Brighton Secondary School Newsletter Term 1 2020

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FROM THE PRINCIPAL The circumstances in which I am writing this Newsletter article would have

been unimaginable a few months ago.

IN THIS ISSUE Building for Year 7 Student connectedness Prefects BSS Student Achievement Visual Art International News Music News PARTY Program Ultimate Frisbee Outdoor Pursuits Interschool Swimming Swimming Carnival Volleyball

3 4 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 22

305 Brighton Road, North Brighton SA 5048 P:+61 8 8375 8200 E:

The impact of COVID-19 has been and continues to be significant across our state, our country and internationally. It has also, impacted on life within our school – on the teaching and learning, on the way we interact and on the wellbeing of our students, staff and families. The first few weeks of Term 2 have provided some return to normality with the high levels of student attendance (above 85%) indicating the importance students place on face-to-face teaching and interaction with teachers and their peers. We have tried to regularly update all members of our school community on what is happening at school and, particularly, about the strategies we have put in place to maintain continuity of learning and wellbeing for our students. We appreciate the feedback we’ve received from many families and the excellent levels of respons to parent surveys, which have greatly assisted our planning.

Having said that about the current circumstances, it’s also important to focus on a range of positive aspects of school life at Brighton Secondary School that were features of Term 1 2020. We welcomed a new group of Year 8 students at the beginning of the school year and they have settled into the school very smoothly. Our Year 11 Peer Support Student Leaders worked with our Year 8 Home Group Teachers and the Year 8 Leadership Team to provide a smooth transition process which included our annual Year 8 Home Group Days at Belair National Park. We held a highly successful Leadership and Recognition Assembly in Week 7 of Term 1 to induct a range of our student leaders – our Prefects, our Music and Volleyball Program leaders, our House Captains and our Peer Support leaders – and to recognise a number of students who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in both the school and the wider community. We



FROM THE PRINCIPAL continued also acknowledged our volleyballers, winners of the national boys, girls and schools championships in the Gold Coast at the end of 2019. We have further developed our School Improvement Plan, which identifies the key whole-school priorities that we will be focusing on as a school for the next few years. Our 3 priorities are: • To stretch and challenge all students in their learning. • To improve the subject specific writing skills of all students in all learning areas. • To improve students’ connectedness and engagement in the classroom and school. Each of these priority areas will inform and align with our professional learning, our resource allocation and our classroom practice. Our staff professional learning day in Week 4 of Term 1 demonstrates this alignment. All staff participated in a 2-hour session organised and run by a group of our Prefects that focused on building student connectedness, both within the classroom and in the school more generally. The session was based around 10 key approaches developed by the students to enhance connectedness and the feedback from staff was outstanding. One of the outcomes of the session was that staff made pledges that relate to one or more of the key approaches and these are exhibited around the school, both digitally and on posters. The other area of focus on our professional learning day was the development of our students’ subject-specific writing skills. In particular, subject areas have identified particular types of writing and approaches to teaching writing that will prepare students for the kinds of written tasks and requirements needed to be successful in their subject area through to Year 12. Every SACE subject has a written component so this work should have impact across the curriculum at all year levels. Work is progressing on our building project in preparation for Year 7s arriving with Year 8s in 2022. Our plans involve a purpose-built double-storey building on the current site of our beach volleyball courts, which will be re-located, to accommodate our Year 7 and Year 8 students. The proposed new building, and a refurbishment of part of the existing Spence building, will support our vision to create learning environments that are flexible, dynamic and supportive of the school values of curiosity, courage and citizenship. The intention of the space is to support our early adolescent community to develop strong sense of belonging, enabling most of their core subjects to be delivered in a conducive environment and to prepare them for success at Brighton Secondary School. We are planning for this very exciting project to commence in the second half of this year and we will provide you with more details as they become available. I hope you and your family are coping well in the current situation and look forward to working with you to support the learning and wellbeing of all of our students. Tony Lunniss Principal We welcome the following leaders, teachers and SSOs who have started at Brighton Secondary School in 2020: • Vanessa Crane - Teacher • Rhoni McFarlane – Deputy Principal • Sam Massacci - Teacher • Craig McFarlane - Senior Leader • Craig Anderson - Teacher • Veronica Galati - Business Leader • Jayden Dollman - Teacher • Kristen McDonnell - returned from leave • Chris Scapens - Teacher • Ashleigh Tohl - Teacher • Samuel Ferguson - Teacher • Andy Psalios - Teacher • Kate De Smit - Teacher • Hannah Lewis - Teacher • Milly Parsons- SSO • Belinda Keatley - Teacher • Daniel Good - SSO returned from • Kylie Walters - Teacher leave • Oliver Halstead - Teacher • Kathy Quinn - Teacher • Ruby Page - Teacher • Nick Pawlowsky - Teacher

