NOVEMBERt 1<)2o.
HAVE been asked to write a 'Foreword' for the new Magazine, and do so gladly. 路 I welcome the venture for more reasons than one. First, on personal grounds. Oxford news penetraters slowly, if ,at all, to an inaccessible fastness In the (infrequently) fmze11 north. I do not wish to be left to learn what happens to my friends from the inconsequent garrulities of our Oxford corres.pondents in the daily newspapers. Secondly, on grounds of public importance. The Hall is now large enough and, as an institution, considerable 路enough to deserve and require some public .c hronk;le of its. acts and of the events which happen to it. Its literary influence in the past has been wide and celebrated. A Magazine will et:~courage budding poets and essayists in . the future, while it will also serve as a corrective to such irresponsible exuberance as. usually finds. an outlet in ephemeral and sometimes unseemly ' chance ' productions. 路 Doubtless in these days of frank autobiographies, som'e twentieth century Hearne is already chronicling all the acts of his contemporaries and traducing most of their characters. A ' plain tale ' will ' set him down,' and the sober records of the Magazine will correct his chronological in~ exactitudes, te:mper his acrimony and put his moralisings in a less 路 lurid light. History demands the truth. Long may it receive it! HERBERT
EDITORIAL. ' I'm beginning fo think the Hall no longer exists. I've no news of anything or anybody.' We quot'e from a letter we have received, from one of our members who left us no longer ago than last.year. It is sad to think that the man who goes down so soon feels he is forgotten. A little while ago he was greatly con-
cerned m the events of Hall life. He was. to be seen wending· his way to. lectures. in the morning, and in thet afternoon he played football, tubbed Freshers and did what he could generally for Hall sports. He was a frequent speaker at debates, and often he entertained a fascinated house with the sallies of his wit. He was the life and soul of his year club: The Hall was everything to him. But he has committed the unpardonable sin of going down, and now a world of foreign cares is supposed to absorb him : 'the drudgery of the desk's dead wood,' the orderly room, next Sunday's sermon, to-morrow's lecture or p·erhaps the Latin prose of his form. And yet such a letter as we have quoted shows that these things do not wholly occupy his mind. ' What of the old Hall? Where is J., who used to run the soccer? What has become of T., who was wont to preside at debates?' Now it is hoped, that the editorial staff of this Magazine will take the place of a permanent friend at the Hall for all old members. We are anxious to hear from you. .It doe1s n't matterwhether we remember you or not; we are interested in what you have to tell us about yourself. You stroke(d ·the boat in '68 or you · were 'progged' for throwing missiles into ·Queen's Lane from your rooms. on No. r Staircase in r9ro. Let us have your disclosures. 'Ve may include them in one of our issues, though we are mightily pedantic, and ~e warn you that we abominate journalese, and the clever epigrams and the split infinitive are coupled in our disdain, and! the parish magazine v•ein we abhor. But pray don't let these considerations deter you, for we undertake to lick articles into shape at our weekly editorial coffee pushes, which are as much an institution as the . Punch Dinner. We'll gather round the fire and enjoy your newSi, and, best of all from your point o.f vi'e w, you'll get an answer from one of us for your pains. If you come up at any time we shall know something about you, and you won't feel as ' out of it' as. a poor relation. Our last ~ord to old members is-write. To present memb'ers we would say-we want your support. You did us the honour of electing us to run this Magazine, but it will be a very one-sided affair if we are left to run it ourselves. You have views about things : l·et us have them. You are sure to have something new to say about Oxford-everybody has; or you are a budding poet-let us have the c:re:dit of discovering you. But even if you cannot get your muse to work at this time of the year, remember that you can do something to help our
effort to link up more closely old and present members of the Hall, and to put on record matters of interest affecting Hall life. You came across. an old S. E.H. man last vacation-let us know all about him; you picked up an old print of a former member who came to farner--we should like to hear about it; in your reading you have found in some unsuspected place some interesting sidelight on Hall life in ancient days-it will be of interest to us. With all its impressive length of years, the HaJJ has lost in the past much that would have been treasureable to future generations by nothing more than the lack of simple annals.
HALL NOTES. Michaelmas Term, 1919. Michaelmas Term, 1919, will remain a memorable Term in the annals of the Hall. It will always be invested with distinction both, in point of time, as the first T·~rm of the first academical year after the signing of the Peace Treaty with Germany, and,, in point of space, as a Term with a record entry and a record membership. With a heritag·e of 52 members (7 graduates and 45 undergraduates) from the previous year, a figure in itself exceeding pre-war complements, the total number roS'e to 85 by the admission of 33 Freshmen. Had not our new sense of magnit~de been tempe'red by an ancient sense of modesty, we might have been moved to re-assume our mediaeval title of Great St. Edmund Hall, in the consciousness that, not in name only, we now, warranted that ascription. It was. keenly regretted that the late Vice-Principal, the Rev.
L. Hodgson, was not to be back amongst us to share in our rising fortunes. With affectionate regard we relinquished him to Magdalen College to take up his new po•st as Fellow and Dean of Divinity. For ourselves we reserved; the gratification that the . Hall was able to provide a Dean whose capacity. was so fully commensurate with the needs of the suburban society which he was appointed to serve!. Perhaps it was in a gracious spirit of reparation that the Pre1sident and Fellows of MagdaJ.en later most graciously voted £2oo to the Hall exchequer. Happily Mr. Hodgson has been able to maintain his connection with us, since · he continues still to take many of his former pupils who go to seek him in his new quarters without the east gate of- the City.
For the present the Vioe-Principate. was to remain vacant. Instead the Hall welcomed as Chaplain the Rev. G. Basil Jones, of Balliol College. Mr. Jones, with a ' First ' in Philosophy at London University to his credit, came up to Balliol in January, 1918, to read Theology. At th'e Hall he continued his studies for Schools, but, nevertheless, found time to engage in some tutorial work, and in the! Final Examination in June obtained a ' First.' His performance merits our warmest congratulations, the more so since he has always suffered from the handicap of a refractory constitution. Anthropologically, it is interesting to find signs of primitive worship still animating the life of the Hall. We refer to the traces of totem ism to be detected in the names of the various Year Clubs which dominate our social activities: · ' The Owls,' ' The Glow Worms,' 'The Choughs,' 'The: M:a.rtJ:ets, ' and 'The Teddy Bears.' But the fact that the members of such a menagerie should not yet have ceased to live in amity is perhaps proof ~nough that they are not more than nominally affected by the spirit of Taboo. In view of the increas·ed membership of the Hall, th·e Principal considered that for fiscal purposes a measure of d.evolution was desirable, and appointed Mr. A. B. Emden to discharge the ' exacting ' duties that fall to the lot of a Bursar.
Hila.ry Term, 1920.
