Partner Highlights, PING

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Partner Highlights: Positive Innovation for the Next Generation (PING) Grant Information Total funds received from One World since last report: $1,249.00 Time period in which funds were received from Aug. 1, 2012

to Aug 1, 2013

Allocation of funds from One World Children’s Fund Expenses Food for Students Emergency Travel Materials Snacks

Amount $89.05 $660.33 $400.00 $100.00



The funds from this grant were used to support PING’s Mentorship Program and to offset the costs of an emergency travel for PING’s Director to return to Botswana.

Impact PING’s Mentorship Program provides participants with a learning environment to access computers. As a result of the PING, youth have greater access to technology and computers, which they would not have otherwise.

Services Delivered SERVICES


Describe services in detail

How many children and/or caregivers received services?

-Students participated in lessons on 5 different modules : Computer Basics, Microsoft Office,


Describe results of services, e.g. exam results, health improvements -Access to computers -All teens have been deemed competent in the basic use of computers and Microsoft

1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014

Excel, Powerpoint, and internet basics

Office Suite -Positive connections made between PING Staff, Mentorship Program students and student volunteers from Westood

Developing technologies for improving quality of care in the healthcare arena

Health Care

-Hired OB as fulltime staff to assist with Mentorship Program Activities, development of a standardized curriculum, and program expansion

Staff Training

Everyone who has contact with OB and his work

Target Population Children


 Adults

 Parents/caregivers

Number of Children/Youth Served

Number of Parents or Caregivers Served

Under 5 years

5-12 years

13-19 years

20-25 years


Mal e



Mal e





Community members



Number of other Community Members Served


1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014




This document provides a concise summary based on PING’s Annual Report completed by Brita Mason, and was edited by Alexandra Diachkoff.

1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014

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