More than aToy but No Bargain ByMike Burgard
Amiga 3000UX offersSVR4on an outdated chip without theAmiga PC's capabilities
ommodore is hardly a name you expect to hear bandied about in the UNX workstation market. Yet. Commodore is positioningits Amiga 30001X-stocked with UND( System V Release 4 from AT&T,Open Look, and Ethernet suP port-as a niche workstation alternative. Despitethe good intentions,Commodore missesthe markwith the Amiga 3000UX of its small,14inch colormonitot because limited software supply, poor price/performance,and no UNX-toDOS utilities. Commodoremakes it clear that the Amigais not going head to head with IBM, Hewlett-Packard,or high-end Sun Microsystemsengineering workstations.Instead,Amiga is targeting individualusers, the university market, and "large becauseof its port of SVR4,the quantitydevelopment market." Paul Caulkin,UND( programs manager for 'TV'eare positionCommodoreexplains: ingttre Amiga 3000tX for the large inhousedeveloperthatwould rather have standalonemachines than terminals on eachdeveloper'sdesk." As a billion-dollar company, Commodorehas a large network of users and dealers.But to competein the lower end of the UND( workstation market, Commodorehas to offer a sizableprice break or solidvalueadded features:the Amiga offers neither.The availablesys3000UX temconfigurationsare too expensiveand thestandoutthird-party products normallyassociatedwith the Amiga PCnarnelyjazzy graphics and strong video support-arenot available for the UNX Amiga.Commodorepromisesthat multimediaproductswill be availablen 1992. The base system comes with a 100-
megabytehard drive and Ethernet card, but no monitor, and costs $4,998.Although this price seems reasonable, UNXusers needmore than the basesys tem to satisf routine disk andmonitor re quirements. They need the 3000IXG, the reviewed plafform, which had a 20G megabytehard dish EthernetCard,TIGA graphics adaptor,multiscanningmonitor, and a price tag of.$7,773.Comparethis against Sun's $6,995SPARCstationIPC with its lGinch color monitor, 207 megt bytes of disb eight megabytesof memo ry, and 3 1/2-inchfloppy drive. Compact and Quiet The Amiga 3000UXis an attractive machine.The systembox is compact,cleanb
designed,and resemblesa small-foo@rint PCjammedto tlregills.Insidethe 2Gpound system box are four proprietary expansion slots, two floppy drive bays,up to 18 megabytesof RAM, a power suPPlY,and a 68030processor.The Amiga also sup ports 100to 400megabytesofhard disk. The location of the floppy bays repre sents efficient use of space,but makes the Amiga 30001X a difficult machine to work with at the board level. When our test unit died, the technician had quite a chore getting at the system memory. The fan and hard disk maintain an extremely low ambient noise level in comparison to any machine-UNX or DOS. Inside the Amiga is a Motorola MC6803032-bitprocessorrunning at 25
Commodore's entry into the UNIXworkstaiion market,the Amiga 3000UX,comes with AT&TUNIX SVR4,OpenLook, and Ethernet support-but it doesn't havethe speed,software, or UNIX-Io-DOS utilitiesthat most usersdemand.
is a with MSDOSbecauseAmigaDO-S createo system operating The 800pixelsis r" 1008bv Amigu'A coprocessi" Jisplav MHz anda 68882math coprocessor' T"rihe t"";;ft gener.^*.in."frv whole color samepriceasthe the a $754BridgeBoard dsii;o h.*. tlte Amigaone as .",,ii"tiJr"t #;;;J:such the with board TIGA mustbe PurU"fti"a the Nextstation ii* A-high-resolution ffi;il;. anoP ;";d;;"dd-in^board' also is Comresolulion 218 aPPlications' DoS Jiri'i6l+uv did not .#;d i; t"" Amiqai Problems'You TIGA the Utf"tttnately' the gu"lur1,'1. ii"". sovoumusthave ;;il;; UNX simul:,tiil;'il'iil;;oir.' ut*'*gt' ;;;i;th thesYstem' the U;";';;-" A*igaDbS and emulator' the overshadow wouldn't DoS a ".'lio."..ot i6*rere ;;. fiX'*"^ir"i.' wtrictragain-increases in compan- ffi;;;M iirtix "'rit" n igu'totherProblems'with eiline is that the Amiga ."i^"ittt", especially iil;;ii;; standard comes machine' G-ig" Next or Sun " ;;t .on,o iob'otxit themachine.Y"Y YTI^I of on-board -'ir,"""d+-t"t goat' keyboardis alsoa weak therfiveor ninemegaoytes DOSand-UNX is your monitor with workout.A monochrome
