Scenic Road Magazine Winter

Page 1




Sneak peek



FARM shop








Our pick of



Feature property Oliva Di Tabragalba located in the Biddaddaba Valley. Front cover and page 49



Editors Letter Welcome to edition three, which now marks our first year in business. A huge thank you to YOU ALL, the community and contributing advertisers, who’s support and encouragement kept us going to produce the next two editions. Now for those of you who like numbers, here are the stats; our first edition was 64 pages, 17 advertisers and 5,000 printed copies - all free to the Scenic Rim and parts of the northern Gold Coast hinterland, my old stomping ground. The support really did equate to volume… with edition two increasing to 80 pages, 26 advertising partners and a huge 8,0000 copies. Now I have to say, I was certainly nervous about starting a print media business in an ever growing digital world… But thankfully, it would seem people still enjoy the quiet space of paper and the art of story telling. So here we are, one year on! We have grown to 58 advertising partners, 12 wonderful contributors on our team, lead by Art Director Stephanie from St. Clement and myself. Together, we have reached the goal of printing 10,000 copies – all free and circulating to local businesses and shop fronts of the Scenic Rim and GC Hinterland. Bi – annual is the print schedule and for now we will stick to this program until we reach a point of knowing that a 12 week turn around between editions is an achievable marketing plan for our partners. Logistically it makes sense to produce more copies, have more reach for our advertisers and longevity of their marketing investment. is where you can find the digital copies of editions one, two and three of the magazine. We have an email database you can join to receive updates on special offers from our advertising partners, and we have exciting projects in the pipeline which I can’t reveal just yet, so you’ll have to join our database to stay in the loop. Stay interactive with us through our social media pages, it’s mostly me on there so I would love to hear from you. What’s different in this edition? You’ll notice a few new styles of editorial and advertising, still in keeping with our design elements of less is more. Full page photos and double page spreads, our signature spine with gloss cover (that’s a story in itself)… quality paper that will keep nicely for you as you stack each edition on top of the last. In this edition you’ll find stories of local business owners, from Tamborine Mountain, Canungra,

Mt Barney and Boonah. We’ve done a feature listing on our pick of Hotels, Pubs and Wineries of the region. We chat with the owners of our feature property (front cover) Oliva Di Tabragalba. STAY in the SCENIC RIM advertising; you will find a selection of accommodation venues scattered throughout the magazine offering fabulous nights away, with Spicers Peak Lodge also gracing our pages. We meet timber merchant and cowboy at heart Jim Ruig from Salvage Europe - if you’re looking for unique re-claimed timbers for your residential or commercial build project then this is the man to speak to. The FARM SHOP is our new advertising section for Producers, Growers and Artisan Makers – a listing style directory which I hope you find informative and interesting. The movement of shopping local and from the source is ever strong and I’m excited to support this sector in an achievable format of advertising. From skin care, to beef, eggs, cheese and honey, even aqua-ponics…. It’s certainly a diverse region so please head to the directory and get in touch with these amazing rural businesses. Huebner Motors has some exciting news with the launch of their Isuzu dealership and showroom at Beaudesert. And if you are thinking of buying or selling property then head to Scenic Road Properties, a beautiful selection of listings, which can also be found at A quick family update, you might remember from my previous letter that baby number three, Gigi, was taking her first steps. Well she’s now 18 months old and running….FAST! And it would seem she’s the climber of the family, which is terrifying. The older siblings, Leo 8 and Rosie 6, are about to start riding their ponies, pestering me this last year to start them at Pony Club. Hopefully by our next edition I can report that I’ve been diligent in my quest to get them riding. I can still remember my Mum and Dad’s dedication in driving us to all the horse shows, gymkhanas and polocrosse tournaments. All those early morning starts, cold nights rugging clipped ponies and sometimes a few tears - when things didn’t quite go our way. Childhood lessons that I think you can only learn from owning a horse. Wish me luck.

Luisa Slack-Smith Luisa Slack-Smith Editor-in-chief @scenic_road_magazine



Table of contents Markets & Events


Stay at Country Mile Escape


Hotels, Pubs and Wineries


My Country Escape


Zanzibar Hairstyling


Ginja Ninja


Duck Junction


Cedar Creek Estate


The Overflow Estate


Mt Barney Lodge


Farm Shop Directory


Illahie Lifestyle Boutique


Spicers Peak Lodge


Oliva Di Tabragalba


Salvage Europe


Winter Feast


Gut Health


Author Benjamin Allmon


How Clutter Harms Your Health


Is your Water Making you Sick?


Eat Local Week in the Scenic Rim


Scenic Road Properties


Huebner Motors


45 31








Hannah Puechmarin Photographer @hannahpuechmarin

Stephanie Antill St. Clement Creative Graphic Design @st.clementcreative

Drew Slacks-Smith Editorial Contributor Scenic Road Properties @scenic_road_properties

Sabine Bannard Photographer & Stylist

Carin Garland Fashion Photographer



Jade Schofield Photographer Visual Branding GC @visualbrandinggc

Morgan Deane MD Healing Editorial Contributor @M.D.Healing @md_healing

Amber Walker Illahie Lifestyle Boutique

@illahie_lifestyle rubylouboutique

Browyn McDonald Scenic Rim Bride @scenicrimbride

Kate Raymont The Vintage Pickle @the_vintage_pickle

Nikki Hobbs Hobbs Building & Interiors @hobbsbuildingandinteriors hobbsbuilding

Suz McCorkell Photographer & Stylist


Copyright 2019 by Scenic Road Living. All rights reserved. This magazine or any portion there of may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written permission of the publisher. Publication design by St. Clement Creative


Canungra House

Located only 400m from O’Reilly’s Canungra Valley Vineyards and perfectly positioned on fifty acres of farmland, Canungra House is one of the area’s most unique offerings in accommodation. Perched atop the picturesque hills of Canungra Valley with stunning views of the Gold Coast Hinterland, the house makes for the perfect escape for large groups and families. Mention Scenic Road magazine to get 15% off mid week bookings.*

*Conditions apply

Ph: 0407 506 178 Canungra House E:


Welcome to the






1st Saturday of each month 7am – 12 noon Dick Westerman Park Enterprise Drive, Beaudesert Phone 5544 8200 – Jenny Young

2nd Sunday of each month 8am – 12 noon Billabong Park, Kooralbyn Phone 0400 610 055 – Lynn

Last Sunday of each month 7am – 1pm Held in car park across from school Long Road, North Tamborine Phone 0402 527 241

BEECHMONT MARKETS 3rd Sunday of each month 8am – 1pm Beechmont Community Centre Beechmont & Binna Burra Roads, Beechmont Phone 0458 233 080

BOONAH COUNTRY MARKETS 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month 7am – 12 noon Springleigh Park,Coronation Drive, Boonah Phone 0448 248 828

TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN COUNTRY MARKETS 2nd Sunday of each month 7.30am – 1.30pm Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds Main Western Road, Tamborine Mountain Phone 0417 618 379

TAMBORINE MOUNTAIN LOCAL PRODUCERS MARKET Every Sunday 7am – 12 noon Held in the Green Shed Tamborine Mountain Showgrounds Main Western Road, Tamborine Mountain Phone 0412 941 151

TAMBORINE VILLAGE MARKETS 1st Sunday of each month 7am – 12 noon Tamborine Memorial Hall Tamborine-Waterford Road, Phone 0487 779 114

CANUNGRA VALLEY MARKETS Last Sunday of each month (except January) 8am – 1pm, Canungra School of Arts, Canungra Phone 0432 569 963




31st of May – 1st of June Boonah Show

13th Canungra Rodeo

6th Warwick Cowboys -Rodeo

13th Mt Barney Expedition hosted by Mt Barney Lodge

6th Beaudesert Show & Rodeo

15th Bromelton House Polo Beaudesert

13th Brisbane Racing Club

22 Beaudesert Cup Raceday


14th Moon rise on Maroon Trek hosted by Mt Barney Lodge

3rd Jimboomba Rodeo

21st & 22nd Kalbar Agricultural Show

14th Beenleigh Show

4th Mt Barney Expedition hosted by Mt Barney Lodge

28th – 20th Mudgeeraba Show

24th Canungra Show

21st - 29th Ladies Polo Contact Brisbane Polo & Equestrian Club


29th – 7th July Eat Local Week Scenic Rim

30th - 1st Gold Coast Show

OCTOBER 18th - 20th Navigation Workshop hosted by Mount Barney Lodge

For the latest events calendar


PLACE not SPACE A letter from Mayor Greg Christensen

Where do you call home? Denise and I have enjoyed an exciting journey living, working and travelling across Australia and overseas. This journey has unfolded across four decades. But wherever we have been, we have always held a sense that home was here in the Scenic Rim, with our strong family connection. While I do not profess to be an authority on Indigenous culture, it contains foundations which ring true for me across the region. This is the deep understanding of-and connection to-place. I love the notion that we should be more respectful of Place, connection with the land and its meaning. The sense of belonging to Place, rather than owning it. This compelling thought has been behind a drive to create enticing public places while also seeking to ensure we continue to balance and protect our unequalled vistas. Precincts like the updated Tamborine Mountain Main Street create a space to experience Place and connect to the history and character of our communities. The first series of upgraded playgrounds from Kooralbyn to Canungra and beyond offer engaging places for children and families to relax and immerse themselves in our superb environments. However these built environs are just a small taste of the greater place embedded in our mountains ,valleys, forests, farmlands and townships. To appreciate place - you need to stop and let that place embrace you. I have a goal for every member of our community to believe where they live is special and unique. However this needs to be tempered with also respecting, appreciating and valuing other parts of the region as being equally special and unique. I always like to say that I have the best view in Scenic Rim, and I hope everyone else believes they do as well. Doesn’t that offer great content for a friendly debate?


Since becoming Mayor in 2016, I have enjoyed new realisations and understandings of this most special place on earth. For instance, through the recent Business 9

Excellence Awards my belief in the immense capability, resilience and potential of our business community was affirmed and lifted to new heights. We saw record nominations in all categories, and we saw some of the faces of the future in our first Apprentice/Trainee awards. Perhaps the greatest satisfaction for me was in seeing business leaders from across the whole region together celebrating and acknowledging their peers. One of my passionate beliefs is that our best future will only be possible as we work together across our expansive region, collaborating and creating beyond our individual capacities. The upcoming Eat Local Week 2019 is a great example of this. While each business that is involved is to be celebrated in its own right, the greatness is in the collective Eat Local experience that is unique, intriguing and inviting for those who don’t get to live where we live. The strength of self-belief within our business community is something to behold, and it is well-founded. On a pro rata basis, I believe our region plays well above its size. We are home to national, state and global leaders across so many areas. While we may lack the scale of some of our neighbours, we are nonetheless strong and capable. We’ve got leaders in beef genetics, globally patented transformational bridge technologies, long-term innovators in waste to value (before it was “sexy”), leaders in horticulture sectors, leaders in high efficiency freight capability, internationally recognised leaders in eco-tourism. Those are just a few examples, and the list could easily go on. While I am proud of our business capabilities, I am also proud of our creative and artistic credentials. Last year we held the incredible Fires on Top of Mountains series of events that again built a connection and story-telling

across our region, culminating in the finale at Kooralbyn that was recognised as the equal of any major event. Every part of our region enjoys a rich heritage of arts and culture. This will be further celebrated later this year as we host Arts Ablaze: Queensland Regional Arts Conference and Celebration at Kooralbyn 2- 6 October 2019. Encouraging further generations to keep connected to their creative sides is a critical foundation for success in so many walks of life.


The Scenic Rim is an amazing, eclectic region. With our stunning array of National Parks, awesome mountains and escarpments, and our farming communities nestled between them we are blessed with a wonderful foundation. With the skills, enterprise and creativity I have already mentioned we have the right mix to respectfully build a strong future.

As I move around the region, I find a strong sense of anticipation for what else is possible. Our Community Plan describes an exciting vision for our region, with a balance between preserving and protecting our character and heritage while also embracing new business and employment growth. The clear underlying message is that our best sustainable future will require a thoughtful balance of old and new, development and preservation, innovation and stability. This will ensure our critical environmental and agricultural credentials are not compromised, and help us secure a strong future. I have often spoken about the wave of opportunity across our region and challenged our businesses and communities to catch the wave and join this exciting ride. I see plenty of evidence that this is happening, and there is still a wealth of opportunity before us. Together we can create a stronger even more exciting future. If you’re not here, you really should be.

Change is a constant reality in life. I am proud to see how strongly many in our community are embracing rather than fearing change.


Coffee shops that have been tried and tested by us... And believe us they won’t disappoint.

Terrarium Cafe

Specialty Coffee and Organic Tea Café located on the fringe of the stunning Gold Coast Hinterland, inspired by rustic wholesome foods, from organic pastries, raw nutrition and classic housebaked cakes, to clean and green or classic breakfasts with a commitment to Australian and free range produce. WEDNESDAY TO SUNDAY 7:00AM - 3:00PM Shop 1/141 Maudsland Rd, Maudsland, QLD | (07) 5573 0649 /terrariumgoldcoast terrariumgc

VK Everydays Cafe & Coffee House

Supporting local producers and growers – VK Everydays Café and Coffee House is now an accredited LOCAVORE. Friendly and efficient our café experience is like no other – with a wide range of vegetarian and gluten free options also available. Enjoy our outdoor alfresco area which is pet and child friendly. Catering packages also available. MONDAY TO FRIDAY 6:30AM - 4:30PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 7:30AM - 2PM Open Mic Night (1st Thursday month): 6:00 - 10:00pm 105 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert | 0435 113 171 vkeverydays

Canungra Hub CafÊ The place to meet - The Canungra Hub uses ingredients from the earth. A range of fresh, organic, and locally sourced produce - The Canungra Hub is an accredited Eat Local Locavore. Catering to Vegans, Vegetarians, Gluten Free, Dairy Free diets – you can also enjoy breads the artisan way. Coffee and chocolate used are not only organic, but also Fairtrade - good for you, the environment and the people who grow it!! Relax in the courtyard with your fur baby or enjoy indoor dining. A place to meet with work colleagues, family, friends, and your little ones. Accredited LOCAVORE. 6:00 AM - 4:00 PM | 7 DAYS A WEEK. 32 Christie St Canungra, Queensland | 0422 894 174 canungrahub



Nestled in the heart of the Gold Coast Hinterland resides this luxurious 70 acre boutique getaway, just 15 minutes to the quaint township of Canungra and 40 minutes to the bustling Gold Coast.



