.'



DE PERSONIS ET REBUS AULARIBUS. DE lGNIBUS F ATUIS. As· we went to press in the middle of the MichaeJmas Term last year, the events of the remaining weeks have still to be recprded. Cold memories now, ;md cold~r still thanks t o the Coal Strike that struck into that Term. Most of us who were living in Hall eked out the black treasure in our coal-chests by combining to keep ignes fatuas in alternate grates on a lternate days. Some took to reactionary courses: but of every one of them it m ay "be said-ignern ex lignis viridibus a.tque humidis fie ·ri jussit. The weather, however, w as miltd ; and only those who were to sit for the special Examin ation in Final Schools at the end of the Term have any daim to your commiseration; for while, in the circumstances, it was the eas·ier for them to keep cool heads, it was as inevitable that they should contract 'cold feet.'



We have learned on good authority tha t each man in his time plays many parts, but we understand that, even in the vigorous age of Elizabeth, it was not usual for players• to sl!stain more than one part at a time. During the Michaelmas a nd Hilary Terms, however, the Principal accepted no such resti-iction. For the first Term he led a tripartite existence, discharging simultaneously the several duties of Principal, Senior Proctor, and Chaplain and Dean of Pembroke : the next Term found him free fro!ll the duties of hist fellowship., the next after that from those of the proctorial office. We congratulate him upon his record oJ strenuous achievement during these Tem1 s , but jealously acknowledge that we are gl'ad that s ince the expiry of hi s proctorship in March, we have been able to appropriate him more completely. OF


We were sorry to lose the Chaplain, the Rev. G. Basil Jones, a t the end of Michaelmas Term, 1920, on his appointment as Sub-Warden of St. Michael' s College, Llandaff. On May 26th, 1921, he was m arried to Miss Kathrine Douglas , daughter of the late Mr. vVi11iam D ouglas of BaJdovan, Perthshire. The wedding too k place a t St. Saviour's, Pimlico. He is assured of the best wishes of a ll here who knew him. The Principal has asked the R ev. E. L. MiUen to act as Chaplain so long as he ist resident as a member of the H all.

ST. E D MUND H ALL MAGAZ IN E. D E CoNVERSATIO"' E HON:ESTA ET MORIBus AuLARIUM. That the provisions of Statt. Univ. Ox on, Tit. XXII, § 3, · should have b een so generally observed by all Aulares while t.he Principal was Senior P roc:tor, and the Vice-Principal a ProProctor, is not to be attributed, we believe, to any environment al causes. For may it not be said o·f us a s a Society, that we hold strong ly by th at fifth Law of Nature , w hich Thomas· H obbes terms ' CoMPLEASANCE; that is: to say, "That every man strive to accommodate him selfe to the rest' '? '' The observers of this Law, " ' so Hobbes continues , ' may be called SociABLE , (the L a tines call them Commodi ;) The con trary, Stubborn, Insociabl e, Froward , Intractable.' T h ere is no need for us to wax stati stical in proo f of this proposition. We do not so much as require to be reminded that, ' thoug·h men be never so willing to observe these Lawes,, there m ay neverthelesse arise questions concerning a m an's• action; First, wh ethe r it were done, or not done ; Secondly (if done), whether against the Law, or not again st the L aw.' Perh aps such questions concernin g some m embers: of the H all may have arisen : even so, it is ever the exception w hich proves the rule. M~y th e fifth L aw of Nat ure be long cherished among us, and Compleasance a nd . the old Clarendon Buildings continue to b e regarded as mutua lly exclusive t erms .

OF THE PRINCIPAL'S LODGINGS. During the Cht-istm as Vacat ion the P r in cipal moved into his Lodgings. vVith bachelor forbearari.ce h e h as been content to retair: three room s for his own use and two• g uest-rooms•, leavi ng the rest of the hou se to be used for increasing accommodation in the H all. In conseq uence , impo rtant changes have been macie possible. Two add iti on al sets of rooms h ave been provided. The New Library, w hich ha d been opened a year s·i nce in the ground floor room at the foot of No. r Staircase, has b een tran sfetTed to the la1·ge double room on the second floo·r of the Lodgings. The room which used to be the PrincipaJ:'s s tudy has been converted into a Bursary . The Kitchen has been bi sected : the larger portion serves as a kitchen not only for the Principal 's lodgings , but also for the Hall : the smaller porti on, a strip contiguous with the Entty, in fo1·mer times g loomily s tyled ' the Tunnel,' has been converted into a P orter's Lodge, w indows b eing in se rted in the outer walls and a doorway in the Entry. That both friendlin es:s, and efficiency are served by the es:tablis:hment in the H all of a Porter's Lodge, in



the place where Porter's Lodges a re usually to be found, will b e a pproved not the least heartily by our visitors·, some of wh om hav.e con fes sed to have used such descriptive term.s as ' boo thole,' ' bear-pit, ' of the former lodge in the Quadrangle. W e a re g lad to say that there are few Americans who visit O xford now without encountering ' J oe. ' All these changes had b een effected by the commencem ent of the Hilary Term.



The removal of the N ew Library and the Pmter 's Lodge was found to be preliminary to a bold scheme fo r throwing into one the two room s: thus: vacated, and the small room at · the back of No. 2 Staircase, ad joining them, and converting all three into a new ]. C. R. Work upon this transformation went forward during Hilary T erm and the ensuing vacation. Already , in place of th e little intermediate roo~, the bedroom , attached to the ground-floor room lately used as the N ew Library, had been assigned to one of the Hall servants• who s leep in, the doorway between being walled up. The entrance from No. I .S taircase into this la tter room wasl also bricked in; the m ain. wall separating this room from the littl e intermed iate room was removed, a n iron girder being s ubstituted ; the wall between the old lodge a nd this: little room was a lso re moved. On examination, the small grate and adjacent cupboard in the old lodge were found to h ave been built into the r ecess of a large open firepl ace, arched in stone. After the removal of some two cart-loads of bricks and rubble., there was disclosed the ample open ing of a kitchen fireplace, which was possibly first erected by the Canons of O seney in the latter years of their proprietorship of the Hall. Traces of soot, testifying t o its form er uses., were still clearly visible on the inner walls. It was only necessary t o make good the stone-work a t the b ack of the fire-place in a few places a nd to _restore the lower portions of the jambs of the ston e arch. As a ll the walls of the three rooms: were marked by the emergence of damp, tho·s e that we re covered with canvas and wallpaper were -stripped a nd practically all the wall s urfaces trea ted with cem ent. Afterwards the walls w ere finished with a rough-floated self-colou red stucco, after the manner of plai sterer's work of Queen Anne's time. The deep w indow recesses by the churchyard of St. Peter 's we re cleared so as to expose the dressed stone s.p lays and the brick arches·. Th!e gradation of flo or·-Ievels• in the thre.e rooms: was retained, and marked by steps. In renewing the floor in the inter-

- ST.



mediate room, thirteen eighteenth centurywine bottles , all in pieces except two, were found, lying buried amongst ancient ashes: and kitchen refuse. The antiquity of the bottles admitted o f the recent occupant of the room proving an alibi. W -hen. the new room had been so far evolved out of the quarry to which it had been reduced in th e course of operations-, a Committee o.f Ways and Mea ns was appointed at a meeting o.f the J.C.R., and g iven plenary powers to undertake the furnishing of it. The Committee, consisting of the President of the J.C.R. (H. Lives-ey), the Steward (J. J. G. \Valkinton), P. H. Gabb, F. McGowan, and W. R . Martin, collaborated discreetly with the Vice-Principal for this purpose. £so were prov;ided from the J.C.R. Funds and £6o were _raised by subscriptions from members: of the Hall. The task, however, of equipping the mom adequately was very greatly facilitated by the furniture built into it as part of the Principal' s contribution. P a nelled settles, with which was incorporated wainscot removed fr'Om the pews in the ante-Chapel were grouped round the open fireplace in the lower part of the room. A window-seat and corner benches, backed with p an elling in oak frnm Wytham Woods·, ·were placed in the upper part· along the wall by the Quadmngle. An interesting ovem1antel, made _out of · an old oa k-panelled door which h ad .-een removed from a cupboard in the Hall some years ago, and ' cleansed of paint, and of two old oak joists, was erected over the little fireplace that stands opposite to the window-seat . An old chest, as: a log-box, was fitted to the wall beside the fireplace. The Vice-Principal presented the carpets and rugs and three very easy' chairs. Other gifts in kind were a from the T eddy Bea,r Society ; a wrought iron door-handle and latch made by Mr. N ash, blac!~­ smith, of Dorchester-on-ThameSI, from the Madrig-al Society, a framed Medici print of ' The Card Players,' by Pieter de Hooch, from E. S. Williams, G. N. T. Widdrington and H. Livesey; a framed Medici print of' LaMorte Fontaine,' by Corot, from P. B. Spriggs and P. G. W elford; a · framed Ackermann print of the Hall from F. MaGo~van; a, framed Medici print of Philip, Lord Wharton, by Van D yck, from C. Cole, C. San1pson and H.. Livesey; and a fran1ed Ordnance S urvey Map of Oxford, from H. Livesey . The President of the J.C.R . and the ex-Presidents in residence defrayed the cost of carving and colouring the arms of the Hall and a li st of Presidents on the panels of th e oak m antelpiece. Six old wheel-back armchairs, a n oak table, two oak writing tables, settle cushions, etc., were purchased from the money raised by the J. C. R,




W e shall not attempt t o deSrCribe the appearance of the room on completion, as we do not w ish to deprive old members of an inducem ent to com e and see it for themselves. For the quaint dimensions, th e old-world charm and distinctive features which combine to give th e room an unique character our vvarmest thanks a re due to the ve ry skilful pla nning of the Vice-P rincipal. The New J .C. R. was formally open ed by the Principal on Monday evenin g, April 25th, w hen a smokin g concert was h eld to comm emorate the occasion. OF THE ORG AN .

During the Christmas Vacation the Organ was shifted from its place in the Sanctu ary of th e Chapel and rebuilt on the north side of the a nte-Chap el, from which the unserviceabl e pews, known to some as 'the horse-boxes,' h ad been removed. The nrgan was thoroughly overh auled and, indeed, restored to such amenable tunefulness, that from time to time, a fter evensong on Sundays, the organist, F. J. Buckle, has played a select ion of two N three pieces suitable t() the modest compass of hi s instrument. This mu sic has made many of us appreciative o f merits in the Organ w hich were un recognised in its former unsuitable position.


In the Hilary T erm the question of colours for the vanous Clubs was referred to· a Committee appoin ted by the J .C.R. On the recom menda tion of thi s Committee, it was decided that the Eight should reta in the it· blazer, and have a tie (white with maroon and ambe r stripe); that the general sport s tie sh ould b e clark blue with maroon and amber stripe ; that the Cr ick et a nd Tenni s blazer sh ou ld be dark blue with maroon-amber-maroon stripe. OF' THE CHAPEL.

