Dragons of Britain 1

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Dragons of Britain The


The Birthday Hunt

A Pendragon adventure into the land of Faerie Scholars of the Cycle: Gildas & Britain’s Dark Ages Hammer To Fall: An Age of Arthur Adventure Around The Table: Greg Stafford Pendragon Through The Ages Ganieda The Enchantress Whispers Around The Realm


Winter 2013


“The king stablished all his knights, and gave them that were of lands not rich, he gave them lands, and charged them never to do outrageousity nor murder, and always to flee treason; also, by no mean to be cruel, but to give mercy unto him that asketh mercy, upon pain of forfeiture of their worship and lordship of King Arthur forevermore; and always to do ladies, damosels, and gentlewomen succor upon pain of death. Also, that no man take no battles in a wrongful quarrel for no law, ne for no world’s goods. Unto this were all the knights sworn of the Table Round, both old and young. And every year were they sworn at the high feast of Pentecost.”

- Sir Thomas Malory, ‘Le Morte d’Arthur’.

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The Pentecostal Oath Contents Noble Edicts Editorial by Steff Worthington


The Birthday Hunt A Pendragon Adventure by Dave Elrick


Pendragon Through The Ages A look at the various editions of Pendragon by George Quail

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The Otherworld A look at Arthurian links out in Internet-land Hammer To Fall An Age of Arthur adventure by Paul Mitchener Ganieda, sister to Merlin An NPC for Pendragon by George Quail


Gildas & Britain’s Dark Ages Article by Paul Mitchener


Gawain’s Tale Verse by Steff. J. Worthington


Around The Table Greg Stafford & Steff Worthington


Whispers Around The Realm Plot nuggets and ideas


Gratitudes & Complimentaries Links to our contributors


Steff. J Worthington, Dave Elrick, George Quail, & Paul Mitchener.


Steff. J Worthington, Pareeerica, starscoldnight, AnaRasha-stock, John Atkinson Grimshaw, ITSDura, Lor Myers, & Misty Patricia. A sincere thanks to all the artists who have contributed to the past and present art of Pendragon. Cover art: ‘Woods’ by Jessica Dueck http://starscoldnight.deviantart. com/

Direction & Editing Steff. J. Worthington

Copyright Dragons of Britain is a magazine dedicated to the world of Arthurian gaming & RPGs ‘King Arthur: Pendragon’ is copyright 2013 Greg Stafford & Nocturnal Media. ‘Age of Arthur’ is copyright 2013 Wordplay Games. This free fan based magazine is not for sale and is a work of fiction. No similarities to real world people (still living or sleeping underneath a hill) or events are intended.

Submissions & Contact

steffworthington@hotmail. com


Noble Edicts I grew up with the tales of King Arthur and his knights (although I don’t remember him being referred to as ‘King’) and from an early age began to wonder who this leader of battles, this ‘Dux Bellorum’, actually was.

great warlord that it almost impossible to rely on any ‘facts’ with any certainty. His reputation, personage, and deeds are so vague as to be considered myth by some (not a view I hold).

I’d spend hours in Mold Library (one of the largest Arthurian collections in existence) breathing in the dust from old volumes and wrestling with French names which seemed so incongruous next the Welsh names I was used to from the tales I had been told.

I sometimes wonder what will happen if we find Arthur. Will we find him in a sunken field that was once a pool near Baschurch in Shropshire? Buried in a wall as part of Chester’s amphitheatre? (A candidate for Camelot), in a mountainside cairn in Snowdonia? Or under the grass on Salisbury Plain? Will we wish we’d not gone looking?

Part of the charm of these investigations was deciphering who was who and what was what. Myrddin, or Emrys, was Merlin. Cai was Kay. Afallan was Avalon. But it was only when my beloved aunty bought me a copy of RISK when I was young that I started to get into gaming. In time, progression to role-playing games, and thence to Pendragon, was only natural for me. The hobby and the ‘Matter of Britain’ still hold sway for me. I’m currently writing my own non-magical RPG version of the Welsh Arthur (The Bear of Britain), I now draw maps professionally (and some of these appear within this issue), and my knowledge of ‘Arthur’ has widened. Still, I cannot claim to be an expert. If anyone does claim to be, they are mistaken. So little is known of the


I think sometimes that people need to reveal the truth more than know the truth. That finding him and having the fame is more interesting than learning who he was. Will we look down into that shallow grave in the earth, at the detritus, rotted fabric, hiltless sword, and old bones and think we should’ve have left him undiscovered? That our dream of Arthur can’t possibly match up to the reality? I would counsel caution. I want to know who he really was too, but in doing so we could unravel the greatest wonder and relic this island of the mighty has to offer. Yet still we seek him.

- Steff. Worthington


Birthday Hunt A Pendragon™ adventure by David Elrick during the Period of Unification

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The Birthday Hunt A Pendragon adventure by David Elrick The following adventure was originally written to be run at games conventions and so was designed to fit into a four-hour slot. I set it in 514AD, immediately after the wedding of Arthur and Guinevere and before the military campaign against Maelgywn of Gwynedd. With a little work (mainly changing background details) it should be easy enough to place almost anywhere during the Pendragon period.

Tewkesbury (a kinsman of the Earl of Salisbury) and takes place in woodlands along the Gloucester/ Sugales border and in the fringes of the Dean Forest (the border of the realm of Faerie). Plot Summary The PCs are knights of Salisbury who have come north ahead of the main army ready for the new campaign. They are at the home of their Lord’s brother in law, so they are among friends and can therefore relax. Their role is to arrange temporary quarters for the army and prepare their host and his household for its arrival.

A mix of Pagan and Christian knights works best with this adventure, although an all-Christian group would be interesting too. At least one knight should have a reasonable Faerie Lore score (or the equivalent if you are using a system other than Pendragon).

This is a double celebration - the arrival of old friends, heralding the arrival of the Lord’s kin, plus the Lord’s eldest son is 21 and ready to be knighted. There will be a celebration feast followed by a hunt the next day.

Some maps are provided with the adventure. They were not needed any time I ran this adventure but If you need to map the woods, it should have a river running through it and a long meadow (picnic field) at one side.

Part 1 is the feast and gives the players opportunities to test skills such as dancing, orate, sing and others (the lord has a couple of beautiful daughters too). Friendships may be made/renewed or spoiled as the night pans out.


Part 2 is the start of the hunt. The hunt goes slowly initially. Apart from the PCs, the Lord and the birthday boy, there are several knights of the Lord’s household and a couple of other guests. Plus ladies, squires, beaters, dogs and assorted servants with the picnic

This adventure is set in the summer of the year 514 AD, although this can be changed to suit your campaign. It begins at the court of the Earl of

train... At first, the hunt is pretty normal - plenty of hares, a few boar and a couple of stags. Some grouse and pheasants might be spotted too. They will also meet a hermit who will give them useful advice (hopefully they’ll take it).

The boy lies in an enchanted swoon in the tower, attended by several Faerie maids who are holding him for their queen. They offer the PCs food and drink, hoping to ensnare them too. The boy can be released if the PCs leave an equal gift – this could be someone else, or a song or poem.

In the middle of the day, the servants will set out the picnic lunch If the PCs escape back into the real in a clearing and more social type world the tower is just a ruin... stuff might ensue (Part 3). In the afternoon, the party splits up (deliberately or otherwise) and the hunt moves into thicker, wilder woods. Some more game is spotted and possibly hunted. Some of the game may be more fantastic creatures. Then the boy’s horse is spooked and bolts... Chasing the horse leads the PCs into wilder areas of the woods and to a clearing where a tower stands. This is the border with Faerie and the PCs need to find the birthday boy.

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Map of Sugales/Gloucester border


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Part 1 – The Feast

experiences in the wars against the Saxons.

Location: The Great Hall, Tewkesbury Castle This is also a good point for the player characters to learn about Date: Late Summer, 514AD Maelgwyn and Gwynedd, Maelgwyn’s renouncing of Arthur’s rule, the The game opens in the great hall recent raids into the borders of the at Tewkesbury castle. The hall is Earl’s domain and the forthcoming filling up and there is a buzz of war. Answer any questions but don’t conversation as the knights and force information on them. ladies of the court discuss the news brought up from the South The hall will settle down as everyby the player characters. one finds their seats. As honoured guests (and representing members Most of the ladies want to hear of the Countesses’ own family) the about the wedding of Arthur and player characters are given places Guinevere which happened in at the high table. Once everyone is Camelot at Pentecost (earlier this seated, the pages blow the horns year – roughly the beginning of and Earl Gherard and his family enMay, or Beltane to the pagans). ter and take their places. The Earl They will be eager for any news, and his lady are accompanied by especially the fashions of the la- their three sons (Rhun who is 21 and dies and what Queen Guinevere the other two, Giles and Briant, who is like. If you are running this in are around 12-13) and two daughanother year, substitute whatever ters (Meraud who is 17 and Alys is the current news from Camelot. who is 18). On the other hand, the men are mostly interested in the forthcoming campaign against Maelgywn of Gwynedd and whether the player characters think there will be war, or whether Maelgywn will back down when he sees the size of Arthur’s forces. They will also speculate on the size of the army and what the Saxons will or won’t do while Arthur is campaigning in Gwynedd. There are opportunities for Boastful and Modest checks are the player characters are questioned about their own

It is a good feast, with plenty of rich food. Entertainment is provided at first by some of the Duke’s own household, but one or more of the player characters might win some glory by performing a song or story. Orate and Perform rolls are suitable here. At some point during the feast, the Earl will rise and welcome his guests. He will also propose a toast to his eldest son who is to be made a knight tomorrow. Particularly keen or pious knights might offer to

Eventually, the feast breaks up. Anyone who chooses to accompany the Earl’s son will be shown to the chapel. The boy is armoured up for the vigil as is the custom, but the player characters don’t have to be unless they choose to do so (they are already knights). They will be in for a sleepless night of prayers and will have -5 to their alertness rolls during the hunt the next day; however they will gain some glory for joining the boy’s vigil.

Once the feast is finished, the tables are cleared and moved back against the walls and the dancing begins. The player characters will probably want to dance with Meraud and Alys, the Earl’s daughters, who will be delighted to agree. Any player knights who wish to roll an Amor passion for Part 2 – The Birthday Hunt either young lady should be en- Sets Out couraged to do so. Location: Woodlands near TewkesThe girls have high Chaste scores, bury so they will be unlikely to agree to any improper suggestions, but Breakfast is a hearty affair in the will be delighted and flattered by great hall. The Earl and his knights any romantic gestures (songs, etc). and the player characters are all arSome of the Earl’s own retinue moured up and ready and eager for however will be more than a little the day ahead. jealous and this might generate a little tension between some of the Eventually the hunting party assemEarl’s household and the player ble in the main courtyard. Earl Ghcharacters later out of earshot of erard pulls aside the player knights the young ladies. and asks them a favour. His son is a bit reckless and accident-prone The player characters are among (think a sort of young Boris Johnson). friends and allies (the Earl is their Can they go with him and make sure Lord’s brother-in-law) so there he doesn’t come to any harm and should be no serious problems or doesn’t wind up looking like a fool. fights unless someone seriously It doesn’t matter if he isn’t successful oversteps the mark. If someone in the hunt, just that he has a good does over-indulge or go all out to day and doesn’t wind up doing anycause offence, challenges will be thing stupid. issued, but the Earl is keen not to spoil his son’s glory and will at- The party will set off towards the tempt to smooth over all but the forest, splitting into smaller groups most blatant transgressions. along the way. The plan will be to

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share the boy’s vigil in the chapel and will get smiles from the Earl’s daughters and will be the first to get a chance to dance with the ladies (if they choose to do so).