Property owners Trish and Murray Wilson have successfully handcrafted a welcoming rural retreat showcasing two beautifully appointed studios, ideal for a romantic couple’s escape or wedding venue (up to 60 guests). Avid gardener Trish - who is a born and bred Canungra local - goes on to describe her idea for the venue and studios as a luxe farm experience.

“I really wanted to give our guests who commonly travel from Brisbane, Gold Coast or Northern New South Wales a high-end boutique stay at a reasonable price.” Secluded Location The country drive will take your breath away as you venture into Flying Fox Valley - situated between Binna Burra and Lamington National Parks - it becomes obvious why this location is so popular with repeat guests. Picturesque mountain tops frame both sides of this fertile farming valley home to many third generation farmers still working the land. Upon approach, you’ll cross the crystal clear babbling creek which runs into the nearby Coomera River. As you enter up the Jacaranda lined driveway – you will be greeted by Trish.

Property History Trish recounts, “Over 70-years ago this area was cleared for timber in around 1942 where the timber was then transported to Lahey’s Timber Mill in nearby Canungra. The land was subsequently developed for dairy farming and many families have remained in the area ever since. The road is named after the wire “flying fox” that was used to bring the timber from the top of the mountain down to the trains – once titled The Shay and The Climax,” Trish explains.

The Shay and Aerial Cottages Guests can enjoy the natural beauty but also the thoughtfully planned gardens surrounding each studio. “The cottage garden at The Aerial is made up of drought tolerate plants which I curated; you can never have too many flowers in your garden. While the garden at The Shay is bordered with drought tolerant succulent plants, making the cottage warm and inviting. I love gardening and landscaping however often need to fend away the cows and sheep if a gate is ever left open.” Trish laughs.

Local Residents “We encourage our guest to explore the property via foot and take in the beautiful views, vistas and wildlife that share the farmlands, creek and dam. We have multiple varieties of seasonal birds including sea eagles and wedge tail eagles and regular parrots, pigeons and small birds; not to mention wallabies. It’s definitely a twitcher’s and star

gazer’s paradise!” Murray, Trish and their family are also cattle breeders who encourage guests to assist with bottle feeding their calves, pat and photograph the sheep and horses.

Dine in Comfort For those guests who like to get out-and-about there’s plenty of country-style markets, events and vineyards within a short car drive. Or simply opt for a hearty hot breakfast or a simple continental hamper (upon request) which can be prepared in the comfort of your own selfcontained studio including outdoor barbeque. A range of gourmet meats and farm fresh vegetables can also be provided for evening dining. What better way to finish off an amazing day than with a barbeque on your front deck overlooking Country Mile Escape’s spectacular valley!

Country Mile Escape 63 Little Flying Fox Rd, Flying Fox 4274 QLD Mention Scenic Road article for a complimentary bottle of wine. Call Trish on 0419 090 246

Your guide to HOTELS, PUBS & WINERIES Weather you’re heading away for a romantic escape, or you’ve packed the kids in the car for a bit of country air, or possibly you are heading to the hills with friends for a good catch up – we’ve donethe leg work for you on the best hotels, pubs and wineries of the region. Here’s the details on what you’ll find at some of our favourite spots.

Scenic Rim Brewery Scenic Rim Brewery & Cafe is a small family owned brewery located in the picturesque village of Mount Alford. “We’ve crafted our beer to celebrate the place and people we love. Their story is our story and like all things country, it’s best shared over a couple of cold ones and a bite to eat. Our beers have been developed to quench more than your thirst. The dedication of our craft brewer combined with the best ingredients, ensures an all round sensory experience that appeals to all palates.”Everyone’s welcome! Just over an hour from Brisbane or the Gold Coast, it’s the perfect family friendly weekend destination Please call me if you have any questions.


Opening hours: check Facebook 898 Reckumpilla Street, Mount Alford QLD 4310 | 07 5463 0412 scenic-rim-brewery @scenicrimbrewery

The Overflow Estate 1895 This is a special piece of the Scenic Rim and a signature destination. For those seeking a wonderful afternoon of culinary and visual delights then this is a must. A visit to the Vineyard is an experience in itself and the Cellar Door is a building which blends beautifully with the environment. The unique combination allows visitors to luxuriate in the ever changing landscape whilst enjoying the bountiful crop of the estate and local producers. Sit back and enjoy the local harvest with a great wine in a spectacular surrounding. There is live music every Sunday where you can sit in the garden or on the deck of the Cellar Door and enjoy the extraordinary location. Opening hours: Thursday and Friday 11am – 1pm for Wine tasting – Saturday & Sunday 10am – 4pm 1660 Beaudesert-Boonah Rd, Beaudesert, Qld, 4285 @theoverflowestate1895 04 55 22 1895

Mount Alford Hotel The Mount Alford Hotel is the Locals Local. If you’re in the area drop in and say hi to Dave and Robyn. Expect the coldest beer and a great pub meal served with a smile. The Hotel has a friendly atmosphere and a load of local memorabilia on the walls just as you would expect. There’s plenty of room indoors and out. Whether you are just passing through, camping in the area or looking for a spot to pull up the caravan for the night. Just drop the anchor, come and say G’DAY. Opening hours: Check facebook 901 Reckumpilla Street Mount Alford Qld 4310 | 07 5463 0230 mtalfordhotel Functions and Events Contact: Dave & Robyn

The Canungra Hotel Established in 1927, and re-built in 1937 this old Tudor style building has again since been loving renovated with all the mod cons. Suitable for families and those weekend pub crawls, the hotel offers an old fashioned public bar and pool area, with the private bar and restaurant offering family friendly atmosphere. On weekends the beer garden is a buzz and the gig scene at this pub is a must - Friday night live music and relaxed Saturday tunes in the garden. Bookings not essential but recommended. The restaurant is renowned for serving up hearty fresh pub style meals with signature dishes such as burgers, steaks and the specials board. Opening hours: 7 days 10:00am - Late 18 Kidston St, Canungra QLD 4275 | (07) 5543 5233 canungrahotel

Witches Falls Estate Nestled among the avocado trees and just down the road from the stretch of national park from where it gets its name, Witches Falls Winery is a little piece of paradise on Tamborine Mountain. Established in 2003, the winery produces over 20 different wine varieties on-site and is very proud of its 2019 5 RED Star Halliday Wine Companion rating placing it in the top 10% of wineries nationally. The wines shine with individuality and confidence melded with regional style. The intimate cellar door and picturesque gardens are the perfect setting for the passionate and knowledgeable cellar door crew to guide you through a wine tasting. Afterwards you are encouraged to stay, relax and enjoy a glass of wine with some of the locally made artisan cheese available for purchase. Opening hours: Cellar Door 10am- 4pm weekdays, 10am - 5pm weekends. Bookings for groups of 6 or more are appreciated. 79 Main Western Road, Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272 witchesfalls witchesfallwinery


Cedar Creek Estate Winery Cedar Creek Estate is a marvellous property located in the heart of Tamborine Mountain. The estate offers many activities for guests on their day out and about. The perfect place for families or couples to enjoy a bite to eat while sampling some of the beautiful wine created from the surrounding vines. There is much to enjoy. Take a stroll or relax after your meal and take in the beautiful scenery around you. Cedar Creek Estate is open 7 days for lunch in the café or restaurant along with wine tasting in the cellar door. The Estate specialises in Weddings, Wine Tasting & Catering for Functions, Social Groups and intimate dining. Don’t forget there are also daily tours of the Glow Worm Sanctuary which is a special treat. Opening hours: 7 days 10am – 4pm | 07 5545 1666 104-144 Hartley Rd, North Tamborine QLD 4272, Australia cedarcreekestatewinery cedarcreekestate

Mason Wines Mason Winery is a boutique family owned vineyard situated in the Granite Belt and at Tamborine Mountain. Formerly know as Tamborine estate, the properties location is known as Tamborine Mountains oldest vineyard, with its original establishment dating back to 1992. Mason Wines are controlled from grape to glass to eliminate the middle man. The Tamborine Mountain property boasts an impressive cellar door and restaurant and two onsite cottages, suitable for all. Perfect location for weddings, events and also a relaxing lunch on the deck. The restaurant is known for its Australian menu with French influences paired perfectly with awards winning Mason Wines. Opening hours: Restaurant open Wednesday – Sunday 11am – 2:30pm. Cellar Door every day 10am – 4pm | 07 5545 2000 32 Hartley Road, Tamborine Mountain masonwinery

Royal Hotel Kalbar Established in 1900, the Royal Hotel Kalbar has been a local institution in the Fassifern valley for many years. The beautiful pub is a landmark in the area, renowned for a great meal in a great environment. The hotel is beautifully renovated and features spacious indoor and outdoor dining options. Situated in the gateway to the Scenic Rim trails it’s a great place to pull up and recharge for the next stage of your journey or to just escape the city for a great pub meal. “At the Royal Hotel our dishes are amongst some of the finest you will find in the Scenic Rim region. We offer an extensive menu featuring enticing Australian dishes all prepared with quality ingredients.”


Opening hours: 7 days till late. Wed – Sunday for lunch and dinner Crn Edward & George Street, Kalba Qld, 4309 | 07 5463 7188 Royal Hotel Kalba royalhotelkalba

Kooroomba Vineyard & Lavender Farm Kooroomba is as a unique tourism destination. The award winning cellar door/restaurant complex is a five star experience in every way. From the architecture to the magnificent views of the Scenic Rim, Kooroomba Vineyard and Lavender Farm provides a Southern France experience on the doorstep of Brisbane and is the perfect setting for a relaxing day away, wedding or corporate function. The 66 hectare property consists of a cellar door, restaurant and lavender shop which overlooks a six hectare vineyard and the breathtaking lavender fields. The modern Australian cuisine served in the restaurant provides a unique regional wine and food experience that will satisfy the most delicate palate. Opening hours: Wed – Sunday 10am till 4pm 168 FM. Bells Road Mount Alford | 07 5463 0022 kooroombavineyardandlavendarfarm @kooroomba_lavender_farm

Royal Hotel Harrisville The Royal Hotel Harrisville began life in 1875 named the Harrisville Inn. In 2005, the Hotel was beautifully restored to its original condition and is an outstanding example of a Queenslander country pub. It is an ideal venue for weddings, birthdays and special occasions. The Royal Hotel proprietors Steve and Monika Patrick invite you to relax and enjoy a cold beer and a country-cooked pub meal in the lounge and function room or on the classic verandahs while looking up the main street of the town. The beer garden overlooks a delightful creek with views of the Great Dividing Range and a camping area for overnight stays. Just 30 km from Ipswich, the Royal Hotel Harrisville is an ideal country pub for lunch for families or club groups on a day run in the Scenic Rim area. Groups are always welcome and catering is available for all types of functions. Opening hours: Tuesday – Sunday till late. For dining Wed – Sunday lunch and dinner | 07 5467 1882 1 Queen St reet Harrisville, Qld, 4307 RoyalHotelHarrisville royalhotelharrisville



At Pineapple Tours, our mission is to provide guests with truly memorable experiences, enabling them to indulge in the best food, wine and adventures that the Gold Coast and South East Queensland has to offer. We operate with sustainability in mind, ensuring that our beautiful Australian landscapes are preserved for future generations.

Recipients of the 2019 Best of Queensland Experience, 2019 Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence and 2019 Trip Advisor Hall of Fame. We have been operating into our 19th year and welcome everyone onboard to Tamborine Mountain and the Scenic Rim wine trail’s. We are family owned and operated business living in the Scenic Rim. We pick you up door-to-door service. Our tours include a two course lunch at a winery restaurant, transport and guided wine tastings. We have several different tours available. a full day- min 2, ¾ day- min 4 or half day- min 6 tours. All Tours available daily subject to seat availability.

Peter Myers 0411 733 487 @pineappletoursAU Head to Tripadvisor to read our reviews

Judi & Peter Jaques 0415454313 @corknforktours @corknforktours



COUNTRY ESCAPE To say you’re off to get a shopping fix, might be a slight understatement if you’re heading to My Country Escape. The many layers of this shop will satisfy the most fussy of shoppers. Michelle Ropper-Dennis owner of My Country Escape has taken boutique country shopping to the next level. Introducing not only quality labels and items that take buyers from Australian made products – all the way through to New Zealand, the UK and Italy. Her love of quality products shows in her taste for all things creative and well made and customers respond with Michelle’s choice of stock – as shoppers come from all over the Scenic Rim and even re-visit from out of town, just to make a day of coffee and shopping in Canungra. It makes sense that this shop, which is far more than just a shop, but more of a destination, was a finalist in the Scenic Rim business Excellence Awards for Retail. “It’s an exciting time for My Country Escape we have continued to grow but keep our feet firmly on the ground and being a finalist for the Scenic Rim Retail awards was a huge honour.”

And she hasn’t forgotten the men either – her gift ware selection will help you out no matter what the occasion. Men’s skincare to beautiful books, fun socks, bowties, mugs and even men’s hardware such as personal grooming kits, to pocket knives and pens.

“I like to keep my shoppers asking lots of questions and hope they find the selection of items meaningful. I choose When you ask Michelle what is new in her pandoras box of carefully but I also have a passion for supporting local a shop, she will tell you with great excitement that she has and home grown talent, but then I also like to have those introduced a number of homewares and styling items, to overseas items that you just can’t get – not even on the add to the beautiful trove of treasures. Items such as Emma Gold Coast or Brisbane.” Bridgewater Pottery from England, and a selection of soft Michelle is also a big supporter of the local community, furnishings that are right on trend. Stunning feather down the shop runs local workshops and events as well as pillows sporting beautiful patterns and fabrics such as velvet and brushed cotton – with occasional chairs and rugs stocking locally handmade products. Mum of three, wife also arriving. Baskets and large bags to put all those items and dog mummy to Jasper and Chloe cat - the store is more than just a shop to Michelle. It’s the place where that you can’t live without. locals and travellers can come to buy meaningful gifts and And what about on the fashion front…..“ The real stand spoil their loved ones or….. themselves. “We all get so out in store has been the two brands Humidity and Ladli busy and I think it’s nice to spoil the ones you love now and both Australian labels leading the way with fantastic winter then…… I’m also big believer in self love……. Even if it’s a ranges. This is our fourth season with Humidity and our candle or something small, everyone should really do that second with Ladli. Gorgeous fabrics paired with stunning once in a while.” colour pallets, these brands are true hero pieces that work My Country Escape well for this time of year”. 29 Christie St, Canungra QLD 4275 Looking at the shop filled with a great mix of homewares, fashion and giftware – and with more stock arriving each mycountryescape week, you can easily add something to your collection each and every visit.



