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March 21 - April 19 Your enthusiasm is contagious and very attractive in the eyes of your potential partners. But most Arians don’t feel the need to get tied down to serious relationships that would demand too much of their attention. Professionally, Arians can achieve special things by putting their talents and creativity to work. Take a realistic look at things and decide what you truly want to do and what paycheck you’re willing to take for it.
April 20 - May 20 In May, a friend or someone from your entourage can light up your romantic ideas – or maybe you trigger fantasies for someone in a group you’re a part of. You can expect to benefit from excellent intuition when it comes to sources of income, but on the other hand there might be conflicts about joint money. You feel more energetic and have every chance at discovering unexpected sources of energy that can help you overcome any potential challenges.
May 21 - June 20 As of May 11, you can expect your social life to liven up. Geminians who are single get the chance to begin a beautiful romantic connection that starts off strong and can end just as strongly. It’s very likely that May will be professionally demanding, but if you care about someone don’t neglect to show them that. Ever since the first days of the month you have great chances at starting a new professional project or getting appointed at the helm of a larger group project or team. People appreciate your skills and recognize your merits.
June 21 - July 22 Expect a month that’s intense from an emotional point of view. A time when love, friendship, or – where the case may be – the future of the relationship concerns more than usual. Existing relationships could be tested - it becomes clear whether they can work out for the long term or not. During the first part of the month some could gain unexpected income, receive repayments or get funding. Others get the chance to get rid of some debt with the help of a friend. After May 10, when Mercury is in retrograde, you tend to express yourself with more difficulty or more imprecisely.
July 23 - August 22 Many Leos get pleasant surprises in love. Some relationships could take an interesting and unexpected turn and some Leos start new relationships with great odds at working out for the long run. Other Leos decide to start their own families or propose marriage. Yet others suddenly end a relationship that hasn’t been working out for a long time. Your professional life can change for the better, particularly if you’re willing to take on a new perspective that’s free of antiquated preconceived ideas. Forget about your comfort zone and make the most of the opportunities this term has to offer and change life for the better.
August 23 - September 22 You shouldn’t make rash decisions. This term gives you the chance to analyze and re-evaluate the significant relationships in your life, your marriage (where the case may be), or the perspective to get married or divorced (as it may apply). During the second half of May you get the chance to revitalize an older professional project. You might conclude that you need to correct or improve the methods and strategy of communication. You get the chance to change your life for the better with the help of those near and dear. Make the most of this opportunity and reinvent yourself!
September 23 - October 22 You have a great time building and improving relationships with others, including marriage. Single Librans have a good chance of meeting the right person and starting a special relationship, a sentimental partnership that is taken seriously from the first days. Take advantage of the energy of this period to clarify things and to get rid of certain people who do you no good. Be prepared to meet new people who come up with new ideas. Don’t limit yourself to the circles you’ve been attending for a long time.
October 23 - November 21 Scorpios are more concerned than ever with their love life or, in the case of those married, the future of marriage. Some conclude it is necessary to divorce. It is not the time to make major decisions, with a long-term impact. If you are going to join a business or participate in an investment with others, Make sure that it is very clear to you what others expect from you. Review your attitude toward money and debt.
November 22 - December 21 Older relationships are reviving, and singles have adventures, flirtations, and fun. In May, there’s no lack of adventure and no lack of charm, but it is possible that there will be a tendency towards excesses and risky behaviors. Sagittarius’ creativity and playfulness are at their peak. Carefully analyze the relationships that are important to you, including professionally. You can renegotiate the rules under which some partnerships work.
December 22 - January 19 Various disturbances can occur in family life, but on the other hand, the best conditions are created for clarifying situations and for forgiveness. Take stock and decide whether the work you do fulfills and represents you, whether it is safe enough or well paid enough. It would be good for you to spend more time in nature and exercise more. Organize as well as you can and persevere, even if you don’t get the results you want right away, especially professionally.
January 20 - February 18 It's preferable not to start new romantic relationships, but to meditate on past relationships and the teachings that could be deduced from what you have experienced so far. In May, the professional life of many Aquarians can be difficult and tiring. The lunar eclipse on May 16 foretells moments of turning, reorientation, major changes. Be very careful how you communicate during this term! You tend to be a little too vehement and promise more than you can handle.
February 19 - March 20 The family life of some is upside down, and couples relationships are tested by various conflicts of principles, prejudices, differences between the value systems of the partners. Money can also be a delicate topic of discussion or even a reason for quarrel, so be patient and open to new ideas and solutions. It is a good idea to patiently research your health or a diet that you are considering adopting. For entertainment purposes only. Horoscopes provided by www.eastrolog.com.