january 2022
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
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january 2022
january 2022 issue 1 • volume 49
The January cover photos were taken by Linde’s Livestock Photography at the 2021 NAILE.
7607 NW Prairie View Rd, Platte Woods, MO 64151-1544 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 www.shorthorncountry.net
Shorthorn Country Features
54 Years of Shorthorns in North Carolina...................................... 18 NEW - ASA Commercial Producer Data Program...................... 20 NAILE 2021 Show Honoree............................................................. 21 Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year.................................................... 28
The Voice of the Shorthorn Breed.
advertising rates 1x 11x Full page $620 $ 555 2/3 page 460 425 1/2 page-island 370 340 1/2 page 345 320 1/3 page 265 250 1/4 page 215 190 1/6 page 150 135 Business card (1 1/2”) 45 365/yr * Additional cost for pictures & multiple proofs
color rates
4 color $200 1 color $195
* Color only available on half of page or larger
Contract Rates And Discounts:
Contract rates require advertising in all 11 issues per year with a business card ad. Business card price is pre-paid at the beginning of the calendar year or pro-rated if started after the first issue of the year. Contract (11x) rates do not apply for any sale advertising. Contract advertisers must run the business card ad in every issue. Contracts will run by calendar year. No agency commissions are allowed.
Online Sale Packages & Sale Catalogs
Show Results
NAILE 2021 Super National Open Shorthorn Show.................... 22 NAILE 2021 Super National Open ShorthornPlus Show............. 32 NAILE 2021 Junior Shorthorn Show.............................................. 36 NAILE 2021 Junior ShorthornPlus Show....................................... 40
Sale Reports
Where Future Generations are Created.......................................... 48 A Maternal Event............................................................................... 49
Departments Update..................................................................................6 Association Outlook..........................................................8 Beef Business.....................................................................10 Since You Asked................................................................12 In the Know.......................................................................14 Beef Blurb..........................................................................16 Junior Corner....................................................................44 Tartan Plaid.......................................................................46 2021-2022 ASA Point Show System...............................47 News & Notes....................................................................50 Sales Calendar...................................................................57 Ad Index............................................................................58 4
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Contact us about your upcoming Online Sale or Sale Catalogs for marketing options and pricing.
Don Cagwin, publisher Amy Sampson, managing editor/creative director 816-599-7777 • amy@shorthorncountry.org Amanda Cagwin, accountant • amandacagwin@yahoo.com =Advertising Representatives Cindy Cagwin-Johnston 217-452-3051 • cagwincattle@casscomm.com Darryl Rahn 217-473-1124 • drahn@casscomm.com Jay Carlson, Carlson Media Group, LLC 913-268-5725 • Jay@carlsonmediagroup.com =Advisory Council Montie Soules, ASA representative Don Cagwin, Durham Management Co. =Subscriptions US: 1 year- $24 • 2 years - $38 • 3 years - $52 1 year US First Class - $54/year Canada: 1 year- $60 • 2 years - $110 • 3 years - $130 Other Foreign: 1 year- $120 • 2 years - $220 • 3 years - $300 SHORTHORN COUNTRY (ISSN 0149-9319) Published monthly by the American Shorthorn Association, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151. Subscription rates are $24.00 for 1 year, $38.00 for 2 years, and $52.00 for 3 years in the U.S.; $60.00 for 1 year, $110.00 for 2 years, and $130.00 for 3 years to Canada and $120.00 for 1 year, $220.00 for 2 years, and $300.00 for 3 years to other foreign countries. Periodicals postage paid at Kansas City, MO and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: send address changes to SHORTHORN COUNTRY, 7607 NW Prairie View Rd., Platte Woods, MO 64151.
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New Rule - Jan. 1, 2022
Shorthorn Update ASA Board of Directors Joe Bales, president 615-330-2342 7607 NW Prairie View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151-1544 John Sonderman, vice president 816-599-7777 • FAX: 816-599-7782 402-641-0936 www.shorthorn.org Dave Greenhorn, executive director 937-470-6552 Montie D. Soules, asa executive secretary/CEO Toby Jordan, 219-819-4603 montie@shorthorn.org Jerrell Crow, 580-585-2522 Matt Woolfolk, director of performance programs; performance data & Lee Miller, 330-231-6834 commercial acceptance • matt@shorthorn.org John Russell, 832-588-8604 Heather Lange, director of office operations; customer service, Mark Gordon, 217-737-7905 registrations & DNA • heather@shorthorn.org Jeff Bedwell, 580-822-5590 Shelby Diehm, director of youth activities, marketing & communications • shelby@shorthorn.org Shorthorn Foundation Cassie Reid, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, Bill Rasor, president American Junior & member services • cassie@shorthorn.org Shorthorn Association Wade Minihan, customer service specialist; co-director of shows, Korbin Collins, president events, & member services • wade@shorthorn.org National Shorthorn Lassies Accounting • accountmgr@shorthorn.org Sommer Smith, president
American Shorthorn Association
ASA Dates of Note
January Jan. 1-2 ASA Office Closed Jan. 1 2022 ASA Membership is due Jan. 9 Deadline for early discount for 2022 WHR assessment fees ($16) Jan. 9 Cattlemen’s Congress (CC) Pen Show Jan. 9 “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale Jan. 10 CC Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show Jan. 10 CC Super National ShorthornPlus Female & Bull Show Jan. 11 CC Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Jan. 22 Fort Worth Stock Show - Junior Shorthorn Show
6:00 p.m.
Stepping Stone Ranch
WHR Assessments
WHR Assessments for 2022 were sent recently in November. If you did not receive yours, please contact the ASA office as soon as possible. 2021 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: March 1 - December 31, 2021 $25 2022 ASSESSMENT FEE SCHEDULE: November 1 - January 9, 2022 $16 January 10 - February 28, 2022 $20 March 1 - December 31, 2022 $25
2022 ASA Annual Membership Don’t let your membership lapse!
Jan. 20 Dixie National - National Shorthorn Show Entry Deadline Jan. 30 Fort Worth Stock Show - National Shorthorn Show February Feb. 1-3 NCBA Convention & Trade Show- Houston, Texas Feb. 12 Dixie National - National Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Show Feb. 28 Membership becomes delinquent at 11:59pm CT if not paid March March 1 Late fees incur for WHR Assessments starting March 1 ($25) April April 10 AJSA Junior Board Candidate Application Deadline
Cattlemen’s Congress Schedule (CC) - 2022 Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:00 p.m. Arriving and Stalling Friday, January 7, 2022 9:00 a.m.-Noon Pen Cattle Check-In and Processing 1:00-4:00 p.m. Tie Cattle Check-In Sunday, January 9, 2022 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Heifer & Bull Show Show Honoree:
The Board of Directors unanimously approved a new rule, which begins January 1, 2022: “All bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) born January 1, 2022 and after will be required to have a genomic profile and parentage markers on file that qualify to their sire and/or dam (if those profiles are available) in order to register any progeny with the American Shorthorn Association”. This means that regardless of service type, all bulls (Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus) used for breeding need to be genomically tested (currently, this is the 100K test but could be subject to change according to Neogen standards in the future). This pertains to AI sires as well as pasture sires/clean up bulls. The rule only affects bulls born after Jan 1, 2022, so this rule won’t really come into play until their progeny are born, late 2023 or 2024. Please be aware that AI sires still require the 3 genetic conditions as well – TH, PHA, and DS.
Monday, January 10, 2022 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show followed by Super National ShorthornPlus Female & Bull Show Tuesday, January 11, 2022 8:00 a.m. Super National Shorthorn Bull & Female Show Show Honoree:
“The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale
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Ed & Jamie Kruse
Make sure you pay your annual membership fee by February 28th. If you are a TOC Member and your membership is not paid by February 28, 2022, you will become a WHR Member when you renew your membership.
Cattlemen’s Congress Judges Open Show: Jon DeClerck Junior Show: Chris Mullinix Pen Show: Kevin Hafner
Fort Worth Judges Open Show: Ron Moore Junior Show: Scott Bush
Dixie National Judge Open Show: Brian DeFreese
Regular Office Hours Monday - Thursday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am to 2:00 pm Central Time Zone (ASA Staff Meeting Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 AM)
2022 International Year Code: K
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Association Outlook
Montie D. asa executive Soules secretary/CEO
Herd sires born After January 1, 2022
ere we are at the beginning of another new year, 2022. The older we get the faster the years fly by. Even as we look back at the inconveniences and issues of the past year or two and tragedies for some from Covid-19, I really believe these changes that occur each year become part of our lives forever. We learn to live with them and control them so life and activity can go on. The same applies to many of the changes we have seen in the cattle industry and especially the Shorthorn breed. New technology appears and new rules must be put in place to govern these changes over the years. The ASA Board of Directors approved a new rule pertaining to DNA testing Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus bulls born on or after January 1, 2022 when they sire calves needing to be registered. There seems to be a lot of concerns by members and breeders and misunderstandings about this ruling. I want to attempt to give you a full detailed account of how this rule works and gets put in place. First, I want to ensure everyone knows that this does not affect any bull born before January 1, 2022. Nothing changes for those bulls that are used as herd sires. The rules states Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus bulls born on or after January 1, 2022 must have a genomic DNA profile on record at the ASA before any calves can be registered, sired by said bulls. So there is no misunderstanding, I will give you the reasons for this rule. This rule is focusing on bulls that are turned into the pasture or nature service type matings. AI bulls already have DNA requirements that will not change or have anything to do with this rule. A bull born on Jan. 1, 2022 cannot sire a calf until he is of age to produce semen. This is generally close to 12 months of age. So, the bull may be 12 to 15 months old before he is used as a herd sire and turned out with cows. Before he 8
is turned out with cows, he should be DNA tested so that the resulting calves he may sire are eligible for registration. Testing him before he is turned out is the safest bet - the bull could get injured and/or die and you do not have a DNA sample. Also, think about testing any bulls you are going to sell to breeders that will use them in a registered herd. There are no penalties associated with this rule; you can DNA test a bull at any time. The bull just needs to be tested before any resulting calves can be registered. Bulls born before Jan. 1, 2022, are not affected. There are no changes in the registration fees of the resulting calves. Now you might wonder, why the genomic test? When a genomic test is done, the markers for parentage automatically come with the genomic test. You are getting parentage markers and genomics at the same time. There has been a continuous increase in seeing animals that are genomically tested not matching their registered parents. The search then starts to find the parent that qualifies. With many of the sires used naturally not having any DNA, it makes it extremely hard to verify parentage. The process of finding the correct sire is a struggle sometimes due to the lack of DNA markers on prospective qualifiers. By having all sires’ parentage DNA on file, the process will be streamlined and help keep the herd book accurate. You ask why? Well history of other breeds doing extended research in this area has proven that approximately 12% to 15% of the registry is incorrect for parentage qualifications. These are unintentional mistakes that happen daily. Having the parentage markers to find the proper sire will make a huge difference in both the frustrations for members and the association. Going further into the question of why genomics, as I explained the parentage markers come with a genomic DNA test. The result will provide
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the new herd sire having genomically enhanced EPDs. It gets even better. Once we have a breed with all the sires genomically tested and all the performance turned in on their progeny, our accuracies will greatly increase on all genomically enhanced EPDs. You see the huge advantage is having a lifetime of performance on a sire and that sire having been genomically tested. The comparisons of the performance data to the proper markers brings credibility to the prediction of future generations. If you are going to get a sample and send it in to find parentage, take full advantage and do the genomic test too and build the future of the breed today. The more animals in the registry that have genomics done adds to the accuracy of the EPDs with in the entire breed. For additional information about this ruling also reference “Since You Asked” on page 12. These decisions made by the ASA Board of Directors and staff are entirely based on moving the breed forward and preparing members and breeders for the future. This activity may be one of the most important decisions ever made when the breed looks back 10 or 20 years from now. This is laying the groundwork for whatever comes down the pike not only in 2022, 2023 but for the next 150 years as technology will dictate value and acceptance in our industry! I sure hope and trust you all have a very prosperous 2022 and beyond! =
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Beef Business
Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
Performance Ratios 101 At the time of writing, weaning data is coming in at a quick rate on those spring calves across Shorthorn nation. By the time this issue hits your mailbox, yearling and carcass ultrasound data collection time will be nearing on the horizon. Then bull sale season will start and the season of studying all the top prospects in Digital Beef will begin for the serious, number-driven shopper. When looking at the weaning data (or any data point) for a group of calves, you might notice that each animal has a “ratio” listed next to the measurement. If you are not familiar with the concept of ratios, this article is the perfect place for you to be. If you are well-versed in the role of performance ratios in your herd, hopefully this isn’t too elementary reading for you. Simply put, ratios are a handy way to measure the performance of a calf with the rest of its contemporaries. Here are some important pieces of info to know about performance ratios: 1. When talking about ratios, the number 100 is our base point. The average value of all animals in a contemporary group is considered to be the 100 ratio. If a group of bull calves have an average weaning weight of 600 pounds, ratios will be based off their relation to that 600 lb. weight. If a calf in the group weighed 600 lb. himself, then he will ratio as a 100. 2. Ratios measure the differences in performance from the group average. An individual’s ratio number tells us his percent variation from the average of his contemporaries. If a bull calf ratios
110 for WW, he weighed in ten percent heavier than the average. If his WW ratio is a 90, then he was ten percent less than the average. Using the figures from point 1 above, the 110 ratioing calf would have weighed 660 lb., while the 90 ratio calf would hit the scales at 540 lb. 3. For all measured traits, a higher value will yield a higher calculated ratio. This is logical for weaning, yearling, and ultrasound data, but admittedly takes some getting used to for birth weight data. If you are looking for a bull calf that came into the world as a small calf but grew quickly, then you would want to find one with a birth ratio below 100 and then above 100 for other weights traits. Ratios for birth weight are similar thinking to golf scoring: lower numbers mean a smaller birth weight. 4. Ratios that you see in Digital Beef will be based on adjusted weights and measures. While you can calculate your own ratios at home based off raw weight, what you will find in the registry system will be based on adjusted data. Since adjusted data is what goes into the EPD calculations, that is the information we will display. 5. Single animals always ratio as a 100. When a bull calf is a one-man show in his contemporary group, there is no one to compare his performance to. He is the best, the worst, and the average all in one package! Since ratios are a measure of comparison, there’s no way to compare a single animal to anything else. Even if he weighed 1,500 lb. as a yearling, he is still a 100 ratio.