*: u;13 l.:;: 9:*gh?*:tr":,fff,
.."gff ilil;;; r'i; ;og 1"-9e*T3:* :fililffil;:: rinr..r-rl"i"'u': J,-#i; j Home, or tlnc PsDn,
$,"t:[it{#,':'#-",;:mr;it graPhicsPerformance'sepai;;;;;J of adare rourmegaby'tes this from rate system ooerating for dil"";i memory
jo keys'ihe feelofthe ur"""onrv runction "middle o{ theroad":it has [*n"itA is
: li#tl*J:',;ittHtlJ:"ffi ableto 16 megabYtes'
The Return of Zorro2 expansionslots are vertically Four 'r""","d'i" o{ itte Amiga' eachcapable
c0ilfAer lilF0
3000ux Amiga
rnattonat reI nte Comnodo
.".Uiti"g -"e. i"i.s"rt*are for the Amiga'-w-e EmPretls* were ableto get a coPYof productsano other but *iii,'t OeNaS' uomcoming' in inJoimationare slo.w approimately. of list a p-"ided *"d"t" ;PPlications'but the onrY ;il;;;ft were Oracle (DBMS nalnes well-known (Cliq)'andauulitv q""dratron or"at"."l. Noticeably @xclaim)' i""aucts 5"rt*# engineering' ii""r,t *"t" multimedia' odv lia i.i"ntiri. applications', :::":: andus-
in"*Ptoring l'111[i!11"h,** :ili"i #Hi;[.i"J bYthe bothered be not svni'*ru 215-431-9100
theslots iiijiii'gi r.'l sizecard'Twoofbutallfour slots' ioulf"-utfSetompatible Amiga i".""c""ri["aoreis-proprietary loGPinslot a uses which Uii;iiil;;
sriall number of aPPlicabons'
ontheotherHand *ffiYli'ifJ,l.i'ffiflilii'illl;
fff;,t"Jl'.fl.iT.trJb*T,F ffil'?;ruftrttffifiJilr '""'" i;'#il iil";;G;t"meswithasmallsetotuttt5.n6l ffi''.':l nir*'Ji"'i: :x.ln The boards' ',iiSlnHl3l,1fi'flt!figti:'ir"*-"-g"'*t'ii*Xl ift;;';iZ;;'o-comPatible ffi#"xis'Jil"["#;';;;mewhen $;1g:['-"'Y,ilnt[;li]ll ui"oa03o lli x"JJ 6rt*lh*sl:fffl"il 's\;;i4 hu::nlift';i";'T'%Ttff*:, ;"*::*tlr;i:ft1*"':'i"'.:', .;o;;* virtual':'":T-'1: * ;RrcffifH,l#ffiKl;v zoqrygflvtg I' ,sra laii!l{ 'n]imsjln:*:#.;.':Y" """ ill;Tl#ilTEffiill3jri'':f, ill''.l,,i,ii;m itiesbuilt into the t'Ul-most
usefulis the
a thin Ether,lul"* tu.ftine cameruith high+esr-r1ur.lGA a ($331) ano net card
Quantum' rniifit-".o"4, 1OO-megabyte The quick' and quiet both ihi;;il;i; barely is drive .t""a"ta lOO-megabl'te lesalone
t, u"tuuti tt'"'vstem'fi
ffipu't'und"'ui" SenwARnAilrrt .on.urn"morethan70megabytes' ontional,2o^o; e th ires ;H;;;k';;qu
[T*"X,".tX*ffi'#.*u*ft-] k Windo*ti:'qY:":: :""t#il;d;;n-'
in,?'T-sl::f' ' tualscreens iffi#;ffi suPPoBr H::iil:;'"i"d;;+trl{:*^::*"0' 1tlfuftJ?,',d:ti.flfJJilllilI
:hi:['"$fi F'i**;fl "'fi;lptiJn;i'scsr ]t";;;11:: tuP"drivesitsin a
riii$',ltgg,'r,yi"'li:ffi: ffil?i:"m4"'1t1ilnxp
ffi;*:"'sry#m""3;& click-or t*l4u;liff tactile a #i: i'lrli amushyfeel,andlacks ue*r,: --m:ffits,HT;:l',ittTtffi#*
that uses standard15G
if {esisn' Jol: frI"rl. t" anunfriendlv
*v JiJr. r-ittat c9nnqc,19$,,l,frtiiultl ;;";;i""oris. SVR4: Prodigyor Problem? on theharddn tuined itil;;;
a adaitonatSCSIdevices'
is so high.on one reasoncommodor" ; ;-3iv R4' t J rryt ab.r its ga is "is rheAmi UNX amiga statestnat Commodore
lin:"j:1,"mil:ii#*:":.'"'#il! with,thereviewunit *;;[";;;;;ilJ lts sizemakes desired' be ilft';;;fi.
for oir *it'tl,noio.itrome Nextstation development applications iit $a'gsf''rl has i"rt**" tit"i vJriwant.commodore
*:*;t X"t"f"itJ"'"mll'y*ff;f * Tl-13,;;;":;5;,".t*o.t .. .
