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March 21 - April 19 Arians should take better care of their home and family life. They can expect to feel a stronger need than ever for security and stability. Single Arians are in for a somewhat strange term, marked by conflicting tendencies. Jupiter pushes them into taking all sorts of risks, including romantic ones, while the Sun – ruler of their house of romance – pushes them towards caution, introspection, and safe ties. Financially, Arians are more motivated than ever to earn more and save up. Excess, including the dietary kind, can harm you a lot during July.
April 20 - May 20 Taureans looking for love get the chance to meet compatible people. In existing couples, communication is more sincere when it comes to what should be done in order to lead a harmonious life. Professionally speaking, many Taureans could experience plot twists in their career and get special opportunities. Give yourself more time to rest and regain your inner balance. You might have to make some important decisions regarding your future; for these decisions you need to have peace of mind and clarity of thought.
May 21 - June 20 During the first part of July, you may argue with your better half, regarding money and managing it. Your partner might spend too much or they could call you out on spending too much and not considering your future. Throughout July, take better care of your health. Otherwise, some issues that you’ve been ignoring can become chronic, get worse, and you risk getting hospitalized. Temper down your enthusiasm. Steer clear of excess and try to keep company with people who encourage moderation.
June 21 - July 22 This month, many Cancerians whether they’re married, single, or in an unofficial relationship – go through a time of reflecting on their connections. It’s not exactly a favorable term for beginning new relationships. Odds are you’ll build beautiful friendships that can turn romantic over time, though. Professionally, it’s time to give it your all, in order to improve your situation, make progress, get promoted, and improve your income.
July 23 - August 22 Leos are tempted to have secret love ties or contemplate connecting with someone they were involved with in the past. Professionally, Leos are looking to stand out, gain power, and have fame and recognition. Success doesn’t come in as quickly as Leos want to; it requires effort. Some get the chance to discover that you make your own luck through hard work and perseverance. In order to get where you want to go, you can’t take shortcuts.
August 23 - September 22 July is favorable for emotional relationship explorations. Virgos can widen their horizons in terms of understanding intimacy and emotional union with someone. Professionally, Virgos that have negotiations going on with clients, suppliers or potential business partners might reach an accord around July 23-24. Virgos that work online have great chances at success throughout the month. Between July 27 and August 11 you get the chance to make some major changes in your professional life. You might receive some unusual surprises and opportunities. Make the most of them!
September 23 - October 22 If you’re the type of person to depend on others for money, in July you could have some less-thanpleasant surprises. But some Librans experience plot twists that are surprisingly favorable and get money that they weren’t expecting. It would be wise to keep in check your tendency towards spur-of-the-moment conflicts, tumultuous affairs, and risky investments.
October 23 - November 21 For Scorpions, July is generous in terms of emotional and relation opportunities. Direct your attention towards marriage, your better half, or beginning a new relationship (as the case may be). Long-lasting ties can benefit from new wind in their sails that livens them up emotionally. Stop trying to set things straight for others. Deal with your own issues. To feel fulfilled and balanced, you can explore new areas, learn new things and so on. Steer clear of aggressiveness in ties to others and don’t get involved in throwing around insults.
November 22 - December 21 In July, Sagittarius’ house of intimacy is very activated by planets. That promises you a rich erotic life and the chance to get closer to your better half. Professionally, you benefit from the energy you need in order to unlock some projects or start a new phase to make the most of your creativity and talents. Pay more attention to how you manage your money. There might be a tendency towards spending on all sorts of things that you don’t really need. Don’t bury your head in work. Try to make enough time for relaxing, working out, playing sports.
December 22 - January 19 Single Capricornians have great odds at success with potential partners. Those already married also experience a particularly favorable term during which they regain the pleasure of being together with their better half. Professionally, success is reached through partnerships, collaborations, associations, and teamwork. Healthwise, there may be excess and risky spur-of-the-moment behavior that can push you towards accidents. Towards the end of the month you should make more time for rest and reaching your conclusions.
January 20 - February 18 If your professional life is too demanding, do not take it out on your spouse or lover. You should organize your activity in as efficient a way as possible so that you’ll have more time for your personal life and your day-to-day responsibilities in the couple. You have great odds at success in your professional life if you’re well-organized, cautious, and meticulous, and if you manage to keep harmonious ties to coworkers. It’s time to put order into your life, first and foremost. Get to work right now.
February 19 - March 20 You tend to be more optimistic, more eager to have fun, and more relaxed, which makes you more attractive in the eyes of others. At work, there might be a desire to stand out at any cost, of always being the center of attention. If you prove to be generous, selfless, your coworkers will appreciate you and be willing to help you shine. You get the chance to stand out, grow, expand your talents, and even earn more money. Be careful not to waste away what you earn.