Stefano Cazzaniga - Architecture Portfolio 2016

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Stefano Cazzaniga

oct 2016 | ongoing

Freelance photographer Architecture and real estate

Rome, 09/07/1988

jun 2016 | ongoing

Residential reuse proposal for an industrial area - Chiguayante [CH] arch. Carlos Bello - Amsterdam [NL]

via Amiterno 3, 00183 Rome [IT] e-mail:

jul 2016

mobile: +39 3452326788 may 2016 | jul 2016

Professional Practice Exam

feb 2013 | apr 2016

O.A.P.P.C. Rome [IT]

Master degree in Architecture UE

oct 2015 | mar 2016

International Design Workshop

jan 2015 | dec 2015

“From digital model to physical model”

feb 2015| sep 2015

Erasmus Program

nov 2014 | jun 2015

Illustrations for a novel “L’isola” by Michele Trimarchi published on


Architecture UE - Master degree course Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” University of Rome [IT]

jul 2007

Erasmus Office Tutor Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” University of Rome [IT]

Escuela Politecnica Superior - Universidad San Pablo CEU Madrid [ES]

sep 2007 | jan 2015

RSF Italia Member Restauratori Senza Frontiere [Restorer Without Borders] Rome [IT]

Course of 3d modeling and models realization “La Sapienza” University of Rome [IT]

sep 2010 | jul 2011

Intern Architect Cannatà & Fernandes Arquitectos Porto [PT]

“Regeneration of Caravanserais along the Silkroad” Semnan University [IR]

dec 2012 | jan 2013

Teaching assistant - prof. A. De Cesaris Architectural Design III - Architecture Master Degree Faculty of Architecture - “La Sapienza” University of Rome

Faculty of Architecture “La Sapienza” University of Rome [IT]

sep 2013

Intern Architect Roberto Veneziani Architetto Rome [IT]


jan 2015

Cooperator Architect #w9_02 Chapel of the Rocks - self-made architecture workshop San Pantaleo, Olbia [IT]

skype: stefano.cazzaniga88

sep 2016



Maturità Scientifica Liceo Scientifico Statale “Augusto Righi” Roma [IT] 2

Autocad Rhinoceros + vRay Adobe Ps, Ai, Id, Lr Microsoft Office


Italian English Spanish Portuguese


Photography Drawing



Cannatà & Fernandes Arquitectos Porto [PT]

Letter of reference To whom it may concern. Stefano Cazzaniga has been working in our office for six months, from October 2015 to March 2016, as an intern architect, as part of the European scholarship program “Torno Subito” he won in July 2015, after obtaining a five years master degree in Architecture at “La Sapienza” – University or Rome, where he has worked for two years as teaching assistant with Prof. Alessandra De Cesaris in the course “Architectural Design III”. During his stay he worked on several project at different scales, from concept developing to detail designing, showing a strong attitude in proposing solutions and in listening to the opinions of his colleagues. He proved to be a reliable and determined collaborator in every task he has been involved, showing a great interest in learning and exploring new solutions to develop both projects and his personal skills, following the advices from a critical point of view. He’s always looking for improving his knowledge and his personal research, which embraces contemporary and past architectural debates, art and photography, constructive techniques. For these reasons, we strongly recommend Stefano Cazzaniga as architect in any practice; we are sure that he will be a productive and reliable collaborator and his will to learn and to grow as an architect will give a fruitful and productive contribution to your team. Sincerely, Cannatà & Fernandes Arquitetos Michele Cannatà

Rua Freire de Andrade 85. 4250 - 225 PORTO. PORTUGAL Tel. + 35122.8329172. Fax. + 35122.8329173.e-mail


works #W9_02 CHAPEL OF THE ROCKS - Self-made Architecture Workshop San Pantaleo, Olbia - Italy July 2016