Lydias Garden by Samantha Dusting

Creating seasonal flowers for the important times in people’s lives - the weddings, the parties, the new babies and the funerals, but also... just because. Purchases and orders taken at My Country Escape in the heart of Canungra. Follow on Facebook, Instagram or or call 0488 664 183


RUFFLES Lodge & Spa Escape to the Gold Coast hinterland at Ruffles Lodge. Surrounded by native bushland and eucalyptus forest, our villas are a blend of warm interiors and natural timbers. Sanctuary awaits with breathtaking coastal views, log burning fireplaces, private plunge pools and spas. Surrender your mind, body and soul as our spa therapists guide you on a sensory journey. Rich in pure essential oils and active botanicals our rituals will transform you to a complete state of tranquility. Awaken your senses at Restaurant Vue175. Our chef harvests the true flavours of the season with only the freshest ingredients grown in our local soils. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner by reservation.


Mention Scenic Road Magazine and receive 20% off accommodation and day spa for the months of June and July. 423 Ruffles Rd, Willow Vale QLD 4209 0755467411 or RufflesLodgeandSpa ruffles_lodge

ROYSTON House Royston House is a boutique farm stay experience in a grand old homestead which has been lovingly renovated with country luxury in mind. The homestead which sleeps up to 12 people is nestled among 400 acres of rolling hills with spectacular views to the McPherson range.

Situated in the Scenic Rim’s thoroughbred country, Royston House is also home to Queensland’s premier race horses, and a regular grazing spot for the local kangaroos. Whether it’s a group of friends coming together for a country escape, family holiday, intimate wedding or team building experience - our property is the perfect setting to enjoy the beauty of the Scenic Rim.


Come and experience Royston House today – mention Scenic Road Magazine and receive a complimentary bottle of wine and $200 off your stay. Min 2 night booking, midweek or weekends. *Full house rental - conditions apply 307 Innisplain Rd, Innisplain QLD 4285 roystone_house 0407 149 191



Zanzibar Hairstyling was aptly named as such by owner and master stylist Di Robson when she established the business on her hinterland property of the Gold Coast over 10 years ago. “I have always loved travel and with Zanzibar being one of those magical places where brightly coloured spices and rare commodities were traded – it was that magic and colour that I wanted to capture in the name”. With a large following of loyal clients Di chose to expand her business to the Scenic Rim and thanks to the warm and welcoming local community, Di and her team have never looked back. In her Zanzibar inspired salon Di’s main focus is to provide an experience whereby her customers are relaxed and comfortable - combined this with exceptional hair and pampering treatments, her clientele travel far and wide. Di goes on to explain what makes Zanzibar Hairdressing so different to other salons. “Our highly skilled cut, colour, styling specialist will give you a personal consultation about your hair and styling needs. Discussing face shape, skin tone, lifestyle and suitability. We will recommend hair products for you, show you a few different ways to style your hair at home. It’s our absolute priority that you can manage your hair at home and look amazing. Whilst our customers are here for their hair, they can also indulge in the magic of Zanzibar with pampering treatments, such as foot spa’s and reflexology, shoulder massage which is also inclusive of a little Reiki. Kinesiology & Astrology consultations can be booked out-side of Salon hours. We aim to run on time with appointment schedules and work on a oneon-one basis with our clients so they feel totally spoilt. We offer in house refreshments, a choice of hot and cold beverages, a warm hand towel soaked in essential oils. At Zanzibar hairdressing we are totally committed to the excellence and art of hairdressing and personal treatments. We have just completed our annual hair photo shoot (featured images) this pushes our boundaries makes us who we are. It enables us to deliver to you the latest styles, cuts and colours.

Zanzibar Hairstyling

Shop 5 28-30 Christie St, Canungra 4275 @Zanzibarhairstyling Ph: 55146266 E: 23


Products: We use Pure colour which are long lasting leaving your hair in amazing condition. These products are 100% certified organic extracts and PPD free and Australian made. We also use Paul Brown Hair relaxer which is designed to relax the curl in natural hair and reduce frizz, to make your hair more manageable. They contain a luxury botanical system containing protein flora complex, a blend of 12 unique nourishing properties from island plants and minerals. Results are amazing. And other well known brands such as: Pure, Juice, Moroccan oil, Davines. Many of these brands have organic ingredients, no sulphate, no parabens, no animal testing, biodegradable packaging, recyclable packaging, sustainable practices,

Education: Our ongoing annual education is our promise to our clients. This ensures that our team is at the forefront in hair trends, believing to evolve as a stylist regular education is the key. The team train with the world renowned Toni & Guy Hair Academy in Brisbane, working with suppliers such as Hairjamm who support our ongoing education. Providing Zanzibar Hairstyling with a regular Pure Colour Hair Technician.

mountains of Norway, all by personal clients to style a bride and wedding party's hair on their special day. “Making people look and feel fantastic is a gift I feel grateful to have.” Lauren Sanders - Master Stylist: With 10 years experience in the Hairdressing Industry inclusive of management. Lauren started her career in Grafton, achieving great success in hair competitions Lauren then moved to the Gold Coast to further her career. “I wanted to work in a stylish, fun, professional Salon and felt Zanzibar Hairstyling was a great fit. I pride myself on giving my clients the best Salon experience they could ask for”. Ruth Robson – Health Practitioner Ruth has over 20 years experience in the Holistic Health field in Kinesiology, Astrology, personalised flower essences and Reiki. Reiki will shorten healing time, reduce stress and anxiety. It gives total relaxation and a sense of peace. Reflexology is a powerful antidote to stress, balances the nervous system and can be considered a body tune up. “I am dedicated to guiding people on their journey to a healthy mind and body balance for your well being.”

Sustainability: We do our part for the environment by recycling our plastics, foil and salon towels, which are 100% biodegradable, made from sprucerpine which is grown in regenerated forests. Used once and collected weekly to be re-used in the Canungra Community Gardens.

Profiles: Di Robson Owner & Master Stylist: With over 30 years in the Hairdressing Industry, originally from Sydney, Di was educated and worked in the most high profile of hairdressing salons. Di recalls some of her most memorable experiences, like when she was flown to the picturesque Island of Bali and then across to the other side of the world – the snowy

From left: Lauren Sanders, Di Robson & Ruth Robson

GINJA NINJA A hole in the wall style restaurant is always the most curious of places, the feel and fashion is always that of a fresh and authentic experience – and that is exactly what Ginja Ninja in Canungra is all about. We met up with Josh and Danielle, owners of this funky little space; chatting business, food and lifestyle. Josh: Our vision was to create a place that people can come together to enjoy quality food, in a relaxed, rustic dining environment. A lot has changed since we first opened the doors 3 years ago! We really have evolved and grown as small business. We always had that entrepreneurial spirit having worked for ourselves previously, however, to come from a trade background and Danielle an office background in graphic design, to transition into running a restaurant was a BIG CHANGE! The Hospitality Industry is totally different to anything else that either of us have done before. Never-the-less we were driven by a passion to create a place in our small town, similar to the types of “hidden gems” that we have loved to discover on our travels. Danielle: We are both adamant that food plays a huge role in our overall well-being and many people now want to know what is in their food and where it comes from. Japanese food was simply a point of difference to the other dining options already in Canungra. But sourcing quality, fresh ingredients, taking the time to assess all of our bought in products and making the most of what we serve, in-house is very important to us both. “Keepin’ It Simple – Keepin’ It Real” is our motto…. Unless you listen to Josh and his is “see ya round like a sushi roll” ha ha ha. We are open 7 days, lunch and dinner, fully licensed. Stocking Byron Bay’s own Stone and Wood on Tap and, of course, Japan’s favourite beer Asahi, as well as a small hand-picked selection of Japanese Spirits (Roku, Japanese Yuzu infused Gin, Suntory Whiskies), Brown Brothers Wines and the boutique Matso Ginger Beer (brewed in Western Australia). We chose to incorporate coffee simply because we are coffee addicts! We relish in well crafted barista made coffee.

Our menu caters to a broad demographic, with taste our number one priority, and also staying true to our Japanese inspired menu.

We offer everything from fresh Sashimi and Gyozas to our very own creation, the Karaage Burger with Ninja Fries and house made Wasabi Aoli. Our first hot meals to make it to our menu were our “classic bowls”. We have a selection of meats – such as marinated sliced rump steak, Teriyaki Chicken or our fresh Sashimi Grade Salmon served with our house salad and rice. These are part of our standard menu, but be sure to check out our brown paper roll on the wall, with seasonal specials such as Ramen with Organic Noodles, made with our own slow cooked vege stock, in the winter months. AND we still have not finished yet! Josh and I have a long wish-list for the business and are driven to tick off more of our goals. We are constantly working on new systems and procedures as part of our “Kaizen” (Japanese word for “Continuous Improvement”), getting creative with the small space that we have here, as well as new menu items to keep the interest. But, our service, is what we pride ourselves on the most to keep people coming back. To us, living in the town of Canungra is a gift, a well kept secret that is catching on fast! (based on the growth of the town over the last few years). You have all of the niceties of small country town living, where both town-folk still help each other, wave to you in the street, business owners get to know your name or your order! And support each other. You have everything you need right here! We are nestled behind the beautiful Tamborine Mountain, but you are not remote enough to be inconvenienced by a long trip, if you need to go to the Coast.

Ginja Ninja Sushi Cafe & Bar @ginjaninjasushicafe 28-30 Christie St, Canungra QLD 4375 07) 5543 5198



DUCK JUNCTION Giftwares, homewares

& quality country charm! That’s what you will find when you take a trip to Duck Junction, located in the main street of Boonah. Wendy and Leila are the friendly faces who will greet you at their store, which has now been open for around 18months. Both ladies moved to the area for the lifestyle and what the region has to offer, starting a shop was an opportunity that just happened to present itself once the two got to know their local community and the many travellers who visit. Wendy: We decided to open our little country shop because we could see the need for quality gifts and home décor. We also wanted to cater for new residents moving into the area. You could best describe our shop as – eclectic with quality country charm. We both have similar taste in choosing our stock and we also know what shoppers want. We look out for things that make our shop unique and quirky. We try to find things that will surprise the people that walk through our door and we listen carefully to their feedback, I think that is the key. Leila: You can find a great collection of bath and body products, jewellery, cosmetic bags and candles. Also an eclectic mix of trays, bowls and jugs. Gorgeous lamps, cushions, stunning prints and mirrors. Our ever popular cat, dog and sheep tea towels almost walk out the shop as soon as they arrive as well as our fun collection of aprons. You can find plenty of reference in our display that connects with the agricultural area of Boonah, ducks, cows, horses and many little nick nax that keep you interested. We enjoy meeting new customers and having a chat while they browse.


Wendy: We feel very lucky to have a shop within a community that is so caring, supportive and friendly and also live in an area with space and beautiful views to enjoy everyday. Leila: We have the support of our wonderful locals and an increasing mix of customers from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Beaudesert. As Wendy said, we feel very lucky. We enjoy chatting to the many people who make the day trip to Boonah or come to stay for the weekend. There are wonderful businesses in our town, coffee and food to enjoy and the people are friendly. And of course our shop is the place to go if you are looking for something to take home. Don’t be fooled, although Duck Junction might be small in space, these ladies have gone above and beyond to fill their shop with items to keep your curiosity amused. Be sure to set aside plenty of time to look through this well curated shop. Husbands be warned – you may want to take a good long walk…up …..and then back down the high street. Duck Junction 40 High Street Boonah, Queensland (07) 5463 2169 @duckjunction




Escape to the romance of the country. INTRODUCING NE W HERRMANN HOUSE Located in the cute historic town of Kalbar, sits the beautiful, Herrmann House. A large homestead that offers a luxurious overnight stay. This elegant homestead includes 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 loungerooms and 2 kitchenettes. There’s also a large outdoor bbq/dining area as well as a firepit under the stars. It’s the perfect elegant escape to the country.

Special winter offer includes: *Book two nights stay from Monday to Thursday, and you will get 20% off the normal Mid-week rate. Upon booking, please always mention this exclusive Scenic Road offer. Offer ends October 31st, 2019.

3 7 G E O R G E S T R E E T, K A LB A R Q LD 4 3 0 9

0 47 8 767 0 4 6

H E R R M A N N H O U S E .CO M . AU

COUNTRY LUXE WEDDING PLANNER for the modern bride From the introduction of venues and style concepts to the supply of flowers, cake and on the day coordination. We will assist you with every step of your planning journey, no matter how small or large the wedding. We will help you create the perfect wedding to reflect your personal style and budget. Start planning your wedding today with an introduction package. Call Bronwyn 0418 751 397 |

Photographer: Figtree Pictures Location: Royston House




Cedar Creek Estate is one such venue for someone looking for the perfect place to showcase their love to their family and friends. Located in the heart of Tamborine Mountain this 22 acre property is a dreamy pri­vate escape. The perfect stage for a wedding. The scene is awash with beautiful trees and gardens surrounding the lake. The vines neatly about their duty in the background. It is a splendid scene, the perfect place for fairy-tale beginnings. The Chapel is the centrepiece to this pi­cture, beautifully detailed and welcoming. This marvellous building is packed with charm and romance, the perfect setting for any kind of ceremony. As the newly weds tour the gardens and vines for photos, guests can sample the local delights prepared onsite. The Cedar Room Reception Centre is per­ched at the head of the vineyard and fe­atures great indoor and outdoor spaces. Styled as one would expect of a great winery themed hinterland venue, the tones are warm and inviting, the guest comfortable in any season. The Estate features a Cellar Door which is home to the Queensland Wine Centre. The cellar itself is an inviting experience, the perfect place to take a sample of the creations from the property and select local Queensland winemakers.