Building for Year 7s coming to Brighton Planning for our new building and refurbishment is well underway with architects Thomson Rossi working towards ensuring our vision for teaching and learning is realised. The new learning space will enable us to have a purpose-built Middle School hub for our Year 7 and 8 students to transition into our school community. The proposed new building and the refurbishment of part of the Spence building both support our vision to create learning environments that are flexible, dynamic and conducive to the school values of curiosity, courage and citizenship. The building will support our early adolescent community with a sense of belonging by facilitating the majority of their core subjects together, supported by a dedicated staff all situated in the same spaces. The build stimulates curiosity by empowering learners to use different spaces for different purposes: directed focus spaces where learners can hear or see expertise demonstrated, collaborative interactive spaces where learners can be social and explore ideas collectively in small or large groups and quiet reflective spaces where learners can explore their own thinking and generate or consolidate ideas independently. The building will also include STEM and maker spaces where students can take risks and demonstrate courage in learning by designing solutions to wicked problems using familiar and unfamiliar technology and approaches. A sense of ownership and citizenship will be fostered through the responsibility of shared learning commons, shared resources and the establishment of agreed responsibilities essential to learning and working in shared spaces. We are very excited to get the project underway! For up-to-date information see:

Term 1


Student Connectedness at Brighton Secondary School For the first whole school professional learning day of 2020, staff at Brighton Secondary School were involved in a student-led open forum, aimed at discussing ways to improve students’ connectedness and engagement in the classroom and school community. Staff heard, first-hand, from the students themselves about what they value in teacher-student relationships and the ways they feel supported to learn in the classroom. The students guided discussions focused around 10 aspects of school culture that could be addressed by each staff member:

As a result, staff were called on to take personal action, designing a pledge of their commitment to improving relationships, connectedness and engagement for students at this school. Staff pledges are now displayed in classrooms, on digital screens around the school and in the corridor connecting HASS/Languages to the Bright Centre. It has been positive to see staff members contributing to a more connected school in 2020, and willing to make their pledge visible in a public space. Students are encouraged to engage in conversations with their teachers about their pledge. To build on the engagement of student voice around the professional learning day, all students were invited to a workshop on Friday week 7 where their ideas could be heard, shared and considered. “Pledge Wall” (pledges displayed in the corridor connecting HASS/Language to the Bright Centre)

Student Connectedness at Brighton Secondary School

Around thirty students gathered during Recess and Extended Home Group to explore the range of achievements we acknowledge at BSS and how we acknowledge them, as well as to gauge their opinion about how we might better recognise a broader range of achievements and students. Students passionately contributed bold ideas and their discussions allowed me, and other staff, to see what really matters to them. Most significantly, it emerged that students felt that improvement/growth should be acknowledged, and effort and participation should be identified and celebrated along with achievement. Captured below are some of the comments that reflect ‘what’ is being acknowledged and ‘how’ it could be acknowledged: "We always acknowledge the students who get all As or are in Volleyball or Music... but what about work ethic? What about the ones who try really hard?” "Academic excellence... what about academic growth?" "Emails home to parents scare me because they're always a Notice of Concern" "What's the opposite of Notice of Concern? Could we have a Notice of Achievement or a Notice of Success?" "I'd pin an award on my school jumper and be proud" The ideas shared in the workshop will be presented to Leaders for further consideration. So far, term 1 has increased opportunities and supported ways that genuine student voices can be heard and responded to, within the Brighton Secondary School community.