ILLUSTRATIONS FOR A NOVEL Rome - Italy 2014-2015


competitions 13-18

LAMBORGHINI ROAD MONUMENT - YAC Competition Bologna - Italy November 2016


LIGHTHOUSE SEA HOTEL - YAC Competition Siracusa - Italy February 2016


TRANSITIONAL SHELTERS - Young Structural Engineers Design Competition The Institution of Structural Engineers, London - UK February 2014

academical works 27-34



RESIDENTIAL TOWER Rome - Italy Final Architectural Design Course - 2013


#W9_02 CHAPEL OF THE ROCKS Self-made architecture workshop


24 - 31 july 2016 San Pantaleo, Olbia [IT]

ORGANIZATION: o9_architecture [Nicolò Galeazzi, Jacopo Galeazzi, Stefano Di Corato] CURATORS: Prof.Arch.Paolo Mestriner + o9_architecture TUTOR: Stefano Cazzaniga GUESTS: arch.Roberto Cremascoli [COR Arquitectos], prof. arch. Alessandro Rocca, arch.Beniamino Servino STUDENTS: Alberto Carbonara, Iolanda d’Alessandro, Marielisa Iozzino, Viola Ligori, Maria Francesca Lui The theme of the workshop was the design and construction of a small meditative space in the garden of a private villa in San Pantaleo, in the north of Sardinia. The activity is born by the interest of integrating the university education with direct experience of the planning and implementation phases of a work. The will of integrating univerity training with direct desining and constructive experience has been the starting point of the workshop, and its goal. In eight days, the participants were encouraged to become familiar with the site, the materials and construction problems, merging these elements in the project that they step-by-step directly realized, led by the tutor and by the invited architects. Each day has been divided between a theorical part, in wich the students were involved in drawing and discussing solutions for the building, and the construction of the small structure. At the end of the day, conferences and debates were arranged, held by the tutors and guests, in order to stimulate the participants to a constant check on the choices made, in theoretical and practical terms.






“L’Isola” di Michele Trimarchi pubblicato su 2014-2015

“[...] I due militari (Mario si diceva che forse era il caso di capire come si chiamassero, per quanto sembravano due manifestazioni dello stesso animale) si erano piantati alle spalle della tenda di Ferrara, dopo aver estratto due sigari e giocato a lungo con tutto il rito della decapitazione e dell’accensione, cosa della quale non importava a nessuno ma che i due continuavano a ostentare per far quel po’ di impressione che sembrava loro quasi obbligatoria.”


“[...] Manfredi Villalba era lĂŹ, a ridosso della roccia, a sradicare le patelle con un coltellino; aveva un’aria piuttosto infantile, se non proprio felice era palesemente contento, e mangiava ogni patella che il suo piccolo strumento scollava dalla roccia senza emettere alcun suono ma atteggiando gli occhi in modo estatico.â€?


“[...] Si sedettero alla spicciolata; Chiara, Teresa, Mario e Nicola vicino allo scranno dell’ufficiale (che era più alto e più comodo degli altri), intorno a un tavolino sul quale un inserviente stava già depositando con grazia un servizio da thè; due dei soldati chiudevano le ali di questo salotto da campo tenendo in grembo i fucili; Florio e gli altri erano rimasti in piedi, chi per forza, chi volontariamente.”


LAMBORGHINI ROAD MONUMENT YAC competition - November 2016 Sant’Agata Bolognese, Bologna [IT] TEAM: Ing. K. Allan, Ing. A. Baldini, Ing. M. Santarsiero [EcoEngineers - London, UK] Arch. L. Bargagli, Arch. A. Williams [Snohetta - Oslo, NO] Arch. Stefano Cazzaniga [Freelance architect - Rome, IT]

