2020 December Shorthorn Country

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december 2020

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

december 2020


december 2020 issue 11 • volume 47

The December cover photos were taken by Legacy Livestock Imaging at the 2020 American Royal.

7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 •  FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net

Shorthorn Country

advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $ 565 $ 505 2/3 page 420 385 1/2 page-island 335 310 1/2 page 315 290 1/3 page 240 225 1/4 page 195 175 1/6 page 135 120 Business card (1 1/2”) 41 32 * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs

color rates


American Royal 2020 - Show Honoree.......................................... 18 Udder Scoring: Another Review...................................................... 13 Changes to Birth Weight Ratio Reporting..................................... 15 Shorthorn Youth Development Fund............................................. 59

Show Results

American Royal 2020 National Show............................................. 19 American Royal 2020 Junior Show................................................. 54 103rd Panhandle South Plains Fair 2020......................................... 63

Sale Reports

Family Legacies Sale.......................................................................... 64 40th Annual Keystone Autumn Klassic.......................................... 64 Schrag 605 “Family Event” Production Sale.................................. 65 Heart of the Prairie Shorthorn Production Sale............................ 65 Lasting Impressions Sale................................................................... 66 Alden Farms - The First 100 Years Sale.......................................... 66 Turn The Page Production Sale....................................................... 67 Durham Nation 2020........................................................................ 67

Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................10 What You Need to Know.................................................12 Beef Blurb..........................................................................14 Junior Corner....................................................................58 News & Notes....................................................................60 Sales Calendar...................................................................73 Ad Index............................................................................74 4

shorthorn country = december 2020

The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.

4 color $200 1 color $195

* Color only available on half of page or larger

Contract Rates And Discounts:

Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.

Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs

Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.

Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.

WHR Breeders WHR Assessments for 2021 were sent in November. If you have not received yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible.

Shorthorn Update American Shorthorn Association 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorn.org Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO montie@shorthorn.org Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs, performance data & commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org Heather Lange, director of customer service, registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Emily Velisek, director of events, show & membership activities • emilyv@shorthorn.org Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org

ASA Board of Directors Nancy Grathwohl Heter, president 785-587-7947 Hugh Mooney, vice president 916-319-0488 Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 Joe Bales, 615-330-2342 John Sonderman, 402-641-0936 Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 John Russell, 832-588-8604 Shorthorn Foundation Bill Rasor, president American Junior Shorthorn Association Lexi Wetzel, president National Shorthorn Lassies Sommer Smith, president

1. WHR inventory assessments must be completed and paid in full prior to registering calves born in the current assessment period, (i.e. 2021 assessment on a dam must be completed and paid in order to register her calf born in 2021.) 2. Included with each assessment is the registration of a calf born to the dam in the year she was assessed (if calf is registered prior to one year of age) and a free transfer of said calf (if recorded within 60 days from the date of the sale.) (i.e. cost to register a calf born in 2021 to an assessed 2021 dam will be $0, if calf is registered within 12 months) 2020 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2020 $25 2021 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1 - January 9, 2021 $16 January 10 - February 28, 2021 $20 March 1 - December 31, 2021 $25 *Calves born in previous year(s) to unassessed dams will incur additional fees.

Shorthorn Beef Locally Raised

Visit shorthornbeef.org to see the availability of Shorthorn Meat from Shorthorn producers. SHORTHORN Contact shelby@shorthorn.org to get on the map or for more • LOCALLY RAISED • ShorthornPlus Bull & Female Show information. December ESTD 1872 Dec. 1 Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Breeding Jan. 11 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattlemen’s Congress Heifer Ownership Deadline Jan. 12 Cattlemen’s Congress National Dec. 10 Cattlemen’s Congress Late Entry Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Deadline Help Support the Juniors! February 2021 Dec. 24-Jan.1 ASA Office Closed Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent January 2021 Feb. 16 • Funding the Future Online Sale, at 11:59pm CT if not paid. Jan. 1 2021 ASA Membership is due amsonlinesales.com TOC breeder status ends if Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for membership is not paid 2021 WHR assessment fees ($16) Jan. 10 Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show Holiday Closings Jan. 11 Cattlemen’s Congress Junior ASA Annual Meeting Postponed The American Shorthorn Association office Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer The original scheduled Annual Meeting on Dec. will be closed December 24 - January 1 for the Show 4 & 5 has been postponed. Watch for upcoming Christmas holiday and New Year holiday. details on a new date. Jan. 11 Cattlemen’s Congress National

ASA Dates of Note

Cattlemen’s Congress (2021 NWSS Alternative Show) Oklahoma City, Okla.

Tentative Schedule of Events Friday, January 8, 2021 10:00 a.m. Arriving and Stalling Sunday, January 10, 2021 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Bull & Heifer Show Monday, January 11, 2021 1:00 p.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show followed by National ShorthornPlus Bull & ShorthornPlus Female Show 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale


Tuesday, January 12, 2021 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Female & Bull Show Cattle released at conclusion of show. Stalling Requests: Send ALL stalling requests to Emily by Jan. 2- emilyv@shorthorn.org

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2021 Cattlemen’s Congress Judges Pen Shows: Scott Werning Junior Shows: Jimmy Linthicum Open Shows: Charlie Boyd

Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone

(ASA Staff Meeting Wednesday’s 10:00-11:00 AM)

2020 International Year Code: H

shorthorn country = december 2020


Association Outlook

Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO

Embracing New Ways!


he holiday season is a full swing - one of my favorite times of the year. The spirit of the holidays and being with family and friends is a special time. I know for many, the Covid-19 issue may interfere with family functions. I really encourage you all to work at bringing everyone together in a safe way. Some family members may be unable to attend the special meals as young families get pulled between their in-laws. Those of us in the cattle world and in business activities have learned many new ways to bring folks together using virtual tools. Why not use a tool like Zoom to have all the family together for a period of time in our modern world, the last time I checked, Zoom is free for 45 minutes at a time and easy to implement. This can be a wonderful way to share time with friends and family during the holidays or for that matter anytime we think about the special people in our lives. There are a number of reasons why I am starting out this month’s Association Outlook with this message. One is the effects of dealing with the Covid-19 virus that’s been had and will continue to have on our lives. That does not mean it is all necessarily bad. Yes, many of us are tired of virtual meetings but the reality is we can take that technology and use it for fun and special moments. Also, I believe that people are not made to be kept separated from other people. It is an important part of our lives and our children’s lives that there is interaction among our populations. Just look at the social activity when we get a group of Shorthorn breeders together. The anticipation of seeing and interacting with folks that have the same passion and love for the breed. We have learned we can do this through online sales even


though there is not a communication tool between the group like a virtual meeting. The cost of traveling, time and all the planning for both sides has become less and will continue as we move forward in a new norm. Some of you will not like this new norm just like the resistance to technologies like EPDs and such. I challenge you to accept these new ways and become positive about them. Use them for other activities that you may have not thought about in the past. Our world is moving fast we must to be open to the changes and advancements it may bring us. Taking advantage of these will bring more joy during this holiday season. Speaking of using new ways, you will notice we have redesigned the sponsorship and donation process for the Shorthorn Junior Activities. The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund has been activated as a 501 (c) (3). We did this to streamline the process of your donations for this important part of our breed. You should have received a letter with a stamped return envelope to make a pledge to the Junior Program or primarily to the Junior National. By setting up this new separate 501 (c) (3) account you can now use a credit card to make the pledge donations and/or have the pledge donation billed through the registry. We can also set it up to bill you monthly, if you would prefer to have a pledge done in smaller increments each month. This process was put in place to help you, the supporters of the Shorthorn Juniors! The Shorthorn Youth Development fund is not a replacement for or in competition with the Shorthorn Foundation. The Shorthorn Foundation still needs your support for all the good things they do for our breed. They will still award Junior Scholarships and support

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junior activities and research projects as in the past. The Youth Development Fund has its own Board of Directors and an accounting process performed by a CPA firm. I just want to be clear that this new account is not in competition with the Shorthorn Foundation. They are two separate groups working for the advancement of the Shorthorn Breed. The Youth Development Fund is focusing directly on the advancement of our youth and the activities for the juniors in our breed. I encourage you to find the letter sent in October and return it with your pledge to support Shorthorn youth and National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference. Even if you happened to misplace the letter or did not receive one, you can still send a pledge to the ASA office making a check out to the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. You will then become a member of the Red White and Roan Club. After all, it is the Holiday season and giving to your family - in this case your Shorthorn Family - is one of the best parts of this special time of the year. As we all prepare for 2021, many of us are glad to see 2020 leave with all the uncertainties and adjustments we have had in our lives. But, as I look back at 2020 and especially this past Fall, the market for Shorthorn cattle has been as strong as ever. This proves the value of our breed and good cattle will overcome most anything even in a pandemic and political unrest. The Shorthorn breed is ready and moving on to 2021; the beginning of our celeberation of 150 years as a breed organization. The American Shorthorn Association is the oldest beef breed association in the US! = Happy Holidays to Everyone from the ASA

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Beef Business

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Performance and Data in Your Marketing Plan If we have come to expect anything this year, it’s that schedules and plans are always subject to change. This was no different for the ASA Annual Meeting. We had a program planned for the usual 2-day format, but logistical issues forced us to condense to a single Saturday morning program, which forced us to cut some of the educational program (my speaking time slot included). Since that decision was made, the board made the call to postpone the Annual Meeting to a later date. When I was slated to speak on the original schedule at the original December 4 date, I was planning to discuss performance programs, data, and how it relates to marketing. Instead, I will try to bring some of my thoughts on the topic into this article. It’s hard to condense a 30 minute discussion into a few hundred words, but I will try my best. While they may not seem related, I believe performance, data collection, and marketing of seedstock go hand in hand. Collecting and using data is important to breeding more productive cattle, but it doesn’t matter how productive your performance program made your herd if you can’t convince a potential buyer to write you a check for them. Whatever you do in your operation for performance testing, it is important to be able to explain to a potential customer why you’re doing it. It sounds great that you’re collecting all this information on your cattle; if you can’t explain to that buyer the “why” behind it all, they may wonder if you’re just putting on a show to make a sale. It’s important that a customer knows that you collect weights, carcass ultrasound, or genomic information for a reason: to track genetic progress and make more informed breeding decisions towards a better product. Collecting performance data can benefit your cattle marketing by identifying your top performers and giving the customer an idea of what 10

animals might best fit their needs. Say that a commercial cattleman wants to look through your yearling bulls. You learn that he retains all his feeder calves and sells them on a quality-based grid, so carcass traits are obviously important to his selection process. If you don’t have carcass ultrasound data on those bulls, it might be a hard sale to make to this customer. Yes, EPDs would be available on carcass traits, albeit at very low accuracies. Adding carcass ultrasound data would improve the accuracies of those predictions, and genomic testing would do so even more! With all the uncertainties that come with raising cattle, we all need our genetics to be as predictable as possible to mitigate that risk and keep calf crops consistent (and consistently high-quality)! Data collection and having a plan in place for documenting animal performance on your farm is important for genetic improvement, but also for your reputation and commitment as a breeder to raising better cattle. If the same bull buyer from the previous paragraph values carcass quality in his genetics but you never collected any carcass or ultrasound data, they may get the impression that end product quality is not a focus in your herd. If that’s the case, that buyer may go look elsewhere to fill their bull needs. If that isn’t your focus and they choose to look elsewhere, that’s ok! There are likely other customers who value the direction of your herd and your program. If you’re not trying to make progress in this business, you’re going backwards and not just sitting still. I guarantee someone is doing everything they can to breed better bulls and can pass you by. Data has to be a part of the marketing effort of the entire breed to the cattle industry. A slogan like “Performance with Purpose” has to be backed up with information on what Shorthorn cattle can do in a commercial setting. The National Sire Test program has been a good source

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of this type of data for our breed. Seeing that Shorthorn-sired calves can grade at over 90% Choice should open some eyes to the genetic capabilities of our cattle. Additionally, the heifer development feed efficiency project with Iowa State and the Genomically Enhanced Female Project help us to gather more information on emerging technologies in the genetic improvement sector of our industry. We try to develop opportunities to collect more data on our beloved Shorthorns, but it ultimately takes breeder buy-in for any of these programs to reach their potential. At ASA, we own and breed zero cows every year. It takes teamwork between us and those with the cows (you!) to make these projects work and gather more information to showcase Shorthorns to the American cattle industry. It’s difficult to breed cattle for the commercial industry without documentation behind them to make genetic progress, and it’s equally difficult to market any seedstock without a plan and a program. Let your performance data and your marketing plans work together to move your operation forward as far as it can go. One last thing to ponder: I have been asked before what is the best available tool for herd improvement. While weights, measures, ultrasound and genomics are all very beneficial, one could argue that the tools that can move a herd forward the quickest are a cull pen and a sharp knife at weaning! It’s hard to improve productivity of the herd as a whole by keeping unproductive cows, and only the best male calves deserve to be herd sire candidates. I want to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you. May you remember the reason for the Christmas season, as well as take a moment to find something positive away from the year that was 2020. And, no, “2020 is over” doesn’t count as the positive! =

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What YouNeed to Know

Emily director of events, show Velisek & membership activities

Cattlemen’s Congress Update Before we know it, January will be here and we will be heading to Oklahoma City for the Cattlemen’s Congress. ASA made the decision to replace the NWSS National Shorthorn Show with the Cattlemen’s Congress when NWSS decided to cancel. By the time you read this, the entry deadline of November 20th will have passed but if you are still wanting to go and missed that deadline, there is a late deadline of December 10th. All junior breeding cattle need to be in the junior’s name by December 1st to meet the ownership deadline. I ask that everyone please read through the premium book that is online at cattlemenscongress.com, as this show will be slightly different than NWSS. Shorthorn Pen Exhibitors: We will be checking in pen cattle on Friday, January 8th starting at 9 a.m. We will be weighing and ultra-sounding as normal. Once location of check-in is determined, we will let you know. Pen cattle will be shown on Sunday, January 10th starting

at 8 a.m. Pen arrival will be determined closer to show date, but it does look like they have lined up the Oklahoma Stockyards for pen cattle to arrive early. Once we know more information on move in, we will get it out to the exhibitors as well. What we would normally call “Hill Exhibitors” will be able to begin arrival on Friday, January 8th and must be in place by Saturday, January 9th at 8 a.m. We will be doing check-in on Saturday the 9th somewhere close to the Shorthorn stalls. Once exact time and location is determined we will let exhibitors know. Shows will be on Monday, January 11th starting at 1 p.m. Show order will be Junior Purebred, followed by Junior ShorthornPlus, followed by the National ShorthornPlus Show. Depending on final numbers, we will decide whether bulls or females will show first. Then on Tuesday, January 12th at 8 a.m. we will begin our National Shorthorn Show with bulls

Cattlemen’s Congress (2021 NWSS Alternative Show)

Cattlemen’s Congress STALLING REQUESTS

Oklahoma City, Okla.

