january 2019
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
shorthorn country = january 2019
Shorthorn Country janaury 2019 issue 1 • volume 46
= Features NAILE Open Show.................................................................................. 20 NAILE Junior Show................................................................................. 25 NAILE ShorthornPlus Open Show....................................................... 28 NAILE ShorthornPlus Junior Show...................................................... 32 NAILE Show Honoree............................................................................ 59 ASA Annual Meeting - Awards banquet.............................................. 64 Sire Test 2019 Bulls.................................................................................. 14
shorthorn country
advertising rates 1x Full page $ 565 $ 2/3 page 420 1/2 page-island 335 1/2 page 315 1/3 page 240 1/4 page 195 1/6 page 135 Business card (1 1/2”) 41
11x 505 385 310 290 225 175 120 32
* Additional cost for e-mailed pictures, color corrections and photograph scans
color rates
=Sale Reports
4 color 1 color
$200 $195
* Color only available on ads half of page or larger.
Where Future Generations Are Created............................................... 74 Bakenhus Cattle Co., Complete Dispersion......................................... 74 Form To Function.................................................................................... 75 A Maternal Event..................................................................................... 75
Contract Rates And Discounts:
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Update..................................................................................8 Association Outlook........................................................10 Beef Business.....................................................................12 Junior Corner....................................................................60 What You Need To Know................................................62 News & Notes....................................................................69 Sales Calendar...................................................................85 Ad Index............................................................................84
Shorthorn Country
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 • www.shorthorncountry.net Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director = 402-212-2594 tracy@shorthorncountry.org Amy Sampson, graphic designer = 816-437-9210 amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant = amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston= 217-452-3051 cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn = 217-473-1124 drahn@casscomm.com
Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC = 913-268-5725 Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com
shorthorn country = january 2019
The January cover was taken by Heidi Anderson and Cindy Cagwin-Johnston.
=Advertising Representatives Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
shorthorn country = january 2019
= Shorthorn Update
7607 NW Prairie View Rd. • Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs, performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Rogers, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Emily Velisek, director of events, show & membership activities • emilyv@shorthorn.org Rochelle Wilson, director of finances • rochelle@shorthorn.org
ASA Board of Directors Rick Leone, president 719-468-1981 Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, vice president 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, executive director 916-319-0488 Tom Turner, 614-499-5248 Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Joe Bales, 615-330-2342 Dave Greenhorn, 937-470-6552 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Jake Nikkel, president National Shorthorn Lassies Shay Bakenhus, president
ASA Dates of Note January Jan. 1 ASA Office Closed Jan. 1 2019 ASA Membership is due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2019 WHR assessment fees ($16) Jan. 19 NWSS Pen Show Jan. 20 NWSS Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Jan.20 NWSS Open ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show Jan. 20 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the NWSS Jan. 21 NWSS National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Jan.30-Feb.1 NCBA Convention and Trade Show - New Orleans, La. February Feb. 3 Fort Worth Stock Show - National Shorthorn Show -9 am
Feb. 19 Funding the Future Online Junior Fundraiser - amsonlinesales.com Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid. TOC breeder status ends if membership is not paid. March March 1 Late fees incur for WHR Assessment starting March 1 ($25) April April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline April 19 ASA Office Closed - Good Friday May May 1 Junior National Cattle Ownership & Entry Deadline May 1 AJSA Scholarship Deadline May 15 Junior National Late Entry Deadline May 27 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day
National Western Schedule (NWSS) - 2019
Sunday, January 20, 2019 11:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn & Wednesday, January 16, 2019 ShothornPlus Heifer Show 7:00 a.m. Yard cattle begin arriving followed by Open ShorthornPlus Thursday, January 17, 2019 Bull & ShorthornPlus 9:00 a.m. Begin processing all pen Female Show cattle 5:00 p.m. Mile High Summit Friday, January 18, 2019 Shorthorn Social - 8:00 p.m. Hill cattle begin arriving National Western Club Saturday, January 19, 2019 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National 8:00-11:00 a.m. Check-in all Junior and Shorthorn Sale - Open Shorthorn & National Western Club ShorthornPlus Hill cattle Monday, January 21, 2019 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen 1:00 p.m. Open Shorthorn Bull & Heifer Show Female Show followed by Yards Shorthorn Social followed by Open Shorthorn Bull Show Presentation of Show Honoree during 5:00 p.m. All Hill cattle released the Pen Show in the YardsTuesday, January 22, 2019 Dr. Les Mathers III - Leveldale Farms 7:00 a.m. All Yard cattle released
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WHR Breeders WHR Assessments for 2019 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible. 1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2019 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2019.) 2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2019 to an assessed 2019 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months) 2019 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: Nov. 1, 2018 - January 9, 2019 $16 January 10 - February 28, 2019 $20 March 1 - December 31, 2019 $25 *Calves born to unassessed dams will incur additional fees as described below
New WHR Non-Assessed Cow Ruling - Effective Jan. 1, 2019 WHR Breeders: as of January 1, 2019, penalties will be added to WHR breeder registrations for calves born to dams not assessed in the year the calf was born. To avoid penalties, assessment of all dams in the herd must be completed by December 31 of that year. Registration fees of calves born to unassessed dams from previously closed assessment years: • under 12 months of age - $75 • 12-24 months - $95 • over 24 months - $135 *This applies only to animals registered to a dam which was not assessed in the year the calf was born.
2019 NWSS Judges Pen Shows: Dan Shike Junior Shows: Alan Miller Open Shows: Shane Bedwell
Help Support the Juniors! Feb. 19 • Funding the Future Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
Regular Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone
2019 International Year Code: G
shorthorn country = january 2019
= Association Outlook
Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO
Entering a New Year and New Era
any changes are happening behind the scenes within our industry that will forever change the way our product is marketed. I am going to share the vision and message from the speakers at our December 2018 Annual Meeting and Forum by summarizing the comments from these industry leaders who presented their vision of the changes we need to be aware of to better prepare for a sustainable future. =
We will see More Changes in the Next 5 Years than we have seen in the Last 40 Years David Trowbridge
30% of Beef Sold will be Grass Fed by 2050 Dr. Jason Rowntree
3rd Party Certification is a Value-Added Program for Producers Seth Diehm
Increased Use of Selection Indices – for Both Seedstock and Commercial Producers Bryce Schumann
Global Climate Change Will Change Farming and Ranching Practices Dr. Dan Thomson
We cannot Lose Trust with our Consumers Dean Bryant
How will Breed Associations Fit in the Industry in the Future? Bryce Schumann – Dr. Dan Thomson
Feedlots will Own the Genetics Needed – In Order to have the Quality Product Desired Dr. Dan Thomson – Bryce Schumann
The Value of Feed Intake – Finishing Sooner and being More Profitable Matt Woolfolk -Bryce Schumann
Providing the Story of Where Beef Comes from for Consumers Frank Stoltzfus
The Next Generation of Consumers will Demand to Know More about what they Eat
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shorthorn country = january 2019
= Beef Business
An In-Depth Look at Selection Indices: Part 1 A hot topic in the hallway at the ASA Annual Meeting in Kansas City was the use of selection indices and the tools we have available in the Shorthorn breed. Selection index technology wasn’t an official topic in the educational forum, but I believe there was a lot of interest and educating going on among many breeders in attendance. There was a lot of good information and philosophy spread amongst breeders, and I hate that everyone couldn’t be in attendance to be a part of these discussions. That spurred the idea to spend a few months writing about selection indices, how they work, and what we have available in the Shorthorn breed at this time for you to use in your breeding programs. In order to get the best view we can at the whole picture, I think it’s only fitting that we start with the basics before diving into the more specific material. The development of selection indices in the beef cattle industry are a relatively new addition to genetic evaluations. After EPDs came along, the idea to combine some of those genetic predictors into a single figure to attempt to gauge economic and genetic merit led to the implementation of the selection index. A selection index is intended to give a cattleman a relative economic value for an individual animal when in a specific production scenario. Traits that are important to a scenario are identified and included in an equation. The traits
in the equation are weighted based on their economic value in the individual production scenario. Depending on the situation, some traits will be weighted significantly in the calculations, while others may only play a small role in the final output. Simply put, a selection index is like a long, complicated algebra formula, but instead of just X and Y for variables, there are a LOT more, with some indices having nearly enough components to have variables A through Z! Usually, an association will offer several selection index options to their membership to try and meet several of their breeding objectives. Each index is calculated from a specific production situation, and it is important to know and understand those situations when studying an index. An index built for a breeding program of mature cows may not be as effective for you if you are looking to breed heifers. An index built with retained ownership of feeder cattle in mind may not quite fit your needs (or the needs of your customers) if selling calves at weaning is your main objective. Of course, whatever index is available to you may not be a perfect fit for your operation, but there’s a good chance that one or more indices will fit the needs of your program pretty well. A selection index is designed to help breeders improve genetic merit without the drawbacks of single trait selection
Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
that can sometimes occur when using a single EPD to make breeding decisions. We all know that multiple traits must be taken into consideration when evaluating what makes profitable cattle in any situation, and a selection index is the best tool we have of predicting which animals can work in an environment. The American Shorthorn Association has four available selection indices available for breeder use in their mating and selection decisions. They include $Calving Ease, $British Maternal Index, $Feedlot and $Fescue. In future issues, I will go into more detail about the components and uses of each index. Identifying traits of importance, the production scenarios designed for each index, and how we can use them as Shorthorn breeders and commercial seedstock producers will be discussed. In the ever changing world of beef cattle genetic evaluation and selection, the use of the selection index is growing increasingly popular with commercial bull buyers. As providers of commercial seedstock, I hope that you feel it is part of your responsibility to understand and assist your customers in finding and using the proper selection index that meets their operation’s criteria. Hopefully, I will be able to fulfill my responsibility to give you the information you need to accomplish this goal over the next few = articles!
2019 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference Lebanon, TN - June 17-22, 2019 Headquarters: Comfort Suites - 904 Murfreesboro Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090 Phone: (615) 443-0027 • Price: $ 139.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Other Hotels: Econo Lodge- 829 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-1001 • Price: $ 79.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Executive Inn- 631 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-0505 • Price: $89.00 • Cutoff Date: 6/01/2019
shorthorn country = january 2019
The following bulls have been selected as sires for the 2019 University of Illinois Sire Test.
Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
ARG Hector 1777 ET (4267185) • Nominated by the ARG Group CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI 13 -1.6 46 71 19 42 8 15 -0.41 -31 -0.11 0.14 -0.11 45.14 130
$F 52.94
Ash Valley Right Choice 3212 (4208863) • Nominated by Loving Polled Shorthorns, Kansas CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 8 -0.9 38 52 22 41 8 20 -0.3 -24 -0.09 0.15 -0.08 29.75 117.89 47.4
Byland Denali 5M24 (4224578) • Nominated by Stangl Shorthorns, South Dakota CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 23 -3.6 53 78 24 50 15 19 -0.47 -23 0.29 0 -0.1 76.26 171.85 55.24
CLF Foolin Around 1401 ET (4207965) • Nominated by Cedar Lane Farm, Ohio CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 6 2.8 44 71 16 37 1 8 -0.35 -11 -0.09 -0.04 -0.12 19.11 91.16 48.94
GCF Exchange 702E (4255513) • Nominated by Paint Valley Farm, Ohio and Jungels Shorthorn Farm, North Dakota CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 9 2.4 61 88 25 56 4 18 -0.4 -14 0 0.11 -0.12 26.83 144.13 59.38
KL Proud Leader 321 (4206966) • Nominated by Loving Polled Shorthorns, Kansas CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 14 -1.1 49 66 24 49 9 16 -0.31 -29 -0.22 -0.01 -0.09 49.31 143.85 51.64
Saskvalley Banjo 268B (4256469) • Nominated by Bowman Superior Genetics, Indiana CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT 14 -0.6 49 73 21 45 8 21 -0.34 -16 -0.05 -0.14 -0.1
$CEZ $BMI $F 48.18 130.38 50.75
South Starr Red Rx 5514 (4217849) • Nominated by Waukaru Farms, Indiana CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 6 0.3 56 80 25 53 4 16 -0.26 -15 -0.09 0.04 -0.07 20.34 124.01 54.87
SULL RGLC Legacy 525 ET (4223162) • Nominated by Rockin’ G Shorthorns, Illinois and Sullivan Farms, Iowa CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 8 1 58 86 17 46 0 6 -0.45 -21 0.04 -0.13 -0.12 23.77 118.81 54.65
Sutherland Revlon 343E (AR4259873) • Nominated by Sutherland Farms and Goshen Sires, Kentucky CED BW WW YW MK TM CEM ST YG CW REA MB FAT $CEZ $BMI $F 7 2.6 49 71 22 46 2 14 -0.33 -10 0.11 -0.16 -0.09 25.22 111.32 49.16
shorthorn country = january 2019
TH FREE PHA FREE DS FREE 4235420 •DOB: 11.5.15 Sire: SULL Prime Made 2105 ET Dam: CS Marybeth CS181Y
2017 NAILE Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull
CED: 6; BW: 2.4; WW: 49; YW: 75 MK: 18; TM: 43; CEM: 2; ST: 4; YG: -0.44; 2018 NAILE Class Winner, Star Dream Lady 184F, CW: -15; REA: 0.13; MB: -0.09; FT: -0.12; daughter of CS Star Catcher CS815C. $CEZ: 20.08; $BMI: 110.58; $F: 50.90
Ronnie & Michele Welling Pleasant View Farms
Semen Available through
1386 Pleasant Valley Road Given, WV 25245 304.532.1809
866-356-4565 • www.cattlevisions.com
shorthorn country = december 2018
shorthorn shorthorncountry country= =december january 2019 2018
15 61
= Tartan Plaid National Shorthorn Lassie Annual Meeting The National Shorthorn Lassie Board met following the annual meeting November 10, 2018. In attendance was Megan, Sydney, Pam, Elaine and Sommer. The following officers were elected:
Sydney National Shorthorn Miller Lassie Secretary
Once again, the Junior Board was kind enough to include the Lassie lots in their annual “Deck the Stalls” fundraiser and it went very well! Thank you to the Junior Board members and Shelby for including us! We want to take this opportunity to thank the National Shorthorn Board, The Shorthorn Foundation and the Shorthorn community at large for your support this year and every year! Without your generous gifts and enthusiasm for the Lassies, we could not continue this scholarship program! Be sure to look for your National Queens at the Denver Stock Show!! =
President: Shay Bakenhus Vice-President: Megan Dragstrem Secretary: Sydney Miller Treasurer: Pam Dressen Publicity: Macy Bakenhus Queen Chair: Elaine Dragstrem Gwen Crawford Other board members: Sommer Smith The National Lassie’s are pleased to announce your new 2018-2019 Lassie Queens: Emily Fry from Indiana will be serving as your National Lassie Queen and Faye Smith from Kansas will be serving as your Alternate National Lassie Queen. Both girls show a great interest in the Shorthorn breed and we are certain will represent the Shorthorn breed well!
