2 minute read
30th January - 3rd February Lent Term Newsletter Issue 4
Headmaster's Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Religious Theme
The Homeless
Thank you to all those parents and grandparents – and to our Prep Governor, John Bryant - who were able to attend the Prep Concerts this past week for children in Forms Three to Six All those there will now share, with me, lifelong memories of seeing our children striving to do their best and growing in confidence and experience, as well as so much more besides Thank God for the Performing Arts, for your commitment to them in all their forms and of course our thanks to ever-composed, considered and talented Miss McLauchlan and the VMT teaching team
Attending the Catholic Independent Schools' Conference in Harrogate this week has reminded me of the importance of going beyond the usual routine and of forging new friendships along with nurturing older ones. Trust becomes an important part of any relationship as we might explore issues that concern us or opportunities that have the potential to excite Trust can begin to grow firstly by making another person feel welcome and valued, maybe even through something as simple as a smile Moving from that, asking meaningful questions and taking a sincere and concerned interest is vital Learning to listen to one another, without feeling the need necessarily to reply, gives that person the space to explore an issue more fully Not only can this empower them, but this space can also help a relationship to grow and flourish into something creative and meaningful
In closing, as we approach the mid-point of the term and await results of 11+ exams, we must continue to centre ourselves on the importance of nurturing relationships, on making strangers and one another feel welcome and valued and, of course, remembering that we ourselves are loved and cherished by others in the Edmundian community and of course, loved and cherished by God.
Wishing you a good weekend ahead,
Mr S Cartwright Headmaster, St Edmund’s Prep

Campion Champions!
Emilia-Jane and Helen, pictured here, proudly represent Campion House and have received a thank-you letter from the charity War Child, Campion House’s chosen charity during the last academic year In total, our community raised £2435 57, every penny of which will go towards supporting children in war-torn areas across the world including Afghanistan, Ukraine and Yemen God bless and thank you all for your generosity
Mr Cartwright's quiz
Q: What is the largest known living land animal?
A: In next week's Newsletter
Last Week's answer
Q: Who built the first roads in Britain?
A: The Romans
This is what we are about: We plant the seeds that one day will grow. We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. Saint Oscar Romero
Head's Commendations
Millie Brennan - For working well as part of a team
Ariana Payne - For building a house that didn't blow over!
Camille Woodhall - For excellent maths work this week
Oliver Hollingsworth - Gee - Fantastic efforts in writing this week
Sam Belsey - Excellent in Mathematics
Connor Muller - Excellent linking skills in Maths this week
Scarlett Rudman - An excellent book review
Harry Rutherford - Achievement in Mathematics
Olivia Wheeler - An excellent book review
Emilia-Jane Noble - Excellent creative writing
Renata Simmons - For her science project - she became a fantastic teacher teaching the Form 2s about light
Henry Skitt - Maths Homework
George Smith - Maths Homework
Phoebe Wild - Excellent creative writing.
Upcoming dates - February
Monday 6th
Tuesday 7th
Wednesday 8th
Thursday 9th
Friday 10th
Anti Bullying Week/National Children's Mental Health Week - Children to wear odd socks to school to support Anti Bullying Vision Screening
U11 Netball Tournament - Away at Heath Mount
3pm - U9 & U8 Rugby v Manor Lodge - Home 2pm - 3.30pm - Nursery Stay and Play session
Half-term begins
Friday 10th March