The removal of the Organ fro m the Sanctuary revealed t he sad fact that some of the 'cedar panels had been cleared away an d replace d by match-boarding at the time wh en th e Organ was set up there. A careful examina tion o f the wainscot all round -the Chapel revealed exten sive ravages by damp , particularly at the east en d . After some difficulty cedar veneer, similar to that used in the original work, was procur·e d, and du ring· the Long Vacation a cabinet maker was. employed to put the wa in scot into sourid repair. The match-boarding has been reduced to• a si ng le panel, which in its. turn w ilt be replaced b)' one covered in, cedar, as soon i'!S




cedar boards of a size to be worked into frame mouldings can b e obta ined. All the cedar wainscot and the oak stall s and screen h ave been cleared of the obscuring agglutin a tion of yea r s:. It is rumoured that in the depths of the Long Vacation the ViceP ri ncipal , loyally seconded by 'Joe,' mig ht have been found scouring the w·o od-work with potent solution s of am monia . Th e effect of th eir labours h as been to rega in th e natural colou r and character of the cedar and oak. Out of the featur-eless gloom of the panelling there has emerged the russet brown of the cedar itself, enriched by the inlaid purfle long lost to view. The un sightly desks:, supported on iron standards, that stood in f ront of the benches: have g one, ·a nd h ave been replaced by long kneelers. Th ese d ~sks: intruded upon th e characteristic arrangement of the stalls and benches, and for their discomfort were known as ' knife. boards.' The g·ain in spaciousness to the Cha pel by their removal is very not able. The radiators have been shifted to a less conspicuous pos1tton. All the upper wall s: and the ceiling have been di st empered . The platform, perilous to celebrants, upon which the altar stood has been taken away, and the paving restored to its · original level. A long er alta r, corresponding to the lines. of the panelling behind it and the east window, h as been placed in the Sanctuary. A sevente enth century t able, already belonging to the H all , has been skilfully repaired and is being used for this purpose. By some it is thought not unlikely that it is the communion table first used in the Chapel. The stone 'm en sa' has b een re-set upon this table. As the result o f what has been done, the Chapel once aga in worthily exhibit s the choi ce w orkm a nship a nd mat erial s employed by its builders.


With the increase of numbers in the Hall since the end of the War, the ·pr'Oblem of accommoda tion in the Dining Hall presented itself, but was amenable to p ostponement so long as attendance at dinner was allowed to be voluntary. Although . it was understood that sueh an a rrangement was only regarded as provisional, it was difficult t o see what solution would be a pplied. It was, therefor·e, a source of no small surprise to many members of th e H a ll , on returning a ft er the Long Vacation, to find that the Dining Hall had been extended and in other ways transformed. This extension h as been obtained by the inclusion of the lobby and the storeroom situated between th e Dining H all and Buttery, th e pa nell ed partition at th e entrance to th e Hall having been



, placed back against the wall about the Buttery door. The bedroom above has been undergirded by a steel joist which is concealed by a moulded soffit and the original cornices, supported by two pilasters . The dais has been extended and the wallbenches cleared away. The table-top of the high table has peen reduced and heavy oak chairs have been placed on the further s,ide and at the ends of the table, so that it is now quite easy to pass behind. The chairs are after a seventeenth century pnttern which is attributed to a blind man of Salisbury. Four new oak tables, modelled on the lines of an old refectory. tabJe already in the Hall, and oak forms have taken the place of the former mixed equipment. The leaded lights in the windows have been re-leaded. ~ At the entr'ance a flight of new stone steps has been built, and double doors hung. All the walls have been coloured ivory white, the panelling painted dull black, and the ceiling arches o~k brown. The extension of the Hall has so greatly improved its dimensions, and the re-decoration has given it a dignity so suitable to its unaffected character, that the gain in distinction is no less notable than that in accommodation. Some of the oil portraits, after having been cleaned, have been shifted to new positions. The Vice-Principal has added to the collection of engra,v ings of distinguished alumni which he is making, portraits of Sir Robert Atkyns (r647-171I), M.P. and county historiaq; Sir Richard Blackmore (r6s5-1729), Author, and· Physici~m to King William III. and Queen Mary; White Kennett, D.D. (r66o-1728), Bishop of Peterborough, formerly VicePrincipal.

OF BooKs.

In accordance with the •wishes of the late Dr. Sanday, Canon of Christ Church, and Lady Margaret Professor' of Divinity, gifts of books from his library have been made to his friends and fellorw scholars and to certain societies to whom such gifts would be specially acceptable. At the end of the 1\Jichaelmas Term, rgzo, two hundred of Dr. Sanday'.s books, chiefly theological and historical, were added to the New Library. The thanks of the Hall are due to Miss Sanday and to Canon B. H. Streeter, through whose interest and initiative this valuable gift to the Libra1~y was ·e ffectuated. All the books contain Dr . Sanday's book-·plate; and a portrait of him, to hang in the New Library, has been given by Mis.s Sanday. The usefulness' of this timely benefaction is enhanced for us by the association which it brings. ·




The remioval of the books of the New Library to their new quarters in the double-room in the Principal's Lodgings necessitated the labour of re-arrangement and re-indexing. In this task the Vice-Principal and the Junior Librarian, E. S. \i\Tilliams, were ass·i sted by efficient volunteers. In the Old Library extensive re-glazing of the leaded lights in t.he windows has been carried out, as considerable portions of these windows were in danger of being blown in . These repairs will secur'e the books from the ill-effects of further exposure. The island bookcases which encumbered the centre of the room have been removed, and shelves have been fixed in the room on the ground floor of the Cottage for the reception of a large number of superannuated volumes. The Vice-Principal has, re-arranged all the books retained in the Old Library, placing on the shelves in the lower part vnlumes printed before r75o, and on the shelves round the gallery those printed after that date. The books are grouped according to their subjects. The effect of these changes has been to reconvert a lumbered book-store into a . little Library with distinctive seventeenth century features. It is hoped that some day a refectory table and chairs of the period may be forthcoming to complete with' dignity the equipment of the room. The Vice-Principal has added to the collection of works written by former members of the Hall the following vo-lumes, which he has presented : -

Thomas Hearne, M .A. Ductor Historicus or a of Universal History. 4th edition; 2 vols. Benedictus Abbas Petroburgensis de Vita et II et Ricardi I. 2 voh. Oxford, 1735. ' ford Library at Hamilton Palace.)

Short Sys.tem London, 1724. Gestis Henrici (From Beck-

] ohn Aubrey. Letters Written by Eminent P ersons' in the 17th and r8th Centuries, to which are added Hearne's Journeys to Reading, and to Whaddon Hall, the .seat of Browne \i\Tills, Esq., and Lives of Eminent Men. 3 vols. Loridon, r813. (Dr. W. D. Macray's copy containing some corrections and additions by him from the original MS. of the Lives1.) ' ' Geo·rge Bate, M.D. E lenchi Motuum Nuperonun in Anglia. Pars Prima. London, r66r. Pars Secunda. London, · r663. Pharmacopceia Bateana or Bate's: Dispensatory. Transla:ted from the second edition of the Latin copy, published by Mir. James Shipton. By William Salmon, Profes-sor of Physick. London, 1694 .






John _Kettlewell, M.A. A Companion for the Penitent P ersecuted : consisting of Directions and D evotions fo r Persons Troubled in Mind, a1l.d those who Suffer for Righteousness, etc. London, 1696. Whi te Kennett, D.D . (Bishop of Peterborough). P arochi a l Antiquities attempted in the Hi story of Ambrosden, Burcester and other adjacent parts in the Counties of Oxford and Bucks. A new edition in 2 vols. Oxford, 181 8. A MS. letter, undated ; from him to Andrew Allam, VicePrincipal o f the Hall, in which he tells of an offer made to him of a post at ' a S chool within 4 miles of London at 4ol. prAn.' OF MANCIP LE S AND MEA LS .

On r eturning after the Lon g Vacation we missed the touch of a vanished hand . Mr. Roger s , who had been Manciple at the H a ll since 1903, res:i.g ned hi s post at Michaelm as . On hi s retirement, the old system was terminated by which the catering w as prnv ided for by a Manciple who employed his. ow11 kitchen s taff and equipmen t, and ma de his profit out of the mea ls which h e served, and other tra ding. The commi ssariat h as now b een ta k en over as an integral departm ent of the Hall, and new Mia nciple and staff engaged. In kitch en, buttery, and cellarage improvements h ave been made that can be m ore gra tefully demonstrated by knife a nd fork than by pen.


During the course of the year some effective improvements have b een made in the Quadrang le. The flower-bed s at the foot of the main buildings have been enlarged . Th rougho ut the summer, than k s to the attention s: of ' J oe, ' they bore a vivid display of vari-coloured ger aniums , snapdragons and m arigolds; these together with the window-boxes above, and a lawn, the greenness of which ha d not altogether vanished, gave the Quadrangle an enviable aspect during the weeks' of drought. By the addition. of a tria ngula r strip t o the lawn and the removal of an excrescen t Eu onymus bush the view of the Quadrang¡le from the Entry to the Hall h as been extended. During the Long Vacation two of the Hall servants, Rawlings and Sims, built a pa thway at the back of the shrubbery along the south wall of the Quadrangle, thu s mak ing complete thoroughfare right





round. This new pathway shows up the seventeenth cenfury door\vay, at present bricked in, which led to Link Buildings and to a nanow entry from the High-traditionally said to have been used by Thomas Hearne when slipping in and out on the occasions of his long, country rambles. The walks on the west and north sides of the Quadrangle and a piece in front of the Chapel doorway were paved during the Long Vacation with paving blocks, and bordered with cobbles. The gain thereby to cleanliness in the rooms is not . the only merit of an alteration which enhances the general aspect of the Quadrangle. All the walls of the Hall buildings facing on the Quadrangle, together with the south side of the Chapel were treated with applications of barytfl water and hydroHuo~silici c acid, on the recommendation .of Mr. R. Edwards, under whose s•k ilful direction the north front of the Hall was restored a few years ago. It is hoped that these dressings will arrest the crumbling of the exterior surface of the stone work and postpone the necessity of patching the old walls with new stone.



Since Midsummer Day the Hall, a s tenant of New College, has been in possession of a small plot o.r' ground at the east end of the Chapel. Nothing more interes.t ing than bicycle-sheds has been erected upon it; but as the first te·r·r a nova to which the Hall has gained access for very many years it ought certainly to be greeted as a healthy token of expansiveness.

OF THE S c HooLs.

The congratulations of the Hall m-e due to all those who have negotiated the hazard s of the _Schools successfully this year. The recm·d is as follows:MrcHAELMAs TERM,


Degree of B.Sc.: F. E. Ray. Hon. School of Theology, Cla,ss II: C. WiHiams. Shortened Honours Course : ;(·H. .Palmer, C. V. Browne'iVilkinson, C. Sampson. HILARY TERM, 192 I.

Hon . Class Mods., Class III: W. R. James.

