College Life - March Edition

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COLLEGE LIFE The newsletter of St Edmund's College | March 2021

Headmaster's Welcome Welcome to the March edition of College Life. Please click on me for a more personal introduction, and then browse to your heart’s content!

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Headmaster's Book Students that have produced outstanding work or have had a remarkable personal achievement are recognised by being selected to sign the Headmaster's Book. Congratulations to the following students for signing the Headmaster's Book during this first half term.

Amelia James

Designing a Prayer Card displayed on the Westminster Diocese website

Harold Reville

Writing a Shakespearian insult script

Marcus Knowles

Writing a Shakespearian insult script

Bethany CurtisCopeland

Designing a Prayer Card displayed on the Westminster Diocese website

Lewis Abdul-Karim

Charity earnings for India and IMG Gold Qualifier

Claudio Norton

RE Pentecost poem

Tanishaa Chudasama Designing a Prayer Card displayed on the Westminster Diocese website Cosimo Tobias Cavaleri

Signed four times for English script, English insult script, English achievement, and Music description

Massimo Giordano

English book review

Austin MacDonald

Signed twice for achievement in English

Uzo Ezuma

Signed three times for a trailer video in Drama, RE Pentecost poem, and achievement in ICT

Theodora Davis

Costume design in Drama

Millie Gibson

Signed twice for English book review and ICT achievement

Nathan TantryIzmaylov

Achievement in ICT

Mass COVID-19 Testing We were thrilled to see our students return to in-person learning this month. The nationwide return to school was accompanied by mass testing, meaning that our students, with consent, were given three Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests within the first two weeks of school. Mr Curran facilitated a mammoth operation, made possible by many staff opting to train to become COVID-19 Test Operatives. The testing phase was successful, with 100% negative results across the two weeks of testing. To take a glimpse into what Lateral Flow Testing at St Edmund's looks like, join Mr Mostyn as he demonstrates a COVID-19 test and takes us on a whistle-stop tour of inperson learning at the College!

e Click her to watch

Stay connected with SEC To keep up to date with St Edmund's College content, follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.



Charity Week This year, we raised £25,000.00 for the Teenage Cancer Trust! In May 2020, William, now in Syntax (Year 10), was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The Teenage Cancer Trust has been phenomenal in supporting him during this incredibly challenging period. From bobble hats and bake-off’s to marathons and 12,000kg weight challenges, the St Edmund’s Community has worked tirelessly and donated generously towards this fantastic cause.

A message from William

Marathon Ogorchukwu and Will walked a marathon to raise money for Charity Week. To watch their Vlog, click the video below.

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Charity Week 12,000kg Challenge

15K Walk/ Cycle

Mr Curran, Mr Kelly, Mr Adams, Mr Cunnah, Mr Lewis and Mr Plummer each lifted 12,000kg in under one hour!

Giorgia, William, Ellie and Alice (all Rhetoric 1) raised £1270!

A sneak-peak of their challenge video can be found here:

e Click her to watch

Bobble Hats and Bake-Off Mr Cunnah led a project to design and sell branded Bobble Hats, raising £1,114. Mr Upton’s Talbot BakeOff also raised £850, fantastic!

Walk home from school Annabelle, Lilymai and Maddie (Rhetoric 1) walked 24 miles from home, raising over £1000!

Languages Quiz Our Elements Languages Rotation came to and this term. We ended the rotation with our 'Big Quiz'. The winners called themselves the 'Shazzy Hippos'. Congratulations!

anguages @SEC_L

Day of Reflection On 23rd March, we took part in the minute's silence for the #DayofReflection. We took this opportunity to pray for the end of the pandemic.

International Women's Day This year’s theme for International Women's Day was #ChooseToChallenge.

To show solidarity and our commitment to challenging gender inequality, we raised our hands high.

To hear from our female leadership team on what it is like to be a female leader, click here:

Music at the College

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Music is shown to have an array of cognitive and academic benefits in an educational setting, and it is as the heart of life at St Edmund's College.

It has been wonderful to have pupils back this half term. Bubble ensembles have resumed. Various Music and Drama collaborations are underway with rehearsals for the Rhetoric Production of Friday Night (a musical by Mr Woodhall) in full swing and a showcase of selections from Oliver! by Elements pupils and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by pupils in Rudiments. - Mr Woodhall

Recitals This term, Mr Woodhall, Director of Music, has worked with our students to create three recitals! Click around this page to watch the February Recital, March Recital and Online Orchestra performing Beethoven 5.