6. I’ve been asked several times if performance ratios are a good method of comparing animals across herds. Personally, I rarely use individual ratios to compare bulls from one herd to another. I think EPDs are more valuable to make those types of comparisons. There might be a situation where the highest ratio bull calf at Farm A just happened to be the “least poor” in a group of slow growers. His ratio may look great, but how would he compare if he were in a pen of highperforming stock at Farm B? Differences in genetics and management from place to place make it difficult to find much value in comparing ratios across herds. Thankfully, EPD calculations do a better job removing all the outside noise to give us a better way to analyze our livestock’s genetic potential. Hopefully this shed some more light on performance ratios and answers some of the questions you might have. If you have other questions on performance ratios, please don’t hesitate to reach out (matt@shorthorn.org). Best of luck to all our Shorthorn exhibitors heading to Oklahoma City, Denver, and Fort Worth this month. I’m disappointed that I won’t be able to make any of those shows this year, but it’s important to stay close to home this January. Enjoy your time on the show road! =
Find more details on the new ASA Commercial Data Program that Kicks Off in 2022 on page 20.
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Since You Asked...
Heather director of office operations, Lange registrations & DNA
New Rule, Explained If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again - or so they say! There has been quite the buzz about the new rule put into motion by the board, regarding bull testing. Hopefully this article will give better insight and put into real terms what we are looking for. To preface, this rule is NOT saying that all bulls born after January 1, 2022 have to be tested. Nor is it saying that all bulls born and registered after January 1, 2022 have to be tested. What it is saying is that any bulls born after January 1, 2022 who will produce offspring, have to be tested before those offspring can be recorded in our registry. These bulls will not be able to have calves hit the ground until 2023, most likely, so this rule will not really take effect until then. Bear with me – this will be a lengthier article than you are probably used to from me, but my hope is that the contents will answer burning questions and ideally spread awareness of why this is going to happen, as well as encourage breeders to welcome the new policy. One question we have received many times - which bulls are subject to this new rule? The answer is: only Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus bulls born on or after January 1, 2022. If you are registering Shorthorn Plus calves out of foundation, commercial, or bulls from outside breeds, you do not need to test those bulls. Again, only Shorthorn and ShorthornPlus bulls (who will become sires) born after January 1, 2022 need this testing. When you go to register your calves soon after January 1, 2022, this rule should not hold you up. This is because only after January 1, 2022 will the bulls who this rule pertains to, even be registered in the first place. Being redundant, these bulls do not need testing to be registered. They need
testing if, when they are older, you plan to use or sell them for breeding purposes. This rule does not affect Shorthorn or ShorthornPlus bulls that are in your pastures who were born prior to January 1, 2022. Another question we have gotten – what if I’ve registered a bull (who was born after January 1, 2022) and I never tested him, but I did sell him for commercial purposes, and now that buyer wants to register calves out of him? This is easy! The buyer can simply test that bull at any time. It just must be done before his calves get recorded. Also, if this decision is made after said bull is gone, the calves he wishes to register will just need the 100K testing done in his place. There are no penalty DNA testing fees at all. Testing costs stay the same, no matter how old your post-Jan. 1, 2022 bull is, or when he is tested (or his offspring in his place, for that matter). Now for a big question – why? Many have reached out wondering why the board decided on this rule. The answer is essentially 3-part. First, to put bluntly, you can look at most breed registries and assume that around 12-15% (sometimes more) of its records are incorrect. We have found in our own breed, through more and more DNA testing, that animals just get registered incorrectly. It happens, we are not pointing fingers or playing a blame-game whatsoever. We are simply hoping that this new rule can be used to alleviate this problem. The future of our industry is data driven. We can only strive to provide the most accurate data and herd book to represent our breed, and the board agreed that this new ruling will get us one step closer to that goal. Secondly, and tied closely to the first reason, testing these bulls gets parentage markers on file for them.
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This was the main reason for the ruling. When we have parentage markers on a bull, we can then compare any offspring that we need or want to, to him, which helps when breeders are unsure of a mating, which happens more often than you would think, because as we all know, “..it” happens! Lastly, the board agreed to the 100K genomic testing because it not only provides the parentage markers that we are seeking, but it also gets your bulls the genomically enhanced EPDs. As your bulls sire calves, all of that performance data goes into the genomic data base, and as the years go by with more and more of this data, our records will be that much more accurate as an entire breed, but also on the individual breeder’s level too. We realize that this is a big change. With change comes resistance, and of course, questions. As a staff, we are here to assist with those questions as best we can. This is a new rule for us too, so bear with us, again. The staff and your board all feel that we as a breed will be bettered by this new rule. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office or your Board of Directors. Many of you have already, which is great! This article exists because of questions, and hopefully, the reach of the magazine will extend to those who might have had the same questions but didn’t want to ask. On a lighter note, I hope everyone had a fantastic Christmas, New Year, and all-around holiday season! Here’s to an outstanding 2022! =
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In the Know
customer service specialist; co-director of shows, events, & member services
Wade Minihan
Cassie Reid
It is Time It’s here. Winter show season! Pack your warm clothes, a smile and obviously the cattle! These next two months our staff will be attending the following shows: Cattlemen’s Congress, National Western Stock Show (NWSS), Fort Worth Stock Show and the Dixie National Livestock Show. Cattlemen’s Congress returns this year to our point shows as a Super National Show. We are set to see record numbers once again at one of our largest shows of the year in Oklahoma City. Wade will be attending the NWSS on behalf of the Association and is looking forward to seeing the improvements
Denver has made! Wrapping up January, we will be full steam ahead in Fort Worth at our South Central National Show. After the cancellation in 2021, we can’t wait to attend these shows in 2022! Rounding out our show season, Cassie will be heading south to Jackson, Miss. for Dixie Nationals on February 12th. After a couple years off from this show, the ASA is excited to jump back in with this show on our show system. As you travel these next few months, be aware that staff shortages are occurring in many hotels. If you desire specific services during your stay, reach out to your hotel directly to make
arrangements. We look forward to seeing you soon! It has been a blast traveling to our shows the last few months and getting the opportunity to meet more breeders and exhibitors! Should you need anything as you prepare, reach out and we would be happy to assist. =
Cattlemen’s Congress Schedule (CC) - 2022 Wednesday, January 5, 2022 12:00 p.m. Arriving and Stalling Thursday, January 6, 2022 6:00 p.m. All Cattle Must be in Place Friday, January 7, 2022 9:00 a.m.-Noon Pen Cattle Check-In and Processing 1:00-4:00 p.m. Tie Cattle Check-In Sunday, January 9, 2022 9:00 a.m. National Shorthorn Pen Heifer & Bull Show Show Honoree: Stepping Stone Ranch 6:00 p.m. “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale
Sunday, January 9, 2022 Watch for special lots from the ASA selling in the Summit Sale with all proceeds going to the Shorthorn Youth Development Fund. “1872” Registration Number
Monday, January 10, 2022 8:00 a.m. Junior Shorthorn & ShorthornPlus Heifer Show followed by Super National ShorthornPlus Female & ShorthornPlus Bull Show
6 Artist Proofs of the 150th Year Celebration Painting Commissioned by C.J. Brown
Tuesday, January 11, 2022 8:00 a.m. Super National Shorthorn Bull Show & Female Show Show Honoree: Ed & Jamie Kruse
Framed Print 1 of 1 of the 150th Year Celebration Painting Commissioned by C.J. Brown
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Beef Blurb
Shelby director of youth activities, Diehm director of marketing & communications
ASA Makes Appearance at the Working Ranch Expo The Shorthorn breed was represented in the bright lights and big city of Las Vegas, Nevada, during the last week of the National Finals Rodeo. The Working Ranch Magazine based out of Nev., hosted a trade show for agricultural businesses and organizations on December 7th – 10th. This was the first year for the Working Ranch Expo and it had attendees from all over the U.S. We had several interested cattlemen and women stop by our booth
to discuss the traits of Shorthorn cattle. Many of our visitors were from Montana and Idaho; they were excited to see the breed represented so they could learn more about what Shorthorn can offer their herd. We had many compliments on our 10x20 booth and presence in the trade show. Several attendees stopped to pick up our promotional material or read the Shorthorn facts we displayed. We look forward to seeing this event
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grow so we can reach a new market of potential breeders. It’s important for the breed to continue to make our presence known at events like these. We hope to see you on February 1-3, 2022, in Houston, Texas for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Convention and Trade Show. The International Genetics Solutions breeds have a large area to promote their breed as well as IGS. =
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Shorthorns 54 Years of In North Carolina
by Shelby Diehm, ASA
The gravel crunched under the tires as the car came to a stop at Humble Stock Farm outside of Liberty, North Carolina, on the foggy morning. As we loaded into the farm truck, the sun began rising over the trees to draw the fog away. As we drove to the first pasture to see the herd of Shorthorn cattle, Bruce Humble began telling his Shorthorn story. He started a little unusually, his dad had a few milk cows, and he raised the calves for veal. His neighbor had a Shorthorn bull that would produce good veal when crossed with the milk cows. That was their introduction to the Shorthorn breed. Bruce worked for neighbors in tobacco and saved his own money at 11 years old to buy his first Shorthorn. His dad located a man 20 miles away in 18
a neighboring town who had a Shorthorn cow/calf pair. His father took him to see the pair and after reaching an agreement, they hauled them home in the back of an old pickup truck. This was the start of Bruce’s herd that has been growing for the past 54 years. Even though Bruce was
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too far away to attend many youth events, he still has his certificate from joining the junior association in 1969. Bruce went to North Carolina State for a two-year agricultural program. He was required in this program to either work on the school farm or another farm. He helped a horned Hereford breeder for a few summers and then had the opportunity to rent the land from the breeder. He now continues to rent the land for his Shorthorn cattle. Although he never showed cattle and his herd is commercial oriented, he has sold a few calves for small shows in the area. He does not have a demand for show cattle like the Midwest, there are not many county fairs or shows in his area. He sells most of his cattle locally. He doesn’t have a big
bull market, but he has sold some cattle as far as Iowa. Les Mathers of Leveldale Farms is a buyer and even flushed a couple of females he purchased from Humble Stock Farm. Bruce only farms and raises cattle. He has about 100 acres of crops including corn, soybeans and wheat. The cattle must pay their way to keep Humble Stock Farm running. He keeps about 150 cows including Purebred Shorthorns with over half being registered. Bruce has been using Waukaru and Leveldale bulls for breeding the last few years. “The purebred cattle we raised have always been competitive with the crossbreds in the feedlot,” Bruce said. “The crossbreds may quality grade better, but Purebred Shorthorns yielded better. The crosses have done well in the feedyard and at market.” On the commercial side Bruce mostly crosses Shorthorns with Angus and used Red Angus a few times in the past. He
mainly crossbreeds to sell replacement females and people seemed interested in that cross. Bruce is thinking about going back to Shorthorn and Red Angus cross to be able to sell some more females. Even though he does some crossbreeding he tries to keep Purebred females and is working to build back a more registered herd. “I sell two to three calves a year for beef,” Bruce said. “It is tough right now to get them processed. When Masonic Village was still around, they fed several steers out for me over the years. We had several steers finished at Tri-County in Iowa, but this year was a challenging year for feeding cattle.” Bruce will sporadically AI their females, but he personally doesn’t do it enough to be good at it and must depend on finding help which at times is hard. He will look at EPDs quite a bit when buying bulls. Bruce is still trying to learn the computer end of inputting data and do more online
record keeping going forward. He doesn’t usually feed much extra to the herd; they usually just get grass. Occasionally he supplements cows or feeds the growing calves, but it varies year to year Outside of the cattle, Bruce and Darlene also have a 1,700 head hog barn for contract on their place. In their area it is hard for farms to be independent. This means that they raise hogs for a large company on a contracted basis. They also have approximately 30 sheep they bought to help control the grass around the hog lagoon. After 58 years of being a bachelor, Bruce and his wife met on a blind date and have been married for 6.5 years. “I love the Shorthorns,” Darlene said. “Our cattle are very docile, it is shocking. I guess every mom thinks their kid is the cutest, but our cattle really are.” =