Send ALL Stalling Requests to Emily at emilyv@shorthorn.org by January 2nd!



2021 Cattlemen’s Congress Judges Pen Shows: Scott Werning Junior Shows: Jimmy Linthicum Open Shows: Charlie Boyd

followed by females. As of right now, we are planning to weigh females and bulls on the way into the ring just like we did last year at the NWSS. If this changes, we will let you know. The schedule is still tentative. Arrival and show times could change once entries are in. I will be doing stalling at the Cattlemen’s Congress. If you have specific requests, please email them to myself at emilyv@shorthorn.org. As this is a new facility and one we are not used to, we will do our best to meet those requests, but just like the other shows we do not promise that you will get them. Any stalling requests need to be to Emily by January 2nd. If you have any questions, please call the office and we will try to answer them the best of our knowledge or get you the contact information that you need. We look forward to having a great show and possibly some warmer weather than we would in Denver! =

Friday, January 8, 2021 10:00 a.m. Arriving and Stalling Sunday, January 10, 2021 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Bull & Heifer Show (Performance Arena) Monday, January 11, 2021 1:00 p.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show (Jim Norick Arena) followed by National ShorthornPlus Bull & ShorthornPlus Female Show 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale (Barn 3 Sale Arena) Tuesday, January 12, 2021 8:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Female & Bull Show (Jim Norick Arena) All cattle released when done showing. Headquarters: Best Western Plus Saddleback Inn :: 4300 SW 3rd St.Oklahoma City, OK 73108 :: 405.947.7000 :: American Shorthorn Association Exhibitor :: Rate: $74.99 King, $79.99 Double Hilton Garden Inn Oklahoma City Airport :: 801 S Meridian :: Oklahoma City, OK 73108 :: 405.942.1400 :: American Shorthorn Association :: Rate: $87.00 King or Queens

shorthorn country = december 2020

Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Udder Scoring: Another Review Udder scores in beef cattle are based on two characteristics: udder suspension and teat size. An udder score includes a 1-9 rating for both the suspension and the teat size. You need to record a score for both traits (scores are two-digit numbers). Udder scores are easy to collect. Ideally, scoring should be done within 24 hours of calving. The score should be based off the WORST quarter of the udder, and the same person should be scoring all udders to ensure consistent scoring. It’s important to be honest with yourself when udder scoring your cow herd. The accompanying diagram illustrates what to look for at various levels of scoring. One of the most common mistakes I see in the breed are udder scores entered

into the system on an inverted scoring scale. There are a lot of “11” scored udders reported, and as the diagram show, a 11 score should almost certainly be a cullable udder that would be tough for a calf to nurse. When registering calves in Digital Beef, there are drop-down menus for “Susp” and “Teat” on the left side of the row in the Dam section. These are where you enter your udder scores on a cow when she calves. You can use the pictorial diagram for reference, or you can consult the “Page Guide” in Digital Beef. It is located in the upper right corner of the screen, and has detailed explanations for what most of the information on the calf recording screen is asking for, including udder scoring. =

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Beef Blurb

Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications

Market Your Program with the ASA Each year at Annual Meeting, the American Shorthorn Association staff host breakout sessions to educate membership on different topics of interest. During my session, I discuss marketing options available to membership through the ASA. This year, with all the unknowns of COVID-19, we decided we wouldn’t have the normal breakout sessions for membership. Since many of our members have not been to the Annual Meeting in the past, you may not know what marketing options we have available through the ASA. The ASA offers banner advertising on shorthorn.org. You can purchase a banner for $2,000 for a full year, $800 for six months, $450 for 3 months or $200 for one month. This banner advertisement will link to your website or Facebook page. This can be sent camera-ready or designed by us with your specifications. The Shorthorn Insider is the official e-newsletter of the ASA. It is sent every other Tuesday to nearly 7,000 Shorthorn enthusiasts. The Insider keeps readers up to date with changes and important information from the ASA. Members can purchase banners ads in their choice of Insider issues. We offer three banner ad spaces in each issue – they are sold on a first come, first serve basis. You can send a camera-ready ad or you can provide details for us to design. • Ad spaces are $50 for each issue

• Payment for the ad must be received before e-newsletter send date • Ad size: 421 x 115 pixels • Ad format: JPG or PDF • Contact shelby@shorthorn.org to reserve your space. • Ad spaces must be reserved one week ahead of send date. • If ASA is designing your ad, you must contact Shelby at least two weeks before send date. State associations have the opportunity to participate in the Shorthorn Co-op Advertising program. This is designed to help ASA and state associations share the cost of promoting the Shorthorn breed. Advertisement requests must be made by the state association’s president, vice-president or secretary manager. Advertisements cannot be requested by groups of breeders or individuals. The ASA will reimburse 50% of the ad cost, up to a total of $650 per state per fiscal year. There are limited co-op funds available for states in each fiscal year. Once the funds have been utilized for the year, no more co-op ads will be funded until the next fiscal year. Each state association must pay for the advertisement in full and send paid invoice plus a copy of ad placed to ASA to be reimbursed. Contact shelby@shorthorn.org with ad size, ad deadline, publication, color, and state association information to be included.

You must submit request at least a week before ad deadline. The American Shorthorn Association and the American Junior Shorthorn Association offers you the chance to be a sponsor. Our sponsorships opportunities go beyond just the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference to provide a way for sponsors to be seen everywhere that the ASA and AJSA are present. From the Annual Meeting and Educational Forum, to the NJSS and National Shows, we want to use your logo and give you recognition for your support. This provides a unique opportunity for you to market your program while also supporting the future of the breed. As a sponsor, you will be contributing to the newly established Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. The fund was established in 2020 to provide financial support to develop Shorthorn youth as cattle producers and responsible, productive citizens. The fund is dedicated to enriching the lives of youth interested in agriculture, through support for the educational and leadership activities of the American Junior Shorthorn Association. There are so many opportunities for members to market their program and Shorthorn cattle; take advantage of these options listed above. Contact the office if you have any questions or want to get started! =

Contact shelby@shorthorn.org if you are interested in any of the ASA marketing opportunities! 14

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Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs

Changes to Birth Weight Ratio Reporting Starting with birth weight data entered after October 20th, the reporting of birth weight ratios in Digital Beef will look a little different than what you might have grown accustomed to. At their September meeting, the Board of Directors voted to change the method of reporting birth weight ratios to mirror how a majority of breed associations are currently reporting

them. While the changes will take some getting used to, I will try to simplify it here to help with the transition. For most of our traits (Weaning & Yearling Weight, Ribeye Area, IMF score), a higher measurement is reflected by a higher performance ratio in the system. Birth weight was the exception to this, with LIGHTER calves having the higher

New Birth Weight Ratio Reporting

performance ratios. With the change, birth weight ratios will now be reported in the same manner as our other traits. Now, HEAVIER birth weight calves will have the higher performance ratios. Below is a visual example to help with the learning curve. Please feel free to reach out if you have further questions. =

Old Birth Weight Ratio Reporting


Birth Wt.



Birth Wt.
































What is your Favorite Color of Shorthorn?

Junior Sp li t w h Lauren Berg

Deep cherry red


aGE: 10


I have two different colors of hair!

wHAT Do you want to be when you grow uP? A vet and a farmer

shorthorn country = december 2020


Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C

Cagwin Farms Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!

-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F


Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.

Sunnyland Farms Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 Wayne: 618-384-8250 Doug: 618-384-1932 4.

Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.

Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 2. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.

Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, IL 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229


cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692 Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 Check our website for our current list of herd sires. SULL Roan Goose



31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052 Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258 Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.


Cattle always For Sale at the Farm.

Luke, Amanda, Madeline, Gavin, Callie, Alexa & Josie Turner 9.

2519 Cty Rd 200E • Mahomet, IL 61853 217-202-2484 mainstreetfenching@yahoo.com


Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 Dale: 815-369-2857 Ryan: 815-739-7754 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com Watch For Our Annual October Online Sale

Chesnut Shorthorns Visitors Welcome

Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.

Gary Chesnut Family 16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144 11.




Dennis and Terri Jordan

545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • cell: 217-202-2865  email: jordan@prairieinet.net

Amanda, Layne, Ty and Ely Harden, 217-417-8335 Jason, Tasha and Isabella Bunting, 815-252-5520 Ashleigh, David, Dakota and Dalton Hall, 217-979-7531 13.


Hugh W. Moore, Jr. & Sons

Shorthorns 10.

contact: L.E. Mathers III

Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright


WATAGA, IL 61488 contact: Dave Steck home: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335


1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588 Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.

Wright Cattle Co. Leveldale Farms

Scott Horton, Owner


Dale Muck

VI P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 RG IS INIA, ILLINO office: 217-452-3051 cell: 217-341-7552 Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com

Horton farms Shorthorns Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444


Don Cagwin

- Semen: $30/unit

Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363


Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill


shorthorn country = december 2020

7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 •  217-482-3765




7 25 16.

10 18 22

14 15






19 2


24 21 20

Bob and Mark Gordon


1 8

4 18.

1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-737-7159 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com


Get on the map! For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-370-6034 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124 16

This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you?

Rolling Hills Farm



Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns

Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome! The Birch Family Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope

Doug & Rhonda North 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466

22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-232-8366 email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com

Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm 20. 21.






shorthorn country = december 2020


American Royal

Kansas City


American Royal Show Honoree Charlie and Judy Obrecht - O-Dale Farms Charlie’s passion for Shorthorn cattle began in the 1950s with the purchase of two Shorthorn heifers from George Struve and sons Shorthorns in Manning, Iowa. From there, the family has shown the following Shorthorn champions: Champion Steer at the International Livestock Show in Chicago, Champion Steer in Kansas City, Reserve Grand Champion Steer at the San Antonio Livestock Show, Champion Heifer at the American Royal, Champion Steer at Denver, Reserve Champion Heifer at the Nebraska State Fair, two Reserve Grand Champion Heifers at the Iowa State Fair, and two Reserve Grand Champion Bulls at the Iowa State Fair. Charlie served on the Iowa Shorthorn Board of Directors and as the president for two years. He received the Shorthorn award heifer from the Iowa Shorthorn Association and Don Penningroth in 1956. He helped start the Iowa Beef Expo as a member of the Iowa Cattlemens Association Board of Directors. He has been honored twice by the Iowa Shorthorn Board of Directors as the Honorary Breeder at the Beef Expo. Charlie was selected as the Friend of the Iowa Beef Expo in 2010. This would have been the 68th year for Charlie showing Shorthorns at the Iowa State Fair. Charlie was Shelby County Cattlemen President for two years, and served on the Iowa Cattlemens Board of Directors for six years. He has also been a 4-H leader. Today the herd consists of 40 cows owned by Charlie, his two sons Don and Chuck, and the grandchildren. They currently farm about 750 acres of row corp. In the past, he has fed out Shorthorn cattle in the feedlot. For 70 years, he has enjoyed raising and exhibiting Shorthorn cattle throughout the country. Charlie and Judy were unable to attend the American Royal for the award presentation, so his family accepted it on his behalf. Congratulations to O-Dale Farms, Charlie and Judy Obrecht, for being the 2020 American Royal Shorthorn Show Honoree! =


shorthorn country = december 2020

The Obrecht family being presented the show honoree award at the 2020 American Royal by the ASA Board of Directors President, Nancy Grathwohl Heter.

American Royal

Kansas City


National Shorthorn Show 160 head – Judge: Scott Werning, Emery, S.D. by Emily Velisek

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Senior Champion Bull was CF S/F Upper Hand X ET, exhibited by Cates Farms, Simon Farms, & Shoufler Shorthorns. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Intermediate Champion Female was Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G, exhibited by Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.

Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Junior Bull Calf Champion was SS SL Train Station 010, exhibited by Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Reserve Intermediate Champion Female was Bratcher Mona Lisa 932, exhibited by Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind.

On October 22, 2020 Shorthorn enthusiast competed in the National Shorthorn Show at American Royal in Kansas City, MO. Judge Scott Werning of Emery, S.D. evaluated a total of 160 head of quality cattle from top to bottom. 84 purebred females, 16 purebred bulls, 48 ShorthornPlus females and 12 ShorthornPlus bulls were shown. Grand Champion Female honors went to Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G shown by Keagan Steck of Woodstock, Minn. Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G was also named the division Intermediate Champion Female. Bratcher Mona Lisa 932 was named Reserve Grand Champion Female and Reserve Intermediate Champion

Female, exhibited by Abby Bratcher of Elizabeth, Ind. CF S/F Upper Hand X ET claimed the title of Grand Champion Bull, owned by Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind., Simon Farms, Rockford, Ohio and Shoufler Shorthorns, Fortville, Ind. CF S/F Upper Hand came out of the Senior Champion Bull division. Reserve Grand Champion Bull was SS SL Train Station 010 exhibited by Samantha Schrag of Marion, S.D. He was also the Junior Bull Calf Champion. In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET shown by Houston Ferree of Sullivan, Ind. She was also named the Senior Champion Female division winner.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Junior Champion Female was WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET, exhibited by Whitney Walker of Prairie Grove, Ark. SS Southern Comfort 908 claimed the Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull, shown by Schrag Shorthorn Farms of Marion, S.D. SS Southern Comfort 908 was the Junior Champion Bull in division. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Senior Bull Calf Champion was TKA Cash My Check exhibited by Brodie Abney of South Wayne, Wis. Other Champions Include: Open Purebred Female Show Divisions:

shorthorn country = december 2020


American Royal

Kansas City


Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Junior Champion Bull was SS Southern Comfort 908, exhibited by Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Senior Champion Female was SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Senior Bull Calf Champion was TKA Cash My Check, exhibited by Brodie Abney, South Wayne, Wis. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Junior Champion Female was WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET, exhibited by Whitney Walker, Prairie Grove, Ark.

Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Little Cedat Rosette KF 2010, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SS Max Rosa Magic 019 ET, Cash Lehrman, Spencer, S.D. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Steck Chelsie RM 014, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa. Junior Heifer Calf Champion - SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET, Rick Hogue, Newcomerstown, Ohio. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Bergs Ella No Foolin, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa. Junior Champion Female - CF S/F 20

Margie 998 BW X, Skylar Ward, New Paris, Ohio. Reserve Junior Champion Female - BFS Margie LL 950, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn. Senior Champion Female - CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Reserve Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio. Champion Cow/Calf Pair - Little Cedar Felicia 1830 ET, Benjamin Allen. Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Early Spring Bull Calf Champion - Bergs Fireball, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa. Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - AF VF Fast Forward 052 ET, Evan Vanbeusekom, Arlington, S.D. Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - Comptons Justified 11H ET, Jorden Peterson, Stanwood, Iowa. Senior Bull Calf Champion - ASM Maga, Sophia McCune, Benton, Kan.

shorthorn country = december 2020

Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - CFS Ghost Rider 123G, Clark Farms Shorthorns, Pleasantville, Iowa. Junior Champion Bull - Little Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET, Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich. & Enix Farms, LLC, Centennial, Colo. Reserve Junior Champion Bull STAR Tucson GS132G, Starman Cattle, Camp Point, Ill. Reserve Senior Champion Bull Hahn Surprise Me C17F, Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis. & Hahn Family Shorthorns LLC, Minonk, Ill. Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Style’s Love, Taylor Deppe, Bellevue, Iowa. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - KKW Calamity Jane 205 Clover, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

American Royal

Kansas City


Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.

Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Little Cedar Rosette KF 2010, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - SS Max Rosa Magic 019 ET, Cash Lehrman, Spencer, S.D.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Steck Chelsie RM 014, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa.

Junior Heifer Calf Champion - SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET, Rick Hogue, Newcomerstown, Ohio.

Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.

Senior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion Bergs Ella No Foolin, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Reserve Junior Champion Female BFS Margie LL 950, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn. Pictures not available: Junior Champion Female - CF S/F Margie 998 BW X, Skylar Ward, New Paris, Ohio. Senior Champion Female - CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.

Reserve Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio.

Champion Cow/Calf Pair - Little Cedar Felicia 1830 ET, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WGR Chelsie 201H, Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn. Junior Heifer Calf Champion SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - BPuck Black Betty 128, Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, Iowa. Senior Heifer Calf Champion -

LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion - LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Intermediate Champion Female BOY Brandi 987, Abigail Thornton, Amanda, Ohio. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Sangria Reality Red 519, Kadin

Kinder Worthington. Reserve Junior Champion Female - MAV Lulu 917G ET, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa. Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Late Spring Bull Calf Champion -

shorthorn country = december 2020


American Royal

Kansas City


Early Spring Bull Calf Champion - Bergs Fireball, Kaitlyn Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Early Spring Bull Calf Reserve Champion - AF VF Fast Forward 052 ET, Evan Vanbeusekom, Arlington, S.D.

Senior Bull Calf Champion - ASM Maga, Sophia McCune, Benton, Kan.

Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion CFS Ghost Rider 123G, Clark Farms Shorthorns, Pleasantville, Iowa.

Junior Champion Bull - Little Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET, Little Cedar Cattle Co., Beaverton, Mich. & Enix Farms, LLC, Centennial, Colo.

Reserve Junior Champion Bull - STAR Tucson GS132G, Starman Cattle, Camp Point, Ill.

Picture not available: Junior Bull Calf Reserve Champion - Comptons Justified 11H ET, Jorden Peterson, Stanwood, Iowa. Reserve Senior Champion Bull - Hahn Surprise Me C17F, Bright Lights Show Cattle, Beloit, Wis. & Hahn Family Shorthorns LLC, Minonk, Ill.

HCC-1701-Yellowstone Peace Maker, Colton Hulsey, Red Oak, Okla. Senior Bull Calf Reseve Champion - Baker’s Sparklebutt, Kara Lea Baker, Jones, Okla. Intermediate Champion Bull SSRB Mr Black Stuff, Stepping Stone Ranch, Edson, Kan. Reserve Junior Champion Bull H49 Prince H49, Grant Rowley, Chase, Kan. Senior Champion Bull - LDB Premium Reward Apache 911, Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Reserve Senior Champion Bull LLS Redman Too, Luke & Lexi Smith, Lexington, Mo. Open Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) Little Cedar Rosette KF 2010 exhibited by Reagan Jansen; 2) 22

Comptons Foxy Lady 27H ET exhibited by Jorden Peterson; 3) Bergs Spotlight Pride exhibited by Madeline Berg. Late Spring Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) SS Mrytle Bo Bubbly 053 ET exhibited by Mackenlee Evans; 2) AF VF Carrie Janes Girl 059 ET exhibited by Joseph Kramer; 3) Bergs Value Dream Lady exhibited by Kelsey Kuehni. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) AF VF Carrie Jane’s Commodity 056 ET exhibited by Adalynn Vaughn; 2) DAL Mina Star 020 exhibited by Carissa Dalquest; 3) DVW Mirage 430 exhibited by Tyler Mitchell. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Steck Chelsie RM 014 exhibited by Rosemary Thompson; 2) AF VF Ten Queens ET exhibited by Genevieve Kramer; 3) NR Myrtle Bo 459H ET exhibited by Madeline Berg. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6

shorthorn country = december 2020

entries): 1) SS Max Rosa Magic 019 ET exhibited by Cash Lehrman; 2) BWR Jillian exhibited by Makenna Brouwer; 3) DFM Ruthie exhibited by McCall Show Cattle. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET exhibited by Rick Hogue; 2) Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20 exhibited by Benjamin Allen; 3) ASM Sparrow exhibited by Sophia McCune. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) DVW Pretty Perfect 230 exhibited by Megan Keeney; 2) MBEH Miss Ruby’s Poppy ET exhibited by Merideth Behrens; 3) Star Dream Lady GS204H exhibited by Jenna Starmen. Junior Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) Chey Miss Foolin’ 01BM exhibited by Cheyenne Cattle Company; 2) 3H Blossom Joy Maid exhibited by Zachary Word.

ShorthornPlus Females

American Royal

Kansas City


Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Style’s Love, Taylor Deppe, Bellevue, Iowa.

Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - KKW Calamity Jane 205 Clover, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WGR Chelsie 201H, Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.

Junior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.

Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - BPuck Black Betty 128, Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, Iowa.

Senior Heifer Calf Champion - LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

Reserve Senior Heifer Calf Champion - LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Sangria Reality Red 519, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.

Pictures not available: Intermediate Champion Female - BOY Brandi 987, Abigail Thornton, Amanda, Ohio. Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.

Reserve Junior Champion Female - MAV Lulu 917G ET, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa. Winter Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa Smile 9133 BW X exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay; 2) CHB’s Juneflower Reward exhibited by Cade Burke; 3) RSF Glamour Girl 19G exhibited by Kimberly Holland. Senior Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay; 2) C3 Lady Louise exhibited by Conner Unger; 3) CF HHF

Margie 9130 BW X ET exhibited by Abbi Scott. Senior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) Bergs Ella No Foolin exhibited by Lauren Berg; 2) CCR Robin 9953 ET exhibited by Emilee Munchrath; 3) WHR Nan 9915 exhibited by Ty Scott. Summer Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) Bratcher Mona Lisa 932 exhibited by Abby Bratcher; 2) Cash

Farms Harley exhibited by Chole Carlise; 3) LJS SVY Sayvee Livvie 102 exhibited by Savannah Rabe. Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) Bergs Roan Dream Lady exhibited by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) Peakview RGLC Gabriella 901 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 3) Lane’s Foolish Moon 76G exhibited by Kristen Penn. Late Spring Yearling Females –

shorthorn country = december 2020



ShorthornPlus Bulls

American Royal

Kansas City

Late Spring Bull Calf Champion - HCC1701-Yellowstone Peace Maker, Colton Hulsey, Red Oak, Okla.

Senior Bull Calf Reserve Champion Baker’s Sparklebutt, Kara Lea Baker, Jones, Okla.

Intermediate Champion Bull - SSRB Mr Black Stuff, Stepping Stone Ranch, Edson, Kan.

Reserve Junior Champion Bull - H49 Prince H49, Grant Rowley, Chase, Kan.

Senior Champion Bull - LDB Premium Reward Apache 911, Brittany Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

Reserve Senior Champion Bull - LLS Redman Too, Luke & Lexi Smith, Lexington, Mo.

(6 entries): 1) Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G exhibited by Keagan Steck; 2) SS Max Rosa 973 ET exhibited by Samantha Schrag; 3) C3 Suzie Q exhibited by Lilian Unger. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) CF S/F Margie 998 BW X exhibited by Skylar Ward; 2) BFS Margie LL 950 exhibited by Mikayla Wetzel; 3) SS Destiny Best 944 exhibited by Cael Kline. Early Spring Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) TKA Tinker Bell exhibited by Cole Cowan; 2) SULL RFLC Red Rosemary 912 ET exhibited by Bailey Klise. Junior Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET exhibited by Alyssa Carter; 3) BZA Tweety 9001 exhibited by Delanie Erwin. Junior Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) SULL Legand of Bo 9098G ET exhibited by Korbin Collins; 2) LDB Mirage Premium Brave 901 exhibited by Lane Blankinship; 3) WAT Bobby’s Primo Girl 107G exhibited by Abigail Green. Senior Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) Brooklyn’s Cool Cat exhibited by Hannah Dozier; 2) 2G Max Rosa 25F SOL ET exhibited by Jaci Tweeten. Two-Year Old Cow/Calf Pairs – (1

entry): 1) Little Cedar Felecia 1830 ET exhibited by Benjamin Allen. Open Purebred Bull Class Placings: Early Spring Bull Calves – (3 entries): 1) Bergs Fireball exhibited by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) AF VF Fast Forward 052 ET exhibited by Evan Vanbeusekom; 3) MCK Mr. Fluff 4015 exhibited by Molly Kreutzer. Junior Bull Calves – (4 entries): 1) SS SL Train Station 010 exhibited by Samantha Schrag; 2) Comptons Justified 11H ET exhibited by Jorden Peterson; 3) DVW Checkers 210 exhibited Wasinger Cattle Company. Winter Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) DL Waldo exhibited by Kylee Dameron. Senior Bull Calves – (3 entries): 1) ASM Maga exhibited by Sophia McCune; 2) CFS Ghost Rider 123G exhibited by Clark Farms Shorthorns; 3) LLS King Ivory QHC exhibited by Luke & Lexi Smith. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) Little Cedar Worldwide 1979 ET exhibited by Little Cedar Cattle Co. & Enix Farms LLC. Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) STAR Tucson GS192G exhibited by Starman Cattle. Two-Year Old Bulls – (3 entries): 1) CF S/F Upper Hand X ET exhibited by Cates Farms, Simon Farms & Shoufler Shorthorns; 2) Hahn Surprise Me C17F

exhibited by Bright Lights Show Cattle & Hahn Family Shorthorns LLC. Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) Style’s Love exhibited by Taylor Deppe; 2) KKW Calamity Jane 205 Clover exhibited by Kadin Worthington; 3) TCC Wyoming Wind 206 exhibited by Kadin Worthington. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 entries): 1) Peakview Phat Lies 2003 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 2) Peakview Ain’t Lyin’ 2004 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 3) M/F JG Blue Augusta FF 39H exhibited by Shane Carlise. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET exhibited by Allyssa Obrecht; 2) WGR Chelsie 201H exhibited Hannah Wetzel; 3) BZA Amie 0003 exhibited by Blazin A Shorthorns. Junior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) BPuck Black Betty 128 exhibited by Makenna Brouwer; 2) CMA Advanced Evolution exhibited by Abigail Green; 3) Charleighs Willow 214H exhibited by Charleigh Barnes. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET exhibited by Makenna Hoppa; 2) Miss Star Knite 203 Miley exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington; 3) RTW Betty


shorthorn country = december 2020

Shorthorn Country

February 2021

Due 10/19


Due 11/9



Due 11/2

24 Due 11/3

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Due 10/27

Cattlemen’s Congress Junior Shows & Open ShorthornPlus Show


Due 10/26

Due 10/20


‘The Summit’ National Shorthorn Sale

Due 10/13



Cattlemen’s Congress Pen Show

2020 WHR Assessment regular fees apply ($20)

Due 10/12


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Due 10/21

Due 10/14



Due 11/4

Due 10/28

Cattlemen’s Congress Open Shorthorn Show







Due 11/5

Due 10/29

Due 10/22

Due 10/15





Due 11/6

Due 10/30

Due 10/23

Due 10/16





December 2020

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January 2021 Due 10/10





Due 11/7

Due 10/31

Due 10/24

Due 10/17

New Year’s Day

ASA Office Closed

ASA 2021 Membership Due



Due 10/18

Due 10/11




Due 11/8

Due 11/1

Due 10/25

2020 WHR Assessment deadline for early discount fee ($16)




Due 11/23


Due 12/7


TOC breeder status ends if membership is not paid.

Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59 p.m. CT if not paid

2021 WHR Assessment deadline for regular fee ($20)

Due 11/30


Valentine’s Day

Due 11/16




Due 11/24


Due 11/11

Due 11/25

Due 11/18














Due 12/4

Due 11/27

Due 11/20

Due 11/13


Due 12/3

Due 11/26

Due 11/19

Due 11/12


Due 12/2

Funding the Future Online Sale - Junior Fundraiser on amsonlinesales.com



Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Kathryn, N.D.



Due 12/1

President’s Day

Due 11/17

Due 11/10




February 2021

Due 12/6

Due 11/29

Due 11/22

Due 11/15

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

March 2021

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31






January 2021 1 2

Due 12/5

Due 11/28

Due 11/21

Due 11/14


Due 12/21


Due 1/4


Due 12/8

Due 12/29

Due 1/5


Due 12/22



Due 12/15


Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Private Treaty Sale Mason City, Ill.

Late fees incur for 2021 WHR Assessment ($25)



Due 12/28


Daylight Saving Time Begins

Due 12/14



Due 12/16

Due 12/9




Due 1/6

Due 12/30

Due 12/23

14th Annual Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Moose Jaw, SK









Due 1/7

Due 12/31

St. Patrick’s Day

Due 12/24

Due 12/17

Due 12/10










Due 1/1

Due 12/25

Due 12/18

Due 12/11


March 2021 Due 12/13

Due 1/3

Due 12/27

Due 12/20

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

April 2021

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28




Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Pawnee Rock, Kan.



February 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6

Due 1/2

Due 12/26

Due 12/19

Due 12/12


May 2021

Due 1/18

Due 1/25

Due 2/1





Due 1/11

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Due 1/26

Due 2/2


Due 1/19

Due 1/12




Due 1/13



Due 2/3

Due 1/27

Due 1/20

AJSA Junior National Online Sale Fundraiser on amsonlinesales.com







Due 2/4

Due 1/28

Due 1/21

Due 1/14




March 2021

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31








Tax Day

Due 2/5

Due 1/29

Due 1/22

Due 1/15

Due 1/8


April 2021






Due 2/6

Due 1/30

Due 1/23

Due 1/16

ASA Office Closed Good Friday

Due 1/9


Due 1/17

Due 1/10



Due 1/31

Due 1/24

AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline




June 2021

Due 2/15


Due 2/22

Due 3/1

Due 3/8




Mother’s Day

Due 2/8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Due 3/2


Memorial Day

ASA Office Closed

Due 3/9

Due 2/23

Due 2/16



Due 2/9







Due 3/3

Due 2/24

Due 2/17

Due 2/10





Due 3/4

Due 2/25

Due 2/18

Due 2/11





Due 3/5

Due 2/26

Due 2/19

Due 2/12









April 2021

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May 2021

Due 3/6

Due 2/27

Due 2/20

Due 2/13


Due 2/7

Due 2/21




Due 3/7

Due 2/28

Junior National Late Entry Deadline

Due 2/14


Junior National Entry & Ownership Deadline Online Entries Only

AJSA Scholarship Application Deadline



28 Due 4/6

Due 3/30

Due 3/23



Due 3/16



Due 4/5

Due 3/29



Due 3/22


Father’s Day

Due 3/15



Due 3/31

Due 3/24

Due 3/17

Due 3/10


Due 4/7

Junior Nationals, Louisville, KY











Due 4/8

Due 4/1

Due 3/25

Due 3/18

Due 3/11










Due 4/2

Due 3/26

Due 3/19

Due 3/12


June 2021

Due 4/4

Due 3/28

Due 3/21

Due 3/14

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July 2021

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May 2021 1

Due 4/3

Due 3/27

Due 3/20

Due 3/13


August 2021

Due 4/19

Due 4/26

Due 5/3




Independence Day

Due 4/12

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Due 4/27

Due 5/4


Due 4/20

Due 4/13








Due 5/5

Due 4/28

Due 4/21

Due 4/14





Due 5/6

Due 4/29

Due 4/22

Due 4/15




June 2021

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Due 5/7

Due 4/30

Due 4/23

Due 4/16

Due 4/9

The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference Washington, D.C.







