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On the Radar
The List
It’s a new beach season!
Get ready to hit the sand, pick up a new-to-you soap scent, and plant some fresh flowers with our May recs.
1. Rice, rice baby
Dig in to Napolitano arancini (stuffed with mozzarella, risotto, and marinara) from Capo Strada, 501 East 9th Street.
2. Love you more than cupcakes
Pick up a peanut butter pie and some cupcakes from Lisa’s Sweet Treats, 1046 Asbury Avenue.

3. Bloom where you are planted
Plant some pansies from 34th Street Market to brighten up your garden.
4. Boogie wonderland!
Elevate your sand castle excavation tools and pick up some fresh boogie boards at Island Beach Gear, 2 West 9th Street.
5. Nailed it
Get your feet ready for flip flop season with a pedicure done with non-toxic polish by Gypsea Beauty at Beehive Studio, 616 Asbury Avenue.
6. New scent, who dis?
Ring in the new season by trying a new scent of soap from LEH Soap, 1312 Boardwalk and 937 Asbury Avenue. We recommend Citrus Twist.
Tide Forecast
Good to Know
On May 1st, the sun rises at 5:59am and sets at 7:51pm. On May 31st, the sun rises at 5:33am and sets at 8:18pm.
March 21 - April 19
You’re going through a good term for working together with your better half on your nest, your living space, and your ties to your loved ones. If you’re involved in a solid connection that’s unofficial, the one you love might want to move in with you and start a family. Financially, if you set out to take a loan or get some funding, you might conclude that during the first half of the month it’s not easy at all. Healthwise, it’s time to invest in a better diet and better hygiene products. If you need to, don’t hesitate to see a doctor even if that means investing time and money.
April 20 - May 20
The energy of the lunar eclipse of May 5, though it can prove to be turbulent, helps you realize whether your relationship is balanced and fair so that neither partner will feel like they’re being censored or marginalized. Professional partnerships and collaborations can be affected by various issues, and some of them might end. Clear up some things related to an employment contract or some other type of contract.
May 21 - June 20
This month, Geminians become more emotional (sometimes even melancholic) and are interested in exploring the emotional side of their amorous interactions rather than the intellectual side. Professionally, there might be changes at work or you could go through an epiphany related to the money you earn. You could also deal with a situation that proves that you need to sharpen your skills, try harder, and strive to become more competent professionally. Healthwise, this term can bring to light some older issues to address without delay.
21 - July 22
The romantic connection you’re involved in could be tested but you shouldn’t worry about that. If the connection is solid, it has every chance at making it and even becoming stronger, evolving towards a higher level, more harmonious, that makes you feel fulfilled. Professionally, you’re starting to see the results of the efforts you’ve put in. In order to achieve your income goals, get informed patiently, redo some calculations, and determine what resources you need so that you can make realistic decisions. You stand out with more ease as part of a group or working as part of a team. It wouldn’t hurt to get involved in supporting a joint cause, for instance a social cause.
July 23 - August 22
For many Leos now begins a pretty difficult time emotionally and when it comes to family life. Pay attention to your family life, ties to close ones, and how you express your feelings both in your own family and when it comes to your parents. Professionally, there could be a major change in the path of some Leos. In order to deal with the difficulties and plot twists, you need to deal with your emotional balance. The power comes from within you, not from outside of you.
August 23 - September 22
For many Virgoans now comes a pretty hectic time in terms of relationships. At work, when it comes to a joint project, things might become contentious, and it could be difficult to reach a common ground. Emotionally, you might be troubled by various existential dilemmas. Be very careful how you communicate and how you behave with others because you risk making dangerous enemies.
September 23 - October 22
You get the chance to attract with more ease some funding you need or earn a significant amount of money. But manage your money wisely. Otherwise, there’s a risk of wasting away what you gained instead of benefiting from some useful equity. Try to be open to the views of others, their feelings, and what the people around you desire. Don’t pressure people, particularly in romantic ties and when it comes to money.
October 23 - November 21
You could deal with a moment of personal crisis when you feel the need to redefine your perception of yourself or how you present yourself to others. You might conclude that some family matters have to be cleared up or you feel bothered by the ideas of some people close to you. It’s the right time to let go of what prevents you from enjoying life but be mindful to steer clear of aggressive attitudes.
November 22 - December 21
Your better half is going through a relatively tough time emotionally or materially and needs your support. Prove they can count on your unconditional help. Careerwise, you can start an excellent professional path provided you prove to be flexible and let go of some preconceived ideas that are only narrowing down your horizons and diminishing your opportunities for growth. Make more time for relaxation, introspection, meditation.
December 22 - January 19
Some professional partnerships, associations, or collaborations can be tested around the beginning of the month. A source of funds might be downsized or the profit you get from a business could become smaller, which pushes for the renegotiation of some fees for clients or suppliers or so on. Try to come up with a clear budget from the beginning of the month and follow it strictly even if temptations are powerful.
January 20 - February 18
Get closer to loved ones and improve your family life and your living space. Some Aquarians could have heated discussions that turn into arguments. If partners aren’t careful to be as tolerant and flexible as possible, in some cases things can lead to temporary separations or even final breakups. Look for allies and collaborators. Don’t make shows of force and don’t have authoritarian outbursts because you risk pushing people away.
February 19 - March 20
If you and your better half are upset with each other and haven’t spoken for a while, this month helps you to reach reconciliation sooner. For singles, this transit favors the beginning of new emotional ties. Healthwise, throughout May you could experience allergies or various dietary intolerances. - by Eastrolog.com. For entertainment purposes only.