and bo'h'hin provides ll*tql,l Ui3:i, :*;li;;k;i ::#.,?hlill[l* iwa H'J;iffi"i,t#[4nnl"'tt6ttt: nrstmacnrneJ*'"it'"'
ofthe one frTttr#r i'u Sum::#?'$$i;l i";,: ti."""".ti"e iLft:: lei.l"^*o'k 5*Xfrjffiffi'rgx!$1*;$:';5 and [.." Itir." "partduringshiPment Th" t:t::i missing' was th&;;;;;";d tne l"!il"a ," havethe jittersbecause wavered' aj.of"t-*.ttionallY
o,",ouafl"i"'iii"irNil system ill*ml$mHo{:.'"'n""' sores tH""HY*ofhfdiii israst? ir":::gll'_Hi uo*rast
lf,l .":mt}[i:;.*;r;ffr;i&:::J m*fmtg*iffl+::ft";;n$'n:rmm:i fril:'"::Y-':i;?".j :i'::H:Ti#ff
math coprocessor,and the one megailvt" "i"ia"" RAM contribute to making the machine responsive.but Commoposldore has deliberately tried not to which in markets in A-igu ;ilth" o"iio.tnu"." ii the major evaluationcrii ; ; i ; . H " * " v e r , S P E C m a r k sh a v e be shown even the 68040processorto IPC' the in chip SPARC .io*"i "'ih;i. tft* ttte i; doubt that the Amiga is
ouickenoughto handlecommontasKs .'".tt u. aoltment creationandeducawith scrollour exPerience il;;;;. t9!l: utiliti"s X using and i"g'i'o.u-""tt us-tttenmigais on parwith a slow386 SCOOpenDesldop' ilu.t in" ru*nning StandoutServiceand SuPPort rrp TheAmigawastruly easyto set and you leads brochure g"liu*itg. A color
throush the cable connectionsand setuo.t"-p. in an almostsimplisticmanner' Ifitft utt the operating system software p."1oad"d,you can have a login prompt *iittir "t.i,it 30 minutes of opening-the the b;;;. Th" plug-and-plavaspectsof users' many to Amiga make it attractive T6e Amiga also comes with an outgoes standing support policy: if anything year' first the in machine tlre *ith *r"ne We charge' of free it 6o*itoaot" *itt fix i" have a technician uP in the ;;;;;bb of Montanawithin 24 hours a set of RAM chiPsdied' when "'iiocumentation stands out from the manuals take you small Three tvpi.uf.
oo$lrrrrduTE Hrq**
X E N I xl r o ma c o m p l s l s 1 . R s c o n s t r u cS t sC o U N l x & S C o cI a s h .
"'' o,;.0;;" oitll'fill;,olil ' ?Sll3iiiiiJi lJfii;, d o € si t a l l ' T h oA I R ' B A G h a r dd ' s k 3 . A l l o w sr € c o v o r tyo a l a r g o r enlargingparlilionsb€lore r0slorlng Allows 4. impairod 5 F u l l vm o n ud r l v s nl o r t h g U N I X
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"^'i'o "fl!;:ilsJ '-{"ji ,o.,^ii ^1.o1;. r ro^ T i JIJ::::,:::::1.*nuilrx&Doswi,h oaso
G"-modorle hasntt given us a convincing reason as to why it Put UNIX on the Amiga through installing. learning, and using
;ii;,i..,,,",.,"0,. Rmiei UNX. The small-formatmanuals '; 3?l'"' ;;l#1,":,.[ ril;i,;;:: ;::T[, tili?? ini"li 1j,tild;J,;l';il[id/r.:,'0s3A1,,", ai;';;'r;,",",j ."*? *itt spiral binding, detailed
verfjtjcalion, flX1a..comlresston, togling, eaor rcssyr,r..,
-j h l,l:l::.:ilil,j"d63:;,.[oo3'i.o",ji,ii", [iilT.:"'f fy#",#f?T!.it'e' i?lli';1';,ll',x ;,;lt"',n" ' gt:::r:r,s Dos.ran ;iii.['ji!'r'illlt,ifllt.iii; "tr-1,Iil'ii;;,Tifti[?"Ii1".,';]
Pf#l?r,",l99* available service .23 houremergency r Calltor moredetails& lileralure on Foderal r illinv-products available
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rttu.ti""., and frequent illustrations' ftt" *uin efe.f UND( manual Pages and canbe accessedwith the ;;; ";il not r.n.ornrnund. Commodoredoes set' documentation SVR4 full a ofter ""iit" e*i!" draws a fiercelv loval folsee lowins in the PC world and we can iire cnliact".istics of a soundlybuilt mapacks Itrl".bui"t -d small,the Amiga sup and space tight "loiof.vstem into a service best the of one *ittt o"ii.-it suaranteesin the business' --f* to, Commodorehasn'tgiven us a convincing reason as to whY it Put ffiii on trt" I*ist And we haven'ta clue' iil"emiga eO00lXis a soundhardware present Uo* toofing for a home' At its compared rtf." fi o-t*iaes no attraction or io-in"*p"n.iue Suns,SPARCclones' multime of lack l""n G*tttutions. The also leavesthe Amigahol;i;;;ftd; i"*. gtt if you like a mystery andare I *iffirgt" ri;k $7,000,give it a trY' Mike Burgard is a regular -riaiewerforlJND(woRLD Editor<t-lnrge and a data sys' a clrnmer' managerfor temsinformation in Montana' cial Printing com'PanY