Laura de Garis Teacher with Responsibility for Student Voice in Learning

Term 1


2020 Prefect Team At the end of last year, many students applied to be a part of the year 12 prefect team. As part of their application, the students came up with ideas on what they would like to see improved at Brighton Secondary School, and how they were going to lead change for the whole school community. From this process, 20 students were selected to become the 2020 prefect team. These prefects decided that the first item of change would be implementing a democratic process for head prefect selection. For the first time, students wishing to nominate as head prefects would give their speech to all year 11 and 12 students as well as their teachers followed by a democratic vote. The votes were weighted 40% to the teachers, 40% to the senior school students, and 20% to the prefect team. This process resulted in Sami Madler and Brooke Wingard being elected as the Head Prefects for 2020. Jessamine Woolcock and Riley Reardon were elected as Deputy Head Prefects to support Brooke and Sami.

On Friday 21 February, teachers attended a professional learning day. There were two sessions for the teachers to attend relating to the school improvement goals. One of the sessions centred on “Building Student Connectedness� and was run by a group of prefects. In the weeks leading up to this day, the prefects worked closely with Ms Laura De Garis and students across all year levels brainstorming ways teachers could help students feel more connected to Brighton Secondary School. The prefects communicated these ideas with the teachers and asked them to pick two tangible actions and make a pledge to live out these actions for the rest of the year. This day was a great experience for the teachers at Brighton to gain an insight into what the students are thinking and what they want to see.

2020 Prefect Team On Thursday 12 March, the Leadership and Recognition Assembly was held, hosted by our two head prefects Brooke and Sami and attended by many parents and important figures in our community including the Mayor of the City of Holdfast Bay Amanda Wilson and the Honourable Corey Wingard MP. This assembly is an opportunity to showcase the amazing talent across a range of sporting and musical pursuits, as well as inducting students who are stepping into leadership positions this year. The music students shared about their tour around Europe last year and all the amazing locations they performed. The volleyball program captains also shared their experience from their trip to the Gold Coast last year and presented the winning trophies to the Principal, My Tony Lunniss. The 2020 Prefect Team was formally inducted and sworn in with the oath of office – a commitment to upholding the school values and being an influence for positive change in the community.

Ongoing prefect initiatives around the school include the social media team creating a new school Instagram page and the school community team planning an orientation week to showcase the amazing extracurricular clubs that are available here at Brighton Secondary School to new students, as well as a range of ongoing House Challenges to strengthen connection during remote online learning. On the last day of term 1, the prefects delivered Easter eggs to students in every home group as a sweet Easter surprise. The prefect team looks forward to working with the whole school community to implement positive changes. Please check out the photo board in front of Student Reception to get to know the faces of your 2020 prefect team. If you have any suggestions for change or would like a friendly chat, please get in touch with any member of the team.

Remember to follow brightonsecondaryschool on Instagram for regular updates over the year.

Brooke Wingard, on behalf of the 2020 Prefect Team.

Term 1


BSS Student Achievement One of our students Zelman Whiting recently spoke at the National Climate Emergency Summit in Melbourne. Zel co-facilitated a student workshop with about 80 students and teachers from 7 schools in Victoria, NSW and Qld and he spoke on a panel with other experts in the field, including a representative from and the Mayor of Fremantle. He also presented on the main stage, to an audience of approximately 2000 people, including Dr John Hewson, Dr Kerryn Phelps, the Australian Medical Association, Dr Michael Mann, Ros Garnaut and Ian Dunlop. This was a very inspiring event, with lots of people recognising that the science demands action to address climate change. Zel did Brighton Secondary School, the City of Holdfast Bay and South Australia proud. A huge congratulations to Zelman.

Visual Arts News Term 1 2020

We have had a great start to 2020 in the Visual Arts. Many students are busily developing their artistic skills, ideas and projects. Current projects include fundamental drawing with year 8 art, Creaticons, colour and pattern compositions, Mindful drawing, skills in jewellery – wire wrapping and bending, exploring skills and materials on pebbles, explorations of ‘big ideas’ in year 10 art, power, art and war and surrealism. In year 10 design, students are image making through Typography and Photoshop skills. In Stage One Visual Design, students are developing editorial design processes through the production of a book using Indesign. Stage Two Visual Art and Design students are well underway researching and working through their Visual Studies. The 2020 SALA committee has met every Tuesday at lunchtime to get this year’s SALA program underway. Through brainstorm sessions led by a student team the final topic was arrived at through a democratic vote. This year’s theme will be ‘Mythology’! The student team is now planning posters and other activities to promote the SALA exhibition which will be held in term 3. Students are very welcome to join in and contribute to these sessions. Art Club is operating again this year with drawing activities on Friday lunchtimes in Term 1. For those students who would like to be involved in a very special art exhibition, The SA Refugee Poster Exhibition is coming up again this year. Check the bulletin for details and come to room 49 for an entry form and more information.

