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Re ection/Introduction to Portfolio
This portfolio displays work completed for ARPL3021A, Histories and Theories of Architecture. I think that the year has helped me to develop select skills. From essay writing + research (Project 1), Model building (Project 2), Mapping and drawing a place in its existing context (Project 3) and a Graphic Novel (Project 4). The graphic novel is something I have never attempted to do in the past and I do think it presented better than I thought it would. The compilation of projects forced me to approach each project differently, either through research, drawing or site visits.
Overall, I think the course offered a wide range of different skills to be learned. I thought that the lectures where interesting, in terms of the content and how it was presented. I also enjoyed engaging with the sketchbook drawings.

IMPACT on architecture and the view of women
Since the design of the vitra fire station, zaha hadid’s career exploded into life, her “unbuildable” buildings came soon to be realized.
zaha went seemingly from being known as the paper architect, to “the queen of the curve”, with her elaborate and expressive architecture. her buildings where structurally complicated and her design thinking did hinder her abilities to realize architecture , however that did not last long28 . 27
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Compilation of zaha hadid’s projects that followed after the vitra fire station.
Zaha hadid’s vitra fire station was the start of her legacy. this building defines the word form vs function. the building breaks away into explosive action to protect the factories. a comparison of zaha hadids career, where this building was her breaking away from the closed, and breaking away from designs that where unbuildable34. seemingly unable to escape the paper that it was drawn on. THIS OPENED THE WORLD OF ARCHITECTURE FOR WOMEN ON A GRAND SCALE. Page 1