Mediterraean region recipe book

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By the Mare Nostrum Comenius Group


Content: Starters:  Beef Broth (Brodu Tac-Canga)………………………………………….………Pg2  Maltese vegetable soup (Minestra tal-haxxix)…………………………Pg3  Maltese Platter (Hobz biz-zejt)………………………………………………..Pg4  Bigilla …………………………………………………………………..……….Pg5  Cheese lets ………….…………………………………………………….….Pg6

Pasta:  Baked Rice (Ross il-forn)………………………………………………………….Pg7  Maltese Pasta (Timpana)…………………………………………………………Pg8  Farfalle With Maltese Sausage ……………………………………….……...Pg9

Meat Dishes:  Stuffed Marrows ( Qarabli Mimli bil-patata l-forn)………………….Pg10  Beef Olives Stew ( Bragoli )…………………………………………………..….Pg11  Rabbit Stew (Stuffat Tal-Fennek)……………………………………………..Pg12

Fish Dishes:  Stuffed Squid ( Kalamari)………………………………………………….…...Pg13  Lampuka Pie ………………………………………………………………………...Pg14  Mazzola Moqlija (Fried Dogfish) …………………………………………...Pg15

Sweets:  Pudina Tal-Hobz …………………………………………………………………....Pg16  Saint Martin’s Cake ………………………………………………………………..Pg17  Trifle ………………………………………………………………………………………Pg18


Starters: Beef Broth (Brodu taċ-Ċanga) (Serves six) Ingredients:            

500g of beef (ġarretta-ham) A beef marrow bone 2 celery stalks 1 carrot 1 turnip 1 marrow 1tsp. tomato paste 1 onion 3 potato 150g small pasta 4 lts of water Salt and pepper (to add taste)

Method: 1. Peel and roughly chop all the vegetables 2. Put all the ingredients in a large pot filled with 4 lts of water 3. Bring the soup to the boil, lower the heat and simmer for 90 minutes until the beef is tender 4. Boil the soup once again and add some small pasta; Stir until cooked 5. Serve the soup and enjoy


Minestra tal-haxix (Maltese vegetable soup) Ingredients (for four persons)            

2 marrows 4 potatoes 2 small onions 400g pumpkin (cut into cubes) 1 small cauliflower 1turnips 2 tomatoes 2 carrots 1 celery stalk with leaves 1 teaspoon tomato puree’ 200g pasta ( small shaped) 750ml of water

Variables: A variety of legumes could also be added to the above ingredients. Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Chop all the vegetables and place them in a pot. Add the tomato puree’ and season. Add enough water to cover the chopped vegetables. Bring to boil and let it simmer until vegetables are tender. Add a spoonful of olive oil and add the pasta. Keep simmering until the pasta is done. Serve with parmesan cheese.


Maltese platter (Hobz biz-zejt): Ingredients:            

Loaf of Bread Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tomato Paste Basil Sea Salt Pepper 1 Can of Tuna Cloves of Garlic 1 Onion Some Capers Some Black Olives Parsley

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Spread tomato paste over slices of bread. Sprinkle some capers and chopped raw onions Put tuna and black olives. Sprinkle with parsley and drizzle generously with extra virgin olive oil. Season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.


Bigilla (serves eight persons): Ingredients:       

500 grams dried broad beans 2 sprigs parsley 1 head of garlic (crushed) 1 chili pepper Dash of Tabasco sauce 1 tbsp. of mixed marjoram & mint, finely chopped 2 tbsp. olive oil

Variables: Add some spices of your choice.

Method: 1. Soak the beans overnight and replace water the next day when you are going to prepare the recipe. 2. Bring to boil in salted water and keep simmering until beans are soft. 3. Drain the beans and mash them lightly. 4. Allow them to cool off a little and place them in a pot. 5. Pour olive oil on top and mix well until you get a creamy sauce. 6. Add chilli pepper and some tobacco for that chilli spice. 7. Add some of crushed garlic.


Cheese lets: Ingredients: For ġbejniet:      

2 litres of Goat’s Milk 1 cup low fat milk powder Rennet mixing (Rennet changes milk into a smooth, refreshing custard-like dessert). 2 tbsp. water Salt Small plastic baskets

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Firstly you should heat the milk in a pan until a bit warm. Then add 20 drops of rennet mixing to the milk. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to set. Put the small plastic baskets onto a tray and pour the mixture into them,then leave to drain and set. 5. Sprinkle generously with sea salt. 6. Then leave in a fridge to set for 2 hours.


Pasta Baked Rice (Ross il-Forn) (Serves 5 - 6)

Ingredients              

Olive oil Rock salt Pepper Mixed herbs Two cubes (beef or chicken) One large onion, peeled and diced Four garlic cloves, peeled and thinly diced 1 kg pumpkin, peeled, seeded and chopped into cubes 200g bacon 100g Peas Three eggs Mozzarella cut in small cubes 50g grated cheese 50g breadcrumbs

Method 1.