Yasmin Paterson Visual and Performing Arts Coordinator

Term 1


International Student Program News We welcomed 19 new international students to Brighton Secondary School in 2020 from China, Austria, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam. Some will be with us with a view to complete SACE while others are here for 1 or 2 terms. International Students provide our school community with: • Opportunities to develop a broader view of the world. • Increased ‘real life’ opportunities to learn about and engage with students from outside Australia. They bring their own knowledge, cultures, values and languages into our schools, enriching the school community and creating new ways to learn about the world. • Meaningful opportunities to converse in and practice a different language. • Opportunities to make global connections and provide more of a global perspective to learning. ORIENTATION PROGRAM Brighton Secondary School provides all new international students with a quality orientation program which is undertaken in a supportive learning environment at the beginning of each semester. Students are provided with information on student visas, health cover, personal safety, finance, home-stay, travel, essential services and Australian culture. The feedback from students and agents has been very positive as students have time to absorb the information that is vital to the success and enjoyment of their stay in Australia. In week 5 this term, all International students travelled to the Port Noarlunga Aquatics Centre in order to participate in a “General Aquatics” experience. It was a highly successful day with students participating in surfing and kayaking activities. Students also participated in a cultural and familiarization day where they visited Cleland Wildlife Park and walked through the Adelaide City Centre to familiarize themselves with the main landmarks, buildings and transport options. They also visited Central Market, Rundle Mall and Adelaide Oval.

Lynlee Graham Coordinator International Student Programs

Term 1


Music News Term 1 began with the 2019 tour choir and wind ensemble performing at Government House for the SACE Merit Ceremony in their final performance as a group.

The 2020 music captains (Alison Marton and Aidan Damerell) and vice-captains (Cassie Lee and Tom Keough) together with other year 12 music students, became acquainted with our new year 8 music students through a games session before our year 8 parent information evening on February 11 2020. Special thanks to the Music Parent Support Group for providing a barbecue for students and parents. We were thrilled to secure the services of Ross Irwin from The Cat Empire as an artist in residence to workshop our big bands on March 2 2020. Ross pushed all band members to greater effort and engagement with the music. His passion for the genre was evident in all facets of his work, as was his unique ability to connect with every student – even learning their names within each workshop. I would like to acknowledge Sinfonia members and their director, Henry South, for presenting a Bushfires Fundraising Concert in the concert hall at lunchtime on March 12 2020. Congratulations to Jackson Mack and Tom Keough on their selection for SA Superbands. Other term 1 performance included: • Year 8 Music Parent Information Evening (Ashlyn von Bertouch, Greg Burton, Jack Woolcock) • Year 8 assemblies (Natalie Wilson, Jett Gazley, Cooper James) • New Staff Induction Meeting (Alison Marton) • Governing Council AGM (Jazz Combo – Nic Bergoc, Ben Cook, Mina Johansson, Tom Keough, Leticia Lee, Jackson Mack) • Leadership and Recognition Assembly (JB1 band, Rosy O’Connor, Jett Gazley, Cooper James) • Music Parent Support Group AGM (Ben Coleman, Aidan Damerell, Leah Komad-Antic)

Andrew Barrett – Head of Music

Music News Adelaide Summer Orchestra In January I took part in the Adelaide Summer Orchestra. This was a great experience for me and will be for future participants. It gave me a challenge and a chance to play in a higher-ranking orchestra. Being able to play along with a world-renowned pianist, Michael Ierace, enriched this experience and has created a long-standing memory. This event has given me the conviction in my playing to continue to strive to take part in further orchestras such as this. I encourage anyone who may be interested in doing something out of their comfort zone.