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New ASA Commercial Data Program Kicks Off in 2022 Do your bull customers collect performance data on their calves? Would you like to partner with them to use their information to further validate your genetics? ASA’s new Commercial Producer Data Collection Program could be the answer you are looking for! The ASA has drafted a framework agreement to be used between ASA members and their commercial customers to gather complete performance records on Shorthorn genetics. This program includes guidelines on how to work with commercial producers and their cow herds from birth to yearling, and even tracking replacement females back into production. It is meant to give you the
pieces to work closely with your customer base collecting this information in a way that benefits both parties. The Commercial Producer Data Collection Program is unique in our industry, giving the reins to the seedstock breeder on collecting information to further validate their genetics through commercial progeny testing. It outlines expectations of all parties involved: the Shorthorn breeder, the commercial producer, and the American Shorthorn Association. Starting from the Shorthorn breeder providing semen or herd sires to breed cows, to the data collection expectations from the commercial producer and on to ASA’s role in
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submitting the data to genetic evaluation and facilitating genomic data collection. The framework allows some flexibility to make data collection feasible in most commercial situations. For more information on how the Commercial Producer Data Collection Program could work for you and your customers, contact Matt (matt@ shorthorn.org) or Montie (montie@ shorthorn.org) to discuss this new venture. = Matt director of Woolfolk performance programs
NAILE 2021 Shorthorn Show Honoree Moore Shorthorns - Hugh W. Moore Jr & Sons
The Moore Family in Louisville, Ky., receiving the Shorthorn Show Honoree award. Hugh Moore Jr. & Sons, more commonly known as Moore Shorthorns these days, has been a labor of love, hard-work, and faith by five generations of the Moore Family. Started in 1951 by Hugh W. Moore Sr. and his son, Hugh W. Moore Jr., the operation has seen many changes to the breed in the 70 years they have raised the red, white, and roan. While Shorthorn cattle have been on the farm in Jerseyville, IL for longer than 70 years, the MM prefix started marking the first registered Shorthorns for the Moore’s in 1951. In 1962, Hugh Moore Sr. & Jr. exhibited Shorthorn cattle at their first fair. When Hugh Moore Jr.’s sons, Tom & Ron were old enough to show, they too became regulars on the fair circuit exhibiting Shorthorn cattle all over Illinois, and eventually nationwide starting in 1981. Tom and Ron have been very active in the Shorthorn breed and avid supporters of youth livestock activities at local, state and national levels. This love of Shorthorns was passed on to their children when they had families of their own. Ron’s daughters, Emily Adcock and Sarah Nichols and Tom’s daughter, Kelsey Isringhausen and stepchildren, Alex Poppe and Jamie Kallal, all showed for many years and have had active roles within the operation. They have claimed many champion titles and banners across the United States. Ron served on the American Shorthorn Association Board of Directors, his wife, Lori, on the National Lassie Board, and his daughter Emily, served and was President of
the American Junior Shorthorn Association Board of Directors. June is a past National Lassie of the Year recipient. Emily and Sarah also were awarded All- American Junior Breeder Awards and numerous Shorthorn Foundation Scholarships. Honestly, a novel could be written on the many roles of leadership and service all generations of the Moore Family have upheld at local, state, and national levels. The Moore Family was honored as Builders of the Breed in 1987 and was a stop on the World Shorthorn Tour in 2004. They have also been recognized as a Century Club Member many times. The family held an annual production sale for many years and now host a few online sales each year and sell cattle privately. Moore Shorthorns strives to produce Shorthorn cattle that have success in the show ring and most importantly in the pasture. They try to use genetics that help push the needle forward and have used a lot of different bulls including cattle from Canada. Hugh W. Moore Jr. and wife, June, still live on the main farm in Jerseyville, IL. Tom and wife, Sandy, and Ron and wife, Lori, grain farm in partnership and operate the 160 head of Shorthorn cows that make up Moore Shorthorns. Tom and Sandy’s children: Kelsey Isringhausen (husband, Nick), Alex Poppe
(wife, Samantha), Jamie Kallal (husband, Matt) all hold jobs off the farm, but help with grain farming and cattle duties when called upon. Tom and Sandy’s grandchildren: Case & Quinn Isringhausen, Clayton, Anna, Max & Jase Poppe and Cole Spencer are found in the show ring now and hopefully into the future. Clayton has recently joined the family operation full time as he ends his junior show career. Ron and Lori’s children: Emily Adcock (husband, Justin) and Sarah Nichols (husband, Cruz) are still active with Moore Shorthorns. Emily and Justin also raise Angus and Simmental cattle in their own operation and Sarah and Cruz operate Nichols Sheep Farm where they run around 150 head of ewes with a focus on Polled Dorsets and market lambs. Cruz also works full time on the farm. Ron and Lori’s grandchild: Harper Nichols is just getting started on her show career, but she loves to be on the farm. If there is one thing Hugh W. Moore Sr. instilled in the families minds when this all began was that family is everything and we must never break that bond. Moore Shorthorns is a true testament of family and hopefully that tradition continues for 70 more years with generations 5 and beyond. The American Shorthorn Association would like to congratulate Moore Shorthorns, Hugh W. Moore Jr & Sons, for being selected as the 2021 North American International Livestock Exposition, Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show Honoree. =
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show Super National Open Purebred Show - 200 Head - Judge: Brian Barragree, Mont. by Wade Minihan
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull, was CF Maskerade 070 BW X, exhibited by Cates Farms, Modoc, Ind., and LSA Shorthorns, Royse City, Texas.
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Female, was CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET, exhibited by Reed Schumacher, Columbus Grove, Ohio. She was also named Supreme Champion.
The 2021 NAILE Shorthorn show was in full force this year. Exhibitors brought some of the best quality cattle we’ve seen from top to bottom. The Super National Shorthorn Show was Monday, November 15th in Freedom Hall on the green shavings. Judge Brian Barragree sorted through a total of 200 head during the show; 168 Purebred Shorthorn Females and 32 Purebred Shorthorn Bulls. 22
Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Champion Junior Bull honors went to CF Maskerade 070 BW X owned by Cates Farms of Modoc, Ind., and LSA Shorthorns, Royse City, Texas. STAR Sky Line GS420 was named Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull and Reserve Champion Junior Bull, owned by Starman Cattle of Camp Point, Ill. Grand Champion Shorthorn
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Female and Champion Junior Female, was awarded to CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET exhibited by Reed Schumacher of Columbus Grove, Ohio. At the end of the show, she competed against the Grand Champion Shorthorn bull and was awarded the title of Supreme Champion. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Intermediate Female went to SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, shown by Keagan Steck of Woodstock, Minn. Division Winners: Open Purebred Bull Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co, Jonesboro, Ill. Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull – Little Cedar WF Intrepid 2106, Drake Penrod, Jonesboro, Ill. Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, Enix Farms, Centennial, Colo., Armstrong Farms, Saxonburg, Pa., and Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich. Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Bro Fire Starter, Broughton Cattle Co LLC, Silver Springs, Ny. Champion Junior Bull Calf – GCS Guns N Roses, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – Force of Meg, Fanning Family Shorthorns, Chestnut, Ill. Champion Senior Bull Calf – WJM Southern Comfort C14H, 6B Farms, Allison, Iowa and William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill. Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf –FF Pursuit 6H, Craig Fuller, Rensselaer, Ind. Champion Senior Bull – CGS Grave Digger 71, Circle G Shorthorns, Tompkinsville, Ky. Open Purebred Female Show Divisions: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Max Rosa 195 Flash X ET, Brextyn Grabiel, Edison, Ohio. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF Lady Crystal 160 BW X, Reed Schumacher, Columbus Grove, Ohio. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Armstrong Lady Crystal 2105 ET, Benjamin P. Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF SBF Max Rosa 124 AV X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – SS Missing Mirage 0201 ET, Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – LSF Primabella 006 ET, Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ill. Reserve Champion Junior Female – SS Max Rosa 029 ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb. Champion Senior Female – SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET, Rick Hogue, Newcomerstown, Ohio. Reserve Champion Senior Female – WHR Augusta Pride 9918, Jace Parker, Admore, Okla. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Waukaru Marion 9144, Anna & TJ Sanftner, Deer Park, Wis. Reserve Champion Cow/ Calf Pair – BJSF Majesty Rose 419, Karoline Jordan, Washington Island, Wis. Class Placings: Open Purebred Bull Class Placings: Late Spring Bull Calves – 2 Entries: 1) Little Cedar All Star 2105 owned by DAP Cattle Co; 2) Little Cedar WF Intrepid 2106 owned by Drake Penrod. Early Spring Bull Calves – 4 Entries: 1) CCS Can’t Stop owned by Don Cagwin; 2) CNC Big Chief owned by Sara Britton; 3) MM Secret Weapon 60J exhibited by Hugh Moore Jr & Sons. Early Spring Bull Calves – 6 Entries: 1) Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160 owned by Enix Farms LLC, Armstrong Farms and Little Cedar Cattle Co; 2) Bro Fire Starter owned by Broughton Cattle Co LLC; 3) CLF Patron 204 owned by Cedar Lane Farm. Junior Bull Calves – 6 Entries: 1) GCS Guns and Roses owned by Rosemary Thompson 2) Force of MEG owned by Fanning Family Shorthorns; 3) Armstrong Cobra Kai 2121 owned by
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Intermediate Female was SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, owned by Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
John M. Allen IV. Winter Bull Calves – 1 Entry: 1) SUTH Revlon 481H owned by Norman Tuholski. Senior Bull Calves – 5 Entries: 1) WJM Southern Comfort C14H owned by 6b Farms and William Milashoski; 2) FF Pursuit 6H owned by Craig Fuller; 3) JA Yellowstone ER owned by Jordan Acres. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – 2 Entries: 1) CF Maskerade 070 BW X owned by Cates Farms and LSA Shorthorns; 2) CCS Red Reign 410H owned by Don Cagwin and Robert W Gulso. Junior Yearling Bulls – 4 Entries: 1) STAR Sky Line GS420H owned by Starman Cattle; 2) Shadybrook - PL Fire Chief 18H owned by Shadybrook Farm LTD; 3) SFF Ragweed 003 B ET owned by Miller Smith. Two-Year-Old Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) CGS Grave Digger 71 owned by Circle G Shorthorns. Open Purebred Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) JS Cecilia 1J03 owned by Johnson Shorthorns; 2) RIOLA Queen Hottie X21 owned by Riola Shorthorn Farms; 3) LCC Tallulah 106 owned by Leemon Cattle Company. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) QK Roana Diamond 2104 owned by Alyssa Miller; 2) NR Quantum Queen 459J DM ET owned by Reagan Ray Ferris; 3) BARR Daxxling Fool 2115 owned by Brandon Barr. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 7 Entries: 1) CF Max Rosa 195 Flash X ET owned by Brextyn Grabiel; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa 196 HC X ET owned by Weston Ward; 3) MFS Knighted Pinky the Roo 2142 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 190 LL X ET owned by Carter Wickard; 2) STS Maggie’s Mystery Stone owned by Justin
Shonkwiler; 3) FPK Wild Roses 2145 owned by Karlee Kennedy. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 4 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 185 Sol X ET owned by Alyssa Carter; 2) TSSC Dream Maker 1042J owned by Kathy Lehman; 3) MFF Queen 410 owned by Paige Phillips. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1)KGWAT Fire World 407J owned by Karly Goetz; 2) BFS Ruby Rose NS 134 owned by Emily Bollum; 3) CSF Cumberland 2173 LL ET owned by Mikala Grauel. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 4 Entries: 1)Peakview Goldie 48921 owned by Peak View Ranch Inc; 2) TAD Premium Margie 2J Max ET owned Morgan Vondra; 3) FF/DL Demi Delight 30J owned by Gracelynn Tarbert. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 3 Entries: 1) Little Cedar Perfect Picture L 2101 owned by Teagan Ritchie; 2) QF NNN Caroline 161 BW X owned by Shadybrook Farm LTD; 3) CF Mona Lisa 166 Sol ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 8 Entries: 1) CF Lady Crystal 160 BW X owned by Reed Schumacher; 2) SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) CRK Ruby’s Sage 211. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 8 Entries: 1) Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124; 2) SJQ SWF Caroline 2160 BW ET owned by Sajo-Quin Livestock Inc; 3) CF Augusta Pride 155 UR X owned by Makenzie Laughery. Junior Heifer Calves – 7 Entries: 1) TMC Margie Evolution owned by Logan Schroeder; 2) Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET owned by Juliana Ritchie; 3) CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) SS Chasing Dreams Drama 121 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans; 2) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET owned by
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Bull & Reserve Champion Junior Bull was STAR Sky Line GS420H, owned by Starman Cattle, Camp Point, Ill.
