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Fall Bred Heifers
Lot 27
Lot 28
Lot 29
Check out the growth curve in this high performance, super attractive daughter of the Select Sires roster member EWA Peyton that stems from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires Acclaim and Discovery. Wow, with a +100 WW and +170 YW and her combination of balanced carcass merit and calving ease, this female is destined to produce some big performance animals. She sells due 10/26/2023 to E&B Wildcat.
Gabriel Rita 1602
A super attractive, long spined Set Apart daughter that is a direct daughter of the donor here at Gabriel, SCAR 2P23 by 9C01, who has super cool pedigree that consists of Total Impact and SydGen Corona. This female reads the part and looks the part. There is tremendous earning potential in this super impressive, high maternal female. She sells due to calve 9/4/2023 to DB Iconic.
Gabriel Evergreen 1508
A beautifully designed, double digit calving ease Set Apart daughter that stems from a direct daughter of the legendary ORIgen sire, Jet Black and from a dam that combines Rampage and the $280,000 valued SJH FD 4268 of 747 1010. You have to appreciate the balanced growth curve, elite, and I mean elite, carcass merit in a super attractive, soft made, super maternal female.

2barc Set Apart 1c2 Of 824b
A double digit calving ease female that expresses a tremendous growth curve and added ribeye that is a Set Apart daughter. She checks the boxes in terms of across-the-board balance in a super attractive, deep flanked, bold hipped and great legged female. She sells bred 2/26/2023 to Kenny Rogers .
Ezar Chloe 1500
A high performance, big stout RAR Revolution daughter that expresses explosive growth curve that stems from a dam that combines the Pathfinder Sires Denver and Waylon. This super attractive, soft sided, long spined female also rocks the carcass merit in one complete package. She sells due 8/17/2023 to SS
Identified 7551.
Gabriel Rita 1535
Owned with Lazy F
A super balanced female by the deceased ORIgen sire that was the leadoff bull in the 2020 National Western champion carload and from a dam that combines the two Pathfinder Sires VAR Discovery and Summitcrest Complete. This high marbling female is long spined, deep flanked and super attractive.