Tegan Margetts – year 9 Exam Results Katerina Angione - A for grade 4 comprehensive music theatre course Jerreyl Chia - A for grade 8 violin Aliyah Goodburn – A+ for grade 4 repertoire music theatre course (including AMEB award) Ula Gustafson – B for grade 2 double bass

Term 1


The P.A.R.T.Y. Program (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth) P.A.R.T.Y is the Prevent Alcohol and Risk-related Trauma in Youth Program – an in-hospital injury awareness

and prevention program originally established in 1986 in Canada. It’s a dynamic, interactive, injury prevention and health promotion initiative designed for young people between the ages of 15-25 years old. The P.A.R.T.Y. Program allows participants to follow the devastating journey of a trauma patient. It provides information about trauma with the common aim of giving young people the skills to recognise potential injuryproducing situations and make better choices to minimise their risk of being involved in a trauma situation. On February 14 2020, year 12 Health students, along with a small number of year 11 Health students, visited the Royal Adelaide Hospital to participate in the P.A.R.T.Y. Program. Our students experienced a full day including following a ‘patient’ through the Emergency room and ICU as well as participating in hands-on activities through Allied Health rotations. We listened to talks from the SA Ambulance Service, Donate for Life, Risk taking behaviours and a powerful presentation from Injury Survivor Najee and his family. “I believe it was a very powerful presentation due to the realism of having someone speak directly to us. He was able to spread a powerful message to influence us as students to make the right decisions.” “I appreciated hearing the story from the perspective of someone who had actually gone through one of these incidents. I feel as though it made it more serious as the genuine impacts are right there.”

Lori Mulhall Stage 2 Health Teacher Other key points raised by students: (add as few or as many as required) “That my decisions will not only affect me but the people important to me” (Year 12) “Instead of thinking it will never be me, rethink my decisions because it could be anyone” (Year 12) “Any type of risk taking you do big or small, can lead to a life-changing injury, or even death. You can prevent fatalities” (Year 12) “Not to take stupid risks and that the consequences will not only affewct myself but others that love and support me. These consequences can be life changing for everyone” (Year 12) “I recommend this for all schools to do. Young people need to know the information we’ve learnt today” (Year 11) “This program is really well run & very informative to alert teenagers my age about the risks concerning stupid decisions” (Year 12) “I liked learning about what a real-life experience is like and how intense it can get. The amount of people in the Emergency room can make the experience much more stressful but everyone has their roles.”(Year 12)

Ultimate Frisbee On Thursday 5 March 2020 Brighton Secondary School competed in the Southern Zone Sports Ultimate Frisbee Championship. The year 12 team dominated the day being undefeated throughout the pool matches. In the grand final, Brighton Secondary School were shocked and found themselves trailing 0-3, to close frisbee rivals Christies Beach High School, whom they lost to in the grand final last year. After a slow start Brighton Secondary School, dominated the match and eventually won the final 9-3. Congratulations to the following students: Mateus Rocha, Dashiel Emerson, Jackson Emery, Brayden Pansini, Alex Rogers, Lance Batongbakal, Aaron Davey, Cody Symonds, Isaiah Walsh, Jarman Sigal, Ty Murphy and Emmanuel Kritikos.

Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Treeclimb Excursion

In weeks 4 and 5 the year 10 Outdoor Pursuits classes attended a group dynamics excursion to Treeclimb Adelaide. This is the first time our classes have attended this venue, and we all loved the natural environment, being surrounded by trees and nature whilst close to the city. Each student had the opportunity to choose their level of challenge - were they going to do the 5

ziplines in a row? Or the black run which is famed to be the hardest of them all? Or throw yourself off a platform in the hope of catching the cargo net? Every obstacle provided opportunities for the students to be challenged and stretched, and encouraged and supported by their classmates. This invaluable experience continued to develop the tight group bonds our classes will need as we continue to prepare for camp. Â

Annika Winter Outdoor Pursuits Teacher

Term 1


Year 10 Outdoor Pursuits Aquatics Excursion In preparation for their canoeing camps in term 2, the year 10 Outdoor Pursuits classes spent a day learning and developing their skills at the Port Noarlunga Aquatics Centre. It was a cold, wet and blustery start to the day and the students rugged up in full length wetsuits for either surfing or kayaking. There were plenty of big spills on the waves, a few people standing up and lots of smiles at the lunchbreak. The sun came out in the afternoon and kayaking gave an opportunity for the students to experience what it would be like to be in a boat and take a journey. They learnt both group management and practical skills, and a few capsized into the Onkaparinga River. Great thanks goes to Ryan Elliot, Ben Smith and Annika Winter for their support during this excursion. Â

