february 2022
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
shorthorn country = february 2022
february 2022
The February cover photos were taken by Peak View Ranch in Fowler, Colo., and Sandy Osterday at Stangl Shorthorns in Java, S.D.
february 2022 issue 2 • volume 49
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
Shorthorn Country
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $620 $555 2/3 page 460 425 1/2 page-island 370 340 1/2 page 345 320 1/3 page 265 250 1/4 page 215 190 1/6 page 150 135 Business card (1 1/2”) 45 365/yr
* Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs
color rates
4 color $200 1 color $195
* Color only available on half of page or larger
Contract Rates And Discounts:
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Upcoming AJSA Deadlines - Junior Board & Scholarships......... 16 American Shorthorn Association Fiscal Annual Report............. 18 ASA Board Meeting Minutes........................................................... 22 150th Anniversary Book & Painting............................................... 28
Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................12 In the Know.......................................................................14 Beef Blurb..........................................................................16 Junior Corner....................................................................20 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................26 News & Notes....................................................................32 2021-2022 ASA Point Show System...............................39 Sales Calendar...................................................................41 Ad Index............................................................................42
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Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
shorthorn country = february 2022
New DNA Card Fees Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them. Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex. *Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen. **DO NOT test twins via blood samples.
Shorthorn Update ASA Board of Directors Joe Bales, president 615-330-2342 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 John Sonderman, vice president 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 402-641-0936 www.shorthorn.org Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 montie@shorthorn.org Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org John Russell, 832-588-8604 Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590 Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Shorthorn Foundation Cassie Reid, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, Bill Rasor, president American Junior & member services • cassie@shorthorn.org Shorthorn Association Wade Minihan, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, Korbin Collins, president events, & member services • wade@shorthorn.org National Shorthorn Lassies Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org Sommer Smith, president
American Shorthorn Association
New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022 The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file that qualify to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
WHR Assessments ASA Dates of Note February Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade ShowHouston, Texas Feb. 12 Dixie National - National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid March March 1 Late fees incur for WHR Assessments starting March 1 ($25) April April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline April 15 ASA Office Closed - Good Friday May May 1 AJSA Scholarship Deadline
May 1
Junior National Cattle Ownership and Entry Deadline May 15 Junior National Late Entry Deadline May 15 All NJSS photography, graphic design & career development entries due via email to contests@shorthorn.org May 30 ASA Office Closed - Memorial Day June June 19-25 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
Attention Juniors! • Junior members 7 years of age are eligible to show at the Junior National. The Junior member has to be 7 on January 1 of the year the Junior National is taking place to be eligible to show at the Junior National. For example, if a child turned 7 on December 31, 2021 they are eligible to show at the 2022 National Junior Show in Kansas City, Mo. If they turned 7 on January 10, 2022, they are NOT eligible to show at this year’s Junior National. • Junior members who turned 22 in 2021, your Junior Membership was good through December 31, 2021. To stay a member, you must pay the yearly adult membership fee. All memberships converted from Junior to Adult will become WHR Breeders.
WHR Assessments for 2022 were sent in November 2021. If you did not receive yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible. 2022 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1 - January 9, 2022 $16 January 10 - February 28, 2022 $20 March 1 - December 31, 2022 $25
2022 ASA Annual Membership Don’t let your membership lapse! Make sure you pay your annual membership fee by February 28th. If you are a TOC Member and your membership is not paid by February 28, 2022, you will become a WHR Member when you renew your membership.
Dixie National Judge Open Show: Brian DeFreese
Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
2022 International Year Code: K 6
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shorthorn country = february 2022
Association Outlook
Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO
Only You Control Genetic Decisions
t is the time of the year when folks are busy calving or battling winter weather to feed and care for their herds. By February, most cattle people, farmers and ranchers are tired of the battle that comes every winter. If you planned well and prepared for the winter - feeding, watering and general cattle duties - the chores are not nearly as taxing. Those who have prepared for the winter effects do not get the February blues like those that have a battle every day. The same can be said about planning and preparing for the spring, summer and fall. Whether you are calving in January, February and March, or in March, April and May, you still need a breeding plan for 2022. Genetic selection is one of the most important processes in your cattle operation. Do you need to purchase a bull? Do you need to purchase some semen or get it shipped to the farm, so you have it ready when it is time to breed or have embryo transplant dates set up with the embryology team? These are all necessary preparations. What tools will you use in selecting the genetics for your future? These decisions require more than just shooting from the hip. I am going to address something you may not think about. As you run the operation many of the choices you have are dictated to you even though you may be able to choose a different dealer or vendor. The prices you pay for fuel, equipment, insurance, utilities, feed, drugs, seed, fertilizer, most all your supplies, have a set price and you are required to pay the going rate. You can contract some of these items, like feed
or fertilizer and a few other items, but make a big difference in your bottom the only big freedom you have to make line for years to come. an economic difference is in the genetics You are the person who makes those you select. You have complete control decisions and decides what tools you will of this. That decision will carry a huge incorporate. Using EPDs will you put economic influence on the results next the emphasis on growth or maternal. year. It is worth your time to sit down on Are carcass traits more important? How those cold days and do some homework. about using the Indexes like $BMI and It does not matter if you have 5, 50 or $F and add in CED? Figure out the 100 cows, this time will be well spent. combination for your operation and stay This is the one decision you make that committed to those numbers. Equally can determine the outcome of the calf important is the physical phenotype. crop and the future of the cow herd. Make sure you have a quality individual Look at where you are and where that will help strengthen weaknesses in you’ve been with genetics. Establish the cow herd. Yes, the performance data where you want to be, then decide how is valuable and definitely needed to add to make that happen with the females value and breeding values for the future in your herd. Take your marketing but quality of the animal standing before plan into account and your options for you each time is equally important. adding value to the cattle, then look at The performance data must be what you need to do to get the value attached to a high-quality animal out of the calves, as well as the maternal for maximum value. Many animals influence for replacement type females. are still sold on how they look and After doing your homework, finalize their phenotype that have acceptable where you need to be and what you need performance data. One big mistake is not to use. It may be time for a changing or getting something new herd bull. It’s a whole lot different if it is needed. There is better to have time to find the Genetic decisions of a saying about doing the same “what I breed my right genetic package standing thing over and over again then cows to” is one of in the pasture than settling for expecting different results. whatever is available at the last the most important The market for good decisioins you minute. Same goes for semen Shorthorns with good and or any embryo transplant make in your cattle performance data is strong operation. plans. There are more bulls and those who get prepared available in February, March and have the product will get and April than later in the year. rewarded. This is not just a Genetic decisions of “what I breed my one year deal it is an ongoing selection cows to” is one of the most important process - a lifetime of input that makes decisions you make in your cattle the difference for success! = operation. It truly is the only decision you have complete control of and will
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shorthorn country = february 2022
Beef Business
Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
Measuring Up for Carcass Traits Many of us in the Shorthorn breed view the end product as the cattle we sell to go to work in other herds, both registered and commercial. However, we must keep in mind that the ultimate product we are raising on our ranches is the beef that is in our local meat market and on our neighbors’ plates. We may be a couple steps removed from the commercial cattleman or feedlot operator who sends the fed cattle to the plant, but our decisions impact that product each and every day. The modern consumer meat trade is being driven by a strong demand for high-quality beef. As we collect data on our seedstock to document their performance, the most complex piece of data we can collect is carcass performance of our genetics. It’s hard to know if our genetics can produce the type of beef the market demands without some data to support them. The problem here is that most of the time, you can’t have a heifer be a carcass data point and a replacement female at the same time! Fortunately, technology allows us to collect reliable carcass statistics while keeping our breeding stock on the hoof by using ultrasound technology. Carcass ultrasound allows us to take an image of a bull or heifer’s ribeye using an ultrasound probe on the side of the animal. From that image, we can determine important metrics such as ribeye area, fat thickness, and percentage of intramuscular fat. It’s