July 2021






Due 5/8

Due 5/1

Due 4/24

Due 4/17

Due 4/10







Due 5/9

Due 5/2

Due 4/25

Due 4/18

Due 4/11


Due 5/10

Due 5/24

Due 5/31

Due 6/7



29 Due 6/8

30 31


Due 6/9

Due 6/2

Due 5/26

ASA Fiscal Year Ends Registrations for Century Club Deadline

Due 6/1


Due 5/25


Due 5/19

Due 5/12




NCBA Convention & Trade Show Nashville, Tenn.

Due 5/18

Due 5/11


Delegate Election Ballots mailed to members in good standing




Due 5/17


The Summit IGS Youth Leadership Conference Washington, D.C.







Due 5/21

Due 5/14







Due 6/4

Due 5/28

NCBA Convention & Trade Show Nashville, Tenn.




Due 6/3

Due 5/27

Due 5/20

Due 5/13


August 2021

July 2021

Due 6/6

Due 5/30

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Fall Harvest Shorthorn Production Sale Columbus, Neb.

26 Due 7/6

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Labor Day

Due 6/29


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ASA Office Closed

Due 6/15



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Delegate Election Ballots due back in ASA office









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September 2021





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October 2021

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Shadybrook Farm “Decades of Excellence” Production Sale, West Brome, Quebec, Canada




August 2021 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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November 2021

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Columbus Day

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October 2021






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Due 7/10


Due 7/11

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Due 8/1

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Due 7/18

Leveldale Investment Sale Mason City, Ill.





Greenhorn Cattle Co “Where Great Females Make a Difference” Waynesville, Ohio



Due 8/16

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Due 8/30

Due 9/6




Daylight Saving Time Ends


SUNDAY Due 8/10

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WHR Inventories for 2022 sent to members








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Due 8/22

Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durham Nation” Kathryn, N.D.




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December 2021

October 2021 1 2

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Thanksgiving Day

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Veterans Day

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November 2021

January 2022

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December 2021






Christmas Day

New Year’s Eve

ASA Office Closed

Due 10/9

ASA Office Closed

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Due 9/12

Christmas Eve






ASA Office Closed

Due 10/2

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Due 9/11


Due Date

October 10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31 November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9

November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 November 17 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 21 November 22 November 23 November 24 November 25 November 26 November 27 November 28 November 29 November 30 December 1 December 2 December 3 December 4 December 5 December 6 December 7

Date of Service

January 1 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7 January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31

February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6 February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28

April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30

March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9 March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31

Date of Service

January 8 January 9 January 10 January 11 January 12 January 13 January 14 January 15 January 16 January 17 January 18 January 19 January 20 January 21 January 22 January 23 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 27 January 28 January 29 January 30 January 31 February 1 February 2 February 3 February 4 February 5 February 6

December 8 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 December 13 December 14 December 15 December 16 December 17 December 18 December 19 December 20 December 21 December 22 December 23 December 24 December 25 December 26 December 27 December 28 December 29 December 30 December 31 January 1 January 2 January 3 January 4 January 5 January 6 January 7

Due Date

June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9 June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 30

May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31

Date of Service

March 10 March 11 March 12 March 13 March 14 March 15 March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 March 20 March 21 March 22 March 23 March 24 March 25 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March 31 April 1 April 2 April 3 April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8

February 7 February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 18 February 19 February 20 February 21 February 22 February 23 February 24 February 25 February 26 February 27 February 28 March 1 March 2 March 3 March 4 March 5 March 6 March 7 March 8 March 9

Due Date

August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 6 August 7 August 8 August 9 August 10 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31

July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 31

Date of Service

May 10 May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 6 June 7 June 8 June 9

April 9 April 10 April 11 April 12 April 13 April 14 April 15 April 16 April 17 April 18 April 19 April 20 April 21 April 22 April 23 April 24 April 25 April 26 April 27 April 28 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9

Due Date June 10 June 11 June 12 June 13 June 14 June 15 June 16 June 17 June 18 June 19 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 23 June 24 June 25 June 26 June 27 June 28 June 29 June 30 July 1 July 2 July 3 July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 July 15 July 16 July 17 July 18 July 19 July 20 July 21 July 22 July 23 July 24 July 25 July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 6 August 7 August 8 August 9

October 1 October 2 October 3 October 4 October 5 October 6 October 7 October 8 October 9 October 10 October 11 October 12 October 13 October 14 October 15 October 16 October 17 October 18 October 19 October 20 October 21 October 22 October 23 October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28 October 29 October 30 October 31

Due Date

September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4 September 5 September 6 September 7 September 8 September 9 September 10 September 11 September 12 September 13 September 14 September 15 September 16 September 17 September 18 September 19 September 20 September 21 September 22 September 23 September 24 September 25 September 26 September 27 September 28 September 29 September 30

Date of Service

Table showing when calf is due from a given date of service. Based on 283 days of pregnancy.

Gestation Table

December 1 December 2 December 3 December 4 December 5 December 6 December 7 December 8 December 9 December 10 December 11 December 12 December 13 December 14 December 15 December 16 December 17 December 18 December 19 December 20 December 21 December 22 December 23 December 24 December 25 December 26 December 27 December 28 December 29 December 30 December 31

November 1 November 2 November 3 November 4 November 5 November 6 November 7 November 8 November 9 November 10 November 11 November 12 November 13 November 14 November 15 November 16 November 17 November 18 November 19 November 20 November 21 November 22 November 23 November 24 November 25 November 26 November 27 November 28 November 29 November 30

Date of Service

September 9 September 10 September 11 September 12 September 13 September 14 September 15 September 16 September 17 September 18 September 19 September 20 September 21 September 22 September 23 September 24 September 25 September 26 September 27 September 28 September 29 September 30 October 1 October 2 October 3 October 4 October 5 October 6 October 7 October 8 October 9

August 10 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 September 1 September 2 September 3 September 4 September 5 September 6 September 7 September 8

Due Date



Names & Addresses

Special Events




Internet Addresses






Important Phone Numbers

Items to Remember Telephone

2021 Calendar 2022 Calendar

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JUNE 2022

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JUNE 2021

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JULY 2022

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MARCH 2022

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JULY 2021

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MARCH 2021

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APRIL 2022

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APRIL 2021

Shorthorn Country JANUARY 2021

MAY 2021

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MAY 2022

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SEPTEMBER 2022 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

American Royal 0120 exhibited by Tori Allen. Winter Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship; 2) DOZR Roses Redemption exhibited by Hannah Dozier; 3) R-C RC BRCC Cinderella Style ET exhibited by Cameron Bryant. Senior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET exhibited by Addison Obrecht; 2) SULL Dew The Max 9812G ET exhibited by Hank Hanza; 3) MATG Black Rose Lady 7980G exhibited by Jentri Reamy. Summer Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) DTR Black Witch 9082 exhibited by Ryder Heter; 2) GCS Lassie ET exhibited by Kara Lea Baker. Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) BOY Brandi 987 exhibited by Abigail Thronton; 2) Sangria Reality Red 5195 exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington; 3) Primo’s Joy 1915 exhibited by Logan Miller. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET exhibited by Whitney Walker; 2) MAV Lulu 917G ET exhibited by Reagan Jansen; 3) AF Playful Cait 1916 ET Exhibited by Carter Kornegay. Junior Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET exhibited by Houston Ferree; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis; 3) LH Miss Maybelline 0219 exhibited by L H Show Cattle. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) TRN Margie Mo ET exhibited by Charlie T Sutherland IV. Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) HCC_1701-Yellowstone Peace Maker exhibited by Colton Hulsey.

Winter Bull Calves – (2 entries): 1) TKA Cash My Check exhibited by Brodie Abney; 2) Baker’s Sparklebutt exhibited by Kara Lea Baker. Senior Bull Calves – (1 entry): 1) LLS Jazzy’s Bro exhibited by Lexi & Luke Smith. Late Spring Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) SSRB Mr Black Stuff exhibited by Stepping Stone Ranch. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – (2 entries): 1) H49 Prince H49 exhibited by Grant Rowley; 2) LLS HC’s Hawkeye exhibited by Luke & Lexi Smith.

Kansas City


Junior Yearling Bulls – (1 entry): 1) SS Southern Comfort 908 exhibited Schrag Shorthorn Farms. Senior Yearling Bulls – (3 entries): 1) LDB Premium Reward Apache exhibited by Brittany Blankinship; 2) Fieser’s Hoss exhibited by Dayson Cash & Fieser’s Polled Shorthorns; 3) 3H Espresso 83477 exhibited by Zachary Word. Two-Year Old Bulls – (1 entry): 1) LLS Redman Too exhibited by Luke & Lexi Smith. = Candids by Legacy Livestock Imaging

shorthorn country = december 2020


American Royal

Kansas City


Junior Shorthorn Show

114 head – Judge: Chris Cassady, Ankeny, Iowa by Emily Velisek

Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Senior Champion Female was CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET, exhibited by Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Junior Champion Female was CF S/F Margie 998 BW X, exhibited by Skylar Ward, New Paris, Ohio.

Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Senior Champion Female was SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Reserve Senior Champion Female was CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET, exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.

On October 22, 2020 Shorthorn junior exhibitors competed at the American Royal in Kansas City, Mo. Judge Chris Cassady from Ankeny, Iowa sorted a total of 114 junior females with 72 being Purebred and 42 being ShorthornPlus. Grand Champion Female honors went to CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET exhibited by Miller Smith of Pendleton, Ind. She was also the Senior Champion Female division winner. CF S/F Margie 998 BW X was named Reserve Grand Champion Female and Junior Champion Female, exhibited by Skylar Ward of New Paris, Ohio. In the ShorthornPlus show, Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET shown by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind. She was also named the ShorthornPlus Senior Champion Female division winner. 54

Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and ShorthornPlus Reserve Senior Champion Female was CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis of Bowling Green, Ohio. Other Champions Include: Junior Purebred Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Bergs Spotlight Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Armstrong Felecia 2020, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - BWR Jillian, Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, Iowa. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Steck Chelsie RM 014, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa.

shorthorn country = december 2020

Junior Heifer Calf Champion - Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20, Benjamin Allen. Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - STAR Dream Lady GS204H, Jenna Starman, Camp Point, Ill. Senior Heifer Calf Champion SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Bergs Ella No Foolin, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa. Intermediate Champion Female Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - SS Max Rosa 973 ET, Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D. Reserve Junior Champion Female - BFS Margie LL 950, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.

American Royal

Kansas City


Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - Bergs Spotlight Pride, Madeline Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Armstrong Felecia 2020, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - BWR Jillian, Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, Iowa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - Steck Chelsie RM 014, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa.

Junior Heifer Calf Champion - Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20, Benjamin Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.

Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - STAR Dream Lady GS204H, Jenna Starman, Camp Point, Ill.

Senior Heifer Calf Champion - SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET, Cyrus Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.

Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion Bergs Ella No Foolin, Lauren Berg, Osage, Iowa.

Intermediate Champion Female - Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.

Reserve Junior Champion Female BFS Margie LL 950, Mikayla Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.

Reserve Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio.

Clover, Kadin Kinder Worthington. Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan Iowa. Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WGR Chelsie 201H, Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn. Junior Heifer Calf Champion BPuck Black Betty 128, Makenna Brouwer.

Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - CMA Advanced Evolution, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa. Senior Heifer Calf Champion - LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla. Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Intermediate Champion Female -

Picture not available: Reserve Intermediate Champion Female SS Max Rosa 973 ET, Samantha Schrag, Marion, S.D.

Reserve Senior Champion Female - CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET, Alyssa Carter, Oregonia, Ohio. Junior ShorthornPlus Female Show Divisions: Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion - TCC Wyoming Win 206, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla. Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - KKW Calamity Jane 205

shorthorn country = december 2020


ShorthornPlus Females

American Royal

Kansas City


Late Spring Heifer Calf Champion TCC Wyoming Win 206, Kadin Kinder Worthington, El Reno, Okla.

Late Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - KKW Calamity Jane 205 Clover, Kadin Kinder Worthington.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Champion - CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan Iowa.

Early Spring Heifer Calf Reserve Champion - WGR Chelsie 201H, Hannah Wetzel, Faribault, Minn.

Junior Heifer Calf Champion - BPuck Black Betty 128, Makenna Brouwer, Aplington, Iowa.

Junior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion CMA Advanced Evolution, Abigail Green, State Center, Iowa.

Senior Heifer Calf Champion - LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.

Senior Heifer Calf Reserve Champion LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET, Addison Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.

Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Primo’s Joy 1915, Logan Miller, Stroud, Okla.

Pictures not available: Intermediate Champion Female - BOY Brandi 987, Abigail Thornton, Amanda, Ohio. Junior Champion Female - WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET, Whitney Walker, Prairie Grove, Ark. Reserve Junior Champion Female - MAV Lulu 917G ET, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa.