Peter Vowles Health Lifestyles Coordinator

Interschool Swimming ‘B’ Grade Championships As a result of last year’s success, Brighton Secondary School was promoted to ‘B’ Grade in the Interschool Swimming Championships at the South Australia Aquatic Centre. Dominant performances by the girls saw them come 2nd in the girl’s competition. Although the boy’s team was slightly depleted, they still managed a creditable performance. Combining both scores from the boys and girls saw Brighton Secondary School finish the event in 5th position. Special mention must go to Mia Elliott, who achieved a ‘standard’ for her swim. A big thank you must also go to all of the junior swimmers who completed in senior events.

Jason Archer Sport Coordinator

Name Place Event

Evie Armani First U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Second Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Division 1 Third U14 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 1 Third U14 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1 Courtney Bailey First U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1 First U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Second Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Division 1 Second U15 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 1 Third Open Girls 100m Freestyle Division 1 Isabel Brumfield Second U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 3 Mia Elliott First U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Second U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 1 Second U14 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2 Second Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Division 1 Piper Harris First U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Second U15 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 2 Angus Higgins Third Open Boys 50m Backstroke Division 2 Third Open Boys 50m Freestyle Division 2 Oliver Higgins Third U15 Boys 50m Backstroke Division 2 Natarsha Jaffer Second Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Division 1

Tom Lightfoot First Open Boys 50m Breaststroke Division 1 Third Open Boys 50m Butterfly Division 1 Richard Mayfield First Open Boys 50m Breaststroke Division 2 Third Open Boys 50m Freestyle Division 3 Emma Mollison First U16 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 1 Third U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1 Ellie Morgan First U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2 First U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Holly Porter First U16 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 2 Second U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2 Third U16 Girls 50 Breaststroke Division 1 Holly Torjul Second U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 3 Saffron Ward First U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 First U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Third U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 2 Piper Window First U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1 Second U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 3

Term 1


Swimming Carnival 2020 The Brighton Secondary School Swimming Carnival was held at the State Aquatic and Leisure Centre. Over 240 students attended the swimming carnival. The cheering from the grandstand for the championship events, as well as the mass involvement in the swimming heats and novelties brought colour, house spirit and a sense of occasion to this event. The leadership of our house captains was integral in the promotion of the carnival. I thank the staff who officiated and managed students and events. Without their involvement, the event would not be so successful, or indeed possible. Jason Archer Sport Coordinator

Swimming Carnival 2020 RESULTS FINAL SCORE: 1.CYGNET - 735 points 2.BUFFALO - 364 points 3.RAPID - 358 points 4.HOLDFAST - 264 points Thanks to all the Captains for their leadership in promoting the day. Thanks to the Timekeepers The Staff: Mark Orchard Michael Monteodorisio Jason Archer Michelle Ovan Laura DeGaris Helen White Michael Foot Shane Durbridge Tara Olonga

New Records -

EVENT Yr 9 Girls Butterfly Yr 9 Girls Breaststroke

NAME Evie Armani Mia Elliot


Old Record

Cygnet Cygnet

14.57 37.60

New Record 14.30 37.50

Year Level Champions and Runners Up Yr 8 Girls Yr 8 Boys Yr 9 Girls Yr 9 Boys Yr 10 Girls

Winner Runner up Winner Runners up Winner Runner up Winner Runner up Winner Runners up

Winner Runner up Winner Open Girls Runner up Winner Open Boys Runners up Yr 10 Boys

Piper Harris Saffron Ward Isaac Thyer Will Morris Oliver Smith Evie Armani Courtney Bailey Oliver Higgins Dylan Jaffer Holly Porter Lily Madden Holly Torjul Alex Bourke Marcus Canney Natarsha Jaffer Emma Mollinson Tom Lightfoot Jack Cafarella Richard Mayfield


38 26 22 20 20 36 32 38 34 36 20 20 26 23 36 34 40 20 20

INTERSCHOOL SWIMMING ‘B’ GRADE CHAMPIONSHIPS As a result of last years success, Brighton Secondary School was promoted to ‘B’ grade in the Interschool Swimming Championships at the South Australia Aquatic Centre. Dominant performances by the firls saw them come 2nd in the girl’s competition. Although the boy’s team was slightly depleted, they still managed a credible performance. Combining both scores from the boys and girls saw Brighton Secondary School finish the event in 5th position. Special mention must go to Mia Elliott, who achieved a ‘standard’ for her seim. A big thank you must also to to all of the junior swimmers who competed in senior events.