2019 WHR ASSESSMENT FEES If 2019 assessment is paid between these dates
Pay this amount per head
November 1, 2018 - January 9, 2019
January 10, 2019 - February 28, 2019
March 1, 2019 - December 31, 2019
ASA Genomically Enhanced Heifer Program If you are considering taking advantage of the new ASA Genomically Enhanced Heifer Program (GEHP), then birth weight, weaning weight, and yearling weight data has to be submitted on your heifers in order for them to qualify for the credit towards their DNA testing. If you haven’t seen it already, the GEHP offers $15 credit towards the cost of a uLD or 50K genetic test (the tests that get you GE-EPDs) on yearling females that meet the following requirements: 16
shorthorn country = january 2019
1. Heifer must be born on or after January 1, 2017. 2. 75% of the yearling heifer inventory, with at least 3 heifers submitted, must be tested. 3. All heifers tested must have a recorded calving ease score, birth weight, weaning weight, and yearling weight. 4. Heifers with carcass ultrasound or feed intake records will receive an additional $15/head credit.
If you have heifers that would qualify, you must notify me that you would like to participate; as space is limited to the first 500 heifers enrolled. Since the launch of the program October 1, more than 300 heifers have been submitted to GEHP. If you have been thinking about collecting DNA and genomic information on your heifers, don’t miss out on this opportunity.
shorthorn country = january 2019
Keystone International Livestock Exposition CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET Ryan Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
North American International Livestock Exposition
SULL H/F Crystal Judy 1471 ET Ashtin Guyer, Robinson, Ill.
Shorthorn wins
Supreme Champion Female
“Shorthorn breeders should be proud! Proof that Shorthorn genetics can compete with the best of the best. Proof that our junior program helps put us in the spotlight against others and helps to show people the added value Shorthorn genetics can provide. Whether it’s in a show ring setting or a commercial atmosphere, if we can prove it, others will take notice,” said Robert Alden, ASA Board of Director and Board Liaison for the Shorthorn Senior Show Committee. On October 7, 2018, at the Keystone International Livestock Exposition in Harrisburg, Ky., spectators gathered around to watch the annual Junior Supreme Champion Beef selection. This consisted of the 15 junior show breed champions, competing against each other for one Supreme Champion title. The judges who selected the Supreme Champion were Ryan Rash, Scott Bayer and Scott Bush. Awarded the Supreme Champion Junior Breeding Female was the Shorthorn Female; CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782
SOL ET, exhibited by Ryan Wickard of Wilkinson, Ind. Wickard’s heifer was bred by Cates Farms of Modoc, Ind. On November 11, 2018, the Grand Champions from 15 breeds were exhibited on the green shavings of Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky for the 45th Annual Junior Female Supreme Champion Drive. The judge of the North American International Livestock Exposition Supreme Champion was Doug Worthington of Modesto, California, the general manager of Vintage Angus Ranch. Worthington gave the Champion slap to Ashtin Guyer of Robinson, Illinois, with her ShorthornPlus female, SULL H/F Crystal Judy 1471 ET. Guyer’s heifer was bred by Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa. “This is a great accomplishment for the Shorthorn breed to have two females named Supreme Champions this year,” said Montie D. Soules, Executive Secretary/CEO of the American Shorthorn Association. “We have had great participation throughout these
shorthorn country = january 2019
national level Junior Shows; in both the Shorthorn and a significant increase in ShorthornPlus. It is exciting to see the growth in quality we continue to have each year.” ASA Board of Director President, Rick Leone, added, “The two recently selected supreme champions that were Shorthorn and Shorthorn influenced through the plus program represent the dynamic change and appeal Shorthorn Cattle are demanding today. The Shorthorn breed through genomics and performance testing combined with a very successful show ring involvement is reclaiming its place as the oldest most acclaimed British breed to improve carcass quality and maternal ability. Congratulations to the exhibitors on showing great cattle and the success they found in the Shorthorn breed and overall against all breeds. Today’s Shorthorn will turn heads in a variety of settings and bring success to their owners.” =
shorthorn country = january 2019
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Open Purebred Show :: Judge: Kevin Jensen, Courtland, Kan. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Shorthorn bull and was awarded the title of Supreme Champion. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Junior Champion Bull, was awarded to JS Continental Divide ET, owned by James R Johnson of Niantic, Ill. & Blake Lehman of Eureka, Ill.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Junior Champion Female, honors went to STECK Chelsie C 704 ET, owned by Riley Johnson of Jackson, Minn. She was also named Supreme Champion.
On Monday November 12, 2018, Shorthorn exhibitors stepped onto the green shavings at the NAILE in Freedom Hall. Judge Kevin Jensen, evaluated the purebred show with 29 bulls and 121 females. Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Junior Champion Bull honors went to JS Continental Divide ET owned by James R Johnson of Niantic, 20
Ill. & Blake Lehman of Eureka, Ill. HAHN Supremacy C42E was named Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Junior Reserve Champion Bull, owned by Braden Hahn of Minonk, Ill.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Junior Champion Female, honors went to STECK Chelsie C 704 ET, owned by Riley Johnson of Jackson, Minn. At the end of the show, she competed against the
shorthorn country = january 2019
Female and Senior Champion Female was SULL Dream Only 7188E ET shown by Madison McCormick of Dunlap, Iowa. Division Winners: Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Late Spring Bull Calf Champion WayMar AU Avenger, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill. Late Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - Sam Stuffed to the Max, Roseann Hoffman, Antigo, Wisc. Early Spring Bull Calf Champion CF S/F Upper Hand X ET, Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind., Simon Farms, Rockford, Ohio & Shoufler Shorthorns, Fortville, Ind. Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - LCCC WF Lombardi 1813, Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich., Bennett Land & Cattle, Ducor, Calif. & Woodlawn Farms, Creston, Ill. Junior Bull Calf Champion - CF Chosen 815 X ET, Cates Farms & Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, Okla. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - OLSN Redemption 2012 02F ET, Joshua Delfino, Hoopeston, Ill. Senior Bull Calf Champion - JA Hot Toddy HC 7J59, Layne Scott Harden, Gibson City, Ill. Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - CF Justify X ET, Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa. Intermediate Champion Bull - VCC Ain’t No Foolin’ 1701 ET, Vollborn Cattle Company, Bidwell, Ohio & Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio. Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull - PMF SULL Red Shield PM36, M B Harbison, Cullman, Ala. Senior Champion Bull - Armstrong Easy Rider 1603, John Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa., Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill. & WHR Shorthorns, Van Alstyne, Texas. Senior Reserve Champion Bull - JA SP Gale Force SM 6J54, Jordan Acres & Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill. Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Caligo Limitless Persevere, Kayla Fogg, Rushville, Ind. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET,
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Junior Reserve Champion Bull went to HAHN Supremacy C42E, owned by Braden Hahn of Minonk, Ill.
Jake Nikkel, McPherson, Kan. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF TF No Foolin 897 UR X ET, Camryn Clapp, Montezuma, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Maxed Rosa Knights 8044F ET, Madison McCormick. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Dream Girl 7682E ET, Caitlin Griffin, Westminster, S.C. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Riola Shanie 17X, Riola Shorthorn Farm, Washington Island, Wisc. Intermediate Champion Female - GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET, Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - GCC Premium Revival 934 ET, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio. Reserve Junior Champion Female WHR HCAT Cecilia D 7304 ET, Jaxson Dillard, Merit, Texas. Reserve Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET, Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind. Cow/Calf Champion - WayMar UT Hot Sable, Alyson Utegg. Reserve Cow/Calf Champion Klein Foxy Red 302 ET, Shelbie Britton, Mounds, Ill. Class Placings: Open Purebred Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – (2 entries): 1) WayMar AU Avenger exhibited by Alyson Utegg; 2) Sam Stuffed to the Max exhibited by Roseann Hoffman. Early Spring Bull Calves – (2 entries): 1) BFC Big Bang F106 exhibited by Katie Snyder; 2) BK Lucky Love 1816 exhibited by Bailey Klise. Early Spring Bull Calves – (6 entries): 1) CF S/F Supper Hand X ET exhibited by Cates Farms, Simon Farms & Shoufler Shorthorns; 2) LCCC Lombardi 1813 exhibited by Little Cedar Cattle Co.,
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Senior Champion Female went to SULL Dream Only 7188E ET, owned by Madison McCormick of Dunlap, Iowa.
Bennett Land & Cattle & Woodlawn Farms; 3) TRNR Dustmaker 368 ET exhibited by Turner Shorthorns. Junior Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) Red Fox exhibited by Shelbie Britton. Junior Bull Calves – (4 entries): 1) CF Chosen 815 X ET exhibited by Cates Farms & Lazy Bar F Shorthorns; 2) OLSN Redemption 2012 02F ET exhibited by Joshua Delfino; 3) KSD CSF Hot-N-Lucky 318 ET exhibited by GJD Farms & Cattle. Winter Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) DFM Theo 007 exhibited by McCall Show Cattle. Senior Bull Calves – (4 entries): 1) JA Hot Toddy HC 7J59 exhibited by Layne Harden; 2) CF Justify X ET exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock, Inc.; 3) MFK Last Dance 387K X exhibited by Maurice & Faye Korthaus. Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 entries): 1) VCC Ain’t No Foolin’ 1701 ET exhibited by Vollborn Cattle Company & Cedar Lane Farm; 2) PMF SULL Red Shield PM36 exhibited by M B Harbison. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (3 entries): 1) JS Continental Divide ET exhibited by James R Johnson & Blake Lehman; 2) Hahn Supremacy C42E exhibited by Braden Hahn; 3) Hahn Ellipse C43E exhibited by Richard Birch. Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) STAR Patriot CS179E exhibited by Starman Cattle. Senior Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) JA SP Gale Force SM 6J54 exhibited by Jordan Acres & Don Cagwin. Two-Year Old Bulls – (2 entries): 1) Armstrong Easy Rider 1603 exhibited by John Allen IV, Jordan Acres & WHR Shorthorns; 2) MFK Hot Rebel 26K X exhibited by Wesley Maurice Korthaus. Group of Two Bulls – (1 entry): 1) TRNR Dustmaker 368 ET & TRNR Keen Ice 448 exhibited by Turner Shorthorns of Somerset, Ohio.
Open Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Caligo Limitless Persevere exhibited by Kayla Fogg; 2) CF HHF Margie 8125 HC X ET exhibited by Mallory Inskeep; 3) TRN Homecoming Knight 854 ET exhibited by Callie Turner. Late Spring Heifer Calves – (7 entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) SJQ Cumberland 1803 RK ET exhibited by Sajo-Quin Livestock, Inc.; 3) WG R-C Cherry 806 ET exhibited by Cooper Smith. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 entries): 1) CF TF No Foolin 897 UR X ET exhibited by Camryn Clapp; 2) CSF Demi’s Dream 820 ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farms; 3) Flightpath WCC Starlet 316F exhibited by Karly Goetz. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET exhibited by Jake Nikkel; 2) KSD Augusta Pride 918 exhibited by Skylar Ward; 3) BONL Rockin Zena 813F ET exhibited by Allison Dragstrem. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) NBS-NBSC Red Joslyn 25F exhibited by Kelsey Francisco; 2) NR Quantum Queen 470F RS ET exhibited by Xavier Ferris; 3) J-F Cumberland AV 1822 ET exhibited by Lindsey Jester. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) SS Missing Mirage 839 ET exhibited by Samantha Schrag; 2) Bratcher Myrtle Bo 812 ET exhibited by Craig Bratcher; 3) SS Missing Mirage 841 ET exhibited by Taylor White. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL ET exhibited by Paige Wickard; 2) CF S/F Margie 860 AV X ET exhibited by Cole Whisman; 3) CF NNN Ruth 857 BW X exhibited by McCall Show Cattle. Junior Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) CF CSF Cumberland 836 AV X ET
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion, WayMar AU Avenger, owned by Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.
Late Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion, Sam Stuffed to the Max, owned by Roseann Hoffman, Antigo, Wisc.
Early Spring Bull Calf Champion, CF S/F Upper Hand X ET, owned by Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind., Simon Farms, Rockford, Ohio & Shoufler Shorthorns, Fortville, Ind.
Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion, LCCC WF Lombardi 1813, owned by Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich, Bennett Land & Cattle, Ducor, Calif. & Woodlawn Farms, Creston, Ill.
Junior Bull Calf Champion, CF Chosen 815 X ET, owned by Cates Farms & Lazy Bar F Shorthorns, Chickasha, Okla.
Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion, OLSN Redemption 2012 02F ET, owned by Joshua Delfino, Hoopeston, Ill.
Senior Bull Calf Champion, JA Hot Toddy HC 7J59, owned by Layne Scott Harden, Gibson City, Ill.
Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion, CF Justify X ET, owned by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc., Waynesboro, Pa.
Intermediate Champion Bull, VCC Ain’t No Foolin’ 1701 ET, owned by Vollborn Cattle Company, Bidwell, Ohio & Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Intermediate Reserve Champion Bull, PMF SULL Red Shield PM36, owned by M B Harbison, Cullman, Ala.
Senior Champion Bull, Armstrong Easy Rider 1603, owned by John Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa., Jordan Acres, Sibley, Ill. & WHR Shorthorns, Van Alstyne, Texas.
