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It’s History by Fred Miller

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ABOVE A picture of the First National Bank was on the front page of the Ocean City Sentinel on October 27, 1921.

Bank Celebrates Anniversary



“F IRST NATIONAL BANK Celebrates Anniversary; Local Institution Has Made Wonderful Progress” was the headline on the front page of the October 27, 1921 Ocean City Sentinel. The article began, “Saturday was a gala day for the First National Bank, of this city, when a reception was held in honor of the 20th anniversary of that institution.

A picture of the bank was included in the article along with a picture of R. B. Stites, bank president.

A brief history was included: “The First National Bank of Ocean City was granted its first charter on October 22, 1901, and opened for business on January 2, 1902. It succeeded the Central Trust Company of Camden.

“The stockholders met in Knights of Pythias Hall on October 12,1901, and elected the following officers and directors: Lewis M. Cresse, president, Richard B. Stites, vice president; J. Fithian Tatem, solicitor.

“The following are the present officials: Officers: R. B. Stites, President; Howard S. Stainton, Vice-President; H. S. Mowrer, Cashier; B. C. Marshall, Assistant Cashier; J. Fithian, Solicitor.

“Directors: R. B. Stites, Howard S. Stainton, Herschel Petit, Randolph Marshall, R. W. Edwards, Ralph L. Coff, E. V. Corson, J. Fithian Tatem, Wm. G. Moore, Coleman F. Leaming, Jr., and Wm. G. Abbott.”

The bank’s building was built in 1896 for the Central Trust Company of Camden. The grand opening was held on May 13, 1897. It was the first brick building on the island. The First National Bank took over the building in 1901 and held its grand opening on January 2, 1902. ABOVE This picture of R. B. Stites, president of the First National Bank, was included in the October 27, 1921 Sentinel article.

LEFT The building is still standing on the Southwest corner of 8th and Asbury Avenue next to Sun Rose bookstore. It looks a little different than it did in 1921. It is currently the home of Island Gypsy Boutique.

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