The Morning Hunt D20 Roll Creature 1

Bear (Avoidance 7)


Rabbit (Avoidance 12)


Wild Pig/Boar (Avoidance 10)

8-12 Red Deer (Avoidance 15) 13-19 Fallow Deer (Avoidance 18) 20

Wolf (Avoidance 10)

Range at which the animal is first spotted is 1D6 + the avoidance value minus the character’s hunting skill.


hunt until noon and meet at a meadow close to the river. In the player character’s group will be the PCs, the Earl’s son, a couple of retainers and a few dogs. The squires will not accompany their knights unless expressly ordered (they are required to help transport the picnic).

rounds a small rocky hill and drops down towards a stream. The dogs will stop at the base of the hill, barking at something amongst the rocks. The something will turn out to be an old man dressed in rags, sitting high on the rocks and at the mouth of a cave.

Rhun will attempt to call off the dogs, but will only succeed in adding to the Run the morning hunt using the rumpus and making things worse. rules from pages 84-86 of the main rulebook (5th ed.) and the table in If the player knights (or Rhun) are the sidebar. The morning hunt will rude or abusive to the hermit, he will take four phases (hours) and will pretend to be mad and will utter some involve hunting through the woods gibberish, hoping they will go away. after game. If the player knights attempt to talk to the hermit, he will be polite and surIt is a pleasant summer’s day. The prisingly well-spoken. His clothes are woods are warm and light and tattered, but he has the remains of a airy. The trees are far enough apart tonsure (a sort of haircut favoured by to make mounted travel easy, but monks), which suggests his previous close enough together to provide occupation. He will warn them to becovered areas and shade. The ware of the deeper woods and not to woods are full of game – mainly go beyond the ford by the black rock. rabbits and deer, although a few If they do go past it, he warns them wild pigs/boars can be seen or to take nothing while they are in the heard (mostly crashing away from Queen’s realm without leaving somewonder boy’s incessant talking). thing in payment or you will never Rhun is very talkative (mainly find your way home again. Above all, about himself) and, frankly, a bit of he warns, they should stay away from a twit. If it will aggravate the play- the tower. Rhun will be dismissive ers further, give him an annoying (“Queen’s realm, what nonsense – all laugh too. He will undoubtedly this land belongs to my father”) and spoil the hunting by startling any eventually quite abusive. game and generally making a lot of noise. The retainers will shrug If the player knights ask the hermit but will say nothing against their to expand upon his tale, he won’t be Lord’s heir. able to give them much to go on. He just knows that not all this land beThere is one mandatory encounter longs to the Earl and the wilder woods during the morning. About half- conceal things that he won’t talk of, in way through the morning the path case they hear and come for him.

but with no success so far. The hermit seems to have more than one home in the woods as he has been seen in several widely separated locales. Some of the Earl’s advisors have urged him to capture the hermit or drive him out, but the hermit isn’t doing anyone any harm and the Earl isn’t keen to tempt fate, just in case.

Part 3 – Lunch

If asked about the ford by the black rock, the Earl knows of a black standing stone deep in the forest away to south west. He doesn’t go down that way because it eventually leads into the deep woods and, if you go far enough, becomes the Dean forest where the fair folk are said to live. He dismisses it as pagan superstition, but perceptive knights will notice that he crosses himself just in case. In any case, the hunt won’t be going that way.

Location: A handy clearing Eventually the morning will be over and the groups will assemble for lunch. Several pavilions have been set up in a meadow close to the river and a feast has been laid out for the Earl and his guests.

Meraud and Alys will be there and keen to hear of the morning’s adventures from any of the player knights If he is asked about the Queen, he is who are interested in spending time mystified. The only Queens he knows with them. of are Queen Guinivere in Camelot or Uther’s Queen, Ygraine, who now lives Rhun will be full of the morning’s in Amesbury. The Irish are said to have escapades and very talkative (he a Queen in far away Tara across the has a very high Boastful score). sea, but that can’t be it. A successful Faerie Lore roll (either here, or earlier If the player knights spoke to the when the player knights were talking hermit, they may decide to ask the to the hermit) will suggest to the charEarl about him and what he said. acter that the Queen might refer to the queen of the fae. The Earl knows that there is a hermit living in the woods. The hermit Part 4 – The Hunt Continues is well-spoken and the Earl believes that he might be a monk who was Location: Thicker, wilder woods driven out of Norgales, or possibly further afield. He has been living Once again, run the hunt using the in the woods for at least three years rules from appendix 3 of the main and the Earl has made several at- rulebook. The woods are still full of tempts to offer him shelter or aid, game and there are even signs of more

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Eventually they will tire of this and set off again. If they spend too long quizzing the hermit, Rhun will either get angry or lose interest and set off in search of game. When the player knights catch up with him, he won’t talk about anything the hermit said (most of it means nothing to him anyway).


The Continued Hunt

fantastic creatures (See sidebar).

D20 Roll Creature

After a couple of hours, regardless of how well the players make their hunting rolls, it becomes clear that they are lost. The woods are thicker here and there are places where the trees crowd in, making a path through them more winding. There are no clear trails or landmarks.


Bear (Avoidance 7)


Rabbit (Avoidance 12)


Wild Pig/Boar (Avoidance 10)

varying from thigh to chest deep as you travel along it. It is icy cold. The stream leads down through the woods into a shallow valley where the trees open out a little. On this bank of the stream is a standing stone. It is large and black with silver flecks shot through it. It is higher than a man (maybe 8-9 feet tall) and about

8-12 Red Deer (Avoidance 15) 13-18 Fallow Deer (Avoidance 18) 19-20 Signs of giants (footprints, broken trees, discarded club) Range at which the animal is first spotted is 1D6 + the avoidance value minus the character’s hunting skill.

Eventually, the party will come to a stream through the woods. The stream is clear and fast-flowing and, here and there, it tumbles over rocks, making a pleasant sound. It isn’t especially wide – an unarmoured man would have trouble jumping across it, but even with a rider a horse would have no problems. It also isn’t very deep,


as thick around as an armoured man. Close to the standing stone, the stream is very shallow (ankle deep at most). On the other side of the river the woods are thick and dark, but there is an obvious path (the first the characters have seen for a while). Rhun will want to cross the stream

At some point, Rhun will spur his horse into the ford. He will look back in triumph at the others, and then his horse will rear in alarm and bolt off up the path with Rhun’s shouts of “whoah” echoing back. He is lost from sight before the players can react. Alas! Sensible players will now turn back, but there is the small matter of their promise to Earl Gherard. Part 5 – The Tower Location: Outside a mysterious tower Following Rhun’s trail isn’t hard – the horse’s hoofprints are clearly visible in the packed earth and, in any case, it follows the trail until the trail runs out. There is no sign of Rhun, although a successful hunting roll will reveal his riderless horse grazing in a nearby clearing. What the player characters do now is up to them. Retracing their steps to the stream is relatively easy.

Finding a trail to follow is more difficult as there isn’t really much to go on. Most likely they will try hunting or blundering around. If any of them mention the tower that the hermit warned them of, soon afterwards they will break out of the woods and see a tower ahead of them. This will be the final straw for the retainers, who will make a run for it. The tower is tall and made of a dark stone. It has a single open doorway and several high windows. There is no sign of life. The player knights are not challenged when they approach the tower. Close up, the walls of the tower are smooth (if anyone looks closely, they will see no signs of brick or stonework on the tower – it looks as if it is made from a single piece of stone). The doorway is large enough to admit men, but not large enough for horses, which must be left outside. Entering the tower, the knights find themselves in an empty chamber with a circular stair in the far wall. They can hear the faint sounds of music, although there is no clear idea where it is coming from. No one will answer if they call out. Part 6 – The Challenges Location: Inside the same tower Climbing the stairs in the tower leads the player knights to another

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and explore, especially if he overheard the hermit’s warning. Let the player characters decide what to do or argue with him. The retainers will be no help, even if he’d listen to them. If anyone tries to enter the ford, their horse will be skittish and may initially refuse to cross the ford, but will go on if urged.



chamber. This one is lavishly furnished, with wall hangings and couches. The music is clearer now, although there is still no obvious source. Low tables groan with food and drink. There are several young women here clad in flowing robes which touch and billow in a quite distracting fashion. Lustful or Chaste rolls may be appropriate at this point. On a couch directly opposite where the characters enter the chamber lies Rhun, with two young ladies trying to tempt him with grapes and goblets of drink. He seems to be in a daze and does not immediately notice the player characters.

The young women will try to tempt the player knights with food and drink, or more lustful pursuits if that seems to be how the character’s tastes lie. They will also resist any attempts to remove Rhun (they are holding him for their Queen, although they will not admit this unless directly asked).

Successful Faerie Lore rolls at this point will reveal what the hermit warned the characters about (unless they were rude to him): this is in the land of Faerie and anyone who eats or drinks anything here will be unable to leave.

-5 (swords get tangled in robes, tables get in the way, etc).

