20th - 24th March Lent Term Newsletter Issue 10
Headmaster's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Religious Theme
Lent: Feast of St Joseph
After two busy parents evenings and a mid-week foray into science and maths led by the College science department (all to wide-ranging critical acclaim), I was personally delighted to hear that the debate club resolved this week, that teachers do not need to be replaced with computers May I express, on behalf of the staff, my thanks for your encouragement and support I felt excited and inspired to see so much conscientious effort and genuine partnership
A few points from me as we begin to round off another busy term Firstly, the Easter Story at 2pm on Tuesday Please come Secondly, schoolissued winter coats are the expectation More trendy or alternative coats seem to be worn in one or two cases, some completely opposite to school colours. After Easter, we will be having a focus on this. In these times, the school appreciates that an additional coat may be a contentious issue for some. However, uniform is there for a good reason and can often protect children from drawing attention that they are really trying to avoid, along with avoiding ‘Armani warfare’ or ‘coat escalation’, so we must take a three-line whip with this Thirdly, please really think so carefully before giving your children access to social media platforms and, if you do, make sure that you monitor the use closely Complex issues can arise and can need careful and sensitive handling and management Fourthly, please use the booking system for the Breakfast and Tea Time Club (email: wraparoundcare@stedmundscollege org) Staff need this registration in order that dietary or medical advice specific to so many children can be followed and that they are adequately prepared to receive them Fifthly (just for emphasis), please come to the Easter Story Have I said this already?
Thank you so so much for the generous donations to the Easter Hampers. They are packed and wrapped – thank you Friends & Nurse Sam and ready for the grand draw on Monday at 12 45pm I am elated to report that more parents have been in touch with offers of help for the Friends Could we get Fireworks Night off the ground? If we do, we should raise a glass when we are there! Finally, what an honour that it has been to award three children the ‘Best Story Box Award’ - one child for each phase of the school Thank you for your support of the children’s imaginative efforts Truly so wonderful to see
With every best wish for the weekend ahead and so many thanks for the many wonders which your children inspire in us each day
P S Don’t forget to book up for Tiger Club – I knew there was just one more thing
Mr Cartwright Headmaster, St Edmund’s PrepQuote
Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them.
Mr Cartwright's quiz
Q:What do you get if you cross a frog with a rabbit?
A:In next week's Newsletter
Last Week's answer
Q:What name is given to the famous English prehistoric circle of stones monument?
A: Stonehenge
Head's Commendations
Samara Kitone
Gregory Scott
Harvey Leonard
Jai Patel
Edwin Webster
Ellie McGee
Luke McNerney
Adriel Olaleye
Sam Belsey
Sophie Brennan
Connie Plant
Eddie De Silva
Lorenzo Hookham
Emmy Lashanth
Oscar Sailor-Allen
Toby Stainer
Eme Udom
Adrian Yu
Francesca Barr
Jessica Northen
Phoebe Stetzel Hammond
For being a sensible and helpful member of our class
For his brilliant work on Money this week
English poem
Linking in topic
Reflective work in RE
For excellent focus and research in Geography
For careful thought and connection finding in RE
Fantastic English research project on dinosaurs
Excellent writing based on Kenske's Kingdom - English
Maths homework demonstrated excellent analytical skills and challenged himself by answering all the extension tasks
Excellent writing based on Kenske's Kingdom - English
Consistent excellent effort and attitude to learning in his Maths Work
Excellent writing based on Kenske's Kingdom - English
Fantastically well presented maths homework on area and perimeter and great understanding shown Continuously well presented maths homework with great understanding of all topics covered
RE; showing a thorough understanding of the parts of the Mass
Upcoming dates - March/April
Tuesday 28th
Wednesday 29th
Thursday 30th
2pm-3pm - Easter Story - College Chapel
3 45pm - U11 Netball v Bancrofts - Home
3 45pm - U11 & U10 Rugby v St Nicholas - Home Charity Day - See below information
2.20pm - End of Lent Term No
Tuesday 18th
Friday 21st - Sunday 23rd
8 30am - Trinity Term Begins Butlins U11 Football Tour
School Council will be holding an Easter Tuck shop on Wednesday morning break time. 50p maximum spend.
What can parents and carers do to help children be kind online?
* Remind your child that just because they are online and not in the real world, it does not mean that they can say anything that pops into their head
*Remind your child that behind every chat name or avatar online, there is a real person And whether they say something unkind to you or you say something unkind to them, it can cause harm and upset in the real world
*Remind your child of the first of our Prep ‘Ten Promises’: Treat others as you wish to be treated - online as well as offline
As always, we strongly recommend that you do not allow your child to access platforms that are not suitable for their age and that you regularly monitor their online activity.
This week in the Prep...
Form 2 had a fantastic trip to Reveley Lodge, learning about what life was like for children in the Victorian times We had a lesson using Victorian school rules and slates and were visited by the school inspector We learnt what it was like to be a servant in a large house and assisted the laundry maids using the dolly tub and mangle to do the laundry. We visited the Victorian kitchen and compared it to our own kitchen and then we sat to tea using Victorian china to eat bread and jam, drink tea and eat cake as an upper-class child.
Trip to the shops
The Reception Class visited Ware High Street We were interested to know what some of the shops sold Armed with a pencil and a clipboard we set off on a shop hunt Each child had a photograph of a shopfront to try to find Using our best manners, we went into each shop to ask the shopkeeper what they sold We finished in The Book Nook which has just been voted Best Local Shop by Mums' Guide to Hertford We chose a new book for our classroom and exchanged our book tokens for a book each. You have until March 26th to spend yours!
As part of our Lenten promise, we took an item each to donate to Isabel Hospice who were very grateful of our efforts Well done Reception Class, you represented our school beautifully
Teddy bear making club
Teddy bear making club has been a big success with a multitude of shaped teddy bears Great fun had by all
ABRSM (Music) Exams
Well done to the following children who were successful in their ABRSM exams last week: Florence Bell – Grade 1 singing with Merit; Sophie Brennan – Grade 1 singing; Alex Chandra-Pool - Grade 1 singing; Isabelle Olowookere – Prep Test piano; Connie Plant – Grade 1 singing; Leonardo Salinas – Grade 2 violin; Thomas Smits – Initial Test piano.
Concert performance
Well done to Sophie Brennan and Connie Plant (Form 4) and to Francesca Barr and Phoebe Stetzel-Hammond (Form 6) who all performed two songs in an ISM (Independent Society of Musicians) concert organised by their singing teacher, Miss Margaret Taylor The concert took place last Sunday afternoon at the St John’s Arts Centre in Harlow
Forthcoming Event
We look forward to welcoming you to ‘The Easter Story’ on Tuesday 28th March at 2:00pm in the College Chapel