educational program

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educational program

Hello! Welcome to the Together We Do Better Educational Program! The purpose of this system is to help JCPenney customers become more knowledgable about the dangers of plastic disposable bags and become better acquainted with JCP’s new reusable shopping bags and gift bags. Reusable bags are a long-term practical solutio. A single reusable bag has the potential to replace over 1,000 single-use bags in its lif time26, saving a significant amount of resources. Reusable bags are much less likely to enter landfills and can last for years. Designed for many uses, JCPenney reusable bags emit fewer carbon dioxide emissions and require less energy in their production and manufacture than single-use bags. The JCPenney “I Reuse” shopping bag is so strong and durable it should last for a long time. Thousands of super fine plastic fibers are fused together to give the bag incredible strength and durability. But when it has reached the end of its life, you can recycle it with your other plastic household items. Similarly, the JCPenney “I Reuse” gift bag is an amazing new alternative to single use plastic bags! Made from stone, the production of “Terraskin” requires no water and no trees. After three to nine months in the natural environment, the material will safely biodegrade. Because it is naturally tear-and-water resistant, the need for any lamination Is eliminated. The unique material is so beautiful that you will never want to throw it away! JCPenney’s Afterschool Programs will be a way for kids to get in on the action! Through an informative lesson plan, kids will gain a deeper understanding about sustainability and how they can become involved. Their creation of a new design on a customizable JCP reusable bag is the perfect gift for their mother or father. Their work of art is something their parents will never throw away and use over and over again! Thank you for your participation in this exciting new endeavor brought to you by JCPenney!

What’s in it for the Stakeholders? Who are the stakeholders and how to we make our ideas meaningful to them? Customers – Offer enhanced functions and the potential to satisfy their values through owning, supporting, and using this new solution. Make it easier for people to make better choices without assuming they are experts on sustainability themselves. JCPenney Corporate – Differentiate brand and offerings so they can increase business and attract more diverse customers. JCPenney Employees – Offer an emotional and meaningful connection between themselves and their work. Partners – Include them in as part of the process. This makes for better relationships that lead to less waste, and environmental damage. Community – Create long term involvement between the organization and those it serves. Competitors – Raise the stakes for competing companies ecause not all customers are socially and environmentally engaged, marketing around these values isn’t likely to be the most effective B approach, just an added bonus. Generally, promoting benefits and insights regarding efficiency is a more successful approach. Most Valued Attributes include Convenience, Efficiency and value, Health and safety, performance, price, status, authenticity, and social justice. These issues appeal to wider group of customers that spans both those who are sustainability minded and those who are not. We want to avoid problematic and vague terms like “green” “recyclable” “environmentally friendly” etc.

Training Workshop for Employees. The purpose of this program is to teach JCPenney Employees about the benefits of reusable bags and what they can do to pass on this knowledge to the customers. This is an essential step in JCPenney’s plan for sustainability and community outreach. A more informed employee will be able to translate JCPenney’s objectives to the customer is a relatable manner. By involving the employees in the Afterschool Program, they are more likely to really learn what they are teaching and therefore more able to become a role model for the kids. Objective: -To raise awareness about the JCPenney’s Together We Do Better Program -To empower the Employees to teach kids and thus be more responsible towards the community they live in

Lesson Model.

Classroom Activity. After School Program.

1. Introduction of the workshop leader; i.e Store Manager or Regional Manager 2. Introduction of Sustainability 3. Talk about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 4. Watch short film about plastic, “The story of stuff” 5. Talk about the effects of plastic bags on the environment 6. Talk about the rising price of oil 7. What would happen if there were no more plastic bags? 8. Give specific examples of places where plastic bags are banned. ie. Italy, China,Seattle 9. How does that make you feel? 10. Allow the employees to come up with their own ideas 11. Share results 12. Talk about the After School Program in their area 13. Talk about the lesson plan some of them will be leading 14. Pass out the application they must fill out if they want to be involved with this community project and tell them when it is due and the benefits 15. Talk about interview that will take place with anyone that applies 16. Questions and Answers 17. Closing Remarks

The purpose of this program is to raised awareness in the community about the benefits of reusable bags and what they can do to become more involved. The kids will take their completed bags home to their parents where they can then have a discussion about sustainability and explore in what ways they can contribute to a better world. The first twenty minutes of the activity invloves teaching with use of visual materials and class participation. The remaining time of the lesson will be dedicated to students’ creation of an illustration based on this lesson. The focus is to use the bag as a creative medium of expression that the kids can then give to their parents to use when shopping. Objective: - To clearly teach the concept of sustainability to kids with a directed activity involving JCPenney Reusable bags.

Lesson Model. 1. Introduction of JCP employee 2. Introduction of Project and JCPenneys 3. Introduction of “Penney” the Starfish 4. Talk about plastic bags and its effects on the environment narrated by “Penney.” 5. Talk about the benefits of Re-using materials and Re-usable bags more specifically. 6. Pass out JCPenney “Make your Mark” Re-usable Bags and Fabric Markers (one side of the bag contains information about the environment and the benefits of using the bag and Logo) 7. Allow the kids to decorate their own JCP Re-usable bags to keep 8. Help the kids make their design meaningful and encourage them to follow nature themes or draw “Penney.” 9. Give out comic book for kids to take home about Penney’s adventures at JCPenney’s. 10. Take a group photo 11. Say goodbye!

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