Portfolio 2009

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Professional W o r k

Professional W o r k

Professional W o r k

















ASU Design

Business :



School FAIA


ASU Design

Business :



School FAIA


Lucil Packard Childrens Hospital , Stanford Design






Lucil Packard Childrens Hospital , Stanford Design






The advent of the motor vehicle, served as a cultural element. This had drastic effects on social engagement. Some of the best minds of the twentieth century have considered the effects of this innovation. Over the long term, strip malls; have failed to be socially engaging. There must be a reevaluation of these aging facilities, to make them into an asset for developers, consumers, and neighborhoods. The stripmall encourages a linear consumer process. RECOGNITION OF NEED - TRAVEL - PURCHASE There is no opportunity for interaction; convenience overshadows the experience. This is tragic because “the essence of life is experience�. Associated with the linear shopping situation, are many barriers that discourage circulation and interaction, these barriers must be broken down. Similar to the capillary properties of water, the greater the mass, the more it draws additional elements. This is the case for any social destination. Steps must be taken to encourage human interaction on the block, neighborhood, and city levels. This dynamic model encourages interaction of dispersed destinations. Currently there is a breakdown in the commercial framework between downtown Scottsdale and McDowell Rd. Taking the proposed measures would strengthen the commercial and social framework, and enhance the quality of life of this area. A revitalized stripmall becomes an opportunity to maximize the experiences of life and to serve as a local identity.

Strip-mall Team:


Innovation (featured


Competition Art


The advent of the motor vehicle, served as a cultural element. This had drastic effects on social engagement. Some of the best minds of the twentieth century have considered the effects of this innovation. Over the long term, strip malls; have failed to be socially engaging. There must be a reevaluation of these aging facilities, to make them into an asset for developers, consumers, and neighborhoods. The stripmall encourages a linear consumer process. RECOGNITION OF NEED - TRAVEL - PURCHASE There is no opportunity for interaction; convenience overshadows the experience. This is tragic because “the essence of life is experience�. Associated with the linear shopping situation, are many barriers that discourage circulation and interaction, these barriers must be broken down. Similar to the capillary properties of water, the greater the mass, the more it draws additional elements. This is the case for any social destination. Steps must be taken to encourage human interaction on the block, neighborhood, and city levels. This dynamic model encourages interaction of dispersed destinations. Currently there is a breakdown in the commercial framework between downtown Scottsdale and McDowell Rd. Taking the proposed measures would strengthen the commercial and social framework, and enhance the quality of life of this area. A revitalized stripmall becomes an opportunity to maximize the experiences of life and to serve as a local identity.

Strip-mall Team:


Innovation (featured


Competition Art


S t u d i o W




S t u d i o W





The motion intrigues and haunts all at once. Humanity doesn’t fully understand it. It is a phenomenon with a considerable amount of unknowns. What are its characteristics and how are they interrelated? How does it affect that which is around it? In very nature death promotes new life; growth is a reaction of that which surrounds it. A model begins fabrication in regards to its special relationships, influential circles, human interactions, and how these elements affect the model’s surroundings.


The motion intrigues and haunts all at once. Humanity doesn’t fully understand it. It is a phenomenon with a considerable amount of unknowns. What are its characteristics and how are they interrelated? How does it affect that which is around it? In very nature death promotes new life; growth is a reaction of that which surrounds it. A model begins fabrication in regards to its special relationships, influential circles, human interactions, and how these elements affect the model’s surroundings.

If we consider the cycle of death emulous of a wave, we are drawn to consider the parallels. The full moon transitions to a new moon, then back to a full moon. Flowers in the fall go to seed and die only to be replaced in the spring. Each is cyclical in pattern, climaxing and abasing. This pattern considered on the most basic level is energy—motion through time. Connecting this pattern with death as a subject moves an entity through its existence. With time as the entities vehicle, it becomes a small part of a larger motion of energy.

Memorial P a r k

If we consider the cycle of death emulous of a wave, we are drawn to consider the parallels. The full moon transitions to a new moon, then back to a full moon. Flowers in the fall go to seed and die only to be replaced in the spring. Each is cyclical in pattern, climaxing and abasing. This pattern considered on the most basic level is energy—motion through time. Connecting this pattern with death as a subject moves an entity through its existence. With time as the entities vehicle, it becomes a small part of a larger motion of energy.

