Architecture Portfolio

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Architecture Portfolio

Selected works Stefano Mastromarino 2022

Stefano Mastromarino

Part II Architectural assistant

Personal data

nat. date of birth EU pre-settled status


phone e-mail postcode

Italian 02.12.1997 WPR Y4T Z3X


Italian English French German Dutch Spanish


AutoCad 2D/3D

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Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop


Additional information

+44 7882 986620

N10 3RL , London (UK)

native fluent (IELTS 7.5) fluent (C1) upper-intermediate (B1+) elementary (A2) elementary (A2)




Microsoft Office Apple iWork

Volunteer with Solidarite Migrants Wilson (Dec 2021-Apr 2022)

Volunteer with Emmaus Roya (Apr-May 2022)

Piano student at Conservatory of Music O. Respighi (2013-2016)

Driving license holder / type B

Experience Research Intern

Apr. 2022 - Sept. 2022

Teaching assistant

Mar. 2021 - July 2021


Sept. 2020 - Apr. 2021

Part I Architectural Intern

Mar. 2020 - Aug. 2020

Laboratoire IPRAU S, Paris (FR)

Development of the research and platform “Architecture et precarites” ( with prof. E. Essaian. Research of case studies in Italy.

Politecnico di Torino, Turin (IT)

Course “Architectural Technology” with prof. V. Marino. Main tasks: exercises student assistant and maintaining student records.

Generazione Magazin e, Rome (IT)

Author/Content writer for the Architecture and Design department ( fanomastromarino/)

LAD Roma, Rome (IT)

Main tasks: Interior and architectural design, drafting (plans, sections, elevations), executive projects, project price analysis

Workshops and research


Mar. 2021 - June 2021

Research project

Jan. 2021 - Sept. 2022

Self-construction workshop

Sept. 2020


MSc Architecture (Distinction)

Sept. 2020 - Sept. 2022

Erasmus+ programme

Sept. 2021 - July 2022

Bsc Architecture

Sept. 2017 - Sept. 2020

Erasmus+ programme

Sept. 2019 - Mar. 2020

Challenge PoliTo - Piemonte / DIST, Turin (IT)

Selected to workon the rewriting of the territorial plan of Piedmont for the EU Urban Agenda.

Dialoghi Immunitari, DIST (PoliTo), Turin (IT)

Selected to work on the theme “how will we live together after the Covid19: human and non-human bodies”.

Orizzontale, Rome (IT)

Workshop Picnic Urbano, Piazza della Comunita’ Europea, Aprilia. Exhibited by Orizzontale at 2021 Venice Biennale.

Politecnico di Torino, Turin (IT)

Urbanism track. Thesis title: “Inhabiting spaces of holding” with prof. C. Boano (DPU UCL/PoliTo), P. Simay (ENSA PB)

ENSA de Paris Belleville, Paris (FR)

Courses + Urban design studio + Masters thesis research with prof. Philippe Simay (philosophy of architecture)

Politecnico di Torino, Turin (IT)

Fundamentals of architectural knowledge: History, urban design, urban policies and planning, etc.

Technische Universität Dortmund, Dortmund (DE)

German taught courses: Urban and structural design, archi tectural technology, construction theory

Inhabiting spaces of holding

Practices of reception and rejection in Greater Paris and at the French-Italian border

MSc Thesis in Urbanism and Sociology

Architecture, Construction, City / Politecnico di Torino

Location: Greater Paris (FR); French-Italian border (FR/IT)

Collaborators: individual work

Supervisors: prof. Camillo Boano (DPU UCL/PoliTo); prof. Philippe Simay (ENSA PB)

The research investigates spaces of migration in France, identifying thresholds and encounters between spaces generated by supported and rejected bodies. Practices of containment, control, and protracted displacement coexist with the production of collec tive resistance and solidarity. The project aims precisely at looking at these present strat egies and build a narrative, constructing a weak infrastructure of inhabitation that stems from the spatial investigation done. It is an attempt to make visible new patterns of urban space production, neglected by the contemporary neoliberal city, and endow open scenarios for possible coexistence. The dispositifs are makeshift, flexible, not performing one specific function but softening their borders and claiming to be unexpected. They allow the reproduction of existing rituals and identities in transit and subvert the apparent uninhabitability of urban, rural and domestic liminalities.

The research manipulates cartographic analyses, photography, statistical and territorial data to study the territory and the migratory phenomena through a multi-scale approach. Being settled in France and volunteering with local association both in Paris (with Solidar ite’ Migrants Wilson) and in the Vallee de la Roya (with Emmaus Roya) made it possible to develop the research through a constant physical immersion into the problem and potentialities. It therefore allowed the analysis by looking closely at common practices of adaptation and resistance.