a very specialized business. Carcass ultrasound requires a certified technician to take the images of your cattle. These technicians must attend and pass a certification course to ensure that they are capable of collecting images that are acceptable for interpretation and use in breed association EPD calculations. The technician will send the images they take from your cattle to a processing lab to interpret the images and measure the data points from that image. The lab will send the information to the ASA office, who inputs the information into the database and reports results back to you. A complete list of currently certified technicians is available on the Ultrasound Guidelines Council website (ultrasoundguidelinescouncil.org). Carcass ultrasound data in Digital Beef is reported as an adjusted figure to a year of age, to level the playing field of cattle being scanned at various ages. The age window that ASA will accept ultrasound information on cattle is from 270 to 500 days. Bulls and heifers both can have ultrasound data collected on them. While most larger bull sales in the industry sell sire prospects that have carcass scan data, it’s important to not forget about your replacements heifers when taking this data. Carcass ultrasound data on your females is arguably more valuable to genetic improvement in your herd, where carcass ultrasound on bull calves pushes genetic improvement in
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your buyers’ herds. The heifers you keep back are the foundation for the future of your cow herd, and having carcass scan information adds accuracy to your carcass trait EPDs in those cows you’ll be breeding for years to come. Additionally, it’s likely that ASA can provide breeders a financial incentive to collect carcass ultrasound data on their heifers. The ASA’s Genomically Enhanced Female Project provides a cost rebate on genomic testing that the savings can cover the costs of hiring a technician to come scan your heifers. The busy season for ultrasound technicians is this time of year, generally from January through April. If you have considered doing some ultrasound data collection on your cattle, now is the time to look for a technician and get on their schedules. If your herd is smaller and you don’t have a lot of cattle to scan but want to collect the data, you can work with other breeders in the area to get as many head in one scanning session to minimize expenses for everyone involved. To continue to move the Shorthorn breed forward, we have to know where we currently stand for traits of importance. Carcass data is no exception, and thanks to the ultrasound technology, we can discover a baseline for our genetic merit for these valuable traits while keeping the animals in the breeding herd. =
shorthorn country = february 2022
In the Know
customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services
SOUTHEAST Wade Minihan
Cassie Reid
Closing the 2021-2022 ASA Show Season
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV Super National Shows :: 2 total National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System This month wraps upof West theVirginia show for your part in creatingNorth excitement for International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY American Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair season with the final National Show on Shorthorns both in and out of the show ring. SoutheastFebruary Region :: AL,12th FL, GA,inKY,Jackson, MS, NC, SC, TNMississippi at Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK the ::2022 Dixie National Livestock Show As the show season comes to an end, National Show Dixie National and Show Rodeo. What a ride the last few calculations for show points for regional Super Regional :: Kentucky State Fair months have been for all of be finalized.Shows As Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee Stateus!FairJanuary at Wilson Countyand Fair national shows will National :: 5 total, 1 in each region saw staff members attend Cattlemen’s a reminder, show points were updated North Central Region ::National IL, IA, MO, MN,Western NE, ND, SD, WI Congress, Stock Show this year to reflect the addition Northeastof::the Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA National Show American Royal Stock Show and Rodeo. and::Fort Worth two Super National Shows. Look for the Super RegionalLooking Show :: Iowaback State Fair Southeast :: Dixie on all the shows this National and Regional Show winners to National :: Jackson, MS Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & season, Minnesota State 2021-2022 show ourFairbreeders be announced in the May/June issue of North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO and Region exhibitors Shorthorn Country. South Central :: AR, KS,should LA, OK, TX be proud of the quality animals brought to each show. See the diagram below for a quick National Show :: Fortof Worth Stock Show Central Many of:: the review on the Show South System Point:: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX Super Regional Show Tulsa shows State Fair throughout the year saw growth in entry numbers, which is a Distribution for the 2021-2022 Show Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT testament to overall growth within our Season. = West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR,each UT, WA,one WY of you breed. We appreciate National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition *National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.
Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion
Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points
at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
ASA Point Show System Point Distribution
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Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points
National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points
Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points
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Beef Blurb
Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications
Let’s Get Out of This World Wow, it is hard to believe that we are already a few months into 2022. It seems like just yesterday we were in Louisville, Kentucky, for the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference. The day I am writing this, we have 152 days until the 2022 NJSS and as you are reading it, we will be even closer! Planning is fully underway for the NJSS on June 19-25 in Kansas City, Missouri and we can’t wait for the “Out of This World” week with our Shorthorn family. The AJSA junior board met to discuss the 2022 show following the IGS Youth Summit in Amarillo, Texas. They made a few changes to the contests, and we want to share with the members these changes! The career development
contest was new last year and a great success with many participants. This year the participants will select one of the provided jobs descriptions and then submit their resume and cover letter by May 15. The materials will be reviewed by a panel of judges and during the NJSS, participants will go through a mock interview based on their submissions. After the contest, they will receive a critique of their materials and interview. All online contests are due by May 15 this year, be sure to submit your photography or graphic design entries to contests@shorthorn.org by the deadline. You also must sign up for all individual contests during entry this year, including showmanship. This will allow schedules and heats to be made prior to NJSS. The
junior board made some other changes to contests and topics but are so excited to see how these changes improve the NJSS for our members. Be sure to visit juniorshorthorn.org/ contest-rules-2022/ to view the new contest and updates. You can view the new speech topics and cut of beef for the cook-off. We have also included rubrics for the speaking contests so participants know what the judge follows. We look forward to an exciting NJSS this summer and can’t wait to see everyone in Kansas City! Be sure to watch the AJSA Facebook page and website to stay up to date on all details related to NJSS. =
upcoming deadlines
you like to be leader of the AJSA? April 10th Would Junior Board Applications are due April 10th to shelby@shorthorn.org. Visit juniorshorthorn.org/leadership/junior-board/ for the application and rules!
may 1st
Did you know AJSA has scholarships? Scholarship Applications are due May 1st to shelby@shorthorn.org.
may 15th
Online contests are due May 15th. This includes photography graphic design and career development.
Visit juniorshorthorn.com/opportunities/scholarships/ for the application and rules!
out of this world 2022 .kc, MO national Junior Shorthorn Show & Youth Conference
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shorthorn country = february 2022
American Shorthorn Association Fiscal Annual Report
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American Shorthorn Association Fiscal Annual Report Continued
American Shorthorn Association
2022 shorthorn country = february 2022
Junior Corner
Ryan ajsa Lane director
A Lasting Legacy Through New Traditions and progress within the Shorthorn breed. Not only were there a historic numbers of entries at OKC, but there was also history made in the sale ring. The annual Summit Sale that was once started on the hill in Denver, has carried on the tradition of excellent genetics and youth support. Cates Farms sold the record setting purebred Shorthorn bull. In terms of long lasting impacts on youth within the breed like myself, this sale also helped generate a generous amount of funds of more than $25,000. This was the release and sale of limited edition Artists Proofs of a new painting by CJ Brown called “Shorthorns Across America.” Not to mention a one of the kind registration number of “1872,” the founding year of the first and longest lasting breed association in the country. The proceeds from the painting and registration number will support youth activities such as the National Junior Shorthorn Show. The American Shorthorn Association will continue to lead a lasting legacy through new traditions as the world we live in continues to change. =
Thank you to everyone who bid or purchased a donation lot during the Summit Sale in Oklahoma City. Your support of the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund is appreciated and we couldn’t do it without you! Thank you CJ Brown for creating the Shorthorns Across America artwork.
