2015 April Shorthorn Country

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april 2015

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

Shorthorn Country april 20 15 is s ue 4 • volume 42

=Show Reports Illinois Beef Expo - Junior Show...........................................................18 San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo - Junior Heifer Show .......................18 Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale..................................................20

=Sale Reports Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale....................................................................22 Studer Farms/Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale ......................................22 Midwest Spectacular Shorthorn Sale .....................................................23 Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale .......................................................23

=Departments Shorthorn Update ........................................................................6 Association Outlook ....................................................................8 Beef Business ..............................................................................10 Junior Corner ............................................................................16 What You Need To Know ..........................................................34 Sales Calendar ............................................................................37 Ad Index ....................................................................................38

SHORTHORN COUNTRY 8288 Hascall Street • Omaha, Nebraska 68124 402-393-7051 • FAX: 402-393-7080 • www.shorthorncountry.net

Don Cagwin, publisher Tracy Duncan, managing editor/art director = 402-212-2594

The April cover was taken by Bailey Core, Pleasantville, Iowa.

=Advisory Board Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions

Amy Sampson, graphic designer = 402-393-7051

US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300

Amanda Edwards, accountant = amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representative Cindy Cagwin-Johnston – 217-452-3051 cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn – 217-473-1124 drahn@casscomm.com

SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years toother foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Omaha Post Office, 1124 Pacific, Omaha, NE. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 8288 Hascall St., Omaha, NE 68124.

tracy@shorthorncountry.org amy@shorthorncountry.org


shorthorn country = april 2015

=Shorthorn Update ASA Dates of Note April April 15 May May 1 May 1 May 1 May 15 May 15 May 22

2015 Show Schedule May 25

Junior Board applications due

May 31 AJSA Scholarship App. Due Entry Deadline: National Jr. Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference Ownership Deadline:National Jr. Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference Late Entry Deadline: National Jr. Show & Youth Conference. Substitution Deadline: National Jr. Show & Youth Conference. ASA office closedMemorial Day

May 31

ASA office closedMemorial Day All performance data must be submitted to be included in the Fall 2015 North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation All ShorthornPlus animals must be registered to receive Fall 2015 North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation EPDs.

June June 20-25 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference, Grand Island, NE July July 4 ASA Office Closed for Fouth of July

IMPACT 2015: Shorthorn Breeder’s Conference and Annual Meeting: December 3-5 2015 Impact 2015 will feature a wide variety of activities, educational sessions, and discussion opportunitites for breeders. The annual meeting will be held the evening of December 4th, 2015. Mark your calendars to be at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino in Kansas City, MO December 3-5, 2015; you won’t want to miss this event! Impact 2015 Tentative Schedule

Thur., Dec. 3: Arrive at Harrah’s in Kansas City 1:00 pm Panel Sessions & Workshops Evening Social Fri., Dec. 4: 8:00 am Panel Sessions & Workshops 12:00 Lunch 1:00 pm Panel Sessions & Workshops Sat., Dec. 5: 8:00 am Final Sessions and Breeder Summary 11:00 am Impact 2015 Conclusion

2015 Legacy Sponsorship All mailings from ASA have included a sponsorhip form to become a Legacy Sponsor for this year’s Junior National. Donors will be given the opportunity to sponsor a junior’s activities throughout Junior National week. Please contact the office at (402) 393-7200 if you are interested in becoming a Legacy Spnosor.

Do You Recieve the Shorthorn Insider E-Newsletter? Be sure to sign up for the bi-weekly e-newsletter from the ASA at www.shorthorn.org! Don’t miss out on up to date Shorthorn news sent right to your inbox. Sign up today!

Region 1: Northeast Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, West Virginia, Virginia Region 1: Northeast Regional Shows Tier II National...............Keystone, PA Super Regional .........Indiana State Fair Regional.........................WV State Fair Regional .......................Ohio State Fair Region 2: Southeast Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi Region 2: Southeast Regional Shows Super Regional ......Kentucky State Fair Regional .........................TN State Fair Regional .........................NC State Fair Region 3: North Central North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska Region 3: North Central Regional Shows

Tier II National..American Royal, MO Super Regional ..............MN State Fair Regional .......................Iowa State Fair Regional .........................NE State Fair Region 4: South Central Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana Region 4: South Central Regional Shows Tier II National......Fort Worth SS, TX Super Regional .............Tulsa State Fair Regional ..........................LA State Fair Regional....................Tri State Fair, TX Region 5: West Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California Region 5: West Regional Shows Super Regional......California State Fair Regional ............Washington State Fair Regional ............Western ID State Fair

International Year Code: May/June Issue Take note that the May/June Shorthorn Country isuue is combined. This will result in the issue not being in your mailboxes on the first of the month. Look for it to arrive later in the month!

Scholarships Applications for scholarships can be found online at www.juniorshorthorn.com. Applications due May 1


shorthorn country = april 2015

2015 - C

Registration Hours Monday 8:00 to 3:30 Thursday 8:00 to 3:30 Tuesday 8:00 to 3:30 Friday 8:00 to 3:30 Wednesday 8:00 to 1:30 Saturday 9:00 to 1:30 Central Standard Time Zone

Office hours remain the same.

shorthorn country = april 2015


=Association Outlook Impact 2015 Shorthorn Breed Conference and Annual Meeting


he year 2015 is proving to be an exciting transition year for the American Shorthorn Association. The Board of Directors and staff have closely examined issues and activities that will make the process of registering cattle easier while positioning the breed for future success. I am very impressed with the membership’s desire to not only increase the Shorthorn breed’s presence, but to also position the breed as a whole to become a larger force within the beef cattle industry. Upcoming changes include a new registry system that is scheduled to be in place by June 1st. This state of the art technology will provide members a complete management system within the registry. The new system will allow registrations, transfer, and performance data entry to be completed with ease. The upgraded system will be far more user friendly than the current system and will encourage breeders to complete 100% of their work online. In addition to the new registry, the association is launching a new website this year. The website will give Shorthorn a fresh,

modern online presence paired with a user friendly informational site. Along with the new website, ASA will unveil a new logo. The Board of Directors and committee members continue to place emphasis on rules and regulations that will enhance and protect our breed image both inside and outside the Shorthorn breed. Our Board of Directors takes very seriously the responsibility of leading the Shorthorn breed in the right direction. This year we will launch the Impact 2015 Conference. A large committee has been working to provide ideas and topics that the breed will examine at Impact 2015 “This year we will Shorthorn Breed launch the Impact Conference and 2015 Conference.” Annual Meeting. The conference will feature a wide variety of activities, educational sessions, and discussion opportunities for breeders. Impact 2015 will be held the first week in December. Mark your calendars to be at Harrah’s Hotel & Casino in Kansas City, Missouri on December 3-5, 2015; you won’t want to miss this event.

8288 Hascall St. • Omaha, Nebraska 68124 402-393-7200 • FAX: 402-393-7203 Montie Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Jacob Alden, field services representative cell: 402-660-9048 • jake@shorthorn.org Gwen Crawford, director of junior activities gwen@shorthorn.org Heather Histand, registrations, registrations@shorthorn.org Kathleen Prosser, financial manager/controller • Kathleen@shorthorn.org Megan Brehm, director of communications • megan@shorthorn.org LeAnna Mann, receptionist • receptionist@shorthorn.org Shirley Miller, proofreader • shirley@shorthorn.org


shorthorn country = april 2015

ASA Board of Directors Mike Bennett, president, 559-534-2396 Mark Gordon, vice president 217-737-7905 Marty Loving, 620-786-2018 Ed Kruse, 719-252-1084 James Freed, 405-370-1482 Rick Leone, 719-468-1981 Tom Turner, 614-499-5248 Robert Alden, 816-632-8509 Nancy Grathwohl-Heter, 785-5877947 American Polled Shorthorn Society Tim Loudon, president Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, secretary Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Marshall Allison, president National Shorthorn Lassies Faye Korthaus, president Affiliated with National Cattlemen's Beef Association • US Beef Breeds Council • Beef Improvement Federation • World Shorthorn Council • National Pedigree Livestock Council

Montie asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Impact 2015 will encompass educational information about future needs of the breed from the Show Ring to the Beef Cattle industry. How can our breed become a bigger player in the beef industry as a whole? This question will be examined by evaluating our breed’s strengths and weaknesses. Genomic EPDs and how to use Indexes built from EPDs will be featured. Several panels will be assembled to represent the beef industry as a whole. Panelists will range from show judges to Shorthorn breeders to industry specialists. Each panelist will share insights about the beef industry and how the Shorthorn breed can best fit into the puzzle. There will be workThis Conference and shops for Annual meeting will be members to a culmination of a year learn the new that could be the registry system beginning of the along with “NEW SHORTHORN”. understanding any rule changes. This Conference and Annual meeting will be a culmination of a year that could be the beginning of the “NEW SHORTHORN”. The Conference Committee and Board of Directors are positive about holding the annual meeting in conjunction with this conference. This time of Shorthorn fellowship will allow breeders to give serious consideration to the material being presented in a fun atmosphere away from a busy show setting. The possibility of having a banquet with the annual meeting is being considered. I feel this will also be a good time to incorporate a State Presidents Council, in conjunction with the Annual Meeting. The State President’s The Conference Committee and Board Council will be comprised of of Directors are positive about holding each state assothe annual meeting in ciation’s presiconjunction with this dent; the objective is to provide conference. input and suggestions to the Board of Directors and staff of the American Shorthorn Association. The group will receive (continued on page 10.)

