Your 2018 2019 New Jersey District Board

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2018 - 2019 NEW JERSEY DISTRICT BOARD Live to Serve Love to Serve

NEW JERSEY DISTRICT BOARD District Governor Michael Vitti District Secretary Alissa Papernik District Treasurer Dimpie Shah District Editor Jill Wintle Garden LTG Anthony Patrizi Metro LTG Jonathan Varano International Trustee Karl Uzcategui

NJ DISTRICT GOVERNOR My name is Michael Vitti, and I have the pleasure of serving as your 2018-2019 New Jersey Circle K District Governor. I am currently a sophomore at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, where I am studying biomedical engineering with aspirations to hopefully one day become involved in healthcare. Whether that means becoming a physician assistant,

―I am not really sure. But one thing that is for sure is

pharmacist, or surgeon

the bright service year we have ahead of us: DCON was such a surreal, incredible experience, and it was there that I was able to confirm that our district is full of determined members ready to bolster the communities around them. I am looking forward to the strengthening of already existing clubs, the chartering of new ones, and the growth of unity within our district. I am looking forward to getting to know you more and learn your story, how you became a part of the K-Family and what makes it special to you. I am looking forward to more K-Family events and standing beside you as we take stands against the current issues facing our surrounding communities. With that being said, I hope you are off to a great start with the new service year and that if you have any questions, you do not hesitate to reach out to me. Oh, and keep an eye out for committee chair applications! There may or may not be a fun little activity coming out with them.


Michael Vitti

2018-19 District Governor NJ District of Circle K Int.


I am Alissa Papernik or if you went on Insight in November, you may also know me as the chicken girl (and if you didn’t and have no clue what I am talking about, I chased and held a chicken on Insight) and I will be your NJ District Secretary for the 2018-2019 Service year. I am a sophomore Mechanical Engineering student at Rowan University and a very dedicated member in our chapter of Circle K. I have served as Rowan’s Scrapbook chair for the 2016-2017 and 2017-2018service year, and as Rowan’s secretary for the 2017-2018 service year, so I know the different struggles of being a club secretary so please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any concerns, questions, or for advice. I am very passionate about service and lending a helping hand to whoever needs it. I am also a very dedicated and loyal person. When I start something I always finish and follow through. On top of this I am easy to talk to so do not be afraid to reach out or ask me for anything. This year I hope to accomplish a few things. I would like increase communication between the club secretaries between each other and with the District Secretary. I would also like to continue the work that out 2017-2018 District Secretary Stephania has started in optimizing the secretary positon. Circle K is an organization that means the world to me because it is the best place to make a difference through service and to make lifelong friends. I look forward to working with everyone this year!

Yours in caring and service,

Alissa Papernik 2018-19 District Secretary

NJ District of Circle K Int.


Hi everyone! My name is Dimpie Shah and I am ecstatic to be your 2018-2019 District

Treasurer. Thank you for allowing me to serve you for this upcoming service year! Currently, I am a junior at Rutgers University majoring in Biological Sciences and minoring in Business Administration. I hope to pursue an M.D. in the future along with a MBA. I am also part of the Honors College and a George H. Cook Scholar. Outside of academics, I serve as the Treasurer for Rutgers Global Brigades and will be going on my third brigade to Nicaragua this summer! So far, I have served communities in Honduras and Panama! I joined the Kiwanis family my second semester in college and it was the best decision I had made. During the 2016-2017 service year, I served as the Large Scale Service Programs (LSSP) co-chair for Rutgers Circle K. I was also elected as the Conferences and Conventions Co-Chair mid-year for the NJ District Board and planned and executed DCON. This past service year I served as President of Rutgers Circle K and it was one of the most rewarding experiences I truly cherished. Circle K gave me a home away from home and a family I could rely on while also performing meaningful service. The tenet of fellowship, which is embedded in every experience within the Kiwanis family, is unique to this organization and allows members to build relationships that span for not months or years, but decades. As your District Treasurer, I hope to expand the role and make a greater impact. The following are my goals for the upcoming year:

- Increase membership within New Jersey District overall - Ensure Circle K clubs are receiving funding from their respective student governments - Increasing fundraising for each club and the district - Chartering new clubs as well as making each New Jersey Circle K club active.