It is the change of seasons that make this venue so spectacular for weddings. There simply isn’t a bad time of year to visit or plan your big day. Every day provides for a perfect new landscape and the facilities provide for all occaisions. It is more than just your average boutique vineyard and wedding centre. The owners of this beautiful piece of the Scenic Rim are proud of the local heritage, flora and fauna and are champions of the local ecosystem. Guests are welcome to take a Glow Worm Tour, a unique state of the art habitat designed to allow visitors day or night. The Glow Worm Sanctuary provides for an amazing tour experience for the naturally inquisi­tive. Cedar Creek Estate is open 7 days for lunch available in the cafe restaurant along with wine tasting in the cellar door and daily Glow Worm Tours.

Cedar Creek Estate Vineyard and Winery 104-144 Hartley Rd, North Tamborine QLD 4272, Australia Open 7 Days 10am – 4pm (07) 5545 1666 cedarcreekestatewinery cedarcreekestate 32


OVERFLOW ESTATE 1895 For thousands of years people have celebrated pivotal moments and special events in vineyards, sampling the creations of great winemakers. As a venue, vineyards are a stunning backdrop for a celebration adding a natural grandeur to any occasion. There is a special essence to be enjoyed from the life that flourishes in the manicured surroundings. Truly a symbolic setting for a wedding, the story of the vine speaks to the very heart of two people committing to cherish each other for life. A story as old as time, entwined in nature, the journey of the small cutting that becomes a vine and with a lifetime of love and care becomes a great vintage.



The Overflow Estate 1895 is steeped in local history magnificently located on an Island in Lake Wyaralong. The Cellar Door is an architectural masterpiece which proudly sits overlooking the stunning landscape of hills, that kindly envelope the calm waters and the four varieties of vines. Choose from a lake side wedding and reception on our grassy banks to an elevated position in the cellar door. The perfect matching of our wines and delicate catering offerings have been designed to serve your reception with confidence and pleasure. 04 55 22 1895 | 1660 Beaudesert-Boonah Road




MT BARNEY LODGE explore & discover

If you’ve been thinking about taking a trek up Mount Barney lately then read on. The decision to visit a national park and embark on a walk should first be met with a little research – so when the Queensland Government website of Parks and National Rainforests states…”There is no easy way to climb Mount Barney and preparation is the key to a safe and enjoyable visit” you know you should probably enlist the guide of a professional to help tackle your first attempt.

This knowledge directs all actions at the Lodge, whether it’s the presentation of the rooms, the enthusiasm of the outdoor leaders, our friendliness at check-in, or the management of the grounds. We want each guest to have an outstanding experience.” Couple this professional experience with the natural surrounds and you can see why 80% of guests return or refer a friend. This repeat business is what makes Mt Barney Lodge such a successfully long standing business.

Our research brings us to Mt Barney Lodge - a privately owned business run by Innes and Tracey Larkin. This You will find various options for accommodation – established business has been running for an incredible catering to families, couples, corporates and group 30 years and has Advanced Ecotourism accreditation bookings. There are camp site facilities for those who through Ecotourism Australia - for both accommodation are towing their own caravan or pitching a tent, or you and adventure activities. It is the closest accommodation can simply pack the car with your overnight bag and and camping venue to Mt Barney book a cabin or one of the elegant AND a recent winner Queenslander-style homesteads. at the Scenic Rim Business “All staff are mindful Excellence awards in Tourism. Not only is there accommodation

that although this is our

options, Innes and Tracey have There are many options on offer everyday environment, looked at ways to provide a total for your experience at Mt Barney this may be the first outdoor experience – guests can try Lodge – but in terms of bush treks rock climbing, abseiling, guided walks time or the only time and climbs the facility follows low at sunset, full moon treks, expeditions impact bush walking principles, that guests are to the Mt Barney summit and various which are in line with the Advanced visiting.” workshops to suit those wanting a more Ecotourism practices. This means knowledge based experience. that walks are conducted in groups with low numbers (1:6 for more advanced activities) the Whether you want to experience Mt Barney Lodge guides are fully trained and experienced outdoor leaders. by way of relaxation or you are looking for a more Knowledge of landscapes and topography, the history of adventurous and tailored program, be it kids programs, the land, wildlife and how best to tackle a walk is where corporate bookings or small guided walks, Innes and their expertise come in…. they will also take you on walks Tracey welcome you to their unique establishment. that you may not feel confident enough to tackle on your There is no doubt, Mt Barney Lodge is the place to make own. From beginners to advanced, there is an achievable unforgettable memories, whilst learning about the natural challenge for us all. wonders of this part of the Gondwana Rainforest - which We ask Tracey what makes Mt Barney Lodge so unique - “Our business motto is “Sharing Our Wilderness Heritage” – we actively draw attention to and interpret the amazing environment in which our business is placed. Mt Barney Lodge is secluded from any main roads, surrounded by nature and offers spectacular views to the mountains that categorize this area as the 3rd most significant biological hot spot in Australia. Without a doubt, we live in an extremely special place.” “All staff are mindful that although this is our everyday environment, this may be the first time or the only time that guests are visiting for the year.”

has been 24 million years in the making. Mention Scenic Road Magazine at the time of booking and the team will offer you a 10% discount on guided treks when booking the homestead for accomodation – up until end of February 2020.* Head to to see the latest events and join the mailing list for special offers. 1093 Upper Logan Rd, Mount Barney QLD 4287 +61 7 5544 3233 mtbarneylodge 36 * conditions apply.




Shopping local is one of the benefits of living in the region, so here’s a list of producers, growers and artisans for you to enjoy.

SUMMER LAND CAMELS Come and visit Australia’s first commercial scale camel dairy. Farm Tours, Camel Rides, Skin Care, Dairy Range, Gourmet Cafe. We focus on ethical and sustainable farming principles. Over 550 Australian Camels graze on our lush native pastures grown in our volcanic mineral rich soil. Sustainable production of Camel Milk and Camel Milk products are our passion at Summer Land Camels. We want our customers to experience the richness and beauty of our farm through our awardwinning products.

TOWRI SHEEP CHEESES From ewe to you, Towri is a family owned and run sheep dairy that specialises in a ‘Ewenique’ experience. From weddings to Friday farm tours and cheese platters, Towri will surely captivate you with an unforgettable country experience. See first hand our ewes being milked and savour the end product yourself, while immersing yourself with the Towri surrounds and our country hospitality. All our sheep cheeses can be purchased on farm or online. For chefs and catering companies we sell by the kilo and are happy to deliver to the Scenic Rim, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. 206 Saville Rd Allenview, 4285

Shop: Orders placed online via website, pick up or delivery (arrange prior)

Opening Hours: Friday (10am-2pm) bookings essential. Bookings over 15 guests. Monday to Saturday Retail or Wholesale: both

8 Charles Chauvel Drive Harrisville

Farm & Café Mon-Sat: 9am – 3pm Sun: 9am – 4.30pm

Contact: 07 55431260 or Dallas on 0403463429


Shop: Orders placed online via website

Retail or Wholesale: Both @summerlandcamels

Contact: (07) 5467 1707

RUNNING CREEK BEEF Free-to-roam, grass-fed and finished beef raised on the mountain pastures and clean waters of Running Creek. A 670 acre cattle farm, home to Australia’s largest herd of tick resistant cattle, the Australian Sahiwal. Choose your favourite cuts with free monthly home delivery to all suburbs of Brisbane, Ipswich and the Gold Coast for orders of 5kg or more. Farm-fresh beef delivery to your door direct from our farm. Wholesale/ hospitality orders welcome. Register your details for inclusion in notifications for future deliveries. Follow us on Facebook for farm events and open days. 1464 Running Creek Rd, Running Creek Qld Shop: Orders placed online via website (coming soon), pick up or delivery.



The Overflow 1895 is a historic grazing property spanning the Beaudesert-Boonah highway and fronting Lake Wyaralong. The Overflow 1895 boasts approximately 12 kilometres of waterfront land and covers a little over 4000 acres. The estate supports 500 head of cattle, a sand mine for the construction industry, a sandstone quarry and of course, the celebrated vineyard. The vineyard is known as The Overflow Estate 1895. “Every one of our two thousand five hundred vines has a name, a personality and a favourite position in our lives. Everything is done by hand with both love and care. Vineyard bio-security is a priority, the use of supplements is carefully limited and every bottle we produce is made from the fruit of our own vineyard... and nowhere else. These are genuine home-grown Estate offerings.” The vineyard produces a great wine list from the grapes lovingly grown and handpicked from the property. Including: Vermentino, Fiano, Montepulciano, and Tempranillo. The estate also produces a wonderful ‘Bubbles” - the Storm Cru Sparkling White and The Storm Cru Sparkling Red. They are simply delicious.

Opening Hours: Special events and open days or by prior arrangement

1660 Beaudesert-Boonah Rd, Beaudesert, Qld, 4285

Opening Hours: Thursday & Friday 11am – 1pm for Wine Tasting, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 4pm

Retail or Wholesale: both however wholesale in small orders @runningcreekbeef

Deb 0448844455

Shop: Orders placed online via website or collect from the Cellar Door

Retail or Wholesale: Both 04 55 22 1895 @theoverflowestate1895 @overflowestate1895




Rathlogan Grove is located at Rathdowney. The grove consists of 1200 fully matured trees and was planted in 2002, our trees have thrived in the premium growing conditions at the foothills of Mount Barney.

Pure country eggs prides itself on supplying fresh and genuine free range eggs to the local community. A family run business, we believe in sustainable living and ethical farming, by ensuring that our chickens health and well being remains a priority we are able to provide a quality product. We value and appreciate the commitment of our local farming community and believe that it is the customers right to know where and how their food is produced. Contact James or Kayla today and find out why fresh local free range eggs really are better.

Early each season our olives are picked by hand and processed on site in our processing shed. The olives are sorted and placed into brine vats within hours of them being picked from the tree. Similar processes for the pressing of our Extra Virgin Olive Oil, now processed off site. Our range of products is continually growing to suit the needs of our customers. Come take a drive and visit our farm, enjoy good food and Merlo coffee at our onsite café and shop our range of olive products as well as homewares, fashion and giftware. We have free tastings of all our products available every Saturday, Sunday & most public holidays from 8am - 4pm at “The Shed Cafe”, located at the Olive Grove. Rathlogan Grove, 4 Upper Logan Road, Rathdowney Shop: Orders placed via our website or call Retail or Wholesale: both @theshedrathlogangrove 0403 163 151

F.A.B FARM A small 2 acre closed loop farm just 10 minutes drive from Oxenford or Mt Tamborine. Producers of leafy greens in an aquaponics greenhouse, gourmet mushrooms and raw honey. Proud to be part of the Australian Circular Economy turning waste into delicious produce and practical products. Farm visits and buying direct from the farm gate available by prior arrangement.

0400 433 836

FASSIFERN VALLEY FOODS Hand made at the home of smallgoods in the Fassifern Valley for over 100 years, Fassifern Valley Foods is a local family owned business and has one of the states best smallgoods makers producing amazing, salamis, bacons, hams, Continental Sausages, smoked sausages, smoked chicken and just about anything else you can think of to smoke. All made with just Australian meats and spices, no nasties! Absolutley everything in the range is Gluten Free and we also have Sodium Nitrate free Hams, bacons and salamis! A new line of BBQ Rbs, Olives, Oils, smoked salts, smoked garlic and Black Garlic compliment this ever growing range. Open Monday to Friday 7am - 5:30pm and Saturday 7am - 1pm. This is a great spot to come in and sample of the states best smallgoods!

Wongawallan – Gold Coast Hinterland.

All this can be purchased at Top of The Town Butcher & Smokehouse, online at or IGA Mullumbimby

Opening Hours: 8am – 3pm Mon-Fri, 9am - 6pm Sat & Sun

Location: 2A Church st, Boonah

Shop: Orders placed via email, facebook or Instagram

Retail or Wholesale: We supply both the general public and wholesale to businesses 0405 843 800



Allenview Scenic Rim Shop: Orders placed via email, facebook or Instagram Retail or Wholesale: we supply to local café’s, restaurants, and independent fruit and veg shops. Please contact us if you would like to retail our product or use locally sourced eggs for your hospitality business. @purecountryeggs


Shop: Top of the Town Butchers Boonah Retail or Wholesale: Both @FassifernValleyFoods, @topofthetownbutcherandsmokehouse, @fassifernvalleyfoods, @topofthetownbutcher_smokehouse, 0448 350 272

SPRING/ SUMMER 2019 To be listed in the next edition of Scenic Road Magazine

Please contact Luisa 0434 074 882


ILLAHIE Lifestyle Boutique

Surprisingly more than just a shop. Purchasing Illahie lifestyle and fashion in 2009, Amber Walker, a forward thinking and “take risks” kind of gal, transformed this former homewares business into a thriving fashion enterprise – refining her target market by catering to local woman with a keen eye for quality garments . Her weekly drops of new instore items are designed to engage with her local following who have a passion for style – you only need to follow Illahie on Instagram and Facebook to see her fan base. And by taking her business online through her website she is able to offer a personalised online service. The store carries a diverse range of labels sourced mainly from Australian designers, “its always a risk trying new labels but I feel I need to listen to our customer base and ensure they receive edgy and well priced fashion - From Bohemian fun fashion to timeless classic of linens and denims, there is something for all my ladies. We were one of the first boutiques to stock homegrown label Outland Denim worn by the duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle. How exciting it is to see these labels that I pick up, end up in David Jones or upmarket boutiques in

Sydney and Melbourne. You can be guaranteed I am looking for the next amazing label to share with my customers.” Not only a royal label lover – the business has attracted celebrity clientele such as Natalia Cooper from the Today Show, Bec Stevens - Sydney channel 7 TV presenter and local girl Jess Skarratt from Discover Queensland and Creek to Coast. Amber has made Illahie more than a clothing boutique it’s a community hub for women who often drop in for a chat or a glass of bubbles – and because she’s a busy mother of two young girls and has previously worked in childcare, it’s a place where women can be feel comfortable with their children or even call in with their fur babies. Like most ladies, she’s always too happy to have some baby cuddles or give those loved fur children a drink of water. From a community perspective, this young and friendly mumpreneur also utilises her thriving business to support causes such as Rize Up Australia - a local organisation helping support women affected from domestic violence. She also supports the salvation army and local fundraisers helping mums in need. Amber, with her husband Jade and two little girls, are keen campers, having renovated and sold a couple of gorgeous caravans. She also enjoys this amazing part of the world by getting out for long runs at the beach or in a country setting in her local neighbourhood. She is currently training for her next marathon (geez Amber talk about make us feel bad). Illahie will soon be celebrating 10 years in business so head to their Facebook and Instagram pages and stay tuned for an in-store VIP night or join the VIP mailing list at for discounts, newsletters and new arrivals. Do yourself a favour and drop in to Illahie for a relaxed shop, a coffee and a natter….. with the gorgeous and friendly Amber.