Senior Reserve Champion Bull, JA SP Gale Force SM 6J54, owned by Jordan Acres & Don Cagwin, Virginia, Ill.
exhibited by McKala Grauel; 2) AF Mirage 1804 Et exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden; 3) CF Mona Madness 835 BW X ET exhibited by Katie Fry. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF CSF Margie 830 AV X ET exhibited by Mark Inskeep; 2) GAF Miss Sassy 2518 exhibited by Jake Ozburn; 3) MFS Zeva T8 F exhibited by Alton Holstine. Junior Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1)
SULL Maxed Rosa Knights 8044F ET exhibited by Madison McCormick; 2) STECK Chelsie BS 801 ET exhibited by Sara Sullivan; 3) TRN Annabelle 810 ET exhibited by Callie Turner. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF Rosemry 810 AV X ET exhibited by Kevin Hesser; 2) GCC Premium Revival exhibited by Greenhorn Cattle Company; 3) QK Playful Defiance 1801
exhibited by Kyle Bird. Junior Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) STAR Dream Lady 184F exhibited by Starman Cattle; 2) TRN Margaret Traveler 802 ET exhibited by Alexa Turner; 3) GCC Margie Elite 18 ET exhibited by Collin Britton. Winter Heifer Calves – (8 entries): 1) Riola Shanie 17X exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farms; 2) WHR Queen of
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion, CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET, owned by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, Caligo Limitless Persevere, owned by Kayla Fogg, Rushville, Ind.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET, owned by Jake Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF TF No Foolin 897 UR X ET, owned by Camryn Clapp, Montezuma, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF V8 Mona Lisa 845 SOL ET, owned by Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion, SULL Dream Girl 7682E ET, owned by Caitlin Griffin, Westminster, S.C.
Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, Riola Shanie 17X, owned by Riola Shorthorn Farm, Washington Island, Wisc.
Intermediate Champion Female, GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET, owned by Kolten Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Reserve Intermediate Champion Female, GCC Premium Revival 934 ET, owned by Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio.
Sonny 7N15 ET exhibited by Carolyn Norris; 3) FPK Cindy Beauty 1761 exhibited by Fulton Kennedy. Senior Heifer Calves – (7 entries): 1) SULL Dream Girl 7682E ET exhibited by Caitlin Griffin; 2) MM Sarah’s Pride 102E ET exhibited by Clayton Poppe; 3) Martindell Lily 787 exhibited by Austin Martin. Summer Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) Smith Lady Myrtle Bo 7502 exhibited by David Smith; 3) Riola No Foolin 17X ET exhibited by Riola Shorthorn Farms. Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) GCC Premium Revival 934 ET exhibited by Sara Britton; 2) WHR RHS Demi 657 ET exhibited by Chauk Bailey; 3) SULL Myrtles Magic 7513E ET exhibited by Kendall Nelson. Early Spring Yearling Females – (6
entries): 1) STECK Chelsie C 704 ET exhibited by Riley Johnson; 2) KANE Red Reba 613E exhibited by Kane Aegerter; 3) CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET exhibited by Ryan Wickard. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) CF CSF Demi 760 HC X ET exhibited by Mark Inskeep; 2) Shadybrook Hot Verona 56E ET exhibited by Shadybrook Farm LTD.; 3) SULL Right Cherry 7994E ET exhibited by Kyle Piscione. Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) WHR HCAT Cecilia D 7304 ET exhibited by Jaxson Dillard; 2) SULL Right Lucy 7285E ET exhibited by Kayla Fogg; 3) SULL Betty Bo 7110E ET exhibited Lindsey Weaver. Junior Yearling Females – (5 entries): 1) SULL Lucy’s Right 7212E ET exhibited by Abigail Burkhart; 2) BRH Proud Fool 1720 exhibited by Caroline
Winter; 3) Hahn Star C16E exhibited by Mitch Clodfelter. Junior Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) SULL Dream Only 7188E ET exhibited by Madison McCormick; 2) CF CSF Dream lady 78 AV X ET exhibited by Cornerstone Farms; 3) LCCC Sara Rose 1700 exhibited by Caitlin Griffin. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) NBS-DMR Silver Rose exhibited by Charlie Sutherland IV. Two-Year Old Cow/Calf Pairs – (2 entries): 1) WayMar UT Hot Sable exhibited by Allyson Utegg; 2) Klein Foxy Red 302 ET exhibited by Shelbie Britton. Get-of-Sire – (1 entry): 1) CLF Foolin Around 1401 ET exhibited by Cedar Lane Farm of Cedarville, Ohio. =
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Junior Champion Female, WHR HCAT Cecilia D 7304 ET, owned by Jaxson Dillard, Merit, Texas.
Reserve Senior Champion Female, CF CSF Dream Lady 78 AV X ET, owned by Cornerstone Farms, Winchester, Ind.
Cow/Calf Champion, WayMar UT Hot Sable, owned by Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.
Pictures not available: Junior Heifer Calf Champion, SULL Maxed Rosa Knights 8044F ET, owned by Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa. Reserve Cow/Calf Champion, Klein Foxy Red 302 ET, owned by Shelbie Britton, Mounds, Ill.
The Supreme Champion and winner of the George Garvin Brown Memorial Trophy went to the Grand Champion Shorthorn Female.
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l to r: Emily Fry, 2018-2019 National Shorthorn Lassie Queen and Faye Smith, National Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queen.
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Judge: Blake Nelson, Platte City, Mo. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Intermediate Champion Female, was GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET, exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn of Bellbrook, Ohio. She also claimed the title of Bred & Owned Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and B&O Intermediate Champion Female.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Junior Champion Female, was CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET, exhibited by Ryan Wickard of Wilkinson, Ind.
On Sunday, November 11, 2018, Blake Nelson evaluated the Junior Purebred Shorthorn show in Louisville, KY. Nelson sorted through 116 Purebred Females to find his Champion. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Intermediate Champion Female honors went to GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn from Bellbrook, Ohio.
She also was named B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and B&O Intermediate Champion Female. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Junior Champion Female was CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET shown by Ryan Wickard from Wilkinson, Ind. B&O Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & B&O Junior Champion Female was KANE Red
Reba 613E, shown by Kane Aegerter of Seward, Neb. She was also Reserve Junior Champion Female in the Owned Junior Shorthorn Show. Division Winners: Junior Shorthorn Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF HHF Margie 8125 HC X ET, Mallory Inskeep, Lafayette, Ind. B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Caligo Limitless Persevere, Kayla Fogg, Rushville, Ind. B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Smiths Jenna 807, Danielle Wood-Seddon, Brown City, Mich. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SS Missing Mirage 839 ET, Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET, Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan. B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SS Missing Mirage 839 ET, Samantha Schrag. B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - NR Quantum Queen 470F RS ET, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Champion - CF V8 Cumberland 845 SOL ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Little Cedar Missing Mirage 18 ET, Morgan Lehnert, Old Hickory, Tenn. B&O Junior Heifer Calf Champion - QK Playful Defiance 1801, Kyle Bird, Prophetstown, Ill. B&O Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - JBLL Buckeye Bella, Isabella Bunting, Emington, Ill. Senior Heifer Calf Champion - M-L FHF Princess Kaitlyn 198E, Logan Mask, Covington, Ga. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET, Carolyn Norris, Rowlett, Texas. B&O Senior Heifer Calf Champion - FPK Cindy Beauty 1761, Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. B&O Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - M&L Misty’s Deception 1217, Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - GCC Premium Revival 934
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
NAILE Junior Shorthorn Show
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
B&O Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and B&O Junior Champion Female, was KANE Red Reba 613E, exhibited by Kane Aegerter of Seward, Neb. She was also Reserve Junior Champion Female in the Owned Junior Shorthorn Show.
ET, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio. B&O Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Atheena Princess’s Warrior 1190, Cooper Hetrick, Fremont, Ohio. B&O Reserve Junior Champion Female - HAHN Fantasy C38E, Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill. 26
Senior Champion Female - SULL Dream Only 7188E ET, Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa. Reserve Senior Champion Female LCCC Sara Rose 1700, Caitlin Griffin, Westminster, SC. B&O Senior Champion Female - NF Fool Me Now, Kendall Nelson, Seneca, Ill. Champion Cow/Calf Pair - WayMar UT Hot Sable, Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill. Junior Shorthorn Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (10 entries): 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) CF HHF Margie 8125 HC X ET exhibited by Mallory Inskeep; 3) Caligo Limitless Presevere exhibited by Kayla Fogg. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (9 entries): 1) CF TF No Foolin 897 UR X ET exhibited by Camryn Clapp; 2) Flightpath WCC Starlet 316F exhibited by Karly Goetz; 3) CF NNN Augusta Pride 8102 EV exhibited by Alyssa Carter. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 entries): 1) CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET exhibited by Jacob Nikkel; 2) KSD Augusta Pride 918 exhibited by Skyler Ward; 3) RHS Ten Queens 2118 ET exhibited by Mckala Grauel. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (10 entries): 1) SS Missing Mirage 839 ET exhibited by Samantha Schrag; 2) NR Quantum Queen 470F RS ET exhibited by Xavier Ferris; 3) NBS-NBSC Red Joslyn 25F exhibited by Kelsey Francisco. Junior Heifer Calves – (11 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa 805 SOL ET exhibited by Paige Wickard; 2) Little
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Two-Year Old Cow/Calf Pairs – (1 entry): 1) WayMar UT Hot Sable exhibited by Alyson Utegg. =
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Cedar Missing Mirage 18 ET exhibited by Morgan Legnert; 3) CF S/F Margie 860 AV X ET exhibited by Cole Whisman. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF Rosemary 810 AV X ET exhibited by Kevin Hesser; 2) TRN Annabelle 810 ET exhibited by Callie Turner; 3) MM Dream Lady 12F exhibited by Clayton Poppe. Junior Heifer Calves – (8 entries): 1) QK Playful Defiance 1801 exhibited by Kyle Bird; 2) MartinDell Dreams 801 exhibited by Austin Martin; 3) TRN Margaret Traveler 802 ET exhibited by Alexa Turner. Winter Heifer Calves – (8 entries): 1) WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET exhibited by Carolyn Norris; 2) FPK Cindy Beauty 1761 exhibited by Fulton Kennedy; 3) MM Maxa Rosa 111E exhibited by Clayton Poppe. Senior Heifer Calves – (8 entries): 1) M-L FHF Princess Kaitlyn 198E exhibited by Logan Mask; 2) SULL Dream Girl 7682E ET exhibited by Caitlin Griffin; 3) MM Sarah’s Pride 102 E ET exhibited by Clayton Poppe. Summer Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) GCC Evolution Charm 7102 ET exhibited by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) Lorenz’s Juneflower 17 exhibited by Grace Rinker; 3) CF Rosemary Reward 7120 HW exhibited by Mattie Williams. Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) GCC Premium Revival 934 ET exhibited by Sara Britton; 2) CF Margie 7110 EV exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) Atheena Princess’s Warrior 1190 exhibited by Cooper Hetrick. Late Spring Yearling Females – (7 entries): 1) SULL Myrtles Magic 7513E ET exhibited by Kendall Nelson; 2) Lorenz’s Big Ali 17 exhibited by Grace Rinker; 3) DKSN MUHL Mirage 54E ET exhibited by Jack Howey. Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa Reward 782 SOL ET exhibited by Ryan Wickard; 2) KANE Red Reba 613E exhibited by Kane Aegerter; 3) Armstron Queen 1704 ET exhibited by Ben Allen. Early Spring Yearling Females – (9 entries): 1) WHR HCAT Cecilia D 7304 ET exhibited by Jaxson Dillard; 2) CF CSF Demi 760 HC X ET exhibited by Mark Inskeep; 3) HAHN Fantasy C38E exhibited by Braden Hahn. Junior Yearling Females – (9 entries): 1) SULL Dream Only 7188E ET exhibited by Madison McCormick; 2) LCCC Sara Rose 1700 exhibited by Caitlin Griffin; 3) SULL Lucy’s Right 7212E ET exhibited by Abigail Burkhart. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) NBS-DMR Silver Rose exhibited by Charlie Sutherland IV.
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion, CF CSF Dream Lady 8120 EV X ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion, Caligo Limitless Persevere, exhibited by Kayla Fogg, Rushville, Ind.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion & B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, SS Missing Mirage 839 ET, exhibited by Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF CSF Cumberland 880 HC X ET, exhibited by Jacob Nikkel, McPherson, Kan.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion, CF V8 Cumberland 845 SOL ET, exhibited by Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, Little Cedar Missing Mirage 18 ET, exhibited by Morgan Lehnert, Old Hickory, Tenn.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion, M-L FHF Princess Kaitlyn 198E, exhibited by Logan Mask, Covington, Ga.
Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, WHR Queen of Sonny 7N15 ET, exhibited by Carolyn Norris, Rowlett, Texas.
Reserve Intermediate Champion Female, GCC Premium Revival 934 ET, exhibited by Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio.
B&O Reserve Junior Champion Female, HAHN Fantasy C38E, exhibited by Braden Hahn, Minonk, Ill.
Reserve Senior Champion Female, LCCC Sara Rose 1700, exhibited by Caitlin Griffin, Westminster, SC.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair, WayMar UT Hot Sable, exhibited by Alyson Utegg, Grand Ridge, Ill.
Pictures not available: Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF HHF Margie 8125 HC X ET, exhibited by Mallory Inskeep, Lafayette, Ind. B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, Smiths Jenna 807, exhibited by Danielle Wood-Seddon, Brown City, Mich. B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, NR Quantum Queen 470F RS ET, exhibited by Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.
B&O Junior Heifer Calf Champion, QK Playful Defiance 1801, exhibited by Kyle Bird, Prophetstown, Ill. B&O Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, JBLL Buckeye Bella, exhibited by Isabella Bunting, Emington, Ill. B&O Senior Heifer Calf Champion, FPK Cindy Beauty 1761, exhibited by Fulton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. B&O Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion,
M&L Misty’s Deception 1217, exhibited by Landon Helmke, New Philadelphia, Ohio. B&O Reserve Intermediate Champion Female, Atheena Princess’s Warrior 1190, exhibited by Cooper Hetrick, Fremont, Ohio. Senior Champion Female, SULL Dream Only 7188E ET, exhibited by Madison McCormick, Dunlap, Iowa. B&O Senior Champion Female, NF Fool Me Now, exhibited by Kendall Nelson, Seneca, Ill..
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Open ShorthornPlus Show :: Judge: Chris Cassidy, Ankeny, Iowa. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Early Spring Bull Calf Champion, was awarded to SWF 80S Jasper 804 ET, exhibited by Slate Wind Farm of Mercerberg, Pa.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Junior Champion Female, honors went to SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET, exhibited by Jake Brandt of Clarion, Iowa.