E. R. L. vVard.

Class· IV:



Hon. School of Theology, Class II: P . B. Spriggs. Class III: C. Cole. Shortened Honours Course: *F. M. Beddow, *F. ]. Buckle, *H. L . Hustwayte, ·*A. R. Janes, *P. T. Jefferson, *H . Livesey, G. P. Coope1·, P. H. Gabb, VI!. L. Guyler, L . W . Hart, T. D. C. Herbert, F. C. L. Shaw. Aegrotat: E. T. H. Godwin. Hon. School of Modern History, Class II: D. J. Pa1·sons. · Shortened Honours Course: M. D. Grieve, T. G . Mohan, P . G. Reddick, F. A. Smalley, R. B. White. Hon. School of Eng. Lang. and Lit. , Class II: B. C . W. Johnson,, R . Sayle. Shortened Honours Course: A. F. Bluett, A. C. Cooper. Hon. School of Nat. Sci. (Physics), Shortened Honours Course: P. G. Welfonl. School of Agricuhure : F. Burnett. School of Forestry : ·*H. C. , Robertson, H. B. Barrett, H. McK. Law, W. R. Martin. Hon. Math . Mods., Class II. : G. T. Moore. MtCHAELMAS TEHM, 192!.

Pass Schools, Groups A. r; D; B6: E. S. Woodley. *Passed with Distinction. OF ExHIBITIONs. An examination commencing Tuesday, June 21, was held for the purpose of filling up three Exhibitions of the annual value of £40. This is the first time that an Exhibition examination has been held in the Hall. Candidates for these Exhibitions must not have exceeded twenty years of age, and must furnish evidence that they are in need of financial assistance to maintain themselves at the Univers·ity . The papers set are so arranged that candidates may exercise a preference for one of four subjects~Classics, Modern History, English Language and Literature, or French Language and Literature. As a result of the · examination the following elections were made:A. H. Tandy, Chri~t's Hospital. C. A. Latham, Royal Masonic School, Bushey. H. A. Blair, La.ncin~ College. Next year an examination for the same purpose will begin on Tuesday, July 4th, 1922, at 9.30 a.m.




DE DoNIS. The Rev. J. C. Gawthern has •presented to the Hall some interesting relics of his ancestor, Thomas Seeker, _D. C. L. ( 1 6g21768), Archbishop of Canterbury : a private account-book ( 174658) kept_ by Dr. Seeker while he was Bishop of Oxford; two seals bea1 ·i ng hi s coat-of-arms and impressions! of two · other seals used when. he was Archbi shop; an ebony walking stick or'n amentecl in silver with twenty-five mitres. Mr. Gawthern, whQ was also the donor of the portrait of th~ Archbishop that hangs in the Dining Hall, has: expressed his intention. of linking the name of Seeker to a benefaction to the Hall which will take effect on his death for the provision of exhibitions, by way of restitution for the act by which a: relative of the Archbishop obtained the setting aside ci.f certain charitable dispositions in the Archbishop's will.



The Cowper Society having expressed a desire to v1s1t the Hall, the Summer Meeting of the Society was held in. the Dining Hall on Tuesday afternoon, June 28th, with the Principal in the chair. The visit of the Society was suggested by the connection which exists between the Hall and Cowper through th e incident of the expulsion of the s.ix students of the Hall from the University tn 1768, one of whom, Thomas Jones., later became a near friend of the poet. The expulsion has been fully dealt with by Canon S. L. Ollard in his. little monograph on the subject; but Mr. Wright, the author of a life of Cowper and Secreta ry of the Cowper Society, in the course of his a ddress communicated some new information concernin g the R ev. Thom as Jones, Cowper's friend. Ca non Ollard lost sight of him after he r esigned his· curacy atJ Clifton Reynes in 17912 . Mr. \Vright ,s tated that he afterwards ' resided for a time at Clifton, near Bristol. In 1796 he became vicar of St. George' s, Bolton. In r8or he r emoved to St. George's Free Church, Liverpool. He died February sth, r8o4, at Birmingham. A newspaper: obituary notice supplies a few particulars of his last moments: " At the H en and Chickens Hotel, Birmingham, the Rev. T. Jones, formerly Minister of Bolton, Lancashire, and latterly of St. George 's Free Church, Liverpool. He a te a hearty dinner, and appeared quite cheerful, but about five o'clock complained of asthmatic oppression, leaned back in his chair a nd suddenly expired . He was. advanced 111 years, a nd leaves a wife and family.'' ' There is a portrait of



Thomas• Jones in the Cowper' Museum at Olney ; a photograph of this portrait has been kindly sent to the Princip;al by Mr. vVright.


The Principal was nominated by the Vice-Chancellor to preach the Commemoration Sermon before the Univers.ity on Sunday, June 19. He has been appoiiited one of the Select Preachers to t·h e Univef'Sity, and in this capacity preached in St. Ma,ry' s on Sunday, November 6, and, also, one of the c 'u rators of the Sheldonian Theatre. The congratulations of the Hall are due to M. vV. Gallop on . obtaining· his Half-Blue for Lacrosse. He was the first Secretary of the 0. U. L. C. after its revival. We are very glad to record the success of J. S. Brewis, son of the Senior Tutor, in winning a £ wo Open Scholarship 111 Modern History at Hertford Cot!leg·e. He came into residence in October, thi:s year. It was not possible to lodge in the Hall those past members who came up in July for the First Anglo-Catholic: Priests.' Convention, owing to the alterations. that were in progress. The Vice-Principal, however, was able to anang·e a· teacparty in the new J.C.R. to which came :-The Rev. Canon V. H. Aldham, the Rev. C. L. Roe, the Rev. A. D. Barker, the Rev. G. F. S. Gresham, the Rev. R. H. Evered, the Rev. C. P. Shipton, the Rev. A. C. Davis, the Rev. L. H. Coles, the Rev. M Donovan and the Rev. W. A. Rees-Jones. There were also at the Convention the Rev. Canon S. L. Ollard, the Rev. E. C. Mortimer, the Rev. J. C. W . Wand and the Rev. H. A. Wilson. 1

The Rev. Canon V. H. Aldham has1 given to the Hall art interesting coloured cartoon of a design prepared about r865 for the decoration of the upper walls and ceiling of the Chapel. · The Bishops of Carlisle and Newcastle were present at dinner Hall on the evening of St. Edmund's Day, at which the toa,st, ' Floreat Aula,' . was given by the former after an amusing and characteristic speech.





--------------------------------------------THE INSTITUTION OF THE PRINCIPAL.

The institution of the Principal took place on Tuesday, December 7th, 1920. A distinguished company consi sting o.f th e Vice-Chancellor ~nd Proctors, H eads of Hou ses and other representatives of the University a nd the Colleges assembled in the: Senior Common R oom of the Queen 's: College. There the Pro-Provost presented to th e Vice-Chancellor the sealed I nstrument of Appointment a nd s po k e in commendation of the nomination which his society had made. The compa ny then proceeded to the Hall in the following order: (a) Bedel, ViceChancello¡r, Proctors and R egistrar; (b) Mr. Pro-Provost with Mr. Allen; (c) The Fellows of the Queen's: College; (d) other Members of the University. In the Dining Hall the R egistra r read the In strum ent of Appointment. The Pro-.Provost then presented Mr. Allen to the Vice-Chancellor in the follmving terms : ' In signissime VrcE-CANCELLARIE, praesento tibi hunc reverendum virum GERALDUM BuRTON ALLEN, Baccalaureum in .S . Theologia, Collegii Pembrochiae Socium et D ecanum, Procuratorem Seniorem, in Aulae Sancti Edmundi Pt-inc ipalitatem, canonice et legitime eJectum, humiliter supplicans ut dictam electionem a uctoritate tua confirmare eundemque GERALDUM BuRTON ALLEN ad o.fli.cium Principali s Aulae Sancti Edmundi cum sui s iuribu s et perti nentiis univer sis adm ittere digneris.' Th e Vice-Chancellor then expressed to the Principal on behalf o f the University his best welcom e a nd most fervent wi shes for the prosperity of the H a ll under his . leadership. In the course of his speech he said : ' The Principal knows tha t the times are strenuous and, at the same time, he knows that we have great hopes of the future of the H a ll. It is a matter of great rejoicing to us all that, after passing throug h troublesome tim es, the continued existence of this: beautiful old Hair, so long linked with the ancient memories of Oxfo rd, has been assured. Tha,t its prosperity is secured for the future, is, I am confident, made more sure by this appointment.' After which the Vice-Chancellor forma lly admitted the: Principa l in these word s :' Ego Lu Dovrcus RICARDUS FARNELL, Magist er in Artibus, Doctor in Litter is, Vice-Cancel¡lariu s Universitatis a dmitto te in Principalitatem Aulae Sancti Edmundi cum omnibt! S suis: iuribus et pertinentiis universis ,'




The Principal's name was next entered by the Vice-Chancellor i~ the Buttery Boo·k of the Hall and the entry signed by hin1,

and counter-signed by the Pro·- Provost and th e Registrar. The Principal s igned the Inventory of the Plate of the HaH, which was . display,ed. The formal proceedings then termina ted.

THE WAR MEMORIAL. Two memorial panels, commemorating the members of the Hall who laid clown their lives in the war, have been placed on the screen in the Ante-Chapel, in such a manner a s t o fit in conformably with the ·s cheme of the original panelling. They were designed by Mr. Harold S. Rogers and executed in English oak, the_ carving and moulding resembling in treatment those used in decoration of the screen . On the upper pariel the nam es to be commemorated are insct·ibed in ·full in go·lcl and black letteri ng. The order followed is that of the respective years in which the death s: occurred. The lower pan el bea rs the inscription : IN PIAM MEMO RIAM ALUMNORUM AULAE. SANCTI EDMUND! QUI ANIMAS SUAS PRO P ATR TA PROFUDERU NT QUORUM EXITUM I NTUE NT ES TMITA MIN I FIDEM.

Between these two panels is set a foliated shield bearing the arms of the Hall. On St . Edmund' s day (November r6th) , at 3 o'e;lock in the afternoon, a special service, attended by past and present members of the Hall, by relatives a nd oth ers, was held in the Chapel a t which the late Principal, the Bishop ' of Carlisle, dedicat ed the memorial pa nels . The 's ervice opened with the hymn commencing : ' Come, let us join our friends a:bove That have obtained the prize.' After which, the congregation k:neeling, suffr·a ges were said a nd the psalm, 'D e profundis ,'' sung. After the hymn, ' Lord, who shalt elwell above with Thee,' the Bishop of Carlisle gave an address, in the c'ourse of which he said : 'Th e occasion requires few wor ds:. It is: not pos,s ible to com pute in a ny way either the loss or suffering which the \ iVar has e ntailed , nor -is it pos:sjble to e'stimate correctly the magnificence o·f the achievements of those soldiers: whom vve are commemorating. · What they did mu st be le ft to be w l'itten large in the history o f




the world . If a man looks into his own heart and reads there what he has; learnt since the Armistice ; he will know how much he and the nation ha;v e .still to learn. .W e are here out of simple motives of love and t•everence to do honour to the men for whom all who knew them had such g r'eat affection; and you have a right to expect that I who knew and loved so many of them should try to describe what manner of men! they were.' The Bishop gave some personal recollections of some of .the men commemorated and said, in conclusion, ' when my mind goes back I cannot help realising to the full what the wodd has lost, and yet I am never more certain that for those men there is no waste and no loss. God needs happiness and life, and youth and love, and .has taken them at the outset of their careet·s for higher work, and a.U the great qualities: they showed will find full scope and full happiness in the presence of Christ .. As: Principal, I found in the Hall a band of brothers, and what I have neve1· found quite in. the same degree elsewhere, an atmosphere of simple devotion and of service for the nation, the Church and their fellow men, and if these boys: had lived they would at least have clone their part in maintaining the state of the world, and in lifti ng it a stage higher in their immediate s urroundings:. Thi s work mu st and will go on; a nd you must do ;:our part to filL their places', to keep that sense of brotherhood and preserve that love of plain ordinary service for your fellows:. · You will then be doing your part in. maintaining and perpetuating the high tt·aditions of this little place which all who belong to it love dearly. · It is like no other society .in the University; it has: its: own work in God's providence, a work which, in truth, is work for. Christ.' After the hymn, 'Ye holy Angels bright,' had been sung, the Bishop of. Newcastle, formerly Vice-Principal, read the names of the men to be commemorated , in. the order of their matriculation, beginning:Let us remember before God the sons of our Hall who have laid down theit· lives in the \i\Tar. Herbert Edward Gunson. William Loraine Seymour Dallas. Percival Johnstone Bevan. George Bott. John Henry Gare . Alfred Henry Goodbarne-Chatterton. Horace. Edward Griggs.