2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Preheat oven at 170o Boil water in a large pot containing some rock salt and a beef or chicken cube. When the water boils add the rice. In a separate pan fry the onion in some olive oil, and then add the garlic and the bacon. After a few minutes add the pumpkin and the peas, together with a cube, some salt, pepper and mixed herbs to add taste. Stir both the pot and pan constantly. Once the rice is nearly cooked, remove the water from the pot and add the mixture from the other pan to it. Add three eggs and mix well. Put half the mixture in a baking tray. Put a layer of mozzarella cubes and add the rest of the mixture. Sprinkle the top with the grated cheese and breadcrumbs mixed together, and top with some pepper. Place baking tray in the oven for approximately ¾ hr, or until the top is brown.


Maltese Pasta (Timpana) Ingredients:          

2 onions 500g beef 500g ricotta cheese 2 cans of tomato salsa 2 eggs Grated cheese Some tomato paste A small portion of curry 500g macaroni 500g dough

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Mix the tomato pulp Chop the onions and put in a large pot. Boil slightly the macaroni in a pot before putting them in the mixture. Add onions and some sunflower oil to the tomato paste and mix well. Add ricotta cheese, tomato pulp and a little tomato paste in a mixing bowl. To add a little taste add in a little curry. (optional) In another pot, boil some water and put in the macaroni. Add it to the previous mixture and mix well. 8. Add 2 eggs, grated cheese and continue mixing. 9. Use a new dish and apply some margarine on it. 10. Spread some dough, then put the macaroni and the salsa mixture in the dish and spread well. After adding a thin layer of dough on top and finally put in the oven for half an hour at 1500. (Note: Puncture the dough to prevent the crust from bursting)


Farfalle with Maltese sausage (Serves 4)

Ingredients:      

500g farfalle pasta 3 Maltese sausages sliced equally 100g Maltese sundried tomatoes cut in half 100g ricotta Salt and pepper About half a cup of chopped fresh parsley

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Slice the sausages and dry fry in large pan. Add the chopped sundried tomatoes. Boil pasta and add it to the sausage mixture, adding the ricotta and salt and pepper. Sprinkle chopped parsley, serve and enjoy!


Meat dishes Stuffed Marrows (Qarabali mimli bil-Patata l-forn) (Serves 4)

Ingredients        

8 large marrows 1 kg Minced Beef 2 large onions 10 large Potatoes Fresh pepper grated 2 eggs 1 teaspoon tomato paste Fennel seeds (optional)

Method: 1. Add the marrows to a pot and boil slightly 2. Preheat a pan and after chop the onions. 3. In the preheated pan, fry the onions together with some fresh pepper and tomato paste until the onions get a brownish colour. 4. After putting the onions, add the minced beef in the frying pan and stir everything using a wooden spoon. 5. After you have boiled the marrows, let them cool and gently carve the inside of the marrows. 6. Stuff the marrows with the minced beef that you have fried earlier and place them on the dish that will go in the oven. 7. After the marrows are placed and ready, cut the potatoes into circles and spread them on the dish. 8. Finally, you may optionally add some fennel seeds. 9. Put the dish in the preheated oven at a temperature of 200 degrease Celsius until everything is seen to have a brownish colour. 10. After everything is done serve and enjoy.


Bragoli Stew Ingredients:             

6 thin slices of topside meat 2 diced rashers of bacon or ham (if you want ) Some thinly sliced parsley 2 boiled eggs Dash of pepper For the sauce: 3 tbsp olive oil 1 thinly sliced onion 1000 g of tomato sauce 1 tsp mild curry Dash of pepper 500 ml Water 4 Large potatoes

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

Heat the pan with a low flame. Open the thin slices of topside meat on a chopping board and pound them with a mallet. Put the bacon/ham on the meat. Cut the boiled eggs into round circles and place them on the meat. Chop the parsley and spread them on the meat. Add a dash of pepper to the beef roll and roll the meat into cylinders. Use a string to secure the roll and repeat the above process for the other slices. When the rolls are all done put the tomato sauce into the preheated pan. Add the olive oil, sliced onions and the curry to the tomato sauce. Slice the potatoes and add them to the sauce. After some time add the water and put the beef rolls in the sauce. Add a dash of pepper and close the lid of the pan. Leave the rolls to cook on a low flame. After everything is done, serve and enjoy.