Overall, the research supports a counter-mapping approach, which suggests that migrants’ experiences and imaginations cannot be fully grasped through one or multiple devices and that representations are only possible scenarios of transit and resistance. Admittedly, the thesis does not aim at depicting solutions, as they would displace its political nature, but rather unfolding weak strategies of imperfect inhabitation.

September 2021 - September 2022

Paris/Seine-Saint-Denis - What is left

Genealogy of camps

Some photos of the final book
7 Infrastructure of solidarity Makeshift tools of inhabitation Some photos of the final book
8 Map of the infrastructure of solidarity / Greater Paris 0 2,5 5 km Hydrography Parks and green areas Urbanised area Public transports Reception shelters Legal aid and french courses Food distribution and assistance Paris Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Hauts-de-Seine
9 Map of threats / Greater Paris Hydrography Projects on public spaces Priority area of intervention Parks and green areas Urbanised area Public transports Jeux Olympiques 2024 0 2,5 5 km Paris Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Hauts-de-Seine


10 Map of transits and infrastructure of solidarity / French-Italian border 0 5 10 km Woods: decidous Shrub areas Woods: coniferous Woods: mixed Vallée de la Roya
Breil-sur-Roya Tende Nice Agricultural areas Parks and green areas Urbanised area Sea Railway path Main migrants’ spaces Roads and footpaths Main migrants’ routes

Vallée de la




11 Map of controls and pushbacks / French-Italian border Urbanised areas Sea Parks and green areas Hydrography Railway path Roads and footpaths Main migrants’ routes
Breil-sur-Roya Tende Nice 0 5 10 km Non-permanent controls on roads
controls on roads
controls at stations Permanent controls at stations Main areas of police and gendarmes controls
12 Porte de la Chapelle Delphine Seyrig Soixante AdaDa What is left of migrants’ spaces / Greater Paris
13 La ferme Il ponte Via San Secondo What is left of migrants’ spaces / French-Italian border

Delphine Seyrig dispositifs unfold camp’s habitability

Porte de la Villette dispositifs invade urban liminalities

Vacant dwellings dispositifs to activate reception facilities

La Cite Fertile stock dispositifs, maraudes and outreach

Infrastructure of solidarity / Greater Paris


Il Ponte dispositifs unfold camp’s habitability

La ferme dispositifs invade rural liminalities

Vacant dwellings dispositifs to activate reception facilities

Intemelia stock dispositifs, maraudes and outreach

Infrastructure of solidarity / French-Italian border


Dispositif for food distribu tions (maraudes) and stocking of personal belongings

Dispositif for gatherings and personal use when disassembled

Dispositif for resting, decoration and exhibition of symbols of resistance

16 Dispositif 1 / Eat Dispositif 2 / Gather Dispositif 3 / Exhibit
Dispositifs of imperfect inhabitation

La Station - Gare des mines

Possible Wilson’s storage for dispositifs

Delphine Seyrig

Dispositifs used by inhabitants. Once camp evicted, they are brought back to La Station

Delphine Seyrig

Dispositifs assembled when people on the move start to settle

Abacus and management of the dispositifs


Dispositifs to rest and to exhibit

Dry toiletsDispositifs to cook and stock belongings


Round tables to gather and rest

Secure Gather


18 Scenario of possible coexistence / Delphine Seyrig



Family and couple

Dry toilets and

Rest Eat


19 Scenario of possible coexistence / La ferme Gather
units Round
to gather and rest

Di prossimità e discordanze

Masterplan Basse di Stura in Turin, Italy

MSc Urban design studio (with economics and landscape)

Architecture, Construction, City / Politecnico di Torino

Location: Basse di Stura, Turin (IT)

Collaborators: Alberto Bianciotto, Michele Mastrosimone

Supervisors: prof. Mauro Berta (PoliTo); prof. Edoardo Bruno (PoliTo)

The investigation was centered on an unsolved fragment of the city of Turin, a result of extractive and industrial legacies. The spatial reading urged to think about the marginal area through the consolidation of the already existing connections. In accordance with this vision, new urban fragments have been developed, with the terraced blocks, the mar ket, and the tertiary hub as punctual interventions of regeneration.

The terraced blocks include diversified services for the community on the ground floor and housing on the following floors. The stairs and terraces are conceived as entirely public and accessible.

The court of the covered multifunctional market represents the epicenter of the new dis trict, through the various service activities for the residents and underdetermined spaces endowed to the community.