ST. E DMUND HALL MNGAZINE . Edg-ar Cha rles R oulston. Leona rd H erbert F ra nk Robinson. Leslie Francis Ellington Leslie. Arec John Partridge. Gilbert H enry Salmon. William Bernard Shaw. Gerald Vli1liam Suckling Spencer. Arthur John Evans . Basil Lister James. K enneth Charles Forrester W atson, M.G. John Frederick 'W illoughby. H enry Bayly Ranso m.

Then was sung by two voices the Introit: 'Rest eternal grant unto them, 0 Lord ' : which ended, the Bishops, the Principa l, the Vice-Principal, the Senior Tutor, together with others representing the Hall pmceeded to the Ante-Chapel where the Bishop of Carlisle dedicated the MemoriaL.- On returning, the hymn, 'Jerusa lem, my happy home,' was sung. The Bishop of Carlisle then pmnounced the Blessing .

GEORGE FRANCIS LOVELL (1844-1921) entered Balliol College , as a Commoner, in M,ich aelmas Term, r863. At Balliol he rea d ' Greats ' a nd mw.e d seven in the Eight. He graduated B.A. in r867, M.A. in r87o, and B.D. in r876. He was· orda ined deacon in 1868, and priest in the following year. He was awarded 'the Hall-Houghton Senior Gre.e k T estament Prize in r869, and the D enye r and Johnson Scholarship in r87o. - From r868 to r8J2 he was curate of Kempsto~, in -the county of B ~dford. In the latter year he was nominated one of the four City Lecturers at St. Martin's, Carfax, which office he discharged until 1896. He was appointed Vice-Principal of the Hall in r87r , and worked here eighteen years. In r896 he accepted theliving of ~raterstock in the county of Oxford, where he remained until 1906. Latterly he lived in Oxford at H ope COttage in Staverton R oad, where he died on Tuesday, August 23. Tall and erect of fi g ure, w ith the bluff, genial air ot a bighearted squire, long -known for his foll owing o.f dachshund s and his fondness for his churchwarden pipes•, he will be r'e mem.bered _ by those who- knew him at the Hall as a firm frien d t o ali their _ efforts for the Schools a nd for th~· River. ·



WILLIAM CHARLES SIMONS (1845-1921) was the third son of the Rev. John Simons. He entered the Hall in Nlichaelmas Term, 1863, and was appointed Bibl e-clerk in 1864. He graduated B.A. in 1866 and M.A. in I<;)08. He was ordained deacon in 1867, in which year he was appointed curate of Kirby Underdale, in the county of York. He was ordained priest in r868. From 1870 to 1873 he was curate-in-cha rge of Knowle, in the county of Gloucester, and fr'om r873 to· 1913 Chaplain to Fra nces Lady Kinnaird. In r883 he was made Rector of All Saints ', Invergowrie, and in 1906 Hon. Canon of St. Paul's Cathedral, Brechin. He was appointed in 1913 to the Dean ery of Brechin, from which office he retired in 191 7. He died on Friday, January 7, in his. hQme at Petersfield, in the county of Southampton.

DAVID GALLOWAY COWAN (1856-1921) was the eldest son of the Rev. J. G. Cowan, Vicar of St. John's, Hammersmith. H e entered the H all in Michaelmas Term, 1874· H~ was Captain of Boats in 1877, and graduated B.A. in r87g, M.A. in 188r. In the next year he was ordained deacon, and in the year after priest. He held his firs:t curacy at Holy Trinity, Dalston, moving to St. John's, I sle of D ogs, in 188g. Of this parish he became Vicar in _r8gz, and worked there fo·r ten years, when he was transferred to the large Central London parish of St. John the Evangelist, Holborn. In rgog he was appointed Rural De:m of Holborn, and, in 1917, Prebendary of Brondesbury in St. Paul's Cathedral. He died suddenly on Thursday, September· rs, while he was characteristically engaged upon an errand of service. Concerning his work and his end, his Bishop's tribute is best quoted :- ' David Cowan was one oi the most devoted parish priests who have ever worked in London. I shall never forget his magic sway over the people of East London. It was always a treat to me, as. Bishop of Stepney , and afterwards as Bishop of London, to visit his parish . It was what he would himself have preferred, to die at his post, in the act of ministering to a little child.' Buoyant in spir'it, unremitting in ~nergy , whether on the. banks of a remote Norwegian stream, or· amongst his Londoners, he was just the same-an ardent fisherman.



UT FAMA EST. Concerning those who have gone down since the last iss ue of this Magazine we have news as follow s' : C. H. J. Trevor went out to Calcutta in the Spring to take up his appointment as Cathedral organist. T. H. Esp1ey sailed for Lagos: in November last year to take up duties as an Assistant Conservator in the Forest Department. H. J. Horwood is at Aluri, Go!d, where he hold s an official post in the Department of Agriculture. A. E . M:aund has been at Ely Theological College. The R ev. S. A. Howard and the Rev. F. N. Robathan are cocurates at Quarry Bank, Staffs. R. Sayle is a master at Oxford High School. H. B. Waters is: Assistant Superintendent of Agriculture a t Ilorin,, N. Nigeria. A. H. Proctor is farming . A. F. G. Christie, C. V. Browne-Wilkinson, P. B. Spriggs and L. W. Hart are at Cuddesdon College, where E. T. H. Godwin joins them in January. A. F.' Bluet_t is a master at Oakham School. D. H. Hedges is' a master at the Junior School, Mill Hill. W. E. Lambeth, J. L. Jenkins, G. P. Cooper, and P. T. Jefferson are at the Bishop's Hostel, Lincoln. The Rev. G. H. Shar'pe is Chaplain at the Blind Schoo), Worcester. P. H. Gabb is at Salisbury Theological College. He unfortunately has had a fall which has obliged him to go warily for a while. C. Cole is at Egerton Hall, Manchester. Vv. G. F. Dewar has married and is now in India in the Woods and Forests Service. R. M. Downes is an As,s istant Commissioner at Kano, N. Nigeria: busy trying cases, conducting specie, and training horses. F. E. Ray is in Chicago engaged in legal chemistry at the Cook County Laboratory. M. D. Grieve is at Westcott House, Cambridge. The Rev. H. Palmer is curate atJ St. George's, Barrow-in-Furness. D. J. Parsons is History Master at Keighley Grammar School. P. G. Welford is in businesSi in Aberdeen . H. B. Barrett .s ailed for Rangoon in November to take up Forestry ¡duties . The Rev. F. lYL Beddow is curate at St. Cuthbert's, Carlisle.



F. Burnett is superintending rice growing for the Government of Ceylon. B. C. vV. Johns.on is. English Master at. W rekin College, Wellington. H. R. McK. Law is in India in the Woods and Forests Service. G. T. Moore is a master at Swindon Secondary" School. V{ R. Martin has married and is now in India in the Woods and Forests Service. J. W. Allen is on his way out to farm at Kampi Simba, Kenya Colony. During the year the following past members of the Hall have been ordained : Priests.-R ~ H. Hawkins (St. Thomas', Dudley), H. J. Miller (St. Peter's, Tunbridge Wells), N. E. Ashenden (Rochester), S. A. Howard (Quarry Bank, Lichfield). Deacons.~L. C. \?Varner (Newhaven, Chichester), F. J. J. Shirley (St. Edmundbury and Ipswich), S. A. Howard (Quarry Bank, Lichfield), H. Palmer (St. George's, Barrow-in-Furness; Carlisle), L. R. McDermid (Gainford, Durham), G. H. Sharpe (St. . Martin'st, \?Vorcester), F. N. Robathan (Quarry Bank, Lichfield), F. M. Beddow (St. Cuthbert's, Carlisle), P. T. Jefferson (L!.ncoln, for Diocese of Kimberley, S. Africa).

The congratulations c),f the Hall go to Dr. C. M. Kitso~1, formerly Professor of Harmony at the Royal Irish Academy of Music, and Professor of Music in the National University of Ireland, on his appointment, on December 20, 1920, to fill the Chair of Music at Trinity College, Dublin. C. D. Martyn, Assistant District Officer in North Borneo, was ¡ home on leave in the early part of this year. Lieut. T. R. Beatty, R.N., was appointed m May to H.M.S. Magnolia as Navigating Officer. T'he Rev. Ernest Havergal during the Long Vacation took the duty at St.. Michael and All Angels, Summertown. Professor E. L. _Harvey was in Oxford during the Long Vacation, as a representative of his University at the Conference of the Universities of the British Empire:



The congratulati0ns of the Hall are due to the Rev. R. French - on being made an Officer of the Order of the -Crown of R oumania. · The· Rev. E. E. Yelverton, O.B.E., has written <m interesting book on ' The Swedish Rite.' C. B. Gull successfully withstood combined attacks from pleurisy and pneumonia during the summer, and, by way of convales<:ence, exchanged hi.s bed at the Acland Horne for a bunk in the chart-room of an old oil-tanker, for a journey to the Black Sea apd back. The Rev. A. Sargent is now curate ' at Maidstone Parish Church.

THOMAS HEARNE'S ROOMS. Few men have left behind them fuller materials for a history of Oxford during their own time than Thomas Hearne. In r,884, the year o.f its formation, the Oxford Historical Society undertook among its first activities the publication of Hearne's voluminous collections. These Remarks and Collections form the diary _and commonplace book combined of this indefatigable antiquary, written up regularly over a period of thirty years. · The last instalment of them, .forming Volume XI, has been. published this year, under the learned editorship of the Rev. H. E. Salter. These eleven volumes are replete with anecdotes and opinions concerning Oxford men and women of. every degree, with notices: of Oxford events:, both grave and gay, with particulars of buildings: and places of every sort in and about Oxfo-r d ; and yet Mr. Salter is bound to admit in his preface to this last volume that the elu sive and erudite busy-body, w·h o all his life made St. Edmund Hall the home of his studies, has nowhere said so much about his rooms as to make the identification of them possible. Mr. Salter dismisses· as improbable the tradition that Hearne lived on the south side o.f the quadrangle, presumably in Link Buildings, and conjectures that his rooms were situated on '- the north side, overlo:o king the churchyard of St. Peter in the East. Casual references to his rooms :s cattered about his ·collection s support this conjecture well enough, and, in fact, furnish dues which make so nearly for identification as to ren der . the quest the more tantalising.