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Champion Late Spring Bull Calf – Little Cedar All Star 2105, DAP Cattle Co, Jonesboro, Ill
Reserve Champion Late Spring Bull – Little Cedar WF Intrepid 2106, Drake Penrod, Jonesboro, Ill.
Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Little Cedar WF Lookout 2160, Enix Farms, Centennial, Colo., Armstrong Farms, Saxonburg, Pa., and Little Cedar Cattle Co, Beaverton, Mich.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – Bro Fire Starter, Broughton Cattle Co LLC, Silver Springs, Ny.
Champion Junior Bull Calf – GCS Guns N Roses, Rosemary Thompson, Gilman, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – Force of Meg, Fanning Family Shorthorns, Chestnut, Ill.
Champion Senior Bull Calf – WJM Southern Comfort C14H, 6B Farms, Allison, Iowa and William Milashoski, Minonk, Ill.
Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf –FF Pursuit 6H, Craig Fuller, Rensselaer, Ind.
Champion Senior Bull – CGS Grave Digger 71, Circle G Shorthorns, Tompkinsville, Ky.
Miller Smith; 3) CSF Margie 2155 HC ET owned by Addison Obrecht. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) LDB Merci’s Georgia 103 ET owned by Lane Blankinship; 2) CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET owned by Skyler Ward; 3) Highland Raes Lady 100 owned by Reagan Smithers. Junior Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) CF CSF Demi 125 HC X ET owned by Mallory Inskeep; 2) CSF Demi 2165 RD ET owned by Magie Potter; 3) SS Max Rosa Raya 107 ET owned by Callie Turner. Junior Heifer Calves – 7 Entries: 1) CF SBF Max Rosa 124 A V X ET owned by Paige Wickard; 2) CSF Lady Traveler 211 AV ET owned by Jensen Werstler; 3) CSF Margie 2156 HC ET owned by Hailey Jester. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) CAIR Demi’s Solution 2110 ET owned
by Jensen Werstler; 2) GCC Traveling Ruby ET 903 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) BONL Zena Aviator 102J ET owned by Emily Hoene. Junior Heifer Calves – 8 Entries: 1) Armstrong Lady Crystal 2105 ET owned by Benjamin P. Allen; 2) D-S-C Perfect Fool 2160J owned by Samuel Dempsey; 3) MM Killian Rose 2J owned by Clayton Poppe. Winter Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) GCS Myrtle Reward ET owned by Kalee Stoutenborough; 2) MM Dream Lady RB 120H owned by Clayton Poppe; 3) CRK Avi Rose 201 ET owned by Cyrus Kornegay. Senior Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET owned Gabriella Leone; 2) CF Mona Lisa 0121 Sol X ET owned by Carter Meyer; 3) SULL Fancy Rose 0518H ET owned by Korbin Collins.
Senior Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET owned by Kanin Cleere; 2) WHR HCAT Cecilia 0925 ET owned by James Kendal Cleere; 3) Waymar AU Hot Time Tina 01 owned by Alyson Utegg. Senior Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) SS Missing Mirage 0201 ET owned by Schrag Shorthorn Farms; 2) SS Missing Mirage 0204 ET owned by Callie Turner; 3) MM Cumberland PPL 101H ET owned by Clayton Poppe. Summer Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) AF Shannon Margie 2026 owned by Kylee Dameron. Late Spring Yearling Females – 2 Entries: 1) DAS Cumberland S9 owned by Kora Schroeder; 2) DRY Sweetie owned by Winston Dryer. Late Spring Yearling Females – 8 Entries: 1) SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET owned by Keagan Steck; 2) LSF
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Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – JS Cecilia 1J03, Johnson Shorthorns, Niantic, Ill.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124, John M. Allen IV, Saxonburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – CF Lady Crystal 160 BW X, Reed Schumacher, Columbus Grove, Ohio.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – Armstrong Lady Crystal 2105 ET, Benjamin P. Allen, Saxonburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF SBF Max Rosa 124 AV X ET, Paige Wickard, Wilkinson, Ind.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET, Gabriella Leone, Fowler, Colo.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – SS Missing Mirage 0201 ET, Schrag Shorthorn Farms, Marion, S.D.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – LSF Primabella 006 ET, Nolan Lee, Wellington, Ill.
Reserve Champion Junior Female – SS Max Rosa 029 ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.
Champion Senior Female – SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET, Rick Hogue, Newcomerstown, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – WHR Augusta Pride 9918, Jace Parker, Admore, Okla.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – Waukaru Marion 9144, Anna & TJ Sanftner, Deer Park, Wis.
Reserve Champion Cow/ Calf Pair- BJSF Majesty Rose 419, Karoline Jordan, Washington Island, Wis.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – CF Max Rosa 195 Flash X ET, Brextyn Grabiel, Edison, Ohio.
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Primabella 006 ET owned by Nolan Lee; 3) Steck WSCC Chelsie 042 owned by Carter Kornegay. Early Spring Yearling Females – 5 Entries: 1) CULL Miss Margie 2025 ET owned by Karlee Kennedy; 2) BFC KES Sable H109 owned by Lannee Grace Swindell; 3) GCC Evolution Margie 201 owned by Makiah Schroeder. Early Spring Yearling Females – 6 Entries: 1) DRY 100 Roses ET owned by Winston Dryer; 2) CF Rosebud 090 UH X owned by Ryan Wickard; 3) AGLE Jazzy 20 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson. Early Spring Yearling Females – 7
Entries: 1) CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET owned by Reed Schumacher; 2) NR Quantum Queen 324H ET owned by Reagan Ferris; 3) CCR Cecilia 2315 ET owned by Harley Sargent. Early Spring Yearling Females – 5 Entries: 1) SS Max Rosa 029 ET owned by Kane Aegerter; 2) CF CSF Mona Lisa Smile 064 HC X ET; 3) SFF Caroline 017 W ET owned by Skylar Ward. Junior Yearling Females – 4 Entries: 1) SS Missing Mirage Miami 013 ET owned by Rick Hogue; 2) DVW Pretty Perfect 230 owned by Megan Keeney; 3) J-F SFF Mona Lisa Reward 2011 S ET owned by Samantha Bunting.
Junior Yearling Females – 2 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 002 Col X ET owned by Alyssa Carter; 2) CSF Demi 2103 LL ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas. Senior Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) WHR Augusta Pride 9918 owned by Jace Parker. Two-Year-Old Cow/Calf Pair – 2 Entries: 1) Waukaru Marion 9144 owned by Anna & TJ Sanftner; 2) BJSF Majesty Rose 419 owned by Karoline Jordan. =
The Supreme Champion and winner of the George Garvin Brown Memorial Trophy went to the Grand Champion Shorthorn Female.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
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Lawrence Grathwohl Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year - Matthew Hahn Matthew Hahn is the youngest son of Dick and Pam Hahn of Minonk, IL and a part of the 3rd generation of the Hahn Family to produce Shorthorn cattle. Ever since Matthew was young, he had a passion for cattle and was invested in the health and look of his heifers. The Wynonna cow family at HAHN Family Shorthorns, LLC was where his first show heifer came from. Matthew always looked up to his oldest brother Jeremy Hahn on how to fit cattle and his dad on how to feed one. From that point on Matthew took the bull by the horns and took it to another level. Matthew is responsible for all the care and consulting for the show cattle for Hahn Family Shorthorns, LLC at the present day. A talented feeder and fitter, Matthew also has a great eye for evaluating cattle. His best attribute, however, is his care and attention to details for the junior member he works with whether they are in their first year or last year of their projects. Matthew is invested in each child he works with, whether they are his nieces and nephews or young Shorthorn enthusiasts that
purchase their projects from Hahn Family Shorthorns, LLC. Matthew is a great communicator, teacher, and promoter of Shorthorn cattle to these young exhibitors. Matthew has fit numerous Champions across the country culminating, most recently, with HAHN genetics earning Reserve Grand Champion Bull at the 2021 American Royal and the Reserve Grand Champion Female at the 2021 NAILE with HAHN Elizabeth C2H ET. Matthew knows that winning an award like this does not happen overnight. It is spent by many hours in the barn and countless sleepless nights trying to figure out what is next with his customers and that specific animal. Matthew was asked what this award meant to him, “A lot of dreams were accomplished that weekend, with history and tradition standing strong, but the passion and strive to improve while making an impact remain.” With the long history at Hahn Family Shorthorns, LLC, Matthew knows that Lawrence would be proud of his continued dedication to his family, livestock and customers.
