Partner Highlights Basic information Partner organization: ACCESS-‐UGANDA
Date of report: January 2015
Person completing report: Dr Robert Kalyesubula
Job title: Executive Director
Key achievements •
We supported 156 rural women to access family planning services, which were previously only offered in big clinics and hospitals within Nakaseke.
We trained 12 Community Health Workers (CHWs) and Village Health Teams (VHTs) in family planning and enabled them to provide this care from within their communities. The CHWs and VHTs are linked with skilled health workers at the nearest health centers and have been given basic transportation and communication tools to ensure proper distribution of family planning packages and appropriate referrals for reproductive health services.
Our Lifecare Center Clinic has offered permanent methods of family planning for free, including norplant and bilateral tubal ligation. These were not available before.
We have also increased community awareness of family planning and we have seen and resolved a lot of myths about family planning. The community is slowly accepting family planning services and getting increased male involvement.
Beneficiaries Number of Children/Youth Served
Number of Parents or Under 5 years 5-‐12 years 13-‐19 years 20-‐25 years Caregivers Served Male
136 158
Number of other Community Members Served
Services delivered SERVICES
Describe services in detail
How many people received services?
Training CHWs
We train CHWs and VHTs in
12 members trained for 156 patients so far
1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph.(415)255-3014
Describe results of services
and VHTs in family family planning and adolescent-‐ family planning. planning friendly reproductive health services.
served with family planning.
Family Planning services
156 women received family planning services in the first quarter of the family planning program.
Families have been supported to engage in family planning.
2 support groups help with family planning messages in the community. 0ver 800 people sensitized on FP and HIV prevention.
Community slowly accepting family planning services and getting increased male involvement.
Skilled healthcare workers at Lifecare Center clinic provide consultation and referral for families as they engage in family planning. CHWs and VHTs provide family planning services within the community and appropriate referrals for reproductive health services.
Community awareness campaign
We work with support groups in schools to educate people about family planning and to help in the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
Challenges and next steps •
We still have a big challenge to convince men to get involved in family planning. Permanent methods of family planning like bilateral tubal ligation and vasectomy are not largely favored by the people in the community. We will continue to run community awareness campaigns to tackle the myths around family planning and encourage male involvement.
Before family planning is offered to the women, health workers need to rule out the client being pregnant. We had to include family planning kits in the FP tool kit for this purpose.
Members also want to have circumcision as part of family planning and HIV prevention but we had not planned for it.
We plan to procure a new motorcycle to aid in distribution of the family planning supplies and also transport patients and program follow up activities.
1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph.(415)255-3014