Difference Worldview teaching makes

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What difference does teaching from a Christ-centered worldview make? Dr. Boyd Chitwood Do you see a difference between God’s way of working and the world’s standard operating procedure? When you read the Bible and you read the newspaper, do right and wrong seem different through those different ‘lenses’? Do you think our culture reflects God’s created intent, His will for how our lives are to be, or does He have something better in mind? Our children are growing up in a world which wants to tell them that the world is all there is. You live as happy as you can, and then you die. Or maybe there’s something called spirituality, and you pretty much make that up for yourself. To grow up and succeed, you learn how the world works and you learn how to play the system. Which do you want for your children, your incredible blessings from God? Which do you want for your grandchildren, those just about perfect little people who can grow up to be a whole lot like the world around them? In a nutshell, that’s why teaching kids from a Christ-centered worldview matters so much. Our children are being taught a worldview, or maybe several different ones. They will grow up seeing the world through a certain set of eyes. Our children can believe there is real truth, a sovereign God, sacrificial love and honor that’s worth paying a price for. Or they can practice living as if they are the gods of their own lives. Then hope will be a trick, and faith will be folly and love will be a cotton candy dream. And life may have some happy spots, but it won’t have meaning, and it will bring a lot of suffereing, too. And the all-powerful, yet all-loving God who made and saves us will be denied the glory that is due Him in our children’s lives. Sin will win that battle. Never the war. Christ has made that victory clear. But in the lives of our children, sin and the will of the Prince of this world will win a pitiful, yet horrific battle for those young lives. Again, that’s why teaching our kids from a Christ-centered worldview matters so much. Teaching and loving and nurturing them that way in our families, in our churches and in our schools. No chinks in the armor. No mixed messages about some mixed up idea of truth that can be split up and changed with the circumstances. I am deeply grateful that you know the value of this world and life view we are working to share with our children. We do see the fruit. We will see the harvest. The Lord of Hosts is honored by it and pleased with it. And that’s not a bad place to be in the teaching of your children, the care of those precious gifts who God has placed in your care.

© 2011 Boyd Chitwood. All rights reserved.

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