The Herdsman of the Year is a prestigious award sponsored by the Shorthorn Foundation and honored with a trophy buckle in memory of Lawrence Grathwohl. Lawrence Grathwohl was a loyal member of the ASA who passed at the young age of 41. He was best known for raising Shorthorn cattle, which he showed all across the country. The award is voted on by fellow Shorthorn breeders and announced during the National Shorthorn Show each year. Congratulations to Matthew Hahn for being selected by his peers for this special award – The 2021 Lawrence Grathwohl Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year. It is well deserved. =
Matthew Hahn receiving the Lawrence Grathwohl Shorthorn Herdsman of the Year Award at the 2021 NAILE.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Jack C. Ragsdale National Shorthorn Show Super National Open ShorthornPlus Show - 75 Head - Judge: Brandon Callis, Okla. by Cassie Reid
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Chapion Early Spring Bull Calf, was TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET, exhibited by Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind.
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.
Shorthorn exhibitors from 16 states, covering states between Montana to the west and South Carolina to the east, exhibited 75 head during the NAILE, Super National ShorthornPlus Show in Louisville, Ky. on Monday, November 15, 2021. Brandon Callis of Okla., evaluated 65 ShorthornPlus Females and 10 ShorthornPlus Bulls. Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Early Spring Bull 32
Calf honors went to TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET owned by Schaeffer Show Cattle, Hagerstown, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull and Champion Junior Bull was selected as SMCK Jameson owned by Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich. CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET claimed the title of Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion
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Junior Heifer Calf, exhibited by Houston Ferree of Sullivan, Ind. Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Senior Female was SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, shown by Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich. Division Winners: Open ShorthornPlus Bull Show Divisions: Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CNC Elvis’s New Game, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio. Champion Junior Bull Calf – SCO Golden Truax 101J, Brock Steuart, Hastings, Minn. Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET, Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich. Champion Senior Bull Calf – SUTH Patriot 466H, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky. Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf –CLF Dom’s Foolin’ 2014, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio. Reserve Champion Junior Bull – Rusty, Cummons Farms, Crown City, Ohio. Open ShorthornPlus Feamle Show Divisions:
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SS Myrtle Bo Bling 170 ET, Stetson Reedy, Bethany, Ill. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – RFL Quantum Queen 6J, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SULL S/T Unlimited Dreams 1311J ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SFF Caroline 126 OP ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK Tamale RD 116J ET, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET, Emma Arnett, Brookville, Ohio. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Hank’s Roan Caroline 074, Foster Wingler, Christiana, Tenn. Champion Intermediate Female –NR Myrtle Bo Socks 519H ET, Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. Champion Junior Female – KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET, Ethan Davies, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Champion Junior Female – SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET, Kaylie Shelton, Keymar, Md.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – GCC Premium Revival 934 ET, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio.
Class Placings: Open ShorthornPlus Bull Class Placings: Early Spring Bull Calves – 3 Entries: 1) TSSC BT Limit Up 1099J ET exhibited by Schaeffer Show Cattle; 2) CNC Elvis’s New Game exhibited by Sara Britton; 3) RFSS Bule Rambo 218J exhibited by Respite Farm, Inc. Junior Bull Calves – 2 Entries: 1) SCO Golden Truax 101J exhibited by Brock Steuart; 2) SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer. Senior Bull Calves – 3 Entries: 1) SUTH Patriot 466H exhibited by David Ragsdale; 2) CLF Dom’s Foolin’ 2014 exhibited by Cedar Lane Farm; 3) DL Talking To The Moon exhibited by Kylee Dameron. Early Spring Yearling Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) Rusty exhibited by Cummons Farms. Junior Yearling Bulls – 1 Entry: 1) SMCK Jameson exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer. Open ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – 2 Entries: 1) IF Sassy Abby exhibited by John Humphreys; 2) DAPS Tinas Girl Medusa exhibited by Drake Penrod. Late Spring Heifer Calves – 6 Entries: 1) SS Myrtle Bo Bling 170 ET exhibited by Stetson Reedy; 2) RFL Quantum Queen 6J exhibited by Xavier Ferris; 3) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 4 Entries: 1) SFF Caroline 126 OP ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 2) SFF Augusta Pride 127 F exhibited by Tyler Dahse; 3) SS SL Main Attraction 148
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Senior Female, was SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, exhibited by Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.
exhibited by Reagan Easton. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 3 Entries: 1) TJ Cumberland Mona 1023 exhibited by Piper Campbell; 2) J-F Augusta Rocks 2139 Blu ET exhibited by Lanee Grace Swindell; 3) KNEP Black Mattis Ferrari 213 ET exhibited by Caroline Bickle. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: SULL S/T Unlimited Dreams 1311J ET exhibited by Allyssa Obrecht; 2) Miss Merry Girl 32J exhibited by McKala Grauel; 3) CF Mattis 162 RR X ET exhibited by Ryan Wickard. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) TSCC My Girl Pam 1017J ET exhibited by Bailey Tomson; 2) B/R KRE Lacy’s Solution exhibited by Stormi Swaim; 104J ET; 3) JNG Mona Lisa Blackberry exhibited by Jenna Gardner. Junior Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) STECK Tamale RD 116J ET exhibited by Keagan Steck; 2) FF/DL Crystal’s Evolution 25I EV exhibited by Wyatt Binckley; 3) LWFS Mona Lisa FM 2106 exhibited by Andrew Pohlman. Junior Heifer Calves – 8 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 Primo X ET exhibited by Shyan Bennett; 2) MFS CPRU Blue Diva the Roo 2108 ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) CAIR Cherri Primo 2119 ET exhibited by Cole Hilaman. Junior Heifer Calves – 5 Entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET exhibited by Houston Ferree; 2) ABEN Blueberry 1011J ET exhibited by Allyssa Obrecht; 3) CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET exhibited by Haley Frazier. Winter Heifer Calves – 2 Entries: 1) B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET exhibited by Emma Arnett; 2) Hank’s Roan Caroline 074 exhibited by Foster Wingler. Summer Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) TTC Lady Liberty exhibited by Kamren Yaughn.
Late Spring Yearling Females – 3 Entries: 1) NR Myrtle Bo Socks 519H ET exhibited by Abby Allred; 2) AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl exhibited by Addison Campbell; 3) HALES Lass PAH 1170 exhibited by Taylor Black. Early Spring Yearling Females – 5 Entries: 1) KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET exhibited by Ethan Davies; 2) SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET exhibited by Kaylie Shelton; 3) SULL Epic Crystal 0402H ET exhibited by Kalee Stoutenborough. Early Spring Yearling Females – 2 Entries: 1) SS Myrtle Bo Bloom 034H ET exhibited by Reagan Easton; 2) CF Tamale 070 Ferrari S ET exhibited by Mark Inskeep. Junior Yearling Females – 7 Entries: 1) SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET exhibited by Makenna Hoppa; 2) CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET exhibited by Samantha Vanvorhis; 3) SULL Lady Chip 0129H ET exhibited by Reid Utterback. Senior Yearling Females – 1 Entry: 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship. Three-Four-Year-Old Cow/Calf – 1 Entry: GCC Premium Revival 934 ET exhibited by Sara Britton. =
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Bull & Champion Junior Bull, was SMCK Jameson, exhibited by Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich.
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Champion Early Spring Bull Calf – CNC Elvis’s New Game, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio.
Champion Junior Bull Calf – SCO Golden Truax 101J, Brock Steuart, Hastings, Minn.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull Calf – SMCK Ralphie 01DR ET, Caitlynn Kruyer, Holly, Mich.
Champion Senior Bull Calf – SUTH Patriot 466H, David Ragsdale, Prospect, Ky.
Reserve Champion Senior Bull Calf – CLF Dom’s Foolin’ 2014, Cedar Lane Farm, Cedarville, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Junior Bull – Rusty, Cummons Farms, Crown City, Ohio.
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SS Myrtle Bo Bling 170 ET, Stetson Reedy, Bethany, Ill.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – RFL Quantum Queen 6J, Xavier Ferris, Whiteland, Ind.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SULL S/T Unlimited Dreams 1311J ET, Allyssa Obrecht, Harlan, Iowa.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SFF Caroline 126 OP ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – STECK Tamale RD 116J ET, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET, Emma Arnett, Brookville, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Hank’s Roan Caroline 074, Foster Wingler, Christiana, Tenn.
Champion Intermediate Female –NR Myrtle Bo Socks 519H ET, Abby Allred, Jemison, Ala.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.
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Open ShorthornPlus Female Show Pictures not available: Champion Junior Female – KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET, Ethan Davies, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Champion Senior Female – CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Champion Cow/Calf Pair – GCC Premium Revival 934 ET, Sara Britton, Custar, Ohio.
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reserve Champion Junior Female – SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET, Kaylie Shelton, Keymar, Md.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
NAILE Junior Shorthorn Show 160 head - Judge: Ryan Rathmann, Texas by Wade Minihan
Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Junior Female, was CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET, owned by Reed Schumacher, Columbus Grove, Ohio.
Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female and Champion Senior Female, was HAHN Elizabeth C3H ET, owned by John W. Cox, Flemingsburg, Ky.
On November 13, 2021 Shorthorn Junior exhibitors showed 160 Shorthorn Purebred females to judge Ryan Rathmann during the Junior Shorthorn Purebred show at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky. Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Junior Female honors went to CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET owned by Reed Schumacher 36
of Columbus Grove, Ohio. Reserve Grand Champion Shorthorn Female & Champion Senior Female was awarded to HAHN Elizabeth C3H ET owned by John W. Cox of Flemingsburg, Ky. DRY 100 Roses ET, shown by Winston Dryer of Tolar, Texas, claimed the title of B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Female. Junior Shorthorn Female Show
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Division Winners: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – MFS Knighted Pinky The Roo 2142 ET, Kolton Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – QK Roana Diamond 2104, Alyssa Miller, Lanark, Ill. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – BRATCHER Mona Lisa 124, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind. Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 0121 SOL X ET, Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET, Kanin Cleere, Grand Ridge, Ill. Champion Intermediate Female – SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas. Junior Shorthorn Female Show Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – 1 Entry: 1) DAS Cumberland S12 owned by Kora Schroeder. Late Spring Heifer Calves – 4 Entries: 1) QK Roana Diamond 2104 owned by Alyssa Miller; 2) J-F Augusta Rocks 2160 LL ET owned by Lindsey Jester; 3) LTE Easy Tiger 1J13 owned by Elly Harden. Late Spring Heifer Calves – 7 Entries: 1) FS Knighted Pinky The Roo 2142 ET owned by Kolten Greenhorn; 2) CF Max Rosa 195 Flash X ET owned by Brextyn Grabiel; 3) CF CSF Mona Lisa 196 HC X ET owned by Weston Ward. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 7 entries: 1) FPK Wild Roses 2145 owned by Karlee Kennedy; 2) CF Mona Lisa 190 LL X ET owned by Carter Ward; 3) CF Mona Lisa 185 Sol X ET owned by Alyssa Carter. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 8 entries: 1) TSSC Dream Maker 1042J ET owned by Kathy Leemon; 2) BFS Ruby Rose NS 134 owned by Emily Bollum; 3) CSF Cumberland 2173 LL ET owned by Mckala Grauel. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 8
entries: 1) Little Cedar Perfect Picture L 2101 owned by Teagan Ritchie; 2) FF/DL Demi Delight 30J owned by Gracelynn Tarbert; 3) CF Mona Lisa 166 SOL ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson; 2) CF Lady Crystal 160 BW X owned by Reed Schumacher; 3) QK Maximum Defiance 2102 ET owned by Alyssa Miller. Early Spring Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) Bratcher Mona Lisa 124 owned by Abby Bratcher; 2) Little Cedar EF Margie WW 2124 owned by John M. Allen IV; 3) CRK Ruby’s Sage 211 owned by Cyrus Kornegay. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET owned by Keegan McGrew; 2) TMC Margie’s Evolution owned by Logan Schroeder; 3) Little Cedar Rose Mary HC 2181 ET owned by Juliana Ritchie. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET owned by Miller Smith; BFS Carmele Pro 113 owned by Emily Bollum; 3) SFF Nebraska Queen 105 EV owned by Lane
Hull. Junior Heifer Calves – 8 entries: 1) CF CSF Dream Lady 135 EV X ET owned by Skyler Ward; 2) CSF Margie 2155 HC ET owned by Addison Obrecht; 3) S-S Countless 421 ET owned by Addison Campbell. Junior Heifer Calves – 8 entries: 1) CSF Demi 2165 RD ET owned by Maggie Potter; 2) CF CSF Demi 125 HC X ET owned by Mallory Inskeep; 3) NR Myrtle Bo 551J ET owned by Drake Penrod. Junior Heifer Calves – 7 entries: 1) CF SBF Max Rosa 124 AV X ET owned by Paige Wickard; 2) M/F Red Hot Sensation 2J owned by Drake Penrod; 3) GCC Traveling Ruby ET 903 ET owned by Kyia Hendrickson. Junior Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) Armstrong Lady Crystal 2104 ET owned by Henry J Allen; 2) BONL Sinful Powder 101J owned by Laine Mckenna; 3) D-S-C Perfect Fool 2160J owned by Samuel Dempsy. Winter Heifer Calves – 6 entries: 1) MM Dream Lady RB 120H owned by Clayton Poppe; 2) CRK Avi Rosa 201 ET owned by Cyrus Kornegay; 3) SFF
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
B&O Grand Champion Shorthorn Female was DRY 100 Roses ET, exhibited by Winston Dryer, Tolar, Texas.