An obvious option would be to attack, but it would be a ruthless or desperate knight who would attack unarmed ladies in their own home (failing a Valorous roll or succeeding in a Cruel roll would do it). In any case, due to the glamour on this place any fighting skills are at

For the player knights to remove Rhun, they must leave something of equal value or they must distract the maidens. Again, Faerie

Top Floor

Lavish Room Lavish of the Room Seelie Court

Ground Floor

Lore rolls will suggest this if noone comes up with a better idea. If someone has succumbed to their greed or lusts, they will be lost, but Rhun can be grabbed in the confusion. Otherwise, songs or poems are good. This can turn out to be quite straightforward, or it can turn into

a Benny Hill sketch. Alternatively, everyone gives in and eats, drinks or wenches and all are lost‌ If the player knights manage to grab Rhun (and any other knights afflicted by the glamour) and try to run without leaving anything behind, the maidens start to scream. The tower seems to lurch and

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The Faerie Tower


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when the players get into the lower chamber, they will find their way blocked by Faerie Knights (one per player knight and one for Rhun). They stand tall and fair and hold glittering swords. Use the Faerie Knight stats from the rulebook. If the player knights choose to fight, run three rounds of combat and any knights still on their feet at the end of that manage to escape the tower. Fighting skills are not at -5 in this lower chamber (the glamour is greatly reduced), although they will be if the fight spills back into the upper chamber. Part 7a – Home Again Location: Thicker, wilder woods If the player knights manage to grab Rhun (and any other knights afflicted by the glamour) and escape the tower, either by leaving something or by fighting the Faerie knights, they find their horses close by. Ahead, the woods will look more overgrown, but less menacing. Looking back, they will see that the tower is just an overgrown ruin. No Faerie warriors will follow them and only the fading memory of the enchanting music still seems to echo in their ears. It is the same day, and they have escaped the realm of Faerie. Part 7b – You Can Never Go Home Again Location: Thicker, wilder woods

If the player knights ate or drank anything from the tower or grabbed Rhun (and any other knights afflicted by the glamour) and escaped the tower without leaving something behind or by fighting the Faerie knights, they find the meadow in front of the tower empty and overgrown and no sign of their horses. Ahead, the woods will look more overgrown, but less menacing. Looking back, they will see that the tower is just an overgrown ruin. An hour’s walking through the woods will bring them past the black stone and into open, cultivated meadows. The first farmstead they come to will be farmed by Saxons, who will be suspicious of these armed and armoured strangers. If the player knights somehow contrive to talk to the Saxons rather than attacking them, they will know nothing of Earl Gherard – the lord of Tewkesbury is a Saxon warleader called Eorsa. Any mention of Arthur will increase suspicion, although Arthur is long dead... Although they’ve left the world of Faerie behind, it most certainly isn’t the same day. In fact, many years have passed. Such is the reward of those who accept the hospitality of the fair folk...


Through The


by George Quail The Story Of Pendragon's Many Editions If a role-playing game stays in production for any length of time, it inevitably sees multiple editions released. There are several reasons for this, including the artistic urge to tweak the game as well as the business sense of releasing a new core rules product all users will purchase rather than increasingly fringe supplements. The revisions may vary in how major the changes are and how long passes between them, but any game which stays in print for over a decade will usually have at least two editions of its core rules. King Arthur Pendragon is no exception. Over the years it has had five distinct core rule books released which can be grouped into three general “families” of game product. None of their changes are as severe as, say, the revision between editions of Dungeons & Dragons: but changes there have been, both

in mechanics and tone which gives each family of products its own advantages and disadvantages. Unlike other games there is little in the way of “edition wars” in Pendragon’s community - appreciation for the older and newer products is mostly universal, even when people espouse a stronger fondness for a certain incarnation of the rules. The Three Families The Early Family is the first Pendragon boxed set and its supplements: The Pendragon Campaign, Nobles Book, The Grey Knight and Tournament of Dreams. (If it had been printed, the non-existent 2nd Edition would have fitted here – see sidebar.) All the essentials of Pendragon are clear from the start and a character sheet in this edition could be mistaken at first glance for a 5.1 sheet - Traits & Passions as major personality controls, Skills which start quite low and increase through checks, Attributes which are rarely rolled but used to deter-

The Non-Existent Edition One of the oddities of Pendragon history is that it leaps from first to third edition. The Nobles Book for 1st Edition starts with a sidebar which claims that and future supplements will make reference to a 2nd Edition, which rather than being split between a Player’s and Gamesmaster’s book will be divided into a Squire’s, Knight’s and King’s book. Multiple small books suggest this would still have been a boxed set product and the Nobles Book specifically assures us there’ll be no real rules changes. However, this second box never came to pass. On his own website, Greg Stafford has explained that continuing to make boxes was ex-


four sessions of play.

pensive and the different taxation of “books” versus “boxed games” made it awkward for sale in some countries. As such, second edition evaporated and the first single-tome edition of the game was 3rd Edition.

1st Edition

mine other rules elements like Hit Points. The core rules cover characters from across Britain, with the Nobles Book introducing French characters. Skills hold the obvious mechanical difference here as each culture has its own language and knowledge skill - thus characters must roll if they want to speak to a Saxon or understand the Pictish traditions. Supplement wise, The Pendragon Campaign commences in 495 with Uther’s death and is far vaguer in structure than the later books. Only the initial decade or so is provided in full with adventures & battles all detailed out, while the rest is provided in very general terms with the assumption that the GM will do much of the heavy lifting. The two adventure releases, meanwhile, are very heavily detailed and resemble more traditional RPG modules much more closely. Compared to the “year per session” model of many Pendragon campaigns, The Grey Knight feels more like it follows D&D’s expectations of a module lasting three or


The Middle Family comprises of 3rd and 4th Edition along with their supplements - 4th edition basically just being the 3rd edition book with some supplemental material already included. As well as The Boy King, the latest Pendragon campaign, there are many supplements. Most of them are of a per region or culture basis - Beyond the Wall, Saxons!, Land of Giants etc - and include regional maps, adventures themed to the area and revised/expanded character generation for that locale.

3rd Edition

The regional knowledge and language skills are gone; considered an awkward hurdle in character interaction. The Boy King is a far larger, more explicitly detailed campaign book still starting with Uther’s death, though the core rules is still written from the point of view of generating characters from across Britain during Arthur’s reign. (There is a separate Salisbury-495 character genera-

though some like the revised wife table are blink-and-you’ll-miss-it changes that have definite effects in play. 5th Edition supplements beyond The Great Pendragon Campaign were self-published by Greg Stafford and are principally mechanical supplements that expand on the subsystems of character generation, mass battle and property management; 5.1s supplements have so far done much the same. Compared to previous editions 5th 4th Edition

tion system in The Boy King to account for this.) Character generation in Knights Adventurous/4th Edition goes into more detail on the different regions of Britain than before & the regional supplements add many new PC options from distant lands. Magic is given explicit rules on how it operates and the 4th Edition core rules lets you generate PCs using those rules - this is probably the most controversial of any edition change, and both Greg Stafford & many fans consider these rules to have been a mistake that changed the focus of the game and codified what should have remained vague. Overall this version increases mechanical detail, though not the complexity of the core engine - which remains mostly unchanged. The Current Family is 5th edition and 5.1, the latter of which is almost more an errata-included version of the former than a true new edition - even by Pendragon standards the changes are minor,

5th Edition

edition is far more focused with no rules for non-Salisbury player characters in the core rules - and the default year of the core rules is moved from 531 to 485, making it more obviously connected to The Great Pendragon Campaign which starts at this year and thusly includes a decade of play while Uther reigns. No magic rules or non-GPC adventures exist, unlike the Middle Family, which further refines the game experience down to a narrow point. The supplements add a lot of extra rules complexity to


their subsystems compared to the core rules versions, which means a game using them all can end up very “crunchy”.

to one edition, though. The families are all so interrelated that the Pendragon GM can easily raid the whole back catalogue for ideas, inserting in whatever takes your fancy. I myself have done exactly this - running 5th edition with its various supplements, but with a single player character rolled up using the magic rules of 4th Edition and taking individual scenarios such as the Cantref y Gwaelod adventure from 1st Edition’s books when they caught my eye. In all these cases conversion work was minimal and could be done on the fly rather than requiring me to go through any “conversion document” or similar.

Comparing The Families

In Closing

Each family has its own assets. The first edition’s lighter Pendragon Campaign book may appeal more to people who find the larger, more scripted campaign books of later editions intimidating - especially for those who want to make big changes to the order of history. The middle family is the best for games that go outside the default Knights-of-Salisbury approach - either a narrow game set differently such as an all-Saxon-group, or a more kitchen-sink mixture of Danish warriors, Irish knights, Pictish Druids and Cymric Ladies. Fifth edition meanwhile offers the “director’s cut” with the latest version of the rules including far more focus in its supplements.

Thanks to Nocturnal having the entire back catalogue of Pendragon available on PDF, the modern gamer has easy access to older material which would have been impossible a decade ago. Where once finding an 80s RPG book required raking through second hand bins or trawling eBay, you can obtain and read any of Greg’s older books in minutes; and a hard copy can either be ordered from the same site or is just a laser-printing session away. Particular attention should go to the region supplements which are often mentioned to players interested in those cultures regardless of which edition you play. In all cases, the GM who finds the topic of a book catches their eye shouldn’t’ let the rules edition get in their way of giving it a try!

5.1 Edition

One doesn’t really need to commit


Scholarly Links

Greg Stafford's Page http://www.gspendragon.com/

King Arthur Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/ arthurtheking/?fref=ts

Nocturnal Media's KAP Forum http://www.nocturnal-media.com/forum/ Pendragon on DrivethruRPG (5.1 edition but other editions are available) h t t p : / / r p g . d r i ve t h r u s t u f f . c o m / p r o d uct/81449/King- Ar thur -Pendragon-Edition-51 Age of Arthur RPG (FATE powered) http://wordplaygames.co.uk/?page_id=32 The AoA Forum http://www.ukroleplayers.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=189 Age of Arthur at DrivethruRPG h t t p : / / r p g . d r i ve t h r u s t u f f . c o m / p r o d uct/111752/Age-of-Arthur Social Networks Facebook King Arthur Pendragon (RPG) https://www.facebook.com/groups/pendragonrpg/ Age of Arthur RPG https://www.facebook.com/ groups/444779355581235/?fref=ts The Dragons of Britain (Arthurian fanzine) https://www.facebook.com/groups/britishdragons/ (You’re reading it!)

A BBC Arthurian primer http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/ancient/ anglo_saxons/arthur_01.shtml A Malory-heavy site http://www.kingarthursknights.com/ A historical resource by Thomas Green http://www.arthuriana.co.uk/ A Times Lit article on Tolkien’s Arthur. http://www.the-tls.co.uk/tls/public/article1278838.ece King Arthur’s Wales primer (a brief tourist page created by the Welsh Tourist Board). http://www.visitwales.com/explore/traditions-history/king-arthur-myth-historylocations

draconum Britanniam

Gaming Links



FALL AN AGE OF ARTHUR SCENARIO SET IN LINDUM BY PAUL MITCHENER Background The city of Lindum has remained at peace with the Angles to the east, though other petty kingdoms have been swallowed up by the overseas invaders. It does this by paying mercenaries, who camp outside the city as a deterrent, and by regularly sending payments to the Angles not to invade. They do not want to kill the goose that lays the golden egg, so Lindum has remained safe and prosperous. Normally the Chancellor and senior Centurion Quintus Drusus (who commands Lindum’s own small forces) go together to pay the groups, along with an escort of eight soldiers. This time, however, Quintus was ill, and Chancellor Brion Varro went alone with the soldiers. He left a week ago to make his journey to pay people, and did not come back. Messengers were sent from the two groups of mercenaries augmenting


Lindum’s forces- Helig ap Glannog, the so-called King without a Kingdom, and a mercenary warband of Saxons under the command of the female warrior Edgith- saying they had left Lindum’s service. Helig considers his honour insulted. Edgith has said she is now in the employ of the Angle prince, Edgar, who has recently come into the area to command the Angle forces. The player characters are summoned by the Prefect of Lindum to help- they are the only ones he can trust, since his Chancellor has vanished, and Centurion Quintus Drusus is under suspicion. Maybe any player characters not from Lindum want something in return. The City of Lindum (modern day Lincoln) Before the Romans came to Britannia, Lindum was a settlement by a deep pool. The Romans conquered it and the surrounding area, building a fortification on an overlook-