BOY Brandi 987, Abigail Thornton, Amanda, Ohio. Reserve Intermediate Champion Female - Primo’s Joy 1915, Logan Miller, Stroud, Okla. Junior Champion Female - WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET, Whitney Walker, Prairie Grove, Ark. Reserve Senior Champion Female 56

- MAV Lulu 917G ET, Reagan Jansen, Hull, Iowa. Junior Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Bergs Spotlight Pride exhibited by Madeline Berg; 2) Comptons Foxy Lady 27H ET exhibited by Jorden Peterson; 3) BAAL Longing

shorthorn country = december 2020

For Magic ET exhibited by Peyton Ballman. Late Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Armstrong Felecia 2020 exhibited by Benjamin Allen; 2) Bergs Value Dream Lady exhibited by Kelsey Kuehni; 3) AF VF Carrie Janes Girl 059 ET exhibited by Joseph Kramer. Early Spring Heifer Calves –

American Royal (2 entries): 1) AF VF Carrie Jane’s Commodity 056 ET exhibited by Adalynn Vaughn; 2) DAL Mina Star 020 exhibited by Carissa Dalquest. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Steck Chelsie RM 014 exhibited by Rosemary Thompson; 2) AF VF Ten Queens ET exhibited by Genevieve Kramer; 3) TRNR Miss Divine 380 exhibited by Owen Bailey. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) BWR Jillian exhibited by Makenna Brouwer; 2) C3 Roxanne exhibited by Lilian Unger; 3) DAE Tess exhibited by Gus Erwin. Junior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) Little Cedar WF Cumberland 20 exhibited by Benjamin Allen; 2) ASM Sparrow exhibited by Sophia McCune; 3) Peakview Kaitlyn 47020 exhibited by Kaden Maes. Junior Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) Star Dream Lady GS204H exhibited by Jenna Starman; 2) MBEH Miss Ruby’s Poppy ET exhibited by Merideth Behrens; 3) RGLC Miss Lucy 023 ET exhibited by Dayson Cash. Winter Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa Smile 9133 BW X exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay; 2) RSF Glamour Girl 19G exhibited by Kimberly Holland; 3) TCC Savannah 201 Sweetheart exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington. Senior Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) SULL Red Crystal 9850G ET exhibited by Cyrus Kornegay; 2) CF HHF Margie 9130 BW X ET exhibited by Abbi Scott; 3) C3 Lady Louise exhibited by Conner Unger. Senior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) Bergs Ella No Foolin exhibited by Lauren Berg; 2) CCR Robin 9953 ET exhibited by Emilee Munchrath; 3) WHR Nan 9915 exhibited by Ty Scott. Summer Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) Bratcher Mona Lisa 932 exhibited by Abby Bratcher; 2) DTR JCC Ruby 9086 exhibited by Josie Heter; 3) Cash-Farms Harley exhibited by Chloe Carlisle. Late Spring Yearling Females – (5 entries): 1) Bergs Roan Dream Lady exhibited by Kaitlyn Berg; 2) Peakview RGLC Gabriella 901 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 3) Lane’s Foolish Moon 76G exhibited by Kristen Penn. Late Spring Yearling Females – (7 entries): 1) Steck WSCC Chelsie HC 911G exhibited by Keagan Steck; 2) SS Max Rosa 973 ET exhibited by Samantha Schrag; 3) C3 Suzie Q exhibited by Lilian Unger. Early Spring Yearling Females – (4

entries): 1) CF S/F Margie 998 BW X exhibited by Skylar Ward; 2) BFS Margie LL 950 exhibited by Mikayla Wetzel; 3) SS Destiny Best 944 exhibited by Cael Kline. Early Spring Yearling Females – (3 entries): 1) TKA Tinker Bell exhibited by Cole Cowan; 2) KL Mina Early Star exhibited by Josie Heter; 3) SULL RFLC Red Rosemary 912 ET exhibited by Bailey Klise. Junior Yearling Females – (7 entries): 1) CF V8 Mona Lisa 935 SOL X ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) CF CSF Demi 930 HC X ET exhibited by Alyssa Carter; 3) JCB Carmele PR 9B01 exhibited by Macy Koch. Junior Yearling Females – (4 entries): 1) SULL Legand of Bo 9098G ET exhibited by Korbin Collins; 2) C3 Lace exhibited by Kaden Stroup; 3) LDB Mirage Premium Brave 901 exhibited by Lane Blankinship. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) Brooklyn’s Cool Cat exhibited by Hannah Dozier. Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) TCC Wyoming Wind 206 exhibited by Kadin Worthington; 2) KKW Calamity Jane 205 Clover exhibited by Kadin Worthington; 3) BAAL Red Rona exhibited by Shaylee Baalman. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 entries): 1) Peakview Ain’t Lyin’ 2004 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 2) Peakview Phat Lies 2003 ET exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 3) M/F JG Blue Augusta FF 39H exhibited by Shane Carlisle. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) CSF Lady Crystal 2112 ET exhibited by Allyssa Obrecht; 2) WGR Chelsie 201H exhibited by Hannah Wetzel; 3) AF VF Rosie 058 exhibited by Adalynn Vaughn. Junior Heifer Calves – (2 entries): 1) BPuck Black Betty 128 exhibited by Makenna Brouwer; 2) CMA Advanced Evolution exhibited by Abigail Green. Junior Heifer Calves – (4 entries): 1) RTW Betty 0120 exhibited by Tori Allen; 2) SFF Augusta Pride 001 B exhibited by Abigail Green; 3) Miss Star Knite 203 Miley exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington. Winter Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship; 2) Peakview Catalyst 219 exhibited by Gabriella Leone; 3) DOZR Roses Redemption exhibited by Hannah Dozier.

Kansas City


Senior Heifer Calves – (3 entries): 1) LWFS Lady Crystal P 1929 ET exhibited by Addison Obrecht; 2) SULL Dew The Max 9812G ET exhibited by Hank Hanza; 3) MATG Black Rose Lady 7980G exhibited by Jentri Reamy. Summer Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) GCS Lassie ET exhibited by Kara Lea Baker; 2) DTR Black Witch 9082 exhibited by Ryder Heter. Late Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) BOY Brandi 987 exhibited by Abigail Thornton; 2) Primo’s Joy 1915 exhibited by Logan Miller; 3) Sangria Reality Red 519 exhibited by Kadin Kinder Worthington. Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 entries): 1) WSCC Steck Chelsie 930G ET exhibited by Whitney Walker; 2) MAV Lulu 917G ET exhibited by Reagan Jansen; 3) AF Playful Cait 1916 ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay. Junior Yearling Females – (2 entries): 1) SULL Wild Prime 9005G ET exhibited by Houston Ferree; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa 934 Primo ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis. Senior Yearling Females – (1 entry): 1) TRN Margie Mo ET exhibited by Charlie T Sutherland IV. = Candids by Legacy Livestock Imaging

shorthorn country = december 2020


Junior Corner

Kendall ajsa Nelson director


Closing a Roller Coaster of a Year Wow! It is hard to believe that 2020 is already ending. What a year it has been! If you’re reading this, you have survived a whirlwind of a year, and show season as well. It is definitely special that our breed was able to gather in Abilene with such “normal” circumstances. Granted things are going to be different in the future, but the one thing that will remain the same is the agricultural sector and the beef industry. These industries have the drive to push through these unprecedented times. They turn the negative into positive and come together like family to make things happen. As I write this, people are prepping for NAILE, an event where people pulled together to make it happen. Or you might be preparing to go to the

replacement of National Western Stock Show in Oklahoma City. Whichever it may be, people cared and worked hard to make it happen, and it is important to enjoy every opportunity you get to step into the ring! I can assure you lots of people on either side of the gate have worked hard to get the show to happen or get you there. Always remember to say thank you, and as 2020 showed us, enjoy the moments! I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a Merry Christmas! Thank you to each and every one of you who supports the Shorthorn breed and the Shorthorn youth. I look forward to seeing you down the road! Stay Safe! =

Deck the Stalls Extravaganza Sale Date to Be Determined

We will be hosting the AJSA Deck the Stalls Fundraiser at a future date. We will be sharing updates of auction items on the AJSA Facebook page. Below is just a few of the great items that will be available! If you have any questions, contact Shelby - shelby@ shorthorn.org.


shorthorn country = december 2020

Junior Board President :: Lexi Wetzel Vice President :: Gabriella Leone Secretary :: Allyssa Obrecht Public Relations :: Korbin Collins Director :: Kendall Nelson Director :: Tayler Bacon Director :: Faye Smith Director :: Miller Smith Director :: Colton Hulsey

Upcoming Junior Nationals 2021 • Louisville, KY June 20-26, 2021

2022 • Kansas City, KS 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • TBA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *

Words of Advice

Enjoy every moment you step in the ring, enjoy the celebration and the defeat. Before you know it, you will be aging out. Your show heifers will be old cows. Being able to look back on the friendships, family moments and highlights of your career is something that will stay with you forever!

Investing in the Future The Shorthorn Youth Development Fund (SYDF) was established in 2020 to provide financial support that will sustain and expand excellent programming to develop Shorthorn youth as cattle producers and responsible, productive citizens. Since we started our new fundraising program many breeders have donated lots in their sales to become part of the Shorthorn Royal Society. On October 3 during the ‘Where Great Females Make a Difference’ sale, Greenhorn Cattle Co., Turner Family Shorthorns and Double C Farm sold 3 sexed embryos - SULL Red Knight 2030 ET x GCC Turners Margie 542 E ET for $2,400 and donated 100% of the proceeds to the SYDF. The embryos were purchased by Rick Leone of Colorado. Jester Farms hosted an online sale on October 6 and donated 100% of five units of semen on SFF Booster. The semen was purchased for a total of $75

by Kyle Buckley. On October 10, Schrag 605 of South Dakota hosted their annual ‘Family Event’ sale and donated 100% of four sexed heifer embryos to the SYDF. The Little Cedar Aviator 503X and CYT Missing Mirage 2120 ET embyros sold for a total of $3,200 to Cornerstone Farms of Indiana. During the Heart of the Prairie Sale, sale on October 17, Crow Creek Farms of Oklahoma donated 100% of a semen package of champions. They sold ten units of each bull; TJH Bo’s Maxim H7, Lucas CCF Route 66 and AF Double Wide semen. The package sold for $950 to Dale Heisler and Don Ferguson of Oklahoma. During their sale on October 18, Narrow Brook Farms of Michigan donated three units of NBS Low Rider 42W ET. The 100% donation sold for a total of $775 to Francisco Family Shorthorns of Michigan.

On October 18, Aegerter Cattle Company, Nebraska, made a donation in the Lasting Impressions sale. They donated four conventional embryos, the donor dam was AA Lady Cornerstone 1L. The sire of two embryos was JSF Broker 157Z and the other two were sired by JSF Wall Street 106C. The donation lot was purchased for $2,100 by Brian Nethers of Ohio. Alden Farms, Missouri, donated 100 % of four sexed heifer embryos in their sale on October 24. The SULL Current Commodity x AF Playful Cait 902 embryos sold for a total of $4,000 to Don Ferguson of Oklahoma. Thank you to all the October donors and buyers for your support of the SYDF. We appreciate your commitment to the future of the breed! For more information on how you can provide support, email shelby@ shorthorn.org or visit shorthorn.org. =

Shorthorn Royal Society Members Diamond: $5,000+ Ruby: $2,500 - $4,999

Alden Farms :: Cates Farms :: Little Cedar Cattle Co. :: Schrag 605


Royal Society

Emerald: $1,000 - $2,499 Aegerter Cattle Company :: Fred Ripberger :: Smith Family Farms :: Paint Valley Farms

Sapphire: Less than $1,000 Cornerstone Farms :: Berg Shorthorns :: Shoufler Shorthorns :: Tadmore Farms :: Greenhorn Cattle Co. :: Turner Family Shorthorns :: Double C Farm :: Crow Creek Farms :: Narrow Brook Farms :: Jester Farms

shorthorn country = december 2020


News & Notes Farewells Ernest Henry Esau, August 3, 1933 - October 26, 2020. From the family of Ernie Esau: Remembering Dad. Ernie came into the world August 3, 1933 in Central Butte Saskatchewan, much to the delight of parents Henry & Katarina Esau and his four older sisters (Kay1926, Lydia1929, Hilda1930, Elsie1931). The sisters finally had a little brother since Henry & Katarina’s first child John had died as an infant in Russia1925. If Ernie’s older sisters and youngest sister Paulette had known how much teasing & trouble that he and brothers Henry1935 & Alvin1936 would bring with them, it would have tempered their enthusiasm. Trying to earn a living on a farm in Saskatchewan during the Great Depression was extremely challenging with a lot of hard work and often not much to show for it. What little did grow from the dust was usually devoured by clouds of grasshoppers long before it was ready for harvest. While Dad claimed to be “educated in Central Butte School” the reality was that he didn’t spend a lot of time in it. As the oldest boy in the family he was often needed at home and spent more time doing farm work than he ever did on schoolwork. He would often talk about the horsepower it took to work the fields (literal horses—5 horses to pull a plough, 6 horses for harrowing). Dad was responsible for looking after the various animals they owned—pigs, cows, horses, cats and dogs. His love for animals grew with age and while in later years it was clear that Dad was primarily in the cattle business, we kids knew that he was also part “zoo keeper” and over the years brought home a wide assortment of animals, from donkeys and four horned sheep to peacocks, pheasants, guinea hens, Canada geese, and a pet racoon we named Ralph.


During the war years and the depression in Saskatchewan, Dad remembered the rationing. A coupon was needed to purchase sugar, the government dictated the size of tractor you could own, and the generous people of Nova Scotia sent their beloved codfish, which dad remembered most because he thought it tasted “disgusting”. In 1943 the Esau family moved from Central Butte to the Manitoba town of Elm Creek. All nine members of the Esau family squeezed into their 1929 Nash car, while their animals and furniture made the trek by train in a boxcar. They settled onto a farm only ½ mile west of the cemetery where he will be buried with his beloved wife of 58 years, Irma who predeceased him Dec. 10, 2013. Dad went to school in Elm Creek but as the oldest boy in the family he quit in grade 10 to help his dad on the farm fulltime. Since Ernie always preferred farm work to schoolwork it was a transition he seemed happy to make. 1952 was an eventful year for Ernie in many ways. That was the year he bought his first two Shorthorn heifers, marking the start of what eventually became a lifelong career in the cattle business. Four years later, he and Irma would official register the name Ernmore FarmsMay 4,1956 and in June last year2019 his lifelong contributions and achievements in the cattle business were officially recognized with his induction into the Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame. 1952 was also spiritually significant for it was the year Ernie was baptized as a follower of Jesus and joined the Elm Creek Mennonite Brethren Church. Ernie and Irma were married in that same church three years later.May28,1955 They served faithfully in that church for many years until they retired and moved to Carman. The Friends Community Church in Carman welcomed them with open arms. While Dad bought his first two cattle in 1952, he had to find work to support himself. His first paying job was digging trenches by hand for the Manitoba Telephone System—he lasted one day