The space identified as a “tertiary hub”, placed between the main infrastructures, is thought of as strongly transitory: independent in function and morphology, it is character ized by a self-referential and introverted architecture, capable of weaving relationships on the metropolitan scale.

The project proposal aims at investigating the contrast between public and private and expand its borders. The new district attempts to trigger a weak process of regeneration, through forms of a new spontaneous, permeable urban porosity, enabling a renewed net work of communicability. How to live together, between human beings, but also with the environmental system of which it is part, is the crucial social, political and spatial ques tion of the proposal. It aims at consolidating it through an approach of coexistence, able to keep alive the thresholds, those areas in which loss, complexity, and multiplicity find spatial expression.

February 2021 - July 2021
Urban transects
morphological analysis of the area Basse di Stura Borgo Vittoria Quadrilatero romano
23 Masterplan proposal for Basse di Stura
Terraced blocks : ground floor plan and elevation
25 Terraced blocks : axonometric view Common roof gardens Apartments Fablabs and Ateliers Kindergarten Fablabs and Ateliers Shops Gym 0 1 Offices Co-working 0 1 Offices and co-working Apartments
27 The market square : axonometric view Nightlife Apartments Shops Cinema Market court Market 0 1 Music venue 0 1 Market Market Neighbourhood house Market


tertiary hub : ground floor and elevation
29 Hotel Offices Co-working Offices Gym Parking 0 1 0 1 Common inner court Parking Co-working Parking Conference hall Hotel Parking The tertiary hub : axonometric view

Agriparc de Domont

Landscape design and masterplan of Domont and Ezanville, France

MSc Landscape Design Studio

Architecture / ENSA de Paris Belleville

Location: Domont / Ezanville, Ile de France (FR)

Collaborators: Justine Garde, Jaeyoon Kim

Supervisors: prof. Frederic Bertrand (ENSA PB); prof. Philippe Simay (ENSA PB)

It is the occupants of the territory who determine the status of resources, through their needs, rituals and use of the spaces. The observation in situ and the participation of the inhabitants in the project testify to the absence of a relationship between occupants and environments inhabited, which consequently results in a lack of consideration of the latent potentialities.

Unlike the current project of the ZAC d’Ezanville, the aim of our proposal is to resist urban sprawl by promoting resource-enhancing practices. The Agriparc brings together a diversity of uses and environments by applying the principles of agroecology. Thus, the programs are at the same time productive, educational, commercial, and residential. The process of transforming the existing site is based on a strategy of re-naturalisation of the soil over a long period and reuse of existing industrial materials.

The Hangar, an industrial building rehabilitated as an urban farm, is a place of encounter between environmental resources and citizens. The flexibility and heterogeneity of its spaces allow the inclusivity of people, animals, and environments as a common inhabita tion, able to adapt to different needs and climates.

The development of the park advocates local management of water to reduce the pres sure on the site’s main watershed: the Bourguignons basin. To do this, infiltration devices are put in place upstream (valleys and basins, permeable flooring). The general landscape is conceived through a series of dispositifs and weak actions of reforestation and pres ervation, enhancing a spontaneous process of coexistence with the environment and its potential flooding threats. Based on that, water collection and management had a crucial impact on the proposal, as an urge to elaborate strategies of reuse and endow inhabit ants with tools to learn how to live with risks and scarcity.

September 2021 - January 2022


Rainwater harvesting system

Preserved industrial roofing sheds

Permeable porous paving

Masterplan and rainwater harvesting system in the Hangar


Carpentry ateliers and shops

Agricultural areas

Market main hall for local products

Ateliers and shops

Farm. Occasionally used as event venues

Flexible use inner garden : market and events

Co-working and offices

The Hangar : ground floor plan
34 Reforestation Landscape : vegetation asset Retention basins Spontaneous gardens New public spaces

For areas conceived for reforesta tion, the use of large tree spaces is envisaged, the layout of which is organized in such a way as to ensure the typical coverage of wooded areas.

Along the water areas, the result of rainwater collection through the basins, the use of more sparse woodland vegetation is envisaged, capable of restoring the riparian nature of those areas.

Near the main roads of the Agri parc, to attract potential visitors and inhabitants, new composi tions of green areas have been conceived. The design inspiration comes from Piet Oudolf’s gardens.

The general landscape of the park is made up of fields of extensive greenery, it is left clear of tree species and is characterized by the presence of low-maintenance herbaceous species.

35 Landscape : scenarios of possible use

Stefano Mastromarino

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