An gles

s ing hill. As the area became more settled and the borders of Roman Britannia were pushed further north, the fortification became a civilian settlement for retired legionaries. Lindum grew into a major flourishing settlement and local capital, with access to the sea granted by both the River Trent and the River Witham. The aqueduct supplying water to the city is still intact, as is an octagonal fountain amongst the public buildings. The slopes of the hill between the old fortress and the River Trent are the commercial centre of the town. The forum situated there is surrounded by equestrian statues. Across the river are extensive textile workshops, which

maintain the city’s prosperous status. The public baths are still in use. The way of life in Lindum remains largely Roman. There are temples to the gods Belenus and Lugh and a Christian church dedicated to St. Paul. The Pelagian bishop at the church tolerates the pagans and the pagans ignore the Christians. Many in Lindum see no contradiction in attending both the church and the temples, petitioning both Christ and the old gods to keep Lindum safe from the forces ravaging much of Britain. The truth is a little more complex. Lindum’s safety is by no means guaranteed despite the intact fortified wall and standing army.

arturus aetatem




arturus aetatem 24

Blecca, the ruler of Lindum, calls himself a Prefect rather than a king, in the style of one appointed by Rome. By instinct Blecca is isolationist, making no military alliances with other realms of Britain. He is now known to habitually pay off those who might consider attacking the city. So far, Lindum can afford this policy. Would be raiders have found it more profitable to threaten and be paid off, than to attack. In this scenario, the policy is beginning to fail. The Investigation The player characters are effectively in charge of events as they unfold, though they must answer to the Prefect, who can either help or complicate matters, and there are others of potential importance involved. The main person to talk to is Quintus Decius, who is described in more detail below. Prefect Marcus Blecca Aspects: A Roman Prefect, Not a King Stubborn Old Man The Independence of Lindum Skills Level 4: Willpower Level 3: Leadership, Wealth Level 2: Empathy, Lore (Roman), Strategy and Tactics

Level 1: Languages,Melee Combat, Riding, Strength Languages: Brythonic, Latin, Latin Literacy Composure 7 Health 4 Gladius: +2 damage, ignore 1 point of armour Chancellor Brion Varro Though not present in Lindum at the start of the scenario, Brion Varro has an interesting background, which we mention here for clarity, along with his game stats, in case they prove relevant later on. Always prone to visions, which he could only occasionally control, Brion Varro sought to channel this innate magic through the Christian priesthood. He failed. He then started to find his visions, uncontrollable as they were, useful, and used them for his own profit- certain pictures of disasters led to some lucrative commercial ventures. However, a vision of Lindum being invaded and destroyed by the Angles came more and more frequently. The Chancellor decided to abandon the city, taking all he could, including the treasure used to pay the mercenaries and the Angles. He fled to prince Edgar of the Angles, hoping to buy his own life and

continued prosperity.

Lindum is Doomed to Fall Driven by Greed Failed Priest Former Chancellor of Lindum Uncontrolled Visions Skills: Level 4: Deception Level 3: Charm, Wealth Level 2: Divination, Healing, Languages Level 1: Awareness, Empathy, Riding, Willpower Stunt: Diviner (can have the Divination skill; no other effect) Languages: Brythonic, Latin, Latin Literacy, Saxon

Aspects: Senior Centurion of Lindum Likes a Drink Pride Comes Before a Fall Skills: Level 4: Intimidation Level 3: Melee Combat, Missile Combat Level 2: Leadership, Strategy and Tactics, Wealth Level 1: Awareness, Brawling, Languages, Strength Composure 3 Health 4

Composure 4

Armour and Shield: Absorption 3

Health 3

Gladius: +2 damage, ignore 1 point of armour

Centurion Quintus Decius Quintus Decius was given a flask of fine Italian wine by Chancellor Brion the night before they were due to set out to pay the tribute. He drank it all, as the Chancellor knew he would, and the wine, being lightly poisoned, made him ill. Quintus needs to be beaten in a relevant social test (just use a simple test, probably against Intimidation, to keep things moving) to reveal this. He has his suspicions

Pilum: +2 damage, ignore 1 point of armour, short range Lindum's Army Lindum’s native (non mercenary) army consists of 200 men. Aspects: Used to Peace Roman-style Infantry Skill 2 Armour 2 Gladius: +2 damage, ignore 1 point of armour

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about the wine and the Chancellor, and indeed kept the flask, but the wine story does not reflect well on him, so he kept both that and his suspicions to himself.


arturus aetatem

Pilum: +2 damage, ignore 1 point of armour, short range


Outside the Walls Prince Edgar’s army is on the march. It will reach Lindum’s walls within three days. Edgar is cunning, and wants an extra element of surprise. Therefore he has sent out some of his elite warrior bands in groups of eight to ambush people travelling in his direction (or that of the mercenaries). The player characters are likely to run into one of these groups. The elite warriors are Gunther’s wolves, who are under the command of Edgar’s champion, Gunther, who is described below. Aspects: Trusted with Special Missions Warriors of the Wolf (they wear wolf-shaped helms, and can run as quickly as a wolf) Skill 4 Seax: +2 damage Battleaxe: +3 damage Seax: +2 damage Battleaxe: +3 damage

given Edgar her word, even if paid, unless somehow convinced that leaving Edgar’s service is the honourable thing to do. One potential opportunity is that the money Edgar used to pay her was the Chancellor’s money taken from Lindum. If a social contest results from talking to Edgith, if the player characters fail, Edgith will try to capture any prominent player characters to give to Edgar. Aspects: I Am No Man’s Inferior Mercenary Commander Woman of Her Word Skills: Level 5: Awareness Level 4: Leadership, Missile Combat Level 3: Charm, Melee Combat, Strategy and Tactics Level 2: Agility, Gaming, Stealth, Wealth Level 1: Deception, Intimidation, Strength, Survival, Willpower Stunts: Precision Shot (Bow shots ignore 2 armour)

Talking to the mercenaries is a likely action of the player characters.

Dirty Fighter (using Aspects placed as Manoeuvres grants a +3 rather than a +2 bonus)


Composure 4

Edgith has changed her service, but is in the same location. She will not readily change back, as she has

Health 4 Armour: Absorption 1

Seax: +2 damage

Longbow: +2 damage, long range

Languages: Brythonic, Latin

Edgith's Band

Composure 3 Health 6

100 men, mercenaries and bandits Aspects: Regard Edgith as lucky War is about victory and profit

Stunts: +1 with sword and shield to attack Armour 2 (leather and shield)

Skill 3

Spatha: +3 damage

Seax: +2 damage

Sling: +0 damage, medium range

Battleaxe: +3 damage

War Horse

Shortbow: +1 damage

Helig's Warriors


There are 100 warriors in Helig’s band

Helig ap Glannog is not working with the Angles, but he is very insulted- and is touchy enough to enter a duel. He is packing up with his followers, preparing to head elsewhere and leave Lindum to its fate- most likely he and his men will move south west to Ratae. Aspects: Sensitive to Insults Heir to a lost kingdom Champion duellist Mercenary Skills:Level 5: Melee Combat Level 4: Brawling, Riding Level 3: Leadership, Strategy and

Aspects: Warrior Ideals Looking for a cause and a home Skill 4 Armour 2 Spear: +2 damage Sling: +0 damage, medium range Gaining Funds To get the mercenaries back on side will need, at the very least, money to pay them. Such money is not

arturus aetatem

Battleaxe: +3 damage, enchanted with a rune so it has the Aspect: Always Sharp.

Tactics, Strength Level 2: Agility, Intimidation, Missile Combat, Wealth Level 1: Awareness, Contacts, Gaming, Healing, Survival


arturus aetatem

available in Lindum. There are two possible sources.


The Angle Camp Within the Angle camp is Chancellor Brion Varro and much of the money he took out of the city (Edgith was bought off with this money, but Helig was not, and the funds have yet to be distributed by Edgar to his followers). The chancellor is in chains; he could not bribe his way past the Angles, and they simply captured both him and his money. He and the money are guarded by eight of Gunther’s wolves (see above), though there is danger of the player characters attracting the attention of a whole army if they attempt to steal back the money and things go wrong. A mere eight warriors will be the least of their problems. The Fae Mound Those wise in the ways of ancient lore know of a Faerie mound to the north of Lindum, where, according to rumour, treasure is buried. Indeed, the GM might want to compel a relevant Aspect of a player character with interest in the Fae so that they investigate. The mound is marked with a solitary standing stone. An ancient (pre-Roman) Celtic king is buried there although his name is forgotten. His treasures are in the mound with his skeleton, though they are not unprotected. Words in Ogham

on the stone warn people of a curse from excavating the mound, and of the being trapped within the mound. Firstly, the mound needs excavating. This is in theory simply hard work at digging, but excavating the mound leads to all manner of small accidents, and a difficulty 6 Endurance Test (probably using the Strength skill) is needed as things go wrong, and there are numerous small injuries. As usual for Endurance Tests, each level of failure inflicts a point of stress damage. If there is more than one differ, the leader makes the test, possibly with assistance from others worked in, and the stress is spread out amongst those taking part. Once the burial chamber is excavated, further earth collapses, and the thing inside leaps out to attack! The thing is a Fachan- a being with half a body, a vast wide mouth, a tufted mane, and but one arm, one leg and one eye. Fachan Aspects: Terrifying Monster Only Half a Body Wide Mouth Phobia of Salt (difficulty 2 Lore check to know; salt does Composure damage, with the Fachan fleeing at zero). Skills:

