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20th - 24th February Lent Term Newsletter Issue 6
Headmaster's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Religious Theme
What is Lent?
A warm welcome back to you, staff and children, all of whom, it is such a privilege to see as we begin this next half term I trust that you got some sort of a break over last week’s opportunity for respite
Firstly, congratulations to all of those children involved in entrance exams here and elsewhere. Almost all have now received offers from St Edmund’s (and a few other desired destinations) and for the children, having a clearer idea about their future, they are now more or less entirely able to positively focus on what lies ahead, re-doubling efforts in committing to academic, sporting and artistic aims, forging friendships and settling into a life-experience which, for all of us here at least, aims to be and almost always is, an inspirational one
The Form Six children have been cast in their roles for Mary Poppins which we look forward to next term, and I must say that they appear to have dealt with both joy and disappointment with humility and perspective, such is their way in our school The Pancake Race on Tuesday was absolutely brilliant – let me tell you, you really missed out on something there - and we now commit to our Lenten journey
Foremost in our thoughts then, are the traditional ‘three pillars’: prayer, alms giving and giving or taking something up. All of us will likely have a habit or routine that might not quite keep us focused on becoming God’s true vision for us preventing us perhaps from truly realising the unique and awesome people that we have the potential to become Mothers, fathers, grandparents, employers, employees, husbands, wives, children ourselves, colleagues and friends to so many our roles are many and various and this six-week period gives us an opportunity to reflect, to grow in spirituality and adopt a new habit or perspective, settling into ourselves and creating an inner power and strength that we may not have as yet, come to know
So hunker down people, it’s time for less sugar in our tea and for immersing ourselves in a little self-sacrifice to the benefit of those who we love and give us daily purpose and inspiration.
Yours sincerely,
Mr S Cartwright Headmaster, St Edmund’s Prep

Mr Cartwright's quiz
Q: Which sport takes place in a velodrome?
A: In next week's Newsletter
Last Week's answer
Q: Which country has the biggest population in the world?
A: China
A CAFOD prayer for Ukraine
Loving God,
We pray for the people of Ukraine, for all those suffering or afraid, that you will be close to them and protect them
We pray for world leaders, for compassion, strength and wisdom to guide their choices
We pray for the world that in this moment of crisis, we may reach out in solidarity to our brothers and sisters in need
May we walk in your ways so that peace and justice become a reality for the people of Ukraine and for all the world