I cannot wait to embark on this journey and meet everyone! Please feel free to reach out if you need anything. I cannot wait to see what new feats we accomplish this service year and the amazing experiences and memories that will

Sincerely, unfold!

Dimpie Shah 2018-19 District Treasurer NJ District of Circle K Int.


My name is Jillian Wintle and I am a Criminal Justice major at Stockton University, graduating May

2018. I have been officially accepted into Stockton’s Masters of Social Work program for the Fall 2018. I have been a dedicated Circle K general member for 3 years. I have had the pleasure to serve as one of Stockton Circle K’s Committee Chairs for the 2016-2017 service year, as well as filling an open committee chair this semester of the 2017-2018 service year. I thoroughly enjoy taking part in multiple service projects. Large scale service projects are my favorite because you are able to dedicate a lot of time to service in one sitting, for example MLK Day of Service or even DLSSP. I also enjoy the smaller scaled service projects like Project Linus and On-Campus service where you can take a small amount of time out of your day to volunteer for a larger cause. As the new District Editor, I have plans to go above and beyond my role and exceed the expectations set for this position. These plans include: - Sending out informing and quality newsletters every two months - Visiting the general meetings of each club in the district and obtaining details and dates of upcoming events and service projects for their club. - Creating at least 5 newsletters specific to one topic: Service, Leadership. Fellowship, Insight and DCON - Including a section from each branch of the K Family When I was in my Freshmen year at Stockton University, one of my friends convinced me to go to one of the last Circle K meetings of the service year. I ended up meeting a bunch of new people sitting next to me through their sharing’s of happy thoughts and excitement to sign up for the weekly service projects. One of their general members convinced me to sign up for the last spot for the Friday excursion to the Atlantic City Rescue Mission. I had no idea what I was in for. We arrived and I was handed gloves and a hair net and assigned to a station where I was to serve the selected dinner. At 4pm sharp the metal doors opened and there was a line a people waiting to receive food. For the next two hours I would meet brand new faces of hungry people living on the streets, excited for their next meal. It was breathtaking. The entire car ride home I was silent. Thinking of all the people I met that day, I realized how impacted I was by just one service project. Think of the people who need food, I thought. I wanted to go back. After that one, small, experience I was hooked. Circle K was 100% for me. I needed to serve and be a part of the community whether big or small. I became a dues paid member for the fall 2015-16 service year and attended almost every weekly meeting. Circle K became my life and everyone in our club became my family. I do not regret for one second joining this club or dedicating so much of my time to community service. I believe everything happens for a reason and it clearly did because I am very excited to be a part of the 2018-19 District Board and to serve as this year’s District Editor. If you have anything special that you would like me to include in my newsletters this year, do not hesitate to reach! I cannot wait to meet all of you in each club of the district and provide you with beneficial information and events happening all over your state.

Sincerely with love and care,

Jillian Wintle 2018-19 District Editor

Greetings Circle K affiliates!