Armour 2 Chain: +2 damage, attack everyone in the same zone Bite: +4 damage Health 13 Composure 3 The treasure in the mound is at twice what is needed on normal occasions to pay the mercenaries. The Final Battle Almost whatever happens, the Angles will arrive to attack Lindum in the next three days. The question is how prepared Lindum is to face them. The prominent individuals amongst the Angles are listed below. The Angle army numbers 700 (10 tokens) with a skill of 3, raised to 5 by Edgar’s skills. As well as it’s own Aspect, there is likely to be an additional Aspect of Hideously Outnumbers Enemy in the battle. This can be used once in the battle at no Fate Point cost. The Lindum army numbers 200, and has a skill of 2, plus any raises due to the player characters. As well as its Aspects, mentioned ear-

lier, there is an Aspect in play of Roman Fortifications, due to Lindum’s walls. This can be used once in the battle at no Fate Point cost. The initial stages of the battle- a battle of champions (with Gunther being the Angle champion), a battle of magicians against Inga, and manoeuvering, will bring further Aspects into play, each of which can be used once in the fight at no Fate Point cost, as usual for the Age of Arthur rules. If either Helig or Edgith joins the Lindium forces, they have 300 men, This gives them 4 tokens, and because of the skill of the mercenaries, raises the average skill level to 3. If both Edgith and Helig join up, the skill level is 3, and the number of men is 400- enough for 6 tokens. Prince Edgar Aspects: Poor Prince of the Angles Cool and Calculating Endless Ambition Skills: Level 5: Melee Combat Level 4: Awareness, Strategy and Tactics Level 3: Leadership, Missile Combat, Strength Level 2: Gaming, Languages, Stealth, Wealth Level 1: Agility, Brawling, Contacts, Riding, Survival

arturus aetatem

Level 5 Strength Level 4: Brawling Level 3: Glamour, Intimidation Level 2: Agility, Survival Level 1: Awareness, Stealth



arturus aetatem

Saxon, Latin, Brythonic, Latin Literacy Stunts: +1 defence with Spatha and Shield Armour: 3 (Ringmail and Shield) Health 7 Composure 3 Spatha: +3 damage Seax: +2 damage Longbow: +2 damage, long range Infusions (from Inga, see below): Arrow Poison (Strength vs. DC4 when hit, with each level of failure doing one extra point of stress damage), Battle Strength (extra Aspect, use once for no Fate Point cost). Inga, Saxon Witch Aspects: Angle Witch Pact with Hretha (warrior goddess of death and winter) Feared Rather Than Respected Skills: Level 4: Plant and Root Level 3: Missile Combat, Rune Magic Level 2: Intimidation, Healing, Melee Combat Level 1: Awareness, Deception, Lore (Magic), Stealth Languages:


Saxon, Futhark Runes Stunts: Brew Poisons, Hedge Witch, Rune Magic (use magical skills listed above), Call of Hretha (can use Rune Magic as a skill in a magical contest in mass combat) Infusions: Arrow Poison (Strength vs. DC4 when hit, with each level of failure doing one extra point of stress damage), Blessing of Winter (a salve to treat injuries; add +2 to Healing tests). Composure 3 Health 3 Seax: +2 Damage, Aspect (from runes): Unhealing Wounds Longbow: +2 Damage, Long Range, Aspect (from runes): Seek the Heart Gunther Aspects: Wuffingas Royal Family As Much Wolf as Man Respected Warrior Skills: Level 5: Brawling Level 4: Awareness, Strength Level 3: Leadership, Survival, Wealth Level 2: Agility, Investigation, Melee Combat, Strategy & Tactics Level 1: Contacts, Intimidation, Riding, Shapechanging, Stealth

Languages: Saxon, Brythonic Composure 3 Health 7 Armour 1 (shield) Seax: +2 damage Stunts: Change to wolf form without a Fate Point cost or an animal skin needed. Gunther in wolf form:

Aspect: Form of the Wolf; can use once per round at no Fate Point cost. Damage +2 Scent Tracking There are around 700 Angle warriors serving Prince Edgar Aspects: Confident of Victory Loot and Pillage The Glory of Destruction Skill 3 Seax: +2 damage Battleaxe: +3 damage

Gunther as a Wolf


Pre-Generated Characters



Health 3 Warleader and bastard prince Composure 4 ASPECTS FATE POINTS Bastard prince of Ebrauc 5 Romancing the Prefect’s Daughter Leadership by example Seeking fame and glory Languages Rival of Helig ap Glannog Brythonic, Latin, Latin Literacy SKILLS EQUIPMENT Level 5: Melee Combat Level 4: Awareness Agility (+2 Absorption) Level 3: Wealth Leadership Strength Level 2: Missile Combat Strategy and Tactics Charm Riding Level 1: Willpower Brawling Contacts Gaming Languages

Spatha (+3 damage) Leather Armour and Shield Set of Fine Court Clothes War Horse


STUNTS Heroic Charge: Fighting Style: Rally: Counterstrike: Warband:

+2 to first attack in close combat. +1 to attacks when fighting with sword and shield. Pay Fate Point and make Difficulty 2 Leadership check to recover a number of followers equal to degree of success. After a successful defence in hand to hand combat, spend a Fate Point to inflict damage as if the defence were an attack with the same degree of success. Andoc has ten loyal followers with a Skill of 2, armed with Gladius (+2 damage), Leather Armour and Shield (Absorption 2)


Oaths Taken

Andoc is the illegitimate son of King Einion of Ebrauc. He was brought up in distant Londinium, gaining his first experiences as a war leader there, fighting Saxon raiders. He served for a time as a mercenary, and developed a fierce rivalry with Helig ap Glannog, the so-called King without a Kingdom, who is another mercenary captain. Tired of the roving life, Andoc returned to the kingdom of Ebrauc to serve his father, though he still seeks fame and glory. However, he has served the kingdom well, and is a highly regarded war leader. However, he is still not officially accepted by the King as a son. King Einion has promised Andoc such acceptance- and the promise of further advancement and responsibility- if he can secure a permanent alliance with the city of Lindum. Andoc’s tactic here, which further feeds into his own ambitions, is to marry Pontia Blecca, the daughter of the Prefect of Lindum, and heir to the city’s ruler. Of course, all this counts for nothing in the face of a threatened Angle invasion if it can’t be beaten back. The Telling of your Adventures

Allies Fallen

Pre-Generated Characters


Casnar ap Cartivel

Health 3 Bard and ambassador Composure 4 ASPECTS FATE POINTS King Einion’s Ambassador 6 Fascinated by the Fae Limited Druidic Training Insults are an Art Form Languages Brythonic, Saxon, Latin, Latin Literacy SKILLS EQUIPMENT Level 5: Performance Ragged Clothes Level 4: Charm Staff (+1 Damage, +1 Defence) Empathy Riding Horse Leadership Lyre Level 3: Awareness Deception Stealth Level 2: Willpower Contacts Druidic Magic (This skill is used to place temporary blessings and curses, represented by Riding Aspects. Spend a Fate point to make a curse long-lasting). Languages Level 1: Healing Lore [The Fae] Melee Combat Riding Bargaining


STUNTS Bardic Knowledge:

+1 to all Lore skills; unknown Lore skills at level 1.

Bardic Protection: Use Performance skill as defence if physically attacked due to a performance, unless the Biting Satire stunt is used. Song of Battle:

Can use Performance as a magical skill in mass combat.

Biting Satire: Spend a Fate point to use the Performance skill to cause physical damage; Willpower to defend.

Background Casnar makes an unusual ambassador He is a shabby dresser, and in performances, he prefers insults and satire to flattery. However, King Einion of Ebrauc forgives him all of this, and indeed trusts him greatly, for one very good reason. Casnar gets results, and is loyal to the King.

Oaths Taken To help Lindum in it’s time of need.

King Einion has sent Casnar as part of a delegation to the city of Lindum in order to persuade the Prefect of Lindum to make a formal alliance, joining the two realms. Casnar has sworn an oath to help Lindum as the Angle threat draws closer. Although the Prefect resists the idea of a formal alliance, Casnar is already amongst his trusted advisors. Casnar is fascinated by the Fae, though he realises how dangerous they are. Just south of Lindum is a Faerie mound, said to contain treasure. Though duties have so far prevented a visit, perhaps circumstances will give Casnar the chance to investigate.

The Telling of your Adventures

Allies Fallen

Pre-Generated Characters


Pontia Blecca

Health 4 Daughter of the Prefect Composure 5 ASPECTS FATE POINTS Heir of the Prefect of Lindum 6 Determined to prove herself Blessed by the god of war Future warrior queen Languages Redwarld is a friend as well Brythonic, Latin, as a servant Saxon SKILLS EQUIPMENT Level 5: Leadership Clothes fit for a princess Level 4: Wealth Spatha (+3 damage) Empathy Lorica Squamata (-2 to non-combat physical skills, Absorption 3) Level 3: Strategy and Tactics War Horse Melee Combat Spear (+2 damage, short range if thrown) Willpower Gold Earrings (value 4) Level 2: Contacts Lore (Religion) Lore (Roman culture and history) Charm Riding Level 1: Strength Languages Missile Combat Agility Awareness


STUNTS Elegant.

+1 to Charm at formal occasions with time to prepare.

Weapon of Vengeance: Spend a Fate Point to dedicate a weapon to the destruction of an enemy; it does +2 damage to that foe. Heroic Inspiration: Spend a Fate Point and make a difficulty 2 Leadership Test to give a +1 bonus to combat skills to everyone commanded for the duration of a battle.


Oaths Taken

Pontia Blecca is the daughter of Caius Blecca, the ruler of Lindum, who takes the title Prefect as if still appointed by the Romans as an administrator. Pontia, as his heir, respects her father, and respects Roman traditions, but knows that time has moved on. When she rules, it will not be as a Prefect, but as a queen, gaining authority and respect with her people and the other rulers of the fragments of Britain. Before she can do this, she will have to prove herself. The young woman is also a gifted leader in battle, and has studied and practiced the military arts. The coming conflict with the Angles provides opportunity for her to show her worth, as well as danger. Pontia has a Saxon servant, Redwarld, who was a bandit before he was enslaved.

The Telling of your Adventures

Allies Fallen

Pre-Generated Characters



Health 4 Saxon slave Composure 3 ASPECTS FATE POINTS Former member of Edgith’s warband. 5 I will earn my freedom Enslaved Saxon. In the shadows. Languages Brythonic, Latin, Saxon SKILLS EQUIPMENT Level 5: Stealth Seax (+2 damage) Level 4: Missile Combat Longbow (+2 damage, long range) Agility Latrunculi board and pieces Level 3: Awareness Black Cloak Deception Survival Level 2: Melee Combat Investigation Gaming Empathy Level 1: Strength Brawling Healing Charm Languages


STUNTS Dark Adapted Eye.

See in the dark with no penalties.

Precision Shot:

Attacks with Missile Combat ignore 2 points of armour.

Vanish: Stealth can be used for short periods without cover. Quick: +2 to Awareness for the purposes of Initiative. Climb Like a Spider:

+2 to all Agility tests made to climb.

Background Redwarld was once a member of the warband of the mercenary Saxon commander Edgith. However, in one of those times when Edgith’s band turned to banditry through lack of legitimate work, Redwarld was captured by soldiers of the city of Lindum. It still rankles that Edgith’s forces were employed to defend Lindum not so long after that.

Oaths Taken To serve and protect Pontia Blecca.

Now, Redwarld is a slave, and is employed as a servant and bodyguard to the daughter of the Prefect of Lindum, Pontia Blecca. Though slavery is a humiliation, Redwarld is genuinely loyal to Pontia, and will earn his way to freedom rather than escape.