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Junior Board President :: Korbin Collins Vice President :: Miller Smith Secretary :: Sheridan Fox Public Relations :: Faye Smith Director :: Colton Hulsey Director :: Ryan Lane Director :: Merideth Behrens Director :: Xavier Ferris
Upcoming Junior Nationals 2022 • Kansas City, MO 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • TBA 2025 • TBA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *
Words of Advice
Cattleman’s Congress is set to be the new tradition as the anchor in the major show season, yet as we look back on our past as a breed, we can’t forget the things we have learned and carried over from the National Western. Though in a different location and different atmosphere, the spirit of Denver and the yards may have a new home in Oklahoma City. During an 11 day streak in the city, I learned and discovered that the traditions from the National Western and the Stockyards still thrived in a new place. Within our breed, we had a record setting number of entries, not just in the Junior and Open shows, but within the pen show that is carried on directing from Denver. Not to mention the Waukaru Farms continued their tradition of their annual calf fry in the yards, welcoming all breeders to their pen to enjoy food and conversation. Keeping events the same from the past years is easier said than done in the livestock world, but something that Cattleman’s Congress excels in is just that. Bringing the old into a more modern, advanced path that is paving the way for more history to be made not only in show cattle, but more specifically change
“A tradition is kept alive only by something being added to it” - Henry James
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ASA Board Meeting Minutes American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes
presented in the yards. To honor Ed and Jamie Kruse on the hill in 2022.
September 22 and 23, 2020
The Board reviewed the names for National shows presented.
ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo.
The Board unanimously approved the list to be submitted to the Show committee after they unanimously removed some of the names on the list and re-arranged the remaining names.
President Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the meeting to order September 22, 2020 at 8:00am. Present: President Nancy Grathwohl Heter, Vice-President Hugh Mooney, David Greenhorn, Joe Bales, Toby Jordan, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russel and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules. Jason Rowland was present for accounting reports.
The Board unanimously excepted the judges list for the AJSA to select judges from for the 2021 National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference.
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were reviewed and discussed.
The Board unanimously approved Board of Directors structure and purpose for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund 501 (c) (3) to go to legal for final preparations before submitting to government for final approval to get IRS status.
The March 11-12, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes and virtual conference call meeting minutes on June 4,2020 and August 24,2020 were unanimously approved by the Board.
The Board reviewed the correspondence from the Heritage Shorthorn Association. No action was taken as the Board had not received the information needed to make any decisions.
Jason Rowland and Montie Soules presented the financials through August 31, 2020 which is the fiscal year end. There was discussion on the PPP Government Loan received during the fiscal year. The Board unanimously approved the financials with the PPP loan included as income for the end of the fiscal year 2019-2020.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:30pm. =
The Board unanimously approved the budgets for the fiscal year 2020-2021 and to have a revised budget submitted halfway through the year. Shelby Diehm and Taylor Bacon were present for the board to review and ask question about the AJSA and Junior activities. The Board unanimously approved that the addresses and information on record for Junior members shall not be shared to a third party. The ASA is required to protect this information on minors. Shelby Diehm was available for the Board to ask question concerning the Marketing and Communications area of ASA. The board had a few comments for the Your Membership Matters page done by Grant and asked about the Shorthorn Beef locally raised program and Shorthorn apparel.. Matt Woolfolk was available for the Board to ask about his written report to them. There was discussion on the class breaks in the yards show, no action was taken. The Board approved unanimously to change the way ratios are reported on BW and Fat so that they are treated the same as all the other traits. The ratios over 100 will indicate a number that is recorded as a positive for the animal. Heather Lange was available to the Board to ask question concerning the Registry and DNA issues in her written report. Questions and discussion on associations sharing samples for DNA. The possibility of having a blanket waiver for sharing samples. Emily Velisek was available for question from her written report about the election of delegates. Suggestion to look into digital voting. The Board unanimously approved that members voting for state delegates must vote for the same number of delegates as is eligible from that state or area or the ballot will become null and void.
American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes November 18, 2020 President Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the called virtual Zoom meeting to order at 9:05am, central time. Present on the call: President, Nancy Grathwohl Heter, Vice-President, Hugh Mooney, Joe Bales, David Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russell and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules. The Board approved unanimously to cancel the December 5, 2020 Annual meeting in Kansas City and move it to a later date due to the Covid-19 restrictions. (all registration fees will be refunded) The. Board unanimously approved to move the meeting to Feb. 5 and 6, 2021 and if it would not be able to hold the meeting in person due to Covid-19 restriction then have a virtual meeting on February 6. 2021. The Board was advised and agreed to have legal counsel write up an amendment for the by-laws to cover this type of Annual Meeting in emergency cases. Meeting adjourned at 9:45pm. = American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes December 31, 2020 President Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the called virtual Zoom meeting to order at 12:00 pm, central time. Present on the call: President, Nancy Grathwohl Heter, Vice-President, Hugh Mooney, Joe Bales, David Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Lee Miller, John Russell and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules. Topic for meeting discussion on 2020 Annual meeting.
Montie Soules gave a Staff report and then the Board went into executive session.
The Board unanimously approved to cancel the Feb 5 and 6, 2021 in person annual meeting and have a virtual annual meeting on Feb 6, 2021
Mark Nelson gave a presentation on Grow Safe feed efficiency being able to supply EPDs for RFI, ADG and DMI. The board asked for the contract and will review later.
The Board listed names for possible Board of Directors for the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund 501 (c)(3) and approved to have the Executive Committee plus Joe Bales to vet candidates and bring a final list to the Board at a later date for Board approval.
The Board adjourned for the day and had dinner with the Staff. September 23, 2020 the meeting reconvened and president, Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the meeting to order at 8:00am at the ASA office.
The auditors report was discussed and not available yet. A zoom meeting was scheduled for January 14 to review the auditor’s financial report for the year Sept. 1, 2019 -Aug. 31, 2020.
Joe Bales and Montie Soules gave a report to the board on the activity of the 150th Anniversary Celebration.
Meeting adjourned at 12:45pm. =
Montie gave a report and provide the documents of the ASA doing the administrative work for the Braunvieh Association of America.
American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes
Emily Velisek was available for questions concerning Shows. Discussion on Denver being cancelled, and possible other shows being put in place as a replacement. No action taken to designate a replacement National Show.
January 14, 2021
Discussion on show honorees for National shows cancelled and at Louisville with no spectators allow. The possibility of doing a video for the presentation was suggested. To contact honorees for input.
Present on the call: President, Nancy Grathwohl Heter, Vice-President, Hugh Mooney, Dave Greenhorn, Joe Bales, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Lee Miller, John Russell and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules.
The Board unanimously approved to move Dr. Raymond Ediger to 2021 at Keystone and have Stepping Stone moved to 2022 NWSS in Denver to be
Nancy Grathwohl Heter, president, had to excuse herself for a few minutes to attend another zoom call. Hugh Mooney, Vice president, took over the
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President Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the called virtual zoom meeting to order at 12:05pm, central time.
ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued meeting. The Board approved unanimously the added amendment Article XII prepared by legal counsel to the By-laws pertaining to holding a virtual meeting during emergency status as seen below. Article No. XII VIRTUAL ANNUAL MEETING When events such as a national emergency, natural disaster, national health crisis, to include but not limited to a national pandemic, or act of terrorism or war prevents an in person annual meeting of the ASA, the Board of Directors may convene a virtual, online, by phone or by any electronic means an annual meeting available which allows the dually elected delegates to attend virtually and vote. This annual meeting will be for the purpose of presentation of the annual financial report of the organization and the election of the nominated board of directors which had been presented by the nominating committee for that specific election. Any and all requirements of quorums to conduct business will be waived at these types of special meetings. A majority agreement of the delegates present by virtual means will make all actions official for the association’s business conducted. The Board shall use their best efforts to insure participation. The agenda shall be limited to the abovementioned items. This virtual annual meeting must be attended by a majority of the ASA Board of Directors and the Executive Secretary/CEO.
The president, Nancy Grathwohl Heter returned to the meeting and reassumed control of the meeting. The board unanimously approved the financial audit report from Miller Management for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2020. Meeting adjourned at 12:23 pm central time. =
American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes February 5, 2021 ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo. President Nancy Grathwohl Heter called the meeting to order Feb. 5, 2021 at 8:15am. Present: President Nancy Grathwohl Heter, Vice-President Hugh Mooney, Joe Bales, Toby Jordan, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russell and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules. Jason Rowland was present for accounting reports. David Greenhorn and John Sonderman both joined the meeting virtually for the day via Zoom Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were reviewed and discussed. The Sept. 22 & 23, 2020 ASA Board Meeting Minutes, as well as the Virtual Conference Call Minutes from the Nov. 18, 2020, Dec. 31, 2020 and Jan. 14, 2021 meetings were unanimously approved by the Board. Jason Rowland and Montie Soules presented the financial’s through Dec. 31, 2020 which were unanimously approved by the Board. Jason Rowland and Montie Soules presented the final Auditors report produced by Miller Management. The Board unanimously approved to accept the findings in the auditor’s report. Matt Woolfolk presented a report on ASA performance activities. The Board unanimously approved to move forward to conduct a test run for feed efficiency EPDS through Grow Safe Corporation. Shelby Diehm presented reports on the Junior Activities and Marketing &Communications for the Board to review. Future locations for the Junior National were discussed; Shelby will research availability and costs. Heather Lange was available to the Board to ask question concerning the Registry and DNA issues in her written report. Emily Velisek presented a report for ASA Shows and lists of judges selected by the Show Committee. There was discussion on the future of the Cattlemen’s Congress vs. the National Western in Denver. The Board asked for suggestions for redesigning the regional points system and work with the Show Committee on this if the Cattlemen’s Congress continues to be part of the national shows. There was conversation regarding the continued cancellation of state fairs due to the Pandemic and if regional shows would be back in operation in the fall. Montie Soules reported new employees will be starting work as Emily Velisek is leaving March 1 and Matt Woolfolk will move to a part-time remote position. The Board went into Executive Session. The ASA Board reviewed the submissions from committee to become members
of the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund 501 (c)(3) (SYDF) Board and discussed the terms for each newly assigned SYDF Board Member. The Board unanimously approved the names and terms selected to initiate the first set of FYDF Board Members. The Board reviewed the Bylaws presented by legal counsel for the SYFD and made some adjustments in the bylaws to resubmit to legal counsel. The Board unanimously approved revisions made to the SYDF Bylaws with legal counsel’s approval. The Board reviewed the ASA Suggested Terms of Sale that have been in place since 2014. After discussion, the Board requested to have the terms updated for reevaluation at a later date. The Board reviewed the process of Certificate and Non-certificate Bulls. The Board elected new officers for the year 2020-21 and unanimously elected Hugh Money as President and Joe Bales as Vice-President. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. =
American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes April 8, 2021 President Hugh Mooney called the virtual meeting via Zoom to order at 12:05 pm CDT. Present on the call: President, Hugh Mooney, Vice-President, Joe Bales, David Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russell, Mark Gordon, Executive Secretary, Montie Soules and staff members, Wade Minihan and Cassie Reid The Board unanimously approved to follow the Show Committee’s recommendation and denote the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City as a Super National Show and to denote The National Western in Denver as a Regional Point Show. The Board unanimously approved to follow the Show Committee’s recommendation to approve a revised show point system that consists of two (2) Super National Shows and five (5) National Shows in which the combined points will be totaled for National Awards. The motion also included five (5) regional areas that would each have two (2) Regional Shows, one (1) Super Regional Show and one (1) National Show and the combined points will be used to tabulate Regional Show Winners. The motion included that regional winners and national winners must attend at least two (2) shows at either the region or national level to be eligible to receive awards for the respective show levels. The motion included the location of national and regional shows for the 2021-2022 show season, with the exception of a few waiting to confirm that the staff would make adjustments as needed. The Board unanimously approved to follow the Show Committee’s recommendation to approve discontinuing runner up-awards for regional awards and national awards. The motion also included adding divisional awards for national shows. Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm. =
American Shorthorn Association Board Meeting Minutes April 26 & 27, 2021 ASA Office, Kansas City, Mo. President Hugh Mooney called the meeting to order April 26, 2021 at 8:00am. Present: President Hugh Mooney, Vice-President Joe Bales, (on Zoom) Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordan, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, John Russell, Mark Gordon, Lee Milller (on Zoom) and Executive Secretary, Montie Soules. Jason Rowland was present for accounting reports. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were reviewed and discussed. The Feb. 5, 2021 Minutes and virtual conference call meeting minutes from Apr. 8, 2021 were unanimously approved by the Board. Jason Rowland and Montie Soules presented the financials through Mar. 31, 2021. The Board unanimously approved the financials for audit. Jason Rowland and Montie Soules presented the revised mid-year (6 month) budgets for ASA, AJSA, JN, BAA the Board unanimously approved the new budgets.
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ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued Matt Woolfolk was present and asked for questions regarding the performance report sent to Board Members earlier. There were questions and discussion on the Grow Safe Feed Efficiency Agreement. The Board unanimously approved to accept the contract from Grow Safe to investigate and test possible EPDs generated from the Grow Safe data. The Board unanimously approved a Producer Data Collection Proposal & Procedure to collect data from commercial herds using Shorthorn genetics and giving the ASA the right to use data in promotional items. The Board unanimously approved to combine present ASA committees into two active committees, Shorthorn Genetic Improvement Committee and Shorthorn Promotion and Acceptance Committee. The Shorthorn Genetic Improvement Committee would be made up from the present Genetic Evaluation, ShorthornPlus and Commercial Acceptance committee. The Shorthorn Promotion and Acceptance Committee will be made up from the present Shorthorn Promotion and Commercial Acceptance Committee. Both new committees will have the potential to appoint sub-committees as necessary. This action to combine the committees would require a change in the ASA Bylaws in Section 13, Formation of Committees: The following listed change to the Bylaws was approved unanimously on April 29, 2021, by the ASA Board: The Board of Directors shall establish the following standing committees and such other ad hoc committees as shall be appropriate to the efficient administration of the business of the Association. Standing committees of the Association shall be as follows: • Executive Committee: Shall consist of the President, Vice President and one member at large of the Board of Directors as well as the Executive Secretary/CEO. A member from the Board of Directors shall be selected by the President.