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and then quit since, as he put it, “My life was too valuable for that.” He preferred farm work and after working that fall for Scotty Sisson and John Lepp he went on a six week trip to B.C. with his friends Cornie Froese and Art Klassen. Upon his return, he worked for a year at the Brandon Mental Institution (1953-1954) and a year at the Mental Hospital in Selkirk (19541955). It was while working in Selkirk that he won a sweepstake worth $595. That was a lot of money back in 1955, enough for the newlyweds to go on a honeymoon to Clear Lake and buy what they needed for their home. By the time the kids started coming along Ernie & Irma had moved to what the locals called “the old Bob Christie place”. It became the home where they raised their kids Judy1956, Liz1957, Jim1959, Sandi1962, Marilyn1963, and David1966. For the first 10 years the only running water that they had, as Dad recalled, “was when Irma carried it in from the cistern.” In 1966 Ernie & Irma bought a house in Sperling, MB which they had moved onto the farm. Complete with real running water and a flush toilet, they felt they “were really king and queen of the castle.” They eventually built their dream home and new farmstead four miles west of Elm Creek where they lived and farmed for 30 years before retiring to Carman in 2012.April For much of his life Dad was an active leader. Locally, his leadership roles included that of Sunday School Superintendent at church, a long-time leader in the 4-H Club as well as serving on the boards overseeing the local Co-Op, Credit Union, Boyne Lodge and Cemetery as well as serving a term on the Municipal Council. He also accepted the call to serve on provincial and national boards for the Shorthorn, Charolais, and Maine Anjou Associations. In 1959 Dad started taking the best of his cattle to the summer fairs as a way of advertising them and meeting others in the cattle business. It became the place he met his lifelong friend Einard Sigurdson and mentors like Sid Coulthard and Dr. Martin Nolds. Dad always said the most

satisfying part of the cattle business was the wonderful people he met along the road. Preparing for the show circuit each year meant every spring we were busy halter breaking cattle and every summer we were washing and grooming them to look their best for show time. It was a lot of extra work but over the years the prize money helped pay the bills and the national championships helped promote the business in Canada and the United States. When people at the fairs would ask Dad who his partners in the business were his answer was always the same, “My wife and kids are…I could never do it without them.” In later years he was often heard to say, “I’ve got a good family don’t you think?” By the way the only correct response to that question was, “YES”. Whenever Dad got away from the farm it was usually in order to go fishing with his good friend Harry Trumbla or hunting for some prize game to fill the freezer and mount on the wall at home. The antlers were especially handy for hanging hats. Dad’s prized hunting skills also meant he was often called on to help with local pest control—be it eradicating skunks from a chicken coop or beavers who’d been conducting unauthorized loging on the local golf course. Even when they retired

to Carmen, Dad was sure to keep his pest control skills well honed. Some of our favorite outings as kids were going fishing with Dad at Dauphin River and Grand Rapids. In later years he took many of the grandkids out to the Red River to catch giant catfish and to Stephenfield Lake to try their hand at ice fishing in his winter hut. After retirement Dad shifted from hunting birds to carving lifelike models of them out of wood. Of course, he was also know to still carve up the occasional wild turkey to eat when it wandered into the live trap he had set up in his backyard! While Mom and Dad eventually retired on the farm, it was Dad’s Parkinson diagnosis that God used to move them off it and into a lovely condo along the river in Carmen. It was in their Condo community on Bradford Road that they met old friends and made new ones. As hard as it was for Dad to transition off the farm, the hardest transition by far came with the sudden passing of his beloved wife Irma on December 10, 2013. Dad faced that loss the way he had met the rest of life’s challenges, with his faith, family, and friends. People that Mom & Dad had reached out to during their times of loss reached out to Dad with care and

compassion during his. With his declining health in the last years, Dad went from visiting others in the Boyne Lodge to being the one visited. As was so often the case, Dad made friends wherever he went, including at his new home in the Boyne Lodge. The staff commented on, and appreciated, his good manners, his sense of humor and the thankfulness he expressed to them for the care they provided. We would like to thank the doctors and staff at the Carmen Memorial Hospital and the Boyne Lodge for their compassionate and dedicated care for our father in what was a particularly challenging final leg in his earthly life. The apostle Paul wrote about times like this, times when “we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling”. That was evident in dad’s final weeks, and while we miss his presence we do not grieve as those “who have no hope” for like Dad “We believe that Jesus died and rose again and…that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him….And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (1 Thess. 4:14,17) Good-bye Dad, until we meet again! =

Robert E. (Bob) House, 91, of Cambridge City, Ind., passed away Oct. 24, 2020. He was born to Leonard and Flossie House Jan. 2, 1929 in Preble Co., Ohio, and was involved with Shorthorn cattle his entire life. He learned about livestock from his dad, and following his graduation from high school, attended the Graham School in KS in the late ‘40s before taking a job as herdsman at Tulleevin Shorthorns in

Lebanon, OH. Tulleevin achieved great success during Bob’s tenure, earning coveted honors at the famous Chicago International and many other shows during the late ‘50s and early ‘60s. Bob was a skilled and knowledgeable cattleman who loved Shorthorn cattle and the people he met through years of involvement with the Shorthorn breed. Bob started his own Shorthorn herd at Wonder View Farm in Wayne County, Ind., in the mid 1960’s and raised Shorthorn cattle for the next 4 decades. The Shorthorns were a family affair with Bob, Ula Marie, and children Maralee, Brian and Nolan participating in the Indiana Shorthorn Association, Indiana

Shorthorn Lassies and the Indiana Junior Shorthorn Association. Bob was not concerned about recognition and was content knowing he was helping others. Bob served as secretary of the Indiana Shorthorn Assn for years and was proud of his contributions to his friends in the Shorthorn breed. He is survived by his wife of 69 years, Ula Marie (Ammerman) House; 3 children, Maralee (Mike) Edmondson, Brian (Patty) House and Nolan (Tami) House; 4 grandchildren, 5 greatgrandchildren, nieces and nephews and many friends. =

Robert ‘Bob’ Meldrum Sadly, Bob passed away on October 12, 2020 at the age of 82. Bob’s partner Dale and his children Samantha and Gregory Meldrum who came in from Vancouver, were at his side. Many in the Duntroon, Glen Huron, Singhampton, Stayner community will remember Bob’s love of life through his one of a kind gruff, humorous, say it like it is style. Bob was born in Toronto and lived there until the 1990’s when he and Dale decided to leave the city behind and make his beloved Hill Haven Farm

in Duntroon their permanent home. Country life transformed him and his love of his Shorthorn cattle, fixing fences, zipping around the fields in his RTV and especially hobnobbing with his neighbors and local merchants – those were his true joys. Bob will be lovingly remembered by his Hill Haven ‘family’ – Matt, Matt, Sami and Sam. His fellow Shorthorn breeders across Canada will fondly remember his cigar chomping, larger than life presence at all big cattle shows and sales. In just a couple of decades he and Dale developed a prominent purebred shorthorn herd known all over North America and Bob’s name will be synonymous with Hill Haven’s legacy cow Breathless and bull FireStorm. His

pride in his Shorthorns and his farm was felt by everyone. Prior to country life, Bob owned and operated Meldrum Meat Packers in Toronto and enjoyed skiing and sailing. In the winter he spent every weekend at Blue Mountain and every free waking moment in the summer was spent racing his sailboat on Lake Ontario out of the National Yacht Club. There are too many special friends to mention but they know who they are. There is no funeral or memorial service, however at some time in the future at his request there will be “one hell of a good wake” at the farm. =

shorthorn country = december 2020


DeBordes Honored as Pioneer Shorthorn Breeders By Mary Bass, Texas Shorthorn Association Publicity Officer Eric and Meredith DeBorde, Lazy D Farm, Bardwell, Texas was recognized by the Texas Shorthorn Association with their Pioneer Breeder of the Year award for 2020-21. The award was presented in June during the annual meeting in Abilene. Lazy D Farm was started in 1987 as a show heifer project for Eric. He began to buy calves from local breeders, but the purchase and ultimate award of an All American heifer in 1990 with 3F Miss Dream Boat really launched him into the Shorthorn breed. Eric and brother Brian were both active in the Texas Junior Shorthorn Association with Eric serving as vice president in 1991. The Lazy D Farm ad in the 1994 Texas Shorthorn Association membership

directory lists contact numbers for Eric and Brian. Eric became an advisor for the Texas Shorthorn Association in 1997, a position he (and then he and wife, Meredith) served in for 15 years. In 2002, the Texas Shorthorn Association honored Lazy D Farm - Eric and Brian DeBorde with the Progressive Breeder of the Year award. Eric is a past director and president of the Texas Shorthorn Association. Meredith is a long time member of the Texas Shorthorn Lassies, ladies auxiliary, and served the National Shorthorn Lassie board as secretary. Both have been 4-H adult leaders in Ellis County and FFA boosters. The Lazy D Farm raises several breeds of cattle and have been holding a club calf sale at the State Fair of Texas several

years in addition to selling Shorthorns private treaty. They have an extensive AI and donor program. In addition to farming and ranching, Eric is an electrician at DeBorde Electric. Meredith is a counselor at Rice Elementary. The couple have two sons, Brayden and Brigham. =

Laugherys Honored as Progressive Shorthorn Breeders By Mary Bass, Texas Shorthorn Association Publicity Officer Marc and Tracey Laughery and family, Royse City, Texas were honored with a Progressive Breeder of the Year Award by the Texas Shorthorn Association at their annual meeting. Kyle Lewis, association president, presented the award. The families journey began in 2013 with children Madisson and Makenzie showing a Shorthorn steer purchased from Stanley Springer and heifers purchased from Lone Star Cattle Company, Paula and Jim Archer. Younger son, Cooper, tagged along. The family fell in love with the Shorthorn breed and started purchasing top genetics from across the U.S. The

LSA herd now numbers 24 head with cow families like Augusta Pride, Cumberland and Lucky Charm. Sire genetics have come from Trump, Aviator, Red Reward and Hot Commodity. Son Madisson is now studying to be an electrician and was married in the fall of 2019 to Melissa. Daughter Makenzie, a top soccer player, served as Texas Shorthorn Lassie Queen in 2019-2020, and is attending college. Son Cooper is eleven and attends school in Royse City. Marc is a director of the Texas Shorthorn Association. Tracey, a former school teacher, is vice president/queen chairman of the Texas Shorthorn Lassies.

The couple helps the local 4-H Beef Club put on a yearly jackpot calf show. The goal of LSA Shorthorns is to raise top quality Shorthorn cattle for market and show. =

Harlans Honored as Progressive Shorthorn Breeders By Mary Bass, Texas Shorthorn Association Publicity Officer E.V. and Kerry Harlan, Harlan Cattle Company, Bells, Texas was honored by the Texas Shorthorn Association with a Progressive Breeder of the Year Award. The award was presented by Kyle Lewis, association president, at the annual meeting,. Harlan Cattle Company began raising Shorthorns in 2005, when children Kylie and Jackson began showing heifers. The heifers were retained and put into production. Today, the herd numbers about 25 head, but through an embryo transfer program, the herd is rapidly increasing. The children exhibit both in junior shows through FFA and open shows. increasing. They exhibited the 2018 Reserve Grand Champion 62

Shorthorn Female at the Fort Worth Junior and Open Shows and the 2019 Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female at the State Fair of Texas junior heifer show. In 2019, their heifer was named Runner-Up ShorthornPlus Female of the Year for the South Central Region of the American Shorthorn Association. Cow families they consider important are Cecelia, Myrtle Bo, Augusta Pride, Sweet Augusta, Cherri and Margie. Sires used include Boardwalk, Evolution, Hard Wire and Primo. They have cattle for sale year round. E.V. and Kerry are sponsors for the Supporters of Bells Youth, the FFA booster club and the Bells High School Football

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Booster Club. They also participate in the People Who Care organization, which supports FFA and 4-H students in Grayson County. E.V. is a director of the Texas Shorthorn Association and owns Harlan Construction Services. Kerry is the Principal at Bells Elementary School. =

Show Results

103rd Panhandle South Plains Fair 2020 September 28, 2020 • Lubbock, Texas Judge: Dennis Poole

Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer,WHR RHS Demi 9158 ET, exhibited by Merideth Behrens, Colbert, Texas.

Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, Lazy B Bandito B01, exhibited by Morgan Brooks, Venus, Texas. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Heifer, SS Attraction 936, exhibited by Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull, TMF Queens G Broker 50G ET, exhibited by John & Barbara Russell, Caldwell, Texas.

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Sale Reports Family Legacies Sale Sale Summary

25 Bred Heifers...............$ 70,150....................$ 2,806 6 Bred Cows.....................$ 13,400....................$ 2,333 35 Open Heifers.............$ 79,150....................$ 2,262 66 Breeding Lots............$ 162,700................$ 2,465 12 Semen Packages...........$ 3,665......................$ 305 Sale Gross $166,365

Saturday, October 10, 2020 The Studer Farm Creston, Iowa Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Studer Family Shorthorns by: Darryl Rahn

A good crowd gathered in Creston, Iowa to make their selections at this leading Shorthorn Sale. The Studer and Gilman firms offered their strongest sets yet of high quality Shorthorn genetics. There was a really strong set of bred heifers as well as many top quality show heifer prospects. The snappy sale produced steady bidding from the seats as well as on the internet. Congratulations to all involved with the presentation of an excellent event. $8,500 - Lot 2 - Open Heifer DSF Fantasy Girl 5H. A R&W, polled January 15, 2019 daughter of Leveldale

Rockford 838F and out of DSF Fantasy Girl 483. This was one of the favorites in a really strong set of show heifers. She will surely find her way to the top in the show ring. Offered by Studer and purchased by Sarah Anderegg of Mason City, Iowa. $6,500 - Lot 52 - Bred Heifer - DSF Velvet 85G - A red, polled March 2019 daughter of Studer’s Distinct 67D ET and out of DSF Velvet 57B selling bred to Alta Cedar Diablo for a Spring 2020 calf. This one was at the top of a very strong set of bred heifers. She has the overall dimension and balance to be a leader in the pasture for years to come. Offered by Studer and purchased by Dominic Formaro of Newton, Iowa. $5,750 - Lot 14 - Open Heifer - DSF Lavendar 42H. A roan, polled February 21, 2019 daughter of Saskvalley Banjo 268B and out of BSG Lavender 1806 OF 7Y. This was another of the top open heifers in this sale. She has a world of style and balance to make her a favorite. Offered by Studer and purchased by Bill Gay of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. $5,000 - Lot 32 - Open Heifer - DSF Adelaide 87H. A roan, polled March 28, 2020 daughter of Studer’s Distinct and

out of JSF Adelaide 21C. This one has a world of potential being out of the famed Adelaide female line from the Jungels firm. She will be a top of the line brood cow in her future. Offered by Studer and purchased by Bill Gay of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. $4,750 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - DSF Maple 48H. A roan, polled March 1, 2019 daughter of Leveldale Rockford 838F and out of Muridale Maple 84B. This was another heifer in the lead pen at this sale and she fit there very nicely. She could be a show heifer but her best days will be as a brood cow. Offered by Studer and purchased by Heggvale Farms of Bruce, South Dakota. $4,500 - Lot 39 - Bred Heifer Gilman’s Sweet Lady 23G. A red, polled February 2019 daughter of Muridale Bateman 27A and out of Gilman’s Sweet Lady 38E ET selling bred to Gilman’s Revive 28E for a Spring heifer calf. This was another of the really good bred heifers in this sale. She has the brood cow look with the feminine features all like to see. Offered by Gilman and purchased by Austin Studer of Indianola, Iowa. =

40th Annual Keystone Autumn Klassic Sale Summary

1 Bull.................................$ 1,400......................$ 1,400 30 Open Heifers...............$ 40,800....................$ 1,360 18 Bred Females...............$ 39,550....................$ 2,197 49 Breeding Lots............$ 81,750..................$ 1,668 Sale Gross $81,750

Saturday, October 17, 2020 Woodside Farm, Waynesburg, Pa. Auctioneer: Jeff Stansberry Sale Management: George Six by: Brent Elam