Stuffat tal-Fenek (Rabbit Stew) (Serves 5-6 people)

Ingredients:           

1 rabbit 2 chopped onions 4 garlic cloves 5 tomatoes 2 table spoons of tomato paste 5 chopped up potatoes 3 chopped up carrots 200g peas Salt and Pepper 500ml of red wine Olive oil

Variable: You can serve with spaghetti. Method: 1. In a large pot, heat the olive oil, and add the rabbit until slightly brown. 2. Add the onions, carrots, potatoes and the tomatoes, and pour half of the red wine on the ingredients. 3. Bring to boil on a high flame for about 15 minutes 4. Add the remaining wine, peas, kidney and liver and simmer on low heat for about 2 hours, stir occasionally and add some more wine if the sauce begins to dry up.


Fish dishes Stuffed squid Ingredients:         

2 big squid 1 cup of bread crumbs Tea spoon of cut parsley 2 hard eggs 1 wiped egg 2 or 4 anchovies 2 fine cut onions 400g tomatoes Can of peas

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Clean the squid. Place the bread crumbs, cut parsley, cut anchovies and the cut eggs in a bowl. Add salt and pepper for taste and mix everything with the whipped egg. Fill the squid with this mix and sow the top part so the mix doesn’t come out during cooking. Fry the cut onions in a bit of oil. Add the peeled and cut tomatoes and leave until almost ready. Add a bit of hot water and after it is boiling add the stuffed squid and leave until almost done on a small fire, after add the can of Pease and salt and pepper fore taste. 8. Leave everything for a few more minutes. 9. This sauce can be served with spaghetti as the first plate.


Mazzola Moqlija (Fried Dogfish) Ingredients:     

2 skinned, cleaned Mazzoli cut into pieces Flour seasoned with salt and pepper, as much as needed Sunflower/Olive oil, as much as needed 2 chopped tomatoes 1 glove of garlic

Method: 1. Prepare the seasoned flour on a sheet of paper. 2. Cover the fish with the seasoned flour 3. Put the fish in the hot oil in the pan. 4. Fry until brownish and add garlic and tomatoes.

Variables: Serve with chips


Lampuka pie Ingredients:          

2 sheets of puff pastry 2 Lampuki fish filleted (Dorata) 2 tablespoons Capers 1 tin of tomato pulp 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 50 gms pitted black olives 2 cloves of garlic peeled and slices 2 table spoons of olive oil 1 bunch of fresh mint leaves Salt & Pepper to taste

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Preheat the oven at 200 deg. In shallow pan fry the lampuki fish fillets in Olive oil and garlic. Turn sides of leave until it is cooked. Add tomato pulp and paste and leave to cook for 10 minutes, season. Add all other ingredients and leave to simmer on low heat for a further 30 minutes. Set aside and leave to cool. In the meantime, place Line pie dish with baking paper Place one sheet of pastry on the base, put fish sauce ingredients in pie dish Cover with another sheet of pastry. Pierce the top of the pastry with fork before putting it into warm oven. Decrease the temperature of the oven to 180deg and place pie dish on middle tray. Let it cook for 30/45 min until it browns evenly.


Sweets Pudina tal-Ħobż Ingredients:        

1-2 loafs of one day old Maltese bread 200g of candied cherries 200g of sugar four table spoons cocoa powder 100g of rasins packet of margerine some milk if needed one egg

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Prepare a large bowl of water. Soak slices of the bread into the bowl. After, drain the water and cruble the bread into another bowl. Add margerine and mix with your hands. Add sugar and cocoa and mix again. Add the candied cherries and rasins and mix well. Then add the egg and if needed add milk if mixture is thick. Then spread the mixture on a dish and even the surface. Put into the oven for about 1 hour at 200 degrees. Once the surface is normal-dark brown it should be ready. 10. The inside of the pudina should be moist and dark brown. 11. Additional ingredients can be added such as honey and dried fruits.


Saint Martin’s Cake Ingredients:           

200 mg Shelled Hazelnuts 200 mg Shelled Walnuts 200 mg Pitted Dates 200 mg Chopped Figs 2 Eggs Separated 2 tablespoons Milk 5 tablespoons Flour 1/4 tsp ground cloves 1/2tsp cinnamon 5 tablespoons Sugar Margarine for greasing

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Pre- heat the oven to Gas mark 4 or 180c Grease the tin and sprinkle it with flour and shake off any excess. With an electric whisker beat the egg- whites until they are fluffy. Add the yolks, sugar, flour and milk. Combine them well and then fold in the dates, figs and nuts. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake for 30 minutes. Bring it out, leave it in the tin for ten minutes until it has steamed off then turn it onto a wire rack to cool.


Trifle Ingredients:       

Jelly Custard Round bowl Sponge cake round chocolate chips 1 tin of strawberries Sweet wine

Method: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Prepare Jelly and custard from a day before and place in fridge to set. Slice sponge cake in three layers and place one layer in bowl wet the sponge with sweet wine Use one third of the jelly and spoon out onto the sponge Use one third of the custard and spoon out onto the jelly place a few canned strawberry and chocolate chips Repeat two more times Nos. 3 to 6. Place trifle in the fridge for a couple of hours to set before serving out.


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