It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee to conduct the affairs of the Association between regularly scheduled meetings and to carry out the instructions of the Board of Directors. Any decisions that the Executive Committee may make or take action on must be brought before the entire board within 10 days and is subject to approval by majority vote of those present at such meeting before the action becomes final and is implemented. • Finance Committee: The President will appoint two members from the board to serve on the Finance Committee along with the Vice President and the President. The President will also designate a chair for the Financial Committee. This committee shall monitor the finances of the Association on a periodic basis review income and expense report monthly. The Executive and accounting personnel will prepare and submit to the Board of Directors for approval an annual operating budget and review proposed capital expenditures for recommendation to the Board of Directors to be approved by the Board of Directors. • Personnel Committee: The Executive Committee shall serve as the personnel committee. The personnel committee shall be responsible for the employment the Executive Secretary/ CEO for the Association and all matters pertaining to the conditions of employment subject to Board approval. • Standing Committees: The following standing committees shall be appointed annually by the Board of Directors. The standing committee shall make their recommendations to the Board of Directors and the membership at the annual meeting of the Association. The Vice-President of the Association shall be responsible for making recommendations to the Board of Directors of standing committee members.
Shelby Diehm was present and asked for any questions regarding the Junior National and/or the Junior Activities Report sent to Board members earlier. Locations for the National Junior Shorthorn Show and Youth Conference were discussed and an update on the Summit leadership conference being held in Texas was provided. An update on the 150th Book, Shorthorn and the American Cattle Industry, was given by Joe Bales and Montie Soules. Dan Botas from Edward Jones attended via Zoom to present opportunities for investing money from the Building Fund and funds in reserve. Dan explained the risk and opportunity for return, recommending bond funds that would be lower risk and higher return. The Board unanimously approved to invest the Building Fund and reserves for the ASA, AJSA and Junior National Account, except for $100,000 ASA funds into the PGIM Bond fund. Montie gave a staff report. The Board went into Executive Session. Montie Soules and new staff members, Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan, gave an annual meeting report which included the list of breeders referred to as Legends to present at the Annual Meeting. The list was approved. Show Report was presented by Cassie Reid and Wade Minihan. The Super National, National, Super Regional and Regional shows were reviewed with
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number of head at each show in previous years. Shelby Diehm asked for questions pertaining to the Marketing and Communications. A new and revised Recommended Terms of Sale for ASA was presented and approved unanimously by the Board. Dates for next meeting were set for Sept. 22 & 23, 2021. Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm and the Board and staff had dinner together. Tuesday April 27, 2021, the meeting reconvened at 8:00 am. Same persons where present except for Mark Gordon and Lee Miller on Zoom and Joe Bales was absent. The Board unanimously approved to accept the judge selection for the Pen Show at the Cattlemen’s Congress in Oklahoma City, OK. The Board was informed that Ohio State Fair limited their show to residents only and/or just juniors. Using the same policy as in the past for Covid restrictions of shows, it was unanimously approved there would be no points given for the Ohio State Fair. The Board reviewed the structure of the Show Committee and had discussion of same. No actions taken. The date of birth of the animal vs. the ownership date locations on the registration paper was discussed. It was decided to see if those dates could be exchanged or moved to avoid confusion for breeders when looking for those particular dates. Meeting adjourned at 12 noon. =
Minutes from e-mail sent May 11, 2021 requesting approval to print the 150th Celebration History Book. Email sent to: Hugh Mooney, Joe Bales, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russell, and Mark Gordon. Received replies from 7 Board Members unanimously voting to accept the quote from Craftsman Printers Inc. for printing the 150th Celebration history book.
American Shorthorn Association Virtual Zoom Meeting May 26, 2021 - 12 Noon Central Time Present on the call: President Hugh Mooney, Vice-president Joe Bales, Dave Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, Jerrell Crow, Lee Miller, John Russell, Mark Gordon, Montie Soules (exec) and Tom Turner, Chair of the 150th Celebration Committee. Cost/sales scenarios for the 150th Anniversary Commemorative Book were presented to the ASA Board to review. After much discussion the Board approved to offer the book with three price breaks. Advanced sales (with pickup locations at the annual meeting, NAILE and Cattlemen’s Congress in OKC), same day sales at location for picking up books and sales to be shipped with postage fees. = American Shorthorn Association Board Virtual Conference Call Minutes August 4, 2021 President Hugh Mooney called the virtual meeting via Zoom to order at 12:00 pm CDT. Present on the call: President Hugh Mooney, David Greenhorn, Toby Jordon, John Sonderman, John Russell, Mark Gordon and Montie Soules (exec sec). Vice-President Joe Bales and Jerrell Crow both replied by separate emails advising they would not be available for the Zoom meeting. Both stated they agree with staff recommendations regarding award winners for the Annual Meeting in Oct. 2021; they also agree with plans for how to handle the Show Honorees for this coming year who did not have their awards presented due to Covid restrictions. The Board unanimously approved re-assigning Roger Hunsley from the 2020
ASA Board Meeting Minutes Continued Heritage award to the 2021 Builder of the Breed award as recommended by ASA staff.
The Board unanimously approved Bob Hough as the recipient of the 2021 Merit award.
The Board approved Bert Moore as the recipient of the 2021 Builder of the Breed.
The Board unanimously approved to continue with the Show Honorees from last year when Covid did not allow presentations. They also approved to include Ed and Jamey Kruse as Show Honorees at the 2022 Cattlemen’s Congress along with Show Honorees that did not get presentations at the 2021 show.
The Board unanimously approved Tom Turner as the recipient of the 2021 Builder of the Breed. The Board unanimously approved Don and Marylou Mayse as recipients of the 2021 Heritage award.
Meeting adjourned at 12:40 pm. =
Follow the American Shorthorn Association on YouTube to watch the latest Shorthorn featured American Rancher Episodes and Video News. shorthorn country = february 2022
Tartan Plaid
Sommer National Shorthorn Smith Lassie President
Meet the 2022 National Shorthorn Lassie Board Greetings from the National Shorthorn Lassies. It is a great privilege for me to introduce our board of directors for 2022. Meet the officer team: President - Sommer Smith of Walton, Kansas. Sommer has served several terms on the National Lassie Board since 2001 and is a former queen mom. She and Troy own M Bar Shorthorns in Walton, Kansas. Outside of the cattle industry Sommer is the CFO of Moundridge Communications Network a rural telephone and internet provider. Vice President - Desirae Logsdon of Amanda, Ohio. Desirae is a former National Lassie Queen and had the designation of being our queen for a year and a half. Desirae is currently works for the City of Circleville Ohio and operates her own Shorthorn herd Foster Farms Shorthorns. Secretary - Sydney Miller of Charlotte, Michigan. Sydney is a former National Alternate Lassie Queen. She
currently works for Michigan State University Extension as a Community Nutrition Instructor. Recently, she moved back to the family farm, Narrow Brook Shorthorns which allows her be part of the operation. Treasurer - Pam Dressen of Ellsworth, Wisconsin. Pam is a former queen mom and was a MN state queen. Their family has been in the shorthorn industry for over 100 years. Pam is a kindergarten teacher that utilizes ag in the classroom as much as she can. She not only teaches, but she is the secretary treasurer of the MN Shorthorn association. Public Relations - Christina Wenderski of Loraine, Illinois. Christina is a past National Queen. She currently works as an import/export specialist at Phibro Animal Health. Christina, her husband Ryan and son Troy are part of a 4 generation Shorthorn operation. Queen Co-Chair - Elaine Dragstrem is a 3rd generation shorthorn breeder, she has 2 daughters Megan and Allison, that
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both served as junior board members. Bob and Elaine not only raise shorthorn cattle in Indiana, but also corn and soybeans. Elaine has been a pre-school teacher for 18 years. Gwen Crawford is a former junior activities director for the ASA. She currently lives in North Dakota. Gwen served on the junior board and has been active with the association her entire life. Gwen is the City Administrator for Valley City, North Dakota. Our directors are: Faye Smith, Emily Fry, Faye Korthaus, Jaqueline Meisner, and Tawana Holland. Please reach out to any board member throughout the year with any questions you may have about the National Shorthorn Lassies. = shorthorn.org/national-shorthorn-lassies/
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American Shorthorn Association
Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book - America’s First Purchasing Options 150 Years of Shorthorn History: abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 123456789
SHORTHORN American Cattle Industry Dr. Bob Hough and Dr. Bert Moore
Regular Price $65 Plus Shipping & Handling:
• Order forms available on the ASA website at regular price plus shipping and handling.