The Telling of your Adventures

Allies Fallen

Ganieda Sister to Merlin

An NPC for Pendragon by George Quail

Of all the characters of the Arthurian mythos, Merlin is perhaps one of the best known. The idea of an ancient, bearded magician who aids the king has become so ingrained in popular culture that almost all wizard stereotypes seem to come from representations of Merlin rather than anyone else even Tolkien’s Gandalf draws some lineage through him. Arthurian stories on screen or in prose may drop Kay, Tristram, Palomides, Lot, Ygraine or others.... but Merlin is always there: whether it's as the bombastic aide of Boorman's Excalibur, the manipulative adviser of Starz's Camelot or the philosophising teacher of White's The Sword in the Stone. Yet Merlin is not the only spellcaster in Arthurian legends and one character in particular is noteworthy for having a connection to him: Ganieda, the sister (sometimes twin sister) of Merlin. She appears only in some of the older Welsh stories and in Geofferey of Monmouth’s tales. After that she vanished, probably having been absorbed into a proto-Lady of the Lake - few if any modern versions recount her existence. But Ganieda provides excellent possibilities as an inclusion in your Pendragon campaign, especially if you wish to provide the possibility of a major feminine angle in the style of Marion Bradley's The Mists of Avalon or wish to focus on Cambria. Following my use of her in my own

campaign, I present my version of her history as well as details on how she can be inserted into your games. History Merlin's origin, as recounted in the Great Pendragon Campaign, is of the coupling of a demon and a nun whose holy actions preserved the soul of her child and allowed it to escape the role the demon may have intended. One cannot seriously imagine a woman with child remaining in a convent, though, and so Merlin's mother was married off to remove her from the convent and ensure the safety of her son. Merlin's mother was a daughter of a king so her marriage was to a man of some import - Sir Morfyn, an officer from Cambria. (Monmouth calls this kingdom Demetia, which in Pendragon would equate to Estregales.) From this marriage other children were inevitably issued, and Ganieda was the first such child. Sir Morfyn was a British Pagan and his children were raised as such. Raised in a religion with a strong role for women, she found her mother’s recounting of Christian teachings distasteful and in particular the position of women & sex offensive. When she grew older, Ganieda’s innate magical skill became clear and she was sent to the Ladies of the Lake for tutelage. She quickly became known as a master of dweomers – her skill with divination eclipsing even her brother’s power. In this period she became more opposed to Christianity, be-

Magna draconis arturius rex

An Obscure Arthurian Character, And How to Use Her in Your KAP Games


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lieving its male-dominated nature was bleeding into society and even into some Pagan communities. Following her apprenticeship, Ganieda became ensconced within the court of King Leodegrance of Cameliard. A wealthy but widowed Cambrian lord with a known lusty nature, Ganieda believed him an excellent ally she could use her feminine wiles on and as his kingdom was to be inherited by his daughter Guinevere she thought she could instruct her such as to make her the architect of her female emancipation dream. Unfortunately internal politics in Cameliard complicated this and Guinevere was sent to a convent for education where she became a devout follower of the Christian faith that Ganieda so resented. Ganieda found another monarch to work with, though: Monmouth recounts her as married to King Rodarch of Cumbria, which doesn’t map easily to Pendragon. I’ve read the suggestion this is supposed to be the south of Scotland; I might choose Rheged as the best fit here, so she could be a aecond or third wife to Uriens. With a British Pagan king she finds a good match for her personal beliefs and spends her later years trying to prevent the spread of Christianity north of Hadrian’s Wall through magic and politics. Despite her problems with Arthur’s faith she remains on good terms with the king and is happy to assist him when he needs help. Her final fate is vague and so can be left to Gamesmaster interpreta-

tion – I would default to her dying of old age or retiring to Maidens’ Castle or similar to teach. Since she does not interfere in the major events of the Twilight Phase we must assume she has passed away or retired beyond the reach of men by this point. Adventures with Ganieda Merlin’s birth date in the original edition of Pendragon was 454, which puts a likely birth date for Ganieda between 455 and 460. Assuming she is born in 460, she will be 25 when the campaign begins; 35 when Uther dies; 50 when Arthur draws the sword from the stone and 63 when Merlin vanishes in 523. This means she is best used in the early section of the campaign, though considering Merlin by no means became weaker with age there’s no reason she can’t continue to be a prodigious diviner in her later years. Below are some ideas on how to include her in your games. • During Uther & Anarchy phase, Ganieda can be found in Cameliard – or accompany King Leodegrance when he travels, which may include events such as the royal marriages of the Uther Phase. Depending on their relationship with Merlin the player knights may be sceptical of dealing with her. Ganieda is very attractive and well-preserved for a woman of her age, and not beyond trying to seduce a knight she thinks could be of use to her.

• When the Anarchy phase sees internal battling between Britons, Ganieda seeks the aid of the knights to slay Druids who she says are using their magical powers to aid a rival kingdom. (Cornwall is an obvious choice but it can be adjusted depending on the exact year and events in your campaign.) This isn’t necessarily a lie but a bigger part of her request is the Druid’s politics, which is of a more patriarchal nature than Ganieda likes – they believe the Ladies of the Lake are fine teachers but the true preaching and ritual enacting should be left to menfolk. If these Druids have magic it is more divination or the like and they are little threat in battle, though they may be guarded by knights and those who murder them would

almost certainly invoke reprisals. Will the knights slay these men whose mystical power is great or can they not bring themselves to kill old men without swords? • If the group are not foes of Merlin, Ganieda could seek them out to guard her outlaw brother when he returns to Britain on personal business. (To be exact, travelling to Norgales to check up on how the young Arthur is doing.) Uther may be dead but the king’s command remains, and some like Sir Brastias would delight in the chance to have revenge on the Archdruid. The knights are required to protect Merlin from harm, perhaps as bodyguards or perhaps as distractions for those who pursue him. • One of the knights has a daughter who demonstrates innate magical ability – for extra tension, a Christian knight who may not view such gifts as blessings but a curse. Ganieda requests the daughter be handed to her for apprenticeship and tries to groom the daughter into the same religion and politics as her own. A male knight who hopes for a meek, gentle, chaste daughter may not be happy at the feisty woman who returns, nor of her newfound opinion that “sex is the ultimate prayer”. Tolerating this behaviour will cause scandal and possibly a loss of Honour but disowning a daughter would be a loss to Love (Family)

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• If your group seeks passage into the Forest Sauvage they may wish to find a way to cope with the faerie geography that sees travellers lose their way within. Ganieda as a master diviner may be able to assist, but wishes assistance in this endeavour: the right to call the knights up for service at a future occasion, say, four knights service for a month. Will they put themselves in an enchanter’s hand when they cannot know when and for what the call will come? (Failure to follow through on the vow when requested would probably be an Honour loss, as well as putting them in a magician’s bad books.)


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• The Beltaine fires are a fertility ritual long practiced in Pagan counties, including by some kings – but Christian men and women find it obscene. The knights are charged by a lord to prevent the ceremony taking place in that lord’s land, standing guard on ritual spots – but Ganieda is determined that it will still occur. Mysterious magical happenings and odd faerie creatures appear to pester the knights in an attempt to get rid of them, which could include fearsome visions they must roll Valorous to resist, wild beasts they must battle with their swords, pagan sorceries they must resist with Love (God) or fey charms that prey on their Lust. • The crowning of King Arthur is an affair dripping in Christian ceremony and Ganieda fears that the Bishops will use Arthur’s High King-ship to try and unite the country under one faith, forever destroying her own. She seeks friendly Knights of the Round Table to speak to Arthur’s court and gain assurances that freedom of worship will remain a legal right – but passionate Christian knights & lords may speak against the knights, insisting that converting the country to Christianity would be a holy endeavour. This could lead to duels or to challenges by either side to prove the worth of their argument – perhaps a tournament between Christian & Pagan knights, or a challenge whereby knights

of both religions take on the same quest to see which faith triumphs. (A monster from the Pendragon bestiary terrorising a corner of Britain is a simple but effective option.) • Ganieda learns of the May Babies affair and is horrified that Merlin is countenancing the act of infanticide. She appears in court enraged and swearing revenge on her own flesh and blood – not necessarily revealing what has happened but making it clear Merlin has done something unconscionable. A violator of hospitality must be punished, but what can one do when two arch-mages are having a family tiff? If Ganieda is banished for her insults the knights may have to accompany her out of Logres, and keeping tabs on a spell-caster who can try to use illusion to escape your watch will be difficult – Awareness and Trusting rolls likely being involved. Ganieda & the False Guinevere Another older Arthurian story not featured in The Great Pendragon Campaign is that of the False Guinevere. In the Vulgate, a character called Guinevak appears - the Welsh Gwenhwyvach being a bit much of a mouthful to most English speakers so I have chosen the more easier Anglicisation! An identical half-sister of Guinevere by a different mother, the two ladies can only being distinguished by Guinevere’s distinctive crown-shaped birthmark. For a time Guinevak con-

It isn’t difficult to see why this wasn’t included in the GPC – not only is it an older story not repeated in the major collections like Le Morte Darthur, it also seem quite cliché to modern audiences. Identical twins seem a bit too bad-soapopera. I agree! And yet, part of the charm of Pendragon is taking something as well-trodden as King Arthur’s story and making it your own: and with the addition of Ganieda & her stay in Cameliard during Guinevere’s conception and childhood, this can be converted into something a bit more epic using the following structure as a guide: • An early visit to Cameliard may reveal that Ganieda is very close to Leodegrance, possibly including flirting with him. However, his attention his elsewhere – on his wife, and on the wife of his seneschal whom he does not act improper towards but clearly lusts after. • The GPC already includes an adventure to meet the child Guinevere in Cameliard. At the same time as introducing her, show another child at court; one who is cared for by a junior handmaiden but looks strangely similar to Guinevere. Intrigue success will reveal the child is called Guinevak and is

the daughter of Leodegrance’s seneschal, but though gossip is that she is truly the King’s bastard. • When encountering Ganieda the knights will find that Guinevak has been taken on as her apprentice – they may in fact not immediately realise that it is Guinevak and not Guinevere. (This will be especially confusing to them if Guinevere has married Arthur by this point – they may wonder why their Queen is traipsing around the woods with a pagan priestess.) • Before the Battle of Badon, Guinevere asks Arthur to fly a different banner than normal. Rather than his draconic coat of arms which she perceives as a pagan symbol, she asks that he fly a standard with the Virgin Mary on it. Arthur is hesitant lest he offend his pagan allies – he needs every knight he can to beat the Saxons – but is eventually convinced into it. Player knights may note this change and pagan ones in particular may feel slightly uncomfortable riding into what seems to be changing from a war into a crusade. • After Badon and with the country unified, Guinevere presses further on the topic of the state and religion. While Arthur (who has the Religious Knight bonus in official statistics) is Christian, it is Guinevere who comes over with crusading fever – perhaps a consequence of

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vinces Arthur that he married the “wrong” sister and that she is true heir to Cameliard, forcing Guinevere to seek sanctuary with Lancelot: but eventually the deceit is revealed and normality is restored.