Elegance, innovation, tradition: those are the key concepts on which the sculptures are shaped. The sinuous and clean silhouette of Lamborghini’s original prototype 350 GT served as inspiration: two minimal movements manage to give a straight line and a strong character. The pure shape of a circle, a symbol of perfection, is sculpted by clear lines of force following the direction of movement around the roundabout. The original form reaches a new shape in an incessant and ever-changing movement of contraction and expansion, without ever losing the pureness of the original. Moving around the sculptures, the generating geometry is not directly perceivable: it’s a discovery of the shape which reaches its peak only from one point of view, where, only for a moment, its pureness becomes finally clear. In the same way, the shape of a speeding car cannot be seized if only for a moment. The circle is more than a geometric figure: it reacts to the context, progressively morphing and giving back to the observer the experience of riding through the countryside. The sculptures refract the scenery, moving reflected images along their chrome surfaces to give speed to the scenery itself. The same shape is repeated in the two roundabouts, adapting itself to different context conditions: the vertical element is located in the roundabout n.1, working as a landmark for the flat agrarian countryside from a very long distance; the horizontal element in the roundabout n.2 relates with a more dense area, it has to be discovered between houses and trees. A continuous ascending/descending movement connects the two sculptures, finally finding its balance in the midpoint, in Lamborghini Museum. Straight fiber glass cables are threaded inside the ring, recreating a perfect circle from a morphed geometry that recalls the process of shaping a Lamborghini automobile. The perfect object is present, not in the original shape itself but rather when in motion, freezing this moment intensioned cable. The same concept gives birth to the shape of the cross section of the ring.



360° view




Ground is prepared and the reinforced concrete base is cast in situ with the embedded steel plate to receive the structure

The second structural segment is slotted and welded to the base structure and to the first structural segment. All the welded connections are polished to mirror finish on site.



The prefabricated welded base structure is brought to site and bolted to the steel plate on top of the concrete base. Temporary steel shims are used to ensure perfect alignment and levels.

Glass fibre cables and lighting system are threaded in the main structure and tensioned



The first left segment of the structure is slotted and welded to the base structure

The landscaping is arranged around the landmark to cover the base connection and deliver the desired effect



1 adjustable screws


2 glass fiber cables


3 concealed post tensioning system


4 LED lighting system


5 tensionig plate


6 polished stainless steel section

Section detail



YAC competition - February 2016 Siracursa [IT] TEAM: Arch. Stella Bacoccoli, Ing. Camilla Bodo, Stefano Cazzaniga, Francesco Lato

The lighthouse stands as visual and emotional catalyst of the intervention, center and beginning of the territory’s discovery path. Landmark from the sea, cornerstone to navigate the territory, link between culture and nature: the lighthouse collects the potential of the area, returning it to the public, reworked, allowing knowledge and conscience. The proposed intervention gives back the original practical and symbolic value to the lighthouse, through new functions in line with today’s needs, while maintaining its current image but highlighting its monumentality through the creation of new pavilions. Taking as a design cue the existing hiking trail Path of Maddalena, the intervention stresses strategic focal points, both visual and scenic, characterising themselves as knowledge hubs along the territory’s exploration route. By working on the landscape and natural potential, the aim is to enhance the existing in its key points, completing the visitor sensory experience through educational and dynamic rest areas. The intersection between the path and the open space — delimited by the new pavilions — determines a thickening of spaces aimed at various activities, which can be exploited both by the pavilions as an external add-on, both by the path itself. The core of the intervention is hinged around the rehabilitation of the existing ruins, two new pavilions housing new functions branch-off from the remains. The pavilions are free porches open to the territory: without creating clear boundaries with the surrounding nature serve as perspective fronts, framing views towards the lighthouse and the landscape, allowing endless visual possibilities towards the changing horizon. The Lighthouse Camping&Hotel is configured as a structure with low environmental impact, as a place for short or prolonged stays, a chance to experience the region in compliance with the features and potentialities of the context. The visitor are encouraged to change their daily habits, while maintaining a high level of comfort, to realise an immersion in a welcoming place.