Join us this fall as we begin the celebration of
150 years
of the American Shorthorn Association
CJ Brown’s - Commissioned Painting “America’s First - Shorthorns Across America”
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shorthorn country = february 2022
Home of Studer’s Crunch Time 22C
Cagwin Farms Visitors Welcome . . . Stop by any time!
-Top 5% in the breed for WW, YW, TM, CW, and $F
Quality cattle for sale at all times. Located just a few miles south of Route 36/I-72.
Sunnyland Farms Wayne Hinderliter Family 629 Co. Rd. 350 North Albion, IL 62806 Wayne: 618-384-8250 Doug: 618-384-1932 4.
Visitors always welcome! Cattle usually for sale. Four miles north of I-64. Exit 130 on Illinois 130.
P.O. Box 77 • Virginia, Illinois 62691 office: 217-452-3051 • cell: 217-341-7552 Kerry Johnston cell: 217-370-6033 Dalton Johnston cell: 217-416-9536 Cindy Cagwin-Johnston cell: 217-370-6034 cagwincattle@casscomm.com • cagwincattle.com
Route 2, Box 55 Beecher City, IL 62414 home: 618-487-5559 Trey: 618-367-0764 Steve: 618-267-3229
1963 Kelley Road • Caledonia, IL 61011 815-885-3679 cell: 815-494-5588 Come visit us any time. Heifers, bulls and steers for sale.
contact: L.E. Mathers III
cell: 309-678-4230 • cattle@leveldale.com or Rob Bruce, Herdsman: cell: 217-737-0692 Farm: 10442 N Co Rd 2980 E • Mason City, IL 62664 Check our website for our current list of herd sires. SULL Roan Goose 902
Hugh W. Moore, Jr. & Sons 31056 Old Fidelity Road • Jerseyville, IL 62052 Hugh: 618-729-4448 • Tom: 618-498-5848 Ron: 618-729-3258 Bulls, Females, Club Calves For Sale at all times. Full Irish calves available. 40 miles north of St. Louis.
Cattle always For Sale at the Farm.
Luke, Amanda, Madeline, Gavin, Callie, Alexa & Josie Turner 9.
2519 Cty Rd 200E • Mahomet, IL 61853 217-202-2484 mainstreetfenching@yahoo.com
Quality seedstock for sale at the farm Dale & Ryan Wernicke 12611 Fisher Rd • Lena, IL 61048-9754 Dale: 815-369-2857 Ryan: 815-739-7754 ryanwernicke@yahoo.com Watch For Our Annual October Online Sale
Chesnut Shorthorns
Shorthorns 10.
Dale Muck
Trey & Hailey Wright Steve & Marsha Wright
WATAGA, IL 61488 contact: Dave Steck home: 309-342-0813 cell: 309-299-0335
Wright Cattle Co. Leveldale Farms
Scott Horton, Owner
Farm located five miles east of Virginia on Route 125, 2. then one mile south of the elevator at Philadelphia, Illinois.
Horton farms Shorthorns Horton cell: 630-965-1710 Wernicke cell: 815-739-7754 4N010 Town Hall Rd. • St. Charles, IL 60175 Office: 630-365-1444
Don Cagwin
- Semen: $30/unit
Jason Smithers & Girls - 217-491-2140 jasonsmithers74@gmail.com Greg & Pam Smithers - 217-285-6280 36739 205th Avenue • Pittsfield, IL 62363
Visitors Welcome
Bulls, heifers and steers for sale at all times.
Gary Chesnut Family
16145 N 100 East Road • Fithian, IL 61844 217-260-6144 11.
Dennis and Terri Jordan
545 E. 900 N. Road • Sibley, IL 61773 217-784-4854 • cell: 217-202-2865 email: jordan@prairieinet.net
Amanda, Layne, Ty and Ely Harden, 217-417-8335 Jason, Tasha and Isabella Bunting, 815-252-5520 Ashleigh, David, Dakota and Dalton Hall, 217-979-7531 13.
Bred females for sale at all times. Albert Larry Hill
shorthorn country = february 2022
7272 NCR 3350 E • Mason City, IL 62664 217-737-1023 • 217-482-3765
Get on the map!
12 7
For details contact: Cindy Cagwin-Johnston, 217-370-6034 or Darryl Rahn, 217-473-1124
This ad runs six times a year. What better way to insure your customers can find you? Cody Leemon: 217-304-3612 Jessica Lannon-Leemon: 217-649-0036 leemoncattlecompany@gmail.com
10 24
11674 E 4200 N Rd, Hoopeston, IL 60942
21 13
Follow us on:
18 2
23 19
Bob and Mark Gordon
1 8
4 17.
1160 600th Ave. Middletown, IL 62666 Bob: 217-737-7159 Mark cell: 217-737-7905 Shelden Tibbs, Herdsman mark.gordon@plantpioneer.com
Rolling Hills Farm
Ten Mile Farm Shorthorns
Investing in top genetics for over 30 years. Visitors Welcome! The Birch Family Harold, Regina, Richard and Hope
Doug & Rhonda North 5544 Stone Road Clinton, IL 61727 217-622-4466
22698 E. Co. Rd. 920 N • Ashmore, IL 61912 217-232-8366 email: hbirch@agrisolutions.com
Driving directions from Ashmore: two miles west on Rt. 16 to Enon Baptist Church sign; then one mile south to farm 19. 20.
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News & Notes Farewells Tammy R. Benjamin, 51, of Freeman SD passed away peacefully on December 20th, 2021 at Avera McKennan Hospital with her family at her side. Tammy Schrag was born in Sioux Falls, SD to Doug and Candace Schrag on December 15, 1970. She committed her life to our Lord and Savior at a very young age and was baptized on May 22, 1988 at the SalemZion Mennonite Church. She graduated from Freeman Public High School in 1989 and received her Bachelors degree in Elementary Education from Sioux Falls University and went on to receive her Masters degree in Reading Recovery from Black Hills State University. Tammy married Dan Benjamin on June 20th,1998 and through this union produced her two greatest joys in life, daughter Ashlyn on October 26,2001 and son Tyce, born April 22, 2006.