Mona Lisa 055 I owned by Nathan Hill. Senior Heifer Calves – 5 entries: 1) CF Mona Lisa 0121 Sol X ET owned by Carter Meyer; 2) CF Mona Lisa 0119 TP X ET owned by Gabriella Leone; 3) SULL Fancy Rose 0518H ET owned by Korbin Collins. Senior Heifer Calves – 8 entries: 1) WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET owned by Kanin Cleere; 2) SS Missing Mirage 0204 ET owned by Callie Turner; 3) WHR HCAT Cecilia 0925 ET owned by James Kendal Cleere. Summer Yearling Females – 1 entry: 1) AF Shannon Margie 2026 owned by Kylee Dameron. Late Spring Yearling Females – 4 entries: 1) DRY Sweetie owned by Winston Dryer; 2) LSF Primabella 006 ET owned by Nolan Lee; 3) BFC Caroline H137 owned by Emily Dahse. Late Spring Yearling Females – 6 entries: 1) SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET owned by Keagan Steck; 2) SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET owned by Mackenlee Evans; 3) Double Myrtle BO 90 owned by Alexa Turner. Early Spring Yearling Females – 5 entries: 1) BFC KES Sable H109 owned by Lanee Grace Swindell; 2) Agle Autumn’s Peaches ET owned by Madalyn Stewart; 3) CULL Miss Margie 2025 ET owned by Karlee Kennedy. Early Spring Yearling Females – 6 entries: 1) DRY 100 Roses ET owned by Winston Dryer; 2) AF VF Magie Margie 055 owned by Abigail Green; 3) CF Rosebud 090 UH X owned by Ryan Wickard. Early Spring Yearling Females – 4 entries: 1) CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET owned by Reed Schumacher; 2) CCR Cecilia 2315 ET owned by Harley Sargent; 3) NR Quantum Queen 423H Et. Early Spring Yearling Females – 6 entries: 1) SS Max Rosa 029 ET owned by Kane Aegerter; 2) SFF Caroline 017 W ET owned by Skylar Ward; 3) LNM Queen 1704 HC owned by Aaron Kavanagh. Junior Yearling Females – 5 entries: 1) DVW Pretty Perfect 230 owned by Megan Keeney; 2) HAHN Fantasy P24H owned by Braden Hahn; 3) J-F SFF Mona Lisa Reward 2011 S ET owned by Emily Dahse. Junior Yearling Females – 5 entries: 1) HAHN Elizabeth C2H ET owned by John W. Cox; 2) CSF Mona Lisa 2103 LL ET owned by Jaclyn Thomas; 3) CF Mona Lisa 002 Sol X ET owned by Alyssa Carter. Senior Yearling Females – 1 entry: 1) WHR Augusta Pride 9918 owned by Jace Parker. Two-Year Old Cow/Calf Class – 1 entry: 1) BJSF Majesty Rose 419 owned by Karoline Jordan. =
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – MFS Knighted Pinky The Roo 2142 ET, Kolton Greenhorn, Bellbrook, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – QK Roana Diamond 2104, Alyssa Miller, Lanark, Ill.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – SULL MFS Dreamy Cherri 1014J ET, Kyia Hendrickson, Charlo, Mont.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – BRATCHER Mona Lisa 124, Abby Bratcher, Elizabeth, Ind.
Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 148 LL X ET, Keegan McGrew, Gettysburg, Pa.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF CSF Dream Lady 140 HC X ET, Miller Smith, Pendleton, Ind.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 0121 SOL X ET, Carter Meyer, Needville, Texas.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – WHR HS Montana Morning 0931 ET, Kanin Cleere, Grand Ridge, Ill.
Champion Intermediate Female –SULL Special Chelsie 0453H ET, Keagan Steck, Woodstock, Minn.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female –SS Myrtle Bo Bubbly 053 ET, Mackenlee Evans, Lorenzo, Texas.
Reserve Champion Junior Female – SS Max Rosa 029 ET, Kane Aegerter, Seward, Neb.
Reserve Champion Senior Female –DVW Pretty Perfect 230, Megan Keeney, Rocky Ridge, Md.
Champion Cow/Calf Pair – WHR Augusta
shorthorn country = january 2022 Pride 9918, Karoline Jordan, Washington Island, Wis.
Shorthorn Crowned in Top 5 Overall Junior Show
5th Overall Junior Heifer & Grand Champion Shorthorn was CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET, owned by Reed Schumacher, Columbus Grove, Ohio.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Reed Schumacher of Columbus Grover, Ohio got the opportunity to hit the green shavings another time for the Grand Drive in the 2021 NAILE Junior Show. Against all breeds, the Shorthorn, CF Crystal’s Lucy 073 RK X ET, was selected as 5th Overall Junior Heifer. =
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
NAILE Junior ShorthornPlus Show 76 Head - Judge: Dr. Scott Greiner, Va. by Cassie Reid
Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Heifer Calf, was CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET, exhibited by Houston Ferree, Sullivan, Ind.
Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female and Champion Junior Female, was KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET, exhibited by Ethan Davies, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Junior Shorthorn exhibitors brought 76 ShorthornPlus females to the Junior ShorthornPlus show at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Ky., on November 13, 2021. Results are as follows: Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Heifer Calf honors went to CF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET, owned by Houston 40
Ferree of Sullivan Ind. KANE GARW Tamale Tada 124H ET claimed Reserve Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female & Champion Junior Female, owned by Ethan Davies of Bowling Green, Ohio. Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was awarded to a Senior Yearling Female, LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET shown by Lane Blankinship of Orlando, Okla.
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Junior ShorthornPlus Female Division Winners: Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla. Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – IF Sassy Abby, John Humphreys, Wolcott, Ind. Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind. Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – TSSC Day Dreaming Purple 1046J ET, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind. Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 136 Primo X ET, Shyan Bennett, Winchester, Ind. Champion Senior Heifer Calf – B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET, Emma Arnett, Brookville, Ohio. Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Hank’s Roan Caroline 074, Foster Wingler, Christiana, Tenn. Champion Intermediate Female – NETO Blue Bunny ET, Colten Guynn, Westpoint, Ind. Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio. Reserve Champion Junior Female – NIKL Blue Charm 064H ET, Kennedy Arthur, Stillwater, Okla. Champion Senior Female – CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio. Reserve Champion Senior Female – SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich. Junior ShorthornPlus Female Class Placings: Late Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET exhibited by Carter Kornegay; 2) IF Sassy Abby exhibited by John Humphreys; 3) RFL Quantum Queen 6J, Xavier Ferris. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) SFF Augusta Pride 127 F exhibited by Tyler Dahse, Thurman, Ohio; 2) SFF Caroline 126 OP ET exhibited by Miller Smith; 3) DCC Dream Lady 7J exhibited by Ashton Bain. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) TSCC Day Dreaming Purple 1046J ET exhibited by Eli Walther; 2) DKSN Sox 401 exhibited by Brextyn Grabiel; 3) Lorenz’s Ain’t She Cool 21 exhibited by Nathan Miller. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (6 Entries): 1) Miss Merry Girl 32J exhibited by McKala Grauel; 2) CF
Mattis 162 RR X ET exhibited by Ryan Wickard; 3) SAS Frankly Perfect Plus 215 exhibited by Lisa Horton. Early Spring Heifer Calves – (3 Entries): 1) TSSC my Girl Pam 1017J ET exhibited by Bailey Tomson; 2) JNG Mona Lisa Blackberry exhibited by Jenna Gardner; 3) CCS Primo Lady 36J exhibited by Ella James. Junior Heifer Calves – (5 Entries): 1) FF/DL Crystal’s Evolution 25I exhibited by Wyatt Binckley; 2) LWFS Mona Lisa FM 2106 exhibited by Andrew Pohlman; 3) CCS Clara 219J exhibited by Toby Behrends. Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) CF Mona Lisa 136 Primo X ET exhibited by Shyan Bennett; 2) MFS CPRU Blue Diva The Roo 2108 ET exhibited by Kyia Hendrickson; 3) WBF Caroline exhibited by Conner Unger.
Junior Heifer Calves – (7 Entries): 1) DF Mona Lisa Primo 115 X ET exhibited by Houston Ferree; 2) CF Lady Crystal 15 Primo X ET exhibited by Haley Frazier; 3) RGLC Classy Ruby 114 exhibited by Miranda Reed. Winter Heifer Calves – (2 Entries): 1) B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET exhibited by Emma Arnett; 2) Hank’s Roan Caroline 074 exhibited by Foster Wingler. Late Spring Yearling Females – (4 Entries): 1) NETO Blue Bunny ET exhibited by Colten Guynn; 2) AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl exhibited by Addison Campbell; 3) RD Jane 422 exhibited by Erika Scott. Early Spring Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) KANE GARW Tamale Rada 124H exhibited by Ethan Davies; 2) SULL Classy Crystal 0401H ET
exhibited by Kaylie Shelton; 3) PGF Miss Madalyn H101 ET exhibited by Kate Day. Early Spring Yearling Females – (6 Entries): 1) NIKL Blue Charm 064H exhibited by Kennedy Arthur; 2) BR Margie P20 exhibited by Garrett Luallen; 3) SULL S/T Dream Lover 0515H exhibited by Aubrey Neal. Junior Yearling Females – (7 Entries): 1) CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET exhibited by Samantha VanVorhis; 2) SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET exhibited by Makenna Hoppa; 3) SULL Lady Chip 0129H ET exhibited by Reid Utterback. Senior Yearling Females – (1 Entry): 1) LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET exhibited by Lane Blankinship. =
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Bred & Owned Grand Champion ShorthornPlus Female was LDB Merci’s Serena 923 ET, exhibited by Lane Blankinship, Orlando, Okla.
2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – SULL Fancy Cherri 1221J ET, Carter Kornegay, Tulsa, Okla.
Reserve Champion Late Spring Heifer Calf – IF Sassy Abby, John Humphreys, Wolcott, Ind.
Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – TSSC My Girl Pam 1017J ET, Bailey Tomson, Westport, Ind.
Reserve Champion Early Spring Heifer Calf – TSSC Day Dreaming Purple 1046J ET, Eli Walther, Centerville, Ind.