e Click her to watch

Music at the College: OE Achievement Old Edmundian and previous Deputy Head Boy, Michael Stephens-Jones, has been awarded the Fellowship Diploma of the Royal College of Organists (FRCO), widely recognised internationally as the most prestigious organist qualification globally. Previously a student of Mr Benham, Michael is currently a Percy Young Senior Organ Scholar at Selwyn College, University of Cambridge, in his third year reading music. The examination includes a solo organ recital, rigorous keyboard tests, and written papers testing various musical and analytical techniques and covering multiple historical topics. It is highly unusual for this diploma to be achieved by someone who is still an undergraduate. Additionally, Michael has been awarded several prizes. These include the Dr F J Read Prize for achieving the highest overall marks across the whole examination, the Coventry Cathedral recital prize for showing "outstanding ability in the performance of pieces", and the most coveted of all the RCO prizes, the Limpus, Frederick Shinn, and Durrant Prize for achieving the highest mark in the practical examination. Following graduation, Michael has been appointed as the Organ Scholar at Guildford Cathedral, planning to start in September. Congratulations, Michael!

Sport at the College Sport and exercise are key for both our mental and physical health. Our students have enjoyed returning to in-person PE and Games lessons and taking part in Interhouse Football and Netball competitions.

Interhouse Netball Junior Results: 1st – Douglass 2nd – Pole & Poynter 4th – Challoner & Talbot

Intermediate Results: 1st – Challoner, Pole, Poynter 4th – Talbot 5th – Douglass Senior Results: 1st – Pole 2nd – Challoner, Douglass, Talbot 4th – Poynter

Sport at the College Interhouse Football: Overall Results 1st – Pole 2nd – Challoner 3rd - Talbot 4th - Douglass 5th - Poynter

For regular updates and training videos, be sure to follow @SEC_SPORT on Instagram!

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Life in Rhetoric By Mr Powell Rhetoric I Higher Education Day On the 16th March we welcomed virtually representatives from University of Exeter and Ask Apprenticeships to deliver workshops on a range of Post-18 Options, How to choose a University and University Course and Why you should be considering Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships. In the evening, parents were addressed on how to support their daughter/son through the Post-18 process.

Rhetoric I ‘Oxbridge Fortnight’ From the 15th – 26th March, 17 of our aspirant Oxbridge Applicants have participated in our very first Oxbridge Fortnight! They have been participating in the Oxbridge Student Conference where they joined 1000s of other students around the world to participate in workshops and Q&A’s on applications, personal statements, lectures and how to choose a College. Alongside the Oxbridge Student Conference, students were addressed by Oxbridge Applications about the Oxbridge process and were given top tips on preparing for their application. We were also virtually visited by a number of visiting speakers who ranged from Oxbridge graduates, Old Edmundian’s and academics at some of the world’s top universities. The week has culminated in the students meeting and reflecting on their experiences over the fortnight and starting to plot their next steps as part of their Oxbridge journey.

UCAS Rhetoric II have been receiving UCAS offers thick and fast! They have all been extremely patient and resilient in what has been a challenging and unpredictable year. We have had offers for a range of degrees from Ancient History and Archaeology, Anthropology, Business Management, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Criminology, Drama, Economics, Econometrics, Engineering, Neuroscience, Physics & Theoretical Physics, Medicine, Physiotherapy and Sport and Exercise Science. Offers have been received from a range of top Universities, including University of Birmingham, University College London (UCL), Kings College London, University of Exeter, University of Nottingham, Loughborough University, University of Manchester, University of Leeds, University of Sheffield, University of York, Warwick University, Lancaster University and University of Edinburgh.

Life in the Science Centre

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It has been an exciting time at the Science Centre! Winners of our Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards can be seen below.

Our Rhetoric (Sixth Form) students have formed a society for aspiring medics; MedSoc. Our committee are to be announced soon!

World Book Day Winner This year, our World Book Day celebrations took place virtually. We're delighted to announce that the winner of our costume competition is George, Syntax! George dressed up as Luke Skywalker from Heir to the Empire, by Timothy Zahn (the first of the Thrawn trilogy of books)

Encourage Reading this Easter March is our #BigRead month. Mrs Noble wants to encourage you to read for enjoyment this Easter break! Our College Librarian, Mrs Tyne, is always on hand via email to offer support!

Captured at the College Our staff and students take wonderful photos of St Edmund's College. Below, we share a few of our favourites.

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With thanks to Mr Pengelly, Mr Hull, and parents for the above photos.

Prospectuses As part of our #PlantingNotPrinting initiative, our prospectuses will now be available in a digital format. To access our prospectuses for Prep, College, Sixth Form and How to Apply, click here.

Stay Connected We hope that you enjoyed our March digital edition of College Life. If you would like to be featured in our next half term edition, please do email your stories or achievements to

You can also stay connected with us by following us on our social media platforms:



Please also visit our website at to stay up to date with the latest news and events.

We wish you a restful Easter break and look forward to bringing you the next edition of College Life in May.

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