spring/summer 2018 by stephanie kontos
translated from Greek: heroology n. stories and speech of the heroes Heroic stories represent the value and belief in goodness, justice, and integrity, the traits that humans want to have and those they want to stay away from or overcome. They represent our biggest dreams and goals. They are stories of figures that take that first step into the unknown in pursuit of them, overcoming fears, and reaching the ends of their limits. IrologĂa s/s 18 captures heroes in an oasis, drawing from the people whose stories I have been listening to since I was young: my family. I am inspired by the tough decisions they made in times of world wars, government rebellions, and struggling to maintain family as they stepped towards creating a better life for their family. The pieces of the collection are deconstructed and rebuilt with hand-cut silk leaves, machine embroidery, and crystals to express the beauty and strength of Greece and that no one can crush a tough and passionate Greek spirit. -stephanie kontos
�A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.� Joseph Campbell
“They had a vision for a better life, they saw something beautiful on the horizon, and they left their family to create it and to support their family better.� Roussa Kontos
“Myth and fantasy give us hope and belief that great things are possible, that we can accomplish our dreams. In a way, they seem too fantastical to be true, but heroic stories are very personal in that they reveal our biggest goals, traits we want to have, and what we want to avoid and overcome. They reveal our fears in unknown and unencountered situations but we take that first step to overcoming them in order to achieve dreams we thought were impossible.� Stephanie Kontos
muse: Lara Helmer photo: James Wolfe beauty: Jade Keogh hair: Jaci Smith Follow the story on instagram @stephanie_kontos