The commencement of Hilary Term found the numbers of the Hall still soaring. The admission of s!even Freshmen brought the total number on the resident list for this Term to 91. We were sony that Mr. E. Denduyts was not able to rejoin the Hall owing to ill-health. J. T. Gre!enidge has !•eft the Hall to study with a London firm of architects; F. Laxon tO' take up farming in Canada. We were glad to welcome A. E. Maund and L. W. Hart back again from th~ wars.
The Hall buildings, within their present limits¡, do not admit of expansion, but during the Christmas vacation two improvements were undertaken for affording better accommodation in Hall to those who are in lodgings. The ground floor room at the bottom on No. I Staircase was to serve as a Junior Library, and all books in gen eral use were removed from the old li;}rary and housed in it. The adjoining bedroom is still used as such, but its present tenant, who shares. one of the larger sitting rooms on No. 3 Staircase, shows no signs of undue depression from his proximity to this depository of learning. fumi~hed
The J.C.R. was decorated with a n5W fir'eplace and overmantel. From the proceeds of Terminal auctions of newspapers, conducted by the Hall's most plausible amateur impostors, the J.C.R. was extensively refurnished regardless, &c. The congratulations of the Hall are due to J. B. Wood, who obtained his half-Blue for f¡e:ncing; and E. S. Woodley, who secured the similar distinction for ch'ess. It is also gratifying to record that R. Sayle and G. H. Sharpe were both tried in the Trial Eights, F. N. Robatha.n in the Hockey Trials and J. L. Jenkins in the Soccer Trials.
Trinity Term. And still we grow. Trinity Term found the Hall with a total of 97 on the resident list. We were sorry that F. B. Cavalier was prevented by ill-health from coming up this Term. He is now fit and school-mastering. We missed, too, P. T. Freeman, who preferredi a post as Senior Science Master at King Edward V.I Schoo1, Southampton, to the uncertain prospects of forestry. On April 7th, at Yarnton Church, the late Vice-Principal, the Rev. L. Hodgson, was married to Miss Ethel Archer, eldest daughter of the Rev. C. F. and Mrs. Archer, of Whitehead, Co. Antrim, Ireland. In deference to his young bachelo r friends in these susceptible times, the ceremony was quietly accomplished
m mid-vacation; nevertheless, we are glad of this opportunity of overtaking him with our congratulations. The Rev. R. French, an old member of the Hall, and now head of the\ hostel of St. Sava and St. George, the home of the Serbian students in Oxford, preached! in the chapel on behalf of the Serbian Student Fund in connection with the Eastern Church Association, on Sunday, May 16th. In a Convocation held on May 18th, a decree was carried author.ising the payment by the Curato·rs of the University Chest to the Principal, for the general purposes of the Hall, of the sum of £zoo a year for three years . At the request of the Hebdomadal Council, the\ Trustees. of the University Endowment l<~und had previously promised to grant a sum of £300 a year for the same period if the other payment was arranged. In this recogn ition by the Univers.i ty of its financial conc.e.rn for the Hall, we believe that the Chancellor once. m ore gave: proof tha t we have in him a powerful champion. The outstanding ·e vent at the Hall during Eights' Week was undoubtedly the 'Madrigalia,' held . in the Quad on Monday evening, May 23rd.. F. J. Buckle and the Madrigal Society are to be congratulated upon producing so suitable a programme at short notice, as the devising of it was the result of an eleventh hour inspiration. It is, to be hoped that the entertainment will b ecome an annual feature. The Hall was one of the few colleges this year which delighted the inexpensiv·e luxury of flowering plants in the window boxes. The aesthetic predilection and, in these days of psychical r•esearcli, the ' aura ' of the owners were manifested: in tbe varied choice of flo\vers, to say nothing of a unique specimen of ' Choufleur larmoyant,' which for a few days attracted g·eneral attention. ' It isn't for want of water, sir. Well, I never saw an " yderanger" taken like th at before. Never!' And the roller resumed its journey over the; grass, protesting too. 111
Mr. E. H. New, who vies with David Loggan 111 hi s draw· ings of Oxford Colleges, has added St. Edmund Hall to his wellknown series, named after th at famous engraver to the University. The delicate skill and mastery of plan and detail which all
his work exhibits is most pleasingly displayed in his: bird's~eye view of the Hall buildings.. Whereas Loggan in his plate only drew the exterior front of the Hall from Queen's Lane, Mr. New has taken a higher view-point, and presents a comprehensive group of all the buildings in his print. The original drawing, \vhich was purchased by the Principal, has been reproduced in photogravure by Mr. Emery Walker. \Ve believe that this is the first time that a separate print of the Hall has been published. It is to be hoped that all past and present members of the Hall, by purchasing a copy, will express their appreciation of the honour which Mr. New has done us. The priC'c is one guinea net, and oneJ shilling and sixpence extra by post. An illustrated prospectus of the print may be obtained from the artist, 17 Worcester Place, Oxford. Thanks to the courtesy of Mr. New, we are: enabled to reproduce in miniatur:e a copy of this pi;int olll the cover of the Magazine. On Sunday, June 13th, it became known that the Principal had been appointed to the Bishopric of Carlisle. This unwelcome good news touched us too nearly not to embarrass our congratulations. Little disguised was the depression that set路 tied down on us, perhaps more 路e xpressive than any words of a whole-hearted appreciation deeply affected by a sense of personal concern. For the rest of the: Term cross-currents of gratification and regret caught us in different mood. Since his election in 1913, the Principal had infused into the Hall a new sense of its vocation in the University, and impr-essed that not only within its walls, but withouL Under his guidance the Hall had been brought through the uneasy days路 of the war, and had since gathered a strength o.f numbers and goodwill that has given to it new heart and fresh impetus. vVe had come to know how Ul1.路 sparingly Mrs. Williams associated herself in all the Principal's interests for the Hall. It was the prospect of their departure, which the news of this appointment brought, that revealed to all of us how very closely the Principal and Mrs. Williams had drawn the affection and loyalty of the Hall about them. During the last week of Term the Principal and Mrs. Williams were ' At Home' on three evenings of the week, and all took
this opportunity of saying goodbye, and wishing all happiness to the Principal and Mrs. V/illiams in their ne~ work. As one of the Select Preachers to the University, as a mem· ber of the Hebdomadal Council, as a Delega te for the Extension of Teaching, as a Delegate of Local Examinations, as a Delegate for the Training o.f Teachers, as a Delegate for the Supervision of Women Students, as a member of the University Committee for Ex-Service Students' Grants, and as a member of the Board of the Faculty of Literae Humaniores-and that is not all-the Principal may well claim the respect due to a lion for the share that he took this. year in University business. In a Convocation held on Saturday, July wth, it was unanimously resolved to confer the degree of D. D. by Diploma upon the Rev. H. H. Williams, M.A., Principal of St. Edmund Hall, Bishop-Elect of Carlisle. The greatly increased numbers in residence have presented a somewhat difficult problem to the Manciple. If all were to turn up to dine, how was everyone to be gathered into the dining hall? We: wonder, since that ev·ent has still to happen. No one has yet been. confronted with ' House Full ' posted on the doubledoors of the Hall, although there has been as many as sixty dining. On the subject of numbers, it will surprise1 some to hear that on the occasion of the Principal's farewell address at least seventy were present in the chapel, extra forms and chairs being placed in front of the stalls.