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her convent education - and she seeks to convince the pagans to convert. This isn’t full fire and brimstone, but she does ask how knights can serve a Christian lord without themselves being Christian, or how they can fail to convert when a blessed sword on the holy land of St Paul’s Cathedral revealed their monarch. (Note that in Malory she is polite when she brings this up to Sir Palomides, but she still considers it appropriate to question the religion of one of her husband’s warriors!) • Ganieda fears the turn that Britain is taking and that Guinevere will force Arthur into making the whole isle Christian. She concocts a plan and contacts her old apprentice Guinevak and Bertholai, a knight of Cameliard, to set it in motion. Unbeknownst to the court, Bertholai slips a magical potion to Arthur – perhaps attacking him when he is out, more likely poisoning him while he visits Cameliard. • While at court, Bertholai presents Gunievak whom he claims to be the true wife of Arthur; the true Guinevere he brands an imposter. (Perhaps claiming a switch was done but a night or two ago.) She may even brand Guinevere as being Guinevak and a common maid’s bastard who seeks to bewitch Arthur. Because of the magic of Ganieda Arthur believes this and banishes Guinevere. If they are there, how will the player

knights react to this? Arthur’s word is law but they will knows and possibly have loyalty or emotions for Guinevere. • The true Guinevere is sentenced to death by burning as an imposter: news of this travels the country, including to Sir Lancelot who seeks to come to her aid. Will the player knights join him? Will they try to talk him out of defying the king? Who do they feel they owe loyalty to? • More of Arthur’s court travels to Cameliard and someone challenges Bertholai to a duel to determine the true Queen. (This could be Lancelot, or it could be a player knight so inclined.) If successful, God has spoken and Guinevere is proven true though Arthur is still bewitched and his curse must be lifted before he will realise he has been deceived. A failure could be more of a problem unless you assume that this is when Lancelot intervenes, perhaps stealing away Guinevere before Arthur can be brought back to his senses. • If magic and Ganieda are suspected then she or another magician can be sought out to clear the curse from Arthur’s head that makes him suspect his wife and love the interloper. A more traditional adventure can fit here as the player knights may need to hunt for magicians, tomes and ingredients to cleanse the stain of magic from Arthur.

stat block is easily used in another edition of the game, using the magical skills just a relative measure of her magical power scaled much as the regular skills.

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The following statistics for Ganieda are when she’s 40 and use the Pendragon 4th Ed magical skills to quantify her magical powers. If you don’t have this particular edition of the rules, have no fear – the whole


Ganieda Estregales Anarchy 40 Cymric 2 Sir Morfyn Enchant. Noble King Canan Estregales Pagan Rhiannon High Priestess Estregales Carmarthen

10 12 8 15 18


3 4 2 25 6 Woman’s Gift: Naturally lovable

168 84 4 84

9 14 11

2 18 16 4 11 9 16 4 16 4 10 10 8 12 2 18 10 10 16 4 14 6 8 12 18 2 +5 Deceitful vs Men

11 8 12 5 14 6 1 5 3 15 3 3 Harp Runes 5 3 (Pagan) 15

15 15 17 16 18



2 8 17 6

1 6 5 see next page

Animal Friend 11 Control Faerie Creatures 15, Dispel 7, Divination 20, Emotion 5, Glamour 17, Healing 16, Sacred Space 2, Shapeshift 5, Summon Faerie Creature 10, Travel 3, Weather Control 3 Queen Guinevere Pendragon The timeline presented earlier has Ganieda based in Cameliard for the Uther/Anarchy phase, allowing her to serve Leodegrance as a magical assistant and be a tutor for the infant Guinevere, much as Merlin fills these roles for Uther and Arthur. This means that Cameliard could be an excellent place to start a Pendragon campaign rather than the usual Salisbury. The knights will spend their early years adventuring in Cambria and Cumbria, witnessing the formation of Guinevere and the machinations of Ganieda. Arthur will not be their rightful king but merely a noble lord who marries their lady, whom they ultimately owe fealty to before the Pendragon. While the details of such a campaign are beyond the scope of this article but something I hope whets the appetite of those who, having completed the Great Pendragon Campaign, feel they have done “all there is to do” about King Arthur!

Sources Thanks to Timeless Myths (http:// www.timelessmyths.com), the website where I first read about Ganieda. Their section on Arthurian myth summarises a lot of different versions of characters and in particular their Arthurian Women section is a goldmine of campaign idea. Marion Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon was a major inspiration in my characterisation of Ganieda. The female –driven narrative gives particular focus to Guinevere and Morgana Le Fay, but here those principles have instead been placed on the blank canvas of Ganieda. The clash of religious principles between Pagan & Christian is well handled, not feeling too preachy on either side – it would be easy to make it a story where one of the faiths is demonstrably evil, but instead a darker side of both comes up at different times.

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GILDAS & BRITAIN'S DARK AGES by Paul Mitchener The term Dark Ages was widely used in the 19th century to refer to the time in Western Europe between the fall of the Roman Empire and the Renaissance. It was seen as a time of decline, a period of darkness between the twin lights of ancient and more modern cultural achievements. Modern historians do not use the term in this way, referring to the above period as the Middle Ages, and recognising its achievements. Today, when the phrase Dark Age

is used by historians, it is intended to be a more neutral judgement on the lack of historical records compared to both earlier and later times. When talking about Britian, the Dark Ages applies to the 5th and 6th centuries CE. In this time, Roman rule ended, and the Angle and Saxon invasions were at their height. This period is also the time the legends of King Arthur and his knights are set. I’m not going to speculate here about whether a “historic Arthur�

Gildas’ work mentions a number of things important in later stories of King Arthur. Firstly, there is the great leader Ambrosius Aurelianus. According to Gildas, following the initial invasions of the Angles and Saxons, Ambrosius Aurelianus was “...a gentleman who, perhaps alone of the Romans, had survived the shock of this notable storm. Certainly his parents, who had worn the purple, were slain by it. His descendants in our day have become greatly inferior to their ancestor’s greatness.”

This continued up to the year of the siege of Badon Hill, and of almost the last great slaughter inflicted upon the rascally crew. And this commences, a fact I know, as the forty-fourth year, with one month now elapsed; it is also the year of my birth” In most versions of Arthurian myth, the battle of Badon Hill is the most famous battle of the King’s reign, when the Saxons were beaten back for a generation. Gildas’ passage gives some idea of when this battle took place (circa 500CE). It does not, however, say who was leading the British forces, or whether it was still Ambrosius Aurelianus. Of course, in other later accounts, the British forces are led by Arthur. ***********

Roman citizens of the senatorial class (effectively, the Roman aristocracy) wore clothes with a purple band to designate their rank. Gildas’ description gives a picture of Ambrosius Aurelianus as a highborn Roman or Romano-Britain (“his parents, who had worn the purple”) who unified the British military to fight of the invaders.

In the time when Gildas wrote, Britain was divided into a number of smaller kingdoms, and unification against greater threats was an effort. Gildas spent a good portion of his work condemning five of the kings of these kingdoms in strong biblical terms, using apocalyptic language from the Book of Revelation. Although Gildas’ kings are from a time after the Arthurian legends, they are still incorporated into some later stories.

After Ambrosius Aurelianus’ initial victory over the Saxons, Gildas wrote “...from that time, the citizens were sometimes victorious, sometimes the enemy, in order that the Lord, according to His wont, might try in this nation the Israel of to-day, whether it loves Him or not.

The first of these kings, Constantine, was King of Dumnoniaroughly speaking, modern day Devon. He was condemned by Gildas for committing many adulturies after casting his wife aside, but most of all for disguising himself in abbot’s robes to murdering

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existed, or who he might have been, the likely location of Camelot, or other such fascinating questions. Instead I want to talk about one of the few written sources of Britain’s history in this period- De Excidio et Conqestu Britanniae (on the Ruin and Conquest of Britain), written in the mid 6th century CE by the monk Gildas.


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two royal youths inside a church. In a much later version of the tale by Geoffrey of Monmouth, Constantine is the successor of King Arthur, and the youths killed are the sons of Mordred. There appears to be some confusion with other historical figures bearing the name of Constantine. The second of Gildas’ kings is Aurelius Caninus, condemned by Gildas for horrible murders, warmongering, and (again) adulturies. Gildas gives no indication of the land he ruled. Some identify him with Cyngen the Renowned, of the House of Mathrafel, one of the early rulers of the Kingdom of Powys, the most powerful of the kingdoms in Wales. Another king attacked by Gildas is Maelgwn, King of Gwynedd, referred to by Gildas as the “dragon of the island” (presumably the island of Ynys Mon, or Anglesey), and described as a regional high king and bloody tyrant, fighting wars of conquest against other kings, being almost a regional high king in his own right. Then there is Vortiporus, King of Dyfed, condemned by Gildas as a sinner and a tyrant, though he said little else. The known early history of Dyfed is interesting; it is a kingdom of South West Wales formed as a result of large scale migrations to the region from Ireland between 350 and 400CE. However, this does not seem terribly relevant to Gildas’ condemned king.

The last king mentioned by Gildas is Cuneglas, King of Rhos, part of the Kingdom of Gwynedd. Cuneglas is the son of Owain Ddantgwyn according to various ancient Welsh genealogies. Owain Ddantgwyn is conjectured as being the basis for the “real” King Arthur, but I don’t want to speculate in this direction, especially when no direct documentary evidence for his life exists outside of the genealogies mentioned. Cuneglas was condemned by Gildas for throwing his wife out to have his way with her sister, for destesting God and vilifying his order, and for being a warmonger. Although Gildas’ kings, who he condemned for his crimes, belong to a slightly later period, we adapted some of this material for Age of Arthur, combining the characteristics and crimes of several of these kings in the person of Aurelius Caninus, also known as Cyngen the Renowned, king of Powys, a powerful and expanding kingdom. In the Age of Arthur setting, this king murdered his two older brothers to gain the throne, and wars against neighbouring British kingdoms for plunder. He has used some of the loot gained to make significant donations to the Church, ensuring his good name in history. This take is of course much more fiction than fact, but feels true to the times. The other major source for the Age of Arthur setting is some of the traditional Welsh tales, but those belong in another article.

GAWAIN'S TALE I have a tale of woe to tell, heard from tall hill to dell, of men who lived and died as gods, and fought against the men from Hell. A vigil I keep upon this spot, 'tis here I fell and doomed to rot, no funeral pyre is due to me, a last soldier seemingly forgot. I ran in fields of light in Spring, unaware of what war may bring, my father's house in the north, my halls where I would sing. In the summer of life I learned the sword, Emrys taught me how to keep my word, I learned the sailing winds of Ynys Môn, to trade in wool, insults, & herd. In the Autumn of life I saw 'The Bear', Arthur, bid we Britons prepare, to marry and pledge fealty to our lord, and stand against the Saxon glare. In Winter we marched on to war, Baddon, Catraeth, Caer & more to kill all the Saxons we could find, we shattered bone, and skull, & raided store. On the eve of our victorious attack, we did not see the knife thrust in our back, Arthurs brother saw fit to betray the Bear, Arthur, he did attack. The coward took a horse and made for home, we survivors without our lord began to roam, The Britons were undone and would surely fall, the Saxons would chase us to the surf's foam. I sought for home but heard arrow fly, it struck me down and here I die. I lie here still and keep Camlan's tale, where hate broke hope and nation cried. A word to all who deign to hear, there are passions stronger than hate or fear, Love and pride will keep you strong but a kinsman's greed will bring death near. To kings in lands of sun or snow, you have more foes than you know, While you may be lords above the ground, A dragon now sleeps below ‘Tis said vengeance is a petty thing, woeful times shall it bring, yet payment in Saxon blood is owed, to our once and future king.