Illahie Lifestyle Boutique 3/11 Main St, Nth Tamborine 4272 0421862361 /illahielifestyleandfashion Illahie_lifestyle


Jacqui is a young and up and coming rural photographer looking to capture those unique moments in time. Living on a horse stud in the Scenic Rim and riding horses since she was 7 years old, Jacqui has the eye for the finer details in a landscape shot, with your favourite equine as the main focus. She also understands the close bond between horse and owner, capturing this communication for families is her passion. To purchase simple beautiful prints or to book your rural portrait contact Jacqui, she is offering Scenic Road Magazine readers a special offer – 10 high res edited images for $250 at your location within the Scenic Rim. 0422 812 681

kellarniphotography kellarniphoto

*Conditions apply


Vineyard Cottages

Just over an hour from Brisbane or the Gold Coast and nestled at the base of Mount Maroon in the Scenic Rim is the cosy Barney Creek Vineyard Cottages. The perfect getaway or romantic retreat situated right at the doorstep of the World Heritage Listed Mount Barney National Park. Watch a stunning sunset while sipping on a boutique wine from the property, take a heart-racing climb up Mount Barney, cast a line in the creek or simply just cuddle up in front of the fire. The accommodation options are all dog friendly, so you can enjoy your wonderful getaway with your beloved furry friend by your side. The Cellar Door is open from 10am - 4pm, Saturday and Sunday April- September. Mention Scenic Road Magazine on booking and receive a complementary bottle of wine and cheese platter. Minimum 2 nights stay.* barneycreekcottages 07 5544 3285

Milford Country cottages Welcome to Milford Country Cottages, offering a country escape within a short drive to the township of Boonah. Two fully self contained cottages, both two bedrooms, sleeping 2 adults and 2 children with traditional cottage charm. Relax and explore the 40-acre property and view our collection of heritage horse-drawn implements. Perfect for couples to enjoy a romantic getaway and an ideal family holiday to relax and explore.

Build your own camp fire or cook your own delicious camp oven while watching the sun go down. A perfect country retreat awaits you. Mention Scenic Road Magazine to book our couples scenic escape for two, midweek package – book three nights and pay for two. Offer ends October 31st includes a complimentary bottle of wine.* milfordcountrycottages milfordcountrycottagee_boonah 0434 621 902

*Conditions apply



Experience the height of luxury in Queensland’s High Country; a naturally inspired wilderness region just 2 hours from Brisbane. Perched atop a mountain on 8,000 acres, enveloped by the World Heritage listed Main Range National Park and the Great Dividing Range is Spicers Peak Lodge; an exclusive, intimate Australian wilderness lodge experience. As a member of Luxury Lodges of Australia, this elegant retreat has ten luxurious suites and two private lodges, Spa Anise day spa, award winning restaurant The Peak and the space to explore or the privacy to do nothing at all. Here relaxation and revitalisation comes naturally.

Spicers Peak Lodge, part of the Spicers Retreats collection, welcomes guests to stop by for a glass of wine & cheese platter, book in for a long lunch at The Peak Restaurant, or truly indulge with an overnight, luxury all-inclusive stay. At The Peak Restaurant, guests experience privacy, intimacy and very high levels of service at the 2-chef hatted restaurant. Showcasing the best of Australia on a plate, the menu, created by Head Chef Dean Alsford features the very best of produce from around Australia. Produce for The Peak Restaurant is not only sourced by quality but also by the producer’s story and their commitment to the environment and sustainability. Featuring on one of the three tasting menus is the Rangers Valley 5+ Wagyu which is a rare and exclusive cross bred wagyu. At Rangers Valley, it is not just about the wagyu component or the marble score, it is about a newly developed and artfully crafted evolution. This evolution is equally the wagyu and marble score, plus a deliberate and artful cross breeding – a lineage nexus where one great ancient breed meets another to create a flavour, performance and undeniable quality that’s impossible to define. The Glen Innes based company also operates based on their deep commitment to the environment. Their philosophies and quality product are the reasons why Spicers Peak Lodge chooses to partner with them, taking dining at the Lodge well beyond the restaurant table where guests are taken on a culinary journey of food and wine exploration of Australia. Each menu is carefully paired with a selection of premium Australian wines by the in-house Sommelier, Nivard Nelson. Guests can also enjoy a selection of wines to choose from on the extensive beverage menu. Newly added to the beverage menu is a selection of Corivan wines by the glass, allowing guests to choose a glass of premium Australian wine, such as 2009 Tyrrells’ Vat 1 Semilon from the Hunter Valley, NSW. The restaurant is open to the public Friday to Sunday for a three or five course lunch, or a bar menu is available for guests who wish to enjoy a cheese platter & wine and take in the views. Dinner bookings are also available Wednesday – Sunday for the nightly changing chefs tasting menu. When choosing to stay at Spicers Peak Lodge you will feel world’s away in this excluded location but there is still plenty to see and do. The lodge offers only all-inclusive stays which include all gourmet meals, outdoor activities, a day spa credit, mini bar and all beverages included in your stay. The complimentary on-site activities are tailored to showcase the strikingly pristine landscape including guided 47

nature walks, guided mountain biking, 4WD tours, foraging tours for native produce, star gazing and a daily lodge tour to take in the history of the lodge. With ten varied eco-systems represented onsite, guests can spot iconic Australian native animals including the rare glossy black cockatoo, bushy tail rock wallaby kangaroo, echidnas and the koala. The property is also renowned for bird watching, with sightings of rare and threatened birds that reside in the region. The luxurious on-site day spa, Spa Anise offers a range of treatments to rejuvenate the body after a day of exploring the nature reserve. Offering a unique blend of luxury accommodation, first class service and award-winning dining, the lodge offers a wilderness experience like no other.

Spicers Peak Lodge 1 Wilkinson Rd, Maryvale QLD 4370 1300 253 103 spicerspeaklodge



Oliva Di



Every farm has a story and Oliva Di Tabragalba has many stories to tell .

up the road and wouldn’t leave us. His owner had passed and I guess he decided we were the next owners”.

Like the families before, Scott and Anita Bunch chose to raise their family in a country setting. But one thing they didn’t plan on, was that their children (and fate) would choose the farm! Sitting with Anita she recalls those little “signs” that popped up early on.

Having lived on the property for 11 years, raising their teenage children in an environment that gave so much more than just space, it was the life lessons for the kids learnt only through helping out on the land and those historical stories attached to the building - that made this home and property so invaluable to their upbringing.

“Originally we were drawn to the valley in Biddaddaba by our eldest son Elijah. He decided it offered enough freedom and space for him to ride his dirtbike. During the week, on our way to take the children to meet the bus at the end of the valley, our daughter, Bella would point to the Queenslander on the Olive Grove and announce it would be her house one day. When we found out it was possibly coming on the market we asked if we could have a look. When I tried to leave through the back door, which was off the dining room, the owner’s black and white border collie, Will, sat on my feet and I couldn’t get out. Will then followed us home which was about a kilometre

“We believe that raising our children in a community where we live alongside fourth generation farmers has instilled in them a sense of belonging and we have always felt supported raising our family here. Our three sons have all fallen in love with three local girls who have since become part of our family and our tribe continues to grow. One of my favourite memories was of our very first harvest here – as we had never done one before we had to rely on local farmers, extended family members and even our children to help out. It was late around 12 o’clock at night, the only ones still working were our kids and Scott and


I - we were all in the tractor shed sorting and separating olives. Our children started to tire and next minute I felt an olive hit my head. That was it! The olives started flying and we had a full on olive throwing competition.” “Other memories I believe we will all treasure are the little things - the family tradition of dancing in the kitchen, our children and grandchildren helping themselves to organic produce in Pappa’s vege patch and recording their heights on the pantry wall. Watching them add their own little piece of history is priceless.” The farm comprises of 20 acres, with 1200 mature olive trees, all fully irrigated with bores and a dams feeding into 2 x 19,000lt tanks. There is shed for livestock and or machinery and a smaller old timber building, which has been used as THE FARM SHOP, where the family have sold produce to passing weekend travellers. The 5 bedroom 2 bathroom Queenslander with 3m high ceilings French doors and wide verandahs has been lovingly renovated, in keeping with many or the original fixtures and fittings.

“We believe that raising our children in a community where we live alongside fourth generation farmers has instilled in them a sense of belonging and we have always felt supported raising our family here. The building in parts is over 160 years old - during World War 2 it was the local Biddaddaba Post Office and then the telephone exchange, where people from the community would vote and originally it was a dairy farm owned by the ‘Hart’ family. There was also those years it housed the local School teacher – which is another reference to those little signs, as Scott and Anita both work in local schools. Anita goes on to tell us one of her favourite stories… “Not knowing the story behind the three large bunya pines at the time it’s interesting don’t you think that we raised our own three sons here? When the ‘Farm Shop’ was set up we had an elderly man call in to have a coffee. He looked like he was feeling rather nostalgic so I asked Scott to join him for a coffee and chat. This is the story he told Scott. After returning from fighting for our country in World War 1, our visitor’s uncle had lost three of his brothers. Upon receiving what is now our home as his allotment, he wanted to do something to acknowledge his brothers who paid the supreme sacrifice for us. He planted three young Bunya pines in 1920, one for each of his brothers as a mark of respect. We have cherished these trees and their amazing addition of grandfather’s beard, even more so since we discovered their history.” “We have always loved living in Queenslanders and I will miss this farm and everything that it holds dear to us. However, it is time for our family to move forward to our next chapter. Deepak Chopra talks about life being a road in front of us, he says “imagine the road as being ten miles long”, for Scott and I we are only half way down that road.“ For further listing details for the Sale of Oliva Di Tabragalba – Contact Exclusive listing agent Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399 52 IMAGERY: HANNAH PUECHMARIN



The man behind

SALVAGE EUROPE Jim Ruig – expert in salvaged timbers and owner of Salvage Europe.

into the area with a mind for renovation. It became an icon Queensland Colonial demo yard.

Truly a man with a soul for adventure and a need to know what’s over the horizon. Jim Ruig, owner of Salvage Europe has spent a lifetime searching the planet driven by his passion for all things with a history. This romance has led him on many adventures in search of timber and treasures for his customers.

After selling The Big Red Shed business, Jim took the family back to a country lifestyle when purchasing a farm at Lake Manchester – Oaky Creek Ranch - at the time making one of the biggest salvage deals to be done in Queensland. Jim purchased all the timber out of the Old Brisbane Wharf’s, around 10,000 tonnes of historic hardwood

Jim is a character with a love for life that is infectious. You can’t help getting swept away by the stories of his many experiences, told with an enthusiasm that has opened doors to places most don’t ever go. Whether in a truck or by foot, by bike or horseback Jim has searched the world for unique experiences and products. Born and raised in the countryside of Redland Bay, Jim played rugby for Easts until he was 28. While raising 2 children with Leigh in various houses they renovated and sold around Paddington, Jim started his first foray into salvage and created The Big Red Shed in Milton. Selling original colonial “houseparts “ to families moving

“After buying the farm I then set about building a rustic style polo complex using all this amazing wharf timber. Some of the best years of my life were spent at Oaky Creek raising the kids and playing polo. We lived in rustic splendour and would ride around the lake firetrails then school the horses on the polo field. We designed a barn style home & lived in one end while the horses had the other. Endless bbqs and drinks with family, friends and staff on the deck overlooking the polo field. Music playing, always!” Early on renovating houses and being a reclaimed wood merchant, it is natural that his adventurous instincts turned his search for architectural timbers global. Today Jim combines his love of travel with the business of searching the world seeking these ancient woods. “Salvage has worked on projects throughout Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Locally in Queensland we have supplied our products to high end restaurants and resorts like Gwinganna Spa on the Gold Coast, Spicers Peak Lodge, the Alsace Polo Estate and on small and large residential projects”.


Since 2003 Jim and his team have imported and exported to all corners of the globe – Specialising in French Oak to Australia, New Zealand and the USA. Through a partnership with a family mill in Alsace, the Lorraine Region in the North of France, Salvage Europe delivers superior products sourced from where the best old oak is grown. Where the finest artisans and the oldest Chateau’s find their oak. Whilst the business is mainly in processing reclaimed woods, this particular mill sustainably harvests old growth trees which works well with Jim’s philosophy of using reclaimed wood or wood that is sustainably harvested. The reclaimed timber is salvaged from Private Estates throughout Europe. The French Oak in these buildings grown in forests from the 14th to the 16th century present a treasure trove to those seeking boutique timber for their projects. “It’s the adventure of travel and finding new suppliers of interesting things. Whether it’s Argentina France, Turkey, Serbia or Romania I love the fact that I can share this history with my customers. My clients become my close friends. Working with these products naturally just brings people together. These products bring something special to a home or project. Flooring products, being a large part of our business are a great example of how to transform a space using reclaimed French Oak. The tones and textures always deliver an impact.” Jim has spent the last 3 years travelling extensively with a focus on USA expansion. “I rented a ranch on an Indian reservation called Tesuque, 10 minutes outside Santa Fe which has an amazing music and art scene. Also, being the high Mesa, stunning scenery. From there I travelled the States and after 3 years realised that our US home should be near the wine country of Napa Valley and San Francisco. I found PETALUMA an amazing town near a fabulous city. We open the doors in July.” If you are looking for something truly unique for your home or project, then contact Jim and his team - become part of the ancient timber adventure. Beautiful French Oak flooring products are currently available and if you are looking for something special check out the tables!! Jim has a limited supply remaining of Old French Oak Farm Tables. Salvage Europe are a direct importer and as such offer very competitive rates, you won’t be disappointed. salvage_europe Jim 0415 581 676 FARMHOUSE TABLE CAPTURED BY @GRACEYOURSPACESUZ


Winter FEAST


BEEF RIBS on HOT COALS Words by The Butchery Canungra Beef supplied by Running Creek and The Butchery Canungra Imagery by Sabine Bannard You don’t have to own the Ponderosa to get in touch with your inner cowboy. Living in the Scenic Rim you’re already in the heart of a country escape and nothing says “yee-hah” like beef ribs cooked over the coals. Competitive BBQ masters strive for the ultimate experience but it’s easy for you to rustle up your own rack of delicious ribs. Whether a long weekend camp fire, backyard kettle, showstopper smoking beast or your kitchen oven. Give them a go! There are many terms devoted to the love of ribs and they differ between beef and pork. Beef ribs have two main cuts: “Back” from high up the ribcage with the meat between the bones (intercostal) and “Short” coming from the lower section with the meat predominantly on top of the bones. Being a hard-worked muscle, the rib cut needs a lower, slower cooking method. Impatience will result in something rubbery and tough. The underside (bone side) of the rack has a thin skin or membrane; carefully remove this before marinading or smoking to impart more flavour into the meat. Place your ribs to cook over indirect heat from the coals or charcoal, not over open flame. Your toughest decision is a dry rub or wet sauce (“sop” sauce). There is no reason you can’t have both. Texas style traditionally start with a dry rub. Popular ingredients include smoked paprika, garlic powder, chilli, cumin, black pepper, cayenne pepper, brown sugar and even cider and whiskey! Too many choices? Perhaps grab a ready to go sauce and spend more time counting stars. A baste or “mop” brushed over the ribs during the cooking will add extra depth and a rich glazed finish. Grill up corn cobs, something green and put those boots up. Marinade ‘em on, Grill ‘em up Char ‘em on, Eat ‘em up Rawwwwwhide! TheButcheryCanungra


Heirloom tomato salad Ingredients: • • • • •

80ml Rathlogan Grove garlic olive oil 80ml Bunjurgen verjuice 1 tbsp red wine vinegar salt and pepper heirloo tomoatoes

• • • •

fresh thyme or oregano nigella seeds crumbled feta marigold flowers (optional extra)

Method: 1. Combine 80ml Rathlogan Grove garlic olive oil, 80ml Bunjurgen verjuice & 1 tbsp red wine vinegar, Salt and pepper. 2. Add to mixed heirloom tomatoes that have been cut into chunks and toss well. Leave to marinate for 1 hour turning occasionally. 3. Before serving add fresh thyme or oregano, nigella seeds, crumbled feta and marigold flowers.