Long Vacation. We congratulate those who successfully weathered the ordeal of Schools. S . A. Hov.;ard gained distinction in the Shortened Honours Course in Theology. H. J. Miller obtained a Third in the full school. The othet~s negotiating Shortened Honours CourseS! were H. G. Lane in Modern Hi story, F. McGowan in Naturar· science. H. B., Waters and H. J. Horwood took their Final Schools in Agriculture, W. G. F . Dewar, D. Lo\ve and T. H. Espley in Forestry.
· The Principal was consecrated Bishop on August 24th, m York Minster. He was enthroned in the Cathedral at Carlisle on September 22nd. · As a parting present from members of the Hall, the Bishop hasbeen given a Pectoral Cross in. Gold, resembling in form the· Cross Patonce of the arms of the Hall. A bishop's ring is to fol!OI\v and also -a present for Mrs. Williams. During the vacation the creepers remaining. on the quadrangle front of the Hall build.ings were rigorously dealt with. All the inore rampant stragglers have be~en now rooted up. These severe measures, which have been carried out piece by pieae, were made necessary in order to prevent the surface of the stonework suffering further jnjury at the hands, or rather the tentacles, of the creepers. The Bishop of Carlisle resigned the Principalship on Septem· ber zgth. At the invitation of The Queen's College; the R ev. G. B. Allen, B.D., Fellow and Tutor of Pembroke College, and Senio·r Proctor, conS'ented to discharge the duties of Acting Prin~ipa l until such time as the Provost and Fellows of Queen's were able ~0 proceed to an eJection. Mr. Allen came up from; Cheltenham to• W adham College, as a scholar, in 1903, and, aft'er obtaining a ' First ' in Theology, remained on there as Chaplain. In · rgro he won the Denyer and Johnson Scholarship arid fhe Ellerton Theological Essay, and was elected in the same year to a Fellowship at Pembroke Collt>ge, where he has since acted. as Chaplain, Tutor and Dean. During the war' he was1 with the Y.M.C.A. in France, and Chaplain to the Forces in the Army and the Air Force. At present he holds the office of Srenior Proctor. One of Mr. Allen's first undertakings as Acting Principal was Examination Schools on behalf of the Hall, before the Royal Commission on Oxford and Cambridge UniverSities. We have cause ~o be grateful to him for the readiness and skill with which he conducted the case for the Hall. Although dilled upon to take up a brief on its behalf at short notice, he dealt with all questions put to him arising O'ut of the statement
to give evidence in the
ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. of the position and needs of the Hall, submitted by the late Principal, and contended for the requirements presented in that memorandum. Even for the Headl of a Housel, to start with a ' Viva ' in SchoolS! must be an uneasy inversion.
· Michaelmas Term,
Our numbers are well maintained. The br·each madie' by the outgoing of eleven members of the Hall at the end of the Trinity Term has been repaired by the admission of fourteen Freshmen this Term. At last we have the satisfaction of seeing ' Home ' printed on the FootbaJl FixtuPes Card. We are renting from ·W adham College a ground situated by the further side of their playing fi~ld. We are indebted; to Mr. G. R. Brewis, the Sernior Tutor, for his diplomatic ' skill in bringing this about. There is a north country proverb which states ·that 'there's nowt as que·e r as foak. ·' . Here are two conversations in point : -
1919: One: 'They talk of tr)·ing to g·et a foO.tball ground for next season. Two: I hope they do. But they've no push. Why, I would rather have one the other side of Jffiey than not at all. 1920. .
One: Well, what about your football ground now? Two: Yes, its all very fine, but what a way ofL The 'bus on.ly takes you as far as St. Clement's. .
• On November 1oth, the Prorvoist and Fellows: o.f the Queen's College' elected the Rev. G .. B. Allen, B. D., ~o be Principal of the Hall. \Ve congratulate o:urselves. The, Principal has appointed Mr. . A. B. Emden, Bursar and Tutor, to be Vice-Principal. The Bursar has been colleCting engravings · of distinguished old members of the Hail. Portraits of Sir William Jones (1s66i64o), a Justice of the King's Bench; Judge David Jenkins
(rs82-r663), a staunch Royalist; John Oldham (165J-I683), poet; Humphrey \Vanley (1672-1726), antiquary; Mr. Justice Denton (r68o-r74o), Chancellor to the Prince of Wales; Thomas Hearne ( r679-1735), antiquary, have alr¡eady been hung in the d_ining hall. These will be: joined by portraitS! of George Carleton (rss9-r628), Bishop of Chichester; vVilliam Whately (I sSJ-1639), Puritan; John Methuen Cr6so-r7o6), Envoy to Portugal; - Sir George Fl~m-, ing (1667-1747), Bishop of Garlisie, as soon as suitable frames_ have been found. vVe are not able to give a complete record of the names of past members who have visited the Hall during the last twelve months, as-our official memory does not go back beyond . the date of our appointment to the editorial offioe at the end of Trinity Term. The names of those who came up to take degrees will be found duly set out in another part of the Magazine. The Rev. W. T. Kerry, Capt. C. B. Gull, Capt. A. B. Blaxland, Capt. R .. D. Lace, the Rev. I. Evans, the Rev. D. S. P. Mackintosh, J. W. T. Sad:ler, C. K. Zorian, Lieut. F. C. Swannell, the Rev. F. K. Scott and W. E Andlrews have also paid visits to the: Hall.
GILBERT HENRY SALMON. During the last week in August, local tr;ihes invested Kifri,. lying one hundred. miles north of Baghdad, where -Capt. G. H. Salmon, ¡ of the 6th Devon Regt . . was stationed as Assistant Political Officer. He was seized and put in prison. On the 29th he was done to death by tribesmen who thereupon fled fron-1 the town. His body was recovered the next day and; buried in the presence of his wife who had come up with a relieving force. The Civil Commissioner at Baghdad, in a communication to the Secr'e.tary of State for India, reported that ' by the death o.f Capt. G. H. Salmon, the Civil Administration loses' the services of a loyal and courageous officer.' G. H. Salmon entered the Hall in Michaelmas Term, 1913. After having been rejec ted several times fot defective eye-sight, he was passed for active service in July, 1915, and obta-ined a commission in the 6th Devonshire Regt. Those who knew him at _- t~e - Hall will have expected that he would show .cool courage in the face oi great odds.