On Monday, November 12, 2018, ShorthornPlus exhibitors started their morning on the green shavings in the iconic Freedom Hall at the NAILE. Judge Chris Cassidy evaluated 9 bulls and 51 females; all of outstanding quality. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Early Spring Bull Calf Champion honors went to SWF 80S 28
Jasper 804 ET owned by Slate Wind Farm of Mercerberg, Pa. FF/DL Hot Rod 5E was named Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Senior Bull Calf Champion, exhibited by Desirae Logsdon of Amanda, Ohio. SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET claimed the title of Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Junior Champion Female, exhibited by Jake
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Brandt of Clarion, Iowa. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Reserve Junior Champion Female was SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET exhibited by Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa. Division Winners: Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Late Spring Bull Calf Champion BJSF Black Knight 518, Brien Jordan, Washington Island, Wisc. Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - BFC BlackJack F064, Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind. Junior Bull Calf Champion - DTR Count 8014, DTR Cattle Company, Raymond, Kan. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - Schab’s Lone Ranger 0118 ET, Schabbing Shorthorn Farms, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Junior Champion Bull - Sutherland Revlon 343E, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky. & Goshen Sires, Goshen, Ky. Senior Champion Bull - FFDL Rockstar, Kylee Roe, Salesville, Ohio. Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CPRU Red Sable Legit 805, Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - R-C BRCC Cinderella 807 ET, Piper Jo Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, Reed Hanes, Celina, Ohio. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF CSF Crystal 867 WO X ET, Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio. Junior Heifer Calf Champion - CF Judy Style 850 X ET, Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET, Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio. Senior Heifer Calf Champion CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET, Brooke Hayhurst, Shreve, Ohio. Intermediate Champion Female - MM Anna RF 77E, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Miss Diamond, Grace Fry, Roachdale, Ind. Senior Champion Female SULL Lady Crystal 7007E ET, Karly Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind.
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Senior Bull Calf Champion, was FF/DL Hot Rod 5E , exhibited by Desirae Logsdon of Amanda, Ohio.
Reserve Senior Champion Female SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET, Dalton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. Cow/Calf Pair Champion - SULL Majesty Rose ET, Brien Jordan, Washington Island, Wisc. Reserve Cow/Calf Pair Champion Gilly 161, Bradyn Powell, New London, Mo. Class Placings: Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) BJSF Black Knight 518 exhibited by Brien Jordan. Early Spring Bull Calves – (3 entries): 1) SWF 80S Jasper 804 ET exhibited by Slate Wind Farm; 2) BFC Black Jack F064 exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company; 3) Dee Dee’s Dynamite exhibited by Kylee Roe. Junior Bull Calves – (2 entries): 1) DTR Count 8014 exhibited by DTR Cattle Company; 2) Schab’s Lone Ranger 0118 ET exhibited by Schabbing Shorthorn Farms. Senior Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) FF/DL Hot Rod 5E exhibited by Desirae Logsdon. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) Sutherland Revlon 343E exhibited by David Ragsdale & Goshen Sires. Senior Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) FFDL Rockstar exhibited by Kylee Roe. Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CPRU Red Sable Legit 805 exhibited by Reid Utterback; 2) R-C BRCC Cinderella 807 ET exhibited by Piper Jo Campbell; 3) Samantha Rose Jalynn Blue ET exhibited by Gavin Bunnell. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) HALES Edella G 138 exhibited by Lindsey Mogg; 2) R-C
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Reserve Junior Champion Female, was SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET , exhibited by Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa.
CSS Proud Shania exhibited by Lexi McCain; 3) KSD Unstoppable Mirage 1118 ET exhibited by Grace Fry. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) MFS Oreo 33F ET exhibited by Reid Utterback; 2) AF Playful Cait PR 1814 ET exhibited by Robert & Beverly Alden; 3) MESP Stella 813-213 exhibited by Mardee Sadowsky. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) TSSC Blackberyy Pie 829F exhibited by Reed Hanes; 2) CF CSF Crystal 867 WO X ET exhibited by Tyler Dahse; 3) H/F Crystal’s Lucy ET exhibited by Franklin Kinney. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF Judy Style 850 X ET exhibited by Carter Wickard; 2) SULL Crystals Lady 8993F ET exhibited by Addison Walther; 3) AF Playful Cait PR 1806 ET exhibited by Tyler Alden. Junior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET exhibited by Haley Frazier; 2) CF CSF Lady Crystal Classen 88 X ET exhibited by Kevin Hesser; 3) SULL Lady Crystal 8062F ET exhibited by Dawson Osborn. Winter Heifer Calves – (1 entry): 1) CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145 exhibited by Miller Smith. Senior Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET exhibited by Brooke Hayhurst; 2) SULL Who Dat Cinnamon 7676E ET exhibited by Mckala Grauel. Summer Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) MM Anna RF 77E exhibited by Clayton Poppe. Late Spring Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) AF Red Lady 1728 exhibited by Taylor Bacon; 2) Sartins Blue Belle exhibited by Danny Powell Jr. Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 entries): 1) Miss Diamond exhibited by Grace Fry; 2) Augusta Pride 503E ET exhibited by Donald Schiffer; 3) DTR Ruby Rock Candy 758E exhibited by Josie Heter.
Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) SULL Sizzling Tamale 7295E ET exhibited by Kane Aegerter; 2) SULL Lady Legacy 7395E ET exhibited by Brandi Flynn; 3) SharBen Lil Miss Can’t Be Wrong exhibited by Adymae Williams. Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET exhibited by Jake Brandt; 2) SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET exhibited by Sara Sullivan; 3) SULL Totally Cool 7990 ET exhibited by Austin Garner. Junior Yearling Females – (5 entries): 1) SULL Lady Crystal 7007E ET exhibited by Karly Kirkpatrick; 2) SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET exhibited by Dalton Kennedy; 3) Annie 43E exhibited by Mackenzie Jolliff. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) Cinderella Cindy RC BRCC exhibited by Addison Campbell. Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pairs – (1 entry): 1) Gilly 161 exhibited by Brayden Powell. Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pairs – (1 entry): 1) SULL Majesty Rose ET exhibited by Brien Jordan. =
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Late Spring Bull Calf Champion, BJSF Black Knight 518, exhibited by Brien Jordan, Washington Island, Wisc.
Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion, BFC BlackJack F064, exhibited by Brandywine Farms Cattle Company, Carthage, Ind.
Junior Bull Calf Champion, DTR Count 8014, exhibited by DTR Cattle Company, Raymond, Kan.
Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion, Schab’s Lone Ranger 0118 ET, exhibited by Schabbing Shorthorn Farms, Cape Girardeau, Mo.
Junior Champion Bull, Sutherland Revlon 343E, exhibited by David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky. & Goshen Sires, Goshen, Ky.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion,CPRU Red Sable Legit 805, exhibited by Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind.
Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, R-C BRCC Cinderella 807 ET, exhibited by Piper Jo Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, exhibited by Reed Hanes, Celina, Ohio.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF CSF Crystal 867 WO X ET, exhibited by Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion, CF Judy Style 850 X ET, exhibited by Carter Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET, exhibited by Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion, CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion,CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET, exhibited by Brooke Hayhurst, Shreve, Ohio.
Intermediate Champion Female, MM Anna RF 77E, exhibited by Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.
Reserve Intermediate Champion Female, Miss Diamond, exhibited by Grace Fry, Roachdale, Ind.
Senior Champion Female, SULL Lady Crystal 7007E ET, exhibited by Karly Kirkpatrick, Avilla, Ind.
Reserve Senior Champion Female, SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET, Dalton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio.
Cow/Calf Pair Champion, SULL Majesty Rose ET, exhibited by Brien Jordan, Washington Island, Wisc.
Picture not available: Senior Champion Bull, FFDL Rockstar, exhibited by Kylee Roe, Salesville, Ohio.
Reserve Cow/Calf Pair Champion, Gilly 161, exhibited by Bradyn Powell, New London, Mo.
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Judge: Dr. Dan Shike, Ubana, Ill. by Emily Velisek
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Junior Champion Female, was SULL H/F Crystal Judy 1471 ET, exhibited by Ashtin Guyer, Robinson, Ill.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Reserve Junior Champion Female, was SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET, exhibited by Sara Sullivan, Dunlap, Iowa.
On Saturday, November 10, 2018, Dr. Dan Shike sorted through 62 ShorthornPlus Females in the Junior ShorthornPlus Show in Louisville, Kentucky at the North American International Livestock Exposition. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Junior Champion Female was SULL H/F Crystal Judy 1471 ET shown by Ashtin Guyer of Robinson, Ill. 32
SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET was named Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Reserve Junior Champion Female, exhibited by Sara Sullivan of Dunlap, Iowa. Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion was awarded to MESP Stella 813-213 shown by Mardee Sadowsky from Eagleville, Mo.
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Bred & Owned Reserve Grand Champion & B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion title went to CPRU Red Sable Legit 805 owned by Reid Utterback of Elwood, Ind. She was also the Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion. Division Winners: Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - R-C BRCC Cinderella 807 ET, Piper Jo Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Samantha Rose Jalynn Blue ET, Gavin D. Bunnell, Antigo, Wisc. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, Reed Hanes, Celina, Ohio. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - H/F Crystal’s Lucy ET, Franklin Kinney, Lewistown, Ohio. B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - One More Kate 606F, Brady Tracy, Merom, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Crystal’s Lady 8993F ET, Addison Walther, Centerville, Ind. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET, Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio. B&O Junior Heifer Calf Champion - Powell Payday Georgia, Bradyn Powell, New London, Mo. Senior Heifer Calf Champion - CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET, Brooke Hayhurst, Shreve, Ohio. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. B&O Senior Heifer Calf Champion - Blue Belle 122E, Will Frost, Bethlehem, Ga. Intermediate Champion Female Miss Diamond, Grace Fry, Roachdale, Ind. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Brynn’s Bell 4E, Carter Preston, Reynolds, Ill. B&O Intermediate Champion Female - MM Anna RF 77E, Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill. B&O Junior Champion Female Abby, Chase Engel, Marengo, Ill. Senior Champion Female - H/F Demi 8924 ET, Tanner Cordes, Farmersville, Ohio. Reserve Senior Champion Female SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET, Dalton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio. Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CPRU Red Sable Legit 805 exhibited by Reid Utterback; 2) R-C
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
NAILE Junior ShorthornPlus Show
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, was MESP Stella 813-213, exhibited by Mardee Sadowsky, Eagleville, Mo.
Bred & Owned Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion, was CPRU Red Sable Legit 805, exhibited by Reid Utterback, Elwood, Ind. She was also the Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion in the Owned Junior ShorthornPlus show.
BRCC Cinderella 807 ET exhibited by Piper Jo Campbell; 3) Samantha Rose Jalynn Blue ET exhibited by Gavin D Bunnell. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) DCLL Miss Vegas 2F exhibited by Austin Reed; 2) R-C CSS Proud Shania exhibited by Lexi McCain; 3) Hales Edella G 138 exhibited by Lindsey Mogg. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) MESP Stella 813-213 exhibited by Mardee Sadowsky; 2) SULL That Girl 8230F ET exhibited by Alyssa Strope; 3) MFS Oreo 33F ET exhibited by Reid Utterback. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6
entries): 1) TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F exhibited by Reed Hanes; 2) H/F Crystal’s Lucy ET exhibited by Franklin Kinney; 3) CF CSF Crystal 867 WO X ET exhibited by Tyker Dahse. Junior Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) SULL Crystals Lady 8993F ET exhibited by Addison Walther; 2) CF Judy Style 850 X ET exhibited by Carter Wickard; 3) CAIR Zena 2F exhibited by Rachel Hostetler. Junior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET exhibited by Haley Frazier; 2) CF CSF Crystal Classen 88 X ET exhibited by Kevin Hesser; 3) SULL Lady Crystal 8062F ET exhibited by Dawson Osborn.
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Winter Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145 exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) Smiths Roan Lady 708 Danielle Wood-Seddon. Senior Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET exhibited by Brooke Hayhurst; 2) SULL Who Dat Cinnamon 7676E ET exhibited by Mckala Grauel; 3) SULL Flamin Tamale 7685E ET exhibited by Lindy Kiser. Summer Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) MM Anna 77E exhibited by Clayton Poppe. Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) Miss Diamond exhibited by Grace Fry; 2) Brynn’s Bell 4E exhibited by Carter Preston; 3) FR Augusta Pride 115E ET exhibited by Elley Inskeep. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) SULL H/F Crystal Judy 1471 ET exhibited by Ashtin Guyer; 2) SULL Sizzling Tamale 7295E ET exhibited by Kane Aegerter; 3) SULL Lady Legacy 7395E ET exhibited by Brandi Flynn. Early Spring Yearling Females – (7 entries): 1) SULL Lady Ice 7179E ET exhibited by Sara Sullivan; 2) SULL Black Cherri 7217E ET exhibited by Jake Brandt; 3) LuLu exhibited by Allie Raab. Junior Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) H/F Demi 8924 ET exhibited by Tanner Cordes; 2) SULL Cherri’s Prime 7198E ET exhibited by Abbi Schrader; 3) BFC Maggie’s Madeline E033 exhibited by Matthew Campbell. Junior Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET exhibited by Dalton Kennedy; 2) Annie 43E exhibited by Mekenzie Jolliff; 3) SULL Lady Crystal 7007E ET exhibited by Karly Kirkpatrick. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) Cinderella Cindy RC BRCC exhibited by Addison Campbell. =
2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, R-C BRCC Cinderella 807 ET, exhibited by Piper Jo Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion, TSSC Blackberry Pie 829F, exhibited by Reed Hanes, Celina, Ohio.
Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, H/F Crystal’s Lucy ET, exhibited by Franklin Kinney, Lewistown, Ohio.
B&O Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, One More Kate 606F, exhibited by Brady Tracy, Merom, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Champion, SULL Crystal’s Lady 8993F ET, exhibited by Addison Walther, Centerville, Ind.
Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF Judy’s Style 85 X ET, exhibited by Haley Frazier, Jackson, Ohio.
B&O Junior Heifer Calf Champion, Powell Payday Georgia, exhibited by Bradyn Powell, New London, Mo.
Senior Heifer Calf Champion, CF Blue Mary Lou 7134 DP ET, exhibited by Brooke Hayhurst, Shreve, Ohio.
Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, CF CCLT Augusta Pride 7145, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Intermediate Champion Female, Miss Diamond, exhibited by Grace Fry, Roachdale, Ind.
B&O Intermediate Champion Female, MM Anna RF 77E, exhibited by Clayton Poppe, Jerseyville, Ill.
Senior Champion Female, H/F Demi 8924 ET, exhibited by Tanner Cordes, Farmersville, Ohio.