Jason Archer Sport Coordinator

Term 1


Interschool Swimming Championships Certificate Winners Name


Natarsha Jaffer

Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Second Division 1

Tom Lightfoot First

Richard Mayfield

Emma Mollison



Place Event

Evie Armani


Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Second Division 1

Open Boys 50m Breaststroke Division 1


Open Boys 50m Butterfly Division 1


Open Boys 50m Breaststroke Division 2


Open Boys 50m Freestyle Division 3


U16 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 1


U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1

Courtney Bailey


U14 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 1


U14 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1


U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 1


U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Second Division 1 Second U15 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 1 Third

Ellie Morgan First

U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2


U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1


U16 Girls 50m Backstroke Division 2

Holly Porter

Second U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2 Third

Holly Torjul

Second U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 3

Mia Elliott



U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1


U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 2

Piper Window First

U15 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Second U15 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 3

U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Second U14 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 1 Second U14 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 2 Open Girls 4 x 50m Medley Relay Second Division 1

Second U16 Girls 50m Freestyle Division 3

U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Open Girls 100m Freestyle Division 1

Isabel Brumfield

U16 Girls 50 Breaststroke Division 1

Saffron Ward First

U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Piper Harris


U14 Girls 4 x 50m Freestyle Relay Division 1

Second U15 Girls 50m Breaststroke Division 2 Angus Higgins Third

Open Boys 50m Backstroke Division 2


Open Boys 50m Freestyle Division 2

Oliver Higgins Third

U15 Boys 50m Backstroke Division 2

Interschool Swimming Championships House Results Total Points



Shield Points

1st 2nd 3rd

Cygnet Buffalo Holdfast

1510 1265 1163

100.00 83.77 77.02





HOME GROUP BY HOME GROUP BY PARTICIPATION PERFORMANCE HOME GROUP BY POINTS Home Home Home Group Group Group Position SCORE Position Points Position Points 1 901B 25.79 1 901B 619 1 903C 72.31 2 903C 22.42 2 903C 538 3 902H 62.50 3 903H 22.32 3 902B 522 4 902B 62.31 4 902H 22.09 4 902C 502 5 903H 62.08 5 902B 21.75 5 903H 491 6 901B 60.00 6 902C 20.08 6 902H 486 7 901H 59.62 7 901C 19.58 7 901C 470 8 903R 56.40 8 903R 18.22 8 903R 419 9 901C 56.25 9 904B 15.38 9 904B 323 2 902C 53.33 10 901R 14.65 10 901H 321 10 904B 48.26 11 901H 14.59 11 902R 301 11 902R 44.78 12 902R 14.33 12 901R 293 12 904H 44.09 13 904H 12.65 13 904H 253 13 901R 35.45 14 903B 11.15 14 903B 223 14 903B 31.36

Term 1


Volleyball News

Congratulations to the following students who were selected in the Volleyball South Australia Academy program. VSA Academy Intensive Squad • • • • • • • • • •

Allysha Sims Bailee Kendall Bonnie Hart (previous student) Chelsea Doyle Ruby Vanloo Sasha Simmonds (previous student) Alexander Book Millon Jones Rory Hart Seth Anderson Hay (previous stu-

Tyrin Book (previous student)


VSA Academy Development Squad • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Abby Bowman Georgie Vanloo Rory Eyles Aidan Kelly Ben Durdin Cameron Marshall Charlie Disbury Esteban Cure Jayden Dsa Lachlan Roe Samuel Kelly Tyson Mik Zander Schacht-Walsh

