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join us for our 2023 Spring Bull Sale representing 26 years of breeding Angus cattle for all segments of the beef industry.

These sale bulls are bred and developed to support our “farm to fork” branded beef program currently harvesting 72 head a week. These bulls will produce offspring that are easy calving with heavy weaning weights, and daughters that will make productive replacement females. The steers will perform well in the feedlot and hang up carcasses that marble well on the rail. The offspring of these bulls will be eligible for our feeder calf buyback program. Please contact us for details.

Many of the bulls in the sale can be traced back to Roseda Powerball23 F091, his dam (D118) or granddam (B103). Roseda Powerball23 F091 represents a major milestone in our breeding program. He is that once in a lifetime mating that significantly exceeds the value of both parents for multiple key traits. Primarily calving ease, growth, and marbling. He was well accepted across the industry and routinely produced top sellers throughout the country. There are only a few animals in the Angus breed that can match his combination of CED, YW and Marb. Powerball23 can be mated to any female in the breed, and he will improve growth and/or marbling while maintaining or improving calving ease.

Poss Deadwood was brought in as an outcross AI sire, and was selected primarily for his combination of marbling and tenderness, ranking in the Top 1% of the Angus breed for both traits. In addition, he has the calving ease and growth that we expect in our program. His sons are featured in the top end of our sale.

Thank you for reviewing our sale offering. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. The bulls are available for viewing at the farm.

Ed and Rosemary Burchell, Owners Dean and Marcia Bryant, Managers

Wewelcome you to a special online offering on behalf of Roseda Black Angus Farm! At Roseda, the primary business focus is on providing an Angus meat product to retail consumers that exceeds industry standards, through the development of Angus cattle that exceed breed-wide standards in carcass quality and growth genomics. They have a true understanding that their business success is directly tied to creating the greatest economic value for producers and the best Angus beef product for consumers. This business model creates some of the most sought-after Angus genetics in the industry today.

This sale offering of Angus Bulls provides you direct access to these advanced genetics, with the RARE opportunity to purchase some of the program’s best herd sires produced to date.

All the best, Joel & Kourtney Judge, The Judge Source, LLC.

• Promogen Score: 4.5

Heifer Calving Ease

Check out this herd sire by Deadwood and out of the foundation donor “H002” who descends from the legend herself, D118 – better known as Powerball’s dam.

A December herd sire who is the result of the breeding program focus, straight out of the playbook; Calving Ease, Top 5% WW, Top 2% YW, Marbling @ 1.85, Top 1% $B and $C.

Powerful in his basic build, wide chested, big ribbed and big backed with large bone and foot size and fresh in his condition.

Flush mate to Lot 2.

Top 1% in 7 EPD and $Value indexes.

Selling full possession and 2/3 revenue sharing interest, retaining 1/3 revenue sharing.

Roseda Deadwood J849


Roseda Deadwood J845

Lot 2

• Promogen Score: 5.0

Check out this herd sire by Deadwood possessing true Heifer Calving Ease contributions along with moderate growth, improved DMI EPD, Claw & Angle both under 45%.

Looking to dominate the Marbling on future matings? Look at his MARB @ 2.10, RE @ .87.

Top 1% in 6 EPD and $Value indexes.

Selling full possession and 2/3 revenue sharing interest, retaining 1/3 revenue sharing.

Lot 3

Roseda Deadwood Butch J850

• Promogen Score: 5.0

Age Advantage Bull

Heifer Calving Ease

Looking for “The Program”? Here he is, Calving Ease, top-tier WW and YW with Top 5% HP @ 16.8. Study the Marbling @ 1.67, $M @ 87, and the attractive $B over 200 and $C @ 348.

Very attractive with extra width and a bolder body build, all packed into that rugged range bull look.

Top 1% in 4 EPD and $Value indexes.

Lot 4

Promogen Score: 6.5

Excellent December son of Deadwood – affectionately known as “Butch” – a member of the Reserve Champion Fall Pen of Three Bulls at the 2023 Cattlemen’s Congress; all three being flushmates.

The dam, Roseda Ms Flora Divine F113, quickly becoming the most dominant donor to reside at Roseda – the dam of Power Plant, the $70,000 purchase by Alta Genetics. “F113” also the dam of such offspring as: Power Surge – the Calving Ease & Tenderness sire, as well as the following power donors, all possessing Promogen Genetic Evaluation scores of 6.0 or higher – H320, H32a and H081. “H081” also happens to be the dam of the high-selling Deadwood son, “K755” who went to Maplebrook Farm Holdings LLC, Holland, MI.

Study the pedigree, the genomics & EPD profile –Herd Sire ready to go!

Top 1% in 7 EPD and $Value indexes.

Selling full possession and 2/3 revenue sharing interest, retaining 1/3 revenue sharing.

• Promogen Score: 4.7

Age Advantage Bull

The one and only Ultra Provider son in the sale, and he delivers the expected EPD package as well as an impressive phenotype with added muscle shape.

Moderate birth, Top 10% WW, Top 5% YW, Top 20% Claw, Top 10% Angle, Top 1% MARB @ 1.86.

Added-value $M @ 73 that leads us to an impressive 373 $C.

Top 1% in 5 EPD and $Value indexes.


• Promogen Score: 4.7

Age Advantage Bull

Heifer Calving Ease

Here is another son of the foundation donor “H002”, by the E W A Ascend bull. Maternal brother to Lots 1 and 2, this bull delivers the consistency and quality that is synonymous with the Blackcap cow family.

Calving Ease with huge growth figures, setting you up with calves loaded with the potential to smash the scales at weaning, and reward you at the pay window.

True to the focus of the breeding philosophy, “J815” has Top 3% Marbling with Top 15% RE, that helps create the perfect top cuts for all retail markets within the Roseda sphere of influence.

Top 1% in 4 EPD and $Value indexes.

Roseda Deadwood K745


• Promogen Score: 4.5

Change of pace, here is a G A R Transcendent son out of the “G021” power cow who has transmitted that stoutness and added growth to this mating combination.

Huge Marbling @ 1.87 with a terminal EPD profile that will give you that added weight and mass to bring in the pounds at weaning time.

Top 1% in 6 EPD and $Value indexes.

Lot 7 Lot 8

• Promogen Score: 4.9

Heifer Calving Ease

Back to the yearling bulls and look what we have: a Deadwood son out of “H105”, a flush mate sister to Power Plant and Power Surge, and all the great donor females mentioned earlier.

Look at the growth: WW @ 94, YW @ 163, combined with Top 65% DMI, Top 45% Claw, Top 1% Angle. Look a little further, and see the carcass EPD merits: Top 1% for both CW and MARB., all tied nicely together with an impressive $C @ 374.

Big time young sire!

Top 1% in 9 EPd and $Value indexes.

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