Pictures not available: B&O Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion, Samantha Rose Jalynn Blue ET, exhibited by Gavin D. Bunnell, Antigo, Wisc.
B&O Senior Heifer Calf Champion, Blue Belle 122E, exhibited by Will Frost, Bethlehem, Ga. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female, Brynn’s Bell 4E, exhibited by Carter Preston, Reynolds, Ill.
B&O Junior Champion Female, Abby, exhibited by Chase Engel, Marengo, Ill. Reserve Senior Champion Female, SULL Classy Crystal 7207E ET, exhibited by Dalton Kennedy, Seaman, Ohio.
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2018 North American International Livestock Exposition
NAILE 2018 Shorthorn Show Honoree CF Martin – Martindell Farms, LLC.
CF Martin and family in Louisville, Ky, receiving the Show Honoree award.
In 1952, CF Martin purchased his Martindell Farms, LLC., has exhibited first Shorthorn heifer and her heifer calf cattle for many years including the for only $110. From this beginning, CF North American International Livestock Martin built Martindell Farms, LLC., Exposition, Kentucky State Fair, into one of the largest Shorthorn herds Tennessee State Fair, Alabama State Fair, in the United States with more than 300 West Virginia State Fair, North Carolina head on the farm today. State Fair, South Carolina State Fair, CF Martin married Martha Burd on Georgia National, Kentucky Beef Expo January 10, 1962, and they had two and Tennessee Beef Expo. Through their sons, Franklin and Jason. They have years of showing, they have 19 Grand two granddaughters, Kacie and Kayla, as Champion banners from the Kentucky well as a great grandson, Drew Williams. State Fair, as well as many banners from They also have two step-grandchildren, the many other fairs they attended. Tristan and Austin Martin. Their They also have exhibited many division family makes up Martindell Farms, in champions from NAILE. In 1983, they Hardyville, Kentucky. owned half interest in the CF has dedicated his Grand Champion Bull at life to being a farmer, NAILE, Honeydew Big it is the only job he has Red, and later sold him in ever had, farming over Denver. They consign cattle 300 acres. He started on each year to Kentucky Beef his own and now with Expo and Tennessee Beef his family continues Expo. Martindell Farms, had as a farmer and cattle a production sale in 2005 breeder, raising registered and their top selling female Lions Blue Grass Fair, 1962 Shorthorns. Although, was featured on the May/ they don’t raise crops anymore, they June cover of Shorthorn Country. pride themselves on raising good quality CF has been very active in the beef hay for their Shorthorns. His farming industry and his community. He was always played an important role in one of the founders of Hart County raising cattle because he believes it takes Cattlemen in the 90s and they have good nutrition and good genetics to have over 200 members each year. He has good cattle. been on the fair board and chairman of
the beef cattle show for over 40 years. CF has served on the board of Farmers Rural Electric, a seven county wide cooperative, for more than 20 years. He has held many offices on the board including chairman, vice-chairman and secretary. Since 1971, when Franklin was old enough to be a 4-H member, CF and Martha have really enjoyed supporting the local 4-H clubs. CF has also been on the advisory board for Farm Credit for many years. Over the years of farming and raising cattle, Martindell Farms, has registered more than 3,500 head of Shorthorns and sold cattle to 27 states and Canada. He had been awarded the Century Club membership for many years. CF said he didn’t do this all by himself; he had two great sons and a wonderful wife who love Shorthorns. They loved all the time spent showing and CF traveled many miles to find genetics to improve the herd. He believes it takes a great family to be successful. CF has now turned the farm over to Franklin and Jason to continue the tradition. CF has received many awards over his many years of involvement in the industry. He was recognized as the builder of the breed in 1998. He was inducted in the Kentucky Cattleman Hall of Fame in 2014 and is honored to be recognized as the North American International Livestock Exposition, Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show Honoree. =
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= Junior Corner Kicking in the New Year The new year is upon us, and there are many exciting happenings coming up for the AJSA and the board. Before I get into all that I just wanted to start off by saying that we had a fantastic 2018, from the 50th Anniversary of the National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference to Summit Leadership Conference to the National Shows and everything in between. All were successful events and we hope to go even bigger in 2019. The AJSA board would like to extend a huge thanks to everyone who helped make 2018 special! We are super excited for all the events we have planned and are already all jittery for this upcoming Junior National in Lebanon, Tennessee. We really believe that it will be a sensational event with lots of memories to be made and encourage everyone to make the trip, it will be well worth it! One of the first events that is coming up is the Funding the Future that is
Jake ajsa Nikkel president
slated to happen on February 19. For those of you who don’t know this is a sale that will feature semen, embryo, and other items, with all proceeds going towards NJSS and AJSA. This year’s sale will be jammed packed with some exciting genetics from top breeders and Shorthorn enthusiasts as well as some other really cool lots, that you will just have to stay tuned to see. The sale will be held on amsonlinesales.com. We want to thank them for hosting our sale! The junior board and Shelby have been working hard to put this event together and we look forward to a successful online fundraiser. Be sure to check out the AJSA Facebook to see the listings! We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and look forward to seeing all our Shorthorn friends and families at the National Western in Denver! We want to wish all the cattlemen who are all preparing for this spring’s upcoming calving season a great year. And
remember, if you have any questions and or our new to the association, don’t be afraid to ask one of the people in the red coats anything, that is why we are there! =
Upcoming Junior Nationals 2019 • Lebanon, TN June 17-22, 2019
2020 • Abilene, TX 2021 • Louisville, KY 2022 • Kansas City, KS 2023 • Des Moines, IA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *
Junior National Hotel Information Lebanon, TN - June 17-22, 2019 Headquarters: Comfort Suites - 904 Murfreesboro Rd, Lebanon, TN 37090 Phone: (615) 443-0027 • Price: $ 139.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Other Hotels: Econo Lodge- 829 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-1001 • Price: $ 79.95 • Cutoff Date: 5/20/2019 Executive Inn- 631 S Cumberland St, Lebanon, TN 37087 • Phone: (615) 444-0505 • Price: $89.00 • Cutoff Date: 6/01/2019 60
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= What you need to know
Becoming a State Ambassador Ambassadors are volunteers that will be a liaison for the ASA to share updated information and hand out promotional
material in their state. These ambassadors need to be members of the ASA in good standing and be willing
Emily director of events, Velisek show & membership activities
to attend state functions such as; field days, annual meetings, shows, sales or any other state activity requested. When given the opportunity, they should be prepared to speak to the group in attendance and share updated information sent to them from the ASA. If this is something that sounds of interest to you, then please contact Emily at emilyv@shorthorn.org or call the office and ask to talk to her. If you were an ambassador in 2018 and would like to continue in 2019, you must contact Emily to sign a new agreement for the 2019 year. =
2019 Approved State Ambassadors
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Rick Leone Colorado
Beth Carter Idaho
Jeff Winkle Ohio
Jerrell Crow Oklahoma
Mary Bass Texas
John Russell Texas
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American Shorthorn Association 2018 Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet The 2018 ASA Annual Meeting – Forum & Awards Banquet had more than 100 attendees for the two-day event at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino in Kansas City, Missouri. On Friday, December 1, the event began with breakout sessions led by ASA staff. Emily Velisek informed members about how to become a state ambassador. Matt Woolfolk shared how to build better performance date in the herd. Heather Lange and Rochelle Wilson explained the ASA registry and answered related questions. Shelby Rogers described the opportunities ASA provides to members to market Shorthorn cattle and Amy Sampson of Shorthorn Country spoke about magazine advertising. After breakout sessions, members were invited to attend committee meetings. The ASA Genetic Evaluation Committee, ASA Commercial Acceptance Committee, ASA ShorthornPlus/Composite Committee, and ASA Promotion Committee had great members eager to contribute ideas. The 150th Anniversary Committee are actively planning for the 150th celebration to begin at the annual meeting in 2021. Following the committee meetings, the “Position Yourself for Success” portion of Annual Meeting began with Dr. Jason Rowntree of Michigan State University, speaking about Grass Fed Beef Programs. He was followed by Seth Diehm of EarthClaims, LLC., who explained Certi-
fication of Niche Markets. The afternoon ended with a panel of Frank Stoltzfus of Masonic Village Farm and John Tarpoff of Niman Ranch, discussing Finding Opportunities in Targeted Markets. On Saturday, the morning began with Matt Woolfolk, ASA Director of Performance Programs, explaining the Use of Performance Technologies. He was followed by Bryce Schumann of Cooperative Solutions, speaking about New Market Transformations. Next was Dr. Dan Thomson of Kansas State University sharing Opportunities with Consumer Stability. He was followed by a panel of Dean Bryant of Roseda Black Angus Farm, Ryan Ludvigson of Ludvigson Stock Farms and David Trowbridge of Gregory Feedlots, discussing Successful Breeding Programs in the Industry. After the panel, Montie D. Soules, ASA Executive Secretary/CEO, gave an overview of the speakers and how members can utilize it in their program. That afternoon following speakers, the annual meeting was in session. The ASA auditor began with a financial report and told members that ASA is in great financial condition. Montie gave the state of association report. The highlights of his report being a 49% increase in new senior membership in the fiscal year. There is a 19% increase in junior membership. Another major highlight is that ShorthornPlus registrations are 27% of total registrations which is up 10% from last year.
Shelby director of youth activities, Rogers director of marketing & communications
The nominating committee submitted three candidates for the available positions. Hugh Mooney, a board member from California, was elected for his second term. John Sonderman from Columbus, Nebraska, and Toby Jordan from Rensselaer, Indiana, were elected for their first term to the ASA board. They will serve a threeyear term. Following the Annual Meeting, the board met to elect new officers, for the nine-member board. The new president of the board is Rick Leone of Colorado, vice-president is Nancy Grathwohl-Heter of Kansas, and the executive director is Hugh Mooney of California. They serve alongside Tom Turner of Ohio, Joe Bales of Tennessee, Robert Alden of Missouri, Dave Greenhorn of Ohio, Toby Jordan of Indiana, and John Sonderman of Nebraska. On Saturday evening there were more than 100 people in attendance for the awards banquet. Members were recognized for Century Club, Pacer Performance Awards and Show Awards. Sherman O. Berg was awarded the Merit Award. Keith Moore of Ohio was presented the Heritage Award. Jeff Byers, Jon Byers and David Greenhorn were recognized as Builders of the Breed. Thank you to all those who attended the Annual Meeting – Forum & Awards Banquet and congratulations to those who were recognized! We can’t wait to see everyone next year. =
Board of Directors
New ASA Board of Directors for the 2019 year. Front Row Left to Right:
Hugh Mooney, Executive Director Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, Vice President Rick Leone, President Montie D. Soules, ASA Executive Secretary/CEO Back Row Left to Right:
Toby Jordan John Sonderman Dave Greenhorn Tom Turner Robert Alden Not Pictured: Joe Bales
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2019 ASA Board of Directors
Century Club Awards
The Century Club Award is given to breeders with 100 registrations or more in 2017.
Farm/Name, Number of Registrations Sullivan Farms Loving Polled Shorthorns Waukaru Farms, Inc. Stangl Shorthorns Martindell Farms, LLC Byland Jungels Shorthorn Farm Dale Studer Family Kruse Ranch Hugh W Moore Jr & Sons Leveldale Farms Peak View Ranch, Inc. Paint Valley Farms Lazy Bar F
250 registered 241 registered 187 registered 154 registered 138 registered 133 registered 132 registered 129 registered 115 registered 113 registered 110 registered 110 registered 107 registered 102 registered
Century Club Honorees
Pacer Performance Awards Pictured are those who were present to receive their award.
Kruse Ranch Paint Valley Farms Jungels Shorthorn Farm Waukaru Farms, Inc. J Phillip Bowman & Family
Peak View Ranch, Inc. Keith H Lauer Loving Polled Shorthorns
Matthew Loving Gilman Shorthorns
Hendrickston TST/Nile Valley Farms Dale Studer Family Stangl Shorthorns Hugh Mooney Fickbohm Farms Byland Dr. Raymond Ediger Hahn Family Shorthorns, LLC Turner Shorthorns Whitney Miller 5J Farms, LLC Leveldale Farms Jaclyn Ann Ragsdale Brock David Studer Connor Bollum Wesley Maurice Korthaus
Membership Award
Recognized was Deckert Stock Farm for 50 years of membership with the Association.
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Show Awards
This year we have 17 Regional winners with 16 Runner-Up heifers and bulls.
Region, Animal Name, Owner
North Central Region
Shorthorn Female of the Year: Cowboy’s White Rose, Brodie Abney Runner-Up Shorthorn Female of the Year: KOLT-WW Tune Gentry 38 ET, Erica Harrell Shorthorn Bull of the Year: Berg’s Charmer owned by Madeline Berg Runner-Up Shorthorn Bull of the Year (tie): JR Revolutionary, James R Johnson Studer’s Certified 100C, Dale Studer Family
Southeast Region
Shorthorn Female of the Year: CF BCL Lucky Charm 5129 E ET, McCall Show Cattle Runner-Up Shorthorn Female of the Year: MDR Mona Jackie 630, Reagan Easton Shorthorn Bull of the Year: DFM Starstruck, McCall Show Cattle Shorthorn Bull of the Year: MFK Hot Rebel 26K X, Wesley Maurice Korthaus ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: LCF Roxie Diamond 727, Maria Day Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: IFS Blue Mattis M1D, Molly Williams
Southeast Region
North Central Region
South Central Region
Northeast Region Shorthorn Female of the Year: CF Dream Lady 6127 AV ET, Elley Inskeep Runner-Up Shorthorn Female of the Year: BOY Cucumber 608 ET, Landon Helmke Shorthorn Bull of the Year: Armstrong Easy Rider 1603, John M. Allen IV Runner-Up Shorthorn Bull of the Year: BWS Swagger Twin A ET, Bye Well Shorthorns ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: DUNK Mirage 624D ET, Ryan Wickard Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: BFC Maggie’s Madeline E033, Brandywine Farms Cattle Co. ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year: BFC Can’t Touch This 114, Brandywine Farms Cattle Co. Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year: FFDL Hot Buckshot, Desirae Logsdon
South Central Region Shorthorn Female of the Year: 3L Miss Holly J 4415, Merideth Behrens Runner-Up Shorthorn Female of the Year: WHR SRVM Cecilia 6928 ET, Kylie Harlan Shorthorn Bull of the Year: RSF Lunesta 2D, Ryan Lane Runner-Up Shorthorn Bull of the Year: TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, Crow Creek Farms ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: MB Cowgirl’s Raven, Ashlyn Larman Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Female of the Year: DRCC Miss Emerald Lady, Larahmy Blakley ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year: Cash LF Megatron, Darci Cash Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year: FFDL Hot Buckshot, Desirae Logsdon
West Region Shorthorn Female of the Year (3 way tie): LC Augusta Pat 2385, Don Cardey LC Funny Face 2300, Don Cardey CTC Augusta Queen 2057, Don Cardey Runner-Up Shorthorn Female of the Year: GSC Sweetheart 1311, Greg Cardey Shorthorn Bull of the Year: LC Gold Label 1787, Don Cardey Runner-Up Shorthorn Bull of the Year: GSC Gold Label 2148, Greg Cardey
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Division Winner Attendees Pictured: Charlie & Lanie Sutherland
National ShorthornPlus Female of the Year KOLT Blue the Roo 940 owned by Kane Aegerter
National ShorthornPlus Bull of the Year 5J Gustus 24E owned by 5J Farms, LLC
National Shorthorn Female of the Year CF CSF Femi 650 SOL ET owned by Jake Nikkel
National Shorthorn Bull of the Year SULL RGLC Legacy 525ET owned by Rockin G Polled Shorthorns & Sullivan Farms
The Shorthorn Merit Award The Shorthorn Merit Award recognizes individuals who support and promote the cattle industry. This award honors those beef cattle industry leaders who have specifically assisted and had a positive influence on the Shorthorn breed. These individuals have been exceptional supporters and dedicated friends of the Shorthorn breed for many years.