Argentine Chimichurri Makes 2 cups | Inspired by Francis Mallman Ingredients: •

1 cup water

1 tbsp coarse salt

8 cloves garlic, peeled, minced finely

1 cup flat leaf parsley leaves, chopped finely

1 cup fresh oregano leaves, chopped finely

2 tsp dried red chilli, crushed

¼ cup red wine vinegar

½ cup extra-virgin olive oil

Method: 1. Bring the water to a boil in a small saucepan. 2. Add the salt. Stir to dissolve. Remove from heat to cool. 3. In a medium bowl, put the garlic, parsley, oregano and chillies. 4. Whisk in the red wine vinegar, then the olive oil, then the salt water. 5. Transfer to a jar with a tight fitting lid. Store in the fridge for 2-3 weeks.

Suppliers Beef

The Butchery Canungra Running Creek Beef

Tomatoes Peak Veggie Patch Oyster Mushrooms Fab Farm Wines Cedar Creek Estate, Witches Falls & The Overflow Estate Bread Yasabel Cottage Kitchen Table Oak Farm House Table – Salvage Europe Ceramics Olive Ceramics




Good Company



The importance of





In the previous edition, I talked about how food and digestion is key to health and how it connects to your brain. This time, I would like to share with you what is happening in our gut with the microbiota and how we can rebalance and restore our gastrointestinal tract. Let’s say that our stomach acid is low and some bad guys have entered the terrain of our gut. We eat right, do things right and we are still struggling. For example; I am eating a salad and get bloated straight away or having a skin rash after eating healthy food? I have difficulty losing weight while exercising…

our immune system and it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity. The goal is to keep commensal bacteria diverse and balanced as disruption leads to dysbiosis (bacterial imbalance), which can be associated with obesity, malnutrition, inflammatory bowel and autoimmune disease, neurological disorders, and cancer.

This is why it is important to investigate deeper into possible imbalances and blocking factors. The question is: is there a pathogen present? This might be an opportunistic bacterial overgrowth, a fungal overgrowth or a parasitic infection. As we know, if digestion is compromised and the diet is inadequate the gastrointestinal tract becomes unhealthy and therefore the gut becomes a hospitable environment for these critters.

Dysbiosis can be described as an undesirable shift in the microbiota composition, where potentially harmful microbes proliferate and protective bacteria diminish. Left unaddressed, dysbiosis can lead to impaired glucose metabolism, reduced immunity, leaky gut, autoimmunity and inflammatory disorders; inflammation is a major factor of heart disease.

What about the microbiome? Nine times out of ten, you will see an imbalance in the beneficial flora that must be addressed. GI mapping testing is a stool test that is so far the best method to identify possible pathogens (bacteria, parasites, worms), digestion, inflammation and the health of our current microbiome. The first step is to give the body a chance to digest properly and eat foods that promote a healthy bacterial environment. For example H.Pylori is a bacteria normally present in most of us in such a small amount in our stomach, that we don’t need to worry about. But when we eat too much sugar and consume things that make it overgrow, H.Pylori then will control the cells of your stomach to stop producing the enzymes called “hydrochloride acid” as the bacteria can survive in a less acidic environment and thus compromising your whole digestion. Stomach acid is there to protect you from invaders and now we have opened the doors. Moreover, undigested foods travel through the small intestines in large molecular size and irritate the lining; the tight junctions open up which set us up for food intolerance and/or allergies. The more your gut is compromised, the bigger the chance is to be infected but others factors are to be considered; Why some people get infected and not others? The common cause of bacterial pathogens and parasitic infection are food and water poisoning, poor hygienes and contact with fecal matter. Infections occur mostly in underdeveloped countries. Parasites can live inside the gut, removing vital nutrients and damaging the gut lining. And we have of course the good guys, our normal bacterial flora which play a vital role in the extraction of nutrients and energy from the food we eat, they help maintain gut barrier function, they produce vitamins like biotin and vitamin K2 and protects against the colonisation of potential pathogens. Our microbiota interacts with

Besides, some bacterial overgrowth are potential autoimmune triggers, which as the name implies, are bacteria that are associated with certain autoimmune conditions. It is important to note that elevated levels of these bacteria do not predict or indicate an autoimmune disease per se, but simply have been found in elevated numbers in those with certain autoimmune diseases. Some release histamine by the bacteria itself making you histamine sensitive with its overload. They also control us, making us crave sugars and bread, they alter our taste buds, we get fatigued, we are more prone to allergies, skin issues, hormonal issues, detoxification issues, pain, brain fog etc… The goal is to improve digestion, target specific pathogens, rebalance the eco-system and at the same time healing the gut. The good news is that most of the time it is possible to rebalance our gut microbiome through diet and supplementation, thus making us feel human again! Get the right bugs into you…

Yours, in health! Morgane Dean M.D. Healing Nutrional

Therapy Practioner & Remedial Massage Therapist Beechmont @M.D.Healing @md_healing 64


Benjamin Allmon Story and imagery by Carin Garland @caringarlandphoto

Author Benjamin Allmon sits on the deck of his Tamborine Mountain abode. It’s here that I find my friend looking out to the mountains that today serve as his muse. She clearly inspires quickly because in no time at all he smiles and the paper in front of him is flooded with beautiful and witty words. Kindly, he is giving me some of his time to chat about his adventures of the past, future projects, music and published books that, whilst he wouldn’t say, were extremely well received in the literary community. I read over his shoulder taking in the words he’s just written. Annoyingly I am reminded, this guy is gifted. It’s 2006 and wanting to promote his debut album, “The Dark Carnival”, Benjamin sets off on a promotional tour. On foot. It was an adventure that saw him cover 1000km of Australian Coastline from the Gold Coast to Sydney. A trip of highs and lows, camping on the beach and meeting unconventional characters that later would find themselves in the pages of Allmon’s first book a memoir of said 1000km, Footnotes. So coveted by the media was the book, “Footnotes” was a finalist in the 2017 Best Book awards. I pick up a book from a neatly stacked pile on a nearby table, titled “The Saltwater Story”. The second of Ben’s books, it was born from Allmon’s deep eagerness to learn about the history of his local surrounds. There is a significant Indigenous maritime history on the Gold Coast, it was a traditional trade route of the Saltwater people (the Bundjalung, Yugambeh and Quandamooka people) that piqued his interest. Ben teamed up with a canoemaker, local indigenous members and a photographer and videographer to take the historical route by canoe from the Gold Coast to North Stradbroke Island. This was the first time in 100 years that this journey had been made and it proved to be a project that reconnected the Bundjalung and Quandamooka people.


The book was shortlisted for the Queensland Premier’s award for a Work of State Significance at the 2018 Queensland Literary awards and is an Official Selection at the 2019 Docs without Borders Film festival. I told you. Gifted. Annoyingly.

that you can only truly know a place by going slow and listening, to the people you meet and the country itself. You can’t get that any other way...there’s no short cut.” He’s also hoping that a six-episode podcast could accompany the book.

We chat about his latest release the highly published, “Mr Ordinary Dons a Disguise” a collection of fifteen short stories written over a time span of seven years as well as his music album, “Soundtracks”. The latter was inspired by his experiences on his Gold Coast to Sydney trek and is truly nothing short of beautiful. I highly recommend the track, “Shall We”. I’ve got it on repeat.

“I’ve got this recording studio at home that’s been gathering dust since the last project, so it’d be good to put it to use again. And audio has one advantage over the written word - the sound of a person’s voice. I was lucky enough to have a yarn with Alan Rosser the other day, who’s 93, and it would be wonderful to have incredible voices like his telling their stories on tape as well as on I’m keen to get him talking about future projects, and steer the page. the conversation towards his dreams and goals for the “Finally, there’s the visual element - one of the things we future. His next project is still in the development stage, learned from The Saltwater Story was how much of an but looks likely to go ahead in the second half of 2019 impact the photography had on people. So this book and early 2020. Entitled The Black & White Braid: Roads, People, and Stories of the Scenic Rim, it’s a fully-illustrated would be similar, with a strong visual component, maybe an exhibition...” book about the history of the place he calls home. “Initially I was reluctant to take on a project in my own back yard - I had visions of being assaulted in the supermarket by irate local historians...’you got this wrong!’. Plus there’s already been many excellent books written about the history of the towns here by people with deep roots in the community - what could I add to that?

He looks at me with a cheeky grin. “Do you want the job?” I’m not sure about the walking bit, but I do know that the project sounds fascinating, and certainly fits in with Allmon’s unconventional approach to storytelling. @benjaminallmon

torytelling. “But when I discovered I lived on what was known as the Do-it-Yourself Road, a piece of fascinating history where locals took matters into their own hands over sixty years ago and made their own road, I thought that could be the prism through which to write a unique history of the entire Rim - walking its roads and gathering the stories of the people that live along them. Step out my front door and, well, one road/person/story connects with another, you know? And of course, roads take many forms, and many were laid along ancient routes of connection used by Indigenous peoples...this intertwining of our region’s two cultures would be another facet, whereby we are all connected not just by the black and white roads, but by the place we share.” He gestures at the mountain ranges to the West. “Add to that the geological layering of lava flows that formed this place, but the layering of people, from Munujali, Ugarapul and Wangerriburra so long ago through to settlers, wartime generations, South Sea Islanders, up to modern folks, and you’ve got a pretty good yarn.” But why walk what would conservatively be a 600km journey and take at least a month? “I need the exercise,” he laughs. “Well, I learned from my previous projects


Bromelton House 1842 Creating a standard for excellence in sustainable cattle production. The Murray family are leading Australian cattle producers into the future with Hay’s Converter Cattle. A beast that is more efficient at converting feed to live weight, providing a quality lean & green beef product. Located on the fertile banks of the Logan River, Bromelton House also features around 2500 mature Pecan Trees and in 2019 construction begins on a Cracking and Shelling Plant to ensure a paddock to plate outcome for the farm whilst also allowing other farmers in the area to access the resources at Bromelton House The property itself is a Beaudesert landmark and for many years has been home to some of the best polo played in Queensland. The Murray family generously open their doors each year to everyone who would like to view this exciting sport played in a world class setting. With the next Polo dates coming up between June – September, take a moment and secure a ticket to a marquee or book a carboot space. Don’t miss this opportunity to come and visit this state of the art farming enterprise. Follow along for the latest events @bromeltonhouse


Polo for every occasion The Queensland Polo season is here, starting in May and running until end of September, the affiliated clubs will host tournaments at a group of privately owned and club based fields. Weather you just want your fix of horses & low key Polo or you want to network and socialise at the larger spectator days (highlighted in bold), you can be assured there will always be plenty of well-bred horses, fast paced action and the friendly faces of the polo community to greet you. If you’re thinking of learning to play and having a go yourself, you can contact your nearest club to get you

started - beginner to seasoned riders are always welcome. And with women’s Polo the fastest growing sector in the sport, you will find all ladies teams now taking to the field more than ever. Take a look at the calendar of events below and contact the host club for field locations and game times. Or get in touch with the governing body – the Queensland Polo Association. Sponsorships and social memberships are also available – so get behind your local club and enjoy the sport of Polo. See you at the next match!

PO Box 731, Beaudesert Q 4285 | 0407 677 423 | @queensland.polo





15 – Bromelton House Polo Day South East Queensland Polo Club

24 & 25 Walsh Accountants Entrepreneurs Cup – Brisbane Polo and Equestrian Club

22 & 23 – Gloria Holman Memorial – Gympie Polo Club

31 & 1 Jim MacGinley Memorial Tournament – South East Queensland Polo

JULY 6 & 7 Avalon Low Goal – Brisbane Polo & Equestrian Club 27 & 28 Downs Sapphire Shield – The Downs Polo Club AUGUST 3 & 4 - Custodian Low Goal – South East Queensland Polo 10 & 11 - Custodian Low Goal – South East Queensland Polo 9 & 10 Goondiwindi Polo Tournament – Goondiwindi Polo Club 17 & 18 Alsace Cup - South East Queensland Polo 24 & 25 City Motor Auctions – South East Queensland Polo

w: facebook @seqpolo BRISBANE POLO AND EQUESTRIAN e: facebook @brisbanepoloandequestrian



7 & 8 - Salisbury Cup – South East Queensland Polo

e: facebook @koorlabynvalleypoloclub

7 & 8 Avalon Low Goal – Brisbane Polo and Equestrian Club


14 & 15 North Shore – South East Queensland Polo 14 & 15 Avalon Low Goal - Brisbane Polo and Equestrian Club 21 & 22 QLD Gold Cup & PINK POLO at Elysian Fields – South East Queensland Polo 28 Spring Polo in Queens Park Toowoomba – Downs Polo Club

e: facebook @downspoloclub GOONDIWINDI/NORTH STAR POLO CLUB facebook @northstarpoloclub GYMPIE POLO CLUB e: facebook @gympiepoloclub

CLUTTER HARMS YOUR HEALTH Interior stylist and photographer Suz from GRACE YOUR SPACE, shares with us how clutter impacts your health



According to a study in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people with cluttered homes full of unfinished projects were more depressed, fatigued, and had higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol than those who described their homes as “restful” and “restorative.” The study also mentions that cortisol’s failure to decline normally over the course of the day has “been associated with greater chronic stress, disease progression, and even mortality risk.”