Memorial P a r k

Taking into consideration the spatial and design characteristics of compelling space in the local environment, while moving toward an independent design I Studied the lighting conditions, the movement of people through the space as well as the materiality. Next, understanding the negative or inverse spatial characteristics I extruded and mimicked the geometry of a cubic piece to create an inhabitable form complementary to its environment. As one engages the space and moves throughout its entirety the framed views cannot be ignored.

F r a m e d V i e w s

Taking into consideration the spatial and design characteristics of compelling space in the local environment, while moving toward an independent design I Studied the lighting conditions, the movement of people through the space as well as the materiality. Next, understanding the negative or inverse spatial characteristics I extruded and mimicked the geometry of a cubic piece to create an inhabitable form complementary to its environment. As one engages the space and moves throughout its entirety the framed views cannot be ignored.

F r a m e d V i e w s


Placed in nature atop a butte overlooking vast valley’s below; approaching on a foot path from the hills below, and reaching the pinnacle while facing an eastward direction. When the destination is achieved at sunrise a burst of orange light pierces through the horizontal slit at the far end of the form, compelling humanity to move forward toward the light. Moving down a corridor toward the light and shortly an introduction to the full array of vibrant colors of a mature sunrise. After admiring the scene for a time you seek reflection, finding in an exploratory attitude, an intimate reflecting spaces. Comfortably protected from the elements, one is able to rest and reflect on the journey and the jewel earned at its culmination.


Placed in nature atop a butte overlooking vast valley’s below; approaching on a foot path from the hills below, and reaching the pinnacle while facing an eastward direction. When the destination is achieved at sunrise a burst of orange light pierces through the horizontal slit at the far end of the form, compelling humanity to move forward toward the light. Moving down a corridor toward the light and shortly an introduction to the full array of vibrant colors of a mature sunrise. After admiring the scene for a time you seek reflection, finding in an exploratory attitude, an intimate reflecting spaces. Comfortably protected from the elements, one is able to rest and reflect on the journey and the jewel earned at its culmination.

Personal W o r k

Personal W o r k

I n t e r P l a y Cleveland Design Competition

Attempts to act as a social condenser for the shoreway by providing the layering of nonprogrammatic elements suspended in amongst existing infrastructure and circulatory spaces. This will generate communication and interconnectivity with the project, passerby, and ecology.

I n t e r P l a y Cleveland Design Competition

Attempts to act as a social condenser for the shoreway by providing the layering of nonprogrammatic elements suspended in amongst existing infrastructure and circulatory spaces. This will generate communication and interconnectivity with the project, passerby, and ecology.

The Goal of Discarded Dreams, Need not be Nightmares is to repurpose 1,000,000 discarded mattresses by creating a consumer product. We have outlined a strategy to implement/produce the design. We see this as an amazing opportunity to create a product that not only appeals to consumers, and alleviates landfills of unwanted mattresses, and creates a product that begins to provide solutions to the key societal issues of homeless and unemployment. We aspire to use every portion of a mattress in conjunction with other “unwanted� items to create a low cost/sustainable housing solution. This affords society the opportunity to educate destitute populations, about building trades, and construction techniques. Conveniently, it empowers homeless and unemployed persons by providing the basic needs of employment and housing.

Discarded Sustainable





The Goal of Discarded Dreams, Need not be Nightmares is to repurpose 1,000,000 discarded mattresses by creating a consumer product. We have outlined a strategy to implement/produce the design. We see this as an amazing opportunity to create a product that not only appeals to consumers, and alleviates landfills of unwanted mattresses, and creates a product that begins to provide solutions to the key societal issues of homeless and unemployment. We aspire to use every portion of a mattress in conjunction with other “unwanted� items to create a low cost/sustainable housing solution. This affords society the opportunity to educate destitute populations, about building trades, and construction techniques. Conveniently, it empowers homeless and unemployed persons by providing the basic needs of employment and housing.

Discarded Sustainable





a revolutionary deployable hospital, which transforms the way health care is delivered, operated, and received within disaster situations.

C o d e P u r p l e

48hr invited competition held in Washington DC at the HealthcareDesign Conference 08

a revolutionary deployable hospital, which transforms the way health care is delivered, operated, and received within disaster situations.

C o d e P u r p l e

48hr invited competition held in Washington DC at the HealthcareDesign Conference 08

A wardrobe utensil as seating material; The use of hangers to fulfill the function of something to sit on creates an interesting juxtaposition of material function.