The Shorthorn Heritage Award The Shorthorn Heritage Award recognizes Shorthorn members who have shown exceptional leadership for Shorthorn activities in a state or regional area. These honorees are persons that have shown exceptional passion in all areas of the breed. Award recipients have promoted the breed by taking leadership roles within their respective geographical areas. They are individuals that can be given credit to helping with the long-term success of the breed at any level. They have attended functions, been a mainstay, and have shown their passion and love for the breed and the people in the breed. A Heritage Award winner is a true Shorthorn enthusiast who has positively impacted the breed to the benefit of all Shorthorn breeders.
Sherman Berg Sherman Berg was born in Osage, Iowa, in 1941. He grew up on a crop and livestock production farm that his brother, Kendrick, continues to operate. He was very active in 4-H, showing cattle and livestock judging. Before he was called to duty by the Army, Sherman attended Iowa State University. While at Iowa State he was an active member of Block and Bridle and a member of Alpha Gamma Rho Fraternity. Following his military service, he spent 18 years with the American Shorthorn Association in Omaha, serving as junior activities director and editor of Shorthorn Country. In 1965, Sherman married Cynthia Sheridan. Sherman has provided positive growth opportunities for youth. His commitment to leadership training and development for practice resulted in the formation of the American Junior Shorthorn Association and the first National Shorthorn Youth
Conference. Sherman has taken an active role in the local 4-H programs as both a leader and a volunteer. He hopes his time volunteering will help to provide a wholesome environment for youth to develop skills in responsibility, resourcefulness and leadership. In 1982, he joined the Knights of AkSar-Ben Foundation as the Director of agricultural activities. He established an event to benefit the youth of Omaha and promote the state’s agricultural background and heritage. He assisted in development of the Nebraska LEAD program. He developed the “catch-a-calf ” program, a mentoring program which pairs members of the Omaha business community with youth. Sherman has held many leadership positions around his community. He even served on the Shorthorn Foundation for 25 years. Sherman is a leader and Shorthorn enthusiast. =
Keith Moore After World War II, Keith’s parents bought and moved to a farm in Decatur, Ohio where his father bought him his first Shorthorn heifer. He then got involved in 4H and showed his first heifer at the Brown County Fair in 1946. In 1996, the Brown County Fair Board presented Keith with an award for competing for his 50th consecutive year. In 1955 he graduated from high school and that fall he attended the Ohio State University. After his first year of college he was drafted into the US Army and spent 16 months in Korea before being honorably discharged. Upon completion of his service, Keith started building a Shorthorn herd and showed on the county fair circuit at the Ohio State Fair. He also participated in state and district sales while starting a family, which includes his wife and three children. In the early 1970’s, the Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association and the Ohio Polled Shorthorn Association merged creating the Ohio Shorthorn Breeders Association. Keith became the organization’s secretary and fieldman. He traveled throughout the state representing the association. Over the span of three years, he managed many sales for the OSBA as well as sales in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kentucky and Tennessee.
Keith was hired by Pete Swaffer in 1974 to work shows for the American Shorthorn Association. About this time, the association also started publishing a monthly newsletter called Shorthorn Country. In 1975 the American Shorthorn Association bought the ‘Shorthorn World’ and started publishing the ‘Shorthorn Country’ magazine. Keith began working as a field representative for both the Shorthorn Country and the American Shorthorn Association. The Kentucky State Fair Board decided to start a national show in 1975, and Keith was assigned to work with the board to help get this new effort started. That new national show is now known as the North American International Livestock Exposition. In 1981, as Keith’s days as fieldman came to a completion, he returned to the farm where he raised tobacco and managed his Shorthorn herd. He sold animals at some select sales and also participated in state fairs ranging from Ohio, to Kentucky, to West Virginia, as well as the NAILE. In 1988 the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association started a Beef Exposition and Keith was appointed as the Ohio Shorthorn Association representative to the Expo board where he still serves today. If you speak with him on the subject, you will hear him declare ‘it is the best Expo going!’ You will still find him in attendance at many of the Shorthorn state and national events. Whether Keith attends an event with, or without animals, you can bet he will always be promoting the Shorthorn breed!! =
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Builder of the Breed This award was first established in 1945. The Builder of the Breed honoree is or has been an active breeder of Shorthorn cattle. This person has true dedication for a lengthy period of time and contributed to the stewardship of the Shorthorn Breed. This award recognizes their efforts in breeding and promoting Shorthorn cattle which have contributed to genetic improvement of the breed. They are also recognized as individuals that have continuously been supporters and promoters for both the Shorthorn breed and the beef cattle industry. Builder of the Breed award winners are recognized for making a lasting impact on our breed.
David Greenhorn David found his passion for Shorthorn cattle at the age of 12 when he received 2 heifers, Holly and Noel, from his father Colonel Alvin Greenhorn for Christmas. With David’s exuberant interest sustained through youth activities and his father’s lessons, he and the Colonel established a reputable Shorthorn herd. Now 55 years later, Greenhorn Cattle Company is the shared dream and dedication of the third and fourth generations of the Greenhorn family – David, his son Josh, and grandson Kolten. David participated in the first National Youth Conference in 1968 and continued learning about the breed throughout his years as a Junior member. On the state level, David contributed his vision and dedication to the Ohio Cattlemen’s Association. He served for
Jon Byers
Retiring Board of Directors Dr. James Freed ASA Senior Board 2012-2018 President 2017-2018 Ed Kruse ASA Senior Board 2012-2018
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5 years as the program coordinator for their “Best Program”, one of the top youth programs in the United States. He has also served nearly 20 years on the board of directors of The Ohio Shorthorn Association. In 1975, he worked with Ohio State University to establish the first Embryo Transplant Center east of the Mississippi. Greenhorn Cattle Company maintains an elite donor arsenal and the majority of the calves born at Greenhorn Cattle Company are a result of Embryo Transplants. Greenhorn Cattle Company holds 2 sales annually. The first is a production sale in the fall, which has been held for 13 years. The second, an elite frozen genetic sale, started 9 years ago, and is held at the North American each November. David has advanced the prestige of Shorthorns over a wide geographic area of the United States through breeding, developing and promoting a highly regarded herd. He also provides marketing opportunities for their customers by contributing unwavering support of youth and new breeders. =
Jeff Byers
Jon is a graduate of the Ohio State University where he majored in Animal Science with a minor in agricultural agronomy. Jon now works with their family farm in OhioByland Polled Shorthorns - which has been a member of the Century Club for decades. The family runs a grass fed herd with an intense focus on consistently developing better Shorthorn cattle with relevance to the commercial and purebred industries. Jeff is a veterinarian and the owner of a 5-doctor practice, Byland Animal Hospital, LTD. Dr. Byers works exclusively with large animals, mostly dairy and beef; focusing on herd health and reproduction. He also helps run the farm, Byland Polled Shorthorns, with a herd size of 145 cows. Their mature cows are housed exclusively outside year-round with no access to a barn. They calve outside and
must calve unassisted. Cows are fed only hay and grass to help improve fleshing ability and structural integrity. Here, they are intent on consistently developing better Shorthorn cattle with relevance to the commercial and purebred industry. Their herd birth weights, weaning weights, and yearling weights have been collected and turned into the ASA database for 5 decades. They collect scan data on their one year-old bulls and utilize EPD’s, $Values, and carcass data in their mating and purchasing decisions. Byland feeds out steers, heifers, and market fed cattle through Boliantz Packing. The calves are sold on the rail with an emphasis on high quality grade beef which are in turn sold to the highend restaurant and market trade industries. They routinely make bull selections based upon carcass merit. Byland Polled Shorthorns and Paint Valley Farm in Millersburg, Ohio currently enjoy a partnership for the “Maternal Event” Sale which will hold their 3rd annual sale in December of this year. The partnership is also planning their first annual “A New Brand Bull Sale,” in April of 2019. =
= News & Notes Panhandle South Plains Fair 2018 Open Shorthorn Show Judge: Ryan Cummings, Katy, Texas. - Junior Show Judge: Spencer Scotten, Manhattan, Kan. Submitted by Mary Bass, Publicity Officer, Texas Shorthorn Association
Grand Champion Female in the Open Show was SS Queen Strut 779 x, an April 28, 2017 heifer shown by Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
Grand Champion Bull in the Open Show was MAC’s Salty Dog, a November 7, 2017 calf shown by Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas
Reserve Grand Champion Female in the Open Show was MJS Carrie B H Jennifer x, a March 17, 2017 heifer exhibited by M J Shorthorns, Olton, Texas.
Reserve Grand Champion Bull in the Open Show was Fieser’s Ranger x, a November 20, 2017 calf shown by Curt Cash, Amarillo, Texas.
Champion British Breeds Heifer was SULL Rasberry, shown by Coleman Shields, Idalou, Texas.
Champion British Breeds Steer was shown by Channing Shields, Idalou, Texas with her Shorthorn.
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Performance Award Winners for 2017 Updated as of December 2018
2017 Owner Rankings for Pace Performance Sire & Dams NAME
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26 29 11 21 9 4 11 9 10 10 3 3 8 9 6 5 7 8 8 8 5 5 6 7 6 6 5 4 5 5 5 2 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 0 2 3 3 3 3 0 1 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0
15 6 12 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
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TOTAL 45 36 23 21 18 11 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
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View the full list of detailed Performance Award winners online. PERFORMANCE DAM | PACESETTER DAM | PERFORMANCE SIRE | PACEMAKER SIRE
https://shorthorn.org/pacer-performance-awards/ Online at shorthorn.org. Under the Member Services tab. Then under Member Recognition. Select Pacer Performance Awards.
Updated as of December 2018
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= Sale Reports Where Future Generations Are Created Sale Summary
1 Bred Heifer.....................$ 26,500 5 Pregnancies...................$ 24,000 45 Embryo Pkgs..............$ 96,825 24 Semen Pkgs................$ 25,485 Sale Gross $172,810
$ 26,500 $ 4,800 $ 2,152 $ 1,062
Sunday, November 11, 2018 Hilton Garden Inn Louisville, Kentucky
Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
Future Generations have truly been generated in this sale in the past and this year the offering was of the highest quality yet. When you can lead off a sale with an extremely good bred female and follow with genetic lots that are well accepted, you have the making of a great event. Congratulations to David and Josh Greenhorn for gathering the top genetics in the breed. $26,500 - Lot 1 - Bred Heifer - SULL Dream Only 7188E ET. A rwm, polled, January 18, 2017 daughter of SULL
Right Direction ET and out of SS Dream Lady 161 ET selling bred to 3ACES Brilliance 9566 for a late 2018 calf. This great young female is going to be a top donor in the breed in the future. Her family tree is full of Champions at many major shows. She has the bloodlines to be a top female for many years. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by Troy Walker of Michigan Town, Ind. $4,600 - Lot 19 - Heifer Pregnancy Sired by Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of CF CSF Margie 611 HC ET due to calve on April 7, 2019. This is a rare opportunity. A calf by the great herd sire, Aviator and out of one of the top show heifers in recent years. This calf will have purple ribbons in her future. Offered by A J Cattle and purchased by Little Cedar Cattle Co., of Beaverton, Mich. $4,500 - Lot 3A - Heifer Pregnancy Sired by SULL Handsome Reward 5659 ET and out of CYT Missing Mirage 2120 ET due on April 5, 2019. The Handsome Reward bull is fast becoming a top sire in the breed and the Missing Mirage female is famous in her own right.