Reserve Champion Junior Heifer Calf – CF Mona Lisa 136 Primo X ET, Shyan Bennett, Winchester, Ind.
Champion Senior Heifer Calf – B/R KRE Dream Lady S 1020 ET, Emma Arnett, Brookville, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Heifer Calf – Hank’s Roan Caroline 074, Foster Wingler, Christiana, Tenn.
Champion Intermediate Female – NETO Blue Bunny ET, Colten Guynn, Westpoint, Ind.
Reserve Champion Intermediate Female – AC RC Cindy’s Fancy Girl, Addison Campbell, Eaton, Ohio.
Champion Senior Female – CF NB Demi 024 Primo X ET, Samantha VanVorhis, Bowling Green, Ohio.
Reserve Champion Senior Female – SULL S/T Dream Come True 014H ET, Makenna Hoppa, Fremont, Mich.
Junior ShorthornPlus Show Picture not Available: Reserve Champion Junior Female – NIKL Blue Charm 064H ET, Kennedy Arthur, Stillwater, Okla.
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2021 North American International Livestock Exposition
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Junior Corner
juniorshorthorn.com Merideth ajsa Behrens director
Junior Board
and their families. Our junior board met this summer and we had a junior national debriefing and began to prepare for next year junior nationals. The junior board recommended and voted on the following changes to the AJSA by-laws: Each state is allowed a maximum of two candidates running for the board each year. If more than two are interested, the state makes the selection for the two candidates who will represent that state. Any member of the board of directors may resign at any time by giving written notice thereof to the Director of Junior Activities. Once written notice is received by Director of Junior Activities, the member resigning must tell the Board of Directors at an in-person or virtual meeting. Be sure to watch Facebook and the website for any changes to the junior national, coming soon! Now for some fun! Match the AJSA Junior Board member to the resolution. 1. “My new year resolutions are to get a new family interested in the Shorthorn breed and encourage them to attend the best junior national in the beef industry!” 2. “For my new year resolution, I would like to learn a new skill!” 3. “I would like to be a better role model then I was last year!” 4. “Don’t say yes to everything! Make priorities right and I would like to make more time for myself.” 5. “For my new year resolution, I would like to spend less and save more!” 6. “My new year resolution is to read fifteen books by 2023!” 7. “My new year resolution is to meet new people and to make more friendships!” 8. “For my new year resolution, I would like to work on my time management skills!”
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Upcoming Junior Nationals 2022 • Kansas City, MO 2023 • Des Moines, IA 2024 • TBA 2025 • TBA * Tentative Locations. Subject to Change *
Words of Advice
“The new year stands before us, like a chapter in a book, waiting to be written.” – Melody Beattie
A. Korbin Collins B. Miller Smith C. Faye Smith D. Sheridan Fox E. Colton Hulsey F. Merideth Behrens G. Xavier Ferris H. Ryan Lane I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! = Answers: 1. G, 2. D, 3. E, 4. C, 5. F, 6. A, 7. B, 8. H
2021 has ended and 2022 is just beginning. We all know that means, it’s time to set New Year’s resolutions. Whether it be a resolution or setting goals for yourself, it is important to have accountability and success markers along the way. I have asked some of our AJSA members from across the nation what some of their 2022 New Year Resolutions were and they said: “I would like to write my own song and work on blowing cattle out better.” Piper Cates, Indiana. “I am going to practice showmanship everyday with the goal of being in the top ten at Shorthorn Jr. Nationals.” – Josie Heter, Kansas. “I am going to work with my calves and rinse them at least once a day and twice a day when it starts getting warmer to make sure they look their best with hopes of winning a buckle this year.” Ryder Heter, Kansas. “I definitely want to try and keep my entire show barn clean and to try and stick to a more consistent calf washing and working schedule in the new year.” – Brandon Barr, Ohio. “I am going to work hard with my heifers and steer in hopes of winning San Antonio and making the sale with my steer at Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo.” – Caitlyn Rasor, Texas. “My new year resolutions for this year would be to have a successful senior year, calving season, and show season.” – Charlie Sutherland, Mississippi. “I would like to be more detailed on fitting and clipping and to get better at livestock judging.” – Kadin Worthington, Oklahoma. I would like to thank each of these members for taking the time to participate in my this survey. As a junior board we set goals and resolutions too. One of them is to provide better communication to our junior members
Embracing the New Year
President :: Korbin Collins Vice President :: Miller Smith Secretary :: Sheridan Fox Public Relations :: Faye Smith Director :: Colton Hulsey Director :: Ryan Lane Director :: Merideth Behrens Director :: Xavier Ferris
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Tartan Plaid
Pam National Shorthorn Dressen Lassie Board Treasurer
2022 National Shorthorn Lassie Dues Happy 2022! It is that time of year when associations get together for their annual meetings and state sales. It is also the time to send in each state’s National Shorthorn Lassie dues. Dues are $10 per member and payable to the National Shorthorn Lassies. Please send them to Pam Dressen: Pam Dressen, Treasurer N4787 515th St. Ellsworth, WI 54011
Your dues help fund and sponsor the National and Alternate Shorthorn Lassie Queens. It also gives financial support so that the National Lassies can offer additional youth programs at Junior Nationals such as the Lassie Princess Hour and Lassie 101. Even if you are not a member of a state Lassie Association and would like to give financial support to help continue to provide opportunities for young women to promote and educate the public
about the Shorthorn breed, we would be grateful for your donation. The Lassie Queen in her tartan plaid is a special symbol of the Shorthorn breed. Your financial support is vital. We thank you for your continued support. =
Shorthorn Sesquicentennial Limited Edition Book - America’s First Purchasing Options 150 Years of Shorthorn History: abcdefghijklmn opqrstuvwxyz 123456789
SHORTHORN American Cattle Industry Dr. Bob Hough and Dr. Bert Moore
Onsite Purchases $60:
• Purchase at the following ASA Event: Cattlemen’s Congress. • Books purchased on-site must be picked-up, no shipping.
Regular Price $65 Plus Shipping & Handling:
• Order forms available on the ASA website at regular price plus shipping and handling.
shorthorn.org/150th-anniversary-book/ American Shorthorn Association
shorthorn country = january 2022
2021–2022ShowASA Point Show System Season: April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022 *Individual show schedule subject to change
Northeast Region :: CT, DE, IN, ME, MD, MA, MI, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, VA, VT, WV National Show :: Keystone International Livestock Expo Super Regional Show :: **Removed from Point System Regional Shows :: Maryland State Fair & State Fair of West Virginia Southeast Region :: AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN National Show :: Dixie National Super Regional Show :: Kentucky State Fair Regional Shows :: Appalachian Fair & Tennessee State Fair at Wilson County Fair
South Central Region :: AR, KS, LA, OK, TX National Show :: Fort Worth Stock Show Super Regional Show :: Tulsa State Fair Regional Shows :: Kansas State Fair & Oklahoma State Fair West Region :: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY National Show :: Northern International Livestock Exposition Super Regional Show :: Western Idaho Fair Regional Shows :: National Western Stock Show & Washington State Fair
*Regional Awards calculated from Regional, Super Regional & National Show within each region. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 4 shows to qualify.
Regional 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Point 4 Points 2 Points 7 Points 5 Points
North American International Livestock Expo :: Louisville, KY Cattlemen’s Congress :: Oklahoma City, OK
National Shows :: 5 total, 1 in each region Northeast :: Keystone International Livestock Expo :: Harrisburg, PA Southeast :: Dixie National :: Jackson, MS North Central :: American Royal :: Kansas City, MO South Central :: Fort Worth Stock Show :: Fort Worth, TX West :: Northern International Livestock Exposition :: Billings, MT
North Central Region :: IL, IA, MO, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI National Show :: American Royal Super Regional Show :: Iowa State Fair Regional Shows :: Illinois State Fair & Minnesota State Fair
Placing 1st in Class 2nd in Class 3rd in Class 4th in Class 5th in Class Division Champion Reserve Division Champion Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion
Super National Shows :: 2 total
*National Show Bull & National Show Female points accumulated from 7 total National & Super National Shows listed above. Animal must exhibit at 2 of 7 shows to qualify for National Show Awards.
ASA Point Show System Point Distribution Super Regional 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 5 Points 3 Points 9 Points 7 Points
National 8 Points 7 Points 6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 7 Points 5 Points 11 Points 9 Points
Super National 11 Points 10 Points 9 Points 8 Points 7 Points 10 Points 8 Points 14 Points 12 Points
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Sale Reports
Where Future Generations are Created Sale Summary
1 Bull.......................... $ 65,850 .................$ 65,850 1 Donor Female.......... $ 12,000 .................$ 12,000 1 Flush Lot................. $ 9,500 ................ $ 9,500 3 Pregnancies.............. $ 22,500 .............. $ 7,417 45 Embryo Packages... $ 161,700 ............ $ 3,593 38 Semen Packages..... $ 31,585............... $ 831 Sale Gross $303,135
Sunday, November 14, 2021 Hilton Garden Inn Louisville, Kentucky Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
This leading annual sale set new highs for total and individual lots. It was a great collection of top live individuals and some of the best frozen genetics ever offered. This bidding was very active in this snappy sale from the seats as well as very active on the internet. Congratulations to Dave and Josh and all the consignors for the presentation of a superior event. $65,850 - Lot 1 - Bull - Millbrook Tribute FB 6023J. A roan, polled January 1, 2021 son of Millbrook Fireball 23F and out of Shadybrook Val 60E. What a way to start this offering. This great young herd sire prospect has all the pieces to make a leading sire in the breed in the future. His sire has already made a name for himself and he is out of a great female line. He has a great future ahead of him. Offered by Millbrook
Shorthorns from Canada and possession was purchased by Baylor Cowden Show Cattle of Hickory, Pennsylvania. Also, there were 36 progressive breeders that purchased semen packages in this great young bull. $12,000 - Lot 2 - Donor Female SULL Martha’s Bo 7974E ET. A rwm, polled 2017 daughter of Little Cedar Aviator 503X and out of SULL Bo’s Martha 4101 ET selling bred for a late 2021 heifer calf sired by TRN Omaha. This is a several times Champion female that comes from one of the leading cow families in the breed. She has the genetics to continue to be a great producer of the right kind of cattle, Offered by Walker Farms and purchased by Little Ceder Cattle Co and D-Lyle Farms of Beaverton, Michigan. $10,400 - Lot 18 - (4) Sexed Heifer Embryos - Sired by SULL Dream Maker 9141G ET and out of SULL Max Rosa 310 CL. What a mating this is. The sire is a National Champion Bull and the dam is from the famed Max Rosa line. This is a can’t miss mating for the new owner. These heifer calves have donor written in their pedigree. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by Calvin Smith of Wellington, Missouri. $9,500 - Lot 3 - Flush - KOLT RGLC Pinky The Roo 940 ET is the donor dam. She is sired by SULL Red Reward 9321 and out of SULL Mirage Forever 8121 ET. This is another of the stellar pedigrees that sold in this sale. Pinky is
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was a great show female and has already produced at the highest level being the dam of a two time Shorthorn Plus Show Heifer of the Year. The possible matings to this female are exciting. Offered by Carney Cattle Ranch and purchased by Tom Brown of Bluffton, Ohio. $8,700 - Lot 19 - (3) Shorthorn Plus Sexed Heifer Embryos - Sired by Conley No Limit and out of SULL Lady Crystal 434P CL. This Lady Crystal female has already produced numerous Plus Champions for several different breeders. This is a can’t miss opportunity to have a Champion Plus Heifer in the future. This mating is bred in the purple. Offered by Sullivan Farms and purchased by LSA Shorthorns of Royse City, Texas. $8,500 - Lot 13E - Heifer Pregnancy - Sired by CSF Evolution HC and out of SULL Traveling Ruby ET due February 27, 2022. This was just another of the great matings offered in this sale. An Evolution heifer out of the great Ruby line that has been at the top of many shows recently. This one will see the purple in her future. Offered by Donathan Show Cattle and purchased by Matthew Graham of Eagleville, Missouri. **There were sales to 26 states from California to New York and from Michigan to Texas and also to Canada. =