Featured in:



A wardrobe utensil as seating material; The use of hangers to fulfill the function of something to sit on creates an interesting juxtaposition of material function.

Featured in:

The site allows users to experience a path to freedom. One can then ponder on the personal paths of freedom that they may be searching for, bringing hope and humility to those going through sorrow and trials, as did the those who are buried here.

Pathway Contrabands Memorial

to and


Freedom Freedmen’s Competition

The site allows users to experience a path to freedom. One can then ponder on the personal paths of freedom that they may be searching for, bringing hope and humility to those going through sorrow and trials, as did the those who are buried here.

Pathway Contrabands Memorial

to and


Freedom Freedmen’s Competition

As a volunteer designer I was commissioned to communicate the ideas of an education complex to be built in Zambia. As I was important to consider convenience of material, available labor force, and extraneous climatic constraints in creating solutions for the villagers outside of Lusaka. The structure is being built entirely by volunteers. This facility will be a fundamental part of this rural community as it strives to prepare its youth for the future.





Mothers without Borders - Lusaka, Zambia

As a volunteer designer I was commissioned to communicate the ideas of an education complex to be built in Zambia. As I was important to consider convenience of material, available labor force, and extraneous climatic constraints in creating solutions for the villagers outside of Lusaka. The structure is being built entirely by volunteers. This facility will be a fundamental part of this rural community as it strives to prepare its youth for the future.





Mothers without Borders - Lusaka, Zambia

Computational G e o m e t r y

points = #() splines = #()

-- store random points -- store lines

for i = 1 to 400 do ( -- create 200 random points and store them into points x = random 0.0 200.0 y =random 0.0 200.0 z = random 0.0 200.0 tempP = [x, y , z] append points tempP ) for

i = 1 to 100 do (

-- create 50 lines by connecting 3 points among the points

ss = splineshape() addNewSpline ss p 1 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p1] -- need world coordinate deleteItem points p1 p 2 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p2] deleteItem points p2 p 3 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p3] deleteItem points p3 --close ss 1 updateShape ss append splines ss ) -- Use BlobMesh bm = BlobMesh() bm.size=12.0 select bm f o r i = 1 t o s p l i n e s. c o u n t d o ( $ . b l o b M e s h O p s. a d d B l o b s p l i n e s [ i ] ) convertto $ editable_poly $ . E d i t a b l e P o l y. R e l a x ( ) $.relaxIterations = 3 $ . E d i t a b l e P o l y. R e l a x ( ) $.material = meditMaterials[13] actionMan.executeAction 0 “50031” --delete $ select $Shape01 actionMan.executeAction 0 “40099” delete $

-- Render: Render -- Selection: Select Similar

Scripting has become a powerful tool and an inspiration in my design process. As a part of my exploration of form I have been collaborating with a professor on a script to create geometry that is reminiscent of the nano-structure of bone as an opportunity to create spaces that utilize this organic voided geometry.

Computational G e o m e t r y

points = #() splines = #()

-- store random points -- store lines

for i = 1 to 400 do ( -- create 200 random points and store them into points x = random 0.0 200.0 y =random 0.0 200.0 z = random 0.0 200.0 tempP = [x, y , z] append points tempP ) for

i = 1 to 100 do (

-- create 50 lines by connecting 3 points among the points

ss = splineshape() addNewSpline ss p 1 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p1] -- need world coordinate deleteItem points p1 p 2 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p2] deleteItem points p2 p 3 = r a n d o m 1 p o i n t s. c o u n t addKnot ss 1 #smooth #curve points[p3] deleteItem points p3 --close ss 1 updateShape ss append splines ss ) -- Use BlobMesh bm = BlobMesh() bm.size=12.0 select bm f o r i = 1 t o s p l i n e s. c o u n t d o ( $ . b l o b M e s h O p s. a d d B l o b s p l i n e s [ i ] ) convertto $ editable_poly $ . E d i t a b l e P o l y. R e l a x ( ) $.relaxIterations = 3 $ . E d i t a b l e P o l y. R e l a x ( ) $.material = meditMaterials[13] actionMan.executeAction 0 “50031” --delete $ select $Shape01 actionMan.executeAction 0 “40099” delete $

-- Render: Render -- Selection: Select Similar

Scripting has become a powerful tool and an inspiration in my design process. As a part of my exploration of form I have been collaborating with a professor on a script to create geometry that is reminiscent of the nano-structure of bone as an opportunity to create spaces that utilize this organic voided geometry.

Professional W o r k

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