1) Lighthouse Sea Center 2)Infopoin & Reception 1

3)Common facilities 4) Restaurant

10 2

5) Pavillion 1: camping 6) Pavillion 2: public activities


7) Hiking paths


8) Dock


9) Sighteeing spot 6







YSEIDC 2014 - TRANSITIONAL SHELTERS SELECTED AND EXHIBITED Young Structural Engineers Design Competition 2014 The Institution of Structural Engineers, UK TEAM: Ing. Filippo Albini, Stefano Cazzaniga, Ing. Matthew Thomas

The competition required the design of a temporary shelter for emergencies: it should be cheap, easily buildable, adaptable to different geographical and cultural contexts, reusable, justified and verified at the structural and energetic level. The proposed project responds to requests through structural wood frames, to be filled with available materials on site (sand, straw, etc.) to meet the climatic characteristics of different contexts and to guarantee a minimum comfort in the different possible conditions. The prefebricated elements are designed to be assembled and completed directly by the future inhabitants, immediately fueling a sense of “ownership” for their new houses, acting psychologically on people affected by the humanitarian tragedy. The internal organization optimizes the space to accommodate families up to six people, while maintaining a reasonable level of privacy through the division between the living and sleeping area, separated from the bathroom/kitchen block, divided into basic elements to ensure contemporary usability of different functions. The temporary shelters have also been designed according to their aggregation, allowing the refugee camp to be designed as a “village”, maintaining the relationship between the different social groups involved, to ensure a recovery as close as possible to“normal life.”



Plan 23



Structural and covering elements



PUBBLISHED ON “IRAN: percorsi, città, caravanserragli” by A. De Cesaris, L.V. Ferretti, H. Osanloo - ed. Edilstampa 2014 Mayamey, Semnan Region [IR] Master Degree Thesis - Jenuary 2015 Supervisor: prof. arch. A. De Cesaris

The thesis comes as a continuation of the International Design Workshop led by Professors Alessandra De Cesaris, Laura Ferretti and Giorgio di Giorgio of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Rome, and with Professor Hassan Osanloo , dean of the Faculty of Architecture of Gamsar, with the theme “Regeneration of Caravanserais along the silk Road in Iran”, held at Semnan [IR] in the month of September 2013. The project is divided into two interrelated phases: the first, on an urban scale, concerns a proposal for the redevelopment of the historic center of Mayamey, a small agricultural town in the heart of the region of Semnan in Iran, through the re-functioning of the activities along the ancient tracks and major urban axes, trying to revitalize the historic center, currently semi-abandond. The Agricultural Center, aimed to recovery and develop farming activities in Mayamey, incorporating different kind of functions: direct cultivation, related to laboratories for quality control of the products; a garage for agricultural vehicles; areas for the storage of goods; direct sales in the “bazaar” at street level; up to a school, with ensuite facilities and laboratories for research in agriculture and transmission of traditional farming methods.


Semnan Region localization

Mayamey District

Distances from the main cities Garmsar Teheran 110 km

Mayamey Semnan

120 km

Mashad 250 km

420 km

Mayamey influence on nearby villages 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 disabitati



area di influenza indiretta

Mayamey area

area di influenza indiretta area di influenza indiretta


Planimetry 28

Heritage conservation status

Historical evolution

Density and soil occupation


Services and Facilities - current situation

Services and Facilities - Mayamey Municipality Plan


General plan 31

Plan - street level 32

Section b-b’ 33

Section a-a’ 34





Casal di Gregna, Rome [IT] Final Architectural Design Course a.y. 2013-2014 Architecture UE Master Degree Supervisors: prof. arch. L. Barbera, prof. arch. A.I. Del Monaco

The intervention area is located in Casal di Gregna, an agricoltural area just outside Rome’s highway ring. The tower is part of masterplan, aimed to create a new residential area in a urban void. The building, a 36 storey building, hosts at the first floors a commercial area and offices, and residences at the upper floors. Footprint and height were regulated by the masterplan, as number of apartments and green areas. The definition of the internal articulation aims to maximize solar exposure and natural ventilation to all the apartments, even if most of them are exposed only at one side. This is achieved by “cutting” and shifting the residential blocks from the central core, and leaving voids at north and south fronts. These empty spaces are exploited for creating common green terraces. Different shading systems are positioned depending on exposure and global architectural image: shifting vertical panels characterize the central part of the east and west façades, while horizontal brise soleil mark north and south corners.


Standard floor plan - 1 39

Standard floor plan - 2 40


Apartment 1 - 65 sqm

Apartment 2 - 45 sqm 42

Duplex apartment - 80 sqm 43

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