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EMAW & More Sons
FIA Emaw 38
• EMAW is a 3/4 brother to the wildly popular “Wildcat” bull in the GENEX line up.

Lot 18
FIA Emaw 19
• A calving ease bull with curve bending performance.
• His dam is a gorgeous “Achievement” daughter that is quickly proving herself as a superior matron.
FIA Emaw
• A solid herd bull prospect that brings moderate birth and strong maternal genetics.
FIA Baldridge 017
Eldorado E017 FIA Clarity C15 (Pathfinder)
• 017 posted the heaviest Adj. WW in this sale offering. He might be one of our resident herd sires but he can compete with any of our A.I sired offspring.
• His dam earned Pathfinder status and continues a family history of excellence.
• You have to appreciate the balance and profile of 38 that brings added performance with a rugged look.
FIA Emaw 60
• A calving ease bull.
• 60, is a combination bull that puts phenotype and all around performance in the spotlight.
FIA Wilks Regiment K5
• A Regiment son that has a dominate performance profile. The heaviest Adj. YW in the sale offering.
• Regiments have been very popular across the country that are heifer safe without sacrificing performance.
FIA Monumental 111 [ DDP-OHP
Monumental 6056B
Bruning Monuental 6108
Concrete Blackbird 362
FIA X712 E16
Xceed x712
• Exceptional carcass traits that ranks in the top 25% for both Marb and REA.
• Clearly a unique bull that will increase profitability.
8th Annual Flat Iron Bull Sale - Wednesday, March 8, 2023