UT FAMA EST. One of the first replies that was received in response to our advertisement of the Magazi-ne came from the Rejv. W. H. Milner. - He served as Chaplain to the Fo-rces for forty-one years, (r87s-rgr6)-a record for the Chaplains' Department. He is one of our earliest ·eightsmen, having rowed five in r86r, in the first boat that the Hall put on the river, and four in the second boat. The Rev: vV. Dampier, who rowed bow in the first boat, is Rector of Nailstone, near Nuneaton. The.- coxswain of the first boat, J. Swainson, has beep living at 21 Elms Road, Clapham Common, since his retirement from the G.P.O. The Hon. Mark Hunter has. been Director of Public Instruction in Burma since; 1918, and is. living in Rangoon. The Rev. D. S. P. Mackintosh is. Prec'entor at the Cathedral, Bury St. Edmunds. L. Har':ey is Professo-r of English Language and Literature in the University of New Brunswick. He is expected to give fourteen lectures a week on seven separate subjects, and to correct the essays of 1 so men and women student's fortnightly. The' motto of thd Unive·rsity is 'Sapere aude'; to the Professo-r we would recom-m end ' DOC'ere aude. •
The Rev. G. H. Bateman has been serving as Chaplain to the Forces at Carragh Camp, Ireland. Lieut. T. R. Beatty, R.N., is qualifying at H.M. Navigation School, Portsmouth.
navigation duties
During the year the: follo,wing past members o.f the Hall have bieen ordained : Priest: A. Sargent (St. Margaret' s-at-Ciiffe, Kent). Deacons :-N. E. Ashendion (St. Simon's, Southsea), R. H. Hawkins (~t. Thomas', Dudley), J. Boultbee· (St. Clement's, 'J:ox-
teth' Park, Live rpool) , T. H. Croocall (Parish Church , Lutterworth), ]. B. Wood (St . James ' , Whitehaven) , H. J . Mille t路 (St. Peter's, Tunbridge \ iVells) . J. B. Woo d:, who was ordained deacon by the Bishop of Carlisle in the Chapel at Rose Ca stle, on September 25th, was the first t o be ordained by the late Principal
The R ev . J. C. Gawthern has sent u s, a copy .of a booklet which he h as written, entitled Oliveta. It is published from the office of Th e Commonwealth , a t L1etchworth. In it he puts forward a sequence of happy suggestions fo r the co-operation 路 of women in the varied life of town a nd village. .It is a little work full of insight, born of lo ng p arochial experie nce. V\Te hope next year to publish a Jist of the na m es and: addresses of subscri bers t o the Magazine.
FROM A COLLEAGUE. It js not easy to give an account of the Bishop of Carlisle as I knew him at St. Edmund Hall which would not outrun the limited space available in a college m agazine. Perhaps it will be bes t just t o select a few p oints, which st a nd out in my mind when I think of hiJTI, and leave thie rest. In the first place I alway s think of him as a philosopher, wh~se philosophy is the1 very essence of his life; and the essence o f his philosoph y, if I am not mistaken, is a twofold convictionthat goodness is objective, is one', e.te:rnal and unchangeable , but that in this world it is actualised and recognisable . in particular instanc'es of itself , which on the surface may bea r no resembla nctto one another. It is impossible to lay diown in a dvance the forms in which it will manifest itself in ci rcumstances 路whic h have not yet arisen. H ence it is the duty of m an to keep his mind alert, readiy to recognise whatever new revela tio ns of goodness m ay . be involved in new: problems of life. Each problem, as tt arise;>, must be sei zed up on, thought out, read aright and solved路 in itself, for only by the investigation of the particular problem can its own difficulties- be met and its solution be found.
ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. With these convictions., the Principal came to the Hall in 1913. His fine judgment, his open-minded adaptability to new conditions have imparted, since his appointment, a distinctive character to his work in the Hall and in .t he University. During the war, ¡when the situation changed from d;ay to day and new problems faced the! Hall and the Univelrsity, he was ready to deal with each new question on its own merits, and to bring to it a mind which, while it had few equals in keenness of perception, was unswervingly devoted to the service of goodness. He was always at the1 disposal of those undergraduates o~ colleagues who came to him in p'erplexity or trouble. His sympathy made him a ready listener : his firm grasp of essential values an unfa~ling counsellor. W 'h en' once a man put his case sincerely before the Principal, he did not put it in vain. But thi~ leacl.s me to my last point, which bears, I believe, upon his chief characteristic as an educational influence. If he tnlnks that for himself his duty is to discover what is right in every new problem of life, this duty, he believes, is equally binding on every man. So his aim was always to help a man to see the right course fo-r himself, and to make up his own mind as to his action. ' So and so wants to' have his mind mad.e up for him,' the Principal would remark, 'but I'm not going to do it. He must do it himself.' With his unrivalled power<> o.f moral insight he would help those who ccime under his influence to see in their trll'e light the circumstances of their own problems, and then encourage them to decide for themselves, to take the responsibility for their own decisions, and so to become men. Many who have learned this lesson from the Principal must be grateful to him for that strong s;elf-restraint. . There is much else that might bel said, if space permitted. How many women, for instance, as. they take their degrees and share in the government of the Uni.v ersity, know. how much the passing of the recent statute', in its full and comprehensive fa'rm, was due to the Principal of St. Edimund Hall? But of this and other things there are many who can speak . and write. I have tried, as briefly as I can, to put down the chi'ef of i:ny own impressions of our late Principal-of such impressions, that is, as tnay be written and published. For there is much that must always be left un.said, which the heart will keep treasured among its s¡ecrets. L.H.
ONCE UPON A TIME. The connection between the Hall and the see of Carlisle is one .of long standing. Although the present bishop was, the first Principal to be pmmotedi directly from the Hall to Carlisle, there are two former Principals. and one undergraduate of the Hall among his predecessors.
Henry Robinson (eire 1553-1616) was the first. He came up from Carlisle to Que•en's CoJlege, and was later elected a I;ellow. He was appointed Principal of the Hall in 1576, re,t urning after ·five years to Queen's as Provost. After· rendering many good services to his college, he was recalled to be: bishop in his native city in 1598. A curious brass was erected: to his memory in the Cathedral at Carlisle, and a similar one in Queen's College Chapel.
Barnaby Potter (I577-1642) foUowed the same course of promotion. A north countryman, educated at Queen's College, and afterwards elected a Fellow, he was' made Principal of the Hall in 1610. Six years later he exchang•ed the: Headship of the Hall for that of Queen's. While he1 was Principal, he chose1 to dis~harge the duties of that office from Totnes, and for a time from Pean Prior, where he preceded Herrick as vicar. His Puritan preferences do not seem to have intJerfered with his winning the respect of King Charles, who appointed him his Chief Almoner in · 1628, and Bishop of Carlisle in 1629.
