The English Pain3ngs Stephanie Burns
Copper Beech 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19 cm
Copper Beech 2014 Acrylic on paper 57 x 39 cm
This exhibi3on of en plein air pain3ngs by Stephanie Burns was created on a recent trip to England. Stephanie lived, studied and exhibited in England for 13 years. During that 3me she was a sculptor and although the ar3st made sketches these are her first en plain air pain3ngs. Stephanie revisited places that were familiar, choosing to invoke memory as well as spontaneity in the works. During the 80s and 90s the ar3st lived in Bath, London and had a coRage in StowlangtoS, a small village in Suffolk. In 1952 Stephanie’s father leS Margate with his sister, parents, grandparents and uncle. The family wanted to start a new life in Australia aSer World War II had taken so much from them. They were looking for a beRer life. Having visited Margate once in 1982 with the family the ar3st felt the need to return and search for the family home and an3que store. Her father died in 2011, during his last year he repeatedly talked about Margate and returning there. Margate view from window 2014 Acrylic on paper 57 x 39 cm Front page; Margate view from the window 2014 Acrylic on paper 39 x 57 cm
Margate from the Pier 2014 Acrylic on paper 19 x 28 cm
Deal view towards Margate 2014 Acrylic on canvas 53 x 50 cm
Deal Storm 1 Deal Storm 2 Deal Pier 1 Deal Pier 2 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19 cm
Bath view from Alexandra Park 1 2014 Acrylic on paper 57 x 39 cm
Bath view from Alexandra Park 2 2014 Acrylic on paper 57 x 39 cm
Royal Crescent – Bath 2014 Acrylic on paper 36 x 57 cm
Above Bath 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19cm Bath view from Alexandra Park 1 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19 cm Bath view from Alexandra Park 2 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19 cm
Alexandria Palace view from London 2014 Acrylic on paper 57 x 39 cm
Peter Fuller and son Gabriel Fuller’s grave – StowlangtoS, Suffolk 2014 Acrylic on paper 28 x 19 cm