Beautiful sunny day in southern Pennsylvania. This was a special sale this year; the 40th Anniversary Sale. 40 years 64

of dedication to the Shorthorn breed. And always, a great crowd and a very nice set of cattle. A special thank you to Shirley and Brett Eisminger for there hard work and hospitality at the beautiful Woodside Farm. $3,800 - Lot 35 - Bred Heifer - MFK H R Peaches 59K. A beautiful heifer with a lot of color that catches you eye when you see her. Consigned by the Korthaus family of Smithfield, Ky. Her new home will be with Ian Walker of Acme, Pa. $3,800 - Lot 38 - Bred Heifer - MFK HR Candy Cane 189K. A roan daughter of MFK Hot Rebel that had many friends

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Sale day. Consigned by the Korthaus family. Her new home will be with Don Cowden family in Hickory, Pa. $3,300 - Lot 34 - Bred Heifer - MFK IM Juliet Babe 448K. This massive roan heifer by Saskvalley Imperative, due to calve in February, is now going to Carolina Cattle in South Carolina. $3,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer Woodside CD Select. A beautiful roan daughter of Wise Fortsight consigned by Woodside Shorthorns. She was bought by Jeff Lawson, a long time supporter of this sale, from Churchville, Va. =

Schrag 605 “Family Event” Production Sale Sale Summary

Shorthorn 1 Bull.................................$ 18,000....................$ 18,000 14 Open Heifers...............$ 232,700.................$ 16,621 3 Plus Open Heifers.........$ 24,200....................$ 8,067 Maine-Anjou 4 Open Heifers.................$ 66,950...................$ 16,738 6 Mainetainer Open Heifers $ 62,300...................$ 10,383 Chianina 1 Open Heifer..................$ 15,000....................$ 15,000 27 Live Lots....................$ 421,050................$ 15,594 15 Embryo Lots...............$ 84,150...................$ 5,610 1 Semen Lot......................$ 10,050....................$ 10,050 30 Total Lots...................$ 515,250................$ 17,175

Saturday, October 10, 2020 Schrag 605 Marion, South Dakota Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Rockin’ K Productions, Kent Jaecke Online Bidding: CCi.Live by:Kent Jaecke, Rockin’ K Productions

The 50th Anniversary Production Sale of the famed Schrag Family Shorthorn program meet with outstanding demand from the capacity crowd in attendance, and from the over 150 online registered bidders that evaluated and purchased this tremendous offering of nationally competitive, elite show heifer prospects and a breed changing young herdsire prospect. Purebred Shorthorn, Shorthorn Plus, Purebred Maine-Anjou, Mainetainer and Chianina genetics represented from some of the most popular, predictable and prolific sires and cow families in the beef cattle industry today, led the bidding public to a feverish and active market.

High Sellers - Shorthorn $47,000 Lot 10 - SS MYRTLE BO BLISS 049 ET. This truly outstanding sale highlight was very popular with the buyers for her overall dimension, soundness and super look and pattern. A late April, solid red, polled, purebred daughter of CYT Maxim 9202 ET, out of the legendary donor female SS Myrtle Bo 5210 the newest donor to the Schrag 605 program and daughter of HD Swagger out of the great SULL Myrtle Bo 9154. Selling to Rick Hogue Shorthorns, Newcomerstown, Ohio. $45,000 Lot 1 - SS MISSING MIRAGE MIAMI 013 ET. WOW!!! What a female. A true powerhouse of a show heifer,with her overall depth of body, dimension, huge feet and skeletal soundness, but a genetic masterpiece to make her a future maternal legend as a donor. A solid, cherry red, polled, purebred daughter of SULL Propel 7187E out of the great CYT Missing Mirage 2120 donor female, that has re-written production history at the Schrag program. Selling to Rick Hogue Shorthorns, Newcomerstown, Ohio. $40,000 Lot 3 - SS MAX ROSA MAGIC 019 ET. A crowd favorite for this tremendous solid cherry red, polled super built, big footed, long spined, purebred daughter of the ever popular SULL Red Reward 9321 out of one of the most prolific cow families in the Shorthorn breed today, the Max Rosa’s, from CYT Max Rosa 3123, a female in her own right that is out producing her dam. This super nationally competitive female sold to Cash Lehrman, Spencer, South Dakota. $18,000 - Lot 2 - SS SL TRAIN STATION 010. This tremendous February 21, 2020 son of SULL Propel 7187E out

of one of the prolific and powerful donor females in the Schrag 605 program, SS Hope’s Mirage, really captured the large crowd in attendance fir his overall mass, body shape, power and dimension. A young Herdsire prospect that will really be a breed changer not only for his look and performance, but genetically brings so many mating options for his new owners, the Train Station Syndicate with possession going to Fred Ripberger and Greg Norman, Sidell, llinois. High Sellers - Maine-Anjou $47,000 Lot 23 - SCHG JAZZMYN’S JEWEL 052H ET. A female that through the fall calf buying season has had literally hundreds of friends that have visited the farm, and all appreciated this super built, three dimensional, ultra sound nationally competitive show heifer with a killer look for a purebred Maine-Anjou. This young May prospect was a daughter of the ever popular BBR Memphis Mafia A3E and out of GVC Jazzmyn 010X, a great daughter of GVC Special Delivery. This popular female sold to Spencer Goettmoeller, Winchester, Indiana. $30,000 Lot 21 - SCHG FABULOUS FRAN 025H ET. What a Beast. This huge bodied, super soft middled, three dimensional powerhouse was appreciated for her overall mass and power, yet combining all that into a highly attractive package. Another daughter of the popular, BBR Memphis Mafia A3E out of UDE Fran 8038F, a super young productive daughter of Circle M Tejas. This super March born, Mainetainer show heifer prospect sold to Croix Reimann, Ree Heights, South Dakota. =

Heart of the Prairie Shorthorn Production Sale Sale Summary

5 Bulls................................$ 12,900....................$ 2,580 6 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 15,700....................$ 2,617 14 Bred Cows...................$ 30,325....................$ 2,166 3 Bred Heifers...................$ 4,200......................$ 1,400 20 Open Heifers...............$ 31,325....................$ 1,566 8 Plus Open Heifers.........$ 12,000...................$ 1,500 56 Breeding Lots............$ 106,450................$ 1,901 2 Steers...............................$ 2,175......................$ 1,088 1 Pregnancy.......................$ 5,100......................$ 5,100 1 Flush...............................$ 1,400......................$ 1,400 8 Embryo Packages..........$ 4,925......................$ 547 18 Semen Packages...........$ 2,350......................$ 131 Sale Gross $122,400 Junior Donation Lots $995 Total $123,395

Saturday, October 17, 2020 Double G Event Center Rush Springs, Okla. Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Crow Creek Management by: Darryl Rahn

A good crowd gathered in this top shelf sale facility to make their selections from a really good set of Shorthorn cattle. Their were top quality individuals in all categories with the top end being among the best anywhere. The snappy sale saw good prices given for many of these top females and

bulls. $5,100 - Lot 64 - Heifer Pregnancy Sired by CF Chosen 815 X ET and out of SULL Max Rosa 4560 ET due in March 2021. This was a favorite lot of many at the sale and on the phones. Sired by one of the breeds good young bulls and out of the famed Max Rosa female line. As an added bonus, the recip cow was a registered Shorthorn cow Sired by Right Direction and out of a Cherri female. Sired by Lazy Bar F Shorthorns and purchased by DJS Shorthorns of Laurel, Nebraska. $4,000 - Lot 6 - Bull - CCF Dax C47G. A roan, polled June 2019 son of CCF JJ Zeus C11D and out of JJCCF Future HM. This was a really good bull in a strong group of future herd sires in this sale. He exhibit the balance and the natural thickness to make him a sure thing as a herd sire. Offered by Crow Creek Farms and purchased by Jamie Waters of Moorland, Oklahoma. $4,000 - Lot 15 - Bred Cow - MAV Felecia 363Z ET. A rwm, polled 2013 daughter of SULL Red Stallion 1335 and out of MAV Felecia 043X selling bred to CSF Evolution HC for a Spring 2021 calf. This was a big, stout mature female that

got everyone’s attention. She is definitely in the donor category. Offered by Lazy Bar F Shorthorns and purchased by Terry and Stacy Whisenhunt of Marlow, Oklahoma. $3,700 - Lot 9 - Cow/Calf Pair - Streck’s Dixie Jazz. A R&W, horned 2016 daughter of MS Oklahoma Jazz and out of MS Hennessey Gus selling bred to TJH Bo’s Maxim for a late Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a roan, polled May 8, 2020 heifer calf sired by TJH Bo’s Maxim. This was a favorite pair of many at the sale. A really good young cow with a fancy show heifer prospect at her side. Offered by Crow Creek Farms, the cow was purchased by Ron Gooch of Honey Grove, Texas and the calf by Tom and Sharon Herje of Marlow, Oklahoma. $3,500 - Lot 2 - Bull - /F Red Power ET. A red, scurred 2017 son of SULL Red Knight 2030 ET and out of Little Cedar Mirage 808 ET. This was a chance to purchase a proven sire with a great pedigree. He is a big, stout, long sided bull that could help any herd with the production of top quality calves. Offered by Lazy Bar F Shorthorns and purchased by Jay Cech of Clarkson, Nebraska. =

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Lasting Impressions Sale Sale Summary

5 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 41,150....................$ 8,230 13 Open Heifers...............$ 62,850....................$ 4,835 7 Plus Open Heifer..........$ 29,250....................$ 4,180 4 Bred Cows.....................$ 15,000....................$ 3,750 4 Bred Heifers...................$ 14,400...................$ 3,600 4 Bulls................................$ 14,300....................$ 3,575 37 Breeding Lots............$ 176,950................$ 4,782 2 Steers....................... $ 5,500................$ 2,750 4 Embryo Packages..... $ 7,600................$ 1,900 9 Semen Packages....... $ 1,885.50...........$ 210 Sale Gross $191,935.50 Junior Donation Lots $2,950 Total $194,885.50

Saturday, October 18, 2020 Bedwell Cattle Co., Isabella, Oklahoma Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn

A blustery Sunday morning welcomed a large crowd at the sale site for this inaugural Lasting Impressions Sale hosted by Bedwell Cattle Co and Lost Diamond B Ranch. The dreary day could not dampen the enthusiasm for the great set of cattle presented for sale by the hosts and their guest consignors. The bidding was fast and active in the seats, on the phones and on the internet. Congratulations to the Bedwell Family and the Blankinship Family for the presentation of a top shelf event. $10,500 - Lot 27 - Shorthorn Plus Cow/ Calf Pair - SULL Sizzling Tamale 7295E ET. A BWM, polled, 2017 daughter of

SULL Right Direction ET and out of SSUL Tamale 588-2 selling bred to Kane Catwalk 6985G for a May 2021 calf. At her side was a black, polled May 25, 2020 heifer sired by Kane Captain 10B. What a pair here. A great young cow from the famed Tamale line and a super good show heifer prospect. This was a feature of the sale. Offered by Aegerter Cattle Co and the cow was purchased by Will Lane of Jay, Oklahoma and the heifer calf by Don Mitchell of Canton, Oklahoma. $9,750 - Lot 33 - Bred Heifer - JCB Princess Ella PR 9B04. A red, horned 2019 daughter of SULL Premium Reward 5087 ET and out of JB Princess Ella 5B04 selling bred to CF New Deal for a Spring 2021 calf. This was just one of the top quality bred females that were offered in this sale. She is super sound and deep sided with the length of body all like to see. Offered by Bedwell and purchased by Doug Buzzard of Hunter, Oklahoma. $8,800 - Lot 25 - Shorthorn Plus Cow/ Calf Pair - MS Hazel 264S. A roan, polled 2012 daughter of AT Rock N Roll Train ET and out of cow 8109 selling bred to CF New Deal for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a roan, polled February 19, 2020 heifer calf sired by TCS Hot Commodity. This was another outstanding pair of females. A top end mother cow and a super fancy heifer calf. They both will work. Offered by Garret Sill and Bedwell. The cow was purchased by James Pieper of Caldwell, Texas and the calf by Roger Van

Meter of Checotah, Oklahoma. $8,600 - Lot 26 - Cow/Calf Pair - SULL Rose Mary’s Lead ET. A r/w, polled 2014 daughter of SULL Red Blood and out of SULL Rose Mary 626 ET selling bred to TJH Bo’s Maxim H7 for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a r/w, polled April 19, 2020 heifer calf sired by TCS Hot Commodity. The top end pairs just kept coming. This was an outstanding pair. The dam is out of the great breeding female, 636 and the calf is by a son of Hot Commodity. Great bloodlines here. Offered by Bedwell, the cow was purchased by Sharon Herje of Rush Springs, Oklahoma and the heifer calf by J&M Cattle of Perkins, Oklahoma. $7,000 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - JCB Classy Carmele HC 0B11. A r/w, polled April 30, 2020 daughter of TCS Hot Commodity and out of CYT Carmele 2116 ET. This was a beautifully designed heifer with a soft makeup to go with the style to make her a contender. She will see the winners circle in her show career. Offered by Bedwell and purchased by Macey Koch of Perry, Oklahoma. $7,000 - Lot 5 - Shorthorn Plus Open Heifer - KANE Breathless CAP 430H. A rwm, polled January 4, 2020 daughter of KANE Captain and out of SULL Breathless 43060 ET. This was another of the top Plus heifers to sell in this sale. She has a beautiful skeletal design to go with great length and hip structure. Offered by Aegerter Cattle and purchased by John Endress of Okarche, Oklahoma. =

Alden Farms - The First 100 Years Sale Sale Summary

5 Open Heifers.................$ 49,250...................$ 9,850 4 Plus Open Heifers.........$ 18,750...................$ 4,688 3 Spring Cow/Calf Pairs..$ 21,500....................$ 7,167 8 Fall Cow/Calf Pairs.......$ 44,300....................$ 5,538 12 Bred Cows...................$ 40,500....................$ 3,375 1 Bred Heifer....................$ 3,500......................$ 3,500 33 Breeding Lots............$ 177,800................$ 5,388 1 Embryo Package............$ 2,775......................$ 2,775 2 Semen Packages.............$ 6,500......................$ 3,250 1 Junior Donation Lot.....$ 4,000......................$ 4,000 Sale Gross $191,075

Saturday, October 24, 2020 Alden Farms, Hamilton, Missouri Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. by: Darryl Rahn

What a special day. The celebration of Alden Farms 100 years in the Shorthorn breed. It was very special for many in attendance among the large crowd that gathered. The sale featured cattle that carried the time honored bloodlines that have made Alden Farms a leader in the breed for many, many years. The auction was highlighted by many cattle selling at top prices to breeders that hold the AF prefix in high esteem.