VSA Academy Emerging Talent Squad • • • • • • • • •

Isabelle Pirakis Lucy Stratford Sienna Orde Ashton Kay Ben Adams Kadin Powell Lewis Bennett Cooper Strachan Duke Attard

The VSA Academy Program is designed to identify, develop and nurture young athletes holistically (physically, technically, and mentally) so they can aspire to compete at national and international levels in volleyball. Athletes have access to experienced coaches, fantastic facilities and resources provided by the South Australian Sports Institute (SASI), and Volleyball Australia’s Centre of Excellence also based at SASI. The South Australian athlete pathway is designed to provide a unified and clear pathway for athletes to represent South Australia at State and National Junior level, and to provide a pathway to the National Centre of Excellence with the aim of achieving Olympic podium success.

We are extremely excited to be working with these students and look forward to their overall development not only as volleyball players but also as young high performance athletes striving for personal excellence.

Sue Rodger Special Interest Volleyball Coordinator

Australian Volleyball Schools Cup Championships

180 students participated in this competition held for the first time in the Gold Coast from the 2/12/19 - 15/12/19 Results · Overall Winner Australian Champion Volleyball School · Girls Champion School Winners · Boys Champion School Winners · 18 teams were entered and after 7 days of competition we achieved 6 Gold, 2 Silver and 3 Bronze medals.

BRONZE – Boys Year 9 Div


SILVER - Boys Open Honours BRONZE – Boys U17 Honours GOLD – Boys Year 9 Honours

GOLD – Girls Year 9 Div 1 Term 1


GOLD – Girls Open Honours

GOLD – Girls Year 9 Honours

SILVER – Year 12 Div

GOLD – Girls Year 8 Honours

GOLD – Boys Year 12 Div

Volleyball News Congratulations to the following Brighton Secondary Students who will be representing the State in the 2020 Australian Junior Beach Volleyball Carnival being held in Coolangatta, Gold Coast from the 15 March to 18 March 2020. Under 17 Women Dayna Taylor Sophia Soderberg Under 16 Women Georgie Vanloo Shae Williams Training: Lucy Stratford

Under 15 Boys Finley Bennett Cooper Strachan Felipe Beheregaray Under 15 Girls Sienna Orde

Under 18 Men Millon Jone Rory Hart Cohen Manning Training: Alexander Book Under 17 Men Aidan Kelly Sam Kelly

Under 18 Women Chelsea Doyle Ruby Vanloo Leticia Giancola Michaela Kelly Louella Wallbridge

Sue Roger Special Interest Volleyball Coordinator

Years 9-10 2020 Schools Beach Volleyball Festival

On March 2, 160 Year 9 and 10 students from the SIV program descended on Glenelg beach for the annual Schools Beach Volleyball Pair’s Championships. We entered 73 teams across the year 8/9 and Open Age competitions for boys and girls. In a wonderful day for Brighton, we were successful in winning all but one gold medal play-off. Congratulations must go to the Year 12 boys from Reynella who outplayed our team in a high standard final in front of a large excited crowd from the 2 schools. Most importantly, the student’s behaviour and sportsmanship were very pleasing. They competed fiercely but fairly and were tremendous ambassadors for the school. The year 8’s will have a similar opportunity at the end of year carnival and in week 9 we will be hosting the Senior Beach Championships for year 11 and 12 students.

Special congratulations to the students below on winning a medal;

Gold Medal Winners • Open Boys Div 2- Chris Tsoutsouras and Lachlan James • Open Girls- Sophia Soderberg and Rylie Strachan • Open Girls Div 2- Iona Parr and Josie Lock • Year 8/9 Boys- Luke Fountas and Lewis Bennet • Year 8/9 Girls- Jasmine Neilson and Jazz Kerr

Silver Medal Winners • Open Boys- Cameron Marshall and Sam Kelly • Open Girls- Dayna Taylor and Eden Klos • Open Boys Div 2- Anthony Adam and Sidney Davison • Open Girls Div 2- Yasmin Kouwenhoven and Courtney Bailey • Year 8/9 Boys- Ethan Cahill and Isaiah Brown • Year 8/9 Girls- Lily Cahill and Keira Von Bertouch

Thanks to all staff and volunteers who helped on the day. Shane Durbridge SIV Teacher

Term 1


Term 1


Schools Beach Volleyball Festival 2020

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