Partner Highlights: Akili Dada Grant Information Total funds received from One World since last report: $214,995.00 Time period in which funds were received From July 2012
to June 2013
Allocation of funds from One World Children’s Fund Expenses Program Costs Salaries Operating Costs Monitoring and Evaluation Total
Amount $118,264.93 $39,211.95 $32,879.41 $24,007.00 $214,363.69
The grants have been used to further Akili Dada’s leadership development programs, which include scholarships, mentoring, and leadership training academies. The remaining balance will be utilized in the same manner.
Impact There has been an increase in access to education. Young women, who otherwise would have limited opportunities to gain an education, have been able to attend high school and thrive. Many of the students on scholarship score very well in university qualification exams. One hundred percent of Akili Dada’s high school scholarship recipients have gone to earn full scholarships to continue their studies at universities in Kenya and abroad. Furthermore, an estimated 7,000 people in impoverished communities across Kenya have been positively impacted by community service projects designed and implemented by Akili Dada’s young women leaders.
Services Delivered SERVICES
Describe services in detail
How many children and/or caregivers received services?
Describe results of services, e.g. exam results, health
1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014
Leadership Training
-Provide scholarships to young women from underprivileged backgrounds -Mentorship program between alumnae and current scholars (students) -Leadership training helps young women to become agents of social change through opportunities to serve their communities, and to learn from peers -The Innovation in Leadership Program fellowship helps incubate young women’s social change projects to scale and sustainability
3,600 scholars and alumnae, 5 fellows
improvements Scholarship recipients receive high marks on their university qualification exams -Successful mentoring and leadership trainings for scholars and alumnae -Social change projects being incubated to scale and sustainability
Target Population Children
Number of Children/Youth Served
Number of Parents or Caregivers Served
Under 5 years
5-12 years
13-19 years
20-25 years
Mal e
Mal e
Community members
Number of other Community Members Served
1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014
This document provides a concise summary based on Akili Dada’s Annual Report completed by Nadia Munene, and was edited by Alexandra Diachkoff.
1016 L i n c o l n B o u l e v a r d , San Francisco, CA 94129 Ph. (415) 255-3014