Farewells During this year we bade farewell to Mrs Jo Beatty (Alumni & External Relations Officer) and Mrs Sarah Hebbs (Admissions Officer), two friendly faces who would have been familiar to many families that have passed through the College. Mrs Viv Monk-Hartley also moved on from her role as an Accounts Administrator. Ms Katharine Moore (Teacher of Art) also headed for pastures new and we wished Mr Rhydian Stokes (GAP Assistant) well as he left St Edmund’s to complete his initial teacher training. As you will see from the tributes over the following pages, we said farewell to many more much-loved faces from the St Edmund’s Common Room throughout the academic year. Whilst it is always sad to say goodbye to such talented colleagues, we wish them nothing but well in their future endeavours, and it is undeniably exciting to see many move on into retirement or to take up posts at other prestigious schools.
Mr Paulo Durán Paulo joined the College in September 2009 as Deputy Head and Registrar, before taking up the post of Headmaster in September 2012. I worked with him throughout his Headship, and it was a privilege. Educated in London, Paulo, despite his name, sees himself very much as a London native and is immensely proud of his Spanish and Portuguese roots. He often regales those in his company with stories and anecdotes about lesserknown areas of London and possesses a wealth of knowledge about the history of the city. Prior to his arrival at St Edmund’s, Paulo had worked in several London schools but always felt truly at home in the College and often waxed lyrical about the special and unique nature of St Edmund’s. He truly appreciated its
Catholic ethos, its remarkable history and its genuine sense of family and community. As both Deputy Head and Headmaster, Paulo rejuvenated the school in many ways. Firstly, as Deputy, he introduced the Leavers’ Service, the Scholars’ Service, and the Academic Dinner for Rhetoric II at the end of their final year. As Headmaster, it is thanks to him that the profile of the College has been raised within this locality. During his Headship, the strange stone building on a hill, ignored by many, became well known and its popularity increased. It’s true to say that he put “Edmundia” on the map! He also had the History of the College, written by Father Nicholas Schofield, published so that our school’s history could be shared with pupils and their families, past and present. Still today, this wonderful book adorns many a coffee table. Paulo definitely has an eye for detail and for him appearance matters. He sought to update and refurbish the College and it is thanks to his vision that there were many successful changes in the school environment. These include the modernisation of the Refectory with its two-tone leather “banquettes”, chairs and glossy wooden tables, and the Wall Panels detailing the History of the College in the Ambulacrum. He also oversaw the modernisation of classrooms with new technology and smartboards, the creation of a Drama space in the Douay Hall, the new Science block, and the Coffee Shop for Rhetoricians, all of which enhance the school we share. He also raised the profile of co-curricular Music and Drama and moved the annual College Production to The Spotlight Theatre in Broxbourne, where it has been a resounding success year on year. Paulo can also be credited with hosting many events held to commemorate the 450th Anniversary of the College with aplomb. As a school, we will never forget the remarkable experience that was the celebratory day trip to Douai when we set off “en masse” at 4.30am, and the