A Maternal Event Sale Summary
6 Open Heifers.............$ 28,650 ................$ 4,775 62 Bred Heifer..............$ 245,500 ..............$ 3,960 4 Plus Bred Heifers.......$ 14,300 ................$ 3,575 10 Bred Cows................$ 35,800 ................$ 3,580 82 Breeding Lots........ $ 324,250.............$ 3,955 28 Semen Packages.......$ 22,475.................$ 802 Sale Gross $346,725
Saturday, December 11, 2021 Paint Valley Farm, Millersburg, Ohio Auctioneer: Kevin Wendt Sale Management: Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc by: Darryl Rahn
A big crowd gathered on a damp morning for this years Maternal Event Sale. The pens were full of high quality females in all categories. Especially impressive was the large number of Bred Heifers in the offering. They were of the highest quality with pedigrees that will make them great brood cows in their future. The prices on this sale were extremely steady throughout the auction. Congratulations to Paint Valley, Byland Shorthorns and Beckler Shorthorns for putting on a great event. $9,700 - Lot 1 - Open Heifer - PVF Dagney 17J. A roan, polled February 7, 2021 daughter of Byland Flash 9U106 and out of BSG Dagney 1243 OF 1285. What a place to start the sale. An open heifer that has the structure and dimension to be
a top show heifer and the pedigree to be a leading donor in her future. The Flash progeny continue to impress. Offered by Paint Valley and purchased by Hingebrook, LLC, Rich Markwardt of Gerrettsville, Ohio. $8,000 - Lot 18 - Bred Heifer - PVF Nita 7H. A roan, polled February 2020 daughter of JSF McCoy 39Z and out of PVF Cloud Nine Nita 64E selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H ET for an early Spring 2022 calf. Just one of the powerful set of bred heifers in this sale. She has a great pedigree to go with her great design and performance. Her calf by the popular Palermo will be a great one. Offered by PVF and purchased by Jungels Shorthorn Farm of Kathryn, North Dakota. $7,900 - Lot 9 - Bred Heifer - PVF Rose 899H. A March 2020 daughter of Byland Soggy Dog 7TM73 and out of PVF Rose 21D selling bred to Bar N Cashflow 855F for a March 2022 calf. The Soggy Dog progeny continue to impress with their overall dimension and powerful build. This one was very popular at the sale. Her great performance numbers make her a leader in any herd. Offered by PVF and purchased by Stangl Shorthorns of Java, South Dakota. $6,500 - Lot 57 - Bred Heifer - Byland Cindy Beauty 0R074. A roan, polled March 2020 daughter of Byland Rolex 7RX69 selling bred to JSF Palermo 172H
ET for a March 2022 calf. A top female from Byland that’s well balanced and rugged with a great pedigree. She also has breed leading performance numbers in several categories. Offered by Byland Polled Shorthorns and purchased by Bedwell Cattle Co of Isabella, Oklahoma. $6,100 - Lot 14 - Bred Heifer - PVF Beauty Queen 79H. A white, polled March 2020 daughter of JSF McCoy 39Z and out of PVF Beauty Queen 101D selling bred to Bar N Cashflow 855F for a March 2022 calf. This is really a stout made female that has all the pieces to be a great producing cow. The McCoy daughters have the reputation of becoming leading producers. Offered by PVF and purchased by Stangl Shorthorns of Java, South Dakota. $5,800 - Lot 61 - Bred Heifer - Byland Cindy Beauty 0R0136. A roan, polled May 2020 daughter of Byland Rolex 7RX69 and out of Byland Cindy Beauty 7G125 selling bred to JSF McCoy 39Z for an April 2022 calf. This is a great young female. She has fault free in her design and has a great set of performance numbers. The Cindy Beauty line has long been a staple in the Byland herd. She will be a great cow. Offered by Byland and purchased by M & E Shorthorns of Winnsboro, Texas. =
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News & Notes
Shorthorn Country A Notice From
Advertising Rate Change Advertising rates for the Shorthorn Country have not changed in 30 years. Due to increased printing and overall production costs, it is imperative that the rates be raised by 10% starting with the January 2022 issue. Shorthorn Country advertising will remain among the lowest rates of any breed publication today. Catalog pricing will remain the same. Following is a listing of the new rate schedule.
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Advertising Rates 1 page 2/3 page 1/2 page-island 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1/6 page Business Card (1 1/2”)
1X $620 $460 $370 $345 $265 $215 $150 $45
11X $555 $425 $340 $320 $250 $190 $135 $365/year
Color Rates (Remain the Same) 4 color = $200 • 1 color-choice - $195 • House color = $175
ASA Hotel Information for Upcoming Events 2022 Junior National Hotel Info Sheraton Kansas City at Crown Center 2345 McGee St., Kansas City, MO 64106 $134/night Block opens August 1, 2021 • Must be canceled by 3 pm June 1, 2022 to receive full refund. Reservations may be made by calling Marriott reservations at 1-866-932-6214 or by using our custom link found on https://juniorshorthorn.com/accommodations/ Additional Information: Complimentary basic wireless internet Overnight self-parking $10
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Place your Business Card Advertisement Here! Contact us for more information: Darryl 217-473-1124 Cindy 217-370-6034
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Advertise Your Farm/Business
Sales Calendar
Sale Management • Online Sales • Private Treaty Sales
Jan. 9 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, OK Jan. 18 - Bratcher Farms Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, IN amsonlinesales.com
Jan. 9 - “The Summit” National Shorthorn Sale at the Cattleman’s Congress, Oklahoma City, Okla. Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, N.D. Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, Wisc., amsonlinesales.com Feb. 10 - Watertown Winter Farm Show & Sale, Watertown, S.D. Feb. 19 - Baylor Cowden Show Cattle and Hornhead Valley Farm Online Sale, Hickory, Pa., sconlinesales.com Feb. 26 - Studer Shorthorns and Gilman Shorthorns “Don’t You Think It’s Time” Bull Sale, The Cow Palace, Anita, Iowa.
March 12 - Tennessee Beef Agribition Show and Sale, Lebanon, Tenn. March 12-13 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House & Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, S.D., amsonlinesales.com March 19 - Ohio Beef Expo Shorthorn Show and Sale, Columbus, Ohio. March 19 - Waukaru Farms, “The Gathering” Bull Sale, Rensselaer, Ind. March 24 - Iowa Shorthorn Association “Iowa Royal” Online Sale, wlivestock.com. March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, Texas.
Feb. 1 - Jungels Shorthorn Farm “Durhams in the Dakotas” Bull Sale, Kathryn, ND Feb. 8 - Double M Cattle “Maids of the Midwest” Bred Heifer and Two Year Old Bull Sale, Rewey, WI, amsonlinesales.com March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, IN, amsonlinesales.com March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, NE, amsonlinesales.com March 12-13 - Stangl Shorthorns Open House & Online Bull and Heifer Sale, Java, SD, amsonlinesales.com
March 29 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
March 27 - WHR Shorthorns, “Lone Star Edition XXVIII” Van Alstyne, TX
March 3 - Bratcher Farms, Heifer and Genetic Sale, Elizabeth, Ind, amsonlinesales.com
April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, Ohio.
March 29 - Missouri Shorthorn Association Online Sale, amsonlinesales.com
March 5 - Loving Farms, “Predictable Genetics Proven Performance” Sale, Pawnee Rock, Kan.
April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, Okla.
April 2 - Paint Valley and Byland Shorthorns “The Bull Sale”, Millersburg, OH
April 23 - Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, Ark.
April 9 - Lazy Bar F and Double G Shorthorns “Red Dirt Treasures” Shorthorn Production Sale, Seminole, OK
April 30 - Sharben Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, Ky.
April 23 - Springtime Revival, Fort Smith, AR
March 5 - Kentucky National Shorthorn Sale, Kentucky Beef Expo, Louisville, Ky. March 8 - Sun Country Shorthorn Sale, Johnstone Auction Mart, Moose Jaw, SK, Can. March 9-10 - Cates Farms, “Modoc Madness” Online Sale, Modoc, Ind., amsonlinesales.com March 9-10 - Treasures of the Tank, Seward, Neb., amsonlinesales.com
* To have your sale listed in the sales calendar, you must be an advertiser with the Shorthorn Country.
April 30 - Sharben Shorthorns and Martindell Shorthorns “Return of the Southern Stars” Sale, Campbellsburg, KY
Online sales with a personal touch.
Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc. Jeff K. & Darla Aegerter 402.641.4696 jeff.aegerter@gmail.com www.aegertermarketing.com
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American Shorthorn Association
Ad Index
AAA Shorthorns............................. 52 Aegerter Marketing Services, Inc.... 57 Bennett Land & Cattle................... 52 Berg Shorthorns............................. 52 Bigelow Farms................................ 52 Bowman Superior Genetics............ 52 Brooks, Bruce................................. 55 Bye Well Shorthorns....................... 52 Byland Polled Shorthorns............... 52 Cagwin Cattle Services LLC........... 52 Cairns Shorthorns.......................... 52 Cates Farms................................ 5, 52 Cattle Visions........................... 55, 56 Cornerstone Farms......................... 52 Crawfdown Farms.......................... 52 Dedmon Shorthorns...................... 52 Deerhorn Farms...........................IBC DJS Shorthorns.............................. 52 Double C Shorthorns..................... 52 Dreamy 280 Cattle Company........ 52 DTR Cattle Co.............................. 52 Duis Farms..................................... 52 Fickbohm Farms............................ 52 Fieser Family Shorthorns................ 53 First Class Cattle Marketing Ltd..... 55 Greenhorn Cattle Company........... 53 GSKI Shorthorns........................... 53
Haumont Shorthorns..................... 53 Hill Haven Shorthorns..................... 7 Homeplace Farms........................... 53 Hub Ranch Shorthorns.................. 53 Humble Stock Farm....................... 53 Inness Shorthorns........................... 53 James F. Bessler, Inc........................ 55 Jester Farms.................................... 53 Jungels Shorthorn Farm............... IFC Kevin Wendt.................................. 55 Key Ridge Shorthorn Farm............ 53 Keystone Shorthorns...................... 53 KSS Keystone Shorthorns............... 53 KW Cattle Co................................ 53 Laban’s Roanoke Farm.................... 53 Legacy Ranch................................. 53 Leveldale Farms.............................. 53 Little Cedar Cattle Co......... 29-31, 53 Loving Farms................................... 9 LSA Shorthorns.............................. 13 McCall Show Cattle....................... 53 McKee Family Shorthorns.............. 54 Meyer Family Shorthorns............... 54 Meyer Farms.................................. 54 MFK Shorthorns............................ 54 Millbrook Farm.............................. 11 Nile Valley Farm/Hendrickson Trust.. 54
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Norman Farms............................... 54 Oler Farm...................................... 54 Paint Valley Farms......................... BC Prairie View Shorthorn Farm.......... 54 RC Show Cattle ............................ 49 Richardson Farms Shorthorns........ 54 Robjoy Shorthorns......................... 54 Rockin’ G Land & Cattle............... 54 Rocky Branch Shorthorns.............. 54 Schrag 605..................................... 54 Sears Marketing Services, LLC....... 55 SharBen Shorthorns....................... 54 Six R Farms.................................... 17 Smith Family Farms....................... 54 Smoky Mountain Farm.................. 54 Stangl Shorthorns........................... 54 Starman Cattle .............................. 15 Stone Springs Shorthorns............... 54 Sullivan Supply.............................. 55 Sutherland Shorthorns................... 55 Turner Family Shorthorns.............. 55 Utterback Show Cattle................... 55 Vogel Shorthorn Farm.................... 51 Warner Ranch................................ 55 Waukaru Shorthorns...................... 55 WHR Shorthorns............................. 3 Wilson Livestock Agency................ 55