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Tennessee Beef Agribition Shorthorn Sale
daughter of the immortal Trump and this one was really good. Out of a Hot Commodity daughter, this heifer has a great profile and a beautiful color pattern. Her pedigree makes her a game changer. Offered by Pleasant Breeze Farm and purchased by Woodrange Farm of Cross Plains, Tennessee.
Saturday, March 11, 2023
James E Ward Agricultural Center Lebanon, Tennessee
Auctioneer: William McIntosh
Sale Management: Tennessee Shorthorn Assoc. by: Darryl Rahn
The crowd that gathered for the 2023 Agribition Shorthorn Sale found an outstanding group of Shorthorn individuals on offer. Especially strong were the open heifer calves presented. The active bidding brought good prices for the leaders in this group. The consignors are to be commended for bringing top quality cattle to this annual sale.
$5,000 - Lot 4 - Open Heifer - PBF Myrtle Bo Special Lady. A roan, polled September 4, 2022 daughter of CF Trump X and out of WRF Woodrange Hot Myrtle Bo ET. There are not many opportunities to purchase an own
$4,900 - Lot 20 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - AST White Crumble 1522. A roan, polled July 29, 2022 daughter of JSF Nat Love 1G and out of AST Hot Cookie Crumble 120. This youngster was really fancy. She drew a ton of interest from the crowd. She has tons of style and the great show look. Offered by AST Shorthorns and purchased by Jaclyn and Jurnee Aiken of Telford Tennessee.
$4,100 - Lot 12 - Open HeiferSharBen Emma Dottie 1288. A roan, horned February 18, 2022 daughter of JSF Ember 209E and out of SharBen Dottie’s Love 951 ET. This was a very popular heifer. Her general makeup and thickness make her one that will show and then be a great brood cow. Offered by SharBen Shorthorns and purchased by Laylen Howard of Sharpsburg, Kentucky.
$3,000 - Lot 3 - Open HeiferSchab’s Baseline LL Belle. A roan, polled September 12, 2022 daughter of CSF Long Look HC 706 ET and out of Schab’s Cap Baseline 0414. This is a beautifully made heifer is a top daughter of the leading breeding bull Long Look. She has all the thickness and style to be a top show heifer. Offered by Schabbing Shorthorn Farms and purchased by HayLo Farms of Dawsonville, Georgia.
$3,000 - Lot 5 - Open Heifer - Chey Miss Queen SOL 2231. A RWM, polled July 22, 2022 daughter of Benchmark 701LB and out of MFF Solution 102 ET. A fancy July heifer by a son of Boardwalk and out of a Solution daughter. This pedigree alone make her one to be a top addition to any program. Offered by Cheyenne Cattle Co and purchased by Mike Scaites of Brentwood, Tennessee.
$3,000 - Lot 29 - Bull - SharBen RD Casey 1285. A red, polled February 6, 2022 son of Byland Red Dog OSD44 and out of SharBen Cassie Love 1055. A top young yearling bull sired by a good son of Soggy Dog and out of a Red Resolve daughter. This one is thick made and correct from any angle. He will be a leading sire in his future. Offered by SharBen Shorthorns and purchased by Double C Shorthorns of Rickman, Tennessee.