Opening up (including) gill miller

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Opening Up (Including) Responsive Prayer LEADER: With open arms God welcomes you into his presence. RESPONSE: I choose to walk into God’s arms and feel his embrace. LEADER: With an open heart Jesus wants to show you his love. RESPONSE: I am willing to discover more of Jesus’ love for me. LEADER: With power and glory the Holy Spirit waits to bless you. RESPONSE: I am waiting with anticipation for blessings in the hope that I too can be a blessing to someone. LEADER: We give thanks for people who teach us how to interact with Jesus; people from the Bible and people we know today. Response: Thank you Lord for Bible characters who, just like us, were imperfect in many ways yet found a new way to live through an encounter with you. Leader: Lord, we meet together to deepen our understanding of being a disciple of Jesus in this world today. Response: Shine on us we pray with your glorious light and show us the way to glorify you through our friendships and relationships. Together: In Jesus’ powerful name we make our prayer. Amen.

Prayer Topics 

Pray for people who feel ignored because of their lifestyle or situation. Maybe through poverty, homelessness, drug addiction, mental illness, unemployment or as victims of abuse.

Pray that the Lord will help you to see everyone through his eyes, a person uniquely created with potential and promise. Be honest about your own prejudice and pray for understanding and healing.

Pray for people who think they are unworthy of love; for those with low self esteem or those who have been told they are worthless.

Pray that you will be able to speak words of encouragement and even love when you have the opportunity. Pray that your desire will be to build others up in the Lord. Prayer Activities

 Imagination prayer Jesus met Zacchaeus in a crowd yet he spoke with him personally. When you have a personal encounter with Jesus you realise how much he knows about you and how deep his love for you is. Choose a quiet space and breathe in and out deeply until you feel calm and relaxed. Breathe in the presence of Jesus with you and breathe out any anger, frustration, worry etc. Offer a prayer asking God to protect your mind and bless your thoughts as you enter into this prayer encounter. Imagine yourself in one of your favourite places; somewhere you feel safe. Next imagine Jesus walking towards you.  What is he wearing? What is the expression on his face?  How does he greet you? How do you greet Jesus?  Jesus asks you to play a game, what do you choose to play?  Jesus asks you when was the last time you were really happy and why?  Jesus asks you the last time you cried and why?  Jesus asks you what you are worrying about right now.  You have a gift for Jesus, what is it?  Jesus has a gift for you, what is it? End your prayer time by thanking the Lord for being with you in those special moments. This personal encounter will strengthen your own Christian life and enable you to pray for others in a meaningful and deeper way. Try imagining someone you need to pray for meeting with Jesus and allow the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts. If you are brave enough share your prayer thoughts with the person you have prayed for. It will encourage them more than you will know and help you to discover how prayer makes a difference.  Postures in prayer Simply opening our hands before the Lord suggests we are open and ready to receive from him. Folding our arms in prayer suggests we are placing a barrier between ourselves and God. Thinking about our prayer position before we commence can make a difference. Kneeling suggests reverence and humility, lying prostrate suggests complete surrender. Standing suggests we are in the presence of the King of kings and we honour Him. Raising our arms in praise suggests we are giving God the glory. Think about how your posture reflects your attitude. It may not be physically possible to achieve the position you choose but you can imagine yourself in that position as you pray for the prayer topics above.

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