Her children were the light of her life and brought her incredible joy and happiness. She was particularly excited for her upcoming Grandma duties and so loved her future granddaughter whom we have all yet to meet. Faith in Christ was the foundation of a life that grew Tammy into the kind, compassionate, unselfish soul that so many of us will cherish forever. She had a particular love of children, in earlier years, she was the go to babysitter for so many families in the area. It is this love of kids and her kind, helping spirit that attracted her to the teaching profession where she was able to share her bright, bubbly personality with young minds in the elementary school system. Tammy always enjoyed the little things in life. From Chinese food to the family pets, Blossom and Speedy. She always enjoyed a good trip to Sioux Falls to do a little shopping and planting flowers in Spring with her beloved children was always a favorite time of year. When she wasn’t taking care of the craziness of raising her own family, she would always
be seen in the seats of a cattle show watching her niece and nephew do what they love. Providing some comfort during this difficult time is knowing Tammy spent a heavenly Christmas with her father, Doug, whom she loved so dearly. Grateful for having shared her life, she is survived by husband Dan, children Ashlyn and Tyce. Mother Candace Schrag, her husband Vernon. Brother Cory Schrag, wife Melissa, children Samantha and Jaxon. Sister-in-law Deana Benjamin, son Kai. Sister-in-law Kris Williams, her husband Troy, their children Trelyn, Riley and Silas. Sisterin-law Lindsey Tuschen, husband Alan, children Emma, Hadleigh, Kenzie, Willa and Trent. Mother-in-law Tammy Mutchelknaus, husband Rob. Father-inlaw Bill Benjamin, wife Cindy and son Ford. She is preceded in death by her loving father Doug Schrag and Grandparents Paul and Ada Schrag and Grandparents Ben and Mildred Schrag. =
Leon Carl Mosteller, 78, of rural Bern, Kansas was born August 22, 1943, in Humboldt, Nebraska to Oliver and Eleanor (Dick) Mosteller. Leon was raised on the Mosteller Family Farm near Bern, Kansas and attended Bern Public School from 1950-1961. He graduated from Bern High School with the class of 1961. After graduation, Leon worked with his dad on the family farm before joining active duty with the U.S. Army on February 15, 1966. He served his country while stationed in Germany during the Vietnam War until being honorably discharged on January 26,
1968. Leon then served in the U.S. Army reserves until his discharge on February 16, 1972. On June 15, 1975, Leon was united in marriage to Karen Threlkel at the United Church of Christ in Centralia, Kansas. To this union three children, Ross, Robert and Karla were born. The couple raised their family on the Mosteller Farm where Leon was the 4th generation of Mosteller men raising Shorthorn Cattle. Leon was the custodian/bus driver for Bern schools from 1988-2011 and then drove bus for Sabetha public schools from 20112021. Leon was known for his ability to carry on a conversation with anyone and everyone. He was proud of his family and was a presence at any activity they participated in. He especially enjoyed the county fair and was known by many for always being there to lend a helping
hand or share a story. Leon was definitely one of a kind and will be remembered by many. Leon passed away on Friday, December 31, 2021, at Sabetha Community Hospital in Sabetha, Kansas having reached the earthly age of seventy-eight years, four months, and nine days. He was preceded in death by his parents. Leon is survived by his loving wife Karen Mosteller of rural Bern, KS; sons: Ross Mosteller and wife Tonya of rural Bern, KS; Robert Mosteller of rural Bern, KS; daughter Karla Kramer and husband Justin of rural Seneca, KS; grandchildren: Lane, Madilyn, and Lindy Mosteller of rural Bern, KS; Brecken, Latham and Nola Kramer of rural Seneca, KS; Lorraina of rural Wetmore, KS; and other relatives and numerous friends. =
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S u e l l e n Hawkins Dahl, 83, of Gruver, passed away on Wednesday, December 8th, 2021. Graveside services will be held at 10:00 am Monday, December 13, 2021 at Gruver Cemetery and will be followed by a church service at 11:00 am at the Gruver United Methodist Church with pastor Steve Chappell officiating. Visitation will be held Sunday, December 12, 2021 at Henson-Novak Funeral Directors in Guymon, Oklahoma from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00.P.M. Visitation will also be held 8:30 A.M. till 9:30 A.M. Monday, December 13, 2021 at Gruver United Methodist Church. Suellen was born on October 9th, 1938 in Spearman, Texas to Perry and Lois Hawkins. She grew up on the Hawkins family ranch near Fort Zulu on Palo Duro Creek before moving to Gruver. During her school years she was involved as a Gruver High School Cheerleader, was a member of Harmony Club, and participated in Methodist
Youth Fellowship. She married Robert Dahl on June 9th, 1957, and lived in Springfield, Missouri during his U.S. Air Force designation there. They soon returned to their native place of Gruver and commenced to living and working on the Dahl family farm. Suellen was an exemplary example of a country woman and could perform farming operations, work cattle, and perform administrative duties, all while raising a family and serving others. Her life on the family farm included involvement with the American Shorthorn Association and the Shorthorn Lassies. She loved working in flower shops and making floral arrangements. Her culinary skills were exceptional and no matter how closely one followed her recipes, the product was never as good as hers. Suellen was a longtime member of the Gruver United Methodist Church, where she was involved with many activities and shared fellowship with many friends. She was kind, caring, and compassionate towards all. Suellen was proceeded in death by her parents, Perry and Lois Hawkins, a brother Billy Jeff Hawkins, and her husband of 63 years, Robert Dahl. She is survived by son; Wade Dahl and wife
Angie of Wimberley, TX; daughter Brenda Hopkins and husband Bud of Gruver, TX; son Scot Dahl and wife Ginger of Talcott, WV; and a niece Jana McCarley and husband Michael of Amarillo, TX. She was a devoted grandmother to 11 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Pallbearers include Steve Bevill, Kevin Allaway, James Walker, Kevin Hart, Ricky Thompson, Hunter Hopkins, Michael McCarley, and Clyde Fischer. Honorary Pallbearers are all grandchildren and their spouses, all great grandchildren, nieces, and nephews. Memorial donations may be given to BSA Hospice of the Southwest, 5211 Southwest 9th Street, Suite 100, Amarillo, Texas 79106 or may be accepted at Henson-Novak Funeral Directors, P.O. Box 1306 Guymon, Oklahoma 73942. The family would like to thank Brookdale Medi Park in Amarillo for making Suellen so welcome in a new home. She loved her time the with staff and friends there. We would also like to thank Visiting Angels of Amarillo for the extra care giving she needed. =
Boyd Dwain Young, 79, went to be with the Lord on Friday, December 10, 2021. Funeral services will be held at 11:00 am Monday, December 20, 2021, in the First United Methodist Church with Rev. Ernie McGaughey officiating. Burial will follow in Rose Hill Cemetery. Arrangements are under the care of Kornerstone Funeral Directors of Tulia. Boyd was born on July 2, 1942, in Tulia to L.D. and Annie Young. He grew up in Swisher County and graduated from Kress High School in 1960. He
married Kay Carothers on November 6, 1964. Boyd and Kay had two sons, Steve, and Layne. Boyd loved watching his boys in the show ring and later his joy came mostly from watching all his grandchildren show their animals and playing sports. Boyd was raised in 4H and remained an active member all his life. He was an adult leader for Swisher County 4H for 54 years. He was a member of the Swisher County Activity Association for several years. The 2016 South Central, Regional Shorthorn Show in Amarillo was dedicated to Boyd Young, 4Y Shorthorns. He helped numerous kids throughout the area with their beef projects in 4H. He was also the superintendent for the Swisher County Stock Show for several years. Boyd
farmed for many years before going to work for Swisher County Precinct 3 for 25 years. He is preceded in death by his parents, his wife, Kay Young, his sister, Maxine Carter and his brother, Melvin Young. He is survived by his two sons, Steve Young and wife Wendy of Nazareth, Layne Young of Tulia, his sister, Judine Wilks of Tulia, his brother, Stanley Young of Lubbock, his five grandchildren, Brett, Will, Casey, Anndee, and Landry, his two great grandchildren, Jace and Carter and numerous nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Swisher County Activity Association or the Nazareth FFA Alumni Association. =
New DNA Card Fees Our approved lab for DNA, Neogen, has increased the cost of blood and hair cards to the ASA and as a result, it is necessary to start charging for them to cover this increase, plus the postage it takes to send them. Blood cards are now $1/card and hair cards are $2/card. Methods for obtaining them have not changed. Please call the office or fill out the card request on shorthorn.org to order. The lab’s preferred methods are TSU samples and blood cards. TSU kits can be purchased directly through Neogen or Allflex. *Remember, there is an additional fee for testing hair and semen. **DO NOT test twins via blood samples.