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= Beef Business

Jake field services Alden representative

Show Changes The American Shorthorn Association would like to thank everyone who participated in the new Regional Shorthorn Show System last year. We had many positive comments throughout the year and saw entries increase at several shows that were included in the regional show rotation. With any new program improvements and tweaks always need to be made to continually advance the program, the Regional Show System was not immune to this and we had to make a few changes that I will outline in the next couple paragraphs. I think these changes will strengthen the show system and encourage more participation. The biggest change you will notice for the upcoming show season is the addition of three Tier II National

Shows. The Tier II National Shows will be held at the American Royal, Keystone International Livestock Exposition and the Fort Worth Stock Show. Points earned at these shows are essentially bonus points that will be used towards an animal’s regional points. The other big change is the addition of cow/calf classes to the open show, we will now offer classes for two-year-old pairs and a separate class for 3-4 year old pairs. A Champion and Reserve Cow/Calf Pair will be chosen and then compete against the Champion and Reserve Heifers for the title of Supreme Champion Shorthorn Female in the show. The cow and calf must both be purebred and the calf cannot be over 280 days of age on the day of the show. Other than show day, check-in day

can be second most stressful day at the show. Now checking-in will be easier because we will no longer be verifying tattoos all you will need to provide the ASA Staff with is a registration number and a date of birth for each of your entries to be checked in for the show. All Champion and Reserve Division winners from the bull and female shows will have DNA collected to verify parentage. In addition any female in the champion drive that is over 20 months of age and does not have a calf at side will have blood drawn in order to verify that the animal meets the pregnancy requirement. We hope these changes will encourage more participation at the regional level and get Shorthorns out in the public eye. Best of luck to everyone this upcoming show season! =

(continued from page 8.) communications from the Board of Directors and staff members to relay back to their state associations. This group’s goal is to better our breed through additional lines of communication. I hope the State Presidents Council will become an

annual get-together. Scheduling for Impact 2015 is underway; additional meetings/events will be added as they are finalized. I want to emphasize the importance to be part of this inaugural event. There have been many exciting changes occur within the Shorthorn breed the last

several years and there will be more in the future. Join us in Kansas City to We must make an Impact! prepare and be ready to regain our rightful place in the beef industry. Join us in Kansas City to make an Impact! =

Impact 2015 Tentative Schedule: Thursday, December 3: Arrive at Harrah’s in Kansas City 1:00 p.m. Panel Sessions & Workshops Evening Social Friday, December 4: 8:00 a.m. Panel Sessions & Workshops 12:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. Panel Sessions and Workshops 6:00 p.m. Banquet and Annual Meeting Saturday December 5: 8:00 a.m. Final Sessions and Breeder Summary 11:00 a.m. Impact 2015 Conclusion


shorthorn country = april 2015

✴ JSF BROKER 157Z x Leveldale Righteous 084 ET X KL Queen of Beauty 152ND

✴A&T Captain Obvious 606S x GFS Red Cloud X DRC 244MU

✴ Diamond Prophecy 21P RB Red Eagle Y2K X Kalika Baroness 28K

✴A&T Renegade *x Eionmor Mrquix x Byland Mission

Doc Clark x ✴Lakeside A&T Captain Obvious 606S X

R-C WG Damn Proud *x - THC

SS What’s Up 003 ET *x

FSF Assassin 74Z ET *

Jake’s Proud Jazz X WG RC Golden

SS Fizz 745 X SS Revival

SULL GNCC Asset ET X BFSF Valley Rose 2149

Lucky Spgs Casino 39P 58S *x KMS Canasta 8114 39P X KMS Trixie 17L 9N

FSF Bearcat 37Z ET *x Jake’s Proud Jazz X FSF Valley Rose

✴Saskvalley Yesterday Saskvalley Wholesale x Saskvalley Navajo

✴CF Starz X *x CF Twilight X CF Special Charm 962 SON

Master Prince *x ✴ BFS Jake's Prince of Jazz x KL Prime Time Paymaster

Alta Cedar Perfect Storm 11U x

SULL-GNCC Final Solution *x

Atla Cedar Prairie Storm X Cedar Silver Maisie

CF Solution X CF Trump

Hot Commodity ET *x ✴K-KIM Allure 124 M ET X K-KIM Meg 270N ET

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CF Focus *x


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✴ JDMC Remedy 34X Saskvalley Bonanza X S Miss Gus

✴ MAV Bellringer *x

✴Alta Cedar Code Red x

GFS Creole 9590 X MAV Belara 649S

Alta Cedar Code-Red 24S X Lassie 16T

Hub's BM C Dolly 0404

SULL Muscle Man x K-Kim Okeene


SULL Achiever 8129 ET *

MSC Sarge *x

Shady Lane Rockstar 9X *x

CF Solution X K-Kim Mona Lisa 34P

Captain Obvious x Sonny.

HC Timeline 17T ET X HC Melba Niam 8T

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✴- Calving Ease HD Swagger 802 ET *x

Majestic Visa’s Tucker 4T x

WHR RT Augusta Sunrise X HD Reflection

Prospect Hill Visa’s Mirage 9M X Janell’s Janice 20M

✴SULL Payday 1507 ET *x KL Prime Time Paymaster X SULL Red Princess 9228

KFSC Ryback *x SS What’s Up x Final Solution

=Tartan Plaid “A Kilt Fit For A Queen” By: Jessica McCall To many breeds, and the general intriguing one that even I didn’t and are made to sett in our outfit. public, the National Shorthorn Lassie understand at first. From the very first What this means (by the term sett) is Queen attire may seem daunting or moment I slipped one on over my that the repeat of the tartan is even difficult to wear. Over the course black stockings and leather boots, I was maintained even though the fabric has of my reign, as National transformed. been pleated. Shorthorn When I traveled to The Kilt is Lassie Queen Scotland a few S c o t l a n d ’s in 2012, I years ago, I was distinctive must have able to national dress been asked experience and and is the over a witness the symbol of h u n d r e d making of a honor for the questions from Scottish kilt at clan, to which passersby and the Highland they belong, even members, House of depending on producers, and Fraser, Scottish House of the tartan (or breeders from Store front view of Highlanerd Vi K i l t m a k e r sitor Centre our own breed Fraser Kilt and Dress Mak Visitor Center A seamstress delicately hand-sewing a made- color). For example, our inquiring how I in Inverness, Scotland in Inverness. to-order kilt. b r e e d did it, or the The Kilt itself is made specifically purpose behind “The Outfit.” It’s not from nine yards of tartan woven in uses the Royal Stuart Tartan (the everyday you see a young lady sporting Scotland; the term “the whole nine official tartan for Britain’s Royal family) a traditional kilt and crown at your yards” derived from the abundance of to show that Shorthorn improvements local eatery. The life of a kilt is an material used. There are many details were made through cattle imported that go into the directly from Scotland. The term “kilt” making of a kilt that itself actually means to tuck up creates such an clothing around the body and is a amazing piece of derivative from an Old Norse h i s t o r y. “ k j i l t ” Each handmeaning sewn stich pleated. The is made to L a s s i e be small, Queens wear even, tight what is called a n d the “feileadh hidden. beag” (small Every kilt kilt) which is i s the modern delicately v e r s i o n h a n d - A seamstress delic to m a d e to sell in the Visitoatrely hand-sewing bowties tailored Center. each specific and takes person. up to 15-20 hours As National for a professional Lassie Queen I wanted to be the best seamstress to representative that I could possibly be complete; this is no to help promote our breed in a manner small task. The 29 that every young girl can look up to. pleats are The few girls who have been honored meticulously placed to represent our breed have always to ensure the proper performed their duties with poise and fit and comfort of grace. Our outfit is what helps separate each kilt. There are us from the other National Queens. different types of Ladies, we have a tradition to uphold. pleats, depending on Wearing the kilt is an experience you your preference, but will never forget and will come with the pleats we chose to many adventures and new friends along use are called knife the way. pleats that are = permanently pressed


shorthorn country = april 2015

An Aussies Perspective Since writing last month’s article I have visited some very diverse regions in Texas and California. I departed from NCBA with Brandon and Rachel Cutrer to visit V8 Ranch. V8’s reputation in the cattle world is deserved and evident, especially in the Brahman herd. I think a big part of V8s success has been their clever and forward thinking marketing, such as using snap chat. Data recording particularly of carcase traits has been a big area of growth at V8 and has been very successful. I think it is important to recognise that data is not only a selection tool but also an important marketing tool as an accurate set of EPDs can increase buyer confidence. My next destination was Bill and Becky Rasors, WHR Shorthorns at Van Alstyne. I found a very stylish herd that had provided the backbone for WHR’s show ring success. There is no doubt a great deal of attention to detail occurs, tireless hours are spent to achieve the perfect photo. I was lucky enough to get caught in an ice storm but eventually found myself on a plane to sunny California. Where I was greeted by the Albiani Family at Elk Grove, and quickly put to work in the State Fairs office. My success as a secretary was limited, but I did gain a greater

understanding of what positive outcomes can arise from the show industry and programs such as 4H. I will admit that since being in the U.S.A. I have been sceptical of the show rings influence on Shorthorn cattle. However I agree that the show industry is a very important avenue for youth development. Regardless of whether juniors continue to pursue agriculture or not, leadership, communication and confidence are developed. The Albianis are also a good example of how breeding and showing cattle is a valuable family pursuit. My California home base has been Sunny Day Shorthorns. Thank you to the Gipe Family for coordinating the huge chunk of California I have seen so far. Before arriving I pictured California as being Hollywood, beaches, big trees and blonde girls. But after a little education I can now see the incredible diversity in California. I’ve seen the Saquoia National Park, LakeTahoe, Mt Shasta, brunettes and every agricultural enterprise you can imagine. Sunny Day, Pluth and Dillabo Shorthorns all run cattle in steep foot hills. It’s a beautiful place and grazing foothills ensures structural correctness.