When your environment is cluttered, the chaos inhibits your ability to focus. A study by the Princeton University Neuroscience Institute observed that “multiple stimuli present in the visual field at the same time compete for neural representation.”

CLUTTER TRIGGERS RESPIRATORY ISSUES. A cluttered homes often contain more dust, which can cause or amplify breathing problems. More things pile up, more dust is generated. This creates the ideal living environment for pests like dust mites.The harder it gets to access different areas of the home to clean, the more serious these respiratory issues become.

CLUTTER EFFECTS YOUR RELATIONSHIPS If you share your home with others, excessive clutter is no longer just a “you” problem. Clutter in your home can also negatively impact the lives of your significant other and kid(s). If you have kids, they too can feel the negative effects of a cluttered home. The National Institute of Mental Health found that kids living in a severely cluttered environment often have elevated levels of distress, experiencing less happiness and more difficulty making friends.

The research also shows that a clean work environment will help you be more productive, less moody, and better able to process information.

Need a hand? No judgements – as we’ve all been there. Just like getting your car serviced, your house cleaned or your computer tied up - sometimes you just need that extra help to get the job done. My ‘Point You In The Right Direction’ – package includes •

Assessment of place

Feng Shui Diagram

Declutter & Styling Recommendations

Mood Board (theme design)

Custom Oil Blend + Diffuser

Before Photographs

$395 - Mention Scenic Road Magazine to receive this amazing offer at only $295.* Hourly rates available on request.

CLUTTER ISOLATES YOU. 0416 265 836 The cleanliness of your home can affect your desire to @graceyourspacesuz invite anyone into it. In a Rubbermaid survey conducted by Russell Research, nearly half of surveyed homeowners said they won’t invite friends over if their home is cluttered. *conditions apply

Preventative Measures Local Tamborine resident Sean Lipke from Flux Plumbing and Gas Fitting suggests the best way to keep on the front foot of water purification is via a series of readily available products. Filters Waters Co Australia suggests filtering drinking water to remove nasties including giardia, e-coli and cryptosporidium, helping to reduce the risk of gastrointestinal disease by more than 80%. However, even with filtration installations some debris, sludge and possibly bacteria can reach the water outlet. A whole-of-house filtration system is ideal, comprised of twin particulate and UV light filters, acting as the last line of defence before the tank water reaches your taps. Gutter Guard Gutter guard is the first line of defence for debris entering the rainwater system and it’s recommended a system which uses a profiled upstream edge is ideal to prevent debris passing under the mesh. Note the quantity and type of surrounding trees should be taken into account when deciding on mesh sizings. Leaf Eaters or Headers

Is your water making you sick? Clean drinking water is the most important basic necessity Written by Nikki Hobbs of Hobbs Building and Interiors; a local eco-friendly construction business specialising in off-grid homes and difficult sites. Many local Scenic Rim residents utilise their natural resources including creeks, bores, dams and water tanks to sustain their homes and agriculture. Common sense prevails, given the blissful regional climate in which we live. However, it’s important to be aware that water contaminants can affect health and lead to serious illness, especially when the supply contains microscopic organisms and bacteria. Not to mention herbicides, fertilisers, peeling paint or animal droppings to name a few scenarios. To compound the issue, recent dry weather results in low water tank levels due to consumption and evaporation, leaving the water supply even more concentrated with contaminants!

Install your leaf eaters at an easily accessible height for ease of regular cleaning and opt for a style which has an outwards angled top mesh screen so it can be somewhat self-cleaning (as opposed to the bucket-style). Leaf eaters generally have two different sizes, opt for one that has a smaller mesh to that of your gutter guard. First Flush Diverters First flush diverters are quite self explanatory whereby using a chamber with an internal ball float which fills up with the first flow of rainwater down each downpipe; catching any dust or small debris that gets past the two previous filters. Once the chamber has filled, the ball float blocks the chamber and the cleaner water continues through to the rainwater tank. The remaining water in the diverter chamber then trickles out of the bottom in order to empty ready for the next rain. Water Tanks Tanks need to be completely vermin/insect proof to avoid larvae, bugs, frogs, rats entering the tanks and causing contamination. Ideally a rainwater inlet over a mesh screen has less risks for anything to enter the system as opposed to a direct connection into the side of the tank. These vermin proofing principles apply to the overflow outlet of the tanks also. After a few years a black sludge will still start to appear settled on the bottom of the tank. It is recommended that this is cleaned out by a specialist tank cleaner when required. Puretec also manufacture a tank treatment liquid that can be added to the tank water to control any bacteria in the system. This liquid dissolves into the water and then becomes oxygen so it is a perfectly safe option. Plumbing Pipework If your installation has underground “charged” rainwater lines to your tanks, an inspection opening cap should be installed at the lowest possible access point in the system. This allows for periodical emptying and cleaning of the pipework itself. 70

Scenic Rim Eat Local Week lifts the lid on 2019

and the flavours are extraordinary! . Best clear the diary from June 29 through to July 7, because the Scenic Rim Eat Local Week has unveiled the 2019 program and every event is a must-attend! Featuring more than 90 events from Canungra to The Lost World, Beaudesert to Boonah, Tamborine Mountain to Kalbar, Scenic Rim Eat Local Week is the ultimate backstage pass to the farms, wineries and food stories of the region. The famed event presents the opportunity to meet the people behind the produce and the flavours, in a celebration that features festivals, farm-gate events and culinary experiences for foodies of all ages. Set against the natural beauty of the Scenic Rim, a region of more than 4,200 square kilometres of rich volcanic soil surrounded by ancient mountains and home to thousands of famers and food creators, Eat Local Week is one of the most authentic food festivals in the world. Download a program of events at and start planning. SCENIC RIM EAT LOCAL WEEK June 29 through to July 7, 2019 07 5540 5111

PLUS ‌. Eat Local all year round. You can now eat local all year round simply by following the accredited locavore logo. Accredited participants display this logo on menus, shopfronts, on farm gates and on websites and packaging – so visitors and locals can easily identify places to try and buy local produce. For a full list of accredited partners go to

Planning your ultimate EAT LOCAL WEEK experience. With so many delicious events on offer, pre-planning your Eat Local Week adventure is a serious business. Can’t choose between Jamming with the Lambs, an alpaca picnic, a degustation under Blue Gums, cheesemaking classes or the Winter Harvest Festival? Book your accommodation and do them ALL we say! Download the full program at


HIGHLIGHTER - find a quiet spot, take time to pore over the delicious program and create your wish list of favourite activities. Or make it a family activity, as there’s lots of school holiday ideas in here.

2. MAP IT! - Not sure where the

events are or how many you can fit in a day? Check out the program for a map of the region.

3. GATHER A GROUP – call your

crew together and make a weekend, week or overnighter of it. The more the merrier, especially when it comes to road trips. Plus, it means you can all share the role of designated driver.

4. LOCK IT IN – Many of the

ticketed events sell out, so if you spot a lunch, tour or workshop that you love, don’t wait to book your tickets – hop online at www.


budgets are covered in the Scenic Rim, from romantic cottages to campsites to farm stays and resorts for the family. But this is a popular time to visit the Scenic Rim – make sure you book early!

7. WALK IT OFF – you may want a

touch of exercise to make more room for your next amazing meal when you are here, so, why not pull over and take a hike through the glorious Scenic Rim countryside.


8. PACK AN ESKY – Want to take ARE KEY – It may be winter, but some camel cheese home to share it’s also Queensland and in the with your friends? You’ll need to Scenic Rim this means beautiful keep your takeaway produce cool sunny days and crisp chilly nights as you venture from venue to (perfect for fireside tipples). The venue so an esky (or in-car fridge if key, my friend, is layering. Don’t you are super fancy) is a must! forget to pack a hat and some 9. DON’T FORGET YOUR WATER sunscreen as you can expect BOTTLE - hydration is the key and to spend a fair amount of time we’re keen to be tread lightly on outdoors, dining under gum trees, our beautiful environment. Please foraging for bush tucker or playing bring your refillable water bottle. with alpacas in a field. Our friends at Queensland Urban You can also expect to eat your Utilities will also have a water body weight in amazing produce hydration station for you at the so stretchy pants or flowing frocks Winter Harvest Festival. are recommended! 10. YOUR APPETITE – it IS a food festival, so bring your taste buds and your appetite, they will love you for it!

SHARE YOUR PHOTOS using the hashtag #eatlocalscenicrim We love seeing and sharing your experiences! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram


The OLD CHURCH B&B Hosted B&B accommodation in a historic church built in 1874. Just minutes from the charming township of Boonah and the beautiful mountains and lakes of the Scenic Rim. Our B&B is perfect for group bookings, family gatherings, weddings and functions. Extra accommodation includes onsite camping and farm stay rooms. Stay in one of the three en-suited luxury bedrooms, all with their own balconies boasting stunning views of the mountains, or the landscaped gardens. Special prices for groups. The Old Church has wheelchair access and a disabled bathroom. Accredited Locavore. Mention Scenic Road Magazine when booking to receive a local produce hamper Old Church Bed and Breakfast @the_old_church_bnb



When you entrust the design and construction of your home project to Lear Homes, expect a completely transparent process backed up by outstanding customer service. Lear Homes provides innovative sustainable yet practical home designs to suit your family and its needs. We pride ourselves on excellence to build your home with quality and style to meet Queensland living. Our point of difference is our processes, being totally different from other home builders. Our thorough and detailed approach from the outset, ensures the most accurate pricing and transparency along your home building journey. We are supported by a team of professional consultants & subcontractors who are committed to our philosophy of delivering exceptional workmanship.

Contact us at | 0411 209 787 @LearHomesAustralia @learhomes

An extension of the award-winning family owned company Hobbs Building and Interiors, Nikki Hobbs has identified a gap in the local Scenic Rim marketplace providing one on one in-home styling consultations tailored to assist clients who may just want to re-style a room or redesign their entire home to a whole new level (residential or commercial). Equipped with a Site Supervisor’s license, Greensmart credentials and Interior Design qualifications, Nikki has an extensive background in building and design and can provide solutions from colour schemes and furniture layouts to recommending suppliers and local trades – including guided plans to help you get those renovation, extension and styling jobs done. A full-service selections package is now available - suitable for owner-builders or developers seeking professional design guidance to ensure a cohesive new home or shopfront. Mention Scenic Road Magazine on contacting Nikki about her introductory in-home styling consultations priced from $449.

Contact us at | 0439 631 285 @hobbsbuidlingandinteriors


The Canungra Hotel Built in 1926 Canungra Hotel comprises of 2 bars, restaurant, accommodation, function room, garden area, gaming and bottle shop. Function & Event packages available. Open 7 days. 18 Kidston St, Canungra QLD 4275 | (07) 5543 5233 | canungrahotel



38ft Swagman Australian Dream 2002 • • • • • • • • •

Extensive renovation and in immaculate condition. Luxurious Queen Bed with Fabric Headboard Electric High Quality Leather Sofa Lounge Built-in Liquor Cabinet Electric Awning Washing Machine External Fridge, Shower and Sound System BBQ and Sink Renegade Industrial Toolbox

• • • • •

Onan 5.8kVA Petrol Generator 5 x 150amp Solar Panels 5 x Lithium House Batteries KILOMETERS 110,843kms ENGINE Cummins 300 HP ISB REF NO. 4211

$550,000 o.n.o. also included in the purchase at this price is a 2007 Jeep Cherokee, 2015 Mangrove Jack Boat Trailer & 2015 Horizon Aluminium Dinghy with Mercury Outboard Motor.


Welcome to

Cedar Lodge – Tamborine Mountain 5 Bed / 4 Bath / Country Estate on 20 acres Expressions of Interest The sale of Cedar Lodge presents an opportunity to secure a boutique country estate offering the epitome in grand acreage living on Tamborine Mountain. The 20 acre private estate is simply spectacular and surely proves that position is everything. As you enter the property you begin to appreciate what you are about to see but it defies expectation. The views from this home are simply breathtaking and unmatched on the mountain. The Scenic Rim is your vista in all its wonderous glory. The residence featuring 5 spacious bedrooms and 4 bathrooms was originally built in 1974 by a local craftsmen. It has been lovingly transformed in the last three years maintaining the style sympathetic to the property’s timeless quality.