With great gratitude, I would like to introduce myself to the district! My name is Jonathan Varano and I have the honor of serving the district as the Metro Division’s newest Lieutenant Governor for the 2018-2019 service year. Currently, I stand as a sophomore at Montclair State University who majors in Political Science and Jurisprudence with a minor in Public Administration. Alongside being involved in Circle K, I happen to be a legislator within my university’s Student Government Association. As a legislator at Montclair State University, I represent student organizations on campus within the SGA by writing bills for each club so that they can organize events for the study body to enjoy. My experience within the Kiwanis Family has been a vast and fulfilling one, going way back to my elementary school days as a proud member of K-Kids. Since then, my actions have benefited my hometown community in Bloomfield, New Jersey through service projects and by spreading positivity and optimism all around. Key Club has truly influenced me into becoming a passionate Circle K’er who values service, leadership, and fellowship to the highest degree. Being two years fresh out of high school, determined to continue my journey through the Kiwanis Family, I made it a requirement for myself to be more involved within this organization by chartering a Circle K club at Montclair State University alongside my best friend, thus becoming my club’s very first Vice President. As Lieutenant Governor, I hope to unlock the hidden potential of the Metro Division by growing it in terms Circle K clubs, recruiting new members, monitoring and counseling existing clubs, and promoting interclub relations within the division as a whole. My top priority as LTG would be to ensure the level of quality within current clubs within the division by sharing innovative ideas on how to strengthen club interest while providing my full support and attention to ever Circle K club in the Metro Division in order for them to continue to thrive. Altogether, I’m glad I have the opportunity to be a part of the district board and I hope to make new experiences and new friends along the way! Looking forward to the bright future I have ahead of me! Sincerely,

Jonathan Varano

2018-19 Metro Division LTG NJ District of Circle K Int.

GARDEN LTG. Greetings and Salutations,

My name is Anthony Patrizi or more commonly known as “Poncho” it is with great honor that I have been elected into the 2018-2019 District Board as the Garden Division LTG. I am currently a member of Stockton’s CKI which would make this my fourth year in CKI, i started my CKI career in Atlantic Cape Community College where I served a president during my time there. During my term as LTG I plan to establish new chapters within my division, and I plan to establish stronger ties between the already established clubs in the Garden Division by creating inner club events via a Division Committee.

There is not much to say about me but that I like to keep his personal life personal and keep it out of my professional. I do my job, work with who I must to complete my job and do it to the best of my ability to see it through. When I first joined CKI I met people that cared as much as I do about others, and then found it to be bigger then what I thought it was and that our school was a part of something that is worldwide which opened my eyes to the possibilities of really being able to be a part of something that really does make a difference in this world. I saw a group that built future leaders. I look forward to this coming year for I will be getting to expand my knowledge in CKI and Kiwanis. I look forward to the new people I will meet and what the new board and I will create this coming service year, and as always “One is glad to be of service”. Sincerely,

Anthony Patrizi 2018-19 Garden Division LTG NJ District of Circle K Int.


Greetings from the Nutmeg State,

My name is Karl Uzcategui and I have the pleasure of serving as your 2017-2018 International Trustee. The role of trustee is similar to that of a Lt. Governor. However, instead of supporting club officers, trustees work with Districts Boards and their Governors. In addition to this a trustee represents each member and club that is within their respective subregion on the international level. Our subregion is Subregion F; which consists of New York, New Jersey, New England, Capital, and Eastern Canada. My journey in the Kiwanis Family began in 2008 when I joined the Fairfield Warde HS Key Club in Fairfield, CT. I had no idea how my decision to say yes (and attend the next meeting) would alter my personal and professional development. I am who I am today because of the Kiwanis Family members who constantly supported me and told me I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. My hope is that when you think of why you stayed a member of our organization that a warm and fuzzy feeling starts to develop. To inspire additional fellowship, I we will be hosting a series of challenges I hope you will find enjoyable. Warning: They may cause some humor or inspiration when conducting said challenge. For the first, lets break some ice with a photo challenge. The rules are simple: Each photo must have YOU (optional: other people) in it to go along with an "F". The "F" represents our subregion and all those within it. The contest begins August 1st and ends September 29th. You can post your photos on the Subregion F facebook group. Simply search "CKI Subregion F" if you aren't already in the group. When posting your photo please use the hashtags #FYeah and #SubF. Did I forget to mention there will be a prize for the individual who posts the "best" display of Subregion F spirit. Please let me know if you have any questions. We have a lot of great work ahead of us and I look forward to what this year has in store for the members of Subregion F.


Karl A. Uzcategui New England District

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