New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022 The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file that qualify to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
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ASA Hotel Information for Upcoming Events
2022 Junior National Hotel Info Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, MO 64106
$134/night Block opens August 1, 2021 • Must be canceled by 3 pm June 1, 2022 to receive full refund. Reservations may be made by calling Marriott reservations at 1-866-932-6214 or by using our custom link found on https://juniorshorthorn.com/accommodations/ Additional Information: Complimentary basic wireless internet Overnight self-parking $10
Shorthorn Country A Notice From
Advertising Rate Change Advertising rates for the Shorthorn Country have not changed in 30 years. Due to increased printing and overall production costs, it is imperative that the rates be raised by 10% starting with the January 2022 issue. Shorthorn Country advertising will remain among the lowest rates of any breed publication today. Catalog pricing will remain the same. Following is a listing of the new rate schedule.
Advertising Rates 1 page 2/3 page 1/2 page-island 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page Business Card (1 1/2”)
1X $620 $460 $370 $345 $265 $215 $150 $45
Color Rates (Remain the Same) 4 color = $200 • 1 color-choice - $195 • House color = $175
If 2022 assessment is paid between these dates
Pay this amount per head
November 1, 2021 - January 9, 2022
January 10, 2022 - February 28, 2022
March 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022
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11X $555 $425 $340 $320 $250 $190 $135 $365/year
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Advertise Your Farm/Business Place your Business Card Advertisement Here! Contact us for more information: Darryl 217-473-1124 Cindy 217-370-6034
shorthorn country = february 2022
2021–2022ShowASA Point Show System Season: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 *Individual show schedule subject to change
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN National Show :: Dixie National Super Regional Show :: Kentucky State Fair Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.
Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points
North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK
National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT
North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI National Show :: American Royal Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & Minnesota State Fair
Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion
Super National Shows :: 2 total
*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
ASA Point Show System Point Distribution Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points
National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points
Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points
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Sales Calendar
Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales
Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D.
March 19 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio.
Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, Wisc., amsonlinesales.com
March 19 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind.
March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 10 - Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale, Watertown, S.D.
March 21 - Smith Family Farms, “Herdsman’s Choice” Fall Born Heifer and Embryo Online Sale, Pendelton, Ind., wlivestock.com.
March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 19 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com
March 23 - Moore Shorthorns Fall Born Heifer Online Sale, Jerseyville, Ill., wlivestock. com.
March 12-13 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House & Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, SD, amsonlinesales.com
Feb. 22 - Alden Farms, Highland Farms, Deerhorn Farms & Dylana Luett “Curfew Semen Sale”, wlivestock.com.
March 24 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, wlivestock.com.
Feb. 26 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, The Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa. March 1 - Leveldale Farms “Headquarters for Herd Bulls” Private Treaty Bull Sale, Mason City, Ill. March 5 - Loving Farms, “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan. March 5 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky. March 8 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can. March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com March 12 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn.
March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, Texas.
March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, TX March 29 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
March 29 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, OH
April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio. April 5 - Sugarbird Shorthorns at Respite Farm “Roan for the Roses Spring Edition”, Online Sale, Paris, Ky., dponlinesales.com
April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK
April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.
April 23 - Springtime Revival, Lavaca, AR
April 16-17 - Oklahoma Sooner Classic Shorthorn Show and Sale, Duncan, Okla.
April 30 - Sharben Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, KY
April 23 - Springtime Revival, Belle Point Ranch, Lavaca, Ark. April 30 - Sharben Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.
March 12-13 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House & Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D., amsonlinesales.com * To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
Online sales with a personal touch.
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com
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Ad Index AAA Shorthorns............................. 35 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.... 41 Bennett Land & Cattle................... 35 Berg Shorthorns............................. 35 Bigelow Farms................................ 35 Bowman Superior Genetics............ 35 Brooks, Bruce................................. 38 Bye Well Shorthorns....................... 35 Byland Polled Shorthorns............... 35 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC..... 15, 38 Cagwin Farms.................................. 7 Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 35 Cates Farms.................................... 35 Cattle Visions........................... 38, 40 Cornerstone Farms......................... 35 Crawfdown Farms.......................... 35 Dale Studer Family Shorthorns.... IFC Dedmon Shorthorns...................... 35 Deerhorn Farms............................. 27 DJS Shorthorns.............................. 35 Double C Shorthorns..................... 35 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company........ 35 DTR Cattle Co.............................. 35 Duis Farms..................................... 35 Fickbohm Farms............................ 35 Fieser Family Shorthorns................ 36 First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd.9, 38 Gilman Shorthorns...................... IFC Greenhorn Cattle Company........... 36
GSKI Shorthorns........................... 36 Haumont Shorthorns..................... 36 Highland Farms............................. 27 Hill Haven Shorthorns................... 10 Homeplace Farms........................... 36 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.................. 36 Humble Stock Farm....................... 36 IL Breeders Unitd For Impact... 35-36 Inness Shorthorns........................... 36 James F. Bessler, Inc........................ 38 Jester Farms.............................. 13, 36 Kevin Wendt.................................. 38 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 36 Keystone Shorthorns...................... 36 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............... 36 KW Cattle Co................................ 36 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................... 36 Legacy Ranch................................. 36 Leveldale Farms........................ 29, 36 Little Cedar Cattle Co.................... 36 Loving Farms................................... 5 Luett Family Shorthorns................. 27 McCall Show Cattle....................... 36 McKee Family Shorthorns.............. 37 Merck Animal Health..................... 21 Meyer Family Shorthorns............... 37 Meyer Farms.................................. 37 MFK Shorthorns............................ 37 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.. 37
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Norman Farms............................... 37 Oler Farm...................................... 37 Paint Valley Farms......................... BC Prairie View Shorthorn Farm.......... 37 Respite Farm.................................. 27 Richardson Farms Shorthorns........ 37 Robert & Bev Alden....................... 27 Robjoy Shorthorns......................... 37 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle............... 37 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.............. 37 Schrag 605..................................... 37 Sears Marketing Services, LLC....... 38 SharBen Shorthorns....................... 37 Smith Family Farms....................... 37 Smoky Mountain Farm.................. 37 Stangl Shorthorns..................... 29, 37 Stone Springs Shorthorns............... 37 Sullivan Supply.............................. 38 Sun Country Sale........................... 11 Sutherland Shorthorns................... 38 Tennessee Agribition...................... 17 Turner Family Shorthorns.............. 38 Utterback Show Cattle................... 38 Warner Ranch................................ 38 Waukaru Shorthorns..............38, IBC WHR Shorthorns............................. 3 Wilson Livestock Agency................ 38