This calf will have a head start on the competition. Offered by Schrag 605 and purchased by Gene Witherspoon of Whitewright, Texas. $4,500 - Lot 3B - Heifer Pregnancy Sired by SULL Handsome Reward 5659 ET and out of CYT Max Rosa 1110 ET due on April 5, 2019. The Max Rosa line needs no introduction in the Shorthorn Breed as that line has been a leader for many years. Mated to Handsome Reward, there is no ceiling to what this calf can accomplish. Offered by Schrag 605 and purchased by Cheyenne Cattle Co., of Ashland City, Tenn. $4,500 - Lot 22 - 4 IVF Sexed Heifer Embryos - Sired by Colburn Primo 5153 and out of Gana Lucky TR Charm 667 ET. This is a very exciting mating. Embryos sired by Primo who is the sire of many of the top Plus show cattle in the breed today. And, out of a female from the ever popular Lucky Charm female line. These calves will be fun to watch. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by Gene Witherspoon. =
Bakenhus Cattle Company Complete Dispersion Sale Summary
Shorthorn Lots
17 Cow/Calf Pairs.............$ 67,575 16 Bred Females...........$ 16,850 5 Plus Bred Females........$ 11,775 38 Shorthorn Lots $ 106,200 184 Other Breed Lots......$ 353,125 85 Frozen Genetic Lots.$ 45,570 Sale Gross $504,895
$ 3,975 $ 1,678 $ 2,355 $ 2,795 $ 1,919 $ 536
Saturday & Sunday, November 17 & 18, 2018 Columbus, Nebraska Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks & Kevin Wendt Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
A large crowd gathered at the Columbus Ramada Inn for the large two day event. Over 300 lots of live cattle, embryo packages and semen packages were offered to the buyers in attendance and on the phone and the internet. This was an opportunity to put together a group of top quality females to add to a breeding program. There were several large groups of cattle sold to cattle raisers from across the United States. Top Selling Shorthorn Lots. $9,000 - Lot 1 - Cow/Calf Pair KOLT-K Basic Pride 2217 ET. A roan, polled, 2015 daughter of SULL Red 74
Reward 9321 and out of KOLT Carly’s Pride 305 ET. Selling bred to SULL Propel for a Spring 2019 calf. At her side was a rwm, polled, March 13, 2018 heifer calf sired by SULL Red Power 897 1D. This was a great pair of well bred females to lead this sale. They are both top quality females and will be leading a herd for years to come. The cow was purchased by Ryan Beach of Unadilla, Neb., and the heifer calf by Stacy Lewis of Maramec, Okla. $6,500 - Lot 4 - Cow/Calf Pair - AR SU LU AHL Mardale 315. A roan, polled, 2013 daughter of EUC Tabasco and out of AHL W Mardale 8141 selling bred to SULL Propel for an early Spring 2019 calf. At her side was a rwm, polled, March 6, 2018 heifer calf sired by SULL Red Power 6971D. This was another top pair of females that sold in this sale. The Red Power calves were very popular. The pair was purchased by Jeff Cooksey of Roggen, Colo. $5,500 - Lot 34 - Bred Female - AR SU LU Maxi Mama 2018. A roan, horned, 2012 daughter of AR SU LU Magnum and out of AR SU LU Maxi Mama selling bred to HFS Cajun Flyboy 407 for a Spring 2019 calf. This was what many thought was the best mature female to
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sell in this sale. She has a great pattern to go with tremendous volume and is very structurally sound. Purchased by Michael Loecke of Manchester, Iowa. $5,500 - Lot 7 - Cow/Calf Pair - STZ Miss Sutton 812U. A r/w, polled, 2008 daughter of SS Deadwood 5103 ET and out of STZ Miss Sutton selling bred to SULL Propel for a Spring 2019 calf. At her side was a roan, polled, March 24, 2018 heifer calf sired by SULL Red Power. This was another of the top Shorthorn pairs to be offered in this sale. The cow was purchased by Randy Silva of Kingsburg, Ala., and the heifer calf by Diana Went of Leigh, Neb. $4,500 - Lot 10 - Cow/Calf Pair - DSC Luck Lady Max 312D ET. A roan, polled, 2016 daughter of CYT Maxim 9020 ET and out of CYT Lucky Lady 869U ET selling bred to HFS Cajun Flyboy 407 for a Spring 2019 calf. At her side was a rwm, polled, March 5, 2018, heifer calf sired by Bar N Lookout 511C. This is a tremendous first calf heifer. She has a great pedigree, going back to LF Luck Charm and of course the great Max Rosa on the sire’s side. The cow was purchased by Jimmy Parnell of Stanton, Ala., and the heifer calf by Clay = Grotelusch of Creston, Iowa.
Form To Function Sale Summary
1 Bull..................................$ 45,000 7 Fall Pairs......................$ 17,700 32 Plus Bred Females......$ 71,475 5 Bowman Blend lots.$ 9,400 45 Breeding Lots..$ 143,575 1 Flush..............................$ 4,900 8 Embryo Pkgs............ $ 14,940 16 Semen Pkgs.......... $ 5,110 Sale Gross $168,525
$ 45,000 $ 2,529 $ 2,234 $ 1,880 $ 3,191 $ 4,900 $ 1,868 $ 319
Saturday , November 24, 2018 Bowman Superior Genetics Green Forks, Indiana Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
If you are looking for the opportunity to purchase Shorthorn cattle that are backed by some of the best measurable in the breed today, you needed to be present at this auction. The BSG firm pays great attention to mating cattle not only based on their visual appearance but also the high indexing traits that they insist on. If you had the opportunity to read the sale catalog, you would find an unequaled amount of data for you to study. Congratulations to all involved for presenting a quality event. **NOTE** The Lot 5 bull sold for $45,000. That is the highest selling bull
at auction in the US for all of 2018. $45,000 - Lot 5 - Bull - BSG Profitwise 1767 - A red, polled, November 11, 2017 son of Muridale Thermal Energy 15A and out of Saskvalley Maggie 73R. BSG bases their program on genetic improvement and this bull is the proof that their plan will work. This is a great youngster that has it all. The look to go with outstanding numbers. Out of a top herd sire and out of a female that is one of the best in the breed and still looks awesome at an advanced age. This bull will surely write some history of his own in his lifetime. Purchased by Shadybrook Shorthorns of West Brome, Que., Can. $5,000 - Lot 8 - Fall Pair - BSG Maggie 1685 219M ET. A red, polled, 2016 daughter of Saskvalley Bonanza 219MK and out of Saskvalley Maggie 73R. At side was a black, polled, September 6, 2018 bull calf sired by Thomas Top Hand 0536. What a super young female here. Just a picture to look at. She is a beef cow and is a daughter of the great Maggie 73R. She will be a great matron for years to come. Purchased by Double M Cattle Co, LLC of Rewey, Wisc. $4,900 - Lot 9 - Flush - A flush on Waukaru Lassie 2024. A red, polled, 2012 daughter of Waukaru Gold Card
5042 and out of Waukaru Lassie 9169. This was a great opportunity to purchase a flush on one of the best females in the breed for many of the most important traits. Her numbers are really impressive. You can mate this female many ways and always reap dividends. Purchaed by Spry Shorthorns of Australia. $4,000 - Lot 34 - Bred Female - BSG Dottie 1446 of 128S. A roan, polled, 2014 daughter of Saskvalley Stampede 128S and out of Alta Cedar Dottie 29X selling bred to Thermal Energy 154 for a March 2019 calf. This was one of the most popular females in this sale. She has great dimension and correctness of structure to go with an impressive set of trait indexes. Purchased by Shadybrook Shorthorns of West Brome, Que., Can. $3,400 - Lot 21 - Bred Female - BSG Rainborose 1527 137W. A red, polled, 2015 daughter of JSF Gauge 137W and out of BSG Rainbow Rose 1201 12M selling bred to Thermal Energy 15A for a March 2019 calf. Another of the top females in this sale. She has great thickness to go with an impressive genetic profile. She will be a great addition to her new herd. Purchased by Byland Polled Shorthorns of = Loudanville, Ohio.
Paint Valley Farms & Byland Polled Shorthorns A Maternal Event $ 4,900 $ 2,450 $ 2,843 $ 2,743 $ 2,660 $ 2,750 $ 1,500 $ 578
Saturday , December 8, 2018 Paint Valley Farms, Millersburg, Ohio Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Managers: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
A pleasant weekend welcomed a large group of Shorthorn breeders to view an outstanding set of top quality Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus females that were offered by these two leading herds. The offering included some fancy open heifers that can compete in the show ring and also will be great brood cows. The bred females were very strong with an extremely impressive group of bred heifers. Congratulations to Lee Miller along with Jeff and Jon Byers for the presentation of a high quality event.
$5,800 - Lot 38 - Bred Heifer - Byland Augusta 7TM20. A red, polled, February 2017 daughter of Studer’s Taylor Made 7X and out of Byland Augusta 0J6 selling bred to JSF Gauge for an early Spring 2019 calf. In the extremely strong group of bred heifers, this was a favorite of many. She has the volume and overall design that all like to see. Offered by Byland and purchased by Double J Shorthorns of Alex, Okla. $5,200 - Lot 63 - Bred Heifer - PVF Lady 42E. A roan, polled, March 2017 daughter of Muridale Murango 18X and out of PVF Lady BO 08X selling bred to PVF Finding Favor for a March 2019 calf. This was another of the top bred heifers in this sale. Flawless in her structure and has the length and depth to make her a great addition. Offered by PVF and purchased by Robert Randall of Atkinson, Neb. $4,950 - Lot 21 - Cow/Calf Pair JSF Maude 93C. A roan, polled, 2015 daughter of Saskvalley Outlaw 173Z and out of JSF Maude 3613 selling bred to Byland Soggy Dog for a late Feb. 2019 calf. At her side was a roan, polled, April 15, 2018 heifer calf sired by JSF Chain Reaction 261D. This was an outstanding
pair. A truly fancy young heifer calf and a cow that is already proven. Offered by PVF, the cow was purchased by Charles Dewees, Red Dawn Farm of Freeport, Ohio and the calf by The Byrne Boys of Chatham, On., Can. $4,800 - Lot 57 - Bred Heifer - PVF Rose 106D. A rwm, polled, Oct 2016 daughter of Leveldale Ringo 337A and out of JSF Rose 130W selling bred to Byland Soggy Dog for a Feb. 2019 calf. This female also had many friends. She is long sided and has the extended front end that all like to see. She has donor potential. Offered by PVF and purchased by Leroy Foss of Lisbon, ND. $4,600 - Lot 41 - Bred Heifer - Byland Bonnie Bud 7U81. A rwm, polled, March 2017 daughter of Studer’s Universal 10B and out of Byland Bonnie Bud 3G11 selling bred to Studer’s Taylor Made 7Y for a Feb. 2019 calf. The top quality bred heifers just kept coming in this sale. This female’s dam has been designated as a Performance Dam by the ASA. She will surely continue in that vein. Offered by Byland and purchased by Garry Wolford, Fairall Farms of Frazeysburg, Ohio.
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Sale Summary
1 Cow/Calf Pair..............$ 4,900 16 Bred Females..............$ 39,200 34 Bred Heifers..............$ 96,650 15 Open Heifers......... $ 41,150 5 Plus Open Heifers... $ 13,300 70 Breeding Lots..$ 195,250 1 Embryo Pkg.............. $ 1,500 17 Semen Pkgs.......... $ 9,825 Sale Gross $206,575
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Agricultural Exceptions and Exemptions to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Hours of Service (HOS) and Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Rules The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulates transportation in interstate commerce for vehicles weighing 10,001 or more pounds (i.e., any of the following: gross vehicle weight (GVW), gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), gross combination weight (GCW) or gross combination weight rating (GCWR)). Vehicles with a GVW, GVWR, GCW or GCWR of 26,001 pounds or more may require the driver to have a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL). However, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) provide an exception for the transportation of horses and other animals to shows and events, as well as cars, boats and other similar items. When such transportation is not business related (i.e., the transportation is not for compensation, and the driver is not performing in an underlying business related to the move), the FMCSRs do not apply, even if prize or scholarship money is offered for the event. This exemption includes the Hours-of-Service (HOS) regulations, requirements for use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) and CDL regulations, unless a CDL is required by the driver’s home state. Agricultural Exemptions Congress provided four statutory exemptions to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety HOS Regulations for agricultural operations: • Covered farm vehicles weighing 26,001 pounds or more, operated by a farmer or a farmer’s employee, are exempt from HOS and CDL regulations if the vehicle is operated in the State of registration or within a 150-air mile radius of the farmer’s farm or ranch. Covered farm vehicles weighing 26,000 pounds or less are exempt throughout the country. • During planting and harvesting periods, as determined by each State, drivers who transport agricultural commodities from the source of the agricultural commodities to a location within a 150 air-mile radius (172.6 statute miles) of the source; farm supplies for agricultural purposes from a wholesale or retail distribution point of the farm supplies to a farm or other location where the farm supplies are intended to be used within a 150 air-mile radius from the distribution point; or farm supplies for agricultural purposes from a wholesale distribution point of the farm supplies
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to a retail distribution point of the farm supplies within a 150 air-mile radius from the wholesale distribution point are exempt from HOS regulations. Additional information is provided in the guidance on the 150 air-mile radius exemption. • Drivers who transport commercial bees in interstate commerce are exempt from the 30- minute break required by the HOS regulations if there are bees on board the vehicle. • Drivers who transport livestock in interstate commerce are exempt from the 30-minute break required by the HOS regulations if there is livestock on board the vehicle. In addition, when drivers are relieved from work and all responsibility for performing work, hours driven may be considered as personal conveyance and are not counted against daily and weekly HOS limits. Additional information is provided in the guidance on personal conveyance. General Applicability of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs), Including ELDs and HOS If the vehicle or combination of vehicles (truck and trailer) weigh 10,001 pounds or more (GVWR, GCWR, GVW or GCW) and the operation is not eligible for any exceptions, the FMCSRs apply. Electronic Logging Device (ELD) Exceptions Several ELD exceptions may apply to a carrier’s operation, including, but not limited to, the following: • The short-haul operations exception for preparing a logbook found in 49 CFR 395.1( e) for drivers who operate within a 100-air mile radius of their normal work reporting location for vehicles that require a CDL (or 150 air-mile radius for vehicles that do not require a CDL), and work no longer than 12 hours a day. • Vehicles that are older than model year 2000. • Drivers who are required to complete paper records of duty status eight (8) days or fewer in any 30-day period. Recording HOS when Transporting an Agricultural Commodity When a driver operates a vehicle under an agriculture exemption outside the 150 air-mile radius from the source, distribution point, or wholesale distribution point and the driver does not
qualify for an ELD exemption, the driver may use one of the following options to record their HOS on an ELD: Option 1 A driver can operate within the 150 air-mile radius without logging into the ELD, and then log into the ELD once the vehicle reaches the 150 air-mile radius limit. Driving time within the 150 airmile radius will be identified on the ELD as “unidentified driving” time. The driver will reject the unidentified driving time on the ELD and the motor carrier must annotate the ELD data to explain that the “unidentified driving” time occurred while operating under an agricultural HOS exemption. Option 2 The driver can log into the ELD when coming on duty and identify the time operating within the 150 air- mile radius with an ELD annotation stating that the vehicle was operating under an agricultural HOS exemption. Option 3 When operating within the 150 airmile radius the driver can identify the movement of the commercial motor vehicle as authorized personal use on the ELD. If the driver logs into the ELD and identifies the movement as authorized personal use then the driver must also make an annotation on the ELD explaining that the movement is exempt per the agriculture exemption. Upon exiting the 150-air mile radius the driver must then identify the movement of the vehicle as on duty driving. If When a driver is required to use an ELD, the safety official will review ELD data by transferring it to the Electronic Records of Duty Status (eRODS) software using the telematics or local transfer option. If the ELD data cannot be transferred, the safety official will review the data on the ELD display screen or printout. In accordance with the ELD rule, an ELD is not required to identify driver violations and the driver remains accountable for non-compliance with the HOS rules. General Applicability of Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) Requirements: A CDL is required if: • The vehicle has a GVWR or GVW of 26,001 pounds or more; or • A combination of vehicles (truck and trailer) has a GVWR or GCWR of 26,001 pounds or more, including a towed unit
with a GVWR or GVW of more than 10,000 pounds. However, if the vehicle is used for a non-commercial purpose, (i.e., a recreational vehicle, a vehicle transporting horses and other animals, or cars, boats and similar items to shows and events), the driver does not need a CDL, unless required by the driver’s home State. If an underlying business is not related to the transportation, it is considered noncommercial. This includes any unrelated agricultural business, such as a cattle rancher who owns horses for personal use, unrelated to the ranching business. Employers and drivers who transport horses and other animals or cars, boats and similar items to shows and events, in a vehicle or combination of vehicles weighing 26,001 pounds or more (GVWR, GVW, GCW or GCWR), must comply with their State’s licensing laws, which may or may not require a CDL. A State may exempt farm vehicle operators from its CDL requirements. A farm vehicle waiver is limited to the driver’s home State, unless there is a reciprocal agreement with adjoining States.
