Polymer Concrete Range Guide
ORCA ORCA Civil Products www.steelandtube.co.nz www.orcacivil.com.au
GV100 100w x 120d
GV110 100w x 170d
GV120 100w x 220d
Orca GV is a family of galvanised steel edge polymer concrete channels and grates. Grates are manufactured from Galvanised steel or ductile iron and are all load rated, heelguard and wheel chair safe. All grates can be locked down with our tamper proof lock system.
SV100 100w x 120d
SV110 100w x 170d
SV120 100w x 220d
Orca SV is a family of stainless steel edge polymer concrete channels and grates. Grates are manufactured from Stainless Steel Grade 304 or 316 and are all load rated, heelguard and anti-slip. Our stainless steel griptech grates are the safest architectural grates in the industry.
Orca CV is a family of Cast iron edge polymer concrete channels and grates. Industrial Class E and G Grates are manufactured from Ductile Iron and are all load rated, heelguard and wheel chair safe. CV channels are the ultimate tough channel system with anti shunt grates held captive in the innovative edge rail system and secured with SS316 M10 bolts.
GV130 100w x 270d
GV140 100w x 320d
GH100-80 100w x 80d
GH100-100 100w x 100d
SV130 100w x 270d
SV140 100w x 320d
SH100-80 100w x 80d
CV110 100w x 170d
SH100-100 100w x 100d
CV120 100w x 220d
Call us on 1300 0800 478 80 33580 20
GV210 200w x 275d
GV220 200w x 325d
GV300 300w x 325d
GH200 200w x 130d
300w x 130d
SV220 200w x 325d
SV300 300w x 325d
SH200 200w x 130d
SH300 300w x 130d
CV210 200w x 275d
CV220 200w x 325d
CV300 300w x 325d
CV200 200w x 225d
SV210 200w x 275d
SV200 200w x 225d
GV200 200w x 225d
Orca Pits
300w x 300l x 450d
Orca Risers
R33 300w x 300l x 300d (230mm rise)
R45 450w x 450l x 300d (230mm rise)
600w x 600l x 600d
P45 450w x 450l x 600d
600w x 600l x 300d (230mm rise)
Contact us for all grate options.
Contact your closest distributor of ORCA Drain
1300 80 80 20 0800
www.orcacivil.com.auwww.steelandtube.co.nz sales@orcacivil.com.au 478 335