'In an entry in his journal fo·r October I I, 1725, Hea rne mentions that Henry P artridge, Esq., formerly ' Gentleman Common er of Edmund Hall in Oxford, where he was look'd upon as .a very good natur'd Gentleman, as. he certainly is, tho' he be a great Whig,' had been ' a Lodger in the Rooms I lodge now in at Edm. Hall, during· hi s R es id ence in Oxford as a Member of that University.' Hearne had occasion to record this: fact again at a later date . Und er Jul y 23 (Thu r.), I730 , he writes as follows:-' On Tuesday ni g ht last, about 7 Clock , called upon me o ne Mr. Partridge , a youn g Gentleman of Cambridge, with four o-r five more young Cambridge Gentlemen, and a Gentleman ·Commoner of Oxford, with him, with service from his father, H enry P artridge, Esq. , who was. formerly, before I came to O xfo rd, Gentleman Commoner of Edmund Hall, and was in that very Room, where I am now, in which his name is put in the Glass next the Quadrangl e w ith a Diamond ring, and it occur's also in th e wood under the Glass. This young· Gentleman would not stay , and therefore did no t sit down, but wanting to see the 'Chappell of the Hall , to which his Father was a Benefactar, I waited upon him thither and soon after parted. His father had an eld er brother, R ob ert Partridge, Esq., who was likewise Gentle•n an Commoner of Edmund H all, ~nd they both lodged together in one and the same be d in my room.' From his account of this meeting, it is evident that one of the windows in H earne 's rooms was ' next the Quadrangle.' From a nother entry it is equally evident that from other windows he could look out over the churchyard. In noting the occurrence of a vio•lent thunderstorm, ' th ree Cl aps of wch. were very remarkable; particularly the first of those three was th e most -surprising Crack that eithe.r I or others. at Oxfard (as tf.!emselves say) ever heard, ' h e states: that he was standing at the time, which was three o'clock in the afternoon of Tu esday, Jun e r8, 1728, 'at one of the Windows next to St. P tct er ' sl Church yard inlmy .mom (at Edmund H all) next to the .':laid Church Yard.' The exact particulars of buri als in the churchyard which he so regularly gives could have been readily noted as: he stood viewing t hese solemnities out of one of thes1e windows. F or in st ance, when Mr. Charles Gret;neway , formerly a brewer, was buried on Saturday evening; August 14, I725, between eight and nine o·'dock, Hearne notes th a t 'those that held up the Pall had Hatb a nd s, Gloves, and Rings.' In the course of a memorandum con-ce rning th e business meth ods of Michael Burghers, the University Engraver, who had done work for him ; he indicates th e position of his: room to have been up sta irs . On W~dne s da y, J anuary 24,

• ST. EDMUND - HALL MAGAZINE. 1721, as he was sitting at dinner in the Buttery, between eleven and twelve o'clock;, a young Balliol friend of his came in to telr him that he had just bought some prints from Mr. Burghers and was waiting for his change. Soon after, Burghers, finding where his customer had gone, came after him with the money into the Buttery. ' I ask' d Burghers to drink,' writes Hearne,. ,' which he very readily accepted, and when I had din'd, all three of us cam.e up to my room, where we staid some time.' I have not forund references to his rooms in his CoUections which con~ tribute other details -relative to their position than !he foregoing, from which it appears that his room was not on the ground floor, that one window was ' next the Quadrangle,' and two others 'next to St. Peter's Churchyard.' On these terms there are - several rooms that compete for the honour of identification. Under date of Devember 23, 1734, however, Hearne makes the f6llowing entry concerning his room which directs attention to another sourc.e of information from which the incomplete details, to be gathered from his Collections might- be amplified : ' The Dues for one Quarter at Edmund Hall, as entered upon an old Buttery Book more than 40 years since. Rent (the room, which is a double room, where I am) £r. 8. 4·; Govern: r /8; Chap: r/-; Moder: rj8; Lect: 2j6; Chart: 6d; Scafol: 6d;' Domus 3/ 2t; Obson : 3d; Prom us 3d; Coquus, sci; Sub-Promus 6d; Tonsor rei; Janitor 3d; -Clark rei; Land: stcl; Chandler 2joi; Chap. Lib. 81z; Servit. (some more, some less, viz. 2/6 and ' s/- and 6/8 and rs/-); Univ. Lect. 6d; Art. Culett: sci.; Mrs.. 2d. others.' It is probable that the original Buttery Book from which these particulars were copied no longer exists. The o.Jdest Buttery accounts, still preserved amongst the records of th~ Hall·, belong to the months of June, July and August, 1694, exactly '40 years since' Hearne made the foregoing entry. At the end ot' the - acc~unts for these three months there is drawn up _,;_ sd:ledule of the members of- the Hal~ in residence, together with the dues payable by each, arranged under just the same headings as those · copied out by Hearne, the meaning of which I have not space here to explain. At this date Hearne had not yet entered the Hall. He matriculated the next year on December sth. A glance, however, down the schedule reveals: one significant fact : only one Chamber rent of £r. 8s. 4d. is charged. Unfortunately no numeration or description of rooms is: given in this schedule, only the names of the occupants, in this: case Mr. Pelham. For the year of Hearne's, matriculation and the succeeding seven .years the Buttery Books are missing. The next sheets

ST. EDMUND HALL MA;GAZINE. that have survived are for' September, October, and November, 1702, and a few, mostly torn, for the following term: then there is another gap until 1718 and after that year, with some omissions at first, a regular series, Out of all the accounts: extant,_ however, , , for the period of Hearne·•s residence at the Hall, it is only in the sheets available for 1702-3 that his name is: entered: and in these he is charged ros. Chamber rent for his mom, while Mr. Bickford is entered as the occupant of the set of rooms for which £r. 8s. 4d. is charged. Hear'ne at this date was Assistant Keeper o.f the Bodteian Library. He was to graduate M.A. in the following year. In 1716 he was deprived of his University appointments owing to his refusal to recognise the accession of the Elector of Hanover as King of England. Thereafter he ceased statutorily to be a member of the University and of the Hall; and although there is no reason to suppose that he ever ceased to reside in the Hall, with the exception of occasional visits to his home and to his friends, his name remained off the Books for the rest of his life. Nevertheless it is significant that· there is nowhere entered in the Buttery accounts, available for the period from 1718 to 1735 (the year of Hearne's death), the name of any occupant of the set of rooms for which a Chaim ber rent of £r. 8s. 4d. is: charged .. As far, then, as: the evidence of the Buttery Books goes, two conclusions: may be drawn. First, the silence of the Books after 1718 in respect of any payment of £r. Ss. 4d. for Chamber Rent seems clearly to indicate that this particular set of rooms was occupied by Hearne during these years; but that his account with the Principal was kept out of the Books. This conclusion is confirmed by a jotting on a small loose piece of paper which happens to have been preserved between the large folio sheets: of the Buttery Accounts for October, 1734- On it there is an addition sum of the Chamber' rents and Government i:ax to he charged the members of the Hall then in residence, and the first name is ' Mr. Hearn,' and the Chamber rent payable by him, qs. zd. i.e. a half quarter's rent: but Hearne's name does not appear in the full schedule of clues: in the Butter'y Book in which the other names and figures are entered. Secondly, the entry of ws., as the rent payable by Hearne, in the accounts available for 1702 suggests that at that time he: was occupying another room than the set which he rented at £r. Ss. 4d. a quarter' afterwards. Concerning the position of his first room in Ha.U, Hearne gives: some due in a passage in his Collections, written in March, 1713, concerning Dr. Milles:, Bishop of Waterford and Lismore, formerly Vic'e -Principal. He says that about a month or two· after he ha,d been in the Hall the Vice-

ST. EDMUND HALL l\II.J \GAZINE. Principal happened 'one day to be in my Chamber (for 'twas very near his, and he would often come up to me) .' But for the existence of another source of information amongst the Hall records, it would not be poss.ible to carry the identification of Hearne's rooms· very much further. This other source is ' the 'New Leiger Book for .S t. Edmunds: Hall,' begun, in 1684, on the appointment of Dr. Crosthwait as Principal. On the las t page there is a list of all th e rooms in the Hall with the Chamber r ents charged for each. As an afterthought there has been inserted in small writing after each room the occupant' s: name. This list is not dated, but an examination of .the names proves thati they relate to some term shortly before Hearne came into residence. As to the position of the root11 for which Hearne pa id- Chamber tent of IOS . in 1702, the list provides no clue. There are no rooms cha-rged with rent ~.f that amount, but twelve rooms: charged £1 each a quarter. It is, not unlikely that 10s. represents rent for half a quarter, as it is known that Hearne_was, at that period in his career, in the h abit of going to Shottesbrooke to work at home for two or three months at a time. As to which of the £I roo ms he occupied I can find no' other clue than his own statem ent that it was upstairs and near the Vice-Principal 's study. But eight of the £1 room s: were upstairs. : and there is no evidence that, I' have come across. that discloses where th e Bishop of Waterford lodged · in th e Hall while he was Vice-Principal. Although the cottage by the Chapel is called the Vice-Principal's. lodgings: in ' the N ew Leiger Book ' list, yet, in the absence of the Vice-Principal' s nam e against any of th e three rooms in the iodgings and in view of my own desertion of them, I cannot assume that Mr. Milles (as he then was), had' his study there. At present I do not see that the . identification of the room first occupied by Hearne in the H a ll can. be pursued any further. About the position of the double room la ter occupied by him, the list at the end o.f ' the New Leiger Book ' . is conclusive. It not only confirms: the evidence of the Buttery Books by recording only one Chan1ber r'ent of £1. Ss. 4d;, · but attach~s that rent to ' 2 Chambers over the Buttery,' and gives' the name of Par-· t ridge as that of the occupant of these rooms. The evidence afforded by Hear'ne's Colrections and the Buttery Books could hardly; be more satisfactorily reinforced. The two chambers over the Buttery are the only double set indicated in 'the New Leig-er Book' li st; their position: satisfies: the references made to them by H earne in. his Collections; and thei1" for!f1er occupation by Partridg-e is twice r ecorded by him. At the present day these r'ooms correspond to Rooms Nos. 2,