Thoroughly Cumbrian is the record of the next. In April, 1688, George, son of Sir Daniel Fleming, of Rydal, Westmorland, entered the Hall. He occupied the third chamber on the third story of the old buildings ne.xt New Coi!ege. After graduating in 1692, he returned to the north, and: spent thirty-five years in different livings in the diocese of Carlisle. He was appointed Dean in 1727, and Bishop in 1734. He lived long enough to see the troublous times of the '45, dying at Rose Castle two years afterwards.
Is. the observation of All Hallows e' en in the Hall, as the occasion for a ceremonial initiation of the Freshmen, a survival or a revival? In H earne's time such a custom was kept in Ballio·l CoUege and, in the Hall on November 1st, ' wheri they' begin to keep Fires.' Ev•c ry Freshman was requi red ' to tell in his turn a story, the Seniors being Auditors.' ' It is done in the Hall at the Eagle , and there is aft.er'\vards a Collation ; ewery Junior contributing something. No Gown is . exc-epted.' The Eagle: and Child stood next to the Principal's lo dgings , and!, at the time when Hearne made a note of this custom· in his di ary , was kept by a son -in-lmv of a fo-rmer Manc iple of th e Hall, a fac t which perhaps explain s the patronage.
Killed by a. Scout in - -
College, in th e Univerrsity o f - -
'iVhat Demon fir' d thy Breast, ungenerous Boy, 11l'ei harmless Bird of P ALLAS to destroy ; Go banish 'd hence, while we lament as gone The only mark of Wisdom we have known. This poem is culled from a volume, entitled Jrtvenile Poems ori Several Occasions, by a gentlem a n of Oxford, a copy of which was pre1sented to: the H all Library by the author, Philip Griffin (entered the H all 1759).
At the present time there are not lacking nocturnal hootings to a ssure us that m any marks of wisdom abound. But why have the nightingales vanished\? We were rec-ently told by a form er occupan t of No. 24 that h e. used to be kept awake of summer niahts by the trilling of the nightingales in New College garden.' b • That was in the '7o's.
When the Hall put its fi rst e ight on the river, in 1861, ther-e were twenty m en 111 residence·. It was generally said in the University that when the eleven were at cricket, the eight and their cox were there to watch them play, and that when the eight was o;n the river in the evening , the elejVen were on th ~ tow-path cheering· them on.
SOCIETIES, 1919-1920. DEBATING SOCIETY. Officers : Michaelmas Term, 1919 :-President, G. W. Stephens.; Vice-President, F. N. Robathan; Secretary, E. T. H._ Godwin; Treasurer, W. E. Lambeth. .. Hilary Term, 1920 :-Presid~ent, P. B. Spriggs; Vioe~Presi dent, E. T. H. Godwin; Secretary, C. V. Browne-Wilkinson; Treasurer, M. J. Soulsby. It must be borne in mind in reviewing the last session of the Debating Society that, like many more of the old Societies, it has taken some little time to settle down to normal conditions after the war. The meetings were revived in Hilary Term, 1919, under the able presidency of C. Williams, who did much to reestablish the old traditions. Throughout the year the difficulties of the: time of transition were fe:lt. Now it is. to bei expected that the Society will be: more appr'e dated. On the whole the prospect is good, and! certainly there ~s talent among the members which should raise the meetings to a high level if all took a larger interes:t in the: activities of the Society. The subjects of debate last session were varied in character, and on the whole dealt with social and political questions. Of tnese 'British Intervention in Snviet Russia,' 'The Admission of Gewmany into the League of Nations, ' The Action of the: Press in Labour Disputes ' and ' A Labour Government for England ' were well deba~ed. More general in character were the debates on 'The Limitation of the Ge{nius by the Community,' 'The Present Spirit of Levity,' 'The Admission of vVomen to University Privileges' and 'The Rival Claims of a Blue ~md a First.' The sharp practice debates prov-ed amusing, and mention should be made' of the ' tour-de-force ' accomplished therein by H. Livesey, whn, having proposed! a motion with great earnestness, hurried across the floor of the house and proce:e ded immediately to urge its refutation with equal vehemence and wit. Excellent maiden speeches during the session were made by E. S. Williams, vV. R , Martin andi B. C. W. Johnson, while J. B. Wood, H. C. Shearman, M. J. Soulsby, H. Palmer and R. Sayle made noteworthy contributions to the success of several debates. The officers for the Michaelmas Term, 1920, are as follows:President, E. T. H. Godwin; Vice-President, C. V. Browne'iVilkinson; Secretary, H. C. Shearman; Treasurer, H. Livesey.
THE MADRIGAL SGCIETV:· A meeting was held in Hilary Term last . to consider the possibility of forming .a Madrigal Society. A , Committee was formed, . with . F, J. . Buckle, . conduc!or; P. H. Gabb, Secretar:y; and ·H. B. · Waters, Treas.u rer. . · The Society has been able to hold weekly practices in . the Principal's House, thro ugh the kindness o.f Mrs. ,\Villiams. Though sinal! as regards numbers at present, if had . made so much progress, owing to the "keenness of its members, . that it was foupd pos;sibie- to> give a rendiering of pli\rt-songs, tog·e ther with other music, during Eights' Weetk. The performance gave evidence of considerable possibilities of development in the future, and it only r.emains to add th(!t the Committee: confld,ently hope that the Society will , continue as a permartent part ·o f the college life.
THE CHESS CLUB. A Chess Club has been formed, and the Hall was represented in the Inte r-Collegiate ShieJld Competition, which last sea,son consisted in . a. knock-out tournament, in which eight colleges .took part. . We wer•e very unfortunate in being drawn against :New College in the first round. . TheJ strength of our opponents may be inferred from the fact that a player who had gained! University colours. the previous year was thought unworthy of a place in the team. In the circumstances it is not surprising that we were defeated, but some consolation was. affordeu by a splendid draw secu red by E. S. \V ood;ley from the second board of the Univers.ity t eam, .while F. C. L. Shaw is to be congratulated on his play. The University Club expressed .i tself pleased with the promise shown by our team. Subsequently a friendly match was played with J esus College, in which some of our less experi-: enced players .distinguished themselves . E ,. S: Woodley (captain) was sdectedi to play in the InterUniversity match agains.t Cambridge, a;1d his, victory on that occasion enabled Oxfo rd to draw. W. J. Carte1r has also played for the University in S·e veral matches. A successful tournament took place, in which over .tw(;!nty me.m bers competed, a nd the enthusiasm with which it was re-· ceivecl. augurs well for th e future of the Club.
THE CHURCH GUILD. llfichaelmas, 1919; Hilary, 1920.