Cedar Lodge – Tamborine Mountain

Cedar Lodge features a country retreat design which embraces you with the warmth of its natural tones and finishes. Premium granite benchtops and solid hoop pine cabinetry in the kitchen are surrounded by the open-plan dining and lounge areas complete with a fireplace in each space for those chilly mountain evenings. All living areas comprise Australian hardwood flooring, raked ceiling heights, exposed beams and trusses, bifold doors and windows in beautiful cedar. No expense has been spared in the design and construction of this impressive structure. The design of each space ensures maximum impact by framing the vast expanse of the hinterland. The Bar is the entertainment centre of the home. The room has many marvellous features including open raked ceilings and a bar crafted from the regenerated timber off the property. It is a marvellous part of the home packed with all the features a true connoisseur of lifestyle should expect. The property has many features including unlimited crystal spring water from the bore, a spring fed lake and beautiful softly undulating grassy paddocks, perfect for grazing or just to enjoy as open space 79

Expression of interest

Wine cellar

5 Bedrooms


3 Bathrooms and W/C

Tennis court

Grand opened planned kitchen, dining and lounge

Crystal spring bore

Family Room featuring beautiful raked ceilings and expansive views

4 Car garage Sealed driveways and parking areas Automatic gates

Large study


Grand bar & lounge

Machinery shed

Multiple outdoor entertainment areas

Workshop with cold room Post and rail fencing

Scenic Road Properties Contact Bernadette Brushe 0407 176 052

Barney Creek Vineyard Cottages Mount Barney History & Romance in the Ranges An amazing lifestyle property with a great income. Marty and Sandy Shaw have specialised in custom renovation projects for the past 30 years, have completed a total renovation of this stunning hinterland destination and produced a true rural oasis. Situated in the lap of both Mount Maroon and the stunning Mount Barney Range, the outback resort is neighbour to a National Park, Barney Creek and the Logan River. Completely private and encapsulated by the natural surroundings, the property offers a great lifestyle option for both the resident and guests. All the hard work is done. This property is in magnificent condition having undergone a comprehensive renovation top to bottom. The business has a solid return and is a successful Boutique Farm Stay & Cellar Door. Approvals for expansion are also in place. The sale includes many extras. A walk in solution for the new owner. 81

$1,750,000 plus inclusions

Eucalypt plantation

5 Cottages


40 acres

30 x 16 shed

Solid business

Veggie garden

Property highlights

Chicken run

40 acres


4 Cottages

Frontage to Barney Creek & Logan River

Main residence and reception Luxury Eco cabin Cellar door Vineyard Lake

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

Internal fixtures & fittings, furniture & linen Plant and wquipment Wine stock


121 Crest Hill Drive Wongawallan Expressions of interest The Waller Family have lived in Wongawallan since 1999, first purchasing a property just down the road on Crest Hill Drive where they raised their children whilst owning and operating the Upper Coomera Lodge Hotel. In 2006 when this beautiful piece of land became available, they immediately purchased with a mind to create the perfect retreat designed to encompass the views in this extraordinary valley. With an intimate understanding of this scenic part of the Gold Coast hinterland , the family have designed the residence to maximise all the benefits of this wonderful position in Wongawallan. The Waller’s have created a landmark estate, no expense spared to ensure the property provides luxurious accommodation in a beautiful easy to maintain environment The attention to detail throughout the home provides for a grand yet welcoming experience. From the beautifully tiled floors, high ceilings and plantation shutters to the sweeping verandahs and grand gazebo, the living options in the home are simply stunning.

The residence is spread over 750m2 and features 4 Grand bedrooms with bathroom and WIR, Media Room, 5th bedroom or study, Open planned Dining and Lounge which flow out onto wide verandahs overlooking the valley. The Kitchen is a masterpiece and accompanied by a large Butler’s Pantry. The Grand Gazebo is the perfect entertainment area for all seasons, the massive space is part solarium and sits in the heart of the home where you will also find the swim spa. There are simply too many features to list. Please contact Drew Slack-Smith for more information about this amazing property.

121 Crest Hill Drive Wongawallan Expressions of interest

Huge verandah

5 Acres

18Kw solar

5 Bedrooms

Secure auto entry

4 Bathrooms

Concrete driveways & parking

Media Gym Open planned living pining & lounge Amazing kitchen and butlers pantry

Big shed with awning Crystal springwater bore Amazing Views Superior engineering & design inside and out

Grand alfresco entertaining Solarium & swim spa

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399


2 Rosser Street Tamborine Mountain Enjoy the serenity of this private retreat situated at the end of a cul-de-sac and set amidst 2.65 acres of park like grounds with mature trees and a running creek filled with water lilies where wildlife abounds. This beautiful property offers all the pleasures of a peaceful and private mountain lifestyle. Fill the house with flowers from your garden, the kitchen with eggs, fruit and veg from your own backyard. Entertain friends in comfort and style, summer or winter. It’s only a short venture into the village to enjoy the markets, restaurants, wineries, boutiques and national parks our mountain has to offer Opened planned living spaces feature a fireplace and a wonderful chef’s kitchen and are complimented by large bedrooms and spacious bathrooms. Most rooms access the verandah and gardens making the home the perfect acreage retreat for family and friends. The alfresco and verandahs are beautifully designed to ensure that the best of the light and breezes are accessed while enjoying the peaceful surrounds of the property 87

The home is completed with sealed driveways, triple lock up garage with work shop, irrigated vegetable gardens, a bore, a home for the chooks and loads of storage under house.

Offers over $1,500,000

with workshop

2.65 Acres


5 Bedrooms

Secure entry & sealed driveways

3 Bathrooms Fireplace Wonderful indoor & outdoor living options Triple lock up garage

¼ acre irrigated vegie garden Orchid Privacy

Scenic Road Properties Contact Bernadette Brushe 0407 176 052

Read the feature article about the owners and their wonderful story (page 49)

Oliva Di Tabragalba 173 Biddaddaba Creek Rd Biddaddaba This beautiful property with so much history presents a wonderful opportunity for families or investors to secure a piece of the Scenic Rim that will romance you for years to come. Located minutes from Canungra, Tamborine Mountain and Beaudesert, the property provides great access to all of South East Queensland. Great schools, great services, a great lifestyle. The renovation of this wonderful residence ensures the timelessness quality of the building has been lovingly restored while allowing for all modern convenience. Each room and outdoor space is wonderfully detailed, flowing from one to the next, indoor and out. Escape to the country and spread your wings. Come and visit this remarkable property, soak up the history and ambiance that is Oliva Di Tabragalba.


Olive grove

20 acres

Vegies and orchard

150 Years of history


Amazing renovation

Dam & bore

5 Bedrooms



Chickens, sheep, cattle, horses

2 Bathrooms Country kitchen and larder Timeless living options Cellar Renovated barn (The Farm Shop ) Grazing

160 year history

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

Eaglemont 147 Eagle Heights Road Tamborine Mountain Old world charm and elegance of yesteryear best describes this private luxury retreat located only a short stroll from Gallery Walk and the boutique coffee shops, restaurants, art galleries, wineries and retail outlets that are the social hub of the mountain. As you enter you are welcomed by the tree lined drive ending at a living green wall that becomes the beautiful building that is the triple garage and workshop. The home is set amidst 1.25 acres of beautiful easy-care gardens that provide an ambience all of their own, filled with mature trees covered in stags, elks, and orchids. The property is completed with a heated pool for all year round comfort. The residence, which spreads over 3 levels, features beautiful bedrooms and living spaces. Every room is spacious and well appointed. The kitchen is beautifully crafted and features a large walk in pantry. Dining and lounge areas access the verandah and gardens via Bi fold and French Doors. A visit to this property is a must for those seeking a large family home or an elegant B&B. The property is famous in

the area for a wonderful night’s rest for those seeking the refuge of the mountain. Truly a property that must be inspected to appreciate the quality of he home and surroundings.


Beautiful mature gardens

1.25 Acres

Heated pool

Tamborine Mountain landmank

Triple garage with workshop and mezzanine

5 Bedrooms


5 Bathrooms


Multi living options

Secure entry and pebble driveways

Amazing kitchen with pantry

Scenic Road Properties Contact Bernadette Brushe 0407 176 052

91-99 Vonda Youngman Drive Tamborine

Offers over $900,000

This newly built home is the perfect acreage hideaway on the doorstep to the scenic rim. With so many local services available in a number of townships along with the ease of access to the Gold Coast and Brisbane it is no wonder Tamborine Village has become such a hotspot for young families looking for space.

5 acres

The heart of the home features a beautiful open planned design. The entertainer’s kitchen with polished concrete benchtops, dining and lounge with a 2way fireplace all flow out to the balcony alfresco which features wonderful views of the property and hinterland.


This property has been designed and constructed to ensure easy maintenance and comfort are the top priority. Automatic gates, sealed drive, loads of parking, easy to maintain landscaping, large lock up triple garage with workshop and carport are but some of the extra features.

4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 5 acres

Open planned living & dining Entertainers kitchen

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

Balcony alfresco with great views Fireplace Superior insulation Triple L/U garage with workshop and carport Secure entry & sealed driveway and parking 3 Bay L/U shed plus workshop


172 Guanaba Creek Road Guanaba 10.9 Acres Vacant Land / Coomera River Frontage / Boutique Hinterland Address Offers over $1,150,000 . A stunning piece of Gold Coast acreage.

Take your pick of several elevated building areas to ensure your building design maximises your lifestyle requirements.

Simply said, you would be hard pressed to find a vacant luxury acreage allotment in the Gold Coast hinterland that can compare. If you are looking for a blank canvas to create your dream property, then this is a must inspect. Great access to the Gold Coast and M1, plenty of local services and schools.

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

Mount Alford Hotel 2 Lots Totalling 6,457m2 / Freehold Pub / Manager Cottage / Plus Vacant block Mount Alford Hotel is situated in the heart of the tourism trail of the Scenic Rim. Just a short drive from Boonah, the picturesque village of Mount Alford is surrounded by Agri Business and tourism attractions such as the Scenic Rim Brewery , Kooroomba Vineyard & Lavendar Farm, Bunjurgan Estate and Lake Moogerah to name a few. The area has seen increasing investment in business and tourism and is supported by a progressive regional council. The Hotel is freehold and owner occupied. It has been a reliable business for the current owners for the past 14 years. The building is a single level brick and hardiplank hotel complex with a 2 Bedroom residence. The opportunity includes a vacant lot currently used for camping and extra parking. The block is suitable for many purposes. Mount Alford is situated 110kms from Brisbane 10kms from Boonah and 10kms from Moogerah Dam. Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

54-56 Alpine Terrace, Tamborine Mountain A mountain cottage that has seen a transformation. This beautiful 5 Bedroom home is an entertainer’s paradise Enjoying the prize position, high up at the rear of a private 2 acre block, the elevation providing breezes, views, and the twinkle of Gold Coast lights at night. The original mountain cottage has been lovingly renovated to still maintain all its original charm. High raked ceilings, polished hardwood floors, floor to ceiling windows allowing an abundance of natural light and fresh air and a slow combustion fire place for those chilly mountain evenings. The open plan kitchen and living area are surrounded by large wrap around verandahs, where you can soak up the morning sun or enjoy the cool shade on a summer’s day. Large bedrooms & beautiful bathrooms provide wonderful accommodation which access the verandahs and gardens ensuring all areas of the home flow indoor and out.

The pool is accompanied by an alfresco with stainless kitchen that will satisfy any outdoor chef and completed with fire pit in the courtyard to ensure the mood is always perfect in this great outdoor living space. $1,300,000 2 Acres


Beautiful renovations & extensions

Avocado orchard

5 Bedrooms | 3 Bathrooms Open planned multi living options Verandahs Alfresco with stainless kitchen Scenic Road Properties Contact Bernadette Brushe 0407 176 052

Bore Gold Coast views Double carport Big shed Secure entry & sealed driveways


“Blakehurst” 379 Ganthorpe Road Mount Alford View Premier grazing, views to die for, a home with history, a lifestyle to admire. “Blakehurst” is a unique offering, properties of this size and quality are very difficult to acquire and usually long held by the families in the district. The area locally known as ‘Gods Pocket’ provides some of the best grazing and water in the region. The owners wish to downsize and are motivated to find a new owner for their wonderful property. The price has been reduced. A landmark property at great value. Blakehurst is located 12 minutes from Boonah town centre and will satisfy the requirements of many buyers. $1,650,000


5 Bed

Views forever

3 Bath 162 Acres grazing

Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

Milford Country Cottages 268 Evans Road Milford View 3 Cottages / 40 acres / 2 Dams / Great Inclusions 5 mins to Boonah CBD Expressions of Interest The property is the complete package. Everything has been taken care of. Move in and enjoy this wonderful part of the Scenic Rim Literarily just a few minutes from the Boonah town centre, this property is a must inspect for buyers such as large families or investors considering a purchase with an instant income. The owners are offering the property for sale complete with everything required to maintain both the premises and the operating farm stay business, Milford Country Cottages, which is highly regarded in the area. Rarely does an agent get the privilege of presenting a property that has been crafted and maintained to the level of 268 Evans Road Milford. Scenic Road Properties Contact Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399


Meet the team behind Scenic Road Properties

Drew Slack-Smith

Bernadette Brushe



With over 15 Years of real estate experience specialising in acreage, lifestyle real estate and property development - SCENIC ROAD PROPERTIES was formed to attend to the specific needs of selling lifestyle properties.

Having lived on Tamborine Mountain since 2007, Bernadette has a great understanding of the local property market and the fantastic lifestyle on offer.

“Our team live and breathe the hinterland and rural regions, couple that with efficient client communication and affordable marketing strategies, our approach is unique. We market each property specifically to what it needs and then highlight the region - which then gives you a holistic approach to selling. We sell the lifestyle, not just the asset.” 0407 324 399

View our listings online at

Bernadette's diverse background includes a successful sales and marketing career in media, which saw her become one of the top five representatives for one of Australia’s largest media groups. A successful real estate agent, Bernadette also previously sold properties in Paddington, Brisbane and Double Bay, Sydney. “I love selling and I enjoy helping people achieve a great result.”

0407 176 052

HUEBNER MOTORS Huebner Motors are proud to introduce Beaudesert Isuzu UTE to the Scenic Rim. Established in November 2018 Beaudesert Isuzu UTE is growing quickly. Isuzu was founded in 1916 creating truck engines. After many years of specialist engineering Isuzu UTE now offers incredibly reliable, fuel efficient, superior safety and true towing ability. Isuzu was introduced to Australia in 2008 and has since gone from strength to strength. Offering two options, the MU-X a 7 seat SUV and the D-MAX, a ute built for work. In 2015 Isuzu UTE launched the I-Venture club providing customers an opportunity to build their 4x4 skills and become an off road champion. Isuzu UTE Australia’s mantra ‘’Go Your Own Way’’ has won over and inspired the nation. A vehicle designed for those that like to create their own path. Isuzu UTE back their vehicles with 6 years warranty, 6 years roadside assistance and 7 years capped price servicing. Come in, meet the team and see for yourself exactly what sets these vehicles apart and ‘’Go Your Own Way.’’ 191 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert Qld 4285 07 5540 5050


FAMILY OWNED LOCAL BUSINESS 185 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert QLD 4285 07 5540 1911

Family owned local business 191 Brisbane Street, Beaudesert QLD 4285 07 5540 5050

Barney Creek Vineyard Cottages Exclusively listed by Drew Slack-Smith 0407 324 399

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