3 and 4 on No. r Staircase. An. examination of them shows that the two original chambers over the Buttery have been subdivided, by the erection of lath and plaster ·walls: : the one into two small bedrooms (No. 3 and No. 4) and a narrovv passag<:, the other into a sitting-room and bedroom (No. 2). The former is situated over what was, before its inclusion in the Dining-hall, the passage and store-room between the Dining-hall and th e Buttery, and contained one window ' next the Quadrangle,' (no pane in this window bears Partridge's name to-day). The window of two lights over Queen's Lane has been inse rted since Hearne's time. The other room is: situated above the Buttery and contained one window of two lig·hts (since enlarged to three) over Queen's Lane and one window on each side of the fireplace, overlooking the churchyard. Except for their interior repartition, these rooms have not been materiaJly affected by the subsequent reconstruction of the western half of the buildings standing on the north sid e of the Quadra ngle. This: set of room s should have been exactly suited to Hearne' s requirements, being more conveniently pl'aced a nd s-elf-contained than any others in the Hall. That they were regarded in Hearne' s day as. roomy and desirable quarters would seem to be indicated by the fact th~tt those of his predecessors whom I h ave been able to trace were all Gentlemen Commoners, and that, in. two instances, brother s occupied them together. The record of these predecessors. of Hearn e is as follows : Sir }emmett Raymond (matriculated August w, r681) . Robert Partridge (n;atriculated January r 1, 1687). Barristerat-law, Middle Temple. Henry Partridge (matriculated March. 28, 1 688). Bencher of th e Middle Templ e. · Thomas Pelham {matriculated July 3, 1693). M.P. for Lewes in nine Parliaments. William Bickford (matriculated March 28, 1702). Edmund Bickford (matriculated June 8, I70J). Barrister-atlaw, Inner Temple. At what date Hearne moved into these rooms I have not been able to ascertain, but suggest as an approximate date 1705, a fter the Bickfords had gone down. Fresh facts on this · and other po.i nts in connection with his r'Ooms may . still lie undetected in his Collections. I cannot claim to have made a thorough exploration of these volumes.. · But I hope that, by the identification of the rooms. which Hearne occupied for thirty years or so, an instalment of the debt has been discharged which we of the l!all owe to the S\,lccession of learned editors whose work in con-

ST. EDMUND HALL MA:GAZINE. nection tvith the publication of his Remarks and C\:>llections has been completed this year. Thomas Hearne is one of those rare m en, the home of whose studies, whether antiquarian or literary, never ceases to be the centre of th e charmed circle which they create~. Bearne and his moms, no less than Hearne and his Oxford, must always remain intimate association s. A. B. E.

A MEMORY OF THE OLD RUSSIA. It is rather daunting to be invited to write about a thousand ,vvords about Russia. I would rather write either ten' thousand or ten. The ten thousand would be---. But I refrain. I lived in Russia for four yea rs without writing a. book about - it . But beyond that distinction I claim no special qualification for writing on the subject. In some ways., too, it was easier before the war to talk about Russia, for it was then to most of us. still :i land of mystery and therefore fairly safe to discourse upon. I remember how that aspect was emphasized _when I entered the country through Scandinavia in October', 1914. The Swedish and Finnish railways. were not then linked up, the gap had to be traversed over' the snow, and the sense of glamour and mystery, not unmixed with awe which one had imbibed from novels about Russia, was heightened to quite a thrill as we crossed the river Tornea by a wooden footbridge, and were.solemnly admitted one by one through a wicket gate into the Russian Empire. But when I came home again路 I found that everyone had been reading an<;! a great many writing about Russia. 路 It was no longer a land of niystery, and much of the glamour路 had vanished, though the interest remained. People had heard Shalyapin sing and seen Pav!ova and Cars:a vina dance : they had studied, Stephen Graham's portrait of the Russian peasant (and believed in it) : they knew Dos:toyefsky, and discussed the infamou s. R a sputin. Norw again it is a land of mystery, but in a different way. Everybody draws attention to the fact that Russia is a large place. And certainly as one moves about: the country one is confirmed in one's childish impression of Russia (especially if the snow is there) as a huge white space on the map. And associated with this, is the impression of vagueness.. Our to-wns in th e west are generally compact; we feel th at if th ey are not enclosed and pinched together by walls now, they once were. But th e Russian town never begins ot路 ends; it sprawls in a big and

ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. vague way, and straggles on until it merges into the country. And whether one wanders in what seems like a toy train (though really much bigger than ours) over' the vast plains of the south, or drives through the huge northern forests, travels day after clay, by an admirable steamboat service, clown the Volga, or"s such essentially Russian places as. Moscow, Novgorod, or Kief, one is left ·with the same impression of vast vagueness, vaguenes of form, indefinability of charm. The charm of Russia grips one unrelaxingly. At least, it has so gripped me. Moreover, I do not think it is mere imagination which leads one to trace · similar characteristics in the temperament of the Ru ssian people. Russians always remind me of their own country in this sense. There is an intensity of character which corres~ ponds to the hugeness. of the land, and it is combined with a similar curious vagueness. It is an intensity of emotion, not of energy. There is a largeness of heart in the Russian and a generosity in the giving of himself and his possessions such as is rarely met w ith in the older civilizations of the west where the struggle for life is keener. Ru ssian hospitality is truly Oriental. The educated Russian lives largely and takes w ide views ol life; if he should happen to be an aris tocrat, he is: a: thorough cosmopolitan. In the west we spend our time a nd energy in to gain the means of living-; in Russia there is normally time and leisure to live instead. (There 7vas, that is; I am writing of Russia before the 'glorious' Re"v olution). The Russia n is charitable in judgment to a fau lt, patient, forgiving a lmo st to the point of .condonin g the wrong. He is free from most of the petty conventions with which we harass. our social life, and he is remarkably lackii1g in hypoc risy. I do not know whether a Russian snob exists:. I imagine not; I certainly never met one. The nearest approach to it that occurs to me at the moment is Panel P etrovitch in Turg.-enyef's ' Fathers: and Children.' He is often a man of intense and scarcely br.idled passions which may produce the extremes of quixotic heroism and self-sacr ifice or tl1e basest degradation. And there is someth ing which corresponds with the vagueness with w hich the country impresses on e. The Russian lacks strength of character, often enough he has but little moral ' backbone,' and no idea of self-di sc ipline. He has a quick-witted interest in everything· in earth and heaven (I have been asked to play c hess with a chance acquaintance in a railway carriage, and the g ame has been broken off to discuss the existence of ·God), but, as a r·ul e, he is incapable of StJs.tain ecl effort depending J




upon moral stamina. He is casual to a degree, and utterly vague and unreliable in his ideas of time and space in daily life. It all , add-s to• the charm of his personality w hich is undoubted, but at times it is exasperating. He will not niind· in. the l-east if you also are unpunctuar or forgetful~h e is le~ e int to• all the world, including himself. For centuries, under the Tartars and under · the Tsars, the Russian has lived under a despotism, sometimes harsh, sometimes kindly, but always autocratic. Th e experience has stunted his individual development. It has relieved him of the necess~ty of making moral decisions, and often o f making material ones too, and has given him no opportunity either· of developing a sense of responsibility or of practical self-discipline. He is at the mercy of hi s impulses and ·w hims, which, should -he possess courageous convictions, will make him a ·violent extremist: but more often leave him simply ineffective. His history has endowed him with passive qua·lities rather t-han active. It has been said that the Russian is sometimes" a. man of wit,.· very often a man of kindl:Y heart, a man: of character never. This last seems too sweeping an a.ssertion, for there are- many obvious exceptions. You can accuse Lenin of many things, but hardly of lack of character. Nevertheless, the statement serves to indicate a general truth. ' Dobrota' is the great Russian. virtue, but although it is used l:o translate ' virtue ' it means ' kindliness ' rather than ' virtue ' in the robust etymological sense'. The Russians are a people of a really beautiful simplicity of heart (not of mind), and a naturalness which sometimes amo(mts almost to naivete, anc! is. very delightful. Servants and ·masters, in the old sense, and everyone else address each other in the· same way by the Christia~ name and patronymic, an d in their relations with one another are before anything els~ human . And Russia, that land of vivid contrasts and even o.f contradictions, was, as I knew it, extraordinarily democratic and free in the social sense. In the light of recent events these seem rash and curious assertions, but I make them because I do not believe the· doctrines of the Bolsheviki have touched the heart of Russia. In the Russia of the days before the revolution there was the good and the evU of a primitive and semi-feudal state o•f society ·under a veneer of modern civilization and culture. As a foreign visitor naturally one saw more of the good. Cruelty, hardship-s, and oppression doubtless were there also as in all countries, and I used to hear of them. But ~ am bound to say that if o-ne took an average working-class Englishman under his constitutional monarchy, a Frenchman in his rep~Jblic , and a Russian uncler the old regime



of absolutis¡m , I believe that the last was, no more unhappy than the other two. Though this is not to suggest t} happiness is the sole of life, and that there are not other things, such as libehy, better worth struggling for. Contentment can be an evil as well a s. a good. P e rhaps the Russian was too content for too long. He is not content now. R. l\1. FRENCH.




T. W.


The above guild has been formed to co-ordinate the activities of the various Christi an societies of the BaH. Under the aegis of the Guild meetings of the 0. U .C. U. and 0. U.S.C.M. have been held during the Term and at the Terminal Guild Meeting the Principal spoke on ' Religion in Public Schools.' The Guild Service wa9 held in Chapel on the -evening of St. Edmund's Day. T.W.G. THE ESSAY SOCIETY. H on. President : MR. G. R. BREWIS. Vice-President, 1920-21: R. SAYLE. 1921-22 : F. McGoWAN. The above Society was revived after a lapse of four years, and at the first m eeting a paper was: read by H. Livesey on the ' .W orks of Mr. Compton Mackenzie.' The paper gave us a good example of the manner in which a live literary subject can be presented with discrimination and incisiveness. C . Williams read to the second meeting a. weU-considered and lucid exposition of 'Einstein's Theory of Relativity.' The Hilary Term was opened by a paper on ' The Relations between Israel, Syria., and Assyria in II Kings,' [ Cad by P. B. Spriggs-a weighty a cco\.mt of the latest contributions made by eminent continental authorities upon this venerable international problem. R. Sayle a t the next meeting delighted us with a comprehensive and provocative paper on ' Sa,t ire.' The las.t meeting of the year was devoted to. an anthology arranged by A. F. Bluett, to illu stmte the skill of Prof. A . QuillerCoLI Ch a.s a writer of short stories. F.MoG. J






President: F. D. Secretary : G.


