Sexual Harassment or Vegan Trick by Ryan, Jaye? The animal rights organization PETA will go to great lengths to spread the word about animal rights. One stunt had PETA interns nearly nude in the county square to use their sexual vibes to inform the public. “Using your body as a tool” is a tactic promoted by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They use inappropriate and suggestive stunts and warn people of the dangers of eating meat, and of the benefits of a plant based diet. The interns do normal office work, like any organization or law office. Stuffing envelopes and making copies. But for special events they perform these outrageous stunts in public. In any other office this would be a form of sexual harassment that would end up in a lawsuit. Interns Jaye, Ryan and others disagree. Says Jaye, "It was totally empowering. It's great to be able to use your body as a tool." In addition to Jaye, Ryan is committed to the effort. He moved to Washington to help PETA spread the word. Some of their demonstrations and stunts end up in arrests. Certainly with PETA attorneys rather than county deputy public defenders. With intern in the office who will go to extreme lengths to spread the word of the group, how far would the senior members and managers of the group go? What limits are there on what they would do or say to defend what they see are the equal rights of humans and animals?
PeTA was founded in 1980 and has always pushed controversy in their wake. They are staunch advocates of animal rights. The reject “speciesism” that put human life, or any other life, higher in value than another. They promote veganism, that is, the eating and use of no animal products. This goes beyond meat to silk, milk,
honey, leather, and fur. The firm initiates lawsuits against zoos, circuses, and other organizations that are contrary to their views and harm animals. The extreme stance on animal welfare permeates the organization. Susan Solano from Middlesex County is a Peta activist and says this of animal rights, “I’d rather endangered species over human life any day!!!� Such a hostile attitude towards humanity. There is an excellent Washington Post article here about the Peta intern sexual ploys and demonstration harassment of non vegans: Peta has also taken heat for targeting young people with their aggressive messaging. "Your Mommy Kills Animals" was a campaign that depicted a woman attacking a bunny with a knife. They have even placed ads in school newspapers making a connection between drinking milk to acne, obesity, clogged arteries, cancer, strokes, and other health problems.
Turned in November 3, 2014 for Per. 4 English