President,· P. B. Spriggs; Hon. Secretary, E. T. H. Godwin. Trinity, 1920. President, E. T. H. Godwin; Hon. SelCretary, H. Palmer. Michaelmas, 1920. President, F. M. Beddow; Hon. Secretary, P. H. Gabi;J.
During the year the following papers have been read : NM>ember 5th, 1919.-' M.ission Work in India,' by the Rev. A. F. R. Bird, a forme r member of the Hall.
January 2oth, 1920.-' The Religion and Life Movement,' by the Rev,. J. McLeod CampbeU, Chaplain of Hertford. February 24th, 1920.-' The Chancel imd its Furniture : Some Critical and Historical Notes,' by Mr. H. S. Rogers, M.A.
All the above mJeetings w·ere fairly well attended, a nd papers in each case were followed by a discussion.
EIGHTS' WEEK CONCERT. The Concert · given in the Quad on Monday · evening, May 24th, during Eights.' Week, was in the nature of an erxperiment and proved to be a most. successful one. . The Bursar and a small Committee were responsible for the geneial organisation. F. ]. Buckle, President of the Madrigal Society, was asked to draw up the musical programme, and each member o f' the Hall was invited to bring ·t~o guests. The\ conductor ·and: membe:rs are to be congratulated .on the pmgramme and on the excellence of the rendering of the glees and madrigals. The solos of E. S. Woodley and P. H~in~s, of Quee111's, were mtich apprec.iat:ed. The pro.g ramme . was as fo.Jlows : PIANOFORTE DUETS.
Tht'ee Dances '(Henry VIII) Two Spanish Dances Overtur~, ' Ruy Bias '
German; Moskowski: Mendelssohn. ·
By F. ]. BUCKLE - and R. STRANACK (O~iel).
Adams. W. H. Squire. W. H. Squi_re. F. Moir.
'Nirvana' ' Mountain Lovers ' ' Like Stars Above ' 路, Only Once Mor-e ' By E. S. WOODLEY. SONGS.
'The Vagabond' (Songs of Travel) - Vaughan Williams. ' The Happy Lover' Old English. By P . HAINES (Queen's). PART-SONGS.
Mendelssohn. MendeJssohn.
'On the \Vaters' ' Night Song ' An artangement of 'Annie Laurie.'
' Through Bushes ani:! Through Briars' (Old) Essex Folk Song) Arranged by Vattghan W;lliams. ' The Three Chafers. '
SPORTS CLUBS, 1919-1_920. BOAT CLUB. Rowing was revived in Hilary Term, 1918, under the captaincy of C. WiUiams. W-e put an Eight on the river in Trinity Term, when we managed to keep our place during. the four days' racing. The: following crew represented the Hall:- J. Boultbee, F .. J. Buckle, H. B. Waters, J. L. Jenkins, R. Sayle, A. B, Selwyn, F. N . Robathan, G. H . Sharpe (stroke), and C. V. BrowneV/ilkinson (cox). R. Sayle and G. H. Sharpe weres electedi Captain and Hon. Secretaty tespectively for .the year 1919-1920. Things looked quite promising at the beginQing of Michaelmas: Term, when we found ourselves with an unprecedented number of members in residenae After interviewing the Freshmen, however, we discovered that a very large percentage were 路suffering from war disabili-ties, and! that, keen as they were to Support the Club, they were unable to take a very 路active part. We were further handicapped by having very felW coaches, but 路we had :1
2 1
recordi entry for thel Mawdsley Fours : S'even crews competed and provided good racing, the winners. being F. J. vVood, J. L. Jenkins, H. Shearman, A. E. Chapman (stroke.) and G. Xavier (cox). After this our affairs did not go to:o. well. A numbe·r of people who were not really fit, but who wer'e determined to stick it until the Mawdisley Fours were: rorwed off, now found they could not continue rorwing any longer, and we were left eventually with only a few fit meri from whom to select a Torpid cr.ew. We were fortunate enough to secur~ tlie services of Mr. B. Blackwell, of Merton, as coach, and it must have been a severe disappo,intme:nt to him~as it was to us~that in the races the crew failed to live up to the high opinion we had formed of them during training. They made their bump in record time on the first day, and one London paper said, 'St. Edmund Hall look like do·ing well ..' On the second day they rowed over, after which they proceeded to toboggan down on each of the succeeding days. A certain amount of their failure was attributable to sheer bad luck: on the third! day, for instance, the gun was not heard, and con&equently a bad start was made. The following were award•ed Torpid colours : -G. N. T. Widdrington, H. J. Horwood, A. F. Blu•ett, J. L. Jenkins;, J . .J. G. Walkington, H. G. Lane, H. Beresford Barrett, F. J. Wood (stk.) and C. V. Brorwne-Wilkinson (cox). In the Eights. our luck was no better. Again we had the good fortune to secure an excellent coach, through the kindness· o.f Mr. G. A. Berrisford, Pres.ident O.U.B.C., in Mr. Wallis., of University. But once more our crew failed to make an impression during the races·, and we wei1t down four places. We were exceedingly unfortunate in losing the services of G. H. Sharpe at stroke; of F. N. Robathan at 7 and of H. B. Waters at 3, all of whom were forbidden by the M.O. to row, and all of whom had proved. themselves useful oars. in the 1919 races. We, therefore, ·had to fall back on new material, and there were three members of the crew without previous racing experience. Th:e race against Balliol II on the third day is perhaps worth recording, when we managedi to g·et home in spite of the fact that Balliol were overlapping before we reached the Gut, .and again along the Greener. This performanae was very largely due to the excellent judgment disp.Jaye;d by our cox. The following crew represented the Hall in the Eight: J. J. G. Walklnton, R. B. White, S. N. Godfrey, F. A. Smalley, H .. Beresford: Bar'rett, J. L. Jenkins., A. F. Bluett, R. Sayle
(stroke) and, C. V, Browne-Wilkinson (cox). There had never bee;n a larger attendance at the barge, which was brightly decorated with pots of flowers provided by G. H. Sharpe as the only co ntribution to the occasion which his doctor would allow him -to make. We bought a new set of Phelps' tubular oars (l\-1. T. T.) from the O.U.B.C. The Plumptree F?urs were won by A. F. Bluett, R .. B. White, H. Beresford Barrett, J. L. Jenkins: (stroke) and H. G. Lickes (coox); and the Pairs by R . Sayle and J. L. Jenkins. A. F. Bluett (Captain) and J. J. G. \t\Talkinton (Hon. Sec.) took over the reins: for the year 1920>--21, and have begun well by purchasing from the Thames Rowing Club a new centre-seated eight. \Ve hope it will go up. ASSOCIAT.TON FOOTBALL CLUB. There is very little to say concerning the soccer team for last season. Our great drawbac k waSi lack of practice, due tV' our having no ground upon which to play, and this necessitated playing all our matches on opponents.' grounds. For the coming season we have been fortunate enough to secure a g·r ound, and it is to be hoped the eleven will be able to