Around the table

Greg Stafford

Greg Stafford is a game designer, fantasy world creator, and shaman. He is seen by gamers and fantasy fans as a name coterminous with E.Gary Gygax, Marc Miller, & Steve Jackson. Creator of the exotic and enormously detailed world of Glorantha, Greg has also brought into life what many consider to be not only the best Arthurian game, but also one of the best RPG systems that exist; King Arthur Pendragon. I once had the opportunity, in Leicester at Continuum 2010, to join one of his Pendragon games but had to decline due to GMing commitments. Yes. I know what

How would you describe you? Author, Games designer, or somewhere in between?

Personally: Human being, male, husband, father, grandfather Professionally: Mythologist, raconteur, entrepreneur, publisher, game designer,

How do you feel when you see Glorantha take on a life of it's own in the hands of licensees?

you’re thinking and I have metaphorically kicked my own backside many a time since then. When I e-mailed Greg and told him about this fanzine and asked for an interview he readily and heartily said yes and I immediately felt out of my depth as Greg’s a bit of a hero of mine. You know that chill that steps in when a hero says ‘Yeah, sure.’? That moment when you realised you never thought they’d actually say ‘yes’? That was me. Luckily, Greg gave some great answers and put me at ease. It is here that I put those questions & answers before you. - Steff.

Really, really good. It is awesome to have a personal artistic vision being manifest and fulfilled. In 1966 I experienced a literary vision of Glorantha, watching it unroll, unfold, unpack, and reveal itself to me. It was something like a rapid action movie that was almost too fast to see anything, except for a few of the massive or brightest objects. I thought to myself, “There is way too much of this for me to do it all. Wouldn’t it be great to have enough people understand this enough to be able to have a staff working on it?” So here, 47 years later, I see it happening. That is really, really satisfying.


Is there a setting you'd have liked to have expanded on? or brought to light? Chaosium was the first company to publish literary roleplaying game, starting with Stormbringer in 1981. Moorcock’s work was one of the first fantasy series I’d begun reading about then. I imagined doing all my favorites. Well, Lord of the Rings was outside of even my imagination to do, although I was offered a shot at it once when Iron Crown was having some difficulty. They wanted too much money. Conan was way too restricted. I was working on Lankhmar when it was ripped out from under me.

Who's fictional worlds do you admire? R. E. Howard, Fritz Leiber, J. R. R. Tolkien.

Pendragon 5.1 seems to be complete to me, do you think it's now just a case of future versions refining the current rules or do you plan a sixth edition? I think there will be 6th edition some day. It won’t change the system, but it will clear up a lot of little tweaky things. That is, just some more fine tuning


Of all your work, which are you most proud of? It’s hard to choose between Glorantha, which has so much material for it, and Pendragon, which I consider to be a really beautiful game system. But the winner is Pendragon. I think that Glorantha is fantastic and awesome and full of incredibly creative material, but Pendragon is a game that I did everything on. “Everything” here means some input from a lot of people, but I designed the system, quantified the world, and fleshed out the setting.

What has been the low point of your career? A couple spring to mind. One was just after my divorce when all the world had sunk into the mire. Lynn and Charlie had decided to sell Chaosium to Games Workshop. I made a request, they offered less, and I refused. The other was when Chaosium broke up. Here we had worked together for decades to produce terrific product, but we had fallen out over how to financially run the company. The day to day was a painful grind for me, and so after a time I quit so that we could remain friends.

So much of the Arthurian setting uses Welsh. Do you find Welsh pronunciation difficult? Oh no, I think impossible is a more accurate term. (I've offered Greg pronunciation lessons but I'm not sure he'll take me up on them!) Glorantha has always looked and felt very Bronze Age to me, were you ever tempted to create a Hellenic roleplaying game? Yes. In fact, I have a file of ideas that are so old they are written in typewriter. Instead, however, I have submitted to Nocturnal publishing a Greek Legendary game designed by a couple of other guys. It’s not what I would have done, but it is good and I’m glad to see it done.

You do not seem to be active in social media, do you? No. I loath it. It is really, really intrusive and I require more privacy than that. If someone wants to contact me, please use email.

What game subjects do you wish you had done?

Has your Shamanism influenced your RPG writing? Yes, especially Glorantha, and especially its magic systems. Living a life of animistic practices has provided me with a world view that is quite different from the one we are normally indoctrinated into by our modern world. And of course perhaps the biggest impact was to direct me to found Chaosium and make games my career.

Having only met you once you seemed to be pretty down to Earth, how do you feel when gamers and designers today cite you as one of their greatest influences? I feel flattered and pleased. I do this work because I am called to it, and because I get a great personal satisfaction from doing what I love. I’ll admit it has been a road of relative financial poverty, but the personal joy I have had in my day-to-day life seems to dwarf the lives of agony and despair led by my friends whose objective has been payroll, but hate their jobs. I consider myself an artist, and so am happy to learn that people have enjoyed my art. When it has significantly impacted someone’s life, I am humbled.

Oh, as I said above, Lankhmar and Conan.


If there was one career decision you could change, what would that be? To have gotten out of the Avalon Hill RQ contract at the first offense they committed in breaking the contract. I let my young and hopeful dreams get in the way of a clear business decision that would have been hard, but in the longer run, much better for us.

What are you working on at the moment? I’m officially retired and collecting social security. However, I still work just about daily on material for Pendragon. Anyone interested in seeing it can find their way from the forum, http://nocturnal-media.com/forum/index.php, or my own creaky old website, http://gspendragon.com/ Thank you Greg. You are welcome. Thank you too for the opportunity.


Dragons of Britain Need You! To keep this fanzine going we need articles, art, fiction, prose, and, most of all, adventures! For the e-mail to which you should send your ideas* please see the Contents page.

*Please send your submission ideas first.



A look at some of the gossip, tales, and rumours around Arthur’s realm



Eastern Logres

It is said, by locals fleeing the sound of battle, that Lady Camille, leader of the Saxon rebels in Anglia, has hired a shirtless mercenary who has enormous prowess in arms. He leads a small party of experienced Saxon warriors across the East, killing as they wont. The

people of the Fens have told their lord that the Saxons appear to be in league with a race of monsters who know how to navigate the hidden waterways. A trader from the kingdom of Dal Riada in Arthur’s court has named them ‘Fomori’ after an evil race that once plagued his land.


march on Lindum! We’ve just received word that an Angle army, paid for by a traitor within Lindum, is marching on the Roman city. Those at court fear it is already too late to send assistance. Elsewhere In Logres

A thief was killed yesterday in one

of Camelot’s trade streets. He was struck by an arrow as he ran past

a fletcher’s stall after stealing spices from the fletcher’s neighbour, a spice merchant from the Holy Lands. The fletcher struck true (as was his right) and as the man lay dying he mumbled something to the guards who attended him in his dying moments and took his final words. The guards could not speak the man’s tongue but say he was quite mad and spent with maltemper. His belongings were searched, his hovel opened, and the man was found to be quite wealthy. It is not known why he was living in a hovel or chose to steal wares rather than pay for them. When the guards took the fletcher’s direction to his neighbour’s stall it was not to be found. In a matter of seconds the stall and it’s keeper were gone. The spices that the forlorn man had stolen blew away in the breeze. Needless to say, this left the community and the guards confused and rumours of sorcery have already begun to spread. Despite Camelot being used to the site of traders from far afield, there is now a disturbing undercurrent of mistrust among the populace only spoken through wine.

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Whispers Around the


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rural Rydychan a large cross made of marble has been found in a farmer’s field as his oxen pulled their plough. Unearthed by the ploughing, the cross was revealed after 4 days of digging by a local village and has been moved to it’s centre. Measuring over 12ft high it is unknown what it was doing in the ground. Initially it was seen as a blessing but strange reports of an evil malady have started to spread amongst the first sons of the village.

The ruins of a huge boat have washed up ashore on the Dorset coast after a heavy storm. The local sailors attest to have never seeing a boat of this size before and say it is large enough to carry a hundred warriors and baggage and was of a foreign design. Let us be thankful of divine providence that dashed this invader upon the rocks and keep vigil on the shore in case of further incursions. Outside Logres

In Gwynedd a local Lord has killed

his hound in the mistaken belief tht it had killed his infant son after seeing blood around it’s maw. Shortly after killing the hound, the lord heard the cries of his unharmed son next to the body of a mountain wolf. It is clear that the faithful hound defended the young boy from the beast’s predations only to be struck down mistakenly by his master. In his grief the lord has set a cairn upon a hill and asked pilgrims to set aside a time to visit and prey for his departed hound.

Disagreements often occur in great

families but rarely lead to bloodshed. Sadly, in the City of Legions, a noble was heard shouting with his son over the matter of a young girl. Rumour says that the young knight was courting a pagan girl from the hills in Norgales against his father’s wishes who wanted a Romano-British bride for his heir. The Duke Randall despatched legionaries to the noble’s villa only to find his son had slain his father using a knife. The Duke has yet to make a decision as he is troubled by other matters.....

In the Wirral forest to the north of

the City of Legions a castle has appeared. Men sent from the city to investigate are yet to return and a strange horserider all decked in green and leaves has been seen abroad.

Ships travelling the straight in the

Gael kingdom Dal Riada have seen a huge torment in the water. On a few occasions unwary ships have been lucky to escape. Whether this is the result of magic or some unseen serpent is unclear.

Earlier this Spring a rush of wild-

life numbering some thousand animals (at the crofter’s reckoning), sped from hiding at the edge of the Perilous Forest in Pase. Something had panicked the animals to such an extent that the crofter ran for his home. He did not look back but heard the splintering of trees as if something huge was stomping through them.

draconum Britanniam


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Gratitudes & Complimentaries


Steff. J. Worthington

Contact info is steffworthington@hotmail.com . Available for cartography projects, trade dress, and graphic design for RPG’s and other books.

David Elrick Writer

George Quail Contact info is: hubcap@gquail.com Writer

Paul Mitchener

Contact info is drmitchener@gmail.com Website: http://rpgimaginarium.wordpress.com/ Available for freelance RPG writing on projects that take my fancy. Experience with FATE, One Roll Engine, OpenQuest and Wordplay.

Contact info is http://pareeerica.deviantart.com/ Hooked on Photoshop. Photogenius and Photomanip Artiste

Jessica Dueck

Contact info is http://starscoldnight.deviantart.com/ Professional Digital Artist


Contact info is http://anarasha-stock.deviantart.com/ Stock Artist


Contact info is http://itsdura.deviantart.com/ Artist & Stock Producer

Lor Myers

Contact info is http://meetmeatthelake2nite.deviantart.com/ Artist & Stock Producer

draconum Britanniam




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