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From the Editor
Spring for my family was filled with regattas from Lake Lenape to the Schuylkill. The OCHS Crew team had a fantastic season - GO OC!
"The arts affect everything in your life. People just don’t necessarily think about it that way. From the clothes you wear to the house you live in to the cereal box you open in the morning. … Art is an integral part of everybody’s daily life" - Rae Jaffe.
This quote kind of blew my mind while I was editing the feature about the FAL and its Art on Asbury gallery (page 52). Rae is a local artist and president of the Fine Arts League (and a previous OC Mag cover artist.) It was mind blowing because it's true... there is art everywhere you look, from the pages of this magazine, to the beach chair you're (hopefully) sitting in right now, to the bathing suit you're wearing. From concept to design with all the wonderfully creative steps between, it is someone's creativity come to life in each of these. And that is reason enough to celebrate and show the love.
Supporting local artists and the creative community has been a mission of this magazine since it began back in 2010. There are so many inspiring people out there, bringing their passion to life with bravery and grit. Ask anyone, starting a
An anthem for art Stef
small business, or putting yourself and your work out there, takes an enormous amount of will and strength. But creating and bringing your art to the world whether it's through cooking, gardening, writing, drawing, crafting, etc, is what makes it all go 'round.
And somehow it's gone round and become June again. It's time to watch the graduates fling their caps into the air at Carey Stadium, time to bust out your wetsuit top for Boogie Board club, and time to worship the sun. This year the solstice is on Wednesday, June 21.
Hello summer in the OC. This month in OC Mag, find must haves to calm you down (and hopefully make you smile), an article on the simple, but sensational pierogie - and how it's become the latest Boardwalk must have snack, and a trio of books to pop into your beach bag. Learn more about those adorable and hysterically skittish piping plovers you see on the shores, and go behind the scenes with the Ocean City Theatre Company's 2023 season, another group keeping the world turning with its awesome art.
See you on the beach!