play more together and so get into workmanlike order. In the Michaelmas Term we played fifteen matches in the Second Division of the College League, and fini shed up in the tenth position. The results were : \ Von, 4; lost, 7; drawn, 4; scoring 23 goals to <;JUr opponents' 37· In the Hilary Term we again played 15 matches and had rather a better record, finishing up in the seventh position. The results we·re :-Won, 6; lost, 7; drawn , 2; scnring 32 goals to ot~r o pponents/ 31. Our best match was against University College, in which everyone played splendidly, and we won 8-o. Colours have been awarded to J . L. }'enkins, H. B. Waters, H. H. Vickers., P. T. Freeman, J. J. •G. Walkinton, G. H. Sharpe and F . Burnett. CRICKET CLUB. The weat&er during Summer Term, 192'o, was not good for cricket. The season's record provide•s nol sensation, and :yet much hope for the: future can be gathered from it.. Of the match•es; won, two were decisive victories; of those lost, the margin in' favour of our opponents in several instances was
not large ; while in two of . the drawn games the: position of the Hall was decidedly strong at the close of play. It is understood that among the Freshmen coming into residence in October are some whos-e• cricket should be of great service to the HalL If this proves. to be correct, the outlook for I92 I is distinctly promising . For the degree of success achieved: during the I92o season, the Hall is very larg-ely indebted to the elxcellent: all-round form shown by L . W. Hart, F. Burnett, E., R. L. \;\T ard, and the very sound and consistent batting of E. T. H. Godwin. A tribute is due to L. W. Hart (four for sixty) and F. Burnett (four for sixtyeight) for dismissing such a very powerful batting side as Nejw CoHege for' 2I6 in the: Cup Tie. This scor·e compares very favourably with those made in subsequent rounds by Ne,w College. Full record : Played, I4; w:on, 3; lost, 7; drawn, 4· The following have been a,w arded their colours :~F. Burnett a,nd E•. R. L. Wa,rd. Team :- P. H. Gabb, L. W. Hart, E. T. H. Godwin, F. Burnett, E. R. L. Ward, H. Palmer, G. H. Sharpe, \V. R. James-, G. N. T, Widdrington, G. Xavier and H. H. Vickers. LAWN TENNIS CLUB. The tennis. for the Summer Term, I92o, although without outstanding features, was. nevertheless satisfac.tory. Matches were arranged with the' followi,ng Clubs : Cuddesdon Theological College.-One match : Lost. St. Catharine's ..---Threel matches' : \1\Ton I, lost 2. The Majhli Club.-Two matches: Won I, lo-st 1. A match with Corpus had to be cancelled owing to the we'a ther. The foi!owing were awarded their colours :-F. M. Beddow and H. C. Robertson. ATHLETIC CLUB. In the jig-saw· puzzle of Hall sport, athletics proved to be the last piece to be fitted in. (This is rather a good metaphor, isn't it,-Eo.). , We had very few representatives. either in the Seniors' or in the: Freshmen's. Sports, and no success. A Hall team, con~ sisting of D. Lowe, J. L . J e!nkins., G. N. T. Widdringtrm and H. ]. Horwood took part in the: Inter-College Relay Race, but did not survive the first round, in spite of a remarkable performance by D. Lowe. Members: of the Hall need hardly be reminded
ST. EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. that training for athletics can be carried on in conjunction with rowing, football and hockey, and very littl'e extra time is needed. There se~m s to be no reason why we should not be able put up a better show next year.,
A RETROSPECT. Some time on Tuesd a y, July zr, r685, 'a poo r distressed minister of Norfolk,' seeking alms, came into Queen's, College La11e1. At the entry into Edmund Hall CI think tha t the Hall would have been named to him by its secular title), he turned aside and passed into th'e small quadrangle. W 路et may beli'eve that it was no easier the:n for a stranger to firid hi s bearings within the Hall that it is to-day. When he had sought out someon.e there to whom he might tell his troubles路, he 路 probably unfold:ed for perusa l a brief from his bishop or other lette;r of request, commending his, petition for as<&istm1ce. H e would have time enough to look about him, and; an untidy quadn wg1e' it was that he found, littered with the rubble orf Mr. Ba rtholomew Peisley, ther mason, and the planks and shavings of Mr. Arthur Frogley, the joiner. Confronting him over this disarray, there stood n 11 the opposite side an imposing young edifice, vaunting its clean stonework, its sharp-cut mouldings and its conscio us symmetry in disdain of its neighbours. Three years ago the previous April the chapel had been consecrated, five the first stone had been laid. Perhaps he judged the whole building to be ill-mated to the gabled dwarf beside it, and regard~d with brotherly eye the shabby row; of ricketty chambers on his left, crowned with un'e ven roofs of loosened slates, all thick with m oss., as being more understanding of his case. If curiosity t ook him so far, he: would have seen that the new wo rk was yet incomplete. Mr. Frogiey was p ro~ bably busy that day putting up wainsc.o>t in the chap'el, or else it was the croo ked staircase to the library , still bare and without books, that was. in ha nd'. As ydt the: coat of arm s. and in scription which is now set above. the ch ap el door, had nort breen carved . The devotion. of Mr. Stephen P enton to the project of the new building and his liberality we1re pres:c.ntly to be reoorde:d there by his successor. He had only res igned the . Principate in March of the previorUs year, and, it is t o be hoped, by July was. r'ecovering hi s. health as a country r路ector a t Glympton, beyond \ Voodstock. The H all was nc'\v settling- d:own after the: distractions o f the