Related Links • Hours of Service of Drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles: Regulatory Guidance Concerning the Transportation of Agricultural Comm • Summary of Regulatory Guidance: Transportation of Agricultural Commodities including Livestock • Agriculture Exemption Factsheet
• State Planting and Harvesting Periods FM CSA Agricultural Information 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE Washington, DC 20590 United States agricultural@dot.gov = Phone: 800-832-5660
2019 ASA Annual Meeting, Forum & Awards Banquet November 22-23, 2019 Kansas City, MO
How to Determine if a Driver is Required to have a CDL If a safety official stops a CMV transporting an agricultural commodity (including nonprocessed foods, feed, fiber, or livestock), FMCSA recommends that the driver explain that the transportation is agricultural related. If it is determined that a driver is engaged in nonagricultural related transportation or the driver does not qualify for an agricultural exemption, FMCSA recommends that drivers use the following questions to determine if they are required to have a CDL: 1. Is the vehicle being used for a noncommercial purpose, such as taking a personally owned animal to a show and there is no underlying business related to the transportation? If YES, a CDL is NOT required. 2. Does the vehicle or vehicle combination have a GVWR, GVW, GCWR or GCW (whichever is greater) of 10,001 pounds or more? If NO, a CDL is NOT required. 3. Does the vehicle or vehicle combination have a GVWR, GVW, GCWR or GCW (whichever is greater) of 10,001 pounds or more, but less than 26,001 pounds? If YES, a CDL is NOT required. 4. Does the vehicle or vehicle combination have a GVWR, GVW, GCWR or GCW (whichever is greater) of 26,001 pounds or more? If YES, a CDL MAY be required. For more information regarding the ELD rule, visit FMCSA’s ELD webpaqe. Questions can be submitted to aqricultural@dot.gov.
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Burke N. Allison & Co. 925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 • bovine08@gmail.com
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276644 444th Ave. Marion, South Dakota 57043 Cory: 605-941-5241 • Melissa 605-941-3546
E: schrag@goldenwest.net schrag605.com
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Cory, Melissa, Samantha & Jaxon Schrag
P.O. Box 77, Virginia, IL 62691 Office: 217.452.3051 • Fax: 217.452.3053 Don Cagwin cell • 217.341.7552 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell • 217.370.6034
cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com
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6B’s Guardian ET
HD Bloodstone 603 X Ash Valley Kendra 7142
T Kane Captain x
JSF Goldenrod 57U X KOLT AA Lady Reward 1Y
T Ash Valley Right Choice x Ash Valley Prestige 0590 X Ash Valley Duchess 9622
SULL Master of Rose x
JSF Master of Jazz X SULL Rose Mary
T FAIR Red, White & Roan
Jake’s Proud Jazz X KG Cinderella 939
JM Vortecs Rider ET
JM Vortec X Rider’s Gerogina 850
CSF Backdraft 703 RR ET *x
SULL Red Reward 9321 X WHR LS Demi 8931 ET
R-C WG Damn Proud *x
Jake’s Proud Jazz X WG RC Golden
RSF Red Alert 0123A *x
KOLT-RGLC Simplify X AF SL SS Revival
T DMH Cherry Fillet Western Trademark 3rd X Maid of Promise H 189th
T Saskvalley Yesterday
Saskvalley Wholesale x Saskvalley Navajo
BFC Can’t Touch This 114 *xar
LFCC Unstoppable 727X X CF Roan Rose 036
T SS Rock On 812 *
Jake’s Proud Jazz X SS Augusta Pride 617
T SULL Red Sensation 6554
Red Reward X SULL Rose Mary 636-3
FSF Near Perfect
T Bar N Creedence 540C
SRV Quiet Man (THC) 3BC Hard Rock X CHSC Elegant Queen
HP Manimal 1C *s
FSF Bearcat 37Z ET X FSF Madeline’s Rose S247 ET Saskvalley Bonanza X JSF Rosewood
Prospect Hill Alarado 33A X JDMC Miss Remedy 124Z
Hill Haven Firestorm
T BFS Master Prince *x
DF Waco 6W X Hill Haven Breathtaker 35Y SEXED SEMEN Available
Jake’s Prince of Jazz x KL Prime Time Paymaster
T JSF Mr Right 151Z
Leveldale Righteous 084 X KL Notable Nita
BS Ghost Rider
Jake’s Proud Jazz 266L X HA First Ruby
BWCC Jack of Spades x
Ace of Diamonds X Desert Rose 928 W ET
T Muridale Jaxson 4A x
FSF Starburst 058 *
FSF Stardust X Jake’s Sierra 211S
CF Focus *x
Hot Commodity x CF Lucky Charm
DF Talledega 3X ET x
T Creekside Amp 32W x
Alta Cedar Signature X Banner Julia Ann 34J
T Bar N Ripper 99A x
JDMC Remedy X JDMC Rocksie
T Alta Cedar Code Red x
Bloodstone 603 ET X Poppin Girl 2R01 ET
Alta Cedar Code-Red 24S X Lassie 16T
MSC Sarge *x
T CSF/Lakeside Rooster 394 ET
Captain Obvious x Sonny
Buster 14K X Bonanza daughter
T Leveldale Nort Face 562 *x
Studer’s Taylor Made 7Y X Leveldale Nan Again 110Y
SVFI Rooster 561R X RS Lindakay 006 04
www.cattlevisions.com T Calving Ease HS SWAGGER 802 ET *x
WHR RT Augusta Sunrise X HD Reflection
SULL Roan Blast 0301 ET
SULL GNCC Asset ET X SULL Beauty Queen 570 ET
CLF Foolin’ Around 1401 ET x Sonny X SULL Fool Me 508 WT
SULL Right Knight 5664C E ET x CF Trump X K-Kim Mona Lisa 10T ET
shorthorn country = january 2019
= Ad Index 605 Schrag...........................................81 AAA Shorthorns..................................77 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc........82 AJ Cattle Co.........................................77 American Shorthorn Association.........61 Bartels Bros..........................................77 Bayer....................................................63 Bennett Land & Cattle.........................77 Berg Shorthorns.............................73, 77 Bigelow Farms.....................................77 Bowman Superior Genetics.................77 Bridle Path Ranch................................77 Brooks, Bruce......................................82 Bye Well Shorthorns............................77 Byland Polled Shorthorns....................77 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC...............82 Cagwin Farms........................................5 Cairns Shorthorns................................77 Cates Farms......................................5, 77 Cattle Visions.................................82, 84 Cornerstone Farms...............................77 Country K Shorthorns..........................77 Crawfdown Farms................................77 Dale Studer Family Shorthorns..........IFC Dedmon Shorthorns.............................77 DJS Shorthorns....................................77 Double C Shorthorns...........................77 DTR Cattle Co.....................................77 Duis Farms...........................................80
Fickbohm Farms Shorthorns................80 Fischer Cattle Company.......................80 Greenhorn Cattle Co., LLC...........80, BC Greg Crawford Family.........................86 Haumont Shorthorns............................80 Homeplace Farms................................80 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.........................80 Humble Stock Farm.............................80 Inness Shorthorns.................................80 Iowa Royal Sale...................................72 Iroquoian Shorthorns...........................80 James F. Bessler, Inc............................82 Jester Farms.........................................80 Johnson Shorthorn...............................19 Jungels Shorthorn Farm.............. 86, IBC Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm..................80 Keystone Shorthorns............................80 KSS Keystone Shorthorns...................80 Labans Roanoke Farm.........................80 Leveldale Farms...............................9, 80 Little Cedar Cattle Co..........................80 Loving Farms.......................................13 McKee Family Shorthorns...................81 Meyer Family Shorthorns....................81 Meyer Farms........................................81 NILE Valley Farm/Henderickson Trust.81 Norman Farms.....................................81 Oler Farm.............................................81 Phildon Farms......................................81
shorthorn country = january 2019
Pleasant View Farms............................15 Richardson Farms Shorthorns..............81 Robjoy Shorthorns...............................81 Rockin G Land & Cattle......................81 Rocky Branch Shorthorns....................81 Safe Guard...........................................17 Sears Marketing Services, LLC...........82 SharBen Shorthorns.............................81 ShorthornPlus Foundation...................62 Singing H Shorthorns...........................81 Smoky Mountain Farm........................81 Stangl Shorthorns.................................81 Stecks Cattle........................................6-7 Stone Springs Shorthorns.....................81 Strode Family Shorthorns....................81 Sullivan Farms.....................................82 Sullivan Supply....................................82 Sutherland Shorthorns..........................82 Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns...................82 The Summit........................................124 Top Notch Stock Farm.........................82 Turner Family Shorthorns....................82 Tynywtra’s............................................82 Vaughn Farms......................................76 Warner Ranch.......................................82 Watertown Shorthorn Sale...................69 Waukaru Shorthorns.............................82 Wendt, Kevin.......................................82 WHR Shorthorns....................................3 Wilson Livestock Agency....................82
= Sales Calendar Jan. 20 - The Summit National Shorthorn Sale, Denver, Colo.
Mar. 4 - Leveldale Farms Private Treaty Bull Sale, Mason City, Ill.
Jan. 29 - Galbreath Farm/Shady Maple Farm, Early Bird Bull Sale, Enderlin, ND hosted on amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 9 - Tennessee Agribition Shorthorn Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.
Feb. 5 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND. Feb. 7 - Watertown Winter Show, South Dakota Shorthorn Association Show & Sale, Watertown, SD. Feb. 12 - Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale, Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines, Iowa. Feb. 19 - AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 23 - Midwest Shorthorn Spectacular, Illinois Beef Expo, Springfield, Ill. Feb. 23/24 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale, Creston, Iowa on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 28 -Wise Polled Shorthorns and Bar N Cattle Company “Right For The Times” Online Bull and Bred Female Sale, Bethany, IL and Belview, MN hosted on amsonlinesales.com. Feb. 26 - Alden Farms / Highland Farms “Genetic Advancement” Online Sale, Hamilton, Mo and Pittsfield, Ill., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 2 - Kentucky Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale, Louisville, Ky. Mar. 2 - Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance Sale” Pawnee Rock, Kan. Mar. 3 - Cagwin Farms “Bold Future” Online Sale, Virginia, Ill., on amsonlinesales.com
Mar. 9 & 10 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull & Heifer Sale, Java, SD Mar. 12/13 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 13/14 - “Treasures of the Tank”, Seward, Neb., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 16 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale, Columbus, Ohio. Mar. 16 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. Mar. 19 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Fall Show Heifer Online Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 20 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Spring Show Heifer and Bred Female Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 21 - Sullivan Farms “Designer Genes” Online Semen and Embryo Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 31 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXV” Sale, Van Alstyne, Texas. Apr. 6 - Paint Valley Farms / Byland Polled Shorthorns “A New Brand Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio. Apr. 6 - Oklahoma Sooner Shorthorn Sale, Duncan, Okla. Apr. 13 - Texas State Sale, West, Texas. Apr. 13 - “Red Dirt Treasures” Joint Shorthorn Production Sale, Black Jack Farms, Seminole, Okla. Apr. 14 - Little Cedar Cattle Co “Springtime Revival”, Meeker, Okla. =
Mar. 2/3 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls, Open House, Mason City, Ill.
Upcoming Issue Focus
Issue February
Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales
Jan. 29- Galbreath Farm/Shady Maple Farm Early Bird Bull Sale, Enderlin, ND hosted on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 5- Jungels Shorthorn Farm Durhams in the Dakotas Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 19- AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 23-24- Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns Don’t You Thinks Its Time Online Bull Sale, Creston, Iowa on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 26- Alden Farms/Highland Farms Genetic Advancement Online Sale, Hamilton, MO and Pittsfield, IL hosted on amsonlinesales.com Feb. 28 - Wise Polled Shorthorns and Bar N Cattle Company “Right For The Times” Online Bull and Bred Female Sale, Bethany, IL and Belview, MN hosted on amsonlinesales. com. Mar. 2 - Kentucky Beef Expo Shorthorn Sale, Louisville, Ky. Mar. 3 - Cagwin Farms “Bold Future” Online Sale, Virginia, IL., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 9 & 10 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull & Heifer Sale, Java, SD Mar. 12/13 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 13/14 - “Treasures of the Tank”, Seward, Neb., on amsonlinesales.com Mar. 19 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Fall Show Heifer Online Sale, Dunlap, IA Mar. 20 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Spring Show Heifer and Bred Female Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 21 - Sullivan Farms “Designer Genes” Online Semen and Embryo Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Mar. 31 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXV” Sale, Van Alstyne, Texas. Apr. 6 - Paint Valley Farms / Byland Polled Shorthorns “A New Brand Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio Apr. 13 - “Red Dirt Treasures” Joint Shorthorn Production Sale, Black Jack Farms, Seminole, Okla. Apr. 14 - Little Cedar Cattle Co “Springtime Revival”, Meeker, Okla.
Online sales with a personal touch.
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696
Highlights/Reporting Spring Sale Ads • Semen Sales • ET Sales
jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com
shorthorn country = january 2019