$15,250 - Lot 2A - Open Heifer - AF Marvelous Mirage 2001 ET. A rwm, polled February 25, 2020 daughter of SULL Current Commodity 7630E and out of AF Mirage 1239 X. There were three full sisters selling and they were desired by many. The bidding was fast and furious on these heifers. This one was the pick of many that had seen her prior to the sale. Purchased by Chance Kornegay of Tulsa, Oklahoma. $15,000 - Lot 2B - Open Heifer - AF Marvelous Mirage 2003 ET. A rwm, polled March 2, 2020 daughter of SULL Current Commodity 7630E and out of AF Mirage 1239X. Another of the full sibs in this group and again one that is hard to find fault with. She is another that is truly right in her type and kind. She will compete at the top of the Spring heifer class. Purchased by Andrew Chandler of Strafford, Missouri. $10,000 - Lot 2C - Open Heifer - AF Marvelous Mirage 2004 ET. A rwm, polled March 2, 2020 full ET sister to the Lot 2A and the 2B heifers. What more can you say. These were 3 great heifers that were very well accepted as evidenced by the many who bid on them at the sale. All three will

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compete. Purchased by Taylor Bacon of Powhattan, Kansas. $10,000 - Lot 7 - Fall Cow/Calf Pair AF Fantasy Girl 1625. A rwm, polled 2016 daughter of Muridale Jaxon 4A and out of AF Fantasy Girl 421. At her side was an October 4, 2020 heifer calf sired by DJS Outsider. This cow is the true definition of a Beef Cow. Thick made, deep sided, all on a moderate frame that has a great feminine look. An added bonus was a fancy young heifer calf at her side. Purchased by Leemon Stock Farm of Hoopeston, Illinois. $8,500 - Lot 1B - Spring Cow/Calf Pair - AF Shannon Margie 1606. A rwm, polled 2016 daughter of Muridale Jaxon 4A and out of AF Shannon Margie 1230 selling bred to SULL Current Commodity for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a rwm, polled May 19, 2020 heifer calf sired by AF Above the Law ET. Another really good donor quality Jaxon daughter out of the famed Shannon Margie line. He calf by a son of Saskvalley Outlaw was a really good one. The cow was purchased by Mike Studer of Wesley, Iowa and the heifer calf by Leemon Stock Farm of Hoopeston, Illinois. =

Turn The Page Production Sale Sale Summary

1 Bull.................................$ 1,500......................$ 1,500 6 Open Heifers.................$ 10,350...................$ 1,725 4 Plus Open Heifers.........$ 7,650......................$ 1,913 24 Bred Females...............$ 35,800....................$ 1,492 8 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 30,600....................$ 3,825 43 Breeding Lots............$ 85,900..................$ 1,998 5 Semen & ET Packages.$ 10,450....................$ 2,085 Sale Gross $96,350

Sunday, October 18, 2020 Narrow Brook Farms Charlotte, MI Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Narrow Brook Farms by: Chris Smith

Narrow Brook Farms put together and hosted the Turn The Page Production Sale. Matt, Tara and family along with the guest consignors need to be congratulated for digging this deep into their herds to bring this type of quality. On a brisk beautiful Sunday the lots were filled with only the best, with pedigrees to agree with the quality. Shorthorns in Michigan have always meant only the finest as when you look at breeders across the United States. Michigan cattle are in their herds pedigrees. These cattle represented on this beautiful fall day were of that quality.

$9,200 - Top selling lot was lot 13 and 13a. Lot 13 Hi-View Cumberland 15 was a Roan, April 2015 cow sired by M Bar Castlerock 722T and out of Hi-View Cumberland Lady. She sold due January 2021 to the great sire NBS Low Rider 42W ET. Kittendorf Cattle Co., Williamston, MI tied into this powerhouse of a female for their up and coming new herd at $6,900. Love’s Hilltop Farm, Springport, MI then selected lot 13a NBS Family Tradition 37H. This stout featured bull sired by CF Trump. This young sire will be used on black commercial cows to make those fancy Plus cattle. He was purchased at $2,300. Narrow Brook Farms dug really for this pair. $4,950 - Second top selling pair was lot 3 & 3a. Lot 3 SLF Look at Ruby V was a Red October 2014 cow sired by SULL Looker 2013 ET and out of CF Rubys Venture 221 PM. Hi-View Shorthorns, Lancaster, WI had faith in Narrow Brook was only offering the best and purchased this cow at $2,000. Lot 3a NBS Ruby 46H was one of my picks of the opens and was a February 2020 heifer sired by NBS Low Rider 42W ET. Noll Family Farm of Crosswell, MI selected this super correct, great footed sound structured female. Good luck at the

shows. I know she will win her fair share of championships. $3,100 - Top selling Open Shorthorn Plus Heifer was lot 7. NBSC Dakota Blue 129H, This thick made, stout January, 2020 Blue roan heifer was sired by the old school sire 4D Double Vision and out of the Dakota Cow. Kittendorf Cattle Co., Williamston, MI once again dug in to win the bid on this fancy show prospect. $2,450 - Top selling Shorthorn heifer was lot 6. NBSC CEM Strawberry Joslyn 25H is on stout, moderate, thick made March, 2020 heifer sired by 3BC Battle Ax 1491 and out of Red Joslynn. Cody Korthaus, Udell, Iowa has purchased cattle here before and came back for more of these great producing females. You can breed this out cross pedigree to anything and still have a marketable calf. Congrats and thanks Cody for your repeat business. Special note; Thank You Narrow Brook Farms for your continued support of the juniors with your donation to the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. Three straws of the great breeding bull NBS Low Rider 42W ET brought 225x3 to total $775. =

Durham Nation 2020 Sale Summary

8 Cow/Calf Pairs..............$ 43,600....................$ 5,450 2 Bred Cows.....................$ 9,300......................$ 4,650 41 Bred Heifers.................$ 137,850.................$ 3,362 31 Plus Bred Heifers.........$ 71,500....................$ 2,307 22 Open Heifers...............$ 75,050....................$ 3,411 13 Plus Open Heifers.......$ 40,700....................$ 3,131 117 Breeding Lots..........$ 375,800................$ 3,212 2 Flush Lots.......................$ 9,750......................$ 4,875 2 Pregnancies....................$ 7,400......................$ 3,700 3 Embryo Packages..........$ 3,450......................$ 1,725 20 Semen Packages...........$ 10,695....................$ 535 Sale Gross $409,925

Saturday, November 7, 2020 Jungels Shorthorn Farm Kathryn, N.D. Auctioneer: Bruce Brooks Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, LLC by: Darryl Rahn

The sale facility at JSF was packed at the start of this year’s Durham Nation sale. The Jungels firm and their guest consignors offered just an outstanding group of Shorthorn females in all categories. Especially strong were the bred heifers and open heifer calves. During the sale, there was heavy action from the crowd and really heavy action from the internet and on the phones. This sale could best be described as steady, steady, steady. Congratulation to Derek Jungels and all involved in the presentation of just a super event. $8,000 - Lot 1 - Cow/Calf Pair - JSF Roan Rose 900 ET. A roan, polled 2016

daughter of JDMC Big Sky 15X and out of KL Gold Rose selling bred to JSF Polaris 201F for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a roan, polled March 6, 2020 heifer calf sired by Eloora Banker G31. What a pair here. A good young cow whose dam is the famed KL Gold Rose with a top calf by the good Australian sire. Both were at the top of many lists. Offered by JSF, the cow was purchased by Jeff Stangeland of Barnesville, Minnesota and the calf by Chripp Gilman of Stuart, Iowa. $7,250 - Lot 42 - Bred Heifer - SBR Dixie 947G. A roan, polled April 18, 2019 daughter of SBR Obvious 156A and out of SBR Dixie 530C selling bred to SBR Hometown 549E for a Spring 2021 calf. This top young female rose to the top of a super strong set of bred heifers in the sale. Super long sided with a great muscle pattern that made her a crowd favorite. She will surely find someone’s donor pen in her future. Offered by Sangl Shorthorns and purchased by Cedar Lane Farm of Cedarville, Ohio. $7,100 - Lot 8 - Cow/Calf Pair - JSF Adelaide 119B. A roan, polled 2014 daughter of Mapleton Coloner Gus 71U and out of JSF Adelaide 126Y selling bred to JSF Josey Wales 126E for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a red, polled March 13, 2020 heifer calf sired by JSF Battlefront 129C ET. What a pair here. A really good cow from the Adelaide family and a calf sired by Battlefront whose calves in this sale were of the highest quality. Both

of these have a great future. Offered by JSF, the cow was purchased by Barb Swett of Platte, South Dakota and the heifer calf by Cable Ranch of Pukwana, South Dakota. $7,000 - Lot 8H - Bred Cow - JSF Adelaide 126Y. A red, polled 2011 daughter of JSF/RB Improvement 56W and out of JSF Adelaide 55W selling bred to JSF Josey Wales 126E for a Spring 2021 calf. This was a BEEF COW. Just another of the top Adelaide females to sell in this sale. Massive in her design and the soundness of structure that made her a crowd favorite. She will a great matron for her new owner. Offered by JSF and purchased by Stacy Lewis of Stillwater, Oklahoma. $7,000 - Lot 6 - Cow/Calf Pair - GCF Helianthus 515C. A red, polled 2015 daughter of JSF Broker 157Z and out of SBR Helianthus 317A selling bred to JSF Josey Wales 126E for a Spring 2021 calf. At her side was a roan, polled March 13, 2020 heifer calf sired by Eloora Baker G31. This was a top Broker daughter with another of the popular Baker heifers that were in this sale. These two will work. Offered by JSF, the cow was purchased by Rupert Pratt of Strong, Maine and the heifer calf by Janice Foss of Lisbon, North Dakota. SPECIAL NOTE++ There were over 30 lots in this sale that sold for $4,000 or more. Super Good Sale. =

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Shorthorn Country The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed

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shorthorn country = december 2020

Sales Calendar

Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales

Dec. 8 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, ND, amsonlinesales.com Dec. 12 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, OH SPRING 2021

Dec. 8 - Galbreath Farms Online Bred Heifer Sale, Enderlin, N.D., amsonlinesales. com.

March 6 - Loving Farms “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.

Dec. 12 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “Maternal Event” Production Sale, Millersburg, Ohio.

March 6 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky.

Dec. 14 - Oler Farms Online Sale, Economy, Ind. Pittsfield, Ill., cwcattlesales. com. SPRING 2021 Jan. 11 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla. Feb. 2 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Feb. 16 - Iowa Royal Shorthorn Sale, Iowa Beef Expo, Des Moines, Iowa. Feb. 16 - AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com. Feb. 20 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com. Feb. 27-28 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Open House, Mason City, Ill. Feb. 27-28 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale, Creston, Iowa, amsonlinesales.com. March 1 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Private Treaty Bull Sale, Mason City, Ill.

Jan. 11 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattlemen’s Congress, Oklahoma City, OK Feb. 2 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm, “Durhams in the Dakotas”, Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 16 - AJSA Funding the Future Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com

March 9 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK.

Feb. 27-28 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Online Bull Sale, Creston, IA, amsonlinesales. com

March 10-11 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com.

March 4 - Bratcher Farms Genetics Sale, Elizabeth, IN, amsonlinesales.com

March 10-11 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com.

March 6-7 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, SD

March 13 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.

March 10-11 - Cates Farms “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com

March 20 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio.

March 10-11 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com

March 20 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gethering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.

March 22 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Fall Show Heifer Online Sale, Dunlap, IA

March 28 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVII”, Van Alstyne, Texas.

March 23 - Sullivan Farms “No Bull” Bull and Bred Female Sale, Dunlap, IA March 28 - WHR Shorthorns “Lone Star Edition XXVII”, Van Alstyne, TX

April 3 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio. April 10 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns, “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla. April 17-18 - The Springtime Revival Sale, Belle Point Ranch, Fort Smith, Ark. =

April 3 - Paint Valley Farms and Byland Polled Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, OH April 6 - AJSA Junior National Fundraiser, amsonlinesales.com April 10 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK

* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.

Online sales with a personal touch.

Contact us today, to advertise your Spring 2021 Sales & Semen Sales

Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com

shorthorn country = december 2020


Ad Index AAA Shorthorns............................. 69 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.... 73 AJSA...........................................April American Shorthorn Association...... 5 Bennett Land & Cattle................... 69 Berg Shorthorns.....................May, 69 Bigelow Farms................................ 69 Bowman Superior Genetics............ 69 Brooks, Bruce................................. 72 Bye Well Shorthorns....................... 69 Byland Polled Shorthorns............... 69 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC........... 72 Cagwin Farms.................... December Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 69 Cates Farms...................................... 9 Cattle Visions................................. 72 Cornerstone Farms......................... 69 Crawfdown Farms.......................... 69 Dedmon Shorthorns...................... 69 DJS Shorthorns.............................. 69 Double C Shorthorns..................... 69 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company........ 69 DTR Cattle Co.............................. 69 Duis Farms..................................... 69 Fall Harvest........................ September Fickbohm Farms............................ 69 Fieser Family Shorthorns................ 70 Greenhorn Cattle Co........October, 70 Haumont Shorthorns..................... 70


Homeplace Farms........................... 70 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.................. 70 Humble Stock Farm....................... 70 Illinois Breeders Unitd For Impact... 16-17 Inness Shorthorns........................... 70 Iroquoian Shorthorns..................... 70 James F. Bessler, Inc........................ 72 Jester Farms.................................... 70 Jungels Shorthorn Farm.... January, IBC Kentucky Shorthorn Association..... June Kevin Wendt.................................. 72 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 70 Keystone Shorthorns...................... 70 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............... 70 KW Cattle Co................................ 70 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................... 70 Lasting Impressions Sale................... 7 Legacy Ranch................................. 70 Leveldale Farms.......................July, 70 Little Cedar Cattle Co.................... 70 Loving Farms........................February McCall Show Cattle....................... 70 McKee Family Shorthorns.............. 71 Meyer Family Shorthorns............... 71 Meyer Farms.................................. 71 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.. 71 Norman Farms............................... 71 Oler Farm...................................... 71 Paint Valley Farms......................... BC

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Phildon Farms................................ 71 Printco Graphics................ November Richardson Farms Shorthorns........ 71 Robjoy Shorthorns......................... 71 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle............... 71 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.............. 71 Schrag 605................................. 3, 71 Sears Marketing Services, LLC....... 72 Shadybrook Farm.....................August SharBen Shorthorns....................... 71 Shorthorn Foundation...................... 9 Singing H Shorthorns.................... 71 Smith Family Farms....................... 71 Smoky Mountain Farm.................. 71 Stangl Shorthorns........................... 71 Stone Springs Shorthorns............... 71 Sullivan Farms................................ 72 Sullivan Supply.............................. 72 Sun Country Sale..................... March Sutherland Shorthorns................... 72 The Summit................................. IFC Top Notch Stock Farm................... 72 Turner Family Shorthorns.............. 72 Tynywtra’s...................................... 72 Utterback Show Cattle................... 72 Warner Ranch................................ 72 Waukaru Shorthorns...................... 72 Wilson Livestock Agency................ 72

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