contested election to its headship, and was still reminiscent of its loss in the recent death of Mr. Andrew Allum, Vice-Principal and dearly admired friend of Anthony Wood, the antiquary. These were changeful days for St. _Edmund Hall; but there was no reason why the needy minister from Norfolk should know all this. Sufficient for him who sought alms that the bold-fronted new: building, with its tall columned portal, seemed to say that there must be money in the place. Perhaps he did ascertain that it was Dr .John Mill whC' was now completing the chapel and 1ibrary. For five years. tq come the new Principal was to keep Mr. Frogley and his apprentice weH employed upon them. At the end it took four days to clear away the rubbish in the quadrangle. The charges to which he was put in all this, Dr. Mill s·et down in 'The New Leiger· Book' which had been provided afte:r his. admission to office. It is from this le<ather-bound volume that it may be learned that ' the poor distressed minister of Norfolk ' was not disappointed in his. visit to Edmund Hall, for he was given ten shillings, a not illiberal token of the Hall's charity, as subsequent entries show. He appears• at the head of a page containing a list of thos·e to whom was given 'charity money,' receiv·ed from ' the Communion Roule.' These accounts present a reco,r d of relief that would certainly bel reprehended by those who busy themselves nowadays to safeguard us in our charitable exercises. At any rate, it is· a personable record, mingling pathos and homeliness. The next entry shorws that ten days after the visit of the poor parson, five shillings were given 'toe a poor minister's widow at Little Compton,' to be followed by a payment of the same amount ' to Mr. Squib for ye r'e deeming a man out of slavery at Algiers.' In the persons of differ,ent applicants the sufferings of the outside world were brought to mind. ' To a French woman with childr'en ' were handed five, ' to a French Protestant' two: shillings, to1 another one: shilling was given. · Anthony Wood: has left record that in the spring of 1682 people gave liberally to coUections held ' in every CoHege1 and Hall, as also in evfry parish of Oxford, for succour and relief of poor Prote'stants that were lately come: into England upon a persecution in France.' That e:ven in thos·e~ dayS1 ex-service men were not without th•eir troubles is e::>eemplified by an entry to the effect that two disbanded officers. of Ireland were giv.en ten shillings. 'Lncal distress and misfortune havel the1ir place in these: a.ccnunt's . ., To 5 poor people in Bocardo' were! granted as many shilling's, and 'to 5 poor peop·l e of Westop who had thei'r' house burnt' half
as much. Simpler' entr ies. telling of a lms given ' to a poor man,' 'to- a poor old woman,' are common. Scattered about the two pages on whkh these accounts were written are instances where charity evidently began at home. An early recipient was was ' the Clerk of this• Parish.' Hi s halfcrown is followed by a present of £r 'toNic. Cox when he went away from Oxford.' Cox had been Manicipl~ of the Hall, and at the same tim·e had kept a bookshop. He was well .kno\vn to Anthony \Vood and to Thomas Hearne. He often had the latter in and out of his· shop, and, on one occasion, told him that he was. descended 'by the mother's side from the, famous William Lillye, the Grammarian.' Book-selling he seems to have preferred to book-keeping, for he made) a name for· himself in Oxford at that trade. He1 lived to be 82, dying on l\Iay rzth, 1731, 'at the Hole. in the1'Vall, in St. Thomas' Parish in Oxford, where he had laid a pretty while, viz. about half a year or more.' Othe<r members of the staff at St. Edmund Hall, besides the manciple, received gifts of charity money : ' To ye: poor cook,' five1 shillings; ' to a poo r woman that washes ye dishes,' two shillings; ' to a poor woman belonging to• Edmund Hall kitchen,' t\vo shillings and sixpe•noe. Better requited than these; was the bedmaker, for to Goody Beecham was. paid four shillings and sixpence. But, her serviCCSi apart, it will be conceded that she well earned in adlvance this small consolation, sinoe. heir latter end was grim. Heame tells theJ story of it. He states that, in his time, it had become a common practioe for young physicians to rob churchyards.. ' But 'tis for young' Peopk, especially young Women, that they generally seek, which sometimes they mistake, and take up old Women.' And so it happened that, in the year 1704 or ther·eabouts, 'a pretty young Woman being buried in St. Peter's Chu~chyard in the East, se1a.rch was made in the night time for her bod;y , but they mistook her Grave and took up one' Goody Beecham, an old V\Toman who had been Bed-maker of Edmund Hall, and was buried at the same time'. This old Woman they had conveyed out o.f the Church Yard, but being some way or other disturbed as they were going along, they dropped her, and set her in her shmwd, bolt upritht, just under -Edmun~ Hall, against the Wall, where (before day) in the Moming, she being seen, frighted some People who knew no thing of the Matter.' It is a ghoulish tale and, if Goody Beecham had not been a considerate soul, I am sure that her ghost might be! seen hovering about the great elder· bush in -the churchyard to-night. But Hearne has left
ST; EDMUND HALL MAGAZINE. no record of pe rhaps another retainer of the Hall, to wit, Old Crow, who appears. twice i.n 'The\ Ne!W Leiger Book' as receiving charity money, sixpence. each time. No smaller sums seem to ·have been paid out to anyone. Now, who was Old; Crow, and what was. his job? \Vhat did he think of the Glorious Revolution of 1688? A.B. E.
H. A. Barnes-Lawrence. · H. B. Barrett. F. M. Beddow. R. J. Bluett. F. B. Cavalier. A. E. Chapman. N. E. Denduyts: P. T. Freeman. C. E. Garrett. T. D. C. Herbert. H. L. Hustwayte. H. C. Ingle. W. R. James. A. R. Janes. P. T. Jefferson. B. C. W. Johnson. HILARY TERM,
J. W. Allen. W. R. Martin. Rev. E. L. Millen. T. G. Mohan. TRINITY TERM,
C. E. C. T. B. S. N.
Baldwin. Cooper. Cooper. Godfrey.
1919. J. Johnson. H. R. McK. Law. H. G. Lickes. H. Livesey. G. T. Moore. G. J. O'Connor. R. Phillips. J. F. A. Porter. H. C. Robertson. F. C. L. Shaw. F. A. Smalley. J. J. G. Walkinton. R. B. White. G. N. T. Widdrington. .E. S. Williams. G. Xavier.
P. G. Reddick. E. R. L. Ward. T. E. Williams. 1920.
W. L. Guyler. R. F. Hill. D. V. Richards. G. M. Tubbs.
M. Ahmad. T. D. Baxter. E. 0. Bennett. N. P. Castle. C. H. Ellis. F. J. Fish. T. W. Gilbert.
A. P. Kingsley. E. C. Lamb. T. M. Lloyd. "E. A. Lobo. . F. G. Marcham. N. M. Mendis. J. W. L. Symes.
DEGREES CONFERRED. October r6th, 1919.-M.A. : E. G. Mortimer, E. C. Mortimer. October路 3oth.-M.A. : G. H. Bateman, M. W. Thomas. Decembe,r' r7th.-M.A. : N. E. Ashenden. February 14th, 1920.-M.A. : R. Edwards路. May zznd.-M.A. : A. F. Clarke, A. C. Tott, W. J. H. Wright. B. A. : G. C. Gardner June r7th.-M.A. : H. J. T. Day, W. M. Meredith, C. Williams. B.A.: C. D. Walker July roth.-B.A. : 路 T. H. E sple:y, S. A. Howard, D. Lowe, F. McGowan, H. J. Miller, F. N. Robathan. July zoth.-M.A. : G. C. Gardnetr.
B.A.: R. Sayle.
October qth.-B.A. : H. J. Horwood, H. B. Waters. November
and M.A. : H. G. Lane.
Th e cost of subscription to the Magazine is 3/6 per annum s/6 for two, post free. The Editors request that路 subscribers will remit their subscriptions on receipt of the present number and give notice that in future copies: of the Magazine will only be sent out to thos'e who forward their subscription:> before the r st October in each year. for one copy,
NovEMBER, 1920.