Hayden Australian Morrow Shorthorn Ambassador

Mike Mello took me for a tour of several Tulare dairy’s. The scale, production and innovation is pretty amazing. Technology like measuring the steps each cow takes to monitor the cows cycle I found really interesting. It still amazes me just how many food choices there are in America. Every single day I have tried a new food or drink. While I was with the Poncetta’s I was lucky enough to visit the Bask restaurant called “Wool Growers” where I tried ox tongue and ox tail. Some notable foods I have had include gator, rocky mountain oysters, bison, bone in filet mignon, root beer milk and an unforgettable fried apple pie (thanks Bill) to name a few. If you’re going to host me in the future I would love to try whatever is on offer but at this rate I might need an extra seat on the plane home. I still have a bit more time to spend in California and Nevada before braving the cold east but thank you again to all my hosts, I’m having the time of my life. =

Shorthorn Country Subscription Farm Name

ASA account number



Email address

Phone number Credit Card Type

Credit Card #

United States Subscribers

❏ One Year..................................$24.00 ❏ Two Year ..................................$38.00 ❏ ThreeYear ................................$52.00 ❏ First Class - One Year ..............$54.00





shorthorn country = april 2015


Canadian Subscribers All First Class

❏ One Year ..................$60.00 ❏ Two Years ..............$110.00 ❏ Three Years ............$130.00

Expiration Other Foreign Subscribers ❏ One Year Air Mail ..............$120.00 ❏ Two Years Air Mail ............$220.00 ❏ Three Years Air Mail ..........$300.00

shorthorn country = april 2015


=Junior Corner It’s That Time of Year Again Mackenzie public Cash relations

Yes, that’s right- it’s calving season, but it’s also the time of year when Shorthorn juniors across the country decide whether this is the year they will run for the American Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors. My advice for those who are thinking about running is to really go for it. Sit down and read the responsibilities and processes and if you have questions just ask! Talk to a board member; call them or even send a text. We were all in that same position when we were running for the board. We know how it feels to be nervous or to have questions. Coming from a state that hasn’t had any one on the board for a long time, I really was forging my own path when I ran for the board and I wasn’t very sure on what to expect. There were many things I wished I had known or wish certain bits of advice were given to me. I wished someone would have told me to really put my heart into the questions on the application and to not worry if people don’t feel the same way. It’s the passion that matters; that drives you. I wish someone would have told me to study some of the history behind not only the Shorthorn Association, but the Lassies as well, prior to going to Junior Nationals. Sometimes, I think that I would have liked someone to tell me that it’s okay to just say that you don’t know the answer to the question if you simply don’t know during a Q & A session. Not everyone knows all of the answers. Also, make your candidate poster ahead of time and bring it with. You will be far too busy to throw one together that looks good. If you are not elected to the board, do not get discouraged. Sometimes it takes two tries. The second time around you are much more prepared and you have a feel for everything that is going on the next time around. But finally, I think

the most important thing when running as a candidate is to go out and talk to other juniors, be friendly and outgoing, and be yourself. When elected to the board you have many responsibilities, but when completing those tasks you have experiences that you will never have again that are immensely fun and along the way you grow as a person. When traveling to your first AJSA event as a board member, KEY conference, most board members fly. Some board members, including myself, had never flown before let alone flown alone. I think everyone remembers the first time they fly, but within your first year on the board, you start feeling like an old pro at the airport. The next stop on the journey for most junior board members, is the Leading a Legacy Sale in Dunlap, IA. Prior to the event, board members make phone calls and find donations for the Foundation Heifer and other sale lots. This is a time of networking with breeders from across the country that make an impact on the Shorthorn breed. This is the time when board members recognize how much it really takes to put on an event like Shorthorn Junior Nationals. N.A.I.L.E. and National Western Stock Show come up very quickly after the Leading a Legacy sale. These two events are where board members get a feel for cattle check-in, lining up classes, and working the show ring. It’s also where I learned to have a comfortable pair of boots! While at the National Western, board members also begin looking for donations for the online semen and embryo sale. But at these shows, you truly bond and create friendships with fellow board members. Friendships that will last a lifetime. In down time, there is always something

comical or just a good time to be had. Then before you know it, it’s this time of year again and the planning for Junior Nationals begins. Board members congregate for a spring planning meeting- suggestions are made and considered and sometimes changes are made. Foundations are laid for which board member will be running each contest and who will be helping them. Then Junior Nationals really hits and you truly run from one event to the next. Junior Nationals is a very busy week when you are competing in contests and in the show ring. When you are on the board, you do both of those things, plus help put together and run the contests that you are not competing in. Board members also interact with junior from across the country and they lead youth conferences. Besides all of the event planning and meetings throughout the year, board members are often found writing thank you letters and postcards welcoming new junior members into the junior association. This is my last year as a junior and I still have the postcard that was sent to me when I joined the junior association. It’s the little things that we do that sometimes mean the most. If any of these experiences sound appealing to you, I really encourage you to run for the AJSA Board. You will never regret it. Life is about experiences and this is the experience of a lifetime. Applications for junior board candidates are due April 15 th , the information is online at www.juniorshorthorn.com/Leadership/jrb oard.html. =

National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference June 20-25, 2015 Grand Island, Nebraska


shorthorn country = april 2015

Illinois Beef Expo. - Junior Show Heifer Judge: Ryan Rash, Crockett,TX, Steer Judge: Blake Bloomberg, Stillwater, OK.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Calvin Smith.

Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Caitlin Meyer.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Heifer, exhibited by Cole Whisman.

Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by Brian Clapp.

Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer, exhibited by Payton Line.

Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Riley Bradshaw.

Reserve Champion ShorthornPlus Steer, exhibited by Trevor Frerichs.

Illinois Shorthorn Lassie’s

Champion Shorthorn Heifer, exhibited by Reagan Tibbs.

No picture available

San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo -Junior Heifer Show Judge: Todd Herman, Madill, OK.

Senior Showmanship winner at the 2015 San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo’s Junior Shorthorn Heifer Show was Danielle Thompson, Grandview FFA member. The award was sponsored by Bill and Dolores Jenkins, Big Spring. Junior Showmanship winner was Alexis Burkard, Sam Rayburn FFA (picture not available).


shorthorn country = april 2015

Steck Ten Queens C406 was selected the Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer at the 2015 San Angelo Livestock Show, San Angelo, Texas. The April 2014 calf was exhibited by Myka Blissard, Big Spring, Texas. Left to right are Mike Blissard and Myka Blissard.

Justin Jenkins, Kaufman County 4-H member, showed SULL Roan Crystal 3909*xET, a September 2013 heifer, as the Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer at the 2015 San Angelo Stock Show & Rodeo. Todd Herman, Madill, Oklahoma, placed the 43 Shorthorn heifers on February 21, 2015.

shorthorn country = april 2015


=Show Reports Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale Judge Grant Raml, Goodwin, SD by Jeff VanderWahl Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, exhibited by Vogel Shorthorns, Rogers, ND.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, exhibited by Meadow Creek Shorthorns, Tracy, Minn.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, exhibited by Stangel Shorthorns, Java, SD.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female, exhibited by Faxon Creek Cattle Co., Belle Plaine, Minn.

The Watertown Farm Show Shorthorn Show & Sale was held on February 12 th 2015 in Watertown, South Dakota. Nine bulls were sold through the ring for gross sales of $34,900, averaging $3,878. Grand Champion honors went to Vogel Shorthorns of Rogers ND, with Lot 9. This red & white marked bull is square made on all four corners and will add stoutness of bone along with a smooth profile to the new owners herd. This Master of Jazz son commanded $4,000. Lot 11 was paraded through the sale ring second by Stangl Shorthorns, Java SD. Judge Grant Raml of Goodwin, SD, had commented on this roan beast

for his sleek design, square top and handed the Reserve Grand Champion plaque in honor of this Bellringer son. He sold for $5,200 and will make his new home in Hydro, Okla., and work with Charlie Wieland’s cow herd. Champion honors in the female division went Meadow Creek Shorthorns from Tracy, Minn. MCS Sally 1310 is a big boned, red neck roan, October 2013 female with plenty of rib, and will be shown successfully by Logan Ellingson of Stratford, SD. She brought $3,100 and combines the solid pedigrees of Double Vision and WHR Sonny. Faxon Creek Cattle Co., of Belle Plaine, Minn., brought a February 2014 showstopper this year for $3,100.

She is a double bred WHR Sonny female who is cool fronted, long bodied and fancy in her skeletal design! Lexi Osterman of Conde, SD, is the proud new owner of this female. Tony Peckenpaugh of Carthage purchased the high selling female of the day for $3,800. This Lovely Lady sold with a MAV Bellringer baby on board. Seventeen females were sold for an average of $2,641 or $44,900. The Volume buyer of the day was David & Cody Olson of Wyndmere, ND, taking home two great females and a bull. Kleinjan Farms of Bruce, SD, took the two eldest bulls home from the sale. =

World Shorthorn Conference Uruguay 2016 April 2-14, 2016 • 12 nights visiting 13 farms Contact: Patrick W. Simmons, CEO cell: 336-287-4950 • email: psimmons@geneticleaders.com


shorthorn country = april 2015

shorthorn country = april 2015


=Sale Reports

Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale Sale Summary 14 bulls ....................$ 76,550..avg. $ 1 bred heifer ..........$ 3,900..avg. $ 10 open heifers ........$ 34,050..avg. $ 1 Plus open heifer ..$ 2,900..avg. $ 26 Breeding Lots ....$ 117,400 .avg. $ 14 embryo pkgs........$ 11,635..avg. $ 10 semen pkgs..........$ 5,330..avg. $ Sale Gross ..........$ 134,365

5,468 3,900 3,405 2,900 4,515 831 533

February 10, 2015 Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines, Iowa Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Iowa Shorthorn Association by: Darryl Rahn

A good crowd filled the Shorthorn isle prior to the sale to view the outstanding quality group of Shorthorn cattle on display. The quality ran deep in this group and evidence of that was the strong and steady auction that followed. Special Note: High Selling Bull Of All Breeds at the 2015 Iowa Beef Expo was the Lot 5 bull sold to lead off the Shorthorn Sale. Quite an accomplishment. $19,500 - Lot 5 - Bull - High Selling Bull of All Breeds - Studer's Rescue Effort 65B - A red, polled, March 27, 2014 son of Saskvalley Quartz and out of DSF Party Gal 58Y. This was a great individual to start the sale. Extremely well made with the thickness and

structure that made him well liked. His dam is a top producer in the Studer herd as she also produced the top selling Shorthorn bull in the 2014 Iowa Royal. Consigned by Brock Studer and purchased by Alta Cedar Shorthorns of Westerose, Alberta, Can. $8,300 - Lot 7 - Bull - Studer's Let It Be 40B - A red, polled, Mach 4, 2014 son of A&T Captain Obvious 606S and out of DSF May 74Z. Another top bull from the Studer string. This one is one of the best Captain Obvious bulls that has been seen in recent years. Plenty of muscle to go with sound structure and the built in calving ease that is so important at this stage in the breed. Consigned by Sarah Studer and purchased by Jim and Peggy Meyer of Syracuse, Neb. $7,500 - Lot 6 - Bull - Studer's Snapchat 54B - A red, polled, March 11, 2014 son of Eionmor Marquis 86G and out of Muridale Red Jay 22Z. The good Studer bulls just kept coming. This one is a Canadian bloodline, stout made bull that is super correct in his makeup and has the performance to go with great calving ease numbers. Consigned by the Dale Studer Family and purchased by Byland Polled Shorthorns of Loudanville, Ohio. $6,600 - Lot 1 - Bull - DRM Algona 414 - A roan, polled, April 20, 2014 son

of DF Waco 6W ET and out of DRM Minnnie 811. This was one of the most popular bulls in the sale. Out of the great Waco and his dam is a Marquis daughter that produced a top selling son in the 2013 sale. This one has the thickness and style to produce show calved as well as top replacements. Consigned by Dan Mitchell and purchased by Hi-View Shorthorns of Lancaster, Wisc. $6,000 - Lot 11 - Bull - SLH Red Fox - A red, polled, February 5, 2014 son of Foxwillow Sovereign 3S and out of SLH Destiny's Linda 1202. Another of the really top quality young bulls in this sale. His overall design made him a favorite of many at the sale. He will be a top show bull and then sire the right kind of calves for his new owner. Consigned by Haywood Cattle Co., and purchased by AAA Shorthorns of Revere, Mo. $6,000 - Lot 21 - Open Heifer O’Dale Margie 277 - A roan, polled, February 3, 2014 daughter of Uluru Ulysses 15U and out of O Dale Margie 250. If you came to Iowa looking for a show heifer prospect, you needed to look no farther. This is a really fancy young thing that has the thickness and style to make her a top competitor this coming year. Consigned by Allyssa Obrecht and purchased by Payton Rivera of Durant, Iowa. =

Studer Farms/Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale Sale Summary 13 Bulls Gross ........$ 80,800 .avg. $ 6,215 February 21-22, 2015 Creston, Iowa Hosted at Showstock.com

Top Sellers. $16,500 Lot 16 Gillman’s Envied 4488, a red, polled, March 2014 son of RS 034 04 421 11 and out of JSF Ruby 46Y was consigned


shorthorn country = april 2015

by Gillman Shorthorns, Stuart, Iowa and sold to Sullivan Farms, Dunlap, Iowa. $9,500 Lot 18 - Studer’s True Value 838, is a red, polled, April 2014 son of Muridale Bonanza 85W and out of DSF Meg 38W. He was consigned by Studer Shorthorns and sold to Sullivan Farms. $7,000 Lot 1 - Studer’s Safe Haven 38, is a red, polled, January 2014 of Saskvalley Tradition 106T and out of

DSF Flossie 68T. He was consigned by Studer Shorthorns and sold to Jim Hutton, Okanogan, Wash. $7,000 Lot 5 - Studer’s Required 288, is a red, polled, February 2014 son of Saskvalley Tradition 106T and out of DSF Red Beauty 35P. He was consigned by Studer Shorthorns and sold to Faxon Creek Cattle Company, Plain, Minn. =

Midwest Spectacular Shorthorn Sale Sale Summary 2 bulls ....................$ 6,400..avg. $ 2 bred heifer ..........$ 6,800..avg. $ 16 open heifers ........$ 42,250..avg. $ 4 Plus open heifer ..$ 10,500..avg. $ 26 Breeding Lots ....$ 65,950 .avg. $ 2 flush lots ............$ 3,00..avg. $ 4 embryos pkgs ......$ 5,025..avg. $ 1 semen pkgs..........$ 160..avg. $ Sale Gross ..........$ 74,135

3,200 3,400 2,641 2,625 2,748 1,500 1,256 160

February 21, 2015 Illinois Beef Expo, Springfield, Illinois Auctioneer: Cody Lowderman Sale Management: Dwyer Cattle Services by: Darryl Rahn

A large crowd filled the auction arena at the Illinois Expo to bid on the top set of Shorthorn cattle that were on offer. There was something for everyone in this sale with steady bidding throughout the auction. Top prices were commanded for the purchase of the excellent offering. $8,600 - Lot 6 - Open Heifer - IFS RobJoy Lilly Sib ET - A roan, polled, February 1, 2014 daughter of WHR Sonny 8114 ET and out of DF GF Lily 102R ET. One of the top show heifer prospects to sell this Spring. This lady

has a killer pedigree to go with her style and balance. Sonny needs no introduction and her dam has long been one of the leading donors in the breed. This is a great breeding piece. Offered by Ippensen Family Shorthorns and RobJoy Shorthorns and purchased by Reedy Shorthorns of Lovington, Ill. $4,100 - Lot 1 - Bred Heifer - WF Mary 309 - A red, polled, June 1, 2013 daughter of Stluder's Ruby Red 1Y and out of WF Mary 807 selling bred to Hot Commodity for a Fall 2015 calf. This is a beautiful young female. Tremendous balance and the volume and rib shape that all like to see. She will be a great addition to any breeding program. Offered by Walker Farms and purchased by Travis Lucas of Clanton, Ala. $3,900 - Lot 3 - Bull - IFS RobJoy Artic Blast ET - A roan, polled, February 3, 2014 son of WHR Sonny 8114 ET and out of DF GF Lily 102R ET. This bull really has the look of a future herd sire. Thick top and rear quarter to go with tremendous performance. He is a full ET sib to the high selling Lot 6 heifer. Offered by Ippensen Family Shorthorns and RobJoy Shorthorns and purchased by Ivy Liesen of Clayton, Ill. $3,400 - Lot 22 - Open Plus Heifer -

WJM Blue Diamond BP A3B - A blue roan, polled, May 15, 2014 daughter of Card New Look 27Z and out of FCC Bonnie Princess 218 ET. This excellent Plus show heifer prospect was very popular at the sale. She has a world of style and the pedigree to be a great addition. She will be fun. Offered by WJM Cattle and purchased by Warner Farms of Lorraine, Ill. $3,300 - Lot 17 - Open Heifer Jenna - A roan, polled, September 3, 2014 daughter of DF Talladega 3X and out of BMD Jazmine 116. This is a fancy Fall show heifer prospect that will definitely be one to watch in the show ring. Talladega has sired many top show heifers for his owners in Montana and this one has that same look to her. Offered by Craig Woker and purchased by Spencer Smith of Bad Ax, Mich. $3,200 - Lot 24 - Open Plus Heifer WRI Milsap Sable 428 - A rwm, polled, July 1, 2014 daughter of Son of Milsap and out of WRI Sable 012 2W14ET. This Hereford/roan marked heifer caught the eye of many at the sale. She is extremely well made with a style and color pattern that will make her noticed whenever she steps in the show ring. Offered by Wright Cattle Co., and purchased by Rylee Derrer of Milan, Ill. =

Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale Sale Summary 1 bull ....................$ 2,000..avg. $ 2,000 11 open heifers ........$ 33,050..avg. $ 3,005 12 Breeding Lots ....$ 35,050 .avg. $ 2,921 8 embryos pkgs ......$ 7,075..avg. $ 885 2 semen pkgs..........$ 840..avg. $ 420 Sale Gross ..........$ 74,135 March 7, 2015 Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Kentucky Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegeter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn

Although the numbers were down at this year's Kentucky National, the quality was noticeably higher than in past years. The top individuals offered drew much interest by the large crowd that watched the pre-sale show and then filled the auction arena at sale time. Prices were steady throughout for this good set of Shorthorn genetics. $6,000 - Lot 8 - OF Covergirl 424 A roan, polled, April 24, 2014 daughter of CF Famous X ET and out of Martindell Covergirl 7116. This was the

Champion Female at the pre-sale show and very popular with those in attendance. She is extremely well balanced and has the style that makes her a great show prospect. She has a great structure and exhibits a super profile. She will be fun. Offered by Oler Farm and purchased by Caitlyn Miller of Westpoint, Ind. $4,000 - Lot 9 - Open Heifer - M/F Romance LJ 45B - A roan, polled, May 13, 2014 daughter of MF RF Little Jazz 36U and out of MF Rubert Romance CK 53X. This May heifer also had a lot of friends. Thick made with a show look about her. She will be fun to show and then be a super good brood cow. Offered by Meyer Farms and purchased by Jacob Miller of Ekron, Ky. $4,000 - Lot 11 - Open Heifer Sharben Bella Diamonds - A roan, polled, September 7, 2014 daughter of Hi View Ace of Diamonds and out of Sharben PR Prima Bella 392 ET. A really fancy Fall show heifer that will be one to see this coming show season. The Ace of Diamonds heifers have been very competitive over the past several years.

Offered by SharBen Shorthorns and purchased by Carroll Mitcham of Vale, NC. $3,000 - Lot 12 - Open Heifer MFK Charity Anne SIS 264K - A roan, polled, September 28, 2014 daughter of HD Swagger 802 ET and out of MFK Charity Anne. Another of the fancy Fall heifer prospects to sell in this sale. This one is sired by Swagger who has sired many Champions in the breed in recent years. This will also be one to watch for. Offered by MFK Shorthorns and purchased by Carroll Mitcham of Vale, NC. $3,000 - Lot 14 - Open Plus Heifer DFM Daiquiri - A black, polled, February 2, 2014 daughter of Swain Designed Dream 624S and out of MFK S Bloody Mary. This was the Champion Plus heifer in the pre-sale show and very popular at the sale. She has a definite show look about her. Long sided with the thickness and balance that will make her one to beat. Offered by McCall Show Cattle and purchased by Ally Knoke of Paris, Ky. =

shorthorn country = april 2015


National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference June 20 - June 25, 2015 • Grand Island, Nebraska


Ownership: May 1st • Entry: May 1st Final entry and substitutions: May 15th

Things You Gotta Know... • Cattle will be allowed on the fairgrounds on Friday, June 19th to the tie outs only. Cattle will be allowed in the barns after 8:00 am on Saturday, June 20th. Check in will be Sunday June 21st. • When sending in entries, you must include a COPY of the registration papers or internet pedigree printout. Original papers MUST be brought to the show and will be checked and tattoo verified. • Entries MUST include full fee payment, including stalling fee, or they will not be processed. There will be no refunds on entries If you want to show a qulaifying animal in the Bred and Owned show and the Owned show, they MUST be entered in both shows. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS: • Check your animals tattoo and the corresponding registration papers before you leave home to make sure tattoos are legible and match the All Blocks are Currently Sold Out. registration paper. Entries not matching will be DISQUALIFIED from show. See General Show Rules #7. Please try hotels.com, priceline.com • All individual and group contests must be entered by going through or your favorite hotel website for availablitity contest registration, see schedule for registration time. No mail-in of rooms. entries are required for specific contests, but the contest fee MUST be paid if entering any contests, including showmanship. • No show entries post marked after the late deadline of May 15, 2015 will be accepted. • No entry substitutions will be allowed past the May 15 deadline. • All animals must be registered in the sole name (no farm or family names allowed) of the junior member who will be showing it by May • Animals will NOT be allowed to enter the show ring after the judge has given the signal to walk. See General Show Rules #16. • There is a $45 stalling fee per head. Tie-out bedding IS included • All cattle must tie-out in the designated area NO panels or tents will be allowed. • No generators or gas cans will be allowed inside the barn. • Exhibitors are reminded that butt fans and porta coolers are NOT allowed. • Pets are allowed on the fairgrounds, but not in buildings during the event. • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited. In accordance with grounds policy and given this is a youth event, consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. Exhibitors will be held responsible to have the proper health certificates or appropriate testing • Each exhibitor will be given meal tickets at check-in. Meal tickets are for complete. Contact the Nebraska Department of exhibitors only and include the banquet. Additional meal tickets Agriculture with questions concerning animal will be available for purchase. health requirements. Individual banquet tickets will be available at Junior Nationals as well. If you are from Wisconsin, please contact your • Showmanship day will be SureChamp/VitaFirm t-shirt day and state veterinarian as they will not accept a breed ALL exhibitors participating in Showmanship will need to wear the tattoo as an ID and have further requirements. sponsored t-shirt for the Showmanship contest. T-shirts will be given Dennis Hughes, DVM State Veterinarian out to each exhibitor at contest check-in. PO Box 94787 • A variety of feed and hay will be for sale through the cattle barn office. Lincoln, NE 68509-4787 • Ice will be for sale through the cattle barn office. 402.471.2351 (Office) • View the show LIVE Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with 402.471.6893 (Fax) LiveAuctions.TV. Go to LiveAuctions.TV to register and view show days. Email: dennis.hughes@nebraska.gov

Health Requirements

For more information and to downlaod entry forms please see http://www.juniorshorthorn.com 24

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shorthorn country = april 2015


Home of AF KF VG Step Ahead 525 -2007 Show Bull of the Year



- National Champion Bull, 2008 NWSS

Jason Smithers & girls - 217-491-2140 • jns2509@adams.net Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 Bill & Kate Smithers - 217-285-2678 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363 1.Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Sunnyland Farms Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 618-375-7047 cell: 618-384-8250 Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. 4. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Scott and Janet, Cody, Wes and Clint 42274 N 1300 E. Rd. • Hoopeston, IL 60942 www.leemonstockfarm.com 2. 217-283-7922 • Scott’s cell: 217-304-0057

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, Il 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229 5.

Check our website for our current list of herd sires. SULL Roan Goose

www.leveldale.com 9020

12604 Albrecht Road • Alhambra, IL 62001 Three miles north of I-70, Exit 30


Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258

Visitors always welcome.


Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.

Darrel: 309-375-6568 Dave: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335 2413 US Hwy 34 Wataga, IL 61488

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm

Gary Chesnut Family 11.

16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-582-2910

Herd Sires: Wise’s Reflection 710 Wise’s Promise Land 002 ET




Dale Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 815-369-2857 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com


ORDAN cres

JERRY AND KIM LORENZ 9131 No. 16000 East Road Grant Park, IL 60940 Jerry: 815-465-2501



545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • CELL: 217-202-2865 email: jordan@prairieinet.net



31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052






10.Stop by any time - four miles east of I-74 on Route 34.


contact: L.E. Mathers III: cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Scott Wall, Herdsman: cell: 309-212-5450 swall_otg@yahoo.com Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664

Trey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright

Scott Horton, Owner Ryan Wernicke, Herdsman


Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.


HORTON FARMS SHORTHORNS Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444

1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588

Club calves for sale at all times. 14.

shorthorn country = april 2015


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill 7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 • 217-482-3765



12 7


Get on the map!

24 14

20 10 16


For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-452-3051 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you?


13 15 6 19 17 21


23 1


8 9


Dunphy Shorthorns

Cagwin Farms



Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

The Ehrnthallers 437 State Route 117, Toluca, IL 61369 Sam, Kamie and Jerryd: 815-452-2755 • jjcattle@maxiis.com

Mike & Sandy Dunphy

Don Cagwin, owner

1/2 mile west of the Dahinda post office.

P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 VIR IS GIN IA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 cell: 217-341-7552 • fax: 217-452-3053 Kerry and Cindy Johnston: 217-452-3056 Kerry’s cell: 217-370-6033 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com

1690 Kenny Street Dahinda, IL 61428 309-368-6759 www.dunphyshorthorns.com

16. Home of the Ruby group, including MSD Line One 132 x.

Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 17. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.

Farm located 3/4 mile south of Toluca on Route 117. AI SIRES: Radio Active, CCS Equity’s Charmer *x, Rodeo Drive *x, Waymar HSFWL Karisma ET (Full brother to Vegas) TH Free, and JM Vortec *. HERD SIRES: SS American Pride 248 *x (Sonny X SS Augusta Pride 886) TH Free and J&J Spearmint 402 *x (Gold Spear son) TH Free

Visitors always welcome! 18.


An Investor In Fine Shorthorn Cattle.

Becky, Jason and Clay



1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com Dave & Mary Lou Kearns Dave and Karen Kearns Scott, Lynette & Koby Kearns

11600 Shabbona Grove Rd. Waterman, IL 60556

815-264-3468: home 815-739-3578: Dave’s cell 815-739-3575: Dave, Jr.’s cell dmkearns@mycbsi.com 22.

Visitors Welcome!

tom doubet

Morris and Lloyd

2230 90th Ave. • Aledo, IL 61231 Located 40 minutes from I-80 and 30 minutes from I-74. Zwillings: 309-754-9158

Farm: 309-582-2727


ROLLING HILLS FARM Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome!




Aaron Down

Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope

12283 TWP Road 600N Wyoming, IL 61491

22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-349-8366 email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on 23. Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm

77 Horseshoe Drive Springfield, IL 62702 217-546-9641




shorthorn country = april 2015


3rd Annual

Saturday, May 9, 2015 • 12:00 Noon T. Ed Garrision Arena, Clemson, South Carolina

Selling 85 Female Lots Plus a few Featured Breeding Age Bulls Special Shorthorn Consignment from Chad Barnett. Chad will be selling a major herd sire candidate plus 13 top females. Watch the catalog for details.

Jackpot Heifers: A major part of this auction has become the selling of the show prospect heifers that are eligible to show in the Full House Jackpot Class at the South Carolina Junior Beef Roundup. Watch for a top set of prospects consigned to this year’s auction.

2014 Champion Jackpot Heifer

Hahn Future F28A

These 2014 Jackpot winners won big cash prizes!

For Information and/or sale catalog contact: Sale Manager: Mike Jones,

Selling an exciting ShorthornPlus daughter out of this many times show champion!


shorthorn country = april 2015

19120 Ga Hwy 219, West Point, GA 31833 706-773-3612 • happyhills@charter.net www.mikejonesauctioneer.com Special Sale Assistant: Jason Johns, 770-851-0691 Sale Co-Chair: Steve McGill, 864-376-9407 Sale Co-Chair: Randy Griffis, 864-933-6367 Sale Co-Chair: Jim Rathwell, 864-637-8131

Club Calves Show Heifers


AAA Shorthorns



Cattle For Sale At All Times Route 1, Box 41 • Revere, MO 63465 660-948-2786 Hwy. 81 North of Kahoka 9 miles, or 7 miles south of Farmington, IA.


Alan • Adrian and Mary • Angela

Tecumseh, NE Leroy: 402-335-2613 Roger: 402-335-2667


Bernie Bolton Family 38995 Honeysuckle Road Oakland, Iowa 51560-4326 712-482-3386 • cell: 402-350-9430 bolton.norma29@gmail.com www.bernadaleshorthorns.com


Bigelow Farms


Phillip Bowman & Family 9898 Garrett Rd. Greens Fork, IN 47345 TEL: 765.886.5777 bsgshorthorns@hotmail.com

Frank and Barbara, Frank Jr., Kasey, Matt, Stacey, Taylor, and Tenley Bigelow P.O. Box 43, 47233 Road 200 • O’Neals, CA 93645 Matt: 559-647-2817 • Frank: 559-868-3433 www.bigelowfarms.com


Broken Road Cattle Company Show Cattle

Ken Fairchild 318-282-7411

3209 Roundhill Rd Oak Grove, LA 71263


Polled Shorthorns

Bulls and females for sale at all times. Mrs. L. EUGENE BYERS, Owner

500 Township Road 2802 • Loudonville, OH 44842 JEFF BYERS, D.V.M.: 419-994-5054 • FAX: 419-994-3702 JON BYERS: 419-994-3440


Modoc, Indiana


R.R. 1, Box 358 •  Modoc, IN 47358 Brian/FAX: 765-853-5255 • cell: 765-969-0373 Randy: 765-853-5819 • Tyler: 765-576-0035 www.catesfarms.com

Gordon & Sally Crawford 519.287.3837 519.870.2396 Glencoe, ON, Canada gordcrawford@sympatico.ca

Reed & Jane Crawford 519.287.5286 519.857.7333 Glencoe, ON, Canada riverpointcc@hotmail.com

View cattle on-line at www.crawfdownfarms.com

John R. Hagie 1001 8th Ave. NW • Clarion, IA 50525 Days: 1-800-247-4885 • Evenings: 515-532-3005 jhagie@hagie.com Herdsmen: Pete Hunter: 515-571-5630 Jess Recknor: 507-383-8529

shorthorn country = april 2015





Come By And Talk Cows

Dean, Janice Craig and Crystal Steck

Cattle in Minnesota and Illinois Dave: 618-401-0744 drdavemcfarland@gmail.com Stuart: 561-912-0788 • cell: 561-289-9009

501 N. Line Street • Knoxville, IL 61448 309-289-2367 Craig cell: 319-453-7937 • home: 402-453-7937 info@djsshorthorns.com • www.djsshorthorns.com


Breeders of Australian Shepherds

DTR Cattle Company Ryan and Nancy Grathwohl Heter Josie and Ryder 745 Ave. S • Raymond, Kansas 67573 785-587-7947

Our cow herd is strong with outcross genetics. Our first cows came from Gordon Brockmueller. His guidance provided us a strong foundation.



The southeast’s largest herd . . . bulls, bred and open females for sale at all times. Performance is our by-word Visitors welcome!


2 Lake Metonga Grant Park, IL 60940 815-278-1065 www.duisfarms.com

Bruce Humble 6653 Smithwood Road • Liberty, NC 27298 Bruce: 336-264-1496

in Studer’s Crazy Tra Our extended family has been in the Shorthorn business for over 40 years. We’ve been building on that foundation for over 20. We truly belive we’re breeding - Genetics That’ll Work & Win.

Franz Farms Todd, M.K., Ryan & Tayler Rae • Bingham Lake, MN 507-678-2347 (home) • 507-920-8601 (Todd) 507-822-1671 (M.K.) • franzfarms.com

TIME For *xAR58091 GOLD



Polled Shorthorns OWNERS:

Dean Fieser Box 363 Plains, KS 67869 620-563-9533 cell: 806-979-0027 Lori www.fieserspolledshorthorns.com

Gregg, Leann, and Stacey Fischer Jeff Stump, Herdsman 1853 N. US Highway 281 Great Bend, Kansas 67530

Working Border Collies available.

Home: 620-458-3621 Jeff: 620-282-8364 Stacey: 620-786-0752 fischercattlecompany.com

GJD Cattle Co. 513-288-6991 513-896-7260 RC Show Cattle 937-603-1319 937-533-7051 Michelle Neagle • 765-993-4973



since 1919 Beef-Milk-Dual Registry 100% Native- True Dual Purpose

LLC Dave and Josh Greenhorn

Bulls For Sale all year, Heifers: Nov.-May

3450 Middle Run Road • Waynesville, Ohio 45068

Kevin Cooksley Family

Dave’s cell: 937-470-6552 Josh’s cell: 937-681-1948

80165 Rd 451 • Weissert, NE 68814 308-872-2617 • kscooksley@gmail.com

Consultant: Col. A.E. Greenhorn Herdsman: Kolten Greenhorn

Shorthorn Breeders Since 1915

Homeplace Farms Burke N. Allison & Co.

925 E. 400 S., Washington, IN 47501-7533 Dale - 812-254-6185 • bovine08@gmail.com


1 mile Washburns



U.S. 36

U.S. 383

Homeplace is the new home of FF Redman.

Haumont Shorthorns

2 mile


Our featured herd sire DF Tuscaloosa 8T

Steve & Cynthia Washburn 8717 Road K • Norton, Kansas cell: 785-202-0338 • home: 785-877-3004 cwashburn08@yahoo.com


shorthorn country = april 2015

Winkie Barnes CELL 613-885-6904

Inness Shorthorns Doug, Nancy, Matt & Nick Inness 1339 Knox Hwy 25 Galesburg, IL 61401 309-343-6462 - 4th Generation Shorthorns -

53 years of breeding over 100 head of attractive, productive beef type Shorthorns. Heifer, Steers & Bulls Available.

Herd Bulls CF Star Bucks *x TG/RRA Complete 421U *xar A&T Renegade 124 *x

Don Washburn & Family 3306 W 1250 S Kentland, IN 47951 219-474-5008 cell: 219-869-0758 washburndon@gmail.com

Carey Thomas Johnston 219 Johnston Rd, Kingsbury, Que, Canada J0B 1X0 TEL 819-826-5779 • CELL 819-574-4350 EMAIL highridge@hotmail.ca

Josh & Tiffany Moreland 2273 Israel Somers Rd • Camden, Ohio 937-336-1088 • jtmoreland@gmail.com www.jtmorelandfarms.com

Dave & Mary Lou Kearns Dave Kearns Scott, Lynette & Koby Kearns 11600 Shabbona Grove Rd. Waterman, IL 60556

815-264-3468: home 815-739-3578: Dave’s cell 815-739-3575: Dave, Jr.’s cell dmkearns@mycbsi.com Visitors Welcome!

Cattle available For Sale! K. Justin, Colene, Ryan and Emilia German 21360 E. 24th Rd Nokomis, IL 62075 217-827-1465 • german_justin@live.com

Laban’s Roanoke Farm Registered Shorthorn Cattle Breeding Stock & Club Calves

Joe and Linda Laban

26846 S. Garryowen Rd Bernard, IA 52032-9288 Home: 563.879.3154 • Cell: 563.542.3155 jjlaban@yahoo.com showcattlepage.com/LabanRoanoke/homepage.html

Kilgore Shorthorn Farm

The Workman Family 54905 Fulton Hill Rd Bellaire, Ohio 43906

Bob: 740-676-5112 • Brent: 740-310-4361 Rick: 724-344-8056


contact: L.E. Mathers III: 309-263-4233 mathers@leveldale.com or cattle@leveldale.com or Scott Wall: cell: 309-212-5450 swall_otg@yahoo.com 10442 N Co. Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 309-678-4230

Visit our website at www.Leveldale.com

Masonic VillageFarm


Gerald Tracy and Frank Stoltzfus

One Masonic Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 717-371-0798 fstoltzf@masonicvillages.org


Meadow Lane Farms The Bertz’s

15186 Wheatley Road Mayview, MO 64071 Ron: 816-661-1980 FAX: 660-237-4989

Located just east of Kansas City on I-70 at the 44 mile marker!


Danny Holland: 918.413.1212 Marie Cole, MD: 918.413.5435

12186 SE 230 Road • Talihina, OK 74571 mooncreekranch@hotmail.com


22195 Hand Rd., Acthison, KS 66002 Shorthorn Bulls and Show Calves For Sale call for information 913-773-8359 • cell: 913-758-7892 kristinkilgore@wildblue.net

Alan, Kathy, Allison, and Craig Greensburg, IN

812-663-4967 Alan cell: 812-525-4615 • Craig: 812-525-3428 Allison: 812-525-3993 mfshorthorns@hotmail.com www.meyerfamilyshorthorns.com




Chaddrick R. Sumner

1885 Cranford Sumner Rd. • Lenox, GA 31637 229-546-4512 • cell: 229-388-7038 kssumner@planttel.net Eph. 2:8-9 New Herd Sires: Code Red • PLM Blanco

McKee Family Shorthorns Wayne and Aileen McKee 5827 155th Avenue • Indianola, IA 50125 515-961-2073



1550 E. 450 S. Rushville, IN 46173 765-938-1204 • Ed cell: 765-561-1232

Greg, Julie, Grant & Jillian 7234 E. 2700 Rd • Sidell, Il 61876 217-822-2506


Steve & Cindy Oler

9058 Manning Road Home: 765-886-5737 Economy, IN 47339 Cell: 765-993-0839 olerfs@olerfs.com Business: 765-886-4444


Ron Martin & Family

2699 E. 700 N. Greenfield, IN 46140 317-326-2568 cell: 317-727-4904 phildonfarms@aol.com

RC Show Cattle

Ron Rutan • 937.603.1319 Christy Campbell • 937.533.7051

shorthorn country = april 2105

Damn Proud


Registered Shorthorn Show Cattle



KJ German’s G Shorthorns

If it says ROBJOY in the pedigree, you know they’re gonna be good!




Sammy and Wilma Richardson

3703 Hwy 29 • Marlow, OK 73055 580-658-2709 richardsonfarmsshorthorns@gmail.com

Ricky and Lance Guidry 9256 Robinson Rd. Bell City, LA 70630 337-598-3258 • cell: 337-540-2825 office: 337-775-5928


Bob and Joyce Wilson Home: 217-348-6750 Dr. Larry Wilson Cell: 217-276-5964

Home: 847-814-7301 28 Buchanan Court • Charleston, IL 61920

Rocky Branch Shorthorns Bob and Mark Gordon

Rob Sneed Shorthorns

1160 600th Ave, • Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-732-7596 Mark: 217-737-7905 mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman

28402 Griessen Road • Sedalia, MO 65301 home: 660-826-1718 • cell: 660-620-1718 robsneedshorthorns.org

ROD Shorthorn Farms

21965 3150 East St. • Arlington, IL 61312 office: 815-849-5700 • cell: 815-703-4553 email: rodney.rod@plantpioneer.com

Rodney, Cynthia, Rodney II, Brody & Jolett Rod

27634-443 Avenue • Marion, SD 57043

Cory, Melissa, Samantha and Jaxon Schrag 605-925-4804 • 605-941-5241 schrag@svtv.com







Lee & Joy Kerby Hannah Lynch 1581 Paint Rock Valley Road Philadelphia, TN 37846 home: 865-213-3357 cell: 865-250-8809 email: RCKYBRNCH@AOL.COM http://SHORTHORNS.com

SharBen Shorthorns Ben & Sharon Wilson

947 Bald Eagle Road • Sharpsburg, Kentucky 40374 606-247-3023 • cell: 606-782-0754 benwilson@windstream.net

Strode Family Shorthorns



✰ Home of the Rock Stars! ✰




Purebred Shorthorns Since 1967

Rick, Sandy, Blane & Clay Osterday 31728 US Hwy 12, Java, SD 57452 605-285-6761 Rick: 605-281-1175 • Blane: 605-281-0301 www.stanglshorthorns.com


tone prings Shorthorns

The Jay Benham Family

4733 LeFevre Road Troy, Ohio 45373 937-335-1622 Visitors Always Welcome!

Nick, Patti, Savannah, Lane and Lily Steinke

9504 W. 300 S. • Rensselaer, IN 47978 219-866-5814 • cell: 219-863-7072 pnsteinke@yahoo.com • www.steinkeshorthorns.com

John, Dede, Sara and Sage cell: 712-263-0263 John Elder - cell: 402-650-1385 701 Iowa Ave. • Dunlap, IA 51529 www.maternallegends.com

shorthorn country = april 2015

Sutherland Shorthorns David Ragsdale Semen $5 a straw


Visit us at www.sutherlandshorthorns.com


Doug & Rhonda North


Cattle available For Sale!

3100 Locke Lane • Prospect, KY 40059 cell: 502-396-6533

building maternal legends . . .

Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466 tenmileshorthorns@live.com

9300 Boyd Farm Rd. • Rochester, Il 62563 home: 217-498-9621 Curt: 217-836-9621 • Rob: 217-725-4955

LYNN, GALE, AND JEFF NELSON 25994 725TH AVE. ALBERT LEA, MN 56007 507-826–3184 • cell: 507-383-4172 www.topnotchstockfarm.com

BRENT ELAM & BOYS 4163 HALMAN ROAD CEDAR HILL, TN 37032 615-384-3355 • CELL: 615-730-0132 STEVE ELAM: 615-268-5630 brent.townview.elam@gmail.com

Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm 5106 169 R Ave SE Kindred, ND 58051 Steve: 701.261.3426

TYNYWTRA’S J&J Humphreys John: 219-279-2374

Bulls, females and show prospects for sale.

Andy: 219-279-2971 • Josh: 219-863-3984 7229 W. 200 N. • Wolcott, IN 47995

Vogel Shorthorn Farm 10631 24th St SE • Rogers, ND 58479 vogelshorthornfarm@hotmail.com Justin: 701.320.4054 • Whitney: 701.261.1667

The coffee pot is always on!



Ar Su Lu Spear 320 x

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Marti Barry Jordan Families 1502 Missouri Valley Road Riverton, WY 82501 307-857-4240

7577 S. 210 E. • Rensselaer, IN 47978 Barry & Anita: 219-866-3513 • cell: 219-819-0430 Toby & Jodi: cell: 219-819-4603 www.waukaru.net TB accredited and certified bangs free.

America’s Convenient AI Brand Daily shipping from mid-Missouri 866-356-4565


Wilson Livestock Agency Stuart D. Wilson 2228 State Hwy 128 Findlay, IL 62534 217-756-8828 cell: 217-454-9355

74saw@frontiernet.net www.stuartwilsonlivestock.com

Online Ordering Available! No handling charges ✗ No minimum number of units ordered ✗ No hassle ✗



Bert Moore

Livestock Grooming Products

Independent Consultant

Sullivan Supply South Hillsboro, TX 800-588-7096 FAX: 254-582-7114

Know the Cattle - Know the People

Sullivan Supply Inc. Dunlap, IA 800-475-5902 FAX: 712-643-5154

Call today for free mail order catalog.


Jeff K. and Darla Aegerter 520 South Evergreen Dr. • Seward, NE 68434 402-641-4696 • jaegerter@neb.rr.com www.aegertermarketing.com

701.541.5035 bertshorthorn@gmail.com

or call 1-888-530-4925 today!

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Bruce Brooks Auctioneer P.O. Box 349 Marietta, OK 73448 580-276-5137 cell: 580-695-2036




Livestock Real Estate Farm Equipm ent Selling nation-wide!

Kevin Wendt 121 Jackson Street Plain City, OH 43064

cell: 419-566-1599 kevin@thewendtgroup.com

shorthorn country = april 2015



Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.

Finding Shorthorns that fit your operation

Semen sales • AI certificate sales Order online at ShorthornShop.com


Semen available on today’s hottest sires!

ASA Updated Rules & Regulations • Dates for the Impact 2015 Shorthorn Breeder’s Conference and Annual Meeting have been set for December 3-5, 2015 at Harrah’s Casino in Kansas City, Missouri. The annual meeting will be held the evening of December 4, 2015. Mark your calendars for this exciting new event! You won’t want to miss it! • Effective January 1, 2015, EPD’s will only be available to Whole Herd Reporting (WHR) members of the American Shorthorn Association. As a reminder, regardless of membership status of owner, an animal registered by a WHR breeder will have access to EPDs for the lifetime of that animal. • All A.I. Sires and Donor Dams are required to have all genetic conditions tested (TH, PHA, DS) and DNA genotype (SeekSire) completed before registration of progeny. In the event that the A.I. sire or Donor Dam is not tested, offspring can be tested for missing tests to complete registration. • The American Shorthorn Association is projected to transition to a new registry system June 1, 2015. • Due to continued feedback questioning the need of A.I. Certificates, the ASA Board of Directors has ruled that as of June 1, 2015 or at the new registry launch, A.I. Certificates will be optional to register cattle. Owners can determine if their bull will be a certificate or non-certificate bull. The cost of an A.I. Service certificate from ASA will increase from $5 to $20 with the change June 1st. Classifying a bull as a noncertificate bull is permanent • The need for revision of the current election process of ASA Board of Directors was discussed at the annual meeting. At the recommendation of the Election By-Laws Committee, the Board of Directors has voted to change the process for the election of ASA delegates and Board of Directors. ASA Delegates will be elected from each state. Voting by ASA delegates for the board of Directors will be by secret ballot from each attending delegate only. A committee has been formed to nominate qualified individuals to the Board of Directors. Individuals will still be able to run from the board without nomination from the committee. • New Show Rules for 2015-2016 o Cow/Calf Champions will compete against the Grand Champion Heifer for the Supreme Champion Female title at ASA sponsored national, regional, and junior national shows. o Regional Show System is still in place • Two National Shows have been established : NWSS and NAILE • No points will be awarded for either show • Three Tier II National Shows have been established; points will count towards exhibitor’s cumulative regional points • Keystone, Pennsylvania • American Royal, Missouri • Fort Worth Stock Show, Texas • Super-Regional Shows accumulate points in respective region • Regional Show Bull & Heifer awards will be given • P.A.C.E. Show System, P.A.C.E. point credits, and All-American Awards no longer exist. o Check-In Policies • Exhibitors will be responsible for providing registration number and birthdate of entries • All Champions, Reserve Champions, Supreme Champion, Division, and Reserve Division Champions will have DNA collected to verify parentage. • Heifers 20 months of age and older, without calf at side, will have a blood sample collected to verify pregnancy • All entries at the Jr. National, Louisville, and Denver will be weighed • All performance data must be submitted to the office before May 31, 2015 to be included in the Fall 2015 North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation. • All ShorthornPlus animals must be registered prior to May 31, 2015 to receive Fall 2015 North American Shorthorn Genetic Evaluation EPD’s. • When sending semen samples to the ASA office for genetic testing, please enclose the sample in cardboard packaging or place the straw in an ink pen to protect your sample during shipping.


shorthorn country = april 2015

shorthorn country = april 2015



shorthorn country = april 2015

=Sales Calendar April 2 - Who’s Your Daddy Shorthorn Bull Sale, Saskatoon, Sk., Can. April 4 - Oklahoma Sooner Classic Sale, Duncan, Okla. April 10-12 - Michigan Beef Expo, MSU Pavillion East Lansing, Mich. April 18 - Spring Lake Farm and Friends, "Stars In The Southern Sky" Sale, Portland, Tenn. May 9 - Carolina’s Full House, Multi-Breed Sale, Clemson, SC. Sept. 5 - Cates Farms and Friends “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind. Sept. 12 - Waukaru “Cow Power” Production Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. Sept. 19 - Leveldale Farms Production Sale, Mason City, Ill.

Oct. 11 - Rod Shorthorns, Waymar Shorthorns, & Kohlstaedt Farms “Swing The Gate” Production Sale, Dixon, Ill.

Your Marketing Professional

Oct. 16 - Cyclone Trace Cattle Company, “Shorthorns UpFront” Sale, Clarion, Iowa. Oct. 17 - Keystone Autumn Klassic 35th Edition, Waynesburg, Pa. Oct. 17 - Studer Family Shorthorns “Family Legacies” Production Sale, Creston, Iowa. Oct. 18 - Sullivan Farms “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. Oct. 24 - Double J & Crow Creek “Shorthorn 500” Production Sale, Marietta, Okla. Oct. 25 - Illinois Best of the Midwest Sale, Macomb, Ill.

Sept. 19-20 - Johnson Shorthorns “4th Annual Private Treaty Sale” Niantic, Ill. Sept. 20 - Cagwin Farms Production Sale, Philadelphia, Ill.

Nov. 1 - Schrag Shorthorns “Family Event” Sale, Marion, SD.

Sept. 26 - Great Shorthorn Revival, Beaverton, Mich.

Nov. 14 - Donors On Ice, Louisville, Ky.

Oct. 3 - Supanchick Shorthorns & Warner Shorthorns “Fall Harvest” Production Sale, Grand Island, Neb. Oct. 4 - KOLT Cattle Company “Simple Choices” Production Sale, Seward, Neb.

Nov. 15 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Future Generations Are Created” Sale, Louisville, Ky.

Oct. 10 - Greenhorn Cattle Company “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Production Sale, Waynesville, Ohio.

September 5 - Cates Farms and Friends “Star Search” Production Sale, Modoc, Ind. September 19 - Leveldale Farms Production Sale, Mason City, Ill.

October 4 - KOLT Cattle Company “Simple Choices” Production Sale, Seward, Neb. October 16 - Cyclone Trace Cattle Company, “Shorthorns UpFront” Sale, Clarion, Iowa.

Nov. 15 - North American Heifer Calf Futurity, Louisville, Ky.

Dec. 13 - Gana Farms “Foundation Female” Sale, Martell, Neb.

April 18 - Spring Lake Farm and Friends, "Stars In The Southern Sky" Sale, Portland, Tenn.

September 20 - Cagwin Farms Production Sale, Philadelphia, Ill.

Oct. 31 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Production Sale, Kathryn, ND.

Sept. 26 - Missouri State Shorthorn Sale, Sho-Me Shorthorn Farm, Columbia, Mo.

If we can help you with further information regarding these sales, feel free to contact us.


October 18 - Sullivan Farms “Maternal Legends” Production Sale, Dunlap, Iowa. October 25 - Illinois Best of the Midwest Sale, Macomb, Ill. November 15 - North American Heifer Calf Futurity, Louisville, Ky.


=Coming Events June 20-25 - National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference, Grand Island, Neb. Dec. 3-5 - Impact 2015, Kansas City, Mo. April 2-14, 2016 - World Shorthorn Conference Uruguay.

Auction Sales • Private Treaty • Semen • Embryos

Cagwin Cattle Services, LLC P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, IL 62691

217-452-3051 • FAX: 217-452-3053 email: cagwincattle@casscomm.com

shorthorn country = april 2015


=Ad Index AAA Shorthorns ....................................29 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. ..........30 Aegeter Cattle Co. ..............................IFC AJSA Trade Show Booth ........................17 Alta Cedar Shorthorns ..........................15 AMS Shorthorns ....................................29 Bartels Bros ............................................29 Bennett Land & Cattle ..........................29 Berg Shorthorns ....................................29 Bern-A-Dale Shorthorns ........................29 Bert Moore ............................................33 Bigelow Farms........................................29 Bo’s Shorthorns ......................................29 Bowman Superior Genetics ....................29 Brindle Path Ranch ................................29 Broken Road Cattle Company ..............29 Brooks, Bruce ........................................33 Bye Well Shorthorns ..............................29 Byland Polled Shorthorns ......................29 Carolina Full House ..............................28 Cates Farms............................................29 Cattle Visions ..................................11, 33 Crawfdown Farms..................................29 Cross Country Shorthorns ....................29 Cyclone Trace Cattle Co.........................29 Dav Mar Way Farms ..............................29 Diamond M Shorthorns ........................30 DJS Shorthorns......................................30 DTR Cattle Co......................................30 Duis Farms ............................................30 Ea Ra Ba H Farm ..................................30 Farrer Stock Farms ................................13 Fieser Family Polled Shorthorns ......30, 38 Fischer Cattle Company ........................30


shorthorn country = april 2015

Franz Farms ..........................................30 GJD Cattle Company ............................30 Great American Insurance ......................33 Greenhorn Cattle Company, LLC..........30 Haumont Shorthorns ............................30 Hauxdale Shorthorn Farm......................33 High Ridge Farm LTD ..........................30 Homeplace Farms ..................................30 Hub Ranch Shorthorns ..........................30 Illinois Breeders Unitd For Impact ....26-27 Inness Shorthorns ..................................30 Iroquoian Shorthorns ............................30 James F. Bessler, Inc. ..............................33 JT Moreland Farms, LLC ......................30 Kamilardi Meat Packer H04 Syndicate ....9 Kearns Farms ........................................30 Keebler ..................................................12 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm ....................31 Kilgore Shorthorn Farm ........................31 KJG German’s Shorhtorns......................32 Kolt Cattle Company ..........................IFC Laban Roanoke Farm ............................31 LCCC Marketing - Low Rider ............IBC Leveldale Farms..................................7, 31 Maple Brook Farms................................31 Marsch Show Cattle ..............................19 Masonic Village......................................31 McKee ..................................................31 Meadow Lane Farms ..............................31 Meyer Family Shorthorns ......................31 Meyer Farms ..........................................31 Moon Creek Ranch................................31 New River Cattle ..................................31 Norman Farms ......................................31

Oler Farm ..............................................31 Phildon Farms........................................31 RC Show Cattle ....................................31 Richardson Farms Shorthorns ................32 RL Cattle Company ..............................32 Robjoy Shorthorns ................................32 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle ......................32 Rocky Branch Shorthorns ......................32 Rod Shorthorns......................................32 Schenk Farms ........................................32 Schrag Shorthorn Farms ....................3, 32 SharBen Shorthorns ..............................32 ShorthornShop ......................................33 Sneed, Rob Shorthorns ..........................32 Stangl Shorthorns ..................................32 Steinke Shorthorns ................................32 Stone Springs Shorthorns ......................32 Strode Family Shorhtorns ......................32 Sullivan Farms ................................32, BC Sullivan Supply ......................................33 Sutherland Shorthorns ..........................32 Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns ....................32 The National CUP Lab ........................33 Top Notch Stock Farm ..........................32 Townview Shorthorns ............................32 Trans Ova Genetics ................................31 Tynywtra’s ..............................................33 V8 Shorthorns ......................................33 Vogel Shorthorn Farm............................33 Warner Ranch ....................................5, 33 Waukaru Shorthorns ..............................33 Wendt, Kevin ........................................33 Wilson Livestock Agency ......................33

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