We are pleased to record the formation of this Society. · Its main object we gather· is to circulate tea and talk a.ux belles lettres. During the pres_:.erit Term (Michaelmas., •192 r) a selection of modern plays: by Shaw, Pinero and A. A. Milne have been read.


vV e: live in, days; when men. talk, cer!ainly no less than. formerly, but when they show much less respect for talking institutions. The great days of the Oxford Union may be, for all we know, in the future rather than in .the past : its crowded assemblies are certainly not in the present; while an even more august Debating Society at Westminster. seems to be abandoned to the gibes o.f the · Labour extremist and. the researches of the profound historian. Everyone, it is continually repeated, is impatient of wa.rds; thougl) perhaps it were truer to say that everyone is impatient of all talkers but himself. At any rate, amongst so much pess.i mism, it is a pleasant duty to be able to record that one Debating Society at least, is not declining. When last winter began, the Debating Society showed some signs of desuetude. Before the end of the session, however, it . had rallied. The causes· of the apparent loss of interest are easy to discover. The lure, both of ' Shortened Courses,' and of the political debateS!, depleted the ordinary meetings: of Michaelmas Term. The former distraction must be accepted as a necessary evil, and one not likely to be present next winter. The latter, no 0 ne who was: there would wish to have missed. Has our generation tal~ en itself too seriously? . The fact that ' Schools: ' and politics are so much the centres of interest sugg·ests as much . The subje<;t of the first debate-the comparative importance of men of thought and men of action- and of one or two later ones, such as the effect of the cinema on the youth of the nation, made no. great appeal. In the second week of Term, on the other hand, the coal st'rike was affecting everyone, and the visit of an exPresident-the Rev. P. E. T. Widdrington, M.A., Secretary of the Church Socialist League, was the occasion of quite an unusuall y good debate, Th e case for the nationalisa~ion of the





mines was very convincingly put by Mr. Widdrington, while H. Palmer, on the other side, made his. best speech before the Society. There can be no doubt about the interest aroused by the Joint Debate with Ruskin College later in the Term. It was difficult to 'find standing room. Although the support of the majority of the members of the Hall was, more obvious in the division than in the debate, the motibn-' That the evils qf the pres.e nt Industrial System call for reform, and not revolution,'was lost. The officers for the Term were: President, E. T. H. Godwin; Vice-President, C. V. Browne-Wilkinson; Secretary, H. C. Shearman ; Treasurer, H. Livesey. The ' sharp-practice ' debate gave a good deal of amusement, and the promise of many of the excellent maiden speeches distinguished the meetings, especially the first, of the Hilary Term. On the latter occasion the subject was Divors e Reform. The pro,g ramme for the Term included visits from two members of the Majli Society (whose impas·sioned eloquence was largely respons·ible for the great interest shown in the debate on Indian Autonomy), and fmm Mr. E. L. Gundry, of Balliot, who came to defend the League of Nati01i.s against some of our sceptics. The debate on the sporting craze gave us P. G. Reddick's most humoroy.s speech, while on another occasion we discussed (apologies to Mr. Tawney) the sickness of a competitive Society. The Society has no colours to award, but special mention must be made of H. Palmer, H. Livesey, and P. H. Gabb, whos.e interest has always been keen, and whose speeches have never been dull; while the 'help of two ex-Presidents, C. Williams; and P. B. Spriggs, has been valuable. The officers for the Hilary Term were : Preside~t, H. C. Shearman; Vice-President, W. J. Carter; Secretary, J. Johnson; Treasurer, B. C. W. Johnson. H. C. S.


President, 1920-2r, E. S. WoODLE:¥. rgzr-22, F. J. BucKLE. The confident note struck in the last number of the magazine has been fully justified by the history of the club in the past year. We opened the season with a friendly match against Jesus College, played over fourteen boards, of which we won eight.




We were worthily represented throughout the season in th~ Inter-Collegiate League, our best perfon11apce being a victory by 5-:2 over Magdalen, with whom we tied for third place .in the League. Congratulations are due to M. Ahmad for a draw with P. R Bigelow (Balli<:H), and to \V. ]. Gar-ter, who was defeated only once in the season. An interesting tournament was commenced, but had to be abandoned owing to the¡ difficulty of accommodating in one _division the unexpectedly large number of competitors. This leads me to offer a littl e advice to those responsible for the immediate future of the club. If the Hall is to be represented by a strong, reliable team, it is not enough to encourage enthusiasts to spend ten minutes a day playing skittles over coffee . . . that is a delightful pastime, but it is not Ches.s. A keen annual tournament, split into divisions according to the number of entries, is all that we need to m~ke the speedy arrival of the Shield inevitable. ¡ E. S. W.


Conductor-F. J. BucKLE . . Secretary-G. T. MooRE. Under the able direction of the ~ onductor, much progress was made during the year, and several glees were practised. It is hoped that members of the Hall will take the opportunity of joining a Society which has already achieved a large measure of excellence, ano under the aegis of which two enjoyable Smoking Concerts wer'e given. The Society again. made itself responsible for arranging an Eights' \JI.l eek Concert in the Quadrangle, which was even more successful than that given last year, and should be regarded as a fixture in the Hall Cale~dar. We publish a programme of the ~oncert as a trigute to those who took part in it. G. T. M. PAR't I. I.

PART SoNGS : (a)' He that hath a pleasant face' (b) ' The Cruiskeen Lawn ' THE MADRIGAL SOCIETY.


SoLo (Baritone) : ' Sweet nymph, come to thy love ' C. H. ScAIFE (St. John's).

Hatton - Stewart Morley

ST. EDMUND BALL MAGAZINE. 3· _SoLO (Violin) : Rondo (A mino·r Sonata) J. 0 . LEIGHTON (Pembroke).

Beethoven Schubert

4· SoLo (Bass): 'The 'iVanderer' F . N. ROBATHAN. :>·



6. SoLo (Baritone) : 'Linden Lea' P. HAINES (Queen's).

Vanghan- J.V illiams

7· PrAJ\O DuET : F.




8. SOLo (Teno-r) : ' Shall I compare thee' E. S. WooDLEY.

Pins uti

9· SoLO (Baritone) : Bedouin Love-Song G. T. MooRE.

PART II. ro. PART SoNGS: (a)' Through bushes and through briars,' (Essex Folk Song, an. by V. Williams)

(b)' Sing a song of Sixpence'



SoLo (Baritone) : ' The Gentle Maiden' (Irish Song, arr. Somervell) P. HAINES. '


SoLOs (Violin): 'Le Cygne' ' Vesperale ' J. 0. LEIGHTON.

Saint-S aihzs C. Scott

IJ. SoLo (Baritone): 'Five and Twenty Sailormen' G. T. MOORE.

Taylo ·r

q. MoNOLoGuEs : F. M. BEDDOW.

rs. 16.

SoLo (Baritone) : 'The Castle of Dromme' C. H . ScAIFE. SoLo (Bass) : ' I will not grieve ' F N ROBATHAN 0



Irish Lnllaby Schumann


17. PAHT SoNGS: ' Little Tommy went a-fishing ' ' The long day closes ' THE MADRIGAL SocmTY.

Macy Snllivan



THE BOAT CLUB. 1920-2 I.

Captain: A. F.



J. ].





J. J.



Secretary: E. 0 .


The racing for the Mawdesley Cup br'o ught together four crews as roug'h as they were ready in performance. The winr1ing four was manned by : T. D. C. Herbert E. C. Lamb H. L. Hustwayte E. 0. Bennett (s.t roke) H. G. Lickes (cox). For the Torpid we were fortunate 111 securing Mr. S . M. Potter (Merton) as coach, the following: crew being chosen : st. lb . Bow .. .T. W. Gilbert ... 10 2. B. C. W. Johnson 10 3 IO 3· R. Phillips• 4 IO 6 + G. N. T . \Viddrington IO IO 5· T. B. Cooper 6. F. J. Fi sh I I IO IO 6 7· H. L. Hus.twayte Stroke. ' E . 0. Bennett IO 9 Cox. H. G. Lic:kes ... 8 6 Obviously the crew were handicapped by thei1~ lightness., but what they lacked in brawn was in great measure compensated by a plucky and determined spirit, especially in their. •efforts: to catch Lincoln II on the last three days of the racing. Greater· weight, however, enabled the opponent crew to stay the second half of the cou1se; and though once getting within. three feet at F r eewater Stone, we failed to make a. bump. TORPID WEEK.

First day: Bumped by Queen 's II at the Free Ferry. Second day: Bumped by Worcester II at the entrance to the Gut. Chased Lincoln. II the remaining four days·. Mr. A. C. Hill (St. John's) coached th e Eight, and we also had valuable help from the P rincipal on the occas·ions when Mr.




Hill was unable to take out the crew. · Much of the time was devoted to- coaching in tub pairs, which practice certainly improved the oarsmen of th e Hall. The crew consisted of : st. lb. 10 Bow. H. L. Hustwayte 4 IO 10 E . 0. Bennett 2. I I 2 3· H. B. Barrett IO IO R. B. White 4· 8 IO 5· J. J. G. Walkinton !2 6. S. N . Godfrey 4 I I I2 7· R. Sayle IO 2 Stroke. A. F. Bluett 8 8 Cox. · H. G. Lickes As a crew "they were late in getting together; it was felt, indeed, tha t . they were a week behind in the training throughout, F. A. Smalley, a most u seful man, was prevented from taking -his place in the boat owing to being. called up for service with the Army, and a heavyweig ht who worked in his place had to retire owing to trouble arising from an old wound . EIGHTs


First day: No. 3 broke his slide at the start, and Lincoln II bumped us immediately. Second day: Rudder lines broke coming throu g·h the Gut. We ran into a Thames Conservancy Barge; but reached home owing to bumps oc curring behind us. 'Third day: Gave Trinity II a lon-g run, but were bumped just past Trinity Barge. Fourth day: Bumped by \tVorcester II between the Free Ferry and the Gut. Fifth day : Rowed over. Sixth day : !3umped early in the race by Magdalen III. What is mos.t certainly needed is. the continued services of an experieneed coach who would undertake the training of a number of men throughout the year. It is of interest to r ecord thaf two captains' oars are novv hung over the open fireplace in the New J.C.R. The om belonging to George Bott (killed at Loos r9I7), who rowed '6' in -the fivebump Torpid of I9IO, has also been hung in the lower· part of the same room, · A. F. B.



CRICKET CLUB. OFFICERS., I 92 I. (re-elected) : P . H. GABB. Secretary: \i\T. R. JAMES.



Reco r&- M~atc hes

played I I , :won 6, lost r, drawn 4·

I92 I will be remembered as. "the most brilliant cricket summer within living memory. Never- was · such · a spell of ideaL cricket weather experienced in one season, and while T 'e st Match resultshave shown that all is not well with English C r:icket, and the· co'm plete triumph of Cambridge in. the University Match was , a rude shock to Oxford, yet the Hall has. shown i-ts appreciation of such a summer by breaking all previous records, and making · cricket history in more directions than one. The season opened on April 28th with a fou r -wicket victory over St. John's 'A.' This was clue to the batting of E. T. H . · Godwin. (49) and G. N. T. Wicldrington (2r not out). The second match, against Abingdon on April 3oth, will 'be remembered for the excellent batting of L . \V. Hart (r28 not out) and W. R. James (56 not out) who took the score from 47 for three wickets to 243 without further loss., The innings was th'e n declared and Abingdon were dismissed for 53, · with only ten minutes to go. This was foUowed by an even more exciting victory on May 4th over Keble ' A,' who, batting first, compiled r65. The necessary runs. were obtained for the loss of four wickets., the winning hit being made off the last ball but one of the match. E . T. · H. Goodwin (64) and! L. vV. Hart b atted well. The fourth match, against Guddesdon., on May 7th, vvas the only game in which rain interfered with play during the, whole season. Cuddesdon declared at I07 for five, and ~e had lost seven wickets! for' 7I when time was called. Then came the historic Oup-tie against Pembroke on May r i th and 12th, which was a personal triumph for L. \iV. Hart and G. Burnett, who each took five wickets for IO runs, dismissing the opposition for 35 in the first innings., Scores : Pembroke 3S and I29; S.E.H. 147 (E. C. Lamb 30) and IS foro. \iVith only a clay's break the ' Second Round ' match aga inst St. Catharirle's was. played. We, batting first, made ror, to which St. Catharine's replied with I37, P. H. Gabb taking 4 wickets for 22. Batting again on the second d av we obtaine-d only 95; St. Catharine's winning by 9 wickets ,




Two drawn matches followed against vV'adham, one being in their favour, and the other in quite an interesting state when stumps were drawn. It was unfortunate that at this stage of the season five matches in succession were cancelled by ottr opponents, the visit of the Australians and a Cup-tie being responsible for two. !:'laying against Lord Williams' School, Thame, on June 4th, we won by 22 runs, the scores being 85 to 63. For the .Hall E. R. L. Ward (sr not out) batted well, and H. H. Vickers took 6 wickets. for 2 r. On June 8th we played Abingdon School. Batting first we declared at 147 fo¡r 8 (F. Burnett 6r, and E. R . . L. vVard 41). Abingdon were all out for 42. The last match of Term was played on June 14th against Jesus College. Winning the toss we scored 160 for 6 before declaring. G. Xavier (34) and L. W. Hart (4r) batted well. The latter also bowled well, and was largely responsible for our opponents having lost 8 wickets for 122 at the close of play. This was one of our finest performances of the year, as we took the field without F. Burnett and E.. T. H. Godwin. In the course of the season L. \IV. Hart scored 277 runs, with ~m average of 46.17; E. T. H. Godwin 258 runs, average 25.8; F. Burnett 92 runs, average 23; W. R. James r8<) runs, average 17.17; E. R. L. Ward r63 runs, average r6.3. In bowling F. Burnett took 22 wickets at an average of 9 runs a wicket; E. R. L. \Nard 25 wickets at an average of ro runs; L. vV. Hart 26 wickets, average q.28; H . H. Vickers <)Wickets, average 14.22; P. H. Gabb IT wickets, average 15.27. To the above players. and E. C. Lamb, who kept wicket admirably, the success of 192 r cricket was very largely due. Colours were awarded to W. R. James, E. C. Lamb, G. Xavier, H. H. Vickers and G. N . T. Widdrington. P. H. G. ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL CLUB. 1<)20-2 I. H. H. VICKERS. Secretary : H. G. LICKES. The season on the whole was most .successful, in the Michaelmas Term we competed in the Inter-Collegiate League, and in the Hilary Term besides several friendly matches we entered for the Inter-Collegiate Cup. At the end of the Michaelmas Term, ~tanding sixth, our pos ition was creditabl¡e,



RESULTS OF LEAGUE MATCHES, MICHAELMAS TERM, ·-I920. ,Tuesday, Oct. 12, v. *Ashhurst .War Hospital (away); lost, 2-3. Thursday, Oct. 14, v. Pc;o-,broke fi (home); won, 5-1. Saturday, Oct. 16, v. Corpus Christi (home); won, 2--o., Oct. IS, v. Wadham II (home); won, 5-3. Wednesday, Oct. 30, v. Trinity (away); lost, o-3. Wednesday, Oct. 27, v. Brasenose Il (home); won, 1--o. 'Friday, Oct. 29, v. \iVorcester (home); lost, o-3. Saturday, Oct. 30, v. St. John's II (home); won, I-o . . \Vednesday, Nov. 3, v. New College II (home); won, ·4--J. Friday, Nov. 5, v. Merton (away); lost, o--4. Saturday, Nov. 6, v. Jesus II (home); Jesus scratched; \Nednesday, Nov. IO, v. Oriel II (home); won, 4-o. Friday, Nov. 12, v. Keble II (away); lost, 2-3. Saturday, Nov. I3, v. University (away); won, 3-0. vVednesday, Nov. I7, v . Magdalen II (away); drr.w, o-o. Friday, Nov. Ig, v. Christ Church II (home); lost, I- - 3 · Saturday, Nov. 2o, v. Exeter II (hQme); won, s-o. Wednesday, Nov. 24, v. Balliol (a\vay); draw, 2--2. Thursday, Nov. 25, v. Queen's II (home); lost, o-r. Saturday, Nov. 27, 7!. Lincoln II (home); won, I I - o . \Vednesday, Dec: I, v . -J<-All Saints' School, Bloxham •(home); won, 5-2. *Friendly Matches.

Played 2I, won 12, lost 7, drawn 2; goals for 53, against 28. L. \iV. Hart was consistently good as centre. He scored twenty-five goals. The other goals were scored by G. T. Moore (g), G. N. T. Widdrington (4), H. G. Lickes (3), H. B. Water's -(3), j. J. G. Walkinton (2). P. H. Gabb carried out the duties of referee most efficient!~ and our thanks are due to him. In the first round of the Inter-Colleg·iate Cup w e were drawn against Magdalen, the match was played on our ground, and, although we were beaten, we certainly gave our opponents a good game, the score at half--time being I-I, and it wa.s not until the ~econd half was well advanced that Magdalen scored again. At the dose of play Magdalen had scored four to our one. Among the ' friendly games ' arranged towards. the end of Term mention may be made of the match played against the Torpid Crew, a well-contested game resulting in a win for the XI (2-I). During the year colours. were awarded to H . McK. Law, G. T. Moore, H. G. Lickes, J. Johnson., W. R. James:, F . M. Beddow. H.H,V,



I92 0 -2I.

Ca.p : M. W. GALLOP. Secreta.r ies: C. V. BROW NE -vVILKINSON, F. G.


192 I~22.

Captain : F. G. Secretary : E. .S.


The Hockey Players in. residence in Michaelmas Tei·m, rg2o, were sufficient in number to wanant the fo,rmation of a Cl'ub, thus placing the game, for the first time, on a working basis among Hall Sports. Naturally, the demands of other and more important clubs caused some little difficulty, and a sho·r tage of players to some extent hampered the efforts of the Club, Nevertheless, the experience gained will be of value in future seasons. The play during Michaelmas Term was of such a standard as: might be expected when it is remembered that the players ~ere without practice; and so cohesion, which is a first essential to all: good play, was: la,cking. .It was gratifying to notice a very marked improvement in Hilary Term, 1921. Games played, 13; won 1 ; drawn 2; lost ro. As many of the player's last seas:on are to play again. this year, we believe that we shall be justified in entering, for the firs.t time, for the Inter-CoHege Cup Competition this season. F. N. Robathan played for Oxfoi'dshire last season,, thereby obtaining. his: thi rd County Cap. We congratulate him. Colours were awarded to C. V. Browne-Wilkinson, H. H. Vickers, G. Xavier, F. G. Marcham, P. G. Welford, M. Ahmad, E. S. Williams., F. A. Smalley, and H . B. Barrett. F. G.M. LAWN TENNIS CLUB. OFFICERS,

Cap tain: F. M. Sec·v etary: H. C.



Captain: A. P.


The best feat ure o·f the season was a ' Doubles:' Tournament which was won by H . C. Robertson and G. N. T. Widdrington; A. P. Kingsley and R. B. \Vhite being 'runners-up.' Success eluded us in our inter-College matches:.



Tennis colours were awarded to: J. vV. Allen, A. P. Kings•ley, and G. J. O 'Connor. Excellent service was. also rendered to the Club by E. A. Lobo, H. A. Ba rnes-Lawtence, G. T. Moo·re, M. Ahm ad and E. 0 . Bennett. A. P. Kingsley has: been appointed Captain for 1922. He represented the H all in the 'Varsity 'Singles' Championship, and was: defeated, only aftet a ' deuce ' set, by ~is brother (Lincoln) who reached the semi-final. F.M.B.

DEGREES CONFERRED. J an uary 2oth, 1921.-B.A. : H. Palmer·, C. Sampson . F ebruary rzth.-B.A. : C. V. Browne-Wilkinson. April z8th.-B.A. : D . H. H edges. :M ay zrst.-M.A.: A. E . Maund.

B.Sc.: F. E. Ray (in absence).

June r6th.-M.A.: M. F . G. Donovan, F. N . Robathan. June 231-d.-M. A.: A. Sargent, J. B. Wood. July gth .-M.A.: E . L. H a rvey.

B.A.: H. Cole.

B.A.: F. Burnett.

Aug ust 4th.-B.A.: H . B. Batrett, F. M,. Beddow, P : H . Gabb, P . T. Jeffetson , F . C. L. Shaw. October zoth.-M.A.: L. W. Hart. B.A. : F. J . Buckle, C. Cole, T. D. C, Herbert, H. L. Hust:wayt e, A. R. James, H. Livesey, T. G. Mohan, P. G. Reddick, F. A. Smalley, P. B. Spriggs, R. B. White. November 3rd.-B.A.: G. T. Moore. November r9th.-M.A. : A. F . Bluett, J. S. P ayne. B.A. : A. F. Bluett, G. P . Cooper, E. T. H . Godwin, M. D. Grieve, W. R Martin., December rst.-B.A. : W. L. Guyler.

MATRICULATJONS. HILAHY TERM, rg2r Commoners: S. Cox (N ewpo-rt T echnical College). N. Frangiscatos (University of Athens) . ·*F. D. W alker (University of Arizona) .





Exhibitioners: L. A. Latham (Royal Masonic School, Bushey). H. A. Blair: (Lancing College) . Commonen: B. Barber (Heversham Grammar Schoo.J). F. C. Bazett-Jones:( St. Edward's School). W. L. Bunce (Cooper's Company School, Bow) . vV. R. M. Chaplin (Shrevvsbury School). H. G. Eggleto:n (Ordination Test School, Knutsford). A. E. Ellis (King s:wo~xl School', Bath). A. A. Got·don (India n Army). W. A. H. Green (Rugby Lower School). S. E. Herrtage (St. Anthony's, Forest Gate). J. L. HiU (Lancing College). \i\1. H. Hindle '(Municipal School, Barrow-in-Fumes:s). A. B. Hodgson (Leeds:' Grammar School). T. V. Hordern (Bloxham School). S.. A. Husain (Cambridge School, Debra Dhun). *M. M. Knappen (University of \Voosten). C. Lummis (Bootha m School, York). V. vV. Miles (King 's School, Peterborough). M. A. Mitcheson (Denstone College). A. R. H. Morris (Oswestry Grammar School). A. MeL: Murray (University of London) . . C. A. P~axton (Magdalen College School). E. G. Price (Kingswood School, Bath). R. E. Pdestly (Heath Grammar School, Halifax) . D. L. Saberton (Cambridge County Scl1ool). G. Sayle (King William's College, Isle of Man). ·i·R. Sim (University o•f Glasgow). C. Smart (Cadis:le Gmmmat· School). G. St. V. Thacket·ay (Worksop College). A. McD. Trendel] (Maidstone Grammar School). ~-N . B. Trenham (University of Arizona). H. Turpin (Stamford Grammar School). A. D. Yates:(PrestonG rammar School). '"Rhodes Scholar·. i'Croix de Guerre.

THE WAR MEMORIAL FtJND. We are asked to state that a list of subscribers and a statement of accounts will be published in the next issue of the Magazine.



ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. It had been hoped to include a list of the names: and addresses of subscriber's, but" lack of space has: prevented this'. If any one, however, should wish for the address of any other subscribe!', the Editors: will be pleased to g ive him this: information on the receipt of a stamped poSJtcru-d.

The price of the Magazine is 3/ 6 each copy. Past m embers of the Halt may compound for the sum of two guineas. . This latter facility obviates the inconvenience that arises out of sending and receiving from year to yea;r small payments. Cheques. should be drawn